FIVE ALIVE The Magazine of the Team Ministry St Euny Redruth, Christchurch Lanner, St Andrew Pencoys St Andrew Redruth and St Stephen Treleigh

AUGUST 2018 Price 50p

Team Clergy Church Wardens

Caspar Bush—Team Rector 01209 216958 St. Andrew Redruth Lez Seth 01209 215191 Peter Fellows 07903 807946 Sue Pearce 01209 217596 Jo Mulliner 01209 699979 St. Euny Redruth Graham Adamson 01209 315965 Margaret Johnson 01209 211352 Lay Readers Lucie Rogers 01209 211255 Jim Seth 01209 215191 Web site: Judith Williams 01209 202477 St. Andrew Pencoys Margaret Du Plessy 01209 481829 Jill Tolputt 01209 214638 Christchurch Lanner Magazine Editor/Treasurer Ross Marshall 01209 215695 Richard & Rosemary Robinson 01209 715198 Mary Anson 01209 211087 [email protected] St. Stephen’s Treleigh PASTORAL TEAM 07724 639854 Anne Youlton 01209 214532 ST EUNY OUTREACH WORKER 07971 574199 Christine Cunningham 01209 218147 (Clare Brown)

Enquiries Concerning Church Halls

St Andrew’s Crypt Lez Seth 01209 215191 Pencoys Church Hall Christine Walker 01209 215850 Lanner Church Hall Margaret Davis 01209 214470 Treleigh Church Hall David Rowe 01209 218416

Enquiries Concerning Weddings and Baptisms

Please email Revd Caspar Bush on [email protected] or telephone 01209 216958

Benefice Office & weekly news sheet Administrator: Donna Bishop Tel office 01209 200739 (Please leave a message) E-mail: [email protected] Benefice website Administrator: Alice Bush Email: [email protected] FIVE ALIVE MAGAZINE Subscriptions £6.00( PER YEAR OR 50P PER COPY): please contact your Churchwardens

Articles and advertisements: please contact:- Richard and Rosemary Robinson: [email protected] by FRIDAY 17 AUGUST

Rector’s notes – AUGUST 2018

How are we doing?

I write this a couple of days after England went out of the World Cup at the semi-final stage. There’s much talk of Gareth Southgate’s new approach to football management that seems to have been the biggest factor in this unex- pected success. I guess we’ll get to measure this again in two years time at Euro 2020.

A year ago Bishop Chris came to visit us, and our Ministry Development Team presented to him what we felt were the priorities for our churches, and where we would be investing our efforts. We told him about our mission statement above: ‘Sharing God’s welcome; growing disciples’, how we’d gone through the process of discerning that, and what that meant in terms of prayer, discipleship and welcome.

In a week’s time we are going back to see him about this again, and he’s going to ask us the question– how’s it going? We have some encouraging things to tell him about, because every one of our churches has something positive to report. But also we’ll be telling him that in some things we haven’t made as much progress as we’d hoped. We also have some revised and new ideas we’ll tell him about too.

Being honest about our progress – about our Christian faith and life– is probably as important as the progress itself. The nub of the opportunity and challenge in our churches remains the same: how can our wonderful congregations and buildings be best put to use to draw more people deeper into the life and love and purposes of God, and make a positive impact on the communities we live in?

Gareth Southgate was the first England manager for a long time to try a different approach, and he’s made a huge impact on the success of the team and the way we all feel about them. And that took a great deal of courage and a willingness to take some risks and try new things.

I’m pretty certain that for us to make the most of all our opportunities we have, that we as churches may need to do something similar, rather than simply keeping doing the same things and hoping for a better result. Watch this space for more details, especially with regard to a ‘Feast of Prayer’ initiative which is coming from September onwards…

With my prayers, and very best wishes Caspar Bush (Team Rector)

A Message from Graham Coming home" is a time of huge joy—we anticipated it as a nation during the World Cup! -and as a family we are really glad to be back in our homeland of . Thank you so much for the warm welcome we have received as a family from all we have met here. It is a privilege to be your guests here as we step out into mission with you all. We are excited to be here and looking forward to all that God has in store for the church in this next season together. Thank you Graham

Harry Dawes—SERVER (RIP)

Harry passed away on 1 July 2018 aged 85 and his funeral took place at St Andrew’s Redruth on Tuesday 17 July with a Requiem Mass conducted by Father Peter and Father Eddie. Harry and his late wife Rose, were stalwart members of St Andrew’s congregation but first and foremost Harry’s joy was serving. He was often the first to arrive on Sunday or Wednesday mornings and was meticulous in his preparation for the Service. He under- took his role with dignity and respect, always greeting the priests as “Father”, never using their Christian names, even though he had known them for years. He was also, with his brother George, a lead- ing member of the St Mark Chapter of the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary, acting as Treasurer and travelling to serve at Guild services throughout West Corn- wall. We servers that remain will continue to feel his presence as we try to set up for each Service with the same precision as Harry achieved. Our condolences and prayers go to Ian, Lilian and his grandchildren. May he rest in peace and rise in glory

Richard Robinson

A message from St Euny Bell Ringers

Tower members and supporters were saddened to hear of the passing of Harry Dawes. Harry was a member until 2010, and in 2014 he was made a Life Member. We send our condolences to his children, Lilian and Ian, and to the rest of his family. Clive Reynolds If one of your countryman become poor……….help him. Leviticus 25:35

For those of you who aren’t familiar with our local foodbank, this is an invaluable service run by CPR Transformation under the aegis of Don Gardner. It provides needy local families and single people in some sort of financial crisis with that essential of life, food. Short term crises are not unusual, especially for families in receipt of benefits when administrative issues may delay or stop payments. Early last year, Don approached Caspar to see if St Andrew’s would be able to host a foodbank distribution point, and following a meeting of those interested in getting involved, we opened our doors just before Easter 2017. Since then, we have been open for two hours every Monday morning, except for the bank holidays. There are several other distribution points in the area, open on different days. We have eleven very committed volunteers, most of whom have been involved from the start. Three or four are ‘on duty’ every morning. If you would like to join us, please have a word with Sandra. The number of people using the service varies, although we are never rushed off our feet, which is maybe a good thing, as more users means more people in difficulty. Some days we see no-one at all, others it may be three or four (who usually represent several more individuals in the family) Users must obtain a voucher for a week’s supply from a service such as their GP, the Job-Centre, Citizens Advice and others. At St Andrew’s, our job is to change those vouchers into food boxes, which are made up and supplied by a central CPR depot. We also offer tea and biscuits, a listening ear, and if requested, put them in touch with other services, such as debt advice, run by CPR. What we do not do, and are not expected to do, is to decide if the user is, or is not, in a crisis that justifies the provision of help. That is a decision for the voucher issuers, who will have more knowledge of the users circumstances . Users are allowed up to six vouchers over six months, so this is not a regular weekly support service. Many users may only need one or two weeks supplies, just enough to enable them to resolve their issues and start to get back on their feet. Many of our users are happy to talk about their circumstances, and one of the commonest reactions from volunteers is to think ‘there but for the grace of God, go I’. One young man, with three small children, had unexpectedly lost his job, had used up his small savings, but was still waiting for a decision on his unemployment benefit . The foodbank was able to help him in this crisis, giving the family a little more time to get back financially on their feet. Another was a young mother whose partner had walked out on her, just when the rent was due, and she was frightened of losing her tenancy. A weeks supply of food freed up some money for the rent, while she began to sort out her changed finances. And what do we, as volunteers, get out of this? The satisfaction of knowing we are helping the vulnerable and needy in our community. The opportunity to follow Christ’s commands to love one another and to help the needy – Christianity in action. And, when we’re not busy, to chat, get to know each other better, and sometimes have discussions about our faith and what it means to us. The foodbank is largely reliant on the generosity of individual donors to ensure there are enough supplies – if supplies run short the contents of the boxes have to be reduced. Tinned or dried food is needed so it won’t go off before distribution. Particularly welcome is tinned spaghetti, tinned potatoes, peas and carrots, tinned fish, tinned rice pudding, fruit and custard, and long life milk. Finally, a date for your diary. A concert is being arranged in support of the foodbank on Friday 27th October at Centenary Chapel, . Entry is by donations of food! Please support this worthy Christian cause if you can.

Sandra Ager Welcome to St Andrew's, Redruth! Welcoming people seems so simple - a smile, a hello - and sometimes that is all that's needed. One of the pleasures of living in a smaller community, village or town, is that the old way of smiling and greeting strangers you meet on the street still survives, even if it's challenged by the modern tendency to stay in a virtual, protective bubble with just a mobile 'phone for company. So welcoming people into our Redruth church should be quite straightforward. Often the people we would like to feel 'at home' in St Andrew's are the ones we meet and greet, even if we don't know their names, as we shop and socialise. But the years when church, or chapel, going was automatic, and the buildings formed vital hubs for a community to gather in good times and bad have long gone. To many the church now 'belongs' to committed Christians, people who are secure in their faith and perhaps a little bit zealous. Coupled with memories of the more prescriptive and judging aspects of organised religion, this can easily make a church - seen as a building or as a group of people- daunting. And while the passionate commitment of street evangelists is undeniable, it can strengthen the impression that Christianity is a cult. There are no easy answers to how we encourage people to step over the threshold and use our space, and our company, to explore their spirit. But recently one small incident felt like a gentle nudge. Let me introduce our new Unofficial Churchwarden... The St Andrew's Arts Festival is one of the loveliest ways in which we celebrate creativity and community, and this year's 'Peace Flows Like a River' theme was brought to life in exhibitions and events that saw well over a thousand people visit the church. We are so grateful to Lex, Linda, Fran, Sandra and everyone who worked to turn our building into a hub of creativity. People were welcomed whether they came to take part in an event or to wander through the church, explore the Lady Chapel spiritual labyrinth, or contem- plate work by artists of all ages. The festival gives anyone a chance to step over the threshold with no fear that they will have to 'confess' their sins, their faith, or lack of it. Some visitors, happening upon a morning service at the lower altar, joined in, while others simply discovered, or re- discovered, what a special space the church can be. Nobody tried to 'recruit' anyone but we hope that when someone wants, or needs, what our church can offer, they will feel welcome to find us again. And this year we had special help. As the participants and audience gathered for a children's concert, they were greeted on the church steps by a neighbour's cat. He sat quietly on the pillar for half-an-hour and accepted strokes and cuddles, without soliciting them, and you could see everyone relax and smile as this unexpected, furry 'Churchwarden' greeted them. A few walked by without noticing him, or kept to the other side of the stairs, but most turned towards him. I'm not suggesting we adopt animal costumes -although the flamingo in our last show was a big hit! - but I think we can learn from the cat's approach: be friendly, be open, and let people decide if they want to cuddle or not! There were no cuddles - we are the reserved Church of England after all- at our first July service but we were all delighted to welcome our new benefice Curate Graham and his family, Mej-Brit, Beatrice, Jack, and Lola. We hope they will feel at home here. It's a friendly place, with or with- out our feline Churchwarden.

Tamsin Spargo ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH, PENCOYS with Four Lanes United Methodist Church: ‘FLAPJACK’ worshipping, praying and working together, as ‘one in Christ’ We invite you to our joint events and services, which are noted in the central Diary and to visit St. Andrew’s Church, open daily from 10 am to 5 pm

The service on Friday, 29th June (the Feast of Ss. Peter & Paul) in Cathedral, when Graham Adamson was made Deacon, was an inspiring and spiritually uplifting occasion, and we were delighted to welcome Graham to our LAMP First Sunday Evening Event at Christchurch on 1st July. He bravely shared details of his life, vocation and choices of music in the form of ‘Desert Island Discs’ , hosted by Fr. Peter and introduced by the familiar tones of Eric Coates’ ‘By the Sleepy Lagoon’. His varied taste in music (modern and classical) was appreciated by everyone, as was his final choice, his own composition, ‘Shoulder to Shoulder’, (guitar and vocal), an inspiring song which we pray will encourage us all to do the same as we support him in prayer and practice in his new ministry with our team. Welcome to the Redruth Team, Graham and your family, and thank you, everyone, who came to support this event, at which a retiring collection for T.A.P. (Train a Priest) raised £140. Our grateful thanks also go to our friends at Christchurch for providing such a sumptuous tea afterwards.

The next LAMP First Sunday Evening Event will be held on 5th August at 6pm at St. Andrew’s Pencoys and will feature the work, meditations and thoughts of the Upper Room Groups held in June and July. The charity to be supported will be U.S.P.G., and all are welcome.

There will be a Flapjack Tea Treat on Sunday, 5th August, meeting at the Lighthouse Hill car park/playing field, Portreath, at 1pm (sandwiched between our morning service and ‘Lighthouse’ at 3pm at the Methodist Church) to which everyone is invited. If you would like to join us and order pasties and/or tea treat buns, please phone Jenny Opie (212530) by Friday, 27th July. We look forward to seeing you there. A Village Songs of Praise will be held at Four Lanes Methodist Church at 2.30pm on the following Sunday, 12th August, at which every- one will be most welcome.

Our thanks go to the unprecented number of people who came to our Quiz on 7th July, when some had to be ‘relegated to the bench’ as we ran out of tables, for which we apologise … especially as those in question were from Treleigh and had been working very hard at their spectacular Garden Fete in the afternoon and must have been exhausted! We thank them for their loyalty and support, and look forward to joining them and our friends across the Team at the Benefice Service of Holy Communion at St. Stephen’s Treleigh, on Sunday, 29th July.

We should like to thank everyone who came to our Summer Fete on 14th July; it was wonderful to welcome so many into the church on such a lovely day. The total raised for church funds was £500, which could not have been achieved without the help and generosity of so many people. Thank you, everyone, for your loyal support.

Jill Tolputt


Treleigh Ladies Group met at Vera Vigus’ on June 14th and enjoyed a packed lunch and a cream tea together with a wander around her delightful garden, The added bonus to a most enjoyable day was the amazing summer weather. The Remembering Service held at Treleigh on June 24th was attended by about 60 people who had previously written cards bearing the names of people who they wanted to remember and these cards were read out by Rev’d Caspar Bush and Rev’d Jo Mulliner. Caspar read a poem and readings were by Jo Mulliner and Anne Youlton. The congregation lit candles in memory of their loved ones. Canon Eddie Woon made a presentation to David Rowe in the service on July 1st in appreci- ation of his 44 years as Treasurer of Treleigh Church. See Dave’s thanks below: Dear All,

Thank you very much indeed for the gift presented to me, and the rose bush for Trish. It means a great deal to me to know that my time as Treleigh’s treasurer is appreciated and I feel it has been a privilege and honour to have served in this post. I shall continue to help Treleigh in any way I can in the future. Best wishes, as always, Dave Treleigh Garden Fete on Saturday July 7th was a great success with weather to match. This traditional village fete set between the A30 and the main to London railway line gave off the vibes of a summer fete deep in the heart of the country and atmosphere abound- ed. Music was by The Skyliner Band and their renditions of Glenn Miller music had two of the revellers swinging across the grass to the accompanying beat and had us all ‘In the Mood’! There were lively and enthusiastic demonstrations by Griff’s Martial Arts Club and RedYouth Street Dance Group, a variety of stalls and games and a tremendous array of refreshments in the hall. Our sincere thanks to all who supported the event. It was a real team effort, as always and a wonderful summer’s get together! Steve and Jamie Pedley will be running an indoor and outdoor car boot in Treleigh Hall and meadow on August 18th from 1pm-4pm: £6 per table or £10 for 2. Cars £6 each. The Benefice Service on July 29th will be held at Treleigh followed by a pasty and pud lunch which will be £5 a head. Feel free to bring a packed lunch if you prefer. To order pasties please ring Carol Stewart on 01209 216266. Message from Len Cunningham….Starting on Monday the 20th August I and my daughter Sarah will be walking the 125 miles of Celtic Saints Way from St Germans to Mounts Bay. We intend to do the walk in 7 days, returning home each evening and commencing the next day from our previous stop point. This is something that we have been planning to do for some time. If anyone within the benefice would like to either sponsor us or give a donation towards the Treleigh Community Hall regeneration we would be very grateful. Anyone who wishes to join us for a day or more are welcome, be warned however to do it in 7 days we are aiming for 18 miles a day. Feel up to the challenge then give me a ring. On September 2nd Keith Naylor is going to do a sponsored bike ride. He will be riding between all five churches, five times in one afternoon, making a total of 60 miles. Anyone wishing to sponsor him please ring 01209 842932 or email: [email protected]. Anyone wishing to join him is very welcome. Please see his article elsewhere in the magazine. Tricia Rowe (01209 218416)

ST EUNY The Community Open Church Event held on Friday, 6 July 2018 was a very positive and successful event and we would like to thank friends from our other churches in the Benefice and also people in the community for coming forward and offering their services. Obviously, the fantastic weather on the evening added enormously to the atmosphere, which saw around 150 people in the church and churchyard. Huge thanks to so many people for their involvement, too many to name individ- ually - to Charles and Lavinia for cooking the meat bbq, to Mary and John for doing the veggie bbq and to the Rogers’ clan, namely, James, Greg and Jennifer for serving the food to the hungry hordes.

Music was provided by Flossy McDonald and her band ‘Black Eyed Nancy’; Michaela and Geoff Smith and the St Euny Ukes. St Euny Towerbell Ringers pealed at 6pm to welcome folk to the church and, as the picture below shows, our Towerbell Captain, Ian Self, is keen on starting them young! Thank you all.

Some months ago, All Saints Church, Community Centre at Tuckingmill put out a call for gardening implements for two men who they were trying to steer back into employment. St Euny Church, under the guidance of Revd Angela Brown, and together with donated items from a member of our church congregation, were able to give them a substantial amount of working tools. We were delighted to hear lately that the donation of these items has enabled the young men concerned to stay off heroin and to gain employment. It does not sound like much, but like the Tesco advert says ... ‘every little helps’.

Community and outreach is so fundamentally basic and yet like a pebble on a pond, the ripples can be far reaching. St Euny Church has been approached by Cllr Ian Thomas and the Community Link Officer, Charlotte Caldwell, to host their inaugural Community Chest Event in October. This will incorporate the 14 County Councillor’s in the CPIR and Mining Villages and chosen charities to which they have donated some of their Community Chest Funds. We at St Euny submitted and were awarded £300 from this fund for items towards our Community Open Cafe. Plans are at a very early stage, but we are delighted to be asked to host this event. Margaret Johnson


MURDOCH DAY 2018 We had our usual stall in Tatey Court on a particularly lively and bus- tling Murdoch Day. All monies raised were shared between general church funds, the Nepal Youth Foundation and DSbeenies.

C FYLM PRESENT ‘MAMMA MIA’ – THE SINGALONG FILM Thank you to those who joined us for our first ‘cinema club’ in association with C Fylm. It was a lovely evening with lots of singing and laughter. We are currently deciding on the next film to screen!

FIRST SUNDAY On Sunday evening we had great pleasure in welcoming the Rev. Gra- ham Adamson to Christchurch for a special event. Fr. Peter (alias Roy Plomley) hosted a unique version of Desert Island Discs with Graham as the "castaway" on an imaginary island. Graham's choice of music included 'Dock of the Bay' by Otis Redding, 'Fragile' by Sting, and Beethoven's 9th Symphony. He also gave a live performance of a self-penned song called 'Shoulder to Shoulder'. The music was interspersed by Graham talking candidly about his personal journey of faith and also his love of Corn- wall and its people.

Fr. Peter then presented Graham with an edition of the Bible and the complete works of Shakespeare. Graham's other choice of book was 'Gilead' by Marilynne Robinson and his luxury item was a bottle of whiskey! In addition, an obligatory Night Light was also presented to Graham plus gifts for his family who unfortunately could not be at the event. The evening concluded with a fabulous cream tea in the church hall!


Join us for an evening of jazz, featuring the Four Tunes Saxophone Quartet, and gin-tasting on Saturday 4th August at 7pm. After listening to the Four Tunes perform, you will have worked up an appetite for the gin-tasting that will follow their performance. “Gin tokens” will be available to purchase and you can sample a wide variety of gins. There will be non-alcoholic beverages available! All money raised will go to church funds.

Julia Knight-Bennett August 1st We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth HC in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 2pm Tremethick Hymn singing 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell practice 2nd Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning Prayer & Holy Communion 1.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 3rd Fr 10.15am 12 Mount Carbis Gdns Book Club 7pm St Stephen Treleigh Healing Service 4th Sa 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* 7pm Christchurch Lanner Jazz and Gin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5th Su 10th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Sung Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung Holy Communion 11am Four Lanes Chapel FLAPJACK Holy Communion 11.15am St Euny Alternative Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 1pm Lighthouse Hill, Portreath. Tea Treat 3pm Four Lanes Chapel Lighthouse 6pm St Andrew Pencoys First Sunday Event – Upper Room Study Group Joint Service +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6th Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 2pm Four Lanes Chapel FLAPJACK meeting 6pm St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 7th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 2pm Glencoe Hymn singing 5pm St Stephen Treleigh Evening Prayer 8th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell practice 9th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning Prayer & Holy Communion 1.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 10th Fr 11th Sa 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* 7.30pm St Euny Concert by the Ingleheart Singers & Cor Serenata & Bel Canto from Wales. Doors open 7pm. Tickets £5 from CRBO, choir members or on the door. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12th Su 11th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner CHAMP All Age Monthly Praise 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Worship for All Service

11am St Andrew Pencoys FLAPJACK Family Event 11.15am St Euny Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 12.30pm St Andrew Pencoys Said Holy Communion 2.30pm Four Lanes Chapel Songs of Praise – FLAPJACK/Village event 3pm Christchurch Lanner Said Holy Communion +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

13th Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 14th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 5pm St Stephen Treleigh Evening Prayer 15th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner NO SERVICE TODAY 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 16th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 1.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 17th Fr 18th Sa 1pm-4pm Treleigh Hall Indoor/outdoor car boot sale 2pm Christchurch Lanner Jumble Sale 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 19th Su 12th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Family Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung Holy Communion 11am Four Lanes Chapel FLAPJACK Service of the Word 11.15am St Euny Morning Praise 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 6pm St Andrew Pencoys Sung Holy Communion with hymns +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 20th Mo Start of Len Cunninghams Celtic Saints Way Walk 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Healing Service in the Lady Chapel 21st Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 2pm The Green Hymn singing 5pm St Stephen Treleigh Evening Prayer 22nd We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner NO SERVICE TODAY 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 23rd Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 1.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 24th Fr

25th Sa 11am Four Lanes Chapel Bangers & Mash 4pm Christchurch Lanner DSBeenies* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 26th Su 13th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Sung Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung Holy Communion 11am St Andrew Pencoys FLAPJACK HC with hymns 11.15am St Euny Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 4pm Pencoys Hall Tea Time Event

6pm St Euny Evensong +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 27th Mo 1.30pm Crypt NO CRAFTY CLUB 4.30pm Trelowen Churchtown Last Monday Bible Study 6pm St Andrew Redruth NO SERVICE TODAY 28th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 5pm St Stephen Treleigh Evening Prayer 29th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 2pm Crossroads Hymn singing 7pm St Euny Redruth Team Council meeting followed by Redruth PCC meeting. 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 30th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 1.30pm St Euny Open Café Session with Clare Brown 31st Fr

Redruth Team Ministry is delighted to support various independent community groups which are marked*

Advance notice - Sunday 2nd September 2018 - sponsored bike ride by Keith Naylor who will be riding between all five churches, five times in one afternoon, making a total of 60 miles. Anyone wishing to sponsor him please ring 01209 842932 or email: [email protected]. Anyone wish- ing to join him is very welcome.

Book Club Friday 03 August 10.15 am at 12 Mount Carbis Gardens


In this delightful sleigh ride through Christmas history, Paul Kerensa answers the festive questions you never thought to ask… Did Cromwell help shape the mince pie? Was St Nicholas the first to use an automatic door? Which classic Christmas crooners were inspired by a Hollywood heatwave? And did King Herod really have a wife called Doris?

September 7th: 'Solitude: Memories, People, Places' by Terry Waite

Some people long to find it, others long to escape it. But, whether we welcome or dread it, solitude is something we all experience in different forms at different points in our lives After enduring nearly five years of solitary confinement, in cruel and terrifying conditions, Terry Waite discovered that he was drawn to find out more about the power of solitude in the lives of other people. The result is this haunting book, in which he recalls his encounters with people who have experienced some very different ways of being solitary: among them the peaceful solitude of remote and beautiful places; the unsought and often unnoticed solitude of lonely people living in the midst of busy cities; the deceptive solitude of those living in the twilight world of espionage; the enforced solitude of the convict and the prisoner of war; and, finally, the inescapable solitude of those who are drawing near to death. Through all these encounters, and through the memories and reflections they trigger in the author's mind, we see how solitude shapes the human soul - and how it can be a force for good in our own lives, if we can only learn to use it well.


Redruth Team Ministry continues to support the activities of this independent community group which is organised by Revd Peter Fellows. This year they have taken over the running of the Summer Holiday Project, previously operated by the Benefice. Below is a list of their activities.

TUESDAY JULY 31 / THURSDAY AUGUST 2 / Tehidy Woods This is a COACH OUTING This is a MEET AT THE VENUE OUTING Meet at St Andrew, Redruth Crypt Meet at the Tehidy Woods Cafe at 10 am at 10 am Collect from the Tehidy Woods Cafe at 4 pm Collect from the Crypt at 5.00pm This day will be led by TAMSIN DON'T FORGET SWIMMING KIT an environmental expert

TUESDAY AUGUST 7 / Carn Brea THURSDAY AUGUST 9 / Trebah Gardens This is a MEET AT THE VENUE OUTING This is a COACH OUTING Meet at St Euny Church, Churchtown, Meet at St Andrew, Redruth Crypt at 10 am Redruth at 10 am Collect from St Andrew, Redruth Crypt Collect from an address in Redruth at 4 pm at 5 pm where the children will have had tea!!! DON'T FORGET SWIMMING KIT

THEATRE WEEK ADVENTURE WEEK Monday 13 - Friday 17 August Monday 20 - Friday 24 August 10.00am - 5.00pm Performances on This year, the group will go to Carnyorth close Saturday August 18 at 3.00pm & 7.00pm to St Just. Activities will include kayaking, Theatre meets at Christchurch, Lanner and archery, cycling and coracle building. Places this year the week will lead to a are VERY limited and the cost for the week is:- performance of our own version of "Annie" The DAILY cost is £10.00 for one child, £ 75.00 for one child £16.00 for two children and £20.00 for £125.00 for two children three children. There is NO fee for the £150.00 for three children performances.

Please note for the Summer Holiday Project outings, the cost is £5 for one child, £8 for two children and £10 for three or more children, which includes any entrance fees and an ice- cream. Some outings are by coach, others meet at the venue. Every outing including the Theatre Week will need a packed lunch, a hat and sun cream


Question: Do you know what a MAMIL is? Answer: It is a Middle Aged Man in lycra Keith Naylor, a Treleigh Church parishioner and keen cyclist, is undertaking a sponsored bike ride in aid of the Treleigh Community Hall on Sunday September 2nd 2018.

In a moment of madness, he has decided to ride to all 5 churches in the Redruth Team Ministry, 5 times in one afternoon. Mathematics is not Keith’s strong suit, but he thinks it is about 60 miles. He will start from St Andrew in Redruth, ride to St Euny, then up to St Andrew Pencoys, out to Christchurch Lanner and then back to Redruth via Treleigh. Keith will then have a well-earned drink of go faster juice and then repeat the exercise another 4 times. If you want to join Keith in the ride, then he would be delighted to see you on the day and swap biking stories – pot-holes, white van man, mad-dogs etc.

Asked why he is taking on this epic challenge, Keith replied that it seemed a good idea at the time and the Treleigh Community Hall is such a deserving cause. The Hall is also in desperate need of a major refurbishment so it can continue being such an important part of the local community, alongside Treleigh CP School that is located just yards away.

If you felt Keith, who is no longer in the first full flush of youth, needed some encouragement in this rather eccentric endeavor, then please feel free to sponsor the poor old chap by using the form which will be available in all of our churches and on the website, or contact Keith on [email protected] or give him a ring on 01209 842932. Keith also intends creating a Just Giving page on the web once he learns how to turn on his computer?! Keith Naylor


BAPTISMS July 01 Mason Slesinger St Euny July 15 Elodia Craze St Euny WEDDINGS June 30 Andrew Michael Sedgeman/ Louise Jane Reed St Euny June 30 Andrew Paul Stephens/Carly Louise Roberts St Stephen Treleigh July 07 Zachary Lloyd Penna/Mica Louise Loncar St StephenTreleigh FUNERALS

June 18 Alathea Pearl Gunn St Euny June 21 Cedric Winn Christchurch Lanner June 22 Denise Mary Hyett St Andrew Pencoys June 25 Marlene Isaacs St Stephen Treleigh June 26 June Eileen Harris St Andrew Pencoys July 06 Elizabeth Black Sleement (Betty) St Stephen Treleigh July 17 William (Harry) Dawes St Andrew Redruth

Something to read to your children/grandchildren

Bed in Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson

In winter I get up at night And dress by yellow candle-light. In summer, quite the other way, I have to go to bed by day.

I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree, Or hear the grown-up people's feet Still going past me in the street.

And does it not seem hard to you, When all the sky is clear and blue, And I should like so much to play, To have to go to bed by day?

<> © Tricia Rowe S.W.Way—Hartland Quay To Marshland Mouth

Heading into Cornwall on our way along The South West Way from Minehead was an exciting milestone in our journey. Leaving Redruth at 7.45am, we parked the car in a layby just the other side of and caught the bus to Hartland village. Waiting for the bus it was cold and the dampness of the mist made us wish we had worn trousers instead of shorts! However, at Hartland, although still bleak, it was warmer in the sheltered lanes that ran down to the coast via Stoke a small village with a church that is often referred to as The Cathedral of North Devon. Here, the sun emerged and we started casting shadows as we passed the entrance to Hartland Abbey. Hartland Quay is at the foot of massive cliffs nestling into the cliff face. There is a small museum here, a shop and a hotel incorporating The Wreckers’ Retreat pub. The quay is no more than the remains of the quay that was washed away in 1887. Warning notices abound the cliffs and sea wall warning people not to sit under the cliffs, climb them or approach the cliff edge, adding“ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED”. The coastal rock formation here are ‘tramline’ rocks, jagged edged and leading out from the cliffs at right angles, almost slices of rock. Some look like they were put there to keep the waves in order and others look as if someone has pulled a giant comb through the molten rock! Numerous wrecks have occurred here as maps on the walls of The Wreckers’ Retreat showed. At Speke’s Mill an impressive waterfall tumbles down the sheer rock face. Spectacular! The words spectacular, impressive, dramatic, massive, overwhelming, staggering are all equally applicable to the cliffs around here. The coastal path on one stretch had a barbed wire fence on the inland side. I got caught by the barbed wire in an effort to put as much distance between me and the cliff edge as possi- ble! A bit further on we were on the inland side of the fence! Much more comforting! We started the very steep decent down to Welcombe Mouth...196 steps! A waterfall way down in the valley was tumbling over the cliff. It goes over the cliff and drops in layers down the tiered rocks. It is a delightful watercourse, full of rush and tumble and is known as Straw- berry Water. A delightful name for a delightful place. We went down to the beach to view the waterfall from beneath. The rush of waves up the beach was accentuated by the force of it rolling pebbles up the beach and back. There was a lovely crackle of stones, a roll of pebbles as the sea came in over them and then rolled them backwards as it leaves them. A thunder- ous roll, a drum roll! I could hear it on my mini tape recorder as I transcribed my notes. We then began the steep ascent on the other side….CORNWALL HERE WE COME!!!! In no time at all, it seemed, we were about to descend into Marsland Mouth and the boundary between Devon and Cornwall. 158 steps and we were still high above the gorge that carries Marsland Water down to the sea. A zig-zag path took us right down into the valley and a wooden bridge carried us (passports at the ready!!) over into Cornwall. Au revoir England….Hello Cornwall! The sun was still high in the sky as we began our three mile walk back to the car. The Ingleheart Singers






· We meet at Redruth Community Centre · On second and fourth Wednesday each month · Between 1:30 and 3:30 · For anyone with concerns about their own memory or a family member’s memory · For friendship, fun, support, information · Free parking, refreshments and raffle

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