Norfolk. [Kelly's

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Norfolk. [Kelly's 344 NORWICH. NORFOLK. [KELLY'S Capt. A. W. M . .Atthill, B; Capt. H. Thompson, C; Norwich Friendly Societies' Medical Institute (F. G. H. drill hall, Theatre :street Whitley & J. M. G. Bremner, medical officers; John Norfolk Regiment (3rd Battalion) Norfolk Militia (Col. Williment, sec.), Ivy house, Lady's lane F. H. Custance, commanding; Capt. "\V. 0. Tonge, Norwich Govemment School of Science & Art (H. G. Bar­ adjutant; Capt. W. Halpin, quartermaster) (4th Bat­ well, hon. sec. ; W alter Scott, head master), St . .An­ talion) (Hon. Col. Sir C.Harvey bart.lieut.-col.command­ drew's Broad street ing; Capt. W. R. Inglis, adjutant; Capt. F. Grehan, Norwich Grammar School (Edward the Sixth's) (Rev. E. quartermaster); Britannia barracks, Mbusehold F. Gilbard M . .A. head master; for other roasteu see Norfolk Regiment, ISt Volunteer Battalion (Major S. list of schools), The Close Garerd Hill, commanding; Capt. W.H.Besant, adjutant; Norwich High School for Girls (Miss L. Gadesden, head Lieut. J. H. Stacy, surgeon; Very Rev. William Lefroy mistress), Theatre square D. D. hon. chaplain; for commanders of companies see Norwich Homceopathio Dispensary (E. B. Roche & F. L. p. 261); head quarters, Chapelfield road Orr, hon. medical officers; "\V. T. Livock, sec.), St. Norfolk Regiment, 4th Volunteer Battalion (Lieut.-Col. Peter's street H. •r. S. Patteson, commanding; }!ajar W. F. Percy, Norwich Hospitals Sunday & Saturday Funds (William adjutant; E. J. Broughton, quartermaster; Snrgeon­ Beaver, acting sec.), Rampant Horse street Capt. 0. A. 0. Owens M.D.; Ven. Archdeacon T. T'. Norwich & London Accident Insurance Association (estab­ Peruwne B.D. acting chaplain); head quarter8,Silver rd lished r856) (0. R. Gilman, manager; C. S. Gilman, Norfolk Ist Volunteer Artillery (Eastern Division) Royal sec.), 41 St. Giles street .Artillery (2 & 3 position batteries) (Major Philip E. Norwich Lying-in Charity (Charles Evans 1\Iuriel, con­ Back, commanding officer; Capt. A. H. Taylor, com­ sulting accoucheur; G. F. Odhams & H. Chester Nance, manding No. 2 & Capt. J. A. Poock No. 3; Surg.-Capt. surgeon accoucheurs; HeTbert Cross & E. Everett, T. J. Compton M. D. medical officer; Rev. J. Wickham, assistant surgeon accoucheurs; H. H. Cole, hon. sec. ; acting chaplain), Old 1\filitia barracks, Upper Surrey st Mrs. Reynolds, matron), Pottergate street Norfolk W.eeklv Standard & Argus (Philip Soman & Son, N oTwich Masonic Association Limited ( J ames Bennett publisheTs; published sat.), London street. See adv€rt Coleby, sec.), 47 St. Giles street Norgate & Son, wine & bTandy importers &c. Suney Norwich Medico-Chirurgical Society (John Quinton, corner, St. Stephen's st.; T. A. "Norgate, Norwich" libTarian), Guildhall hill Nol'lnan Bros. & Beard, organ builders, 7 St. Stephen.'s rd NoTwich Mercury (Norwich Mercury Co.; J. Fitzpatrick, Norris Samuel, house furnisher, upholst.ereT & paperhang­ sec.); published tues. & fri. 45 London st. See advert ing warehouse, 2 & 4 Charing cross & 22 St. John street, Norwich Mercury Co. (registered proprietoTS of tha "Nor­ Maddermarket wich Mercury" & " People's Weekly Journal ") & general North Wm. & Son, builders, 51 St. Stephen's street printers), 45 London street. See advertisement North British & .1\llercantile Fire & Life Insurance Co. Norwich Mercury Printing Offices1 Bridge street (Norwich branch) (Peter Ed,ward Hansel1, managing Norwich Middle School (Edward the Sixth's) (Thomas director), The Close. See advertisement (Richmond Pinder LL.B. head masteT), BTidge street, North Heigham Drug Co. Limited, chemists, & agents fur St. Andrew's W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, 59 Dere­ Norwich Musical Society (F. W. B. Noverre, hon. sect'.; ham road & 2 Magdalen street Dr. Horace Hill, conductor), Theatre square North Eliza (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, g8 Ber street Norwich Mutual Loan Fund Society (James B. Chiddick, North John Temple, tobacconist, 38 Magdalen stTeet sec.), 17 Potter gate street Norton E. & A. (Misses), baby linen warehouse,gBriggs st Norwich & Norfolk Bank, now Barclay & Oo. Limited N orton E'mma (Mrs.), baker, 31 Peacock street Norwich & Norfolk Charity foT Clergymen's Widows & Norton Henry, boot & shoe manufactr. 55 Fishgate street Children (Rev. Canon Medley, treasurer; Waiter Over­ Norton Henry, tobacconist, 33 St. Stephen's street bury, Upper King street, registrar; T. F. Wright, land N:>rton James, pork butcher, 2 Post Office teT. .Aylsham rd steward), Bank street Norton Jane (:Miss), dress maker, IO Cathedral st. north Norwich & NoTfolkConservative Club(president, The Right Norton Robert, bricklayer, 93 Essex street Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney; treasurer, J.J.Dawson Norton Rose(M'iss),milliner,Griffin's court,St.Benedict's st Paul esq. J.P.; hon. sec. Mr. Councillor Thomas H. No,rwich Auxiliary Religious Tract Society (Rev. W . .A. Dunmore), St. Giles street MlcAllan, sec.) ; depot, 3 London street Norwich & Norfolk School of Cookery (Miss Arnott, lady Norwich Box Cu. fancy box manufacturers, Somans yard, superintendent), so Colegate street Fisbgate street Norwich & Norfolk Temperance & General Permanent Norwich Butchers' Association (R. Lee Bliss, sec.), I St. Benefit Building Society (Thomas Bullimore, sec.), .And•rew's hill Queen street Norwich Castle Museum (JamesReeve,curator),'\1' Norwich & Norfolk Traders' Association (Thomas Norwich Cemetery (G. B, Kennett, clerk; James R. W. Smith, manager), debts collected, status enquiries, Everitt, superintendent), EaTlham road 5 Opie street NoTwich Central Conservative Registration Offices (Edwd. Norwich Nurses' Co-operation (Nurse M. J. Woodrow, Robert Woodward, sec.), ~arket place sec.), 76 Prince of Wales road NoTwich Central Liberal Association (Frank .Alien, sec.), Norwich Omnibus Co. Limited (Fredcrick Samuel Culley, 28 St. Giles street sec.) ; offices, Queen stTeet Norwich Co-operative Boot & Shoe Manufacturing So­ Norwich Permanent Building Society (J. T. Todd, sec.), ciety Limited (Benjamin Lee, sec.. ; John English, 12 Chapelfield manageT), 32 St. George's Middle street Norwich PropeTty Owners' Association (R. Lee Bliss, sec.), Norwich Co-operative Society Limited (J. T. Gee, sec.), I St. Andrew's hill 54, 56, 58 & 71 St. Stepheu's street; Telephone No. NoTwich Provident Society(Henry Robert Campling,supt.), 176; branches, rs William street; J07 & 109 Magdalen Soup Office yard, Fishgate street street & Rosary road,Thorpe Hamlet; & coal merchants, Norwich School Board (Sydney Cozens-Hardy, clerk), 93 Queen's road Castle chambers, Opie street Norwich Crape Co. Lim. (Jsph. Corbetta, sec.),Boto1ph st Norwich Starr-Bowkett Building Societies (Ist, F. W. Norwich Diocesan Branch of the Church of England Tem­ Frewer, sec. ; 2nd, H. Norman, sec. ; 3rd, E. A. Betts, perance Society (Bishop of Norwich, president; John sec.), 27 Princes :sLreet .Abbey, diocesan sec.), so Prince of ·wales road Norwich Steam Joinery Co. manufacturing joiners, shop Norwich Diocesan ChuTch Defence .Association (.A. H. front bnilriers, shop fitters & show case manufacturers;~ Goose, financial sec.), 19 Rampant Horse street works, Heigham road & offices, 2 Opic street, Belvoir Norwich Dispensary (T. "\.V. RichaTdson, T. H. Morse, street. See advertisement Cecil J. Muriel, Waiter S. Warlters & Walter Waring Norwich Steam Laundry & Baths Co. Llm. (Fredk. M.R.C.S. medical officers; Alexander R. Chamberlln, Samuel Culley, sec.) ; offices, Queen street (Edward hon. sec.), St. John's stTect, Maddermarket Trew, manager of laundry; William Ransom, manager Norwich Electricity Co Lim. (Francis Maddison Long, of baths), Heigham street engineer & manager), Duke street & (.A. J. Clark, sec.), Norwich Technical School(Edward J.Brown,head master; Queen street F. R. Widdows, sec.), Bethel street Norwich & Ely Diocesan Training College for School­ Norwich Telephone Co. (Charles Freeman, manager), mistresses (Rev. Canon W. N. Ripley, treasurer; Rev. Guildhall chambers, St. Peter's street J. A. Hannah M. A. principal; Miss Cunnington, lady Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society (founded 1797) superintendent), College avenue, Earlham road (Charles A. Bathnl'St Bignold, sec.), Sui"Tey street. See Norwich Free Library (George Easter, librarian), St. acdvertiJsemenlt Andrew's Broad street NoTWich Union Life .Assurance Society (established 18o8) Norwich Gate House Choir (Hugh G. Barclay, hon. sec. ; (.J. J. W. Deucher F.F.A., F.I.A. sec. & actuary), Herbert Youngman, acting sec) Surrey street. See advertisement .
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