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Featured News


CAPTAIN RANDY CHHABRA APPOINTED TO THE 16 NATIONAL CPS SAFETY BOARD PLUS SIZED TO PALEO PROUD The National Child Passenger Safety Board (NCPSB) has appointed Randy Chhabra to serve as the Our very own Shannon Cook contributes a very special, board’s Public Safety Fire/EMS Representative. very triumphant, and very inspirational story about her lifelong struggle with weight and her recent victory

over that battle. ______


EMS DEPARTMENT SPONSORED PORTRAITS 28 Recently, the department sponsored a formal por- ATCEMS MEDIC CHAD STOWE PRODUCES ESD 12/ trait session for all ATCEMS employees and their families. The sessions were a huge success and the MEDIC 23 TRIBUTE VIDEO department will be offering future opportunities to Chad Stowe has been at ESD 12/M23 in Manor since get your professional portrait taken. January 2015 on D shift. “I can honestly say in my 19

years at ATCEMS and 26 years in EMS total I have ______never been more happier with an assignment as I am at M23. “ Chad produced an amazing tribute video and

he shares it with PULSE readers. 12


On Tuesday, January 9th, EMS Explorer Post 247 held their first annual awards ceremony. This was a 34 big step forward for Explorer Post 247 as recent growth in the program has seen many changes. SURVIVOR STORIES

On Wednesday, December 27th 2017, Mr. Robert Williamson finally got to meet medics Matt Schickel ______and John Costantino who saved him from a cardiac arrest event last summer.

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Division News


The latest news and tips from Fleet Services. New trucks are here and we have started processing our 30 eight new Dodge 4500 ambulances.


______Catch a glimpse of your coworkers in action.

29 ______


Congratulations to Shaun Pursley, EMS Communica- 35 tions Call of the 3rd Quarter Winner! Shaun had a 1st EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION party caller with a gunshot wound (GSW) to the ATCEMS employees receive kudos, special thanks and abdomen with an additional patient outside. congratulations for a job well done.


39 40 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SECTION RECEIVES AWARD CUSTOMER SERVICE SURVEY Minnie Lopez and Diana Palomo were both recognized Results from the ATCEMS Customer Callback Program. for the highest score obtained during City of Austin Records and Information Management Certification Program Training. They were both personally awarded ______certificates of completion from the County Clerks Office. This programs requires 40 hours of training followed by an exam in order to be certified.

3 Captain Randy Chhabra Appointed To

National Child Passenger Safety Board The National Child Passenger Safety Board (NCPSB) has appointed Randy Chhabra to serve as the board’s Public Safety Fire/EMS Representative.

The mission of the National Child Passenger Safety Board is to oversee and maintain the technical quality, standardization and relevance of the curriculum which is part of the National Child Passenger Safety Certification Training Program throughout the United States. The program was created to train people to become certified child passenger safety (CPS) technicians and instructors in order to provide assistance to families and caregivers for the safe transportation of children.

The Board works with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), who has the responsibility to assure the technical accuracy of the curriculum, and with Safe Kids CPS Certification, who has responsibility, authority and liability for the certification and re-certification processes. The Board provides input and perspectives from their representative organizations and field, and to their representative constituencies, on ways to ensure the ongoing significance of the National Child Passenger Safety Certification Training Program in keeping children safe.

Captain Chhabra began the Austin-Travis County EMS Child Car Seat program in 2008. Since it's inception, thousands of families have been touched by the program. We are excited to be able to represent our community at the National level. Over the next 3 years.

Please join us in congratulating Randy on a much deserved opportunity

4 Chiefs at the Capitol following participation in the MLK Day Parade.

5 ATCEMS Department Sponsored Portraits

Recently, the department sponsored a formal portrait session for all ATCEMS employees and their families. Sworn and Non-Sworn employees had the opportunity to have their portraits taken with a professional backdrop and lighting in a formal setting with the Department insignia and flags or the Department logo as a backdrop. Appointments were taken for a 15 minute photo session at EMS HQ for three days in November and we had very positive response!

As a result, the department will make this opportunity available on a monthly basis beginning on February 13, 2018. Appointments will be taken from 0800-1200 every 30 minutes. To schedule an appointment email [email protected]

Here are some comments from a few “satisfied customers”

“I didn’t want to pass up a FREE professional headshot session being provided by the depart- ment – the quality, backdrop, and convenience of it all were perfect!”

Ashleigh O’Connor, EMS Recruitment Coordinator

“My wife and I had a lot of fun with the personal portraits, we brought additional clothing for personal portraits with loved ones”

Commander Broadwater

If you didn’t get a chance to schedule a photo session last year we hope that you will take advantage of the next opportunity on February 13, 2018. Appointments are on a first come, first serve basis so don’t delay make your appointment today! Stay tuned for more information about future session dates.

6 7 8 9 10 11 ATCEMS EXPLORER POST 247 Awards Ceremony

uesday January 9th, EMS Explorer Post 247 held their first annual awards ceremony. This was a big step forward for Explorer Post 247 as recent growth in the program has seen many changes. Explorer Post 247 began as a small project in 2010 and over the course of the past 8 years has T grown from a small group of 4-5 dedicated youth, to a large in depth program with over 30 youth members that has generated multiple department employees.

Tuesday’s ceremony was held at EDWD with Explorers, Advisors, parents and even Chief Rodriguez in attendance. Many Explorers were recognized throughout the evening for accomplishments and were presented with certificates as well as ribbons to wear with their Class A uniforms. Post Advisor Rob Yarger led the evening’s presentation with the assistance of Associate Advisors Melissa Hall, Obie Jones, Coty Baker and Amanda Baker. Along with recognition of the Explorers’ accomplishments, the Explorers themselves chose to recognize an Advisor of the Year, presenting the award to Medic II Amanda Baker.

After the presentation of awards, new officer positions for the post were announced. Officer positions in the post are assigned based on merit, attitude, and leadership qualities. Earning a position as an officer is a high honor that is taken seriously by Explorers. At the beginning of the night just six out of the eleven positions had been filled, by the end of the night for the first time all eleven had an occupant.

To conclude the night refreshments were served as post members socialized with their families and shared congratulations with new officers and award recipients. Post 247 looks forward to making this ceremony a continued tradition in order to recognize the achievements of the Explorers and encourage their continued growth.

12 Awards presented include:

Community Service Recognition: This award is presented to Explorers who have completed over 100 hours of community service as part of the Post.

Presented to: Jay Beard, Milo Clark, Maya Deol, Alana Douglas, Aaron Foster, Allyson Hall, Grace Hooker, Amber Hoskins, Jordan Malone, Isobel Margerrision, Andy Rather-Murray, Hope Rodri- guez, Hannah Sanchez, Joanna Sanders, Nolan Screen, Joshua VanSyckle, and Makayla Webber

Health Crisis Prevention Award: This award is presented to Explorers who have participated in multiple Health and Wellness Projects for the department or the community.

Presented to: Allyson Hall

Tenure Award: This award is presented to Explorers who have been a part of the Post for at least 1 year. Presented to: Jay Beard, Allyson Hall, Grace Hooker, Jordan Malone, Andy Rather-Murray, Hope Rodriguez, Nolan Screen, Joshua VanSyckle, and Makayla Webber

NIMS Training Citation: This is presented to Explorers who have completed the FEMA ICS 100 and 700 courses. Presented to: Jordan Malone and Allyson Hall

CERT Member Citation: This is presented to Explorers that have completed training and are members of a local Community Emergency Response Team. Presented to: Vimal Kumar, Isobel Margerrison, and Nolan Screen

Search and Rescue Training Citation: This is presented to Explorers who have completed training in search and rescue operation and techniques. Presented to: Jay Beard, Allyson Hall, Grace Hooker, Jordan Malone, Andy Rather-Murray, and Nolan Screen

Individual Citation: This is presented to Explorers who have gone above and beyond their role in Exploring and serve as a positive example for their fellow Explorers. This citation is given in recognition of specific occurrences that do not fit into the parameters of any other award. Presented to: Allyson Hall, Grace Hooker and Hannah Sanchez

National Exploring Conference Citation: This is presented to Explorers who have attended at least one National Exploring Conference. Presented to: Jordan Malone and Andy Rather-Murray

Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Gold Recognition: This is presented to Explorers who have earned the highest rank in Scouts, the Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Gold Award. Presented to: Jonathan Carroll and Vimal Kumar

13 The Officers for Explorer Post 247 are:

Commander Jordan Malone

Lt. Commander Allyson Hall

Lt Commander Hannah Sanchez

Captain Makayla Webber

Captain Jonathan Carroll

Lieutenant Grace Hooker

Lieutenant Hope Rodriguez

Sergeant Andy Rather-Murray

Sergeant Isobel Margerrison

Sergeant Aaron Foster

Sergeant Joshua VanSyckle

Explorer Post 247 is open to youth between the ages of 14 and 21 who have completed at least the 8th grade. If you know someone who is interested in the program have them visit emspost247.org and complete the registration form.

14 PROTECT YOURSELF Texas Flu Season Worst In Years

The 2017-2018 flu season hit hard and hit sooner Recently, a study was released from Australia than expected. In Travis County alone, Austin stating the vaccine used to fight the flu was Public Health has reported 20 flu-related deaths, ineffective against a certain strain. However, both already more than each of the past two flu Shuford and Huang argue the vaccine used in the seasons. Although counties don’t track all cases, U.S. is different and they cannot tests the Travis County has seen 1,200 confirmed cases of vaccine’s effectiveness until later in the season. the flu while Williamson and Hays counties have both reported more than 700 each as of last "For that particular strain there was less week. These numbers continue to rapidly effectiveness but we still strongly recommend increase weekly. people getting their flu shots because it does protects against some of those strains and can Texas Health Services, Infectious Disease Medical decrease the severity of the illness if someone Director Jennifer Shuford said the rate at which does get sick," Huang said. the illness is spreading is alarming, especially keeping in mind that we still have a least two Huang is urging people to be cautious and more month of the flu season to go. Shuford mindful of others by asking people to cover their reports the H3N2 is the predominant and severe coughs, wash their hands, and if you don’t feel strain they are encountering this year. well please stay at home.

"When this strain predominates often times we see a higher severity of illness, we see more hospitalizations and more deaths in high risk groups," said Shuford.

Making matters worse, this years vaccine may fail to protect against H3N2, according to a study Statewide Influenza out of Australia that used the same vaccine Activity Map during its flu season, which just concluded.

Austin Public Health said they’ve seen an increase in hospital visits and people testing positive for influenza this season. Medical Director and Health Authority for Public Health Dr. Phillip Huang said the flu season is unpredict- able but the past previous years have been mild in comparison to this year. He recommends people take the flu-vaccine.

15 By Shannon Cook, EMT-B, EMS Training Instructor

Plus Size to Paleo Proud Every so often, I run into someone I really enjoy done! But I did not do this alone! I am here to tell and haven’t seen in a few months here at work. It you that right now. I could not have done it alone. throws me off when they glaze over, take a couple No no. I had the support of a good friend in all of of glances, and almost dismiss me. My internal this. Let me tell you how all of this went down and dialogue kicks in, “Why don’t they recognize me? how I went from 300+ pounds to losing 125 lbs. in I’m still the same Shannon. Are they ignoring me? about 12 months. Awww.” In my head, I still feel and see myself as A little history… I have been plus sized for my 300+lbs. I forget that the outside looks completely entire life. I have been on just about every diet different until I pass by my own reflection or see it you can imagine since I was about 10 years old. on someone else’s face. Then, their eyes get No seriously. Weight Watchers (the actual program saucer sized and it clicks. “Shannon?!? WOW! You and as a young teenager in middle school), fat look fantastic!” I blush and smile. This attention camp as a child, Richard Simmons Sweatin’ to the and compliment is flattering and encouraging, but Oldies Program (haha!), South Beach, Adkins, only momentarily. I am, actually, very Vegetarian, Vegan, starvation, dietician prescribed self-conscious and unfamiliar with that kind of regimens, many others, and then came the attention. I am just so happy to be healthier and Endocrinologist. Along with years of my wonderful so close to my goal. The outside looks? That’s a dietician, we added Byetta, Victoza, Bydureon, Fen side-effect. Phen, and a few others to just try and get me to When someone hears about how much weight I’ve lose weight. lost, they want to know how I did it and I’ve been Of course, I was exercising, as well. Softball, told several times that I need to write about it, tell volleyball, rowing, and a few other city sponsored people because it’s encouraging. If that is true, exercise classes, I’d lose weight, 20-25 lbs. here you read this, and then find the will to change and there, but then it would come right back on even one little thing to make your life a little bit and then some. Ugh. So frustrating! healthier? Alright, alright! My work here today is 16 Something a lot of you may not know about me, He said he was out of options and for me to but a few years ago I had Stage I Breast Cancer reverse everything and to prevent any further that was contained in a tumor found at the base of damage, I was going to have to have the bypass my left flank. It was wrapped around my ribs surgery. What?!?! Nooooo! NO! He said I needed when they removed it. I refused chemo because I to call and get the process started right away didn’t want to lose my hair and clue everyone into before I got any worse. He scared the snap out of what was going on. My Oncologist at Texas Oncol- me. Surgery was the last thing I wanted to have ogy had a solution. He put me on an experimental done. I have been avoiding it like the plague. drug trial that ran about 6 months in length. I still There are just too many risks with it. It’s just too got pretty sick and passed out at work a few dangerous and too finite. Having to take supple- times. Lost a bit of weight and still have some ments for the rest of my life, gallbladder issues, lasting effects from it. It affected how my guts bleeding, kidney problems, infections, hair loss, process protein (and a few other weird things, but dumping syndrome, malnutrition, hernias… No. whatever). I can’t eat beef, pork, or chicken. Just no. I cried. No. I wailed. Yeah. And then, I The only meat product I can eat without being sick picked my 300+lb self up and down-heartedly for 3 days is seafood. That is where the modified walked out of his office. I followed his recommen- Paleo comes in. Turns out, that helped even more! dation, called MyUHC, set up the nurse’s call for Besides, seafood is super healthy, right?!?! I love the gastric bypass surgery, and found a surgeon. I salmon anyway. Yum. Recently, I’ve been able to set it up. Then, I called my friend and coworker stomach venison and well bled lamb, but no other Mason for a vent session. meats. Odd, I know. Little did I know, the conversation on that Back in January, my Endocrinologist sat me down January night last year with Mason would change after running my labs again. He told me I had my life forever. I poured my story out and sobbed finally reached the threshold. I now had Diabetes. a bit more. He listened patiently and with care. We knew that was a big risk because of the weight Then, Mason offered me life. He said, “Do you and PCOS, but I was trying so hard to prevent it. want to try one more thing? Let’s try Paleo, Modified Paleo, and come mountain biking with

me.” It was a lifeline, an offer of hope. He saved my life and I owe that man the credit he deserves.

You may have questions. Everyone has questions

when I say Paleo, especially “Modified Paleo”. Let’s talk, but before I begin, I would like to say this… this modified Paleo plan worked for me. It may not

work for you. That, and Paleo is not a long term solution. It’s what is getting me to a goal. If I were to continue on Paleo, I would just continue to

lose weight even past my goal. Eventually, I will have to introduce carbs back into my daily diet on a healthy level to maintain my weight. I’m not

worried about that because I know what to do if I start gaining too much. I just get right back into the Paleo swing of things and then maintain.

Now… let’s get to the nitty gritty!


Mason suggested I look up Robb Wolf and read a bit about him and Paleo. I’ll give you the gist here, but if you’re truly interested, check out his



Paleo is no bread, grains, beans, rice, white potatoes, sugar, or processed stuff. There is no cheese, really, but there are exceptions. I made exceptions with Paleo approved-ish cheese. So, it’s mostly vegetables and about 25% protein.

17 Paleo is good, whole foods and healthy fats. There Come back here. No no. Come back here. Let me is a great cookbook Mason suggested, as well, tell you. Not every diet (meal plan) works for every called Primal Blueprint Cookbook by Mark Sisson. person. This is what worked for me. Do your research. You have to want something bad That cookbook got me started and I blossomed enough. You wanted to be a medic bad enough from there. Cooking is simple and easy, as it that you put up with the ride-outs and the long should be. Keep it that way if you decide to give hours and the testing and the this and that and Paleo a try. other stuff and the oh my gosh! Well. I wanted my DID YOU HAVE TO COUNT CALORIES? health bad enough I tried EVERYTHING to a T and this is what works for ME. Poo poo this all you Yes. You may scoff, but calorie counting is your want, but this works for me. If you’re willing to try best friend here. Yeah. It stinks at first, until you it, go full on and be open-minded. Want it. Want it make it a game and then it becomes fun and a badly. I wanted to live. I didn’t care about being a goal. I started off with an attainable goal (2000) Barbie or having people thinking I was pretty. I calories per day and then worked my way closer to wanted to be healthy. Paleo got me healthy. It what Mason suggested (1000-1200). works. Intermittent fasting is part of this plan I These days, I don’t usually eat more than 1000 was on and it worked. Check out these articles on calories a day. I just don’t need it. I use My Fitness intermittent fasting: Pal as a calorie tracker to help with this when I healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide have days that I eat out of the norm. It may seem

scientificamerican.com/article/how-intermittent- fasting-might-help-you-live-longer-healthier-life/

paleoforwomen.com/shattering-the-myth-of- fasting-for-women-a-review-of-female-specific- responses-to-fasting-in-the-literature/

DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO GIVE UP THE YUMMY STUFF? Oh man! You have to give up bread?!?! Guess what? There are cheat days… YES! Cheat days. Here’s the deal, though. I was headstrong for 30 days before I allowed a cheat day. Now? The weekends are cheat days. That’s when I allow bread or whatever. Even then, though, I love the Paleo life, the diet that I’m so used to, and how good the food makes me feel. I don’t like to stray from it too much. Bread hurts my guts. Rice is too filling. Sugar? Woah. Hate it. It sends me climbing the walls! And I’m a climber now! Haha! Cheese, though. That, I just can’t ever give up. I just choose to eat quality cheese, rather than cheap, overly processed crud. It’s my treat, my dessert. HOW HAS PALEO CHANGED YOUR LIFE? Well, other than helping me lose a bunch of a weight, the health benefits are ridiculous! I’m no longer Diabetic. Did you hear me? I’m no longer a Diabetic! Ha! And… since I was 17 years old, I’ve been told I could never bear children because my plumbing just didn’t function all that great thanks frustrating, but it keeps you accountable and it and to the PCOS. This last summer, I got an A+ from it gives you a good picture of what you are putting my OBGYN. They said I had the uterus and ovaries in your body. You can look back and see what may of an 18yr old. I’m 40. Ha! The health benefits are be the culprit for plateaus or bloating. Plus, there amazing. I’m now off all of my Diabetes and PCOS is some intermittent fasting… What?!?! FASTING medications! Amazing. you say?!?! I just lost you, didn’t I?

18 WHAT DO YOU DO FOR EXERCISE? Anything I find fun and if I get bored, I try something else. I mountain bike, boulder, and run always. Recently, I’ve added Jiu Jitsu and Judo through the department. Thank you to EMSBJJ, Adam, Walt, and Dr. Pickett! When the opportunity arises, I love to play pick-up games of softball and volley- ball. I keep trying to come up with a weight training routine, but I lose interest quickly if the trainer is not dedicated. It may seem like a cop-out, but it’s honest. I just want a routine to have and then go do it on my own, but I need direction. Eventually, I’ll get it. Team sports and mountain biking are just way fun for me. You have to find what turns you on and makes you want to keep sweat- ing! Climbing scared the crud out of me and made me want to overcome my fear of heights. Guess what? I did. High fives!

HAVE YOU REACHED YOUR GOAL WEIGHT? No. I still have about 15lbs more to lose. Am I stressing about it? No. Look at how far I’ve come. I’m not stressing. I’ll get there. So will you. If you want to, whether it’s with Paleo, or surgery, or Adkins, or whatever diet you find that works for you. That is what it’s about. What works for you. HOW HAS LOSING THIS MUCH WEIGHT CHANGED HOW YOU LOOK AT YOUR- SELF? This is huge. I think it may have a lot to do with more than just weight loss. I’m pretty sure it has more to do with finding love for myself. It’s been a journey… Still a journey. Here, let me explain… Since I was a child, I have always been big. After years of the world seeing me as “too big, fat, incapable, ugly, plus-sized, shame- ful, embarrassing, disgusting, whale-ish, porker,” and many other descriptive words and phrases… I learned to live with these titles and embraced the cast-out shell. I had an armor around me, a body armor of fat that kept me safe from being hurt in certain ways. I needed that armor. Too much happened as a child for my life to go in any “normal” direction, anyway. I mean come on. We’re in EMS. We’ve all got pasts like this. We don’t come to this career by a white picket fence life. We come here because we’ve lived these calls and this is what we know. 19 Three years ago, that armor failed me big time. I dragons to help fight them off now. I have my own was attacked, held down and choked in my own body to rely on and a good support network to apartment by someone I thought was a friend. I reach out to. was devastated. All I wanted to do was escape this It takes a lot of work and willpower to push world and disappear. Nothing and no one could through it all and then be able to see the results. keep me safe from anything or anyone, least of Sometimes, you have to force yourself to SEE the all… myself. I hated my body and found myself in results. In my head, I’m still 300+ pounds. It a very dark place. I realized that even in this ridic- takes the mountain biking and climbing with its’ ulous state of obesity, I was still just as vulnerable touch of danger and adrenaline to remind me I’m as that beautiful Barbie doll with the socially ac- brave and can rock this. It takes Judo and Jiu Jitsu ceptable body measurements. But in that dark- to remind me that I’m strong. It takes your smile ness, light shined through when those around me to remind me that I’m still the same Shannon you beamed with love and pulled me out of my own saw 125 pounds ago. I say I haven’t changed and moat. Those that love me (and the wonderful and I’m still the same Shannon, but that is just not very patient Dr. Kruse) helped me see it all differ- true. My heart is just as loving and caring, but I ently. It was time to release the body armor that shed my body armor and picked up a katana. was no longer protecting me and even making me Now, I’m ready. unhealthy.

I had to start with my heart and my mind. Think differently and find love for ME. I couldn’t be afraid You yourself, as much as anymore. I needed to find my brave, find my fighter. I needed to make sure no one could ever hurt me like that ever again, no matter what size anybody in the entire universe, my body was. I needed to start with the past and move forward. I was able to do that with help, deserve your love and affection. care, and support from a lot of people including Dr. Kruse and our wonderful Chief Rodriquez. Eventually, and let me fast forward, we get to – Buddha today. My demons from the past still rear their ugly heads at times, but now I have swords and

“It takes the mountain biking and climbing with its’ touch of danger and adrenaline to remind me I’m brave and can rock this.”




Photo by William James Gibson

21 Austin Public Safety Wellness Center ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Austin Public Safety Wellness Center 517 S. Pleasant Valley Rd., Austin, TX 78741 (512) 974-0200 phone / (512) 974-0222 fax

The Austin Public Safety Wellness Center offers a variety of services for EMS: Yearly Medical and Fitness Exam Assessments

Tuberculosis Testing (QFT) available Pulmonary Function Testing: Screening for Lung Disease Distance Vision Screening Hearing Screening Fitness Assessment: Row Test Evaluation of bloodwork Physician visit Health Survey with Free Shirt


Exercise Physiologists Hillary Lee: [email protected] Jeff Johnson: [email protected] Workout Programming Please email our exercise physiologist or call 972-974-0200 to set up an appointment Health Coaching: Diet Plans and Lifestyle changes Injury Rehabilitation counseling Gym staffed with Peer Fitness Trainers : Monday-Thursday 1000-1100 Station visits Open Gym Hours: Monday-Thursday 0700-1800


Tuberculosis Exposures Vaccinations and Vaccination Records Vaccinations provided: TDAP, Flu, Hep A, Hep B, MMR Behavioral Health Visits for individual, couples, family and child therapy, crisis management, alcohol and substance abuse counseling with Wellness staff psychologists. Community referrals also available for services not provided here such as inpatient treatments Please call for an appointment Dr. Ebony Butler [email protected] Cell: (601) 559-7886 Dr. Marc Kruse [email protected] Office: (512)974-0225 /Cell: (512)294-8092

22 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Real Appeal Weight Loss and Chronic Disease Prevention

The Real Appeal weight loss program is personalized just for you and fits into YOUR schedule for lasting results, fast! You can get it all without turning your life upside down, without giving up the foods you love. Employees, spouses and dependents 18 and older covered by City of Austin medical plan with a BMI of 23 or higher can join. The best part is that all of this comes at zero cost to you— not even a co-pay or deductible.

Real Appeal gives you the tools, the information and the support you need to make smarter choices, day in and day out, to truly transform yourself. Real Appeal is full of small doable steps, things you will want to do that can and will make a difference and work in the long run for your life, your family and your body. Small achievable steps every week.

Based on decades of clinical research, Real Appeal helps you lose weight and reduce your risk of developing diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. No two people are the same. You’ll get personalized, individualized support and professional coaching for a full year, online and on your smart phone.

Online Services consist of:

 Up to a year of support from a Transformation Coach. Your coach guides you through the program and develops a simple, customized plan that fits your needs, preferences and goals.

 24/7 access to digital tools and dashboards that help you track your food, activity and weight.

 Support from weekly online group classes where you can share ideas and learn from each other.

Success kit includes:

• Two Real Success Guides: • Real Foods Nutrition Guide: contains recipes, cooking techniques, tips on reading food labels, and sample shopping lists. • Real Moves Fitness Guide: contains three distinct exercise programs that come complete with calendars suggesting specific exercise • Real Moves Workout DVDs: videos of the three Real Appeal Exercise programs: The Real Moves workout video program The Walk It Off! program The DIY (Do It Yourself) program • Electronic body weight scale • Electronic food scale with bowl • Perfect Portion Plate  Resistance bands: beginner bands considered “light resistance," providing 4.8 to 6 pounds of resistance You can sign up through the city's Healthyconnection web page or at realappeal.com https://member.realappeal.com/?utm_source=referral&utm_medium=intranet&utm_campaign=healthyconnections 23 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

EMS education needed: Overcoming the speed bumps of 2017

As 2017 draws to a close and we enter 2018, I physical well-being. think it’s appropriate to look back on the EMS events of the last year, and try to draw some With research that shows drivers awake for 18 lessons that will help us prepare for what is to hours are comparably impaired to someone with a come. BAC of 0.05, and drivers awake for 24 hours are functionally equivalent to a BAC over 0.10 (well And the lesson I think we can all draw is, “Thank over the legal limit for driving while intoxicated), goodness it’s over.” EMS policy makers are starting to take notice.

Mental health and psychological well-being of EMS Numerous fatigue-related ambulance crashes crews have been concerns for several years now, highlighted the problem. Look for that trend to and 2017 saw an increasing focus on the effects of continue in 2018, with more agencies adopting crew fatigue and excessively long shifts. fatigue-mitigation policies and curtailing shifts of 24 hours or more.

2017 also saw the rash of mass shootings in recent years continue, with the Congressional shooting; Las Vegas, and Sutherland Springs, Texas among the most notable.

Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum or your views about firearms, these incidents demonstrate to all of us that there are no truly safe spaces, and that evil can touch us anywhere.

All of us in public safety – fire, police and EMS – must adapt our thinking regarding responding to these events, and one big step is in crowd- sourcing patient care. When seconds count, we can no longer afford to be minutes away.

Look for 2018 to include even greater focus on integrating Rescue Task Forces into active shooter response, and more agencies will offer RTF training and ballistic vests to their crews. (Photo/Austin-Travis County EMS Safe Sleep Room) Look also for a serious push to teach bleeding Safe sleep for EMS providers control techniques like tourniquet application to 2017 started off with promise, when Austin-Travis laypersons. Campaigns like Stop The Bleed that County EMS announced the implementation of started in 2016 will continue to expand in 2018, Safe Sleep Rooms to combat crew fatigue. The and eventually will become as commonplace as rooms have blackout shades, fans and beds, and layperson CPR training. alarm tones are disabled to allow tired crews to

get some much-needed sleep. Mental health and psychological Mental health and psychological well-being of EMS well-being of EMS crews have been crews have been concerns for several years now, concerns for several years now and 2017 saw an increasing focus on the effects of crew fatigue and excessively long shifts on our 24 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

EMS and the opioid epidemic treatment without transport. Anthem’s decision to reimburse under the Healthcare Common 2017 saw the opioid addiction crisis continue Procedure Coding System code A0998 code may be unchecked, and saw rampant hysteria in response the first trickle in a reimbursement sea change as to it. We had city councilmen in Ohio proposing a other insurers and CMS follow suit. “three strikes and you’re out” policy for opiate overdoses, we had a fire chief and medical director Widespread reimbursement under this code has actively postulating that EMS administration of the potential to replace the patchwork of varied narcotic pain relief may cause addiction, and we funding models that has limited the growth of MIH- had a slew of ignorant journalists breathlessly CP thus far. reporting occupational exposures to fentanyl and carfentanil at overdose scenes. More and more agencies are adopting POCUS, and with increasing utilization, prices of the units are falling steeply. With the recent FDA approval of an Notably absent from these reports is anything ultrasound iPhone peripheral that retails for only remotely resembling an opiate toxidrome, or any $2000, POCUS has officially moved from the realm drug-test confirmation of an exposure. Every major of “nice toy, but cost-prohibitive” to “affordable toxicology authority in the United States has stated and important piece of diagnostic equipment.” that such a thing is extremely unlikely, yet still we saw it shared in EMS and law enforcement social media posts that someone’s brother-in-law’s cousin Look for 2018 to see explosive growth in POCUS dates the nurse that cared for the cop two towns and MIH-CP, yet don’t hold out much hope for over who sneezed at a sketchy drug house and fell increased educational requirements for advanced out from all the carfentanil wafting in the air. EMTs and paramedics. These diagnostic tools and the primary care and gatekeeping we provide in MIH-CP require additional education, yet we still Look for such hysteria to continue in 2018. Thank- look to fill those gaps via a patchwork of continuing fully, Congress intervened back in January and education. amended ambiguities in the Controlled Substances Act that threatened the ability of EMS providers to There is a ceiling to how much initial education we provide narcotic pain relief in the field, but we’re can provide the paramedics of the future without still figuring out what is the “new normal” of our requiring a degree, and we’re bumping against it opiate crisis. now. Unfortunately, EMS has an institutional love of cool toys and procedures, but a loathing of more 2018 will see more states promote layperson use education to utilize them appropriately. Don’t look of naloxone (probably a good thing), EMS regulato- for that to change in 2018. ry agencies will explore alternative methods of pain relief like NSAIDs and nitrous oxide (definitely a good thing), and regressive EMS agencies will use the epidemic as an excuse to limit their crew’s (Photo courtesy of Austin-Travis County EMS ) ability to provide narcotic pain relief in the field (a very bad thing).

Maybe sanity will break out in 2018, but I don’t hold out much hope. As that noted philosopher Agent K said in “Men in Black,” “A person is smart. People can be panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.”

Community paramedics make strides in MIH

2017 saw both advances in diagnostic technology with point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) and lab testing, and promising growth for mobile integrated health/community paramedicine with the decision by Anthem Blue Cross to reimburse

Excerpts taken from “The Ambulance Driver’s Perspective” published in EMS1.com by, Kelly Grayson, NRP, CCEMT-P

25 FLEET SERVICES |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| by, Rick Rutledge


Greetings from the fleet and facilities section! vehicles on the front line and some improvement We would like to take a minute to share the in our reserve pool. This is a continuous process. latest news and tips with you.

News: New trucks are here. We have started processing Personnel-The biggest news is that we are losing our eight new Dodge 4500 ambulances. The our fleet guru. Commander Scott Lindsley has process includes several steps: been responsible for the acquisition, mainte-  Completions of all of the legal documents nance, replacement and design modifications of that make the truck a bona fide, certified our fleet for over 15 years. He has managed our ambulance in the State of Texas. ambulances, support vehicles, boats/motors/ trailers, stations and more. He is well known  Installation of the MDC (news on that front), throughout the ambulance industry and I’ve radios, Knox Boxes etc. (more news) watched him turn down employment offers from  Upgrade/Install of the newest version of our multiple top-notch companies. He will be sorely idle reduction system from stealth. missed.  Installation of the anti-theft system currently in use across the fleet. “We will have eight new

vehicles on the front line

After this we start the four part moves that go and some improvement in

with each new truck introduced. our reserve pool.”

1. New truck to a busy station.

2. Replaced truck moves to a different station to slow down a bit and extend its Knox Boxes- You have probably heard that an life. issue with Knox Box keys has come up for the system at large. The fix for all of this will result 3. The replaced ambulance moves into in us having not 1, but 2 Knox keys. It will be a our reserve fleet, year or two before all of the changes take place. 4. One of the oldest/most costly of our

reserves gets stripped out and sold off. MDC- We are going to test a Dell version of the

computer that we currently use for our MDCs. We are dependent on other departments to This version is being installed in our new trucks accomplish many of the preparatory steps so for the test period, we will let you know how this things may take a bit longer then we would like. goes. At the end of this cycle we will have eight new

26 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Tips- (based on current events)

-Power load. You have hopefully heard by now that the red flip up release levers on the slide out trolley near the head of the stretch- er are not designed to release the stretcher during daily use. They are a backup for those rare occasions when the push button at the foot end of the stretcher doesn’t work. They have plastic parts in the link- ages and are easily worn out. Please use the push button.

 EMSG parking. Vehicles that are parked and facing toward the garage at EMSG should be assumed to be Out of Service. Do not take these vehicles during a change out.  Out of Service signs are to be left on the dash of any vehicle not equipped and staffed for service. The state has specified “We at Fleet Services will continue this and retains the right to to do our best to support you and perform an inspection on any vehicle that does NOT have a your mission”. sign indicating it is out of service.

Finally, while at the radio shop the other day I noticed one of our trucks in for a quick repair. I walked over and took a look to see how the truck was holding up. I found a vehicle that was clean and ready. The appearance of this particular ambulance showed professionalism, respect for the equipment and funding provided by our taxpayers, and pride. It was awesome!

Thank you medics! You do a tough and important job well. We will continue to do our best to support you and your mission. We will do our best to share current info with you in the Pulse Magazine and other ways as needed. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you have questions for us.

27 ATCEMS Medic Chad Stowe Produces ESD 12/Medic 23 Video Tribute

I have been at ESD it for next year! I shot 99% of all the video 12/M23 in Manor and pics on my iPhone and GoPro and used a since January 2015 program on my PC to make it all happen. The on D shift. I can hon- sunrise and sunset was difficult in timing pur- estly say in my 19 poses but it worked!! years at ATCEMS and I wanted to show the viewer a day in the life 26 years in EMS total at ESD 12 and M23. It is geared mostly I have never been towards the fire aspect as getting EMS side more happier with an was difficult due to HIPPA and I couldn't get assignment as I am away from patient care to shoot video or take at M23. I am also speaking for the other pics, but it is sprinkled with just enough EMS crews assigned out here for same amount of footage and I do intend to get more this next time but working with ESD 12 and Chief Ryan year. Smith has been a lot of fun. I made this video for ESD 12's holiday/awards banquet this year ESD 12 crews and M23 crews all get along which was back in December. like family...we have great professional and personal relationships and I also wanted to They all knew I was working on it but had no show that!!! We all work hard together idea the format, the music or the story behind providing a great fire and EMS service to the it all. I presented this video to them at the public we serve and we have a lot of fun banquet. They all loved it...now I have to top doing it!

28 Communications Call of the Quarter

Congratulations to Shaun Pursley, EMS Communications Call of the 3rd Quarter Winner! Shaun had a 1st party caller with a gunshot wound (GSW) to the abdomen with an additional patient outside. Shaun displayed excellent customer service reassuring the 1st party caller and working with her to get the bleeding from her wound under control. Strong work Shaun! Please also congratulate our runner-up with the near-same type of GSW call, Kristina Pena. This was a close one guys. you both displayed such great efforts taking care of the patients on these truly unique type of calls! Thank you for providing such excellent patient care.

Thank you ALL for your hard work and dedication to patient care. You are giving your best every day. You are making a difference in peoples’ lives, helping them have the best possible outcome for their situation. Whether it is being a friendly listening ear when they need it for their sadness or providing life changing instructions to save their loved ones lives, it does not go unnoticed!

Thank you all again!

Leslie K Stanford Captain – Communications Clinical Performance Management Austin-Travis County EMS

29 Norton and Luddy speaking to Westlake High school CERT students

Lynch with “Sweet Christmas Project” founder Jamie Chandler

K. Rosenacker

Commander Paul Alvarez

Mary Hoad delivering cookies for the Sweet Christmas Project

C. Emmick N. Leiva

A. Lucia

30 Commander Ed Johns

K. Trupiano

J. Flynt

D. Morgan

R. Krasher

31 Chief Hawley and Chief Brown taking part in the Annual APD Blue Santa Christmas Delivery Event

Commander Ray Migl

Christmas Open House at EMS HQ

32 L. Yankiver Division Chief

Wes Hopkins

K. Saunders S. Cuevas Assistant Chief

James Hawley



On Wednesday, December 27th 2017, Mr. Robert Williamson finally got to meet medics Matt Schickel and John Costantino who saved him from a cardiac arrest event last summer. Mr. Williamson was driving his car when he started feeling dizzy. “I knew something was very wrong, I pulled over and called 911 and the operator told me there was an ambulance right around the corner so Matt and John were there in a couple of minutes” he said. Mr. Williamson brought his family to visit with Matt and John at Medic 12, it was a very happy reunion for every- one!

We also received a great comment from the ATCEMS System Medical Director Mark E. Escott, MD:

So very proud of Matt Schickel, John Costantino, our Emergency Dispatchers, and all involved in saving the life of this gentleman. Some might say that these things happen by luck. I truly believe that you make your own luck. This City and County have created a World Class EMS System. They have spent years developing the system to be operationally and clinically sophisti- cated and innovative. So congratulations also goes out to our City Council, Commissioners Court, all of the folks behind the scenes, and our citizens who continue to support our Emergency Services! Sometimes it is hard to see the impact of investments...look at the faces in the photos. I hope you will agree that investing in a World Class EMS System has been a good one!

34 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

the take away message to her was be more pa- tient with him and don't be so quick to call us KUDO for this type of thing. The officer quickly real- ized he had made an error and walked out of the home, and I spent the better part of 20 minutes doing some damage control and ensur- ing that she knew that she could call at any time with any issue she was having and we would respond to assist her. As I learned later, Mr. Crowley was doing a very similar task in the unit with the husband and assisted me greatly in diffusing the situation. He arrived back in the home with the husband and seamlessly brought me up to speed with his account of events that matched the wife's story. Long and short this man was extremely independent prior to his CVA's and was feeling down and just wanted to go for a walk, his wife was concerned with his mobility issues, the weather and risk of him falling, and we were able to assist them in their communication to find common ground. He sug- gested that a simple ride in the car around the block to just get out of the house would make him feel much better, and she again burst into tears as they had a flat tire on the car which she was unable to correct on her own. Trust me, this is where the story gets interesting.

Nate Crowley, MI Hearing this, Nate snuck out the door and proceeded to change the flat tire on their car I wanted to take a moment to recognize Mr. while I was again calming her down and trying Nate Crowley for his outstanding performance to reassure her that we were going to help her on a call I had the pleasure of running with him get through this. Nate returned a few minutes today. later filthy from changing the tire, informed her that the tire had been changed and gave her a We were called out on Medic 7 this afternoon for complete rundown. First he told her where the a possible stroke, when we arrived we were met closest tire shop was and exactly what she by AFD and APD and the story that unfolded needed to say to "avoid her getting overcharged was more of a domestic issue between a or taken advantage of.” husband and wife. She is the sole caretaker in the home has been doing her best to care for The woman burst into tears and gave him the her husband that had suffered multiple CVA in most genuine thank you hug I have ever the past year with significant physical and seen. The woman was speechless, and to Nate cognitive residual issues. She was obviously at this was no big deal, "just the right thing to do". her end not knowing where to go from this point I have no doubt that there are countless stories forward to care for him. Nate took point and like this that I am not aware of. It speaks started to assess and talk to the husband and volumes to him as a man, and his dedication to quickly assessed for life threats, nothing our customers and department image. I believe extraordinary here as Mr. Crowley is a very to that it speaks to his partners and command squared away Medic I provider. He appropriately staff, that have given him confidence to make read the situation of separated parties and took decisions that are atypical responses in situa- steps to move the PT out of the cold into the tions like this. This is what we need more of unit for further evaluation after a solid report to here. I am glad that Nate works here, and me, leaving me to sift through the story with proud to share the uniform with him. APD and the wife. Respectfully, While APD was giving sound advice to the woman, his delivery was less than desirable and David LeClere, MII FTO

35 Employee Recognition |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||


Jeans, Christopher Congratulations to Dr. Mark Escott, EMS Webber, Gabe System Medical Director who was appointed and sworn in as an Alternate Health Authority Patient’s mother called and spoke to one of for the Austin Public Health Department by the our customer service representatives: Austin City Council last week. “She wanted to let us know how awesome the paramedics were and stated her son is Dr. Escott served as Health Authority for constantly telling everyone that the EMS guys Montgomery County, Texas prior to his transi- were awesome. She stated they were out at tion to Austin in 2016. the race, it was a terrifying experience and all she can say is that they were amazing and can’t say thank you enough.”

Chance Bergstrom & Brian Hadas

Cole, Michael Mark Bowman & Jeff Watkins On Monday 1-8-18 I was involved in a Gaytan, Jeff collision on US 290 each just west of Manor, Email received from patient Texas at around 1:20pm, this accident was Please know that the care your team gave me caused by another driver rear ending my car. was outstanding, including them checking up Because of this impact I was in distress and on me later that evening, and I want to thank my seat belt had caused severe compression you and them for taking such good care of to my chest. I wanted to send along my me. Their kindness was so appreciated. appreciation for the professionalism and compassion your EMS personnel provided that day and to state that they actions Margaret A. Hackett CAC, ATCEMS reflect honor on themselves and their department, thanks. Ambulance Billing and Coding Supervisor Eva

On 1/20/18 while supervising in Communications, I received the flowing email from one of our Medic II’s, who wished to remain anonymous, wanting to recognize all of the crews working that evening, but specifically the crew on M30.

I just wanted to give a HUGE kudos to all the units that worked night shift of 01/20! The system was incredibly busy and everyone was pleasant on the radio and did their jobs to ensure a cohesive system!! However, a special shout out to medic 30, Mark Bowman & Scott Lewellen, who went above and beyond. Not only were they friendly on the radio but they had quick turnaround times at the hospital and offered to stay in the downtown area to jump calls and help the system out. It was a big help to dispatch and I just wanted to make sure it did not go unnoticed! I know our jobs can get crazy and often times hard work goes unrecognized, but from communications to the field we wanted to say we appreciate you! Thank you!

A big thanks from all of us in Communications for a job well done. Capt. Jaelithe Eeten 36 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Please welcome our newest HR Team members: Leah Schnelle & Patricia Bourenane

Leah Schnelle

Leah will be filling the role of the HR Advisor as the Leave Administration Advisor for EMS HR. She comes to us with an MS in Rehabilitation Counseling from West Virginia University and a BA in International Relations from Boston University.

Ms. Schnelle most recently comes to us from the great state of Mississippi, where she served as a school teacher for 2 years. Prior to that, Ms. Schnelle was the Workers’ Compensation Manager for Gate Gourmet Inc., where she managed claims throughout the United States and Canada. She has a wealth of experience in the management of a variety of leave and medical HR functions such as workers compensation, ADAAA, return to work, and fitness for duty to name a few.

Leah is personable and approachable and ready to begin assisting our staff with all of your leave related needs. She is located at EMS HQ in office number 213-A and her contact information is as follows:

512-972-7047 [email protected] Or [email protected]

Leah will be administering and providing oversight of the following program areas:

FMLA Shared Accrued Leave (MCS) Workers Compensation ADA RTW Paid Parental Leave (MCS) Leaves of Absence Leave Bank (MCS) Short/Long Term Disability Military Leave Donated Leave Military Leave Bank (Sworn)

Patricia Bourenane

Patricia Bourenane will serve as the Business Process Consultant for our depart- ment (Ms. Bourenane is replacing former Business Process Consultant, Lakshmy Haridas). Ms. Bourenane comes to ATCEMS-HR with a wealth of civil service knowledge gained from work experience with the City, management of public safety Civil Service Office prescribed by Texas Local Government Code and Meet & Confer, Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Offices.

Ms. Bourenane will be responsible for duties not limited to manipulation of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) reports to provide statistical data, partner with the Human Resource Manager to liaise with the Office of Professional Conduct (OPC) to include oversight regarding the Meet & Confer Agreement as it pertains to Wages & Benefits, Leave, Promotions, Hiring, Disciplinary Actions and Appeals.

Ms. Bourenane is housed at EMS Headquarters and can be reached at 512-972-7037.

Please welcome Ms. Schnelle and Ms. Bourenane to our ATCEMS - HR Team!

37 Employee Recognition ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

KUDO called in to 311

Caller would like to thank the EMS team as a whole for their hard work and dedication to helping others.

She would like to especially thank the crew that YEARS OF SERVICE help calm her mother down and the Barton Hills nursing home:

Our values and principles are Excellence in “The medics were magicians and I have never Service, by People Who Care. Your dedication seen anyone provide that level of care and and commitment serve as a vital link in the chain patience with an Alzheimer’s patient.” which drives our department. The Years of Service award symbolizes the time you’ve given Citizen Info. to help us as we pursue those values and Kelli L principles. It is also a token of appreciation for the part you’ve played in making ATCEMS what it is today. Your talents and efforts have helped us achieve excellence in many areas. Please congratulate the following medics for successfully completing the 2017 Motor Medic Process. These individuals went through a J. Beggs 10 years of service rigorous 911 response motor course and subsequent riding exam. The Motor Medic Program requires tremendous commitment and stamina. It is with great pleasure that we present to you these individuals for inclusion into the Motor Medic Program.

Captain Chris Quiroz Medic II Lukis Sitorius Medic II Royce McCabe

Please join us in congratulating these employ- ees for their hard work and accomplishment! Well done!

ATCEMS Community Health Program recently received a Certificate Of Appreciation for their tireless work with homeless veterans. This team of dedicated medics continue to go above and beyond to make a difference within our community. Please congratulate them on a job well done.

A. Blouin J. Davis N. Martin

J. Castleberry I. Estrada A. Price

C. Crouch C. Fairbrother M. Sasser


What an inspiring team! Way to go...

The Office of the City Clerk developed and implemented the City’s Records Management Program in 2010. The goal of the Records and Information Management Certificate program is to provide a standard format to identify, document, and provide a career development path for our many dedicated City employees. This programs requires 40 hours of training followed by an exam in order to be certified.

Objectives:  Enhance professional development for members of the Departments Records Management Team and other interested City employees in the area of Records Management  Offer a career development goal for participants Foster professional networking between OCC, departments and other records management organizations

There are currently 36 certificate holders and 47 participants pursuing the certification from various departments. Within public safety divisions there are three people certified at APD and two certified at ATCEMS.

Minnie Lopez and Diana Palomo were both recognized for the highest score obtained during City of Austin Records and Information Management Certification Program Training. They were both personally awarded certificates of completion from the County Clerks Office. 39 Customer Service Response:

264 calls were made during November. The questions asked focused on measurable customer service actions.

Respondents were asked to rate the customer service provided by our medics on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best 79.07% of the patients rated the customer service they received at a 5 and 18.60% rated their service at a 4. The average rating overall was 4.77 out of 5 for customer service.

The response we obtained from our customers is evidence of the great medics we have and the tremendous job they do each and every day.

Patient Comments:

 “They were really calm and we got to a point that we could joke a little, and that was an accomplishment as there were a lot of people around me at work. They helped remove a lot of tension.”

 “They were amazing, very patient, not like the medical profession is most of the time. They were very different and wonderful to her.”

 “They give good service every time. They are courteous, friendly, information, give wonderful service in every way. I have had to use them several times in the past and they are always the same.”

 They were perfect, they respected me and were real nice. We had a lot of fun and we laughed and joked together.”

 “They were great, more attentive and understanding than the doctors in the hospital.”

 “They kept me calm, and very good about explaining everything.” 40  “They were very efficient and very professional” Customer Service Response:

185 calls were made during December. The questions asked focused on measurable customer service actions.

Respondents were asked to rate the customer service provided by our medics on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best 70.83% of the patients rated the customer service they received at a 5 and 20.83% rated their service at a 4. The average rating overall was 4.54 out of 5 for customer service.

The response we obtained from our customers is evidence of the great medics we have and the tremendous job they do each and every day.

Patient Comments:

 “They were very thorough, explained everything, and were calming. They listened to me about his care and his belongings and was very patient with me as I was upset.”

 “They were positive and kept me calm when I was not feeling good.”

 “They were very, very good, and explained everything to me. Super, super great with directing my husband as to where he needed to go to. Very reassuring. I wanted to thank them for being so good to me.”

 “The ride to the hospital was pleasant as they were very friendly.”

 “They were the nicest two men I've ever had to take care of me. they were awesome.”

 “Very polite, professional, got their business done and took care of him.”

 “They got that just in time to save her as she has a breathing problem.” 41 42