HERALD________________ GLEN COVE _______________ Gazette A salute to Seven marathons little league ‘Earth Month’ in seven days season kicks off Page 15 Page 3 Page 9 Vol. 27 No. 17 APRIl 26 - MAY 2, 2018 $1.00 MS-13 issues threat to cops Street gang has had a presence in Glen Cove, says DA indictment By NADYA NATAlY, CHRISTINA DAlY, ney’s office and Detective Lt. ZACH GoTTEHRER-CoHEN John Nagle of the Glen Cove and SCoTT BRINToN Police Department, although
[email protected],
[email protected] Nagle said that even though some known MS-13 members Members of the El Salvador- live in Glen Cove, they don’t nec- an gang MS-13, or Mara Salva- essarily engage in illegal activi- t r u c h a , h av e ties here. threatened Nas- “Our officers sau County and h a v e b e e n Village of Hemp- e know, instructed to be stead police offi- extra careful on cers, according to W through our certain calls,” he County Police said, “to be extra C o m m i s s i o n e r intelligence, who vigilant at all Patrick Ryder. belongs to what times.” I f “ M S - 1 3 T h e t w o Christina Daly/Herald Gazette wants to threaten gangs. “ c l i q u e s, ” o r CHIlDREN AND ElECTED officials helped to plant a white oak sapling in Morgan Memorial Park a cop in this coun- semi-independent on Earth Day in honor of Marguerite Suozzi, a former first lady of Glen Cove, the mother of U.S.