VOL. 68 Issue # 2 The Osprey’s Dec 2017 Jan Feb 2018 Platform North Shore Audubon Society Serving Northern Nassau County Established1952 Evening Programs Help NSAS Cut Costs Manhasset Public Library One of our biggest expenses is printing and mailing 30 Onderdonk Ave. at Northern Blvd. 7pm the newsletter. You can opt to have the newsletter Open to the public and free of charge emailed to you as a pdf. Save paper and trees - PLUS you get the newsletter as soon as it is ready. Handicap accessible We can also send you updates, cancellations and http://manhassetlibrary.org changes. Please send an email with your name Membership meetings are the and address to:
[email protected]. 4th Tuesday of the month, unless noted January 23rd Join us on the friendly walks Film Flight - the Genius of Birds Saturdays Photographed in North America, England, Peru, Green- September - December and March - May land, and Antarctica, FLIGHT probes mysteries and Wednesdays - year round. mechanisms of a bird’s anatomy, instinct, navigation, and embryology to reveal stunning provisions essen- February 27th tial for life in the skies. You’ll marvel at a hummingbird’s The Birds of a Native Grassland Project unique systems vital to its spectacular aerial acrobatics; the endurance and navigational abilities of an Arctic tern in Northern Nassau County as it travels from pole to pole during the longest migra- Stephane Perreault tion on the planet; the instinctive strategies that enable A grassland restoration project has been in place for a fl ock of 300,000 European starlings to evade preda- nearly a decade at the Greentree Foundation, a pri- tors at break-neck speeds; the elaborate network of a vate location in Northern Nassau County.