Walking in Toronto

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Walking in Toronto Toronto Walking in Toronto Parks Toronto's tagline is 'a city within a park' - and it's true! But parks are not the only options to escape the city and get some air! Here are some ideas. Mar 2014 15 7 8 9 Thomas Guignard jauntful.com/timtom 6 14 2 5 3 4 12 10 13 11 1 ©OpenStreetMap contributors, ©Mapbox, ©Foursquare Humber Bay Park West 1 Humber River Recreational Trai... 2 High Park 3 West Toronto Railpath 4 Park Trail Outdoors & Recreation Other Outdoors The meandering paths on the mouth of The portage trail along the Humber river Toronto's biggest park isn't exactly a Walk along an active rail line and get a the Mimico river offer a contrasting to the First Nation outpost of 'Taronto' hidden gem, and can be pretty busy. The behind the scenes look at what used to panorama for bird lovers and near Lake Simcoe gave the city its trails on the north end of Grenadier Pond be one of the most active industrial photographers looking for nice views of current name. are less traveled. areas of the city. Bonus outdoor art! the skyline. 1 Humber Bay Park Rd. W., Toronto Humber river, Toronto University of Toronto 5 Don Valley Trail 6 Kay Gardner Beltline Trail 7 Mount Pleasant Cemetery 8 University Trail Trail Cemetery At the heart of the city, the UofT St. Ravines are a distinct feature of the Built on a decommissioned railway Escape the city hubnub and come pay George campus offers a quaint, old- Toronto geography. The Don Valley is corridor, this diagonal park is perfect for your respects to genius pianist Glenn world backdrop for an afternoon stroll. part wild river, part highway corridor and strollers and wheeled access. Beware of Gould or first city librarian James Bain. never boring. joggers! 27 King's College Cir, Toronto (416) 978-2011 utoronto.ca 375 Mount Pleasant Rd, Toronto Vale of Avoca 9 Martin Goodman Trail 10 Snake Island 11 Cherry Beach 12 Outdoors & Recreation Park Park Outdoors & Recreation This deep and mossy trail is one of my This more than 50km long trail spans the The Toronto Islands can get pretty Access Cherry Beach through the favorite parts of the ravines system. entire lake shore from the Humber to the crowded during the summer weekends, Portlands, a gritty remainder of From a hidden path south of the Mt Rouge river. but Snake Island is almost always quiet. Toronto's industrial past. With the docks Pleasant Cemetery, follow it to the Don And offers the best views of the city. and factories gone, this beach is now a River. quiet hideout Lakeshore blvd, Toronto Tommy Thompson Park 13 Beaches Boardwalk 14 Scarborough Bluffs 15 Park Outdoors & Recreation Beach Also known as the Leslie Street Spit, this Watch the kite runners and swoon at one Near the water are some of the best 5km artificial peninsula may be Toronto's of the city's most laid-back beaches in town. On top of the cliff, a grittiest and wildest park. Beautiful and neighborhood along this section of the windswept trail offers spectacular views. unexpected skyline views. Martin Goodman Trail. Leslie St, Toronto Sign up on Jauntful.com to make your own. Jauntful © 2016.
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