Officials 2

Presidents Report 3

Executive Officers 4 Report

History 7 Brief History and Outline

The Western Australian Amateur Football League (WAAFL) has a proud history since its Umpire Reports 8 humble beginnings in 1922. Over that time the League has been a progressive force in the development of "grassroots" community football in Western Australia. Send Offs 9 The WAAFL has a strong base in the administration of a viable and thriving Australian Rules football competition with 40 member clubs, including 112 senior and 33 colts (U19) teams providing games for more than approximately 8000 registered players dur- State Football 10 ing a home and away season. There also are some 150 umpires involved in the competi- tion. Volunteers form the base of the competition and without their tireless efforts at both League and Club level the competition could not be sustained. Australian Amateur 12 Football Council

Value of Amateur Football Community 15 Football Council The WAAFL provides organized football on Saturdays where anyone whatever ability, can participate or contribute to the football industry. Premiership 16 Ladders The system in place allows players to play in senior football at any level they are capable of achieving. Colts (U19) learn the fundamentals of amateur football and its responsibili- Grand Final Results 17 ties after graduating from junior ranks. The WAAFL also provides a quality high standard competition for those players not wishing to endue the commitment to WAFL (second tier competition) training due to study or career commitments or simply a lifestyle that consid- Special Acknowledge- 18 ers football a recreational pursuit, however is in a position to bridge the gap between ments amateur football and the Champions of tomorrow. Send Offs & Tribunal 19 At present the leagues goal is to increase participation and is self funded (through the Appearances clubs). Much more could be achieved in this area through significant financial assistance and recognition that the WAAFL promotes football as a training ground for elite players. Fairest & Best 20 Award Winners Many well known WAFL and AFL personnel began their careers in the WAAFL. Former and Hawthorn coach Ken Judge began his coaching career at an A Club Reports 22 Grade amateur club. Former Dockers coach Gerard Neesham played several seasons of amateur football and played at state amateur level.

Other high profile players starting in the Amateurs include Troy Wilson (West Coast Ea- Previous Premiership 25 Winners gles), Gary Buckenara (Hawthorn), Shane Parker (Fremantle), Simon Beasley (), Sandover Medallists Ian Dargie (2), Alistair Pickett (2) and Shane Beros. Premiership Tally 28 Former Amateur players who have gone on to be senior administrators include former Chairman of the WA Football Commission Dr Peter Tannock, current WA Football Commis- sion Chairman Dr Neale Fong (a triple A Grade Fairest & Best medallist with the WAAFL), Previous Fairest & Best 28 current Chairman of Richard Colless and former West Coast Chairman and Winners AFL Commissioner Terry O’Connor are just a few who have gone on to contribute to Foot- ball at a higher level. B.J. Giles 33 Medal Winners

The WAAFL is continuing to focus on the future and how the league uses its leadership and resources to set new standards of excellence and relevance for its member clubs' Previous Goal Kicking 33 Award Winners and various committees. The League's Strategic Plan for the last 3 years was imple- mented in 2003 and has been successful in stabilising the League's financial position Undefeated Teams 34 and the establishment of a Club "culture" that will ensure a long and viable competition.

Champion Clubs 34


VICE PRESIDENT PROTESTS & DISPUTES TRIBUNAL Milton Sanders Debbie Clinch Neil Donaldson SECRETARY Ray Harp Bruce Wainwright Ken Mathews Geoff Metcalf TREASURER Adam Peacock Brett Fullarton Gerry Stokes Rob Milburn Officials BOARD OF MANAGEMENT Peter House Bill Armstrong Jim Haines Peter Grosser Alistair MacMillan Simon Growden Neil Judge Mark Herron Trevor Howard INVESTIGATION TRIBUNAL Graeme Jacques Mal Harford Perry King John Prior Lionel McQueen Jon Carson David Martino CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER David Nadebaum Ron Webster STATE TEAM OFFICIALS OPERATIONS MANAGER Wayne Langbourne (Coach) Geoff Palmer Kym Robinson (Asst. Coach) Peter Grosser (Coordinator) ADMINISTRATION STAFF Andrew Maiorana (Fitness/Runner) Matt Henson Neville Haywood (Selector) Natalie Couch Glenn Stephens (Selector/Stats) Tarryn Kailis Guy Zaiti (Property Manager) Paulyne Webster COMMUNITY FOOTBALL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES UMPIRE CO-ORDINATOR Milton Sanders (Secretary) Tim Priest John Davies Ron Webster FIELD UMPIRES COACH Greg Gilbee AUSTRALIAN AMATEUR FOOTBALL COUNCIL Seamus Rafferty (Assistant) REPRESENTATIVES Milton Sanders BOUNDARY UMPIRES COACH John Davies Dave Mason LEAGUE HISTORY GOAL UMPIRES COACH John Davies Terry Kenny Neil Judge Terry Tomlinson Bruce Wainwright

FITNESS COACH DDC COMMUNITY FOOTBALL REPS Adam Hollingsworth John Davies (Subiaco) Peter Grosser (East Fremantle) AUDITOR Adam Jasper (West Perth) Dennis Heaney Perry King (Claremont) Geoff Palmer (Perth) CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS AND LEGAL ADVICE Ross Rayson (East Perth) Mark Herron Kim Turner (South Fremantle) Bruce Wainwright (Swan Districts) MEDIA Bill Armstrong (Print) Perry King (Radio)


2 The Western Australian Amateur Football League has concluded its 84th season of Community Football where it continues to provide an outlet for people throughout the metropolitan area to administer, play, umpire, sponsor or support our unique and great Australian game.

Without doubt the 2005 season has been one of the most satisfying and rewarding for the League. As I reported last year the trends set in motion and the strategic decisions undertaken in the areas of finance, governance, Club administration, sponsorship, state football, umpiring, community re- gionalised colts, shared administration and staffing have continued to return positive dividends with a more stable, viable and progressive body clearly apparent.

Our Clubs should be justifiably proud to be an integral part of an organisation that continues to gain respect and recognition within the WA football family. Congratulations to all participants and volunteers for your support of the game and the League. We must remember and pay tribute to all Clubs who make up the League and work tirelessly throughout the season within their local areas in organising teams.

We should never under estimate the value and contributions of Club Committees consisting only of volunteers, with the majority also playing on Saturdays then working long hours after games and training to plan and conduct social and fundraising events, recruit players and attracting sponsorships to meet their commitments to the WAAFL and other associated costs in the operation of their Clubs.

The League’s immense administrative task has been made all the more easier by the continued support we have received from the WA Football Commission, a body who is totally supportive of our role in Community Football. The Commissioners and the Executive have consistently made themselves available for consultation and attendance at our functions and presentations. President’s Report

The West Australian Football Commission’s assistance with the appointment of Warren Nel as the Club Develop- ment and Volunteer Coordinator has greatly added to the expertise available to Clubs and the League and en- hanced our ability to retain and foster our valuable volunteers. Similarly their support with the appointment of Tim Priest as the Community Football Umpires Coordinator has been of great value and with the implementation of a number of initiatives will hopefully stem the drop out of our umpires and encourage more people to participate in umpiring.

Despite increased costs to operate the overall competition there has been no increase in Club affiliation fees for the past three seasons due to the work of Chief Executive Ron Webster who has increased sponsorship / partner- ships from various companies and organisations but in particular securing the commitment of Foster’s Australia and the West Coast Eagles. Key support sponsors Metisc, Park Auto Centre, Elastoplast, Burley Sekem, Cougar Sportswear, Quill Stationery and Mouse Promotions have all provided significant contributions to the League and Clubs. The overall financial support and provision of product and services from our sponsors has benefited all Clubs and in conjunction with additional funding secured via the WAFC this year enabled the League to decrease Colts fees by 20%. We are deeply appreciative to all our sponsorship partners for their investment in a vital community activity.

One of the greatest concerns in ongoing costs to the League and Clubs (and all Amateur Sporting groups in general) is the local government charge for the use of playing fields through the user pay system. A majority of players and officials already contribute to the maintenance of their grounds via council rates paid either as a home owner, busi- ness proprietor or just living with parents or rented premises. Our Clubs significantly contribute (at no or little cost to local districts or councils) to the healthy environment, law and order through team and Club disciplines and the well being to that area.

The members of the Board of Management as always perform their voluntary roles with contributions in many as- pects of our administration. Support from Vice President Milton Sanders, Treasurer Brett Fullarton, and Secretary Bruce Wainwright who make up the Executive Committee has been appreciated. Milton also fills other roles as Chairman of the WAFA, Secretary of the Community Football Council and this year as we hosted state games acted as Chairman of the Australian Amateur Football Council.

Board members Peter Grosser, Graeme Jacques, Perry King, Mark Herron, Trevor Howard, Bill Armstrong, Lionel McQueen and Simon Growden have made valuable contributions in the decision making and workings of the WAAFL. Perry King who due to work commitments is not seeking re-election should be acknowledged for his valu- able service to the League over an extended period.

Our fully experienced staff headed by CEO Ron Webster, with Football Operations Manager Geoff Palmer (also Gen- eral Manager of the Sunday FL), Administration Assistants Matt Henson, Tarryn Kailis, Natalie Couch, Paulyne Web- ster and recently retired Angela Doyle have diligently served the needs of the member Clubs and Board of Manage- ment in their usual professional and efficient manner. Ron has evolved a management style that has made the WAAFL a widely respected organisation. My personal thanks for his diligence and guidance to make my position easy to fulfil.

The many people who contribute to and make up sub committees such as the Protests and Disputes and Investigat- ing Tribunals, State Football, Media, Volunteer Awards, Fundraising, Finals, Reinstatements, Community Football Council and the District Development Councils are to be acknowledged for the countless hours they contribute as

3 volunteers. Helping in these essential functions is necessary in the good governance of our League.

The valued and dedicated Community Umpires Coaching panel of Greg Gilbee, Seamus Rafferty, Dave Mason, Terry Tomlinson, Terry Kenny, Adam Hollingsworth and Des Morgan have throughout the season put on the field compe- tent and well drilled umpires. Although not always appreciated our Community Umpires are second to none outside the major League panel with several progressing to the WAFL and other Leagues.

U/23’s State Football made great steps forward this year with success in very tight games against the U/23 South Australia Amateur Football League, the open WA Country combined team and U/23 Sunday League team. The Victo- rian Amateur U/23 team defeated us in a very close contest in appalling conditions at Leederville Oval. Those play- ers who represented the WAAFL are to be thanked along with their Clubs for the support of the U/23 State pro- gramme and also that of State Coach Wayne Langborne and his staff. Congratulations to the eight WA players se- lected in the U/23 All Australian Amateur team. Seven of these players made up a part of the first All Australian Amateur Football team to play overseas in Ireland with four International rules games. This venture was a great suc- cess and we look forward to future tours (see full report).

Congratulations to all League award winners, Premiership teams, U/23 All Australian Amateurs players, U/23 WAAFL State team members, State Umpires, Volunteer and Merit Certificate recipients in achieving personal and team awards.

Finally to the untiring work done by our many, many Club volunteers whose efforts, although mainly focussed on their local teams, have contributed to make your WAAFL a better football and sporting body I sincerely than you.

John Davies

Executive Officer’sExecutive Report 2005 completes my third full year in the position of Executive Officer (now CEO) and I am again most pleased to be in a position to report that the League and its Member Clubs have continued to embrace positive change and worked to achieve the aims and objectives of the strategic plan which was implemented at the start of the 2003 season.

2005 will see the League post its third consecutive profit without any increases in Club affiliation fees for the same period. Indeed this year we were able to provide a 20% discount on Colts fees. The League is now genuinely in profit and has been able to recoup and exceed the cash reserves which were virtually exhausted after the losses of 2001 & 2002. The League has now stabilised its Balance Sheet and has rebuilt sufficient cash reserves to enable the interest generated from this investment to absorb any increase in the cost of conducting the competition and withstand in the short term any major downturn in income.

The overall improvement in the League’s financial welfare could not have been achieved without the continued sup- port of our member Clubs and in particular our League sponsors and the assistance of the WA Football Commis- sion, both of whom again provided additional financial benefits and access to cost saving resources. Indeed the cash contribution from League sponsors has risen from $35,523.00 in 2001 to $74,000.00 in 2005, whilst dona- tions of goods and services to the League and Clubs peaked at $102,000.00 this year.

With the League continuing to achieve designated outcomes the assistance from the WA Football Commission both directly for administration support and via the Community Football Council has increased from $51,500.00 in 2001 to $159,000 in 2005. I would like to personally thank Wayne Bradshaw, Michael Hnatojko and the Commissioners for their understanding and assistance with this additional, but very necessary funding. The appointments of Tim Priest as Community Umpires Coordinator and Warren Nel as Community Club Development & Volunteer Manager were significant and the WAFC must be acknowledged for their foresight and assistance with these two positions.

The League continues to be blessed with some very talented and dedicated Committee of Management members who continue to give of their time and are prepared to listen, evaluate and ethically act and as such I am pleased to report that in the last 3 years we have been able to address and achieve all of the key issues noted in our initial three year strategic plan.

During this year we were able to either solely achieve or be part of the following important initiatives:

• Entered into successful negotiations with Fosters Australia and the WAFC to extend the lucrative major sponsor- ship agreement with Fosters for a further 5 years allowing the League and Clubs to continue sharing in substan- tial cash and product benefits.

• Continued our formal sponsorship agreement with the West Coast Eagles with funds being directed towards the Colts competition and the U/23 State team through to 2006.

4 • Maintained our involvement with AFL Insurances via JLT Sport. The result of which we were able to continue to maintain significant savings to Clubs whilst providing increased and improved coverage for players and Clubs in general.

• Continued arrangements via the Paraplegic Benefit Fund to provide an additional $100,000.00 spinal injury cover for players 365 days a year 24 hours per day with this premium being absorbed in the Club affiliation fees.

• Expanded the successful U/23 State team concept across all three States with WA hosting the first two inter- state matches of a new three year Tri-state carnival of U/23 games between WA, SA & Victoria Amateurs. We were fortunate enough to have a win against South Australian in a game that was played at Subiaco Oval as the curtin raiser to the West Coast Eagles vs St Kilda match. The second game was played at Leederville Oval in appalling conditions and we narrowly went down to Victoria. In 2006 we will play Victoria in Melbourne over the June long weekend. The League is most grateful for the work undertaken by State Coach Wayne Langborne and his match committee. We look forward to their continued involvement in 2006.

• We played an integral part in the selection of the first All Australian U/23 Amateur Team in which we had 8 play- ers selected. The League also played a major role in organising for this Australian Amateur Football Council (AAFC) team to travel to Ireland to play International Rules games against the All Ireland Team and 3 other Clubs at various cities in Ireland. This tour was highly successful with the team winning 2 of its 4 games and the AAFC being able to develop some excellent relationships with the all powerful GAA and various Gaelic within Ireland.

• We successfully implemented the combined administration for the WAAFL, Sunday Football League and the WAFA and with the office renovations completed last year we were able to offer member Clubs of all Leagues a far more effective and efficient service in a significantly better office environment. I would like to sincerely thank the past President of Belmont, Paul Forde who donated his services and equipment to paint out the new offices. It was a considerable donation and one which was greatly appreciated.

• We continued to enhance the iScore Competition software programme which can now supply accurate data on Officer’sExecutive Report all facets of our League and provides easy access to Clubs and the public for results and ladders throughout the year. In conjunction with the South Australian Amateurs we trialled a number of initiatives and new pro- grammes which enabled Clubs to register players, submit team sheets, clearances and provide score and match information on line via computer. There are still some enhancements to be implemented but it is hoped that we will be able to offer our Clubs the option in 2006 to provide the above information via this web based system. It will require some basic training sessions but the benefits to the Clubs and their volunteer’s will be substantial. I would like to sincerely thank Graham Hill, Managing Director of Metisc Computing, for his Com- pany’s ongoing sponsorship and commitment to providing the iScore system to the WA Amateur Football League.

• The League successfully defended a long running Supreme Court action brought against the League and its member Clubs by Peter Rush. Whilst this was a very costly and time consuming matter the League had no op- tion but to defend our Constitution, By-laws and the fair and equitable procedures developed and agreed by the Clubs with respect to the manner in which Investigating Tribunals are conducted and penalties handed down. The judgement handed down as a result of a five day trial was comprehensively in favour of the League and costs were awarded to the League. We are now pursuing the recovery of the substantial legal fees incurred as a result of this lengthy and erroneous action. I would like to particularly thank Board member and Barrister Mark Herron for his substantial time commitment and professional advice with respect to this matter. I would also like to acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by former University player and senior Barrister John Ley who acted as our senior Counsel in the trial. John’s generous support of the League and his professional expertise in this matter was greatly appreciated.

We again faced some problems finalising fixtures at the commencement of the year. This was mostly due to Clubs withdrawing some teams as well as Clubs not notifying the League until very late that their ground was not available on certain dates. Ground access and availability continues to be a problem for which we are seeking a solution. With the assistance of the WAFC, the Dept of Sport & Recreation and Local Government a facilities audit is now being undertaken throughout the metropolitan area. Once this study is complete it is hoped that plans can be for- mulated and action implemented to address this major issue. As both the WAFC and Community Football have a charter to grow the game if we do not have sufficient grounds for senior football then much of the development work to increase participation will be wasted as we will have no where to play. Given the success of night fixtures this year the League will continue to explore and experiment with night games in 2006 at suitable Club venues and I personally am not opposed to night finals.

As we explained at the various Delegates’ meetings the League would not be able to operate profitably and main- tain Club fees without increasing its return from Sponsorship and fundraising activities. To this end we again held a League & Club Sports Quiz night at the Italian Club and thanks to the support of the Clubs it was another great suc- cess. The success was not only financial, but went a long way to clearly demonstrating what can be achieved when the shareholder Clubs are prepared to work together and support a joint function. As a result of this function, Clubs that attended participated in over $14,000.00 of cash and prizes with the profit from the night going towards the

5 insurance costs for 2005. I would like to sincerely thank Phil Hayes for acting as Quiz Master on the night.

The F& B Medal Presentation Dinner was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel for the second year and was a great suc- cess. The support from Clubs was outstanding as was the attendance of a wide range of senior people from Gov- ernment, the WA Football Commission, Fosters Australia, West Coast Eagles, other sponsors and the football fam- ily. We had 470 people in attendance and the League has received a considerable number of letters and emails congratulating the League and Clubs for such an outstanding evening. I would like to sincerely thank my staff for the excellent efforts in putting this night together and in particular the work done in enhancing and compiling the power point video presentation for the screening and count down of votes in all grades and the subsequent award winners. Thanks must also go to Dean Turner and Fosters Australia who provided not only the beer for the night but spirits and the Half Mile Creek wine. Whilst this function ran at a small loss it is a very important event that Clubs should be a part of and we need to acknowledge the Fairest & Best and Goal Kicking winners in all grades as well as the Champion Clubs at a prestige function no matter the small additional cost to the League.

Our Finals this year were very successful with excellent crowds at the lower grades and I thank those Clubs that hosted finals matches and also all Clubs for the substantially improved behaviour of players and spectators. I would also like to thank those Clubs that provided volunteers to control the gates and scoreboards. It was an excel- lent effort and again enabled many of the costs to be kept in Amateur football. It was unfortunate that as a result of AFL Perth finals being fixtured on the same Saturday as our A Grade Grand Final that our crowd was well down and as such effected out finals income. The Board are currently reviewing the Grand Final format and the use of WAFL grounds as opposed to enclosed Amateur Club venues. We are continually mindful of keeping Amateur money in Amateurs and the prospect of Clubs being able to host Grand Finals with profits shared amongst the League, host and competing Clubs has considerable appeal.

Congratulations to all teams who participated in finals matches this year and especially to those Clubs who have won the right to be promoted under the successful two up two down rule. The revised promotion and relegation rule plus the reduction in actual playing times and the later commencement time for Colts games added new life and vitality into what was becoming a “flagging” competition. In 2005 we had two (2) new teams in A grade, four (4) different teams in B grade, four (4) new teams in C Grade and two (2) new teams in D Grade. This made 2005 a Executive Officer’sExecutive Report very different year for Clubs in that many games were against teams and on grounds that they have never played before. This created new challenges, the start of new rivalries, friendships and rewards that may not have hap- pened under the old system.

I would like to sincerely thank our Umpires Board, Umpire Coaches and the Community Umpires panel for their sup- port and assistance in 2005. The Community Umpiring panel concept continues to evolve and we were particularly pleased with the amalgamation of the WAAFL Umpires and Sunday FL Umpire Associations to form one Community Umpires Association. I am confident the benefits will flow from this union. The WAFC and the WAAFL is committed to a programme which focuses on improving numbers and quality of umpiring at all levels of Community Umpiring and we will be working closely with Tim Priest and his team to ensure our Clubs benefit from these initiatives. To Mike Ball, Tim Priest, Greg Gilbee, Seamus O’Rafferty, Dave Mason, Terry Tomlinson, Terry Kenny, Des Morgan and Adam Hollingsworth a sincere thankyou for your efforts.

To our P & D Tribunal and Investigating Tribunal members I sincerely thank you for your time and another job well done. Without your commitment to assisting the League in this onerous task we could not conduct the competition and Tribunal matters in the ethical manner we do.

League Sponsors are vital to the financial health of the League. For us to maintain our existing Sponsors and at- tract new ones we need all Clubs to fully support the League Sponsors and the arrangements undertaken on your behalf. I would like to thank all the Companies for their support this year. These vital Sponsors are listed through- out this publication and I urge Clubs and their members to support where they can the products and services these companies provide.

Lastly but certainly not least, I would like to sincerely thank the office staff for another exceptional effort in 2005 and the manner in which they welcomed new staff members, embraced change and implemented new and chal- lenging procedures. I would like to acknowledge and thank the professional and tireless efforts of Geoff Palmer, Matt Henson, Paulyne Webster, Tarryn Kailis, Angela Doyle (whilst with us) and Natalie Couch who returned to the office after maternity leave. I would also like to thank the Clubs for the courteous manner in which you dealt with the staff, who ultimately are there to help you and your Club.

In closing I would again like to thank the Clubs and the many volunteers involved for your cooperation with the League office this year and most importantly for your time and efforts in assisting with the operation of the Amateur competition. I look forward to working in harmony with you next season with a view to cementing the future of the Amateur League and its shareholder Clubs.

Ron Webster

6 02- ..Webster R.J. Stow 2002 - R.M. JudgeJ.P. 2001 -2002 Thirley N.R. Parlongo 1986 -2001 B. Ashley 1984 -1986 G. 1983 -1984 J. Grosvenor(Miss) 1982 -1983 Fullarton B. B. 1951 -1981 Ashley Thomas 2001 - Livingstone J. A. 1997 -1999 G. 1985 -1996 1984 Naylor Wainwright T.K. Goddard(Mrs) B. 1969 -1991 B.J. 1982 - Grosvenor 1981 Flanagan H.B. Mattiske Chapman 1937 -1980 B.J. C.R. 1935 -1936 J. Rose 1933 -1934 A.C. Fennell Price Selden 1932 R.E. R.J. 1930 -1931 R. Honnor Flanagan 1929 H.R. 1928 W. Mettam Hood 1927 A.J. 1926 R. 1925 Sanders Clement 1924 M. Jacques 1923 A. G. 1997 - J.Davies 1997 Baker 1996 D.R. Hasson 1995 M. 1992 -1994 Baker(JuniorV.P) Freeman(SeniorV.P) 1991 D.R. 1986 -1990 E. Freeman(JuniorV.P) 1986 -1990 Giles(SeniorV.P.) E. Davies 1974 -1985 B. J. 1974 -1985 Woodward Baker 1996 - S.D. D.R. Howard 1992 -1995 T.R. 1985 -1991 Jamieson 1984 C.J. Gibson 1971 -1983 C.R. Miller 1968 -1970 S.M. Veryard 1962 -1967 C.J. Robson Hearn 1938 -1961 G.L. 1932 -1937 G. Pym 1930 -1931 E.D. Isaachsen 1926 -1929 E. Orr 1924 -1925 W.R. 1922 -1923 EXECUTIVE OFFICER TREASURER ASSISTANT TREASURER REGISTRAR HONARARY SECRETARIES VICE PRESIDENTS PRESIDENTS on the Tribunal from 1970 to2005. Ken wasalso a state selectorin1970, 1974 and 1976 and hasserved pointed Manager ofthe Carnival te involvement in footballcontinuedatvarious levels.In 1966 he was ap- tired fromplayingattheage of 38, andClub DelegatePresident 1966 ofthe In Ken re- new organisation. Haw amalgamation withMt Perth’s ager oftheCarnivalteam which tr oured with life membership in1961. He was appointed AssistantMan- to PerthAFCwashon- commitment the West thisyear. Ken’s in dent ria andTasmaniaatSubiacoOval.Ke was thenselected inthe1959 Carniv role withtheclubincreased with hi Ken joined the WestPerth Amateur Football Clubin1954. In 1957 his 1949 01M Sanders Maskiell M. 2001 Howard G. 1995 T.R. Davies 1991 John 1989 Browne Baker N.E. 1986 D.R. Andrews 1983 Grosvenor(Miss) A.E.W. Carey 1982 B.J. Kelleen 1981 J. 1980 V. 1979 Livingstone G. Thompson 1978 Donaldson R. 1976 Davies N. 1972 Jim Mathews 1970 K. Dolan 1969 J. Tetley 1966 Jamieson L. 1960 C.J. Know 1958 Giles H. 1956 Naylor B.J. 1955 Lewis T.K. 1954 H.R. O'Grady 1953 Breen W. 1951 F. 1950 Grosvenor Bennett H.B. 1947 Miller V. 1940 Robson S.M. 1939 J.L. 1938 LIFE MEMBERS ..Veryard C.J. . Frame B. Wainwright D. Ince Eborall J. L. Smith W. Dalziell R. Freeman E. Buchanan H. Henkel R. Moncrieff A. Kenneally J.F. 7 15/12/1928 -29/09/2005 KEN MATHEWS valuable service overanumber ofyears Presented bytheW.A.F.C.inrecognition of 96DR Baker Donaldson D.R. Carey 1996 N. 1990 Dalziell J. 1985 Freeman R. 1981 E. Tetley 1978 L.A. Jamieson 1974 C.J. Giles 1970 B.J. Naylor 1966 T.K. Veryard 1965 C.J. Grosvenor 1962 H.B. 1958 02J Metcalf Tanner J. 2002 Livingstone R. 1993 Baker G. Naylor 1993 D. Schorer 1991 T. 1990 T. 1989 VOLUNTEERS AWARD A.N.F.C. AWARDOFMERIT A.N.F.C. s appointment asclub delegate. s appointment Ken after playing over 180 games buthis avelled toAdelaide.Following West

thorn in 1965, Ken wasappointed am whichtravelledtoLaunceston. al sidewhich playedagainstVicto- n was alsoappointed Club Presi- .Clement A.


This year a number of much required initiatives were introduced to raise the standards of umpiring at the senior metropolitan community level.

The formation of the new Western Australian Community Umpires Association was an important achievement. The process of effectively amalgamating the membership base of the WA Amateur Football League Umpires Association and the Sunday League Umpires Association had to at times be lead delicately and firmly. Naturally scepticism of- ten accompanies proposed change.

The benefits of the now united and harmonious umpiring group can not be underestimated. The resulting atmos- phere has been conducive to cooperative up skilling and fitness training mid week, enjoyment of fellow umpires

Umpiring company and most importantly to enhance better teamwork in performing match day umpiring. Such an environ- ment will only assist to address and improve the issue of retention of umpires.

A special thanks to all umpires including Matt O’Mara and Mike Fielder for there roles in the successful transition to the formation of the largest Umpire’s Association in Western Australia.

After thoughtful consideration and consultation with the umpiring panel the umpires overwhelmingly supported a shift from Tuesday and Thursdays to Monday and Wednesday training nights, along with a move to Ernst Johnston Oval in South Perth. Pleasingly such change of venue and training nights mid season did not disrupt the average 80 to 85 panel field, boundary and goal umpires who trained on any given night throughout the 2005 season.

The introduction of a training attendance register, recorded time trials and coaching session attendance, viewing of video cut ‘what’s your decision tapes’ and AFL DVD law interpretations also assisted in elevating the improved pre- paredness of umpires in season 2005.

Along with the above, the expertise and enthusiasm of fitness coach Adam Hollingsworth is gratefully acknowl- edged as another reason for the increased training participation from the previous season.

Particularly promising was the efforts of the goal umpires who collectively increased there physical training, recog- nizing that their improved fitness better equipped them for goal umpiring.

In terms of panel field umpire numbers, the shortage was of alarming concern at the commencement of season 2005. The number of community field umpires who retired for various reasons by the end of season 2004 was partly due to the aging group. Therefore much coordination and additional workload was required throughout sea- son 2005 to inject new field umpires into the Amateur competition.

The benefits of this work has included no less than in the order of 63 field umpires who in season 2005 were for the first time panel appointed umpires umpiring panel appointed Amateur matches. Such a dramatic increase was derived from various strategies including identification and promotion of junior competition umpires, the introduc- tion of first year new umpires and existing community boundary umpires who were trained as field umpires, and utilising Sunday League umpires and a retired WAFL umpire.

A special thank you must therefore be expressed to the honorary junior metropolitan district umpire coaches for their cooperation in agreeing to requests to advance talented junior competition umpires to senior community foot- ball.

In respect to the panel field umpires I am pleased to advise that whilst 18 field umpires umpired at A grade Ama- teurs in season 2004, this was increased to 31 field umpires in season 2005.

This increase was achieved by numerous strategies includ- ing appointing W.A.F.L. panel umpires, Sunday League um- pires, and showing faith in the many often young and able Academy squad and other panel umpires.

The benefits of promotion and increased competition for an A Grade game did and always will positively impact on the standard of umpiring at the A Grade and other levels of community football.

Whilst there was an influx of new field umpires to Amateurs I am also pleased to report that 20 goal umpires together A Grade Grand Final Umpires with 34 boundary umpires, mostly first year and both male L-R J Wrankmore, J Dolin, L Dudley, W Beckwith, S Babinall, and female umpires, umpired panel appointed WA Amateur G Omodei, A Martin, S Davis (emergency) football for the first time in season 2005. This does not in-

8 clude those new boundary umpires from the five additional schools recruited this year under the school boundary program.

To administer in excess of 300 umpiring appointments weekly, to lead coaching staff and such a large base of umpires, plus negotiate with clubs and umpiring associations on umpiring issues is somewhat demanding, but is eased with such dedicated people to assist.

The coaching staff including Field Coach Greg Gilbee, assistant Seamus Rafferty, Goal Coaches Terry Kenny and Terry Tomlinson, Boundary Coach David Mason, Trainer Kellie Steer, Administration Manager Des Morgan and all match day observers provided tremendous support and advise to the umpires and are thanked for their efforts conducted mid week and on weekends.

Thanks are to also be extended to Paul Smith and Bruce Wheatland for there consultative support, having many Umpiring years experience at the senior community level. Guest speakers including Robert Solin, AFL umpires Andrew Curtis, John Marrapodi and Dean Margetts provided further assistance. WAFC Umpiring WA staff including Michael Ball, Paul Pitchers and Tracy Thompson provided increased support to the WA Amateur League in season 2005 to the benefit of Community Football.

Congratulations to all umpires both panel and club umpires for services to community football in season 2005 and for any personal milestones and achievements met.

Particular recognition to Glenn Omodei, Steve Babinall and Trevor Pescud awarded this year’s best field, boundary and goal umpire respectively. Golden Whistle recipient boundary umpire Richard Hepinstall received this honour for being considered most likely to succeed upon promotion to the WAFL boundary umpire squad.

For the most part WA Amateur club officials and players recognize the often thankless task of umpires, and I thank them for their positive interaction and their looking after the umpires this year. It is undoubtedly the case that the clubs play a significant role in the rates of umpire retention.

In closing the WA Amateur Board, Chief Executive Ron Webster and his staff are gratefully acknowledged for there genuine sup- port for community umpires in the interest of improved community umpiring and football.

Tim Priest, Community Umpiring Coordinator 2005 State Umpires Back Row: J Wrankmore, G Cooke, J Tyrell, S Babinall Front Row: W Beckwith, K Gunn, J Duffy SCHOOL BOUNDARY UMPIRE PROGRAM

The success of the school based boundary program continued in season 2005.

Importantly six of the seven season 2004 schools were retained and successfully participated again this season. These schools are namely John Forrest SHS, Seton College, Helena College, Forrestfield SHS, Warwick SHS and Duncraig SHS.

Most pleasing was the introduction of five additional schools being Leeming SHS, St Norberts College, Kelmscott SHS, Thornlie SHS and CBC Fremantle. These new schools were primarily targeted because of there geographic suitability for filling games identified as requiring boundary umpires.

The green shirt program was an important factor in assisting the new umpires into senior community football. The wide recognition within the football community that green shirt umpires are learning umpires, who rightfully de- serve further tolerance as they learn the skills of umpiring, suggests that this initiative will undoubtedly be contin- ued beyond season 2005.

Having introduced new boundary umpires and additional schools, the next challenge is to convert new field um- pires from this pool of youthful male and female boundary umpires. Steps have already been taken in this regard including preparation of an application for Department of Sport and Recreation funding submitted shortly after completion of the 2005 season.

Of course a special thank you to the school teachers who assisted in the boundary program coordination being Glen Batten, John Batten, Warren Beckwith, Campbell Brown, Rod Clarke, Celeste Donohue, Rod Firth, Greg Maynard, Peter Merritt, Kellie O’Mara, Dave O’Neill, and Michael Pampacos.

Tim Priest, Community Umpiring Coordinator

9 State Football This yearBoth Victoria & committedtothe SouthAustralia Amateur grassrootscompetitions in contrast thefocus young, upand coming States, ensuring was on ecutive committee inthe belief thatitwould make fo age only could be eligible to represent our competition. This year’sstate program saw thecontinuationof mo The gameagainstVictoria was playedat ing week. engaged inteambuildingexercises squadTwo weekslater thefinal of25 players spent a w the under 23's concept. Amateur StateSidein 14 yearsandwasjust rewardforthe torecordan the day,WAkickedawayin quarter the last StKildamatchatSubiacoOval to theWestCoastEaglesvs This leadtoourfirstclashagainst theSouth Australian squad. Bothnight gameswere keenly contested affairs were night games againsttheWA State Countryopenag tocommitment theprogram matchdayclubperfor and Certainly talentdictatedselectionasitdoeswithany the 2004 side, over 60 invitedplayersattended foundationofthisyear’s selection criteria.Althoughthe scoreless in the final quarterandin the justfellshortof scoreless inthefinal end WA were four goalsprior tohalftime theVics their were veryma concerned down at 3/4 time and although the players were exhausted they were able to keep the Vics from pastyearswherewe've beenuncompetitive against their State’s were a credit to theirrespective competit Both 2005 State gameswere magnificen was anexcellentstandard game, playedin the Third Row: GStephens (Selector/Stats) N Haywood (Selector) A Front Row: KThompson, KRiemann, MO’Hara(V/Capt), LMcKnight Second Row: A Reimer, P Thompson, R Cunningham, B Cunningham,B R PThompson, A Reimer, Row: Second Back Row: J Wyllie, J Cordin, T Hall,MHolbrook, D Wi bourne (Coach) K Robertson (Assi Robertson K (Coach) bourne and planned their attack onthe Victorians who theywereplaying thefollow- Leederville Ovalinatrociousconditio t advertisementsforAmateurfootba totheAFLand State relevant Leagues. right spirit bytwovery determined sides. WAAFL v SAAFL Squad SAAFL v WAAFL the eight weeklead up trainingprogram. 10 Maiorana (Fitness/Runner) B Wattleworth, A Vost, J PBr J Rexilius, Vost, A Wattleworth, B (Fitness/Runner) Maiorana representative side but a huge emphasis was also placed on sidebutahugeemphasiswasalsoplacedon representative under 23Amateur sidewhich wasplayedas acurtainraiser ions. From WA's pointofview we've come aheadmarkedly with theStateAmateursiderecording narrow wins. r a more even competition between the three competing competing thethree between even competition a r more The concept has been vigorously backed by the WAAFL ex- squad was made up of players who were still eligible from whowere eligiblefrom upofplayers still squad wasmade nter, G Morris, M Valentine, P Grosser (Co-Ordinator) (Co-Ordinator) Valentine, M P Grosser G Morris, nter, ntle asthe best Amateurfootballstatewasunderthreat. e squad&theSunday League competitionunder 23year eekend away atErnHallidayCamp inHillarys wherethey impressive23pointwin. This winwasthefirstforaWA mances. Besides the numerous training sessions theremances. Besidesthenumerous sessions training McPherson, BDaley, TSharpe, DYoung,,RRogers McPherson, dified selection criteria wher st. Coach), GZaiti (Property) players, which would better illustrate theworthof players,whichwouldbetterillustrate (Capt),C Wiese (V/Capt),PMcGi new formulaenablingall Stat . Inexcellent conditions, havingnarrowly led formost of South Australia and in particular Victoria andwiththe andinparticularVictoria South Australia efforts of both playersand acourageoushistoricalvict ns and with WA drawing level just level just with WAdrawing ns and ll and all the players representing ll andalltheplayersrepresenting lvray (V Capt), S Bongiovani (VCapt),S lvray administrators inembracing e playersunder23years of ory. Given theconditionsit es toplay thesame under and, WLang- resources the WAAFL has poured into the program our RESULTS performances are finally beginning to bear fruit. Besides the outstanding results, which were thor- WAAFL V WA Country Football League oughly deserved given the efforts put in by all the play- Gil Fraser Oval, North Fremantle 6/5/05 ers, from a coach’s perspective, I was most pleased WAAFL 3.2 4.2 1.3 10.11 71 for the WA players who were awarded All Australian honors. There were an unprecedented eight WA play- WACFL 1.5 3.6 6.9 9.11 65 ers named in the All Australian side who have now Goals: WAAFL Holbrook 5, Hall 2, Rogers, Wattleworth; been given the opportunity to travel & play against WACFL Marshall, Humphries, Parsons 2, Ryder, Price, Ireland in upcoming International Rules matches. This Ditchburn is a real reward for the best players in our competition Best: WAAFL McKnight, Holbrook, Bongiovani, O’Hara, and hopefully it will inspire more players from more McPherson WACFL McRae, Astbury, Robinson, Price, clubs to try out for future State squads. Jas, Shadbolt

I’d like to sincerely thank John Davies and his board for once again showing faith in me this year as well as WAAFL v South Australian Amateur Football League League Executive Officer Ron Webster, State Carnival

Subiaco Oval, Subiaco 14/5/05 Football State Coordinator Milton Sanders and State Team Coordina- tor Peter Grosser whose support has been fantastic. WAAFL 3.1 6.4 7.6 12.6 78 SAAFL 1.3 5.5 5.12 8.13 61 I’d also like to thank the following people who put in numerous hours to ensure the program was such a Goals: WAAFL Holbrook 4, Hall 3, Reimer 2, Wattle- success: Assistant Coach Kym Robertson, Chairman of worth, Riemann, Wyllie; SAAFL Iljecsen 3, Dawson 2, Selectors Glenn Stephens, Selector Neville Haywood, Bourne, Castellano, Baker Fitness Coordinators/runners Andrew Maiorana and Best: WAAFL Wyllie, Brand, Bongiovani, Rogers, Hol- Graeme Francis, Property Man Extraordinaire Guy brook, Winter; SAAFL Curtis, Levy, Bourne, Berry, Ziati, and our team of physios in Conor, Meaghan, Chadwick Brodie, Stephanie & Kelly.

In closing special mention must go to all the players, WAAFL v Sunday Football League coaches and their WAAFL clubs as without their input Gosnells Oval, Gosnells 26/05/05 and support, State Representative Amateur football WAAFL 0.0 1.3 3.6 6.8 44 wouldn’t be as alive and vibrant as it is today. SFL 0.3 2.4 4.7 6.7 43 Wayne Langborne Goals: WAAFL Holbrook 3, O’Hara, Atkinson, McPher- WAAFL State Under 23 Coach 2005. son; SFL Davis 2, Sharp, Ewen, L Woods, N Woods

WAAFL v Victorian Amateur Football Association

Fremantle Oval, Fremantle 12/6/05 STATE PLAYERS AND OFFICIALS REUNION VAFA 3.4 6.8 10.12 10.12 72 Involvement in State football is a highlight of many WAAFL 1.1 4.7 6.8 6.12 48 footballers or officials sporting pursuits. It provides many great memories for those involved and is often Goals: VAFA Cullinan 2, Luxon 2, Clark, Dawes, Rice, the beginning of lifelong associations and friendships. Taft; WAAFL P Thompson, K Thompson, McPherson, As part of a push by the WAAFL, to create a past state Holbrook, Wattleworth players and official’s club, a ‘state’ reunion was held Best: VAFA Lewski, Rice, Rayson, Barker, Lacey, during the U/23 State game between the WAAFL and Boundy, Waite; WAAFL Bongiovani, Rogers, Wyllie, VAFA at Leederville Oval on Sunday 12th June 2005. Thompson, O’Hara Neil Judge Medalist: Ari Lewski (VAFA) Held in the East Perth FC social rooms, the reunion was successful with around 40 former players and officials in attendance. As expected, the individual feats of past players got bigger and better as the afternoon wore on.

It was pleasing to see ‘older’ players such as Ken Stewart who played in 1948 (and father of Bruce who played in 1990, 1991 and 1993) in attendance as well as some more recent representatives.

It is anticipated that the ‘reunions’ will be a yearly event. However, one of the difficulties has been building a com- prehensive database of past players and officials. This task is ongoing. If any details of former players and offi- cials become available, we ask that you contact Bill Armstrong on 9275 5081 or [email protected].

Bill Armstrong Board of Management

11 Australian Amateur Football Council 2005 ALL AUSTRALIAN U/23AMATEUR TEAM HALF FORWARD HALF FORWARD HALF BACK CENTRE ROVER RUCK ROVER RUCK LINE LINE LINE LINE FORWARD LINE COACH BACK LINE Joel Rice Sam Chadwick Rickie Rogers Dave Winter Frank Dunell Frank Dunell Jonathon Wyllie Wyllie Jonathon Tim McKinnon Scott Woods (V/C) Mat O’Hara 12 David Boundy Ben Waite Mitch Holbrook Tim McKinnon Lewski Ari Darren Perry Perry Darren Tim Hall Michael Barker (C) Jake Levy Jake Mat O’Hara Tim McKinnon Tim McKinnon Leigh McKnight (V/C) Tim McKinnon Tim McKinnon Levy Jake INTERCHANGE WA representatives in the 2005 AAFC Team of the Year at the Medal Presentation Dinner. L-R Tim Hall (Hamersley Carine), Matt O’Hara & Jonathon Wyllie (University), Steve Bongiovanni (Kalamunda), Leigh McKnight & Rickie Rogers (Wanneroo), Mitch Holbrook (North Beach), Dave Winter (Collegians).


This year has seen this state’s U/23 State programme develop to new heights with the announcement in June that the All Australia side would tour Ireland in October 2005 and play composite rules games against the Irish.

Council Football Amateur Australian The AAFC, as an independent body, oversees three state leagues (Victorian Amateur Football Association, South Australian Amateur Football League and Western Australian Amateur Football League) and the National Carnival, which has been played since the 1920’s . Combined, these associations administer 180 clubs, 590 teams and 30,000 Australian Rules football- ers.

The entire cost of the tour was borne by those who participated. The averaging of the cost approximated to $3,500 per person. Thanks to the clubs that had players selected on the tour as they all helped with individual fundraising events to assist the players and the various state leagues held additional fundraising to supplement the final cost. A tour magazine was produced to promote the tour and advertisements were sold to help in the fundraising. The touring party stayed in youth hostels in Ireland and London to keep the cost down and as you can tell from asking those players that went, the accommodation was great as they managed to meet other peo- ple from around the world. The touring party consisted of 37 people including a doctor, physio and umpire all of whom paid their own way.

The WA contingent was John Davies (President), Ron Webster (CEO), Bruce Wainwright (Secretary), Peter Grosser (Team Manager), Alan Lewington (North Beach AFC) and Paul Smith (Tour Umpire). All of whom contributed in vari- ous parts to the success of the tour.

The first match was played against the All Ireland National Team on Saturday October 1 in Dublin. This Irish team played the AFL in the International

13 Series in Australia two weeks later. This was by far our most difficult game as the team had only arrived in Dublin three days before and had only trained together as a team twice and played only two 15 minute halves of International rules together before playing the best players in Ireland. As a team we learnt much about the skill and tactics of the game from our talented opponents. We must sincerely thank the GAA for scheduling this game on their main stadium Croke Park.

The touring party then travelled to Galway by coach and then on Monday October 3 played against the All Ireland University side then on Wednesday October 5 played against the Combined Armed Forces Team. The Team then took the scenic route and travelled by coach to Cork and the final game was played against a County side, Bishop- stown. The game results are below.

The tour was a great success not only in winning two of the games, but for the relationships developed with the Irish, for the future development of our Amateur Australian Rules competitions and also giving those who went some worldly experiences which that may not have previously experienced.

The selected team included nine players from Victoria, eight from Western Australian and five from South Austra- lian. The coach of the team was former Essendon and Brisbane player Frank Dunell. Aust4ralian Amateur Football Council Football Amateur Aust4ralian


AAFC V ALL IRELAND AAFC V COMBINED ARMED FORCES All Ireland 6 19 12 (105) AAFC 4 12 14 (74) AAFC 0 4 5 (17) Combined Armed Forces 4 7 7 (52)

Goal Scorers: Overs: Cullinan, Chadwick, Levy, Rice Goal Scorers: Unders: Levy 2, Barker, Rayson. Overs: Best: McKinnon, Rayson, Rice, Wyllie, Lacy, Lewski Cullinan 4, Levy, Bongiovanni, O’Hara 2 Best: Barker, Wood, Bongiovanni, Levy, Boundy, Berry

AAFC V ALL IRELAN UNIVERSITY AAFC V BISHOPSTOWN All Ireland University 5 4 0 (34) AAFC 2 9 14 (53) AAFC 0 10 0 (30) Bishopstown 2 10 5 (47)

Goal Scorers: Overs: Cullinan, Barker, Wyllie 2, Rayson, Goal Scorers: Unders: Bongiovanni, Levy. Overs: Lacey, O’Hara (Opposition scored an own goal) Cullinan, Holbrook, Barker 2, Rayson, Rice, Wyllie Best: Wyllie, Barker, Rice, McKinnon, Lacey, Woods Best: Lewski, Rice, Barker, Holbrook McKnight, Perry

14 CHAIRMAN Gerry Stokes

SECRETARY Milton Sanders

MEMBER CLUBS W.A. Amateur Football League Sunday Football League W.A. Football Association Peel Football League Womens Football League Masters Football League

As Chairman of the Community Football Council it gives me great pleasure to report and congratulate the West Australian Amateur Football League on another successful year and the positive forward trends towards joint administration with the Sunday Football League to oversee organisation and participation of grassroots football is of the highest standard possible is maintained.

Congratulations are extended to all to clubs who participated throughout the season and in particular the Pre- miership clubs and Fairest and Best winners.

Once again, I wish to convey my appreciation to President John Davies, Executive Officer Ron Webster and Op- erations Manager Geoff Palmer and administration staff for their support of the Council and the affiliated mem- bers Sunday Football League, W.A. Football Association, Peel Football League, Masters Football League and Women's Football League and look forward to their continued support in 2006.

Following the restructuring of junior football by the W.A. Football Commission in 2004 and now in the second Council Community Football year it has allowed the Council delegates to liaise and a have a greater input into the future directions of our great game. Thank you to all concerned for their support throughout the year.

Congratulations to all concerned on the successful achievements throughout the year in main being:

• Development of Under 23 State Amateur concept with acceptance by Victoria and South Australia plus inter association games against the Sunday Football League and W.A. Country Football League.

• Implementation of a Regionalised Community Colts competition in conjunction with the Sunday FL includ- ing financial incentives.

• Continued support for re establishment of WAFA competition for one Club teams.

• Maintaining affiliation fees for the third year, with respecting leagues absorbing increased costs.

• Establishment of Community Umpiring Co-ordinators roles and the finalisation of one Community Umpires Association.

• Community based football continued to prosper in 2005 as a united family through joint administra- tion, umpiring and foresight.

In conclusion may I thank the WA Football Commission, Commissioners, Wayne Bradshaw and Michael Hnatojko on their continued financial support of Senior Community grassroots football.

All concerned should be congratulated on their support and efforts to ensure our great game continues as a community based recreational activity.

Gerry Stokes Chairman

15 A GRADE P W D L F A % P A THIRDS P W D L F A % P North Beach 18 16 0 2 1490 995 150 64 North Fremantle 16 14 0 2 1529 430 356 56 North Fremantle 18 11 0 7 1605 1171 137 44 University 16 14 0 2 1519 503 302 56 Collegians 18 11 0 7 1274 1139 112 44 Whitford 16 13 0 3 1369 572 239 52 Wanneroo 18 11 0 7 1354 1240 109 44 C.B.C. 16 11 0 5 991 653 152 44 Whitford 18 11 0 7 1397 1302 107 44 North Beach 16 8 0 8 816 836 98 32 Trinity Aquinas 18 9 0 9 1303 1358 96 36 Hamersley Carine 16 4 0 12 550 1166 47 16 Scarborough 18 8 0 10 1233 1304 95 32 Scarborough 16 4 0 12 440 1381 32 16 University 18 6 0 12 1064 1264 84 24 Trinity Aquinas 16 3 0 13 636 1436 44 12 C.B.C. 18 6 0 12 1052 1369 77 24 Wanneroo 16 1 0 15 212 1085 20 4 Hamersley Carine 18 1 0 17 1051 1681 63 4 B THIRDS P W D L F A % P A RESERVE P W D L F A % P Wesley Curtin 16 15 0 1 1346 523 257 60 North Fremantle 18 17 0 1 1573 562 280 68 Wembley 16 11 0 5 1553 604 257 44 University 18 13 1 4 1226 735 167 54 High Wycombe 16 11 0 5 925 754 123 44 Whitford 18 13 0 5 1195 688 174 52 Mt Lawley 16 10 0 6 1240 715 173 40 North Beach 18 13 0 5 1163 773 150 52 Swan Athletic 16 10 0 6 1337 920 145 40 Trinity Aquinas 18 11 1 6 1150 906 127 46 Bassendean 16 8 0 8 1146 974 118 32 Collegians 18 8 1 9 1077 921 117 34 Stirling 16 5 0 11 907 1277 71 20 C.B.C. 18 5 1 12 867 1110 78 22 Willetton 16 1 0 15 450 1566 29 4 Scarbobough 18 4 0 14 578 1418 41 16 Ocean Ridge 16 1 0 15 325 1896 17 4 Wanneroo 18 2 0 16 620 1419 44 8 Hamersley Carine 18 2 0 16 593 1510 39 8 E GRADE P W D L F A % P North Fremantle 17 17 0 0 1746 384 455 68 B GRADE P W D L F A % P University 17 14 0 3 1546 543 285 56 Wesley Curtin 18 15 0 3 1647 1006 164 60 Whitford 4 17 13 0 4 1483 571 260 52 Wembley 18 12 1 5 1425 994 143 50 Warnbro Swans 17 13 0 4 1358 722 188 52 Stirling 18 11 0 7 1525 1247 122 44 Wesley Curtin 17 13 0 4 1250 712 176 52 Willetton 18 11 0 7 1307 1231 106 44 C.B.C. 17 9 0 8 1245 882 141 36 Mt Lawley 18 10 1 7 1372 1162 118 42 Wembley 17 9 0 8 878 954 92 36 Kalamunda 18 10 0 8 1387 1243 112 40 North Beach 17 8 1 8 1104 1070 103 34 Swan Athletic 18 8 0 10 1359 1357 100 32 Coolbinia West Perth 17 8 0 9 1232 866 142 32 High Wycombe 18 7 0 11 1311 1515 87 28 Whitford 5 17 6 0 11 966 1247 77 24 Bassendean 18 5 0 13 1183 1460 81 20 West Coast Cowan 17 5 1 11 879 1285 68 22 Ocean Ridge 18 0 0 18 819 2120 39 0 Lynwood Ferndale 17 1 1 15 554 1778 31 6 Ballajura 17 1 1 15 520 2016 26 6 B RESERVE P W D L F A % P Kingsley 17 0 0 17 318 2049 16 0 Wembley 18 16 0 2 1834 372 493 64 Wesley Curtin 18 16 0 2 1703 487 350 64 Mt Lawley 18 13 0 5 1130 793 142 52 WEST COAST EAGLES AMATEUR COLTS Swan Athletic 18 12 1 5 1111 967 115 50

2005 Premiership Ladders Kalamunda 18 9 1 8 849 1027 83 38 Phil Scott Div. P W D L F A % P High Wycombe 18 8 0 10 902 1124 80 32 Trinity Aquinas 18 16 0 2 1668 668 250 64 Willetton 18 6 0 12 900 1141 79 24 Collegians 18 15 0 3 1419 712 199 60 Stirling 18 4 0 14 783 1544 51 16 C.B.C. 18 13 0 5 1183 832 142 52 Bassendean 18 3 0 15 660 1278 52 12 Scarborough 18 11 0 7 1110 942 118 44 Ocean Ridge 18 2 0 16 536 1675 32 8 Whitford 19 10 0 8 1119 928 121 40 North Fremantle 18 10 0 8 1146 974 118 40 C GRADE P W D L F A % P Hamersley Carine 18 7 0 11 1057 1064 99 28 Bullcreek Leeming 18 18 0 0 2072 841 246 72 North Beach 18 6 0 12 932 1156 81 24 Lynwood Ferndale 18 15 0 3 1670 927 180 60 Wanneroo 18 2 0 16 583 1686 35 8 Warnbro Swans 18 12 0 6 1652 1112 149 48 University 18 0 0 18 428 1588 27 0 Coolbinia West Perth 18 11 0 7 1652 1191 139 44 Swan View 18 10 0 8 1340 1405 95 40 Drew Banfield Div. P W D L F A % P West Coast Cowan 18 9 0 9 1407 1358 104 36 Kalamunda 18 17 0 1 1498 539 278 68 Mosman Park 18 8 0 10 1520 1381 110 32 Wembley 18 15 0 3 1432 700 205 60 Kingsley 18 5 0 13 1232 1583 78 20 Willetton 18 12 0 6 1137 1031 110 48 Dianella Morley 18 1 0 17 723 2011 36 4 Bassendean 18 11 0 7 1245 867 144 44 Brentwood 18 1 0 17 793 2252 35 4 Ocean Ridge 18 10 0 8 1130 1050 108 40 Wesley Curtin 18 6 0 12 1068 1193 90 24 C RESERVE P W D L F A % P Swan Athletic 18 6 0 12 891 1364 65 24 Warnbro Swans 18 15 0 3 1239 672 184 60 Stirling 18 6 0 12 820 1377 60 24 Lynwood Ferndale 18 15 0 3 1138 691 165 60 Mt Lawley 18 4 0 14 816 1260 65 16 Kingsley 18 12 0 6 1273 874 146 48 High Wycombe 18 3 0 15 768 1424 54 12 Coolbinia West Perth 18 11 0 7 1222 767 159 44 Bullcreek Leeming 18 9 0 9 1082 997 109 36 Ian Dargie Div. P W D L F A % P West Coast Cowan 18 9 0 9 900 968 93 36 Kingsley 15 12 0 3 1297 522 248 48 Swan View 18 6 0 12 702 855 82 24 Ballajura 15 12 0 3 1093 711 154 48 Dianella Morley 18 6 0 12 952 1130 84 24 Collegians 15 9 0 6 847 715 118 36 Mosman Park 18 6 0 12 904 1372 66 24 Whitford 15 6 0 9 788 860 92 24 Brentwood 18 1 0 17 491 1577 31 4 West Coast Cowan 15 5 0 10 665 890 75 20 Dianella Morley 15 1 0 14 356 1348 26 4 D GRADE P W D L F A % P Melville 18 16 0 2 2011 1052 191 64 Laurie Keene Div. P W D L F A % P Manning Rippers 18 15 0 3 1850 859 215 60 Bullcreek Leeming 14 13 0 1 1319 555 238 52 Coolbellup 18 13 1 4 1969 916 215 52 Warnbro Swans 14 10 0 4 1030 598 172 40 Belmont Districts 18 13 1 4 1888 951 199 52 Brentwood 14 8 0 6 677 842 80 32 Ballajura 18 11 0 7 1784 1101 162 44 Mosman Park 14 6 0 8 695 468 149 24 Cockburn Lakes 18 8 0 10 1633 1122 146 32 Melville 14 6 0 8 932 888 105 24 East Fremantle 18 6 0 12 1053 1468 72 24 Belmont Districts 14 4 0 10 494 1227 40 16 Quinns District 18 3 0 15 840 1831 46 12 Swan View 14 2 0 12 419 988 42 8 St Norberts 18 3 0 15 740 2222 33 12 Carlisle 18 1 0 17 557 2803 20 4

D RESERVE P W D L F A % P Ballajura 18 18 0 0 1988 503 395 72 Manning Rippers 18 15 0 3 1516 842 180 60 Cockburn Lakes 18 14 0 4 1451 662 219 56 Melville 18 11 0 7 1253 988 127 44 Belmont Districts 18 9 0 9 1105 1122 98 36 Carlsile 18 8 0 10 850 1139 75 32 Coolbellup 18 5 0 13 842 1725 49 20 East Fremantle 18 4 0 14 854 1497 57 16 Quinns District 18 3 0 15 614 998 62 12 St Norberts 18 3 0 15 687 1684 41 12

16 A GRADE A THIRDS North Beach 3.0 4.4 6.1 10.12 (72) C.B.C. 3.3 5.4 6.5 8.7 (55) North Fremantle 1.2 3.4 3.9 4.12 (36) University 2.1 2.4 4.7 5.10 (40)

BOG (B.J. Giles Medal): Rhett Shimmings (North Beach) BOG: Bradley Eames (CBC)

Umpires: (F) G Omodei, A. Martin, S Davis (B) S. Babinall, Umpires: (F) D Hitchcock, M Oswald (B) J Deering, W Beckwith, L. Dudley (G) J. Wrankmore, J Dolin DSanzone (G) L Squires, D Deering

A RESERVE B THIRDS North Fremantle 0.2 3.3 4.7 6.9 (45) Wembley 4.4 7.8 9.9 10.14 (74) Whitford 1.2 2.4 3.7 3.8 (26) Mt Lawley 0.1 1.2 3.3 4.5 (29)

BOG: Wesley French (North Fremantle) BOG: Simon McPhee (Wembley)

Umpires: (F) B. Duff, S. Dalgleish, R. Burlinson Umpires: (F) P Carden, I Salt (B) S McDonnell, (B) B. Jones, T. Grasso (G) M. Tomopkins, P. McAndrew L Maddern (G) R Suidak, B Kerr

B GRADE E GRADE Wembley 1.2 4.2 9.5 11.8 (74) North Fremantle 2.0 6.1 8.2 10.6 (66) Wesley Curtin 3.4 5.6 7.6 8.10 (58) Warnbro Swans 1.2 3.2 5.6 6.6 (42)

BOG: Jake Hogan (Wembley) BOG: Jason Williams (Warnbro Swans)

Umpires: (F) S Davis, G Levitski (B) S Roth, C Viney Umpires: (F) R Pontague, G Domanski (B) B Dalton, (G) K Gunn, R Cox M Hurley (G) R Holmes, G Breen

B RESERVE Wembley 2.2 4.5 7.6 8.6 (54) Wesley Curtin 2.0 2.2 3.3 4.4 (28)

BOG: Jason Collins (Wembley) 2005 Grand Final Results

Umpires: (F) M Gilday, L Baker (B) K O'Mara, J O'Neill (G) D Frame, L Pinker WEST COAST EAGLES AMATEUR COLTS

C GRADE PHIL SCOTT DIVISION Bullcreek Leeming 5.2 7.5 14.7 16.11 (107) Trinity Aquinas 5.3 8.6 9.10 9.11 (65) Coolbinia West Perth 1.0 3.3 6.3 7.4 (46) Collegians 0.0 3.0 7.1 10.4 (64)

BOG: Christopher Boyes (Bullcreek Leeming) BOG: Ben Gryta (Trinity Aquinas)

Umpires: (F) R Zoch, C Gray (B) J Duffy, R McDonald, Umpires: (F) M O'Mara, R Shelton, P Scarle (B) P (G) B Anthony, A Pohara McCarthy C Hoogendyke (G) B Payne, N Stace

C RESERVE DREW BANFIELD DIVISION Warnbro Swans 0.1 4.2 7.4 9.5 (59) Wembley 1.2 3.4 5.6 7.6 (48) Kingsley 0.4 0.5 1.6 1.8 (14) Bassendean 2.0 2.3 4.3 7.4 (46)

BOG: Graeme Cooke (Warnbro Swans) BOG: David Corley (Bassendean)

Umpires: (F) R Cole, N Edgar (B) N Leinasaars, C Boston Umpires: (F) W Fredericks, A Royal (B) L Dudley, (G) J O'Leary, H Longworth M Jarvis (G) L Edwards, L French

D GRADE IAN DARGIE DIVISION Melville 2.4 3.5 7.8 9.9 (63) Kingsley 3.1 4.5 6.7 9.9 (63) Manning Rippers 2.3 4.6 4.6 6.7 (43) Collegians 0.1 2.3 3.4 4.4 (28)

BOG: Stephen Farey (Melville) BOG: Jack Munyard (Kingsley)

Umpires: (F) N Darby, G Clark (B) R Boland, R Smirht Umpires: (F) T Harkness, R Taylor (B) O Sorbi, A Doig (G) K Gill, G Rothnie (G) K Walling, S Farrell

D RESERVE LAURIE KEENE DIVISION Ballajura 4.6 5.10 7.14 12.14 (86) Bullcreek Leeming 3.2 5.3 6.6 8.6 (54) Melville 2.0 3.2 4.4 5.5 (35) Melville 3.1 5.4 5.5 6.6 (42)

BOG: Anton Saylor (Ballajura) BOG: Jared Hardy (Bullcreek Leeming)

Umpires: (F) R Roebuck, S Russell (B) J Teo, B Clothier Umpires: (F) B Dyke, R Clarke (B) C Knight, N Scata (G) B Mills G Swan (G) T Segars, J Norman

17 The WAAFL would like to thank the following for their support during the 2005 season: Acknowledgements Acknowledgements

Cougar Sportswear (Aust) P/l

Mouse Promotions Quill Stationery



Club # Teams # Yellow # Red Avg per Cards Cards team Ballajura 41655

Bassendean 4 32 1 8

Belmont Redcliffe 3 18 5 8 Brentwood 3813 Bullcreek Leeming 31335 Carlisle 21719 C.B.C. 5 22 4 5 Cockburn Lakes 2 10 1 6

Collegians 5752

Coolbellup 2 12 1 7 Coolbinia West Perth 3 19 6 8 Dianella Morley 32069 East Fremantle 2 10 0 5 Hamersley Carine 4 14 1 4 High Wycombe 4 26 4 8

Kalamunda 3 10 1 4

Kingsley 41835 Lynwood Ferndale 3924 Manning Rippers 2635 Melville 3 13 5 6 Mosman Park 31135

Mt Lawley 41365

North Beach 5 13 8 4 North Fremantle 5 20 3 5 Ocean Ridge 4 21 0 5 Quinns District 219110 Scarborough 4 19 6 6 St Norberts 21238

Stirling 42316

Swan Athletic 4954 Swan View 31325 Trinity Aquinas 4 18 1 5 Appearances 2005 Send Offs & Tribunal University 4802 Wanneroo 4 10 3 3 Warnbro Swans 4 10 2 3

Wembley 51123

Wesley Curtin 51102 West Coast Cowan 4902 Whitford 73255 Willetton 4 11 2 3

TOTALS 145 593 111

Of the 111 red cards (105 players & 6 officials): 36 players/officials took the prescribed penalty. 75 players/officials appeared at the tribunal, with 55 being found guilty and 20 being dismissed.

The League acknowledges the conduct of the following clubs: East Fremantle University Wesley Curtin West Coast Cowan

19 Dou Doug Lind, Bradley Robertson & g Lind, Scott H Jeff Lind all & Je ff Lind Ken Matthews & Raymond Marsh

anson Christi chard tt & Ri Nisbe Trevor Trent Cooper & Ken Matthews

urtney s & Co atthew Ken M ng Graefli Ken Matthews & Brett Donnelly

Doug Lind, Scott O’Connor & Jeff Lind

Ken Matthews & Mitch Holbrook 2005 Medal Presentation Dinner

Ken Matthews & Dane Peake Todd Musika, Doug Lind, Jeff Lind & Sean Leighton

isbett evor N n & Tr erguso Matt F

T revor Ni sbett & Tendai M Bob Kucera & David McDonald zungu

Trevor Nisbett & Aaron Ogg Rhys Croxford, Trent Cooper, David St Quintin & Ross Kelly


A GRADE PHIL SCOTT COLTS David MCDONALD Whitford 14 Votes Tendai MZUNGU Trinity Aquinas 23 Votes Robert THOMPSON Scarborough 13 Votes Benjamin NOAKES Scarborough 17 Votes Cameron HALL North Fremantle 12 Votes Aaron WILSON Hamersley Carine 17 Votes Simon HOPE Collegians 12 Votes Paul ROBERTS Whitford 13 Votes Troy KERWOOD North Fremantle 12 Votes Tom CRONAN CBC 13 Votes Callum JOHNSON Trinity Aquinas 13 Votes A RESERVE Dane PEAKE Scarborough 18 Votes DREW BANFIELD COLTS Shane FREEMAN North Fremantle 17 Votes Aaron OGG Kalamunda 18 Votes Heath MCKAY Whitford 12 Votes Scott MILLER Ocean Ridge 17 Votes Joshua TAYLOR Bassendean 16 Votes B GRADE Trent COOPER Wesley Curtin 19 Votes IAN DARGIE COLTS Rhys CROXFORD Scarborough 19 Votes Richard CHRISTIANSON West Coast Cowan 14 Votes David ST QUNITIN Wesley Curtin 19 Votes Adam SPENCER-LAITT Collegians 13 Votes Simon HAM Wembley 18 Votes Clint WALKERDEN Ballajura 13 Votes Steven NASH High Wycombe 15 Votes Robert HENDERSON West Coast Cowan 12 Votes Andrew PICCOLI Wembley 15 Votes Ben EMERY Whitford 12 Votes

B RESERVE LAURIE KEENE COLTS Courtney GRAEFLING Kalamunda 28 Votes Matt FERGUSON Melville 19 Votes Paul HADLEY Mt Lawley 18 Votes Jarryd WEHI Warnbro Swans 14 Votes Gavin WALKER High Wycombe 13 Votes Gareth BALY Bullcreek Leeming 10 Votes Winners 2005 Award

C GRADE Scott O’CONNOR Bullcreek Leeming 21 Votes Peter COX Lynwood Ferndale 20 Votes Christopher BOYES Bullcreek Leeming 14 Votes 2005 LEADING GOAL KICKERS Leon GREEN Bullcreek Leeming 14 Votes Michael SERMON Warnbro Swans 14 Votes A GRADE Mitch HOLBROOK North Beach 68 goals Damon SQUIRES Scarborough 59 goals C RESERVE Anthony O’CONNELL Wanneroo 53 goals Brett DONNELLY Warnbro Swans 24 Votes Peter D’ALESSANDRO West Coast Cowan 15 Votes Steven EGAN Swan View 14 Votes B GRADE Trent COOPER Wesley Curtin 52 goals Brett ROBERTSON Mt Lawley 51 goals D GRADE Jeremy LLOYD Bassendean 50 goals Todd MUSIKA Cockburn Lakes 20 Votes

Sean LEIGHTON East Fremantle 20 Votes

Erwin EDLINGER Manning Rippers 19 Votes

Maxwell HART Coolbellup 17 Votes CHAMPION CLUB D RESERVE Raymond MARSH Melville 27 Votes LEAGUE & RESERVES Dwayne UNWIN Ballajura 17 Votes WESLEY CURTIN Steven PARRY Ballajura 15 Votes COLTS A THIRDS TRINITY AQUINAS Douglas EGAN North Fremantle 10 Votes Dean HINCHCLIFFE CBC 8 Votes Robert HALDEN CBC 8 Votes

B THIRDS Scott HALL Bassendean 18 Votes Mark BOYD High Wycombe 16 Votes Ryan WALKERDEN Bassendean 14 Votes

E GRADE Bradley ROBERTSON Warnbro Swans 26 Votes Scott CONWAY Coolbinia West Perth 21 Votes Jamie CONNELLY North Fremantle 19 Votes

Richard Oppey (Fosters Australia) & Dean Diamond (Wesley Curtin)

21 Ballajura Coolbinia West Perth Mosman Park Swan View Bassendean Dianella Morley Mt Lawley Trinity Aquinas Belmont Districts East Fremantle North Beach University Brentwood Hamersley Carine North Fremantle Wanneroo Bullcreek Leeming High Wycombe Ocean Ridge Warnbro Swans Carlisle Kalamunda Quinns District Wembley C.B.C. Kingsley Scarborough Wesley Curtin Cockburn Lakes Lynwood Ferndale St Norberts West Coast Cowan Collegians Manning Rippers Stirling Whitford Coolbellup Melville Swan Athletic Willetton


The 2005 season turned out to be one of mixed fortunes for the CBC Amateur Football Club. On one hand we finished second last because of an inferior percentage in “A” Grade and on the other we wit- nessed one of the best Premierships in our history when the “A3’s” won four finals to take off the Grand Final. Congratulations to Chris Anderson and his players on a fantastic effort.

Our Colts were much improved in finishing 3rd in “A” Grade and even though we lost two finals the boys are looking strong for the next few years. Our Reserves suffered because of the lack of depth in “A” Grade and our “A4’s” were rapped in winning a final’s berth in a tough competition.

2005 Member Clubs We have set ourselves to have a big year in “B” Grade in 2006 and regaining our “A” Grade status is our goal. All “A” Grade coaches from 2005 have been re-appointed for 2006 and we look forward to the challenge.

Bradley Grant President - CBC AFC


2005 proved to be another step forward for the Collegians Football Club. Increased numbers in both Colts and Seniors, an improved football structure with a larger and more effi- cient team working off field, saw a strong improvement on field. The A Grade finished the home and away season in 3rd position but were out played in the finals. The Reserves made a huge improvement just missing out on the finals, winning half their games and being competitive in all losses. However, the highlight for the club was the success of the Colts. Huge numbers again turned out to play and see both Colts into the Grand Final, but unfortunately narrowly missing out on a premiership. With 5 Colts playing finals for the A Grade, and plenty of other Colts pushing for a senior birth, the development programme at Collegians is working well and showing great promise for future sides.

The off field activities at Collegians was very well supported all year, with the recent medal presentation dinner be- ing no exception. The Club certainly appreciates the loyal support from players, past members and sponsors for their attendance to all the functions this year.

It’s an exciting time to be around Collegians Football Club with the 3rd senior side, even larger numbers of Colts and a strong hard working Committee and support for 2006. With this, we look forward to bigger and better things both on and off the field next year

The Collegians Football Club would like to sincerely thank our much valued partners Fleet Network, Laced Up Cottesloe, PKF Accountants, The Claremont Hotel and Supa Valu Nedlands.

Digby Moullin President - Collegians AFC


The 2005 from the outset was a year that Coolbinia West Perth as a club was going to continue to build and become a major force in the amateur ranks. The main objective for the year was to play finals foot- ball and congratulations must go out to all the coaches and players as two teams made the finals, with the C grade going all the way to the grand final. C Reserves efforts to get into the finals was enormous with ten straight wins and E grade were unfortunate in just missing the finals by one game. The achievements this year of all our teams I strongly believe was not a surprise but a reflection of the belief and faith we have in the play- ers at the club and the hard work of the coaches and committee.

22 The work ethics of Jamie Wynne, Scott Hamer-Matthew, James Houlis and Bob Scherini must be acknowledged and immensely appreciated. Without their dedication and belief the goal of playing finals football would not been realised.

There are obviously a few people who we need to thank for making this year possible. Firstly I would like to thank the committee for all their hard work during the season and to Bill Peck, Jeff Campbell and Val Campbell the biggest thank you for your total support and commitment to the club. To all the support staff and in particu- lar Cathryn, Nicole, Carmel, Brad Nairn, Scott McManus and Tony Libia, thank you for all your efforts. The pro- fessionalism that you have all brought to the club is truly appreciated. To all of our sponsors, in particular Liquor Barons Mt Hawthorn, Pro-Lamps, Haslingers Automotive Services, Harvey World Travel Mt Lawley and Brian and Christine Kimber, thank you also for your enormous contribution and support.

In closing to all the players, I sincerely with to congratulate you on your achievements throughout the 2005 year and thank you for making it a memorable one.

Jim Vellios President - Coolbinia West Perth AFC


Despite the disappointment of losing the D-Grade Grand Final 2005 will go down as the club’s most successful year in history. The club’s league side won a record 13 games in a row to finish in second spot and recorded meritorious finals wins against good sides in Coolbellup and Belmont. It took Mel-

ville’s experience and their best game of 2005 to stop the young Rippers. In the reserves the club 2005 Member Clubs made the preliminary final and probably should have proceeded further. Best Players for Manning in 2005 were at league level Erwin Edlinger, Steve Kelly, Paul Vardy, Bob Braam and leading goalkicker Luke Lovett. At reserves level veterans Darren Christmass and Phil Smoker and 17 year old debutant Chris Kossen were the stars. The club appreciates the challenges that C-grade will provide in 2006 but is determined to not be spectators in September. With the continued support of major sponsors the Windsor Hotel and Pusey Partners and the continued improvement of a marvellous group of young players hopes are high.

Scott Greer President - Manning Rippers AFC


2005 was an extremely successful year for the Melville Rams. The year started off with record numbers at pre-season training, even after the change from three senior sides to just two. The in- clusion of a colt’s team, the first in several years, created a great atmosphere at both training and social functions. During the season the league side maintained a position at or near the top of the ladder, losing only 2 games, both to other top of the ladder sides. The reserves and colts sides were always in the mix, with some inspiring wins towards the end of the season to charge into the finals. The end result of all three sides making grand finals was a first in the clubs’ history. Though both the colts and re- serves sides fell short of premiership success, the league side fought hard with Manning to bring league pre- miership glory to the Rams for the first time in 30 years. We now look forward to the challenge of ‘C’ grade in 2006!

Craig Caddy Melville AFC


The 2005 Season was another highly successful year for the North Fremantle Club. Four of our five sides made the finals, three played in Grand finals with two sides, The A Reserves and E grade winning their respective flags.

Our A Grade was unfortunately beaten in the A Grade Grand Final by North Beach at Leederville Oval. North Beach on the day were the superior side and congratulations must go the Club and to Bill in a well deserved win after being the dominant side all year. Apart from our A reserves premiership side – who only lost 1 game for the year, the other premiership side was our 4th senior side who went through undefeated and also achieved back to back premierships for 2004 and 2005 with the grand final being 36 consecutive winning games. The club had a very exciting wind up night at Tompkins Park where ruckman Troy Kerwood won the Fairest & Best closely fol- lowed by our player of the finals Cameron Hall in second place.

Off the field the club was very successful with our Perth Cup tent on the 1st of January 2005 having 750 people enjoying the festivities. We are well into the planning for the 2006 Perth Cup function which has been an excel-

23 lent fund raiser for the club over the last 6 years. Early into the 2005 season we completed our lighting upgrade which although was delayed, it allowed the club to play a number of night games and involve and introduce the local junior sides to the North Fremantle Club. We look forward to featuring more night games in 2006 after a very successful A Grade game against North Beach in the first round.

Thanks must go to our Executive and general committee who worked tirelessly all year, the WAAFL for its work to make the competition the best it can be, to our major sponsors Metropolis Fremantle and Swan Hotel and most importantly to our coaching staff and players for the on-field success they gave us.

Gary Hasler President - North Fremantle AFC


The Roo's celebrated its 20 year having nominated 1 side back in 1985 which was graded in 'J grade. Before the start of the 85 season the club had already expanded to a second side in 'L' grade. The 20th year was celebrated with a number of functions and a reunion of the inaugural players. Well known foot- ball identity Colin Northcott published a high quality booklet on the clubs history which has already be- come a collector's item.

Our home ground the Wanneroo Showgrounds received a $170,000 lighting upgrade of which the club made a substantial contribution. The lighting upgrade saw the club play its first night game which was attended by well in excess of 1,000 spectators, reconfirming the club reputation of a strong supporter base.

2005 Member Clubs Our 'A' grade team followed on from its Grand Final appearance of the previous year but was defeated in the pre- liminary final. This was considered to be an excellent effort considering the number of long term injuries to players during the year. Two players made the State team with both being selected in the All-Australian Team being Leigh McKnight and Rickie Rogers. Leigh was appointed as Vice Captain and went on to represent Australia in Ireland.

The Club will continue to focus on it's on field performance, player welfare and build on it's standing and support within the community.

Russell Burnett Secretary - Wanneroo AFC


Warnbro Swans AFC members and committee’s have been pleased with the success of the club on and off the field this season. Thanks to our Sponsors and to the WAAFL staff and board for being able to once again give us the opportunity to be involved in the Amateur competition, which I’m sure we all must agree on, has become much more pleasant and professional to be involved with. Well done to all Club's and committees for getting through another season and remember we are all here for the same reason, we just live in different streets. Let Football be the winner at the end of the day………… Congratulations to our Reserves team and coach Geoff Davis for the bringing home of the C Grade flag. Congratula- tions to Premiership winning players and their clubs. Looking forward to season 2006.

Cheers Pam Shepherd President - Warnbro Swans AFC

24 A GRADE 2004 North Beach 1997 Mt Lawley SANDOVER SHIELD 2005 North Beach 1998 Balcatta Osborne Park 1999 Trinity Aquinas 1922 Unknown A2 PREMIERS 2000 Nollamara 1923 Commonwealth Bank 2001 Wanneroo 1924 Teachers College 1976 Scarborough 2002 Collegians 1925 Teachers College 2003 Whitford 1926 Teachers College A RESERVE 2004 Scarborough 1927 Commonwealth Bank 1972 Collegians 2005 Wembley 1928 Sandovers 1929 University 1973 Carlisle 1974 Wembley B RESERVE 1930 Postals 1931 Postals 1975 Wembley 1972 Unknown 1932 Postals Grade Reintroduced 1997 1973 Unknown 1933 University 1997 Trinity Aquinas 1974 Unknown 1934 University 1998 University 1975 Unknown 1935 Sandovers 1999 Scarborough Grade Reintroduced in 1997 1936 Sandovers 2000 C.B.C. 1997 Mt Lawley 1937 Sandovers 2001 C.B.C. 1998 Balcatta Osborne Park 1938 Wembley 2002 North Fremantle 1999 Trinity Aquinas 1939 Wembley 2003 C.B.C. 2000 Dianella Morley 1940 Wembley 2004 Wembley 2001 West Coast Cowan 1941 North Fremantle 2005 North Fremantle 2002 Mt Lawley No Competition 1942 - 1945 2003 Scarborough 1946 North Fremantle B GRADE 2004 Swan Athletic C.J. JAMIESON CUP 1947 North Fremantle 2005 Wembley 1948 University 1939 North Fremantle 1949 North Fremantle 1940 East Fremantle C GRADE 1950 Midland Junction 1941 Maylands GROSVENOR CUP 1951 Mosman Park Premiership Winners No Competition 1942 - 1945 1947 Swanbourne 1952 South Perth 1946 Unknown 1953 South Perth 1948 Swanbourne 1947 South Perth 1949 Palmyra 1954 North Fremantle 1948 Victoria Park 1955 North Fremantle 1950 Maylands 1949 Palmyra 1951 Commonwealth Bank 1956 East Perth 1950 East Perth 1957 East Perth 1952 South Fremantle 1951 Claremont Nedlands 1953 Victoria Park 1958 Wembley 1952 Inglewood Mt Lawley 1959 Wembley 1954 South Fremantle 1953 West Perth 1955 Fremantle 1960 North Fremantle 1954 Osborne Park 1961 University 1956 Palmyra 1955 University No Competition 1957 - 1962 1962 University 1956 Midland Junction 1963 Wembley 1963 Mt Lawley 1957 Victoria Park 1964 University 1964 University 1958 Midland Junction 1965 University 1965 Carlisle 1959 South Fremantle 1966 University 1966 University 1960 Victoria Park 1967 C.B.C. 1967 Bayswater 1961 Fremantle C.B.C. Old Boys 1968 Mt Hawthorn West Perth 1968 Wembley 1962 Maylands 1969 University 1969 Floreat Park 1963 T.T.C. Claremont 1970 Collegians 1970 University 1964 T.T.C. Claremont 1971 Wembley 1971 Swanbourne 1965 University 1972 Graylands T.C. 1972 Wembley 1966 University 1973 Wembley 1973 Graylands T.C. 1967 Palmyra 1974 T.C. Claremont 1974 Wembley 1968 Wembley 1975 University 1975 Commonwealth Bank 1969 Collegians 1976 Trinity O.B. 1976 Wembley 1970 University 1977 University 1977 Mt Lawley 1971 Nedlands T.T.C. 1978 Collegians 1978 Wembley 1972 University 1979 Mt Lawley 1979 N.S.T.C. 1973 Mosman Park 1980 University 1980 Nollamara 1974 Nollamara 1981 University 1981 City Beach 1975 Melville 1982 Mt Hawthorn West Perth 1982 Old Scotch 1976 Maylands 1983 Mt Lawley 1983 Carlisle 1977 Maylands 1984 Mt Lawley 1984 Wembley 1978 Wembley 1985 Mt Lawley 1985 Mt Lawley 1979 Collegians 1986 Whitford 1986 Mt Lawley 1980 N.S.T.C. 1987 Mt Lawley 1987 Redcliffe 1981 Scarborough 1988 Cockburn Lakes 1988 Mt Lawley 1982 Bayswater 1989 North Beach 1989 Osborne Districts 1983 Scarborough 1990 Bassendean 1990 North Beach 1984 North Fremantle 1991 Mt Lawley 1991 Whitford 1985 Innaloo 1992 Mt Lawley 1992 Mt Lawley 1986 North Fremantle 1993 North Beach 1993 Wembley 1987 West Coast 1994 Cockburn Lakes 1994 West Coast 1988 Innaloo 1995 Scarborough 1995 Wanneroo 1989 Maylands 1996 Balcatta 1996 University 1990 North Fremantle 1997 Scarborough 1997 Redcliffe 1991 Collegians Old Scotch 1998 Rossmoyne 1998 Scarborough 1992 Whitford 1999 North Beach 1999 Bullcreek Leeming 1993 North Fremantle 2000 East Fremantle 2000 C.B.C. 1994 C.B.C. 2001 North Beach 2001 Cockburn Lakes 1995 Swan Athletic 2002 Bassendean 2002 North Beach 1996 C.B.C. 2003 North Fremantle 2003 High Wycombe

25 2004 Kalamunda 2002 University 1987 Trinity Aquinas 2005 Bullcreek Leeming 2003 Wembley 1988 John 23rd 2004 University 1989 West Coast C RESERVE 1990 Wanneroo AB4 1991 Redcliffe 1997 Brentwood 1992 Wembley 1998 Bullcreek Leeming 2002 Wembley 1993 University 1999 Wesley Curtin 2003 Wembley 1994 University 2000 Cockburn Lakes 2004 North Fremantle 1995 High Wycombe 2001 Cockburn Lakes 1996 Warnbro Swans 2002 Bassendean E GRADE 1997 West Coast 2003 High Wycombe GEORGE LIVINGSTONE CUP 1998 North Fremantle 2004 Kalamunda 1967 Bassendean 1999 C.B.C. 2005 Warnbro Swans 2000 Wonderers 1968 North Fremantle 1969 Mt Lawley 2001 Marangaroo D GRADE 2002 Stirling FLANAGAN CUP 1970 Innaloo 1971 Marist O.B. 2003 Stirling 1964 Carlisle No Competition 1972 -1973 2004 High Wycombe 1965 Collegians 1974 Midland 1966 Old Wesley 1975 City Beach 1967 T.T.C 1976 R & I Bank G GRADE 1968 Bassendean 1977 T.C. Churchlands W. O'GRADY MEMORIAL TROPHY

1969 North Fremantle 1978 T.C. Churchlands 1976 East Perth 1970 T.T.C. Claremont 1979 Floreat Marist 1977 East Perth 1971 Carlisle 1980 Bayswater 1978 Mt Lawley 1972 Trinity O.B. 1981 North Beach 1979 Muresk 1973 Collegians 1982 Dianella 1980 Forrestfield 1974 T.T.C. Mt Lawley 1983 University 1981 Scarborough Premiership Winners 1975 T.C. Churchlands 1984 W.A.C.A.E. 1982 University 1976 T.C. Churchlands 1985 Coolbinia Yokine 1983 Applecross 1977 Hamersley 1986 Cockburn Lakes 1984 Cockburn Lakes 1978 Commonwealth Bank 1987 Mundaring 1985 Whitford 1979 Wembley 1988 Trinity Aquinas 1986 Innaloo 1980 Perth 1989 Bullcreek 1987 Nollamara 1981 Osborne Park 1990 Hamersley Carine 1988 Bayswater 1982 Hellenics 1991 University 1989 Wanneroo 1983 Dianella Morley 1992 Redcliffe 1990 Redcliffe 1984 Lynwood Ferndale 1993 Brentwood 1991 Wembley 1985 Swan Athletic 1994 Coolbellup 1992 North Fremantle 1986 Nollamara 1995 University 1993 Hamersley Carine 1987 Cockburn Lakes 1996 Swan Athletic 1994 Forrestfield 1988 Rockingham 1997 St Norberts 1995 Warnbro Swans 1989 Wembley 1998 Innaloo 1996 Rossmoyne 1990 W.A.C.A.E. 1999 Willetton 1997 Wembley 1991 Bullcreek 2000 Ascot 1998 Wesley Curtin 1992 Hamersley Carine 2001 Wonderers 1999 Wonderers 1993 Redcliffe 2002 Swan View 2000 Nollamara 1994 Cowan University 2003 Swan Athletic 2001 Kalamunda 1995 C.B.C. 2004 Swan Athletic 2002 Melville 1996 University 2005 North Fremantle 1997 Rossmoyne H GRADE 1998 East Fremantle E RESERVE JACK ROBSON MEMORIAL TROPHY 1999 High Wycombe 2000 Willetton 1998 Mt Lawley 1977 T.C. Churchlands 2001 Ascot 1999 Trinity Aquinas 1978 Muresk 2002 Warnbro Swans 2000 Whitford 1979 Swanbourne 2003 Swan View 2001 Trinity Aquinas 1980 St Norberts 2004 Mosman Park 2002 Kingsley 1981 Coolbinia Yokine 2005 Melville 1982 Applecross SINGLE TEAM GRADE 1983 Mt Lawley D RESERVE 1993 St Norberts 1984 Scarborough 1985 Innaloo 1997 Ocean Ridge F GRADE 1986 Dianella 1998 High Wycombe 1987 Girrawheen 1999 Melville ERIC FREEMAN CUP 1988 Swanbourne 2000 Melville 1969 Innaloo 1989 Wembley 2001 Lynwood Ferndale 1970 Carlisle 1990 University 2002 Warnbro Swans 1971 Scarborough 1991 Ocean Ridge 2003 Melville No Competition 1972 - 1975 1992 Rockingham 2004 Kingsley 1976 University 1993 Forrestfield 2005 Ballajura 1977 Osborne Park 1994 Dianella Morley 1978 Nollamara 1995 East Fremantle A THIRDS 1979 Innaloo 1996 West Coast 2005 C.B.C. 1980 North Beach 1981 Forrestfield I GRADE B THIRDS 1982 Trinity Aquinas H.R. LEWIS MEMORIAL TROPHY 1983 Churchlands 2005 Wembley 1984 Scarborough 1978 National Bank 1985 Cockburn Lakes 1979 Forrestfield AB3 1986 University 1980 Lynwood Ferndale 1981 Bullcreek

26 1982 Nollamara 1968 Wembley 1978 Collegians 1983 A.I.C.A. 1969 University 1979 East Victoria Park 1984 Girrawheen 1970 University 1980 Innaloo 1985 Bassendean 1971 University 1981 Dianella (Div 1) 1986 East Fremantle 1972 Carlisle Mt Lawley (Div 2) 1987 Navy 1973 Carlisle 1982 W.A.I.T. 1988 University 1974 University 1983 W.A.I.T. (Div 1) 1989 Swan Athletic 1975 University Bassendean (Div 2) 1990 Swan View 1976 University 1984 Dianella 1991 North Beach 1977 University 1985 Forrestfield 1992 Cockburn Lakes 1978 Carlisle 1986 Morley 1993 Mt Lawley 1979 Wembley 1987 University 1994 Cowan University 1980 Mt Lawley 1988 C.B.C. 1995 North Fremantle 1981 Mt Lawley 1989 Whitford 1996 Forrestdale 1982 University 1990 University 1983 Wembley 1991 Rockingham J GRADE 1984 Mt Lawley 1992 Cowan University B.E. WAINWRIGHT TROPHY 1985 University 1993 Ocean Ridge 1986 University 1994 North Beach 1979 T.C. Mt Lawley 1987 University 1995 Brentwood 1980 Scarborough 1988 Trinity Aquinas 1996 Bullcreek Leeming 1981 Mt Lawley 1989 University 1997 Wesley Curtin 1982 City of Perth 1990 University 1998 East Fremantle 1983 ANZ 1991 University 1999 Lynwood Ferndale 1984 Hellenic 1992 Wembley 2000 Wesley Curtin 1985 Wanneroo 1993 University 2001 Willetton 1986 North Fremantle 1994 University 2002 Warnbro Swans 1987 University 1995 University 2003 Mosman Park 1988 Scarborough 1996 University 2004 Kalamunda Premiership Winners 1989 Swan View 1997 C.B.C. 1990 Rockingham 1998 University D COLTS 1991 Cockburn Lakes 1999 C.B.C. 1992 Wanneroo 2000 C.B.C. 1979 Osborne Park 1993 Hamersley Carine 2001 University 1980 Forrestfield 1994 Whitford 2002 University No competition 1981 - 1983 1995 Forrestdale 2003 North Beach 1984 Redcliffe 1996 Innaloo 1985 West Coast B COLTS 1986 Redcliffe K GRADE C.R. GIBSON TROPHEY 1987 Forrestfield TROPHY SPECIALIST TROPHY 1988 Applecross 1968 University 1989 Applecross 1980 Osborne Park 1969 Belmont 1990 Applecross 1981 Maylands 1970 Victoria Park 1982 Mt Hawthorn West Perth 1971 Mt Hawthorn West Perth WEST COAST EAGLES AMATEUR 1983 Dianella 1972 W.A.I.T. COLTS 1984 W.A.I.T. 1973 Osborne Park 1985 North Fremantle 1974 Nollamara PHIL SCOTT DIVISION 1986 Innaloo 1975 North Beach 2004 North Fremantle 1987 Mt Hawthorn West Perth 1976 North Beach 1988 Bayswater 2005 Trinity Aquinas 1977 Bayswater 1989 Rockingham 1978 North Fremantle 1990 Collegians Old Scotch DREW BANFIELD DIVISION 1979 Collegians 1991 Ocean Ridge 1980 North Fremantle 2004 Willetton 1992 Wembley 1981 North Beach 2005 Wembley 1993 Innaloo 1982 C.B.C. 1994 Cockburn Lakes 1983 Scarborough IAN DARGIE DIVISION 1984 West Coast 2004 Kalamunda L GRADE 1985 West Coast 2005 Kingsley TROPHY SPECIALIST TOPHY 1986 West Coast

1987 C.B.C. 1984 Morley LAURIE KEENE DIVISION 1985 Swanborne Nedlands 1988 Collegians Old Scotch 1986 Riverton 1989 Collegians Old Scotch 2004 Kalamunda 1987 West Coast 1990 Collegians Old Scotch 2005 Bullcreek Leeming 1988 Carlisle 1991 Collegians Old Scotch 1989 John 23rd 1992 Swan Athletic 1990 Mundaring Hills 1993 Swan Athletic 1991 Wembley 1994 University 1992 Brentwood 1995 University 1996 C.B.C. A COLTS 1997 Mt Lawley C.J. VERYARD CUP 1998 Whitford 1999 Whitford 1959 Midland Junction 2000 Whitford 1960 University 2001 Whitford 1961 East Perth 2002 Wembley 1962 T.T.C. 2003 West Coast Cowan 1963 Carlisle 1964 T.T.C. C COLTS 1965 University 1966 University 1973 Unknown 1967 Wembley 1977 East Victoria Park

27 PREMIERSHIP TALLY Victoria Park 5 Stirling 2 Brentwood 4 Trinity O.B. 2 University 67 Hamersley Carine 4 W.A.C.A.E. 2 Wembley 41 Kalamunda 4 West Coast Cowan 2 Mt Lawley 27 Lynwood Ferndale 4 A.I.C.A. 1 North Fremantle 27 Midland Junction 4 ANZ 1 C.B.C. 17 Mosman Park 4 Balcatta 1 Scarborough 16 Ocean Ridge 4 Ballajura 1 North Beach 16 Palmyra 4 Belmont 1 Cockburn Lakes 12 Sandovers 4 Churchlands 1 Innaloo 12 Swan View 4 City of Perth 1 Whitford 12 W.A.I.T. 4 Claremont Nedlands 1 Carlisle 11 Wesley Curtin 4 Coolbellup 1 Collegians 10 Bullcreek 3 Floreat Marist 1 Trinity Aquinas 10 Cowan University 3 Floreat Park 1 West Coast 10 Dianella Morley 3 Fremantle 1 Nollamara 9 Kingsley 3 Fremantle CBC Old Boys 1 Swan Athletic 9 Postals 3 Hamersley 1 Forrestfield 8 South Fremantle 3 Inglewood Mt Lawley 1 Redcliffe 8 South Perth 3 Marangaroo 1 Rockingham 8 St Norberts 3 Marist O.B. 1 Bassendean 7 T.T.C 3 Midland 1 Maylands 7 T.T.C. Claremont 3 Mundaring 1 Bayswater 6 Teachers College 3 Mundaring Hills 1 Collegians Old Scotch 6 Willetton 3 National Bank 1 East Fremantle 6 Wonderers 3 Navy 1 East Perth 6 Ascot 2 Nedlands T.T.C. 1 High Wycombe 6 Balcatta Osborne Park 2 Old Scotch 1 Melville 6 City Beach 2 Old Wesley 1 Osborne Park 6 Coolbinia Yokine 2 Osborne Districts 1 Wanneroo 6 East Victoria Park 2 Perth 1 Warnbro Swans 6 Forrestdale 2 R & I Bank 1 Applecross 5 Girrawheen 2 Riverton 1 Bullcreek Leeming 5 Graylands T.C. 2 Swanborne Nedlands 1 Commonwealth Bank 5 Hellenic 2 T.C. Claremont 1 Dianella 5 John 23rd 2 T.C. Mt Lawley 1 Mt Hawthorn West Perth 5 Morley 2 T.T.C. Mt Lawley 1 Swanbourne 5 Muresk 2 West Perth 1 T.C. Churchlands 5 N.S.T.C. 2


A GRADE A. Nynette East Perth C.J. JAMIESON MEDAL 1962 B. Lambert Cockburn

Premiership Tally & Fairest & Best Winners & Best & Fairest Premiership Tally 1963 B. Lambert North Fremantle 1931 A. McPherson Hurlingham 1964 N. Rotham Wembley 1932 A. Fisher University 1965 R. Harding Vic Park 1933 R. Roe iversity 1966 B. Lambert North Fremantle 1934 R. Roe University 1967 T. Rieusett Carlisle 1935 A. Reardon Postals 1968 J. Hurren Carlisle 1936 S. Miller Sandovers 1969 R. Dook Wembley 1937 D. Ryan Water Supply 1970 G. Watt Carlisle 1938 J. Bowe Wembley A. Barnett University 1939 K. Swain Claremont 1971 A. Barnett University 1940 R. Hagen Inglewood 1972 R. Becker Mosman Park 1941 A. Shields R.A.A.F. 1973 A. Bovell University No Competition 1942 - 1945 1974 G. Neesham C.B.C. 1946 D. Lind Mt Hawthorn 1975 J. Riseley Carlisle 1947 W. Anderson University 1976 L. Glamuzina Leederville 1948 V. Lemon Mt Hawthorn 1977 G. Hambley North Beach 1949 D. Elliott South Perth 1978 G. Hambley North Beach 1950 A. Parentich University 1979 D. Ireland Mt Lawley 1951 A. Loo East Perth 1980 D. Taylor Wembley 1952 L. Beard Mosman Park 1981 N. Fong Nollamara 1953 R. O'Connor Maylands 1982 N. Fong Nollamara 1954 J. Hilton Inglewood 1983 N. Fong Nollamara 1955 J. Kenshaw Mosman Park 1984 L. Sprylan North Beach 1956 J. Hilton Inglewood 1985 J. Bengough Scarborough 1957 R. Thomas Mosman Park 1986 G. Dennis North Beach 1958 R. Thomas Mosman Park 1987 D. Perry North Beach 1959 W. James North Fremantle 1988 B. Chute Old Wesley 1960 A. Hughes South Perth 1989 D. Perry North Beach 1961 A. Hughes South Perth

28 1953 R. O'Kely Osborne Park - Osborne Park R.O'Kely 1953 V. Davis Mt Lawley - MtLawley V.Davis 1949 S. Hales Claremont Nedlands - ClaremontNedlands S.Hales 1949 92 .Kiy NorthBeach Scarborough Collegians OldScotch Floreat V.DiCarlo 1973 B.Keily S.T.C. Wembley HiltonPark 1972 HiltonPark A. 1971 Jeffries HiltonPark P. 1970 I.Allnutt Mt Hawthorn Farmers 1969 HiltonPark W. 1968 G.McKenzie Tidy 1967 G.McKenzie 1966 G.McKenzie 1965 Nedlands/Claremont M. T.Wright T.T.C. 1964 D.Nickel 1963 Butcher G. 1962 Bevan .MIts Palmyra- E.McIntosh Districts - Sourther E. Fremantle K. T.T.C Chester Bayswater I. - Armstrong E.Kilmurry - Caport E. Bowyer Swanbourne Cottesloe - Cottesloe Swanbourne E.Bowyer 98 .Sms Midland Junction- WestPerth M.Simms 1958 C.Letterick 1957 1956 R. O'Kely Osborne Park - Osborne Park MidlandJunction- R.O'Kely 1956 R.Wearne 1955 90 .Hae OldLouisians- D.Hoare 1960 1954 R. O'Kely Osborne Park - Osborne Park R.O'Kely 1954 1961 R. Ward East Fremantle/Palmyra - East Fremantle/Palmyra R.Ward 1961 1950 S. Hales Claremont Nedlands - ClaremontNedlands S.Hales 1950 1948 L. Dvorak C.B.C. Old Boys - C.B.C.OldBoys MosmanPark EastFremantle L.Dvorak 1948 R.McDonald Swan Athletic 1947 L.O'Reilly Scarborough 1946 C.B.C. B GRADE S.Campbell C.B.C North D. 2005 Fremantle WestCoast Peake J. 2004 Abbott Scarborough C.B.C. J. 2003 Scarborough Abbott B. 2002 Scarborough Cox C. 2001 Longmore G. 2000 S.Curran Jones University G. 1999 Jones G. 1998 Jones University G. 1997 Robson 1997 Reintroduced C.B.C. Grade NorthBeach N. Collegians Carlisle C.B.C. K. 1975 Sleigh N. 1974 Watson Cassidy R. 1973 Richmond N 1972 Peating A RESERVE B.Kiely 1976 NorthBeach Whitford A2 Whitford Collegians D. 2005 NorthBeach MacDonald W. Whitford T. 2004 North Feist S. 2003 T.McNeil Fremantle Scarborough NorthBeach Otway Hede 2002 C.B.C. S. 2001 C.B.C. Freeman MtLawley R. 2000 C.Trew Thomson 1999 MtLawley P. 1998 Nollamara Scarborough Brooks P. 1997 T.Coaker Wesley Curtin Brooks 1996 A. 1995 Fullgrabe T. 1994 J.Cook Scarborough Wilson 1993 M.Cartier 1992 W. 1991 B.Chute Dawson 1990 1952 E. Brunton Commonweath Bank - Bank Commonweath E.Brunton 1952 J. Fremantle McLinden - 1951 M. Nanovich Osborne Park - OsbornePark M.Nanovich 1951 .Cnlv Maylands - Maylands - J.Candlev A.Gregson 99S ges University - S. 1959 Aggers

B2 B2 Eastern A Res B2 B2 Eastern B2

A Res B1 B1 B1 B1





Western Western B1


A Res

94 .Bon Dianella Morley W.A.I.T. Carlisle W.Brown T.C.Claremont Hamersley 1984 H. 1983 Swanbourne Hayward S. 1982 Morley Crole J. 1981 S.McNamara Commonwealth Farmer 1980 Trinity Bank NorthBeach P. 1979 T.C. Webb L. 1978 Graylands Italiano G. 1977 Maylands Perth Pascoe R. 1976 Teachers Seman D. 1975 Smith J. 1974 Clohessy A. 1972 B.Kiely Perth Ponton 1971 Swan Districts Perth J. 1970 Perth Exley Perth R. 1969 Nedlands/Claremont Motteram J. 1968 McNamara J. 1967 Rivervale McNamara D. 1966 Cherry N. 1965 A.Towers Swanbourne Gribble 1964 L. 1963 Olsen R. 1947 MtLawley Bassendean Atkinson Kalamunda Hamersley Carine C GRADE Trinity Aquinas C. 2005 WestCoastCowan MtLawley Graefling S. 2004 A.Maughan Trivic DianellaMorley Trinity Aquinas 2003 Collegians M. R.Keane 2002 D.Robotham A.Imms 2001 A.Maughan Wanneroo Blair 2000 NorthBeach M.Harries B.Corbett Bassendean 1999 Collegians P. 1998 Taylor P. 1997 Bayswater Bayswater Nazzari in1997 Reintroduced Grade G. 1975 J.Lind Pope 1974 S. 1973 Denys J. 1972 Mills EEV Wesley Curtin Wesley Curtin DStQuintin MtLawley B RESERVE Wesley Curtin Wesley Curtin R. T.Cooper 2005 Scarborough D. G. Hicks Bassendean Croxford 2004 Wanneroo R. T.Cooper Nollamara Bassendean Young 2003 T.Cooper Scarborough 2002 Bassendean CollegiansOldScotch Thomson Swan Athletic M. 2001 Nollamara Black C. 2000 Stone S. 1999 Hall C.B.C. A. 1998 McPhee S. 1997 G.Newman C.B.C. Hall 1996 A.Matson Bassendean 1995 Bayswater S. 1994 Osborne Crole N. 1993 Districts Rogers D. 1992 Maylands Newby C.B.C. M. 1991 Maylands Lewis A 1990 W.A.I.T. Rottigne H. 1989 Hayward H. 1988 Morley Perth West MtHawthorn Hayward P. 1987 Hurst North M. 1986 FloreatMarist C.B.C. Fremantle McNee B. 1985 Morley McGuire D. 1984 S.Bombardieri Swanborne NedlandsSTC Herrington 1983 R. 1982 Floreat Cronan L. 1981 Marist Collier P. 1980 G.Maslin Webb North 1979 R.Pearson Fremantle 1978 Melville N. 1977 Kirk P. 1976 J.DeLuca Grosser 1975 B. 1974 Hurrel 29

Fairest & Best Medal Winners 1985 M. Tweedie Melville C. Aldrich Mosman Park 1986 J. Lawrence Bassendean 2002 B. Hayes Lynwood Ferndale 1987 K. Andrews Coolbinia Yokine 2003 A. Morey Swan View 1988 G. Andrews Coolbinia Yokine 2004 J. Rusden East Fremantle 1989 J. Lawrence Bassendean R. Nice Kingsley 1990 K. Williams Rockingham J. Gitsham Kingsley 1991 K. Greenwood Rockingham 2005 T. Musika Cockburn Lakes 1992 J. Dadaliaris Bayswater S. Leighton East Fremantle 1993 T. Fullgrabe Osborne Districts 1994 A. Lees Bullcreek Leeming D RESERVE 1995 A. Rottigni Balcatta 1996 P. Sanzone Balcatta 1997 A. Spicer Forrestfield 1997 P. Copeland Brentwood 1998 G. Lammonby High Wycombe 1998 S. Freeman Cockburn Lakes 1999 D. Pegrum Coolbinia Yokine 1999 G. Milne Wesley Curtin 2000 D. Pegrum Coolbinia Yokine 2000 T. Musika Cockburn Lakes 2001 T. King University G. Hall Belmont Redcliffe G. Dowding Ascot 2001 J. Giltay Brentwood 2002 B. Winman Mosman Park N. Browne Cockburn Lakes 2003 H. Kennington Melville 2002 J. Sharp Ocean Ridge 2004 A. Wood Ballajura A. Gericke Bassendean 2005 R. Marsh Carlisle 2003 M. Ford Warnbro Swans A Thirds C. Wheatcroft St Norberts 2004 J. Sharp Ocean Ridge 2005 D. Egan North Fremantle 2005 S. O’Connor Bullcreek Leeming B Thirds C RESERVE 2005 S. Hall Bassendean 1997 A. Mincherton Brentwood 1998 S. Evan Bullcreek Leeming AB3 M. Verney Brentwood 1999 V. Bryan Bullcreek Leeming 2002 T. Sayer Wesley Curtin 2000 S. Sterrett High Wycombe 2003 T. Sayer Wesley Curtin W. Hotchkin Belmont Redcliffe 2004 D. Hinchliffe C.B.C. 2001 M. Boyd High Wycombe 2002 K. Reynolds Dianella Morley AB4 2003 C. Sobejko Willetton 2002 M. Dawson Trinity Aquinas 2004 M. Sinden Brentwood N. Watson Wembley 2005 B. Donnelly Warnbro Swans Fairest & Best Medal Winners & Best Fairest 2003 G. Nelson North Fremantle

2004 C. MacKinnon University D GRADE J. Neesham North Fremantle 1964 J. Jancey Carlisle 1965 D. Cherry Perth E GRADE 1966 B. Kiely North Beach 1967 K. Ayton Bassendean 1967 V. Jones Leederville 1968 T. Farrel Commonwealth Bank 1968 K. Ayton Bassendean 1969 W. Ison Commonwealth Bank 1969 B. Kiely North Beach 1970 W. Smith Innaloo 1970 R. Mitson Nedlands Claremont 1971 G. Meyer Trinity O.B. 1971 W. Smith Innaloo 1974 W. Pausin R&I Bank 1972 D. Allen Muresk 1975 A. Thompson City Beach M. Tusman Maccabi 1976 J. Abbott City Beach 1973 G. Bergerson Ashfield 1977 G. Buckenara T.C. Churchlands 1974 M. De Luca T.C. Mt Lawley 1978 S. McNamara T.C. Claremont 1975 G. Parlongo T.C. Mt Lawley 1979 A. Vaugham Murdoch 1976 M. Petkovich Old Wesley 1980 D. Nelson Innaloo 1977 B. Hughes City Beach 1981 K. Withers University 1978 D. Nicholls Perth 1982 M. Edwards Churchlands 1979 G. Maddaford Perth 1983 W. Simmonds Claremont C.A.E. 1980 G. Walsh Teachers 1984 K. Maisey Applecross 1981 L. Sprlyan T.C. Mt Lawley 1985 L. Tann St Nortberts 1982 D. Simmonds T.C. Claremont 1986 P. Matier Bullcreek 1983 V. Hudson Brentwood 1987 S. Mulvey St Norberts 1984 K. Dimeon Lynwood Ferndale 1988 S. Mulvey St Norberts 1985 G. Mumme W.A.C.A.E. 1989 S. Anastos John 23rd 1986 V. Hudson Brentwood 1990 C. Bertilone Balcatta 1987 V. Hudson Brentwood 1991 G. O'Day Wanneroo 1988 A. Dellasanta A.I.C.A. 1992 G. Dowding Redcliffe 1989 P,. McKiernan W.A.C.A.E. 1993 D. Eaves Brentwood 1990 S. Anastos John 23rd 1994 G. Ford Coolbellup 1991 G. Fitzgerald Lynwood Ferndale 1995 S. Murdoch Coolbinia Yokine 1992 J. Morgan Cowan University 1996 G. Peel Bankwest 1993 K. Webster Lynwood Ferndale 1997 R. Breen Innaloo 1994 F. Haynes Swan View 1998 M. Deeble Innaloo 1995 D. Williams Osborne DIstricts J. Colbung Dianella Morley 1996 J. Wynne Osborne DIstricts P. Erdleyi Balcatta Osborne Park 1997 K. Vlahov Carlisle R. Tinder Mosman Park 1998 S. Spencer High Wycombe 1999 D. Fry Willetton 1999 S. Spencer High Wycombe 2000 K. Bain Kingsley 2000 M. Ford Warnbro Swans 2001 P. Britten Kingsley 2001 R. Ware Melville

30 2002 P. Britten Kingsley 1982 A. Bockman Old Wesley 2003 G. Ford Coolbellup 1983 C. Marphy Nollamara 2004 J. Chambers Bassendean 1984 S. Paddon Wembley 2005 B. Robertson Warnbro Swans 1985 M. Brewer Collegians Old Scotch 1986 B. Calvin Trinity Aquinas E RESERVE 1987 M. Spadanuda North Fremantle 1988 A. Hayes University 1998 M. Webb Trinity Aquinas 1989 M. Cawley University 1999 C. Bettles Scarborough 1990 M. Simpson University 2000 S. Atkinson Whitford 1991 S. Ham Wembley 2001 G. McDonald North Fremantle 1992 P. Phillips University 2002 T. Raddom Swan View 1993 D. O'Neill Trinity Aquinas 1994 D. O'Neill Trinity Aquinas SINGLE TEAM GRADE 1995 A. Pickett Nollamara 1993 P. Rawlings East Fremantle 1996 A. Pickett Nollamara 1997 A. Imms Trinity Aquinas F GRADE 1998 B. Byrne University 1999 M. Hamilton West Coast 1969 W. Smith Innaloo 2000 S. Parry University 1970 T. Hann Trinity O.B. 2001 A. Northover Trinity Aquinas 1971 D. Oliver Scarborough 2002 G. Moir University No Competition 1972 - 1975 2003 R. Arangio North Fremantle 1976 M. Shallow Murdoch 1977 P. Steware Whitford B COLTS 1978 S. Denys Bayswater 1979 M. Nener Brentwood 1968 R. Thomas North Innaloo 1980 J. Ellis Greenwood 1969 S. Tampalini W.A.I.T. 1981 P. Harrision Greenwood 1970 G. Elliss Bayswater 1982 K. May Koondoola 1971 G. Elliss Bayswater 1983 K. May Koondoola 1972 R. Lieshman W.A.I.T. 1984 P. Somers Graylands 1973 G. Miller Osborne Park 1985 G. Truscott Cockburn Lakes 1974 B. Fitzgerald Scarborough 1986 R. Jackamara Whitford 1975 R. Glynn North Fremantle 1987 R. Murphy John 23rd 1976 R. Woodhouse North Fremantle 1988 D. Morey Sawyers Valley 1977 G. Clune Marist 1989 K. Brown Mt Lawley 1978 C. Cicerello Bayswater 1990 R. Fewings Coolbellup 1979 W. Pascoe Collegians 1991 W. Langlands Nollamara 1980 G. Mumme Churchlands 1981 M. Gill North Fremantle 1992 B. Thomas Brentwood Medal Winners & Best Fairest 1993 D. Muller Bassendean 1982 P. Asphar Scarborough 1994 M. Paganin University 1983 M. Gill North Fremantle 1995 W. Nickisson High Wycombe 1984 C. Brown Carlisle 1996 T. Dunlea Carlisle 1985 S. Shearing Carlisle 1997 S. Bombaderi Osborne Districts 1986 S. Ashby Dianella 1998 B. Bolland Whitford 1987 P. Carlsen Maylands 1999 D. Muller Bassendean 1988 G. Masters Innaloo 2000 E. Dimer Innaloo 1989 R. Nicholaidis Dianella 2001 M. Hart Coolbellup 1990 c. Milentis Swan Athletic 2002 M. Hart Coolbellup 1991 G. Pezzimenti Osborne Districts 2003 A. Chapman Mt Lawley 1992 D. Kernaham C.B.C. 2004 S. Hastie Warnbro Swans 1993 R. Imbrogio Bassendean 1994 M. Yukich Swan Athletic G GRADE 1995 R. Lambly Hamersley Carine 1996 I. Davidson C.B.C. 1976 R. Dann East Perth 1997 D. Hopkins Hamersley Carine 1977 R. Dann East Perth 1998 P. Di Nardo Dianella Morley 1978 S. Lee Kong Scarborough 1999 D. Trimboli Trinity Aquinas 1979 J. Pattinson Greenwood 2000 T. Jemmeson Mt Lawley 1980 D. Joy University 2001 A. Roberts Collegians 1981 D. Kearsley Koondoola 2002 A. Harper Wesley Curtin 1982 D. Nadebaum University A. Jones Kalamunda 1983 A. Vaughan Applecross 2003 D. McLeod Willetton 1984 M. Ford Cockburn Lakes 1985 G. Bergerson Mt Lawley C COLTS 1986 M. Owens Ocean Ridge 1987 T. Major Coolbellup 1973 G. Neesham T.C. Graylands 1988 W. Mason Navy 1977 T. Lancaster Morley 1989 V. Drayton Girrawheen 1978 T. Lancaster Morley 1990 R. May Redcliffe 1979 M. Cinkurs Scarborough 1991 B. McKinnon Wesley Curtin 1981 N. Little Mt Hawthorn West Perth 1992 C. Cox Ocean Ridge 1982 E. Jokovich W.A.I.T. 1993 T. Taylor Warnbro Swans 1983 K. Stewart Coolbinia Yokine 1994 T. Taylor Warnbro Swans 1984 B. Smith Northbridge AICA 1995 T. Taylor Warnbro Swans 1985 R. Chadwick University 1996 S. Evans Bullcreek Leeming 1986 B. Mentz Lynwood Ferndale 1997 D. Muller Bassendean 1987 T. Kluwen Morley 1998 N. Yeoland Wesley Curtin 1988 L. Bowie Bassendean 1999 J. Davies Nollamara 1989 G. Damiani Whitford 2000 D. Davies Nollamara 1990 T. Sieracki Rockingham 2001 W. Riggoll Willetton 1991 S. Ballem Whitford 2002 T. Barrodeen Ballajura 1992 F. Haynes Swan View

31 1993 A. Taylor Brentwood H GRADE 1994 T. Jackson Forrestdale

1977 V. Iopollo Mt Lawley L GRADE 1978 P. O'Dea Marist 1979 R. Pileggi Swan Valley 1984 L. Schaafsma Coolbinia Yokine 1980 N. Oxenham Koondoola 1985 G. Williamsons Swanbourne Nedlands 1981 M. Owens Edgewater 1986 S. Roach Riverton 1982 P. Juhren Robbs Jetty 1987 A. Godfrey Rockingham 1983 G. Bergerson Mt Lawley 1988 P. Claxton Sawyers Valley 1984 H. Rees ANZ Bank 1989 R. Putland Brentwood 1985 S. Gregory City of Perth 1990 C. Cox Ocean Ridge 1986 G. O'Day Wanneroo 1991 M. Boyd Sawyers Valley 1987 A. Ryniker Redcliffe 1992 M. Battel Brentwood 1988 M. Hodder Bassendean 1989 A. Fielder Riverton A COLTS 1990 P. White-Parsons C.B.C. 1991 P. White-Parsons C.B.C. 1959 K. Smith Bayswater 1992 P. Rawlings East Fremantle 1960 J. King T.T.C. 1993 D. Connell Scarborough 1961 B. Slater T.T.C. 1994 W. Nickisson High Wycombe 1962 C. Stannage T.T.C. 1995 P. Asphar Scarborough 1963 L. John Wembley 1996 R. Hambley Lynwood Ferndale 1964 R. Northend Victoria Park 1965 K. Pearson Mt Hawthorn West Perth I GRADE 1966 P. Griffiths Swanbourne 1967 G. Bridge Collegians Old Scotch 1978 M. Nener Brentwood 1968 M. McPhee University 1979 N. Yovich Forrestfield 1969 P. Featherby Wembley 1980 M. Owens Edgewater 1970 L. Aitken University 1981 P. Fruend Bullcreek 1971 M. Herd Wembley 1982 E. Derviter Swan View 1972 M. Herd Wembley 1983 K. Nairn Murdoch University 1973 N. Feakes Carlisle 1984 G. Young Bassendean 1974 J. Faulkner Carlisle 1985 P. Bedford East Fremantle 1975 F. Bucknall Wembley 1986 T. Satour Murdoch 1976 J. Rigg S.T.C. 1987 W. Mason Navy 1977 J. Birman University 1988 G. McDonald North Fremantle 1978 I McCarey Old Wesley 1989 A. Miller R.A.A.F. 1979 K Kosovich Wembley 1990 J. Rees Murdoch University 1980 K. Smith Nollamara Fairest & Best Medal Winners & Best Fairest 1991 D. Jarvis-Spinks North Beach 1981 I. Rakich University 1992 S. Spencer High Wycombe 1993 K. Palmer Wanneroo 1993 M. Nish Lynwood Ferndale 1994 A. Thomas Warnbro Swans 1994 S. Donovan Ocean Ridge 1995 D. Wynne Brentwood 1995 S. Curtis West Coast 1996 S. Bonetti St Norberts 1996 C. Wood High Wycombe 1997 N. Cullen St Norberts 1998 C. Wheatcroft Lynwood Ferndale J GRADE 1999 C. Wheatcroft Lynwood Ferndale P. Mugambwa Bullcreek Leeming 1979 J. Kensitt Koondoola 2000 K. Fitzgerald High Wycombe 1980 J. Beresi Robbs Jetty 2001 L. Adams Lynwood Ferndale 1981 L. Kelly Robbs Jetty 2002 S. Pearce Warnbro Swans 1982 J. Taylor City of Perth B. Charlton Collegians 1983 B. Morris Girrawheen 2003 B. Gabrovec Kingsley 1984 P. Bedford East Fremantle 1985 C. Turvey Morley D COLTS 1986 G. Murphy Redcliffe 1987 D. Mulligan Trinity Aquinas 1989 G. Walters Applecross 1988 T. Woodward Hellenics 1989 T. Fetherston-Haugh Murdoch University 1990 T. Rigali Coolbinia Yokine WEST COAST EAGLES AMATEUR COLTS 1991 K. Andrews Coolbinia Yokine 1992 D. Pegrum Coolbinia Yokine PHIL SCOTT DIVISION 1993 N. Ramsay Brentwood 1994 K. Symons Wembley 2004 K. Riemann North Beach 1995 D. Kostandinosk Balcatta 2005 T. Mzungu Trinity Aquinas 1996 K. Breen Innaloo DREW BANFIELD DIVISION

K GRADE 2004 L. Browne Swan Athletic

1980 B. Barber Melville 2005 A. Ogg Kalamunda 1981 B. McCaffrey North Fremantle IAN DARGIE DIVISION 1982 P. Carroll W.A.I.T. 1983 K. Glass Dianella 2004 A. Saylor Ballajura 1984 F. Nannup Coolbellup 2005 R. Christianson West Coast Cowan 1985 R. Sheridan Carlisle 1986 M. Hodder Bassendean LAURIE KEENE DIVISION 1987 G. Andrews Coolbinia Yokine 1988 D. Pegrum Coolbinia Yokine 2005 M. Ferguson Melville 1989 T. Jackson Rockingham 1990 S. Watson Collegians Old Scotch 1991 G. O'Rorke Applecross 1992 G. McCulloch Mt Lawley


Awarded to the Fairest and Best Player in the “A’ grade Grand 1992 G. Kearney Mt Lawley Final, honouring Barney Giles O.A.M., J.P., who has given long 1993 R. Perrie North Beach service to the WAAFL. 1994 A. Host West Coast 1981 M. Salmon University 1995 D. Govan Scarborough 1982 G. Wilkinson Old Scotch 1996 S. Massey University 1983 B. Dunn Mt Lawley 1997 G. Fitzpatrick Scarborough 1984 P. Sanders Wembley 1998 D. Bryant Scarborough 1985 L. Baron Mt Lawley 1999 M. Hamer North Beach 1986 N. Carroll Mt Lawley 2000 S. Moloney C.B.C. 1987 G. Kearney Mt Lawley 2001 M. Pratt North Beach 1988 R. Bell Mt Lawley 2002 L. Smith North Beach 1989 D. Higgins North Beach 2003 S. Misich North Fremantle 1990 G. Biffen Wembley 2004 S. Pearce North Beach 1991 G. Kearney Mt Lawley 2005 R. Shimmings North Beach



1958 B. Featherby Wembley 113 1962 S. Mitchell Bayswater 1959 B. Featherby Wembley 1963 M. Leach T.T.C. Claremont 1960 H. Bell North Fremantle 69 1964 R. Burns Hilton Park 42 1961 B. Gianotti University 77 1965 K. Sommes Collegians Old Scotch 68 1962 B. Packard Mosman Park 1966 R. Smith Mt Lawley 57 1963 G. Pole East Perth 1967 R. Smith Mt Lawley 1964 A. Leckie Maylands 50 1968 D. Hayes Mosman Park 59 1965 B. Featherby University 1969 R. Branson Nollamara 71 M. Doig Wembley 47 1970 K. Ayton Bassendean 48 1969 B. McCaffrey Melville 54 1971 J. Cain Floreat 53 1970 A. Barnett University 100 1972 R. Nelson Old Wesley 57 1971 A. Barnett University 100 1973 B. Smith Maylands 47 1972 R. Wheatley North Fremantle 100 1974 B. Hersey Nollamara 45

1973 R. Wilson University 47 1975 K. Ayton Bayswater 58 Winners Award Goal Kicking 1974 J. Miller C.B.C. 101 1976 R. Rowe Bayswater 80 1975 M. Salmon University 103 1977 K. Simion Maylands 79 1976 G. Bancroft Carlisle 69 1978 K. Blake North Fremantle 53 1977 G. Aldridge Mt Lawley 98 1979 B. Veryard Floreat Marist 48 1978 P. Botsis Wembley 95 1980 S. Moore Trinity Aquinas 60 1979 G. Donovan Nollamara 77 1981 G. Fathers Morley 111 1980 S. Arnott Old Wesley 1982 G. Fathers Morley 108 1981 T. Power Old Wesley 60 1983 R. Stark Floreat Marist 55 1982 J. O'Neil North Beach 62 1984 M. Hughes Bayswater 65 1983 K. Pride Old Wesley 85 1985 S. Mulhall West Coast 70 1984 C. Northcott Nollamara 78 1986 P. Botsis Mt Lawley 65 1985 C. Northcott Nollamara 112 1987 C. Hall Collegians Old Scotch 72 1986 B. McFaull Scarborough 139 1988 B. McFaull Innaloo 96 1987 V. Lowe Mt Lawley 1989 G. Howar C.B.C. 111 1988 V. Lowe Mt Lawley 64 1990 J. Olczy North Fremantle 58 1989 K. Pride Old Wesley 50 G. Yukich Swan Athletic 358 1990 P. Bistrup North Beach 57 1991 T. Bozich Swan Athletic 76 1991 W. Taylor West Coast 99 1992 P. Brindley C.B.C. 108 1992 V. Lowe Mt Lawley 66 1993 D. Reed C.B.C. 60 1993 W. Taylor West Coast 97 1994 S. Hadland Bassendean 75 1994 M. Cullen Nollamara 79 1995 S. Hadland Bassendean 60 1995 M. Cullen Nollamara 101 1996 P. Brooks C.B.C. 82 1996 S. Sadowski North Beach 56 1997 K. Caton Balcatta 53 1997 P. Brooks C.B.C. 90 1998 J. Hayman Nollamara 55 1998 P. McDonald Mt Lawley 75 1999 M. Hastie Wanneroo 82 1999 N. Moody Scarborough 73 2000 D. Mulligan Bullcreek Leeming 54 2000 S. Moloney C.B.C. 75 2001 D. Mulligan Bullcreek Leeming 82 2001 M. Cullen Balcatta Osborne Park 86 2002 J. Tasker Wesley Curtin 73 2002 M. Cullen Stirling 46 2003 C. Johnson West Coast Cowan 87 2003 M. Silver C.B.C. 77 2004 B. Robertson Mt Lawley 71 2004 J. Hayman Stirling 64 2005 T. Cooper Wesley Curtin 52 2005 M. Holbrook North Beach 68

33 Undefeated Teams & Champion Clubs ot rmnl EGrade NorthFremantle C D Bullcreek Leeming DRes Ballajura D C ID 2005 E Kalamunda Reserve Kingsley Warnbro Swans G 2004 Kalamunda ARes BRes Res 2003 Coolbellup Colts F Ballajura AColts Coolbellup A WestCoastCowan NorthFremantle CColts University A G 2002 TrinityAquinas Kalamunda Colts BRes Lynwood Ferndale Colts D 2001 University D C 2000 C.B.C. TrinityAquinas Res B Melville 1999 Res 1997 Redcliffe A J C.B.C. Colts University G Innaloo Rossmoyne Colts Warnbro C E 1996 Swan A Brentwood A G J University Athletic H K Forrestdale Swans AColts F Colts 1995 Scarborough Colts A 1994 Forrestfield 1993 Forrestfield 1992 Wembley Colts TrinityAquinas Hamersley 1990 University 1988 C 1986 Cockburn I E E Bassendean BColts Carine C Swan Lakes E 1985 Mt 1983 Carlisle B D NorthFremantle 1982 Dianella Lawley D A Forrestfield Athletic Colts A 1980 1979 Collegians Res A Colts Swan D Colts 1975 Wembley Colts 1974 University B 1973 Mosman Sunday B 1972 Carlisle A Valley 1964 Carlisle Park University 1960 North A 1949 B Palmyra 1947 South Fremantle 1940 East B 1939 North Perth B 1934 University Fremantle 1933 Postals Fremantle 1925 Teachers *During homeandaway season Institute College UNDEFEATED TEAMS 34 Wesley Curtin 2005 Kalamunda 2004 Warnbro Swans 2003 Warnbro Swans 2002 WestCoastCowan 2001 C.B.C. 2000 Trinity Aquinas 1999 St Norberts 1998 Rossmoyne 1997 Warnbro Swans 1996 HighWycombe&Swan Athletic 1995 High Wycombe 1994 Forrestfield 1993 Redcliffe 1992 Rockingham 1991 Rockingham 1990 Bullcreek 1989 Cockburn Lakes 1988 Mt Lawley 1987 WestCoast& Swan Athletic 1986 Mt Lawley 1985 Mt Lawley 1984 Mt Lawley 1983 Dianella 1982 North Beach 1981 Innaloo 1980 Collegians 1979 Wembley 1978 University 1977 University 1976 University 1975 Wembley 1974 Wembley 1973 Carlisle 1972 CHAMPION CLUB-SENIOR 05 Trinity Aquinas 2005 NorthFremantle &Willetton 2004 North Beach & North Fremantle 2003 University A 2002 Willetton&Trinity Aquinas 2001 Lynwood Ferndale 2000 Lynwood Ferndale 1999 Bullcreek Leeming 1998 Bullcreek Leeming 1997 University A 1996 Brentwood & University A 1995 University 1994 SwanAthletic & University 1993 Cowan University 1992 North Beach 1991 University A 1990 Whitford 1989 Trinity Aquinas 1988 University A 1987 University A 1986 WestCoastB & UniversityA 1985 MtLawleyA& Wesley Curtin B 1984 CHAMPION CLUB-COLTS