
News Report --.SUMMER..li79 t ~·llr.l'T'N srqr. tlf..... "IV_E_R~:-,ry-· ~ ~ L~-- C E-=~ t \ 'l::~:~ !~J

( . - ti 1979 The Black American Lobby for and The WAR IN WESTERN SAHARA

Pressed to the wall in her military struggle Hassan II of Morocco is mounting a last and encourage King Hassan to negotiate an end against POLISARIO guerillas in Western Sahara, ditch campaign for increased U.S. military sup­ to the war "through the exercise of genuine self­ the conservative government of Morocco is peti­ port to sustain his failing army. Despite existing determination on the part of the Sharaoui tioning the Carter Administration to lift restric­ restrictions, in February of this year the State people." tions on military sales. Department quietly approved the sale of a half Mrs. Collins' view enjoys support from all in­ Sandwiched from the north and south by dozen Chinook CH-47 helicopters to Morocco. terested parties save Morocco. The United Na­ Morocco and Mauritania along the northwest This brought Morocco purchases of American tions has resolved that the Saharan people have coastal corner of Africa, the Western Sahara was arms over the last four years to almost half a a right to self-determination. Spain has endorsed annexed by the neighboring two states following billion dollars. the U. N. resolutions. So now does vacating colonial Spain's departure from the 154,400 Recalling in a letter last November to Presi­ Mauritania. In July, the Organization of African square miles of desert territory in 1975. Since dent Carter a 1960 agreement with Morocco Unity passed a resolution supporting a self­ annexation, the POLISARO Front, representing which limits the use of American weapons to the determination referendum for the former the 80,000 inhabitants of Western Sahara, has defense of the Kingdom of Morocco itself not in­ Spanish colony. Spain walked out of the OAU waged with increasing success a war for self­ cluding the Western Sahara, Cardiss Collins, meeting in protest. In defiance of Africa and the determination against the invading forces. Chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus, world, King Hassan II has turned in the last Now with conservative support in Congress, said that the President should withhold arms resort to the U.S.

~.~. -. '' . POLASARIO Army in the Western Sahara. ..

Message to the President on the Resignation of Ambassador Andrew Young and on United States Relations with the Middle East and Africa. Dear Mr. President: TransAfrica Inc. is an organization with of the PLO. His conversation with and/ or TransAfrica Inc. reflects the widespread at­ membership throughout the black community, in the presence of Mr. Terzi of the PLO titudes of its general membership throughout from all walks of life-elected black officials, appear to fall far short of "negotiating" the Afro-American community in expressing its government servants, clergy, cultural figures, with that organization. If Young's actions anger and dismay at the actions of your Ad­ academics, leaders of labor, fraternal and soror­ were part of a pattern of official acts, ministration and of Israeli spokesmen and sup­ ity organizations, and the general citizenry. We there was no justification in personalizing porters that have led to the resignation of Am­ seek American foreign relations that are more the affair. If, on the other hand, his was a bassador Andrew Young. Black and mutually beneficial to this country and to the singular act, there was no reason, given Jewish Americans are peoples whose history have substantial populations of African descent in the its character, to attribute to it conse­ made them ready champions of the oppressed; countries of Africa and the Caribbean. We are quences grave enough to justify what has all the more reason for us to resent and deplore styled "the black lobby for Africa," and happened. the insensitivity of those who pressed for his sometimes compared with "the Israeli lobby" by We note that the Jewish community did dismissal. They were apparently unmindful of people who wonder if we can "do for Africa what not arouse a furor for the ouster of Am­ not only the harm they might do to black the Jews have done for ." We do not seek to bassador Wolf, himself Jewish, who ap­ Americans, or to the progress of the socially con­ do what they have done. We do not seek to hold pears to have had discussions with PLO scious and beneficial cooperation that has ex­ American policy or action to ransom in the in­ representatives that were even more isted between our two communities, but also to terest of this or that policy or ambition of any substantive in nature than those Young the prospects for a general, peaceful resolution foreign country. We can help lead our country to was accused of conducting. Wolf's discus­ of conflict in the Middle East, to progress toward overcome past inequities and images, and help it sions are reported to have involved a peace and racial justice throughout southern to live in harmony and peace, and mutual discussion of PLO policy as part of a U.S. Africa, and to improved relationships between respect, with the new nations and with those objective to them to accept the ex­ the United States and the excolonized nations of still struggling to be born. We work to have the istence of Israel and the provisions of the world. United States have access to their needed U.N. resolutions, so that they could satisfy We can only hope that those supporters of resources and to their attractive markets, but the conditions that the U.S. has promised Israel who mounted such effective, if misguided, more importantly, to be respected in this for fair Israel it would require be met before pressure, and those in the government who gave dealing, and for the values, deeply rooted in our recognizing or negotiating with the PLO in to it, did so blind to these consequences. We national ethic, that foster respect for the human regarding a Middle Eastern settlement. It hope, as well, that this Administration will not dignity, fundamental freedoms, and a decent would appear that Israel and its sup­ compound the error and the injury it has com­ level of economic well-being for all peoples. porters do not want to see the PLO satisfy mitted, by allowing Ambassador Young's depar­ We have not always agreed with Ambassador these conditions. ture to lessen our country's push to achieve Young and the Administration's policies in - The blame for Young's removal must fall respect for human rights in the Middle East or in Africa; we do not share their faith that American principally on you Mr. President, who had Africa, that it will not slacken the pace of our ef­ businesses can play a sufficiently positive role in other options, for example: (a) to indicate forts to put an end to minority rule and racial South Africa, for example. We do recognize, that Ambassador Young had acted within privilege_ in ., Namibia and South Africa. however, as seemingly a number of others do the confines of Administration policy and We also hope that the country will now seize not, that no single person in government in re­ procedure, or (b) to emphasize the upon this first opportunity we have had in our cent years has had Andrew Young's understand­ reasonable interpretation of his actions as national discourse openly and fully to consider ing and effectiveness in improving the relations representing something other than a on their own merits the issues of the rights of between the United States and the emergent policy or trend of official recognition of or the Palestinian people, and the role of whatever and improverished nations of the world. That is a dealing with the PLO, or (c) to accept his organizational or individual spokesmen they may national asset that should not have been taken act as a personal, perhaps unfortunate, freely choose to put forward to represent their lightly. one that was done in the belief that it interests. We believe that in the past we have not Our concerns stem not only from the events was within policy and procedural re­ been able to have such a discourse because, for of the moment but also from a growing chain of quirements, and was very much in the in­ whatever reason, Israel and its most ardent sup­ abuses to our sense of fairness and of the prac­ terest of the United States (and of Israel, porters have been able virtually to dictate the ticalities of achieving progress in the Middle for that terms of reference of such a debate, and have East and southern Africa. In that light we make matter). allowed Israel unilaterally to comfound its the following assessments and observations: We are particularly grieved by the pofitical and territorial ambitions with its I. The Circumstances of Ambassador Young's reported efforts of "high Administra­ legitimate security needs, and to define the Resignation itself: tion officials" to promote the idea issues to suit themselves. It will no longer do to - As publicly reported, Ambassador Young's that Ambassador Young had become call the PLO "terrorists" or define the Palesti­ actions do not seem to constitute such a "a political and diplomatic liability" nian issue as one of refugees. Every sovereign serious breach of publicly known policies or that he had lied, or had claimed to state, has a right to define its own policies, but and commitments as to warrant his see a meeting report he had not seen, that does not mean that Americans have to removal. Clearly, his was not the first, and or was bound, due to his "freewheel­ follow them slavishly, still less to finance their we hope it will not be the last, official ing style" to transgress the confines of implementation. American "contact" with a representative his job. The Administration itself will (continued on page 4) RECENT EVENTS • On May 29, over 1,000 guests celebrated TransAfrica's first anniversary of full time operation at Washington's Shoreham Americana Hotel at $60 a plate. The guest speaker was Ambassador Andrew Young. The benefit din­ ner, sponsored by over 100 prominent figures including 31 African and Caribbean ambassadors, raised $30,000.

• On July 15, Mayor Tom Bradley and Councilman Robert Farrell sponsored a TransAfrica fundraising reception in Los Angeles for over 300 people. TransAfrica Vice Chairman, was the special guest and principal speaker.

• From July 16-20, Randall Robinson, Executive Director, attended the Organization of African Unity summit meeting in Monrovia, Liberia as the guest of the Liberian government. Other black Americans attending were Ambassador Andrew Young and Chairman Richard Hatcher at May 29 dinner. D.C. Mayor , John Sengstacke, Reverend Wyatt T. Walker, and TransAfrica board member, Courtland Cox.

• On July 26 , TransAfrica policy subcommittee chairman, Dr. Willard Johnson testified before the House I nterAmerican Affairs subcommittee on U.S. policy in the Caribbean. (Dr. Johnson's testimony is available on request.)

• TransAfrica Forum, the tax exempt educational arm of TransAfrica has been granted by the Internal Revenue Service tax exempt status. The forum will sponsor a series of public seminars and provide informational materials on United States policy vis-a-vis Africa and the Caribbean.

• On August 21 , Board Vice-Chairman Harry Belafonte and company per­ formed a benefit concert at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. before an audience of 3,300 people. Mr. Belafonte's superb three hour perfor­ mance was met with a fifteen minute standing ovation. Receptions for Mr. Belafonte were hosted by Mayor Marion Barry and Ambassador Omer Salih Eissa of the Sudan .

~-'& -- ZANU President , center, and aide talking-/ with Randall Robin- .... son, right, at OAU summit meeting. [Photo, Wyatt T. Walker]

ACTION ALERTS TRANSAFRICA NEWS REPORT Write, call and arrange a meeting with your Congressman and Senator and tell them that: Vol. 1, No. 3 Summer 1979

The United States must continue to impose sanctions against Rhodesia because the goal of 1325 18th Street, N.W . genuine majority rule has not been achieved. Suite 202 The United States should not sell arms to Morocco. Washington, D.C. 20036

NOTE: Please respond immediately. A vigorous response from Black America can and will mean the difference between victory and defeat. Let us know your representative's response so Editor: Dolores Clemons that we can follow up in Washington. l

(continued from page 2)

have to take the weight of such ac­ concern of Arab and African peoples, with rifles, mortars, various types of cusations and for making Andrew along with many others, over its reten­ electronic equipment, and licenses to Young the political fall guy. tion of occupied territory especially make the Uzi submachine gun and the II. U.S. Relations with the PLO after 1967 and the annexation of 65ft Dabur class patrol boat. We believe that Palestinians are a Jerusalem. We share the dismay the 3. Israel helped to revamp the South people who should enjoy the fun­ Africans felt at the intransigence they African air force. damental human rights that other found in Israel with regard to the 4. Israel was the pass-through area, if people enjoy, including the right to return of these occupied territories, not the point of purchase by Rhodesia self-determination in a state of their when the so-called African Committee of eleven Bell helicopters that have own. of Four Wise Men met with such been put to military use against the We are impressed with the fact that failure in their efforts at conciliation freedom fighters. the PLO has won the recognition and in 1971172. 5. Israeli technicians helped to erect support of the active defenders of We share what we think is a general an electrified 'wall' and to lay a Palestinian rights, of almost all other American opposition to the continued 'carpet' of electronic sensors along Arab states, of most of the African official Israeli tolerance and sponsor­ South Africa's borders so that it could states, and most of the delegations to ship of settlements in the occupied more effectively counter penetration the United Nations. Unless and until territory of the West Bank. We are not by freedom fighters. the Palestinian people are given an impressed with the labels the Israeli V. American Orientations Toward Recent opportunity freely to choose some government unilaterally chooses to Events and Trends in Africa and the Mid­ alternative leadership, through elec­ put on this territory or the set­ dle East tions or a plebiscite that is not manag­ tlements. If we are to accept that God Africans have now come to share the ed by Israel or any other particular gave the land to the Jews, we must opinion that so often has been ad­ and culpable party, efforts should be also accept that he gave it to the vanced by Arab spokesmen, that Israel made to have the PLO's views bear Arabs as well, because both are and South Africa represent examples weight on peace making activities for descendent peoples of Abraham. of a similar phenomenon, "settler col­ the area ._ Otherwise, war and conflict We oppose the use of American sup­ onialism" or arrogant, aggressive will continue, not because a handful plied or financed equipment for offen­ racialism . Americans should have of people can always disrupt peaceful sive purposes, which the recent raids enough influence with Israel to populations, but because a whole into Lebanon appear to us to be. We change and negate the growing reality people, who have been displaced from resent the little concern that Israel of this charge. their homeland will resist the con­ has given to American public op1n.1on We have been particularly distressed tinued denial of their rights. on these matters, when we, and all to see a number of prominent sup­ We believe that it is callous and the other American taxpayers, bear so porters of Israel jump into the Rhode­ hypocritical to claim that the Palesti­ much of the cost, not only in direct sian situation by promoting the idea nians already have a state, because tax outlays, but also in needed social of visits to the U.S. by and Jordan exists, or nineteen other services and economic conditions that his collaborators, and in sending an states, because of the other Arab are foregone. We note also that U.S. "observer team" to help legitimate a states, as if there are no states in the economic assistance to all of Africa sham Rhodesian line-up that they world; other than Israel of which Jews and Afro-Caribbean countries has were willing to call a free and fair can.feel fully a part. amounted to only a fraction of the election. We are curious that in­ We deplore the fact that the PLO has assistance that typically has been dividuals and institutions that purport engaged in acts of terrorism, but we given to Israel over the years. to promote freedom cou Id accept con­ do not believe that makes the IV. Israel's Foreign Relations stitutional arrangements that are as organization and its membership in­ We have been all too alone in our pro­ racially oriented and based as those in herently terroristic, anymore than the tests of growing intimacy between Rhodesia today. We hope this is not former acts of Israel's leader while in Israel and the state of South Africa. some prelude to efforts to legitimate the lrgun, or the fact that the State of Israel tends to counter such criticism some similar type of arrangement for Israel has also resorted to terrorism in by pointing out that her trade with the West Bank. the name of state and national secur­ South Africa is a very small portion of In all, the "Andy Young Affair" has been a ity makes the Israelis inherently a ter­ her total trade. What disturbs us is sad one indeed . We wonder if anyone has gained roristic people. that so much of this trade and from it. If there is to be anything positive that Ill. Israel's Actions in the Middle East assistance has military implications, comes from this episode, it will be because the Although the circumstances by which to wit: Afro-American and the Jewish communities, and it came into being are unfortunate, we 1. Israel agreed to refit South African all the others who may care a lot about the accept and support Israel's right to armored vehicles, from Centurion achievement of freedom and justice in Africa exist, on the same basis that we ac­ tanks to Panhard armored cars, with and the Mid-Ole East, to say nothing of the cept the Palestinian right of return its newly developed armorplating. elimination of the very serious threats to world and the restoration of the state pro­ 2. Israel delivered to South Africa at peace that exist there, move to deal with the mised in UN Resolutions 181 and least three Reshef class missile boats, basic issues we have mentioned above, and the 194. and has promised at least three more, country moves to open up the discussion and For more than a decade Israeli action has delivered Gabriel sea-to-sea reassess our stance so as to make it possible to has eroded the basis for our respect, missles for six South African built cor­ satisfy the legitimate rights of all the peoples of and acceptance. We have shared the vettes, and has supplied South Africa the area.