JASR 30.2 (2017): 129-143 JASR (print) ISSN 1031-2943 https://doi.org.10.1558/jasr.34826 JASR (online) ISSN 1744-9014

Australia’s Changing ReligiousSociolinguistic Profile—Rising Studies Nones and Pentecostals, DecliningGuidelines British for Protestants submission in

The EditorsSuperdiversity: welcome articles, re viewsViews and research from notes the for 2016 publication Census in future issues of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles are subject to a blind, peer review process. Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal.

Gary D. Bouma Initial submissions Submission of articles to SociolinguisticMonash UniversityStudies should normally be done via the journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the website as an author, and follow theAnna instructions Halafoff and guideline s relating to submission. Authors who are unable to use this website for on-line submission should contact the editors for advice on how to submitDeakin their manuscripts. University Articles are normally in English (we also accept articles in Spanish, Galician, Portuguese or French) and should not exceed 8,000 words, inclusive of endnotes and references. Appendices may be included, but are included in the total word count. Authors should ensure that all submissions,Abstract whether first or revised versions, are anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations The 2016 Australian Census reveals continued change in ’s should appear only in the covering email message. religious diversity. While reviewing some of the highlights of this develop- Submission of an article or book review is taken to imply that it has not previously ment—the continuing increase in the ‘no religion’ category, the first ever been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is decline in Catholic numbers, and the rise of Hindus and Sikhs—several reli- publishing a related article elsewhere, this fact should be stated. In general, authors are gious groups, which are not usually combined in the census, actually when asked to submit no more than one article for review in a two-year period. grouped together represent most of the Pentecostal and charismatic churches

and form the fourth largest religious group in Australia. These changes are Reviewset in process a comparative context, internationally and intergenerationally. The If yourreligious submission diversity is clearly and unsuitableAnglican retenfor publicationtion rates inof Sociolinguistic Stonnington—one Studies ,of you will Melbourne’sbe promptly 21notified Cities—are by the Editors.examined If, asafter a windowthe review on process,local diversity your article and is acceptedchange. for publication,Finally, we youdiscuss will bethree asked main to submit categories the manus of religioncript again, in contempo- incorporating any raryrevisions Australia: asked thefor, ‘nones’;and in a formatthe spiritua readyl forbut publication. not religious; and the religious Whenand spiritual.the Editors The confirm data reveal to you a that new your context submission of superdiversity has been a cceptedin Australia. for publi- cation you should prepare a final version of the article in accordance with the guidelines for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or complex tables, please pay special attentionKeywords to the guidelines on preparing and submitting artwork. Religious diversity, religious ‘nones’, superdiversity, youth and religion. Permissions and copyright It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained any permissions to reproduce Introduction any part of another work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting The 2016 Australian Census reveals continued change in Australia’s the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, dynamicresearch participantreligiouss andshould cultural have signed diversity. a consent This form. article reviews some of the highlights All contributors of this who development,se articles are accepte sets d themfor publication in a comparativewill be required tocontext, sign internationallya copyright assignment and intergenerationally, form, and to confirm thatexamines their article a iswindow original, accurateon local diversity(inasmuch and as canchange, be ascertained and provides in research), some and evidence does not on incl udethe any‘nones’. libellous The statements. rise of this superdiversity has also occasioned anticosmopolitan reactions.

© Equinox Publishing Ltd, 415 The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX. 130 JASR 30.2 (2017)

We apply Steven Vertovec’s (2007) term superdiversity to the Australian context given that, similar to what he observed in the UK in the late 2000s, policy, public understanding and research do not in many cases adequately reflect the lived realitySociolinguistic of Australia’s ethnic Studies diversity. This diversity is a result of new Guidelineswaves of migration, for submission and the complex interplay of additional factors including religion, language, age, gender, spatialThe Editors distribution, welcome articles, immigration reviews and status,research notesoccupation, for publication and in futureaccess issues to services,of Sociolinguistic which Studiesshape. Submitted the composition articles are subject and to a blind,trajectories peer review of proces theses. communitiesPlease adhere toand the powerguidelines dynamics below when within preparing and submission betweens for groups. the journal. In this paper we focus mainly on religion, age and new patterns of inclusion and prejudiceInitial submissions in twenty-fi rst-century Australian society. Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the

journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the website as an author,Australia’s and follow Changing the instructions Religious and guideline Pros relatingfile to submission. Authors who are unable to use this website for on-line submission should contact the Aneditors analysis for advice of religious on how to submitand spiritual their manuscripts. life in Australia best begins with reference Articles to are Indigenous normally in Englishpeoples— (we alsothe acceptAboriginal articles inand Spanish, Torres Galician, Strait IslanderPortuguese groups—who or French) and have should overnot exceed 50,000 8,000 years words, ofinclus history.ive of endnotes Indigenous and references. Appendices may be included, but are included in the total word count. peoples Authors spoke should more ensure than that all250 submissions, languages whether and 600first ordialects. revised versions,They have are andanonymised continue to to facilitate produce blind and reviewing. reproduce Authors’ richly names diverse and in stitutionalcultures withaffiliations many societies,should appear nations only andin the religions covering email(Bell message. 2009; Carey 1996, 2009). From this it becomes Submission clear of anthat article religious or book linguistic review is takenand culturalto imply thatdiversity it has not is partpreviously of the deepbeen historypublished of or thisis not land being now considered called for Australia.publication elsewReligioushere. Ifand an author cultural is diversitypublishing are a relatedand have article beenelsewhere, for thistens fact of should thousands be stated. of In years general, in authors this sense are asked to submit no more than one article for review in a two-year period. ‘normal’ to this continent. According to the 2016 census, 1.9% of AustraliansReview process identify as Indigenous Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. If It yourshould submission also beis clearly noted unsuitable that contact for publication between in Sociolinguistic Australian StudiesIndigenous, you communitieswill be promptly and notified Sulawesi by theand Editors. Chinese If, aftertraders the reviewpredates process, British your settlement. article is Moreover,accepted for in publication, the nineteenth you will century, be asked to before submit thethe manus introductioncript again, incorporatingof the Immi- grationany revisions Restriction asked for, Act and 1901—popular in a format ready lyfor knownpublication. as the White Australia When the Editors confirm to you that your submission has been accepted for publi- Policy—Australia was more diverse culturally and religiously than in cation you should prepare a final version of the article in accordance with the guidelines subsequentfor contributors decades, available and on the included journal’s website.Taoists, If yourConfucians, article includes Buddhists, any figures Mus- or lims,complex Hindus tables, and please Sikhs, pay special who attention worked to thein guidelinesthe gold fionelds, preparing cotton and submittingand sugar plantations,artwork. or as pearl fishers or camel drivers (Croucher 1989; Ganter 2008). Permissions Data on Indigenous and copyright religious identification is not yet available from the It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained any permissions to reproduce 2016 census at the time of writing. According to Associate Professor John any part of another work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially Bradley,figures, tables,an Anthropologist poetry etc., please atcontact Mona thesh authors University’s and publishers Indigenous before submitting Studies Centrethe final (private version tocommunication seek permission to 2017), use their Australian work. If prima Indigenousry data is to bepeople included, are beingresearch very participant open ands should free havein their signed negotiation a consent form. of the religious and spiritual space, All rathercontributors like whootherse articles Australians. are accepte Accordingd for publication to earl willier be censusrequired toreports sign (Bella copyright 2009) assignmentmost identify form, andwith to confirma Christian that their group—largely article is original, Anglican, accurate Lutheran(inasmuch or as Baptist—re can be ascertainedflecting in nineteenth-century research), and does not missionary include any activity. libellous A statements.

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. Bouma and Halafoff Australia’s Changing Religious Profile 131 small percentage, around 2%, report following traditional Indigenous reli- gious practices. According to Bradley, Indigenous people are very likely to be traditional when in traditional communities, and are also currently picking and choosing among the wideSociolinguistic variety of spiritual paths Studies available. Bradley quoted a senior woman he has worked with for some time: Guidelines for submission Look you know I love God, that missionary taught me well and I The understandEditors welcome about articles, the Father, reviews Son and and research Holy notes Ghost, for puI prayblication every in futureday too, issues of Sociolinguisticchurch on Sundays Studies .and Submitted I teach articles my grandkids, are subject but to a youblind, know peer reviewI still follow proces s. Pleasemy adhere own Law, to the from guidelines my father below and when grandfather, preparing submission that sames formissionary the journal. told me to give it up, but you know he does not know the love I have for my InitialLaw, submissions my country, he does not want to know, so I carry both ways. Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the Therejournal’s are website now atIndigenous www.equinoxjournals.com. Jews, Buddhists, You will Hindus, need to registerMormons with theand Muslims.website as Bradleyan author, andnoted follow that the instructionsIndigenous and contact guideline swith relating Muslim to submission. cultures commencedAuthors who arewell unable before to use white this websitesettlement for on-line and issubmissi reflectedon should in sacred contact songsthe ofeditors great for antiquity. advice on how Indigenous to submit their co manuscripts.mmunities and Buddhists have also shared Articles a long are normallyhistory inof English interaction (we also in acceptAustralia, articles especially in Spanish, in Galician, the Far NorthPortuguese (Croucher or French) 1989). and should not exceed 8,000 words, inclusive of endnotes and references. Appendices may be included, but are included in the total word count. Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are Table 1. Religious change in Australia: major groups (>3%) anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations %should in appear only in1911 the covering 1947 email 1966message. 1991 2006 2011 2016 Anglican Submission of an article38.4 or book 39.0 review is 33.5 taken to 23.9imply that 18.7 it has not17.1 previously 13.3 Catholicbeen published or is not22.4 being considered 20.7 for 26.2 publication 27.4 elsew 25.8here. If 25.3an author 22.6 is MCPRU*publishing a related article26.5 elsewhere, 22.1 this fact 19.4 should be12.9 stated. In 8.7 general, 7.7authors are 6.0 Pentecostal+**asked to submit no more than— one article — for review — in a0.9 two-year2.7 period. 3.3 3.7 CHRIST’N total 96.9 88.0 88.2 74.1 63.9 61.1 52.1 NONESReview process 0.2 0.3 0.8 12.9 18.7 22.3 30.1 OtherIf your Relssubmission is clearly0.8 unsuitable 0.5 for publication 0.7 2.6in Sociolinguistic 5.6 Studies 7.2, you 8.2 No response 2.1 11.2 10.3 10.4 11.8 9.4 9.6 will be promptly notified by the Editors. If, after the review process, your article is accepted * Methodist, for publication,Congregational, you willPresbyterian, be asked to Reformed submit the and manus Unitingcript again, incorporating any** Pentecostal, revisions asked plus for,‘Christian’, and in a‘Apostolic format ready Church’, for publication. ‘Church of God’, ‘Australian Christian Churches’, When the ‘New Editors Church confirm Allian toce’, you ‘Faith that yourChurches’ submission so described has been and accepted not further for publi-defined. cation Source: you Australian should prepare Bureau a of final Statistics—various version of the article census in reportsaccordance compiled with theby G.guidelines Bouma. for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or complex Table tables,1 presents please pay a specialtime seriesattention of to themajor guidelines religious on preparing groups and in submitting Australia artwork. post-1911. Each of these columns represents a specific ‘generation’. PeoplePermissions who were and copyrightyoung in 1947, while the White Australia Policy was in full-swing,It is your responsibility experienced to ensure Australia’s that you religious have obtained pro fianyle inpermissions the way to it reproduce was then. Toany them part of that another pattern work. wasIf your and article is ‘normal’contains extracts and manyfrom other of works,them especiallyhave dif fi- cultyfigures, coming tables, topoetry terms etc., with please Australia’ contact thes changingauthors and religious publishers landscape.before submitting When ‘…beingthe final versionAustralian to seek was permission synonymous to use their wi work.th beingIf prima British,ry data is theto be Churchincluded, of research participants should have signed a consent form. was a bastion of English cultural heritage and…Presbyterians… All contributors whose articles are accepted for publication will be required to sign ofa Scottish’ copyright assignmentancestry (Frappell form, and to2002), confirm and that British their article Protestants is original, dominated accurate religious,(inasmuch cultural as can beand ascertained social inlife research), and were and seen does notas incltheude ‘norm’ any libellous (Hogan 1987).statements. As a result, some older generation conservative policy makers’

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. 132 JASR 30.2 (2017) attempts to relate to religious issues often seem to be addressing a world that has now passed, or to be striving to (re)establish a nostalgic memory of a golden age, one of a white, Christian Australia. The major changes since the 1970sSociolinguistic include the fact that Anglicans Studies and British Protestants no longer rule theGuidelines roost as they fordid beforesubmission this (Hilliard 2002). For many decades the major division in Australian society was betweenThe Editors Protestants welcome articles, and reCatholicsviews and research(Hogan notes 1987; for pu Dixonblication 2005; in future Bouma issues 2006).of Sociolinguistic In 1947 StudiesAnglicans,. Submitted Methodists articles are andsubject Presbyterians to a blind, peer reviewcombined proces s.to comprisePlease adhere over to the60% guidelines of the below populatio when preparingn, with submission Catholicss for at the 20.7%. journal. The Christian percentage has declined significantly to 52.1% in 2016, basically halvingInitial sincesubmissions 1911. By contrast, there has been a substantial and steady Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the increase in the percentage of those declaring that they have ‘no religion’, journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the increasingwebsite as toan author,a current and follow level theof instructions30.1%. Those and guideline declarings relating a religionto submission. other thanAuthors Christianity who are unable have toalso use risenthis website to 8.2%. for on-line The submissinon-responseon should rate contact held the at justeditors above for advice10% onfrom how the to submit time theirit wa manuscripts.s permitted not to respond, but has come Articles down are by normally 2 percentage in English points (we also in acceptthe 2011 articles and in Spanish,2016 censuses. Galician, ThesePortuguese respondents or French) have and shouldmoved not to exceed declare 8,000 ‘no words, religion’ inclusive or ofto endnotes nominating and references. Appendices may be included, but are included in the total word count. a religion, which is a possible indicator that religious identity—including Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are declaringanonymised ‘none’—has to facilitate blindincreased reviewing. in Authors’salience names along and with institutional the increasingly affiliations unavoidableshould appear presence only in the of covering religious email divers message.ity, particularly its visible forms. There Submission is a groupof an article that orhas book been review hidde is takenn (whether to imply that deliberately it has not previously or not is unknown)been published in the or usualis not presentationbeing considered of for Census publication results—those elsewhere. If belonging an author is to Pentecostalpublishing a and related Charismatic article elsewhere, churches. this fact Those should bereporting stated. In suchgeneral, an authors affiliation are asked to submit no more than one article for review in a two-year period. have been constant at 1.1% for many years. However, there is another category—ChristianReview process n.f.d. (not further defined)—which has demonstrated signiIf yourficant submission growth is(80%), clearly increasingunsuitable for from publication 1.6% inin Sociolinguistic 2006 to 2.6% Studies in ,2016. you Thiswill category,be promptly according notified by theto Editors.the ABS If, afterfootnote the review to process,the relevant your article tables, is includesaccepted those for publication, who nominated you will be askedthe ‘A to postolicsubmit the Church’,manuscript again,‘Church incorporating of God’, Australianany revisions Christian asked for, andChurches’ in a format (Formerly ready for publication. Assemblies of God), ‘New Church When Alliance’ the Editors and confirm ‘Faith to you Churches that your’, submission each of haswhich been areaccepted in the for publi-Pente- cation you should prepare a final version of the article in accordance with the guidelines costal, Charismatic, and emerging church sector of Christianity. When for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or combined,complex tables, following please pay the special ABS attention Classi to fithecation guidelines of onReligious preparing andGroup submitting (ABS 2016),artwork. this group comprises 872,929 people and forms 3.7% of the population, making it the same as the Uniting Church at 870,183 people. ThesePermissions two categories and copyright are now tied for the fourth largest religious group in Australia.It is your responsibilityIn descending to ensure order, that theyou havelargest obtained religious any permissions groups are:to reproduce Nones, Catholic,any part ofAnglicans, another work. and If yourPentecostal article contains tied extractswith Uniting. from other Given works, thatespecially those figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting identifyingthe final version with to ‘Pentecostal’seek permission togroups use their are work. much If prima morery data likely is to be toincluded, attend churchresearch regularly, participant thes should impact have ofsigned this a groupconsent hasform. been underestimated and its role All incontributors public policy whose isarticles not take are accepten as seriouslyd for publication as it should will be requiredbe. to sign a Among copyright smaller assignment religious form, groups, and to confirm the 2016 that theircensus article reveals is original, that there accurate are now(inasmuch more Muslims as can be (2.6%) ascertained than in research),Presbyterians and does (2.3%). not incl udeThere any are libellous more statements. Buddhists (2.4%) and Hindus (1.9%) than (1.5%) or Lutherans

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. Bouma and Halafoff Australia’s Changing Religious Profile 133

(0.7%), and more Sikhs (0.5%) than Jews (0.4%). This religious profile is radically different to that found in 1947 or 1966 or even as recently as 1990. Australia’s population has grown significantly in size but even more so in religious and ethnic diversity. DealingSociolinguistic with these realities Studies is a major task of religious groups and governmentsGuidelines (Bouma for 2011, submission 2012; Possamai 2009; Jupp 2009b; Halafoff 2013).

The Since Editors European welcome articles, settlement reviews andAustralia’s research notesreligious for publication profile in futurehas beenissues a functionof Sociolinguistic of migration Studies .(Jupp Submitted 2009a). articles Accordingare subject to toa blind, the peer2016 review Census proces overs. 25%Please of adhere Australians to the guidelines were born below overse when preparingas, and submissionover 50%s for were the journal. either born overseas or had one or more parent who was born overseas. The chang- ingInitial patterns submissions of migration are reflected in both the rise and fall of religious groupsSubmission and ofchanges articles toto Sociolinguistic their internal Studies composition should normally and bediversity done via (Jupp the journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the 2009b).website asThe an author,1901 andWhite follow Australia the instructions policy and favoured guidelines relatingBritish tomigrants submission. and helpedAuthors sustain who are theunable Anglican, to use this Presbyterianwebsite for on-line and submissi Methodiston should churches. contact the The higheditors water for advice mark on for how Anglicans to submit theirin Australia manuscripts. was 1921 when 43.7% of the population Articles arenominated normally inthe English Church (we of also En acceptgland articlesas their in religion. Spanish, Galician,Migration afterPortuguese World or WarFrench) II andbrought should notBritish exceed and 8,000 Northern words, inclus Europeanive of endnotes migrants, and Anglicans,references. AppendicesDutch Reformed may be inc andluded, Jews. but are As included the ‘White in the Australia’total word count. policy was Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are gradually disbanded, later migration from Southern brought anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations Italians,should appear Greeks, only andin the then covering Egyptians, email message. Turks, Cypriots and Lebanese and also Submission South East of an Asian article migrants or book review including is taken Vietnamese, to imply that it Cambodian,has not previously Thai andbeen Laotians published (Jupp or is not 2009b). being considered Recent migrationfor publication has elsew beenhere. from If an South author , is swellingpublishing the a related numbers article ofelsewhere, Hindus this (up fact 145%should befrom stated. 2006) In general, and authors Sikhs are (up 248%asked tosince submit 2006). no more While than oneCatholics article for lost review absolute in a two-ye numbersar period. in the last five years, their growth has been the product of substantial migration since Review process WorldIf your War submission II and is recent clearly migrationunsuitable for from publication many in countries Sociolinguistic has Studieslessened, you the losswill (Dixonbe promptly 2016). notified However,by the Editors. recent If, after controversies the review process, surrounding your article isthe Catholicaccepted forchurch, publication, particularly you will be askedrelated to submit to thethe manus Royalcript again,Commission incorporating into Institutionalany revisions Responsesasked for, and to in Child a format Sexual ready for Abuse, publication. appear to have taken their toll Whenon membership the Editors confirm (Cahill to andyou that Wilkinson your submission 2017). has been accepted for publi- cation The youreligious should prepare landscape a final versionis most of the de articlefinitely in acco changing,rdance with awaythe guidelines from a for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or predominantly white, Christian society, to a much more multicultural, complex tables, please pay special attention to the guidelines on preparing and submitting multifaithartwork. and non-religious one. This is a reality being at once embraced and resisted by many, particularly those who feel that their once privi- legedPermissions social and and economic copyright positions and values are being challenged. We willIt isdiscuss your responsibility this in more to ensure detail that in youthe have concluding obtained anysection permissions of our to paper. reproduce any part of another work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting the final version to seek permissionAustralia to use their Compared work. If prima ry data is to be included, research participants should have signed a consent form. The All data contributors presented who inse articlesTable are2 comparesaccepted for Australia’spublication w religiousill be required pro tofile sign with thata copyright of selected assignment other form, countries, and to confirmmost thatquite their similar article to is original,Australia, accurate being former(inasmuch British as can colonies be ascertained and English-s in research),peaking and does nations, not incl withude anyFrance libellous as a statements. contrast. This diversity has been discussed in greater depth elsewhere

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. 134 JASR 30.2 (2017)

(Bouma 2016). The main points of difference include the fact that Australia has three substantial minority religious communities—Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus—as a result of its geographical proximity to Asia. Moreover, given current rates of migrSociolinguistication from South Asia, Studies Hindus in Australia will certainly number wellGuidelines over 2% in for2021. submission and the United Kingdom have substantial Muslim populations, but are exceeded byThe , Editors which welcome like articles, much reviews of the and rest research of Europe notes for haspublication a Christian in future cultural issues baseof Sociolinguistic to which Studiesmore-or-less. Submitted welcomedarticles are subject Muslims to a blind, have peer reviewbeen proces addeds. historicallyPlease adhere and to thecurrently, guidelines through below when guest preparing worker submission programs,s for themigration journal. and refugee settlement. Those declaring that they have ‘no religion’ is at or approachingInitial submissions 30% in most countries with the exception of the United Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the States, which in some ways is the most predominantly Christian and least journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the religiouslywebsite as diverse an author, of and these follow nations. the instructions and guidelines relating to submission. Authors who are unable to use this website for on-line submission should contact the editors for adviceTable on how2. Religious to submit Diversity their manuscripts. Compared (% In 2010/16*)

Articles are normally in English (we also accept articles in Spanish, Galician, AUS* NZ/A UK CAN USA FR ChristianPortuguese or French)52.1 and should57.0 not exceed71.1 8,000 words,67.3 inclus ive78.3 of endnotes 63.0 and Buddhistreferences. Appendices2.4 may be inc1.6luded, but 0.4are included1.1 in the total word1.2 count. 0.5 Muslim Authors should ensure2.6 that all1.2 submissions, 4.4 whether first3.2 or revised0.9 versions, 7.5 are Hinduanonymised to facilitate1.9 blind reviewing.2.1 Authors’1.3 names1.5 and institutional0.6 affiliations<0.1 Jewshould appear only 0.4in the covering0.2 email message.0.5 1.0 1.8 0.5 None Submission of an30.1 article or book36.6 review is21.3 taken to imply23.7 that it has16.4 not previously28.0 been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is publishingSource: aPew related 2012, article *ABS elsewhere, 2017, this fact should be stated. In general, authors are asked to submit no more than one article for review in a two-year period. The future of religious diversity in Australia depends, as it has since EuropeanReview process settlement, on migration and to a lesser degree on fertility. MigrantsIf your submission tend to be is clearlycomparatively unsuitable youngfor publication and fertile, in Sociolinguistic meaning Studiesthat groups, you will be promptly notified by the Editors. If, after the review process, your article is such as Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs are likely to grow through accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit the manuscript again, incorporating bothany immigrationrevisions asked andfor, and reproduction in a format ready yet for do publication. so from a low percentage of the population. When the Editors Moreover, confirm to fertility you that rates your submissionof migrants has tend been atoccepted become for publi- closer to cationthat of you the should larger prepare population a final version the oflo thenger article they in accoare rdancein Australia. with the guidelinesHowever, givenfor contributors their age available profile on (see the journal’s Table website.3), Anglicans, If your article Presbyterians, includes any figures Uniting or andcomplex Jews tables,are not please likely pay specialto enjoy attention growth to the from guidelines high on rates preparing of fertility. and submitting Given artwork. low rates of fertility and low rates of retention, these groups are in decline andPermissions aging (see and Table copyright 4). Finally, conversion plays only a small part in changesIt is your to responsibility the religious to ensureprofile that of you Australia. have obtained any permissions to reproduce any Table part 3of compares another work. the If yourage articledistribution contains of extracts several fro mof other Australia’s works, especially religious groups.figures, Nones,tables, poetry Pentecostals, etc., please contact Christ theian authors n.f.d., and Hindus publishers and before Muslims submitting are skewedthe final toward version toyounger seek permission people. to Catholicsuse their work. have If prima a distributionry data is to bethat included, closely correspondsresearch participant to thes shouldbroader have national signed a consentpattern. form. Anglicans, Uniting, Presby- All contributors whose articles are accepted for publication will be required to sign teriansa copyright and assignmentJews are form,seriously and toskewed confirm thattoward their the article elderly, is original, with accurate nearly 60%(inasmuch of their as populations can be ascertained over 45. in research), As one andparticipant does not in incl aude focus any group libellous we recentlystatements. conducted as part of an ARC discovery project among students

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. Bouma and Halafoff Australia’s Changing Religious Profile 135 born after 2000 said of a suburban Melbourne Anglican parish: ‘That’s where old people go’. The age distributions point toward continued decline for the British Protestants as the elderly die and are not ‘replaced’ by similar numbers from younger cohortSociolinguistics. Catholics will likely Studies retain their position as the numerically strongestGuidelines Christian group, for largelysubmission as a result of migration, and are served by the most extensive array of social, health andThe welfare Editors welcome organisations articles, reasviews well and as research by many notes parishes for publication (Dixon in future 2005). issues of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles are subject to a blind, peer review process. Please adhere to the Tableguidelines 3. Religion below whenby Age preparing (% in Australia submission 2016)s for the journal.

0–24 25–44 45–64 65+ Initial submissions None 37.3 32.0 21.7 9.0 SubmissionCatholics of articles to Sociolinguistic32.3 Studies 25.1 should normally26.0 be done via 16.6 the journal’sAnglicans website at www.equinoxjournals.com.21.9 You19.3 will need to31.2 register with 27.6the websiteUniting as an author, and follow the21.1 instructions and17.8 guideline s relating30.9 to submission.27.6 AuthorsChristian who n.f.d. are unable to use this35.4 website for on-line28.6 submission24.6 should contact 11.4the editorsPentecostals for advice on how to submit37.5 their manuscripts.34.0 24.3 4.2 Buddhists Articles are normally in English26.6 (we also accept36.1 articles in 28.3 Spanish, Galician, 9.0 PortugueseHindus or French) and should 32.8not exceed 8,00050.8 words, inclusive12.8 of endnotes and 3.6 references.Muslims Appendices may be inc44.5luded, but are included36.4 in the total14.3 word count. 4.8 NATIONAL Authors should TOTAL ensure that all submissions,31.4 whether27.8 first or re25.0vised versions, 15.8 are anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations Source: ABS 2016 Census compiled by G. Bouma should appear only in the covering email message. Submission of an article or book review is taken to imply that it has not previously

been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is Diversity and Change at a Local Level publishing a related article elsewhere, this fact should be stated. In general, authors are Toasked get to a submit picture no moreof religiousthan one article diversity for review and in changea two-year at period. a local level we selected the city of Stonnington, which is one of the more affluent Review process suburbsIf your submissionof Melbourne. is clearly The unsuitable proportion for publication of major in Sociolinguisticreligious groups Studies is, yougiven inwill Table be promptly 4. Melbourne notified by has the oneEditors. of If,the after largest the review Greek process, Orthodox your article commu- is nitiesaccepted outside for publication, of , you will but be askedthis tois submitbeginning the manus tocript decline again, incorporatingas migration slowsany revisions and the asked group for, andages. in a Jewishformat ready communities for publication. have also long settled in the Whencity ofthe EditorsStonnington, confirm towhich you that explains your submission their hasmuch been higher accepted percentage for publi- herecation than you shouldin other prepare parts a final of version Melbourne. of the article The in acco wealthyrdance with and the guidelinesMelbourne for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or ‘establishment’ nature of this area may account for the lower percentage complex tables, please pay special attention to the guidelines on preparing and submitting ofartwork. Muslims and Buddhists, who are represented in higher numbers in the outer suburbs. In the past five years Stonnington has witnessed a very largePermissions number andof new copyright high-rise apartments being built with a surge in its populationIt is your responsibility of young to adultsensure .that This you ishave possibly obtained reanyflected permissions in Stonnington’s to reproduce higherany part percentage of another work. of ‘nones’ If your article compared contains with extracts the fro nationalm other works, average. especially It may figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting possibly also account for the rise in Hindu numbers, which were very the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, disproportionatelyresearch participants shouldrepresented have signed in the a consent 25–34 form. age range. An All contributorsunderstanding whose articlesof decline are accepte is dhelped for publication by examining will be required the to recentsign changesa copyright in assignmentnumbers identifying form, and to confirmas Angl thatican their in articlethe city is original,of Stonnington, accurate which(inasmuch is well as canserved be ascertained by about in twelve research), Anglican and does Churches, not include anysome libellous of the statements. most prominent in Melbourne—St John’s Toorak, St George’s Malvern,

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. 136 JASR 30.2 (2017)

Christ Church South Yarra and others—along with elite Anglican schools. Table 5 presents telling evidence about the Anglican Church. At each age category the Anglican Church loses from 25% to 47% of those who had declared ten years before that they wereSociolinguistic Anglican. The large Studies loss among those who were 0–14 in 2006 andGuidelines 15–24 in 2016 for is usual submission in censuses as the earlier census declaration would likely have been made on behalf of theThe child Editors by welcome a parent articles, and retheviews next and oneresearch by notesthe forperson publication as a inyoung future issuesadult. However,of Sociolinguistic failure Studies to retain. Submitted does articles not stopare subject there. to a Anglicansblind, peer review seem proces to justs. keepPlease leaving. adhere to A the study guidelines of belowex-Anglicans when preparing is called submission for.s forAny the commercialjournal. establishment suffering losses like this would conduct exit interviews, and seekInitial the submissions advice of those who had left. Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the Table 4. Religious Groups as a Percentage of the Population website as an author, and follow the instructions and guidelines relating to submission. Authors who are unable to use thisStonnington website for on-line submission shouldMelbourne contact the editorsYear for advice2006 on how to submit2011 their manuscripts.2016 2016 None Articles are normally in21.1 English (we 27.5 also accept articles 38.5* in Spanish, Galician, 31.5 PortugueseAnglicans or French) and16.9 should not exceed14.9 8,000 words, inclus 11.2 ive of endnotes 7.6 and references.Catholics Appendices may21.3 be included, but20.8 are included in the 19.2 total word count. 23.4 Eastern Authors O should ensure that6.0 all submissions, 5.7 whether first or5.0 re vised versions, 4.3 are 5.1 4.9 4.0 0.9 anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations Uniting 4.4 3.6 2.4 2.3 should appear only in the covering email message. Muslim 1.1 1.2 1.0 2.8 Submission of an article or book review is taken to imply that it has not previously Buddhist 2.5 2.7 2.4 3.5 been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is Hindu 1.5 2.3 2.4 1.1 publishing a related article elsewhere, this fact should be stated. In general, authors are askedSource: to submit ABS no2016 more Census than one article for review in a two-year period. Note: Stonnington grew 12.2% 2006–2016 from 89,885 to 100,832. *There Reviewwas a processsubstantial jump in 25–34 year old population from 18,220 to 24,674 If your(35.4%) submission due to a is spate clearly of newunsuitable apartment for publication construction. in Sociolinguistic Studies, you will be promptly notified by the Editors. If, after the review process, your article is Table 5. Anglican Retention 2006–2016 in Stonnington accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit the manuscript again, incorporating anyAge revisions in 2006 asked number for, and in a 2006format ready number for publication. in 2016 Loss 0–14 When the Editors confirm to you2179 that your submission 1160has been accepted–1019 for publi-47% cation15–24 you should prepare a final version1693 of the article in acco1238rdance with–625 the guidelines37% for25–34 contributors available on the journal’s2092 website. If your article1309 includes–783 any figures38% or complex35–44 tables, please pay special attention2233 to the guidelines1674 on preparing –559 and submitting25% artwork.45–54 1991 1442 –549 28% 55–64 2023 1470 –553 27% 65– 1337 923 –414 31% Permissions and copyright It isSource: your responsibility ABS Census to 2016, ensure compiled that you haveby G. obtained Bouma any permissions to reproduce any part of another work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting Brown and Woodhead (2017) paint the picture for the Church of the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, England’sresearch participant declinings should numbers—boring have signed a consent services, form. failure to recognise the ministry All contributors of women, who andse articles being are on accepte the wrongd for publication side of wmoralill be requiredissues suchto sign as thea recognition copyright assignment of same-sex form, and couples. to confirm As thatreasons their articlefor the is fall original, of Anglicans accurate in (inasmuchAustralia, as Stolz can beet ascertainedal. (2017) in and research), Bouma and (2014) does not point include to anythe libellousmassive statements. competition from secular agencies and organisations for the provision of

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. Bouma and Halafoff Australia’s Changing Religious Profile 137 social security, entertainment, community, opportunities to serve and meet people—the welfare state, the internet, coffee shops, gyms, the movement of women into employment outside the home, reactions against patriarchy, and more. From Sociolinguisticone perspective the churches Studies have failed to keep up with consumerGuidelines preferences forand submissionfrom another the churches are the victims of a massive change and increase in the ways humanThe Editors needs welcome and wantsarticles, are reviews supplied and research (Bouma notes 2014). for publication in future issues of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles are subject to a blind, peer review process. Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal. Who Are the Nones?

AsInitial seen submissions in the city of Stonnington case study above, those declaring that theySubmission have ‘no of articlesreligion’ to areSociolinguistic a rising proportionStudies should in normallyall Western be done nations via the and journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the on many forms the largest group of respondents to questions on religious website as an author, and follow the instructions and guidelines relating to submission. identityAuthors (seewho areTable unable 3, to Pewuse this 2012). website Woodhead for on-line submissi (2016a)on should observes contact that the a majorityeditors for of advice respondents on how to submitto recent their manuscripts.surveys in the UK report no religion, heralding Articles a are substantial normally in change English (wein Br alsoitish accept culture. articles Recent in Spanish, demographic Galician, developmentsPortuguese or French) similarly and revealshould nota new exceed re ligious8,000 words, context inclus inive Australia of endnotes with and the growthreferences. of a Appendices major non-religious may be included, sector. but are For included ‘nones’ in the religion total word is identi count.fi ed as Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are institutionalised belief, formal organisations and practices, and a anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations communityshould appear dominated only in the covering by the emailold, message.males, patriarchal attitudes and, to put it simply, Submission ‘not-us’ of an article(Mason, or book Singleton review is andtaken Webberto imply that2007; it has Cusack not previously 2011). Woodheadbeen published points or is notto beingthe pluralisation considered for andpublication liberalisation elsewhere. ofIf ansociety author isand ethicspublishing rendering a related religion article elsewhere, a choice, this and fact toshould the befact sta ted.that In in general, reaction authors to theseare processesasked to submit religious no more thangroups one articlehave for reviewbecome in a two-yeless ar pluralperiod. and more conservative, thus leaving the option of participating less possible for Review process youngIf your people submission (2016a). is clearly What unsuitable do we for know publication about in SociolinguisticAustralian ‘nones’? Studies, you will A windowbe promptly on notified ‘nones’ by theand Editors. young If, afterpeople the reviewis provided process, byyour a article national is randomaccepted surveyfor publication, of 1,258 you willAustralians be asked to oversubmit 18 the conductedmanuscript again, by Theincorporating National Churchany revisions Life Surveyasked for, organisation and in a format in ready December for publication. 2016. The NCLS reported in one When of the theirEditors bulletins confirm to thatyou thatresponses your submission to this has surveybeen accepted revealed for publi- three patternscation you of should religion prepare among a final Australians—Nones,version of the article in acco SBNRrdance (Spiritual,with the guidelines but not for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or religious) and Religious and Spiritual. Figures supporting the existence of complex tables, please pay special attention to the guidelines on preparing and submitting ‘nones’artwork. is found in the data from this sample: 36% said religion was unimportant; 25% said religion was of little importance to them; 54% neverPermissions or hardly and ever copyright pray; and 68% never or less than once a year attend religiousIt is your services.responsibility There to ensure appear that youto behave at obtained least two any typespermissions of ‘nones’: to reproduce those whoany partare ofirreligious, another work. for If whom your article religion contains is meaningless,extracts from other and works, a few especially who are activelyfigures, tables,anti-religious poetry etc., (Mason please contact et al. the2007; authors Barna and pub 2013).lishers Ifbefore they submitting are under the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, 30research years participantold, manys should have have a ‘Whatever’ signed a consent attitude form. toward religion (Mason et al. 2007; All contributors Halafoff who andse articles Gobey are accepteforthcoming).d for publication Our wpreliminaryill be required researchto sign amonga copyright Australian assignment millennials form, and has to confirm provided that theirus with article even is original, greater accurate insights on(inasmuch the meaning as can beof ascertained‘Whatever’. in research),This does and doesnot mean not incl udeindifference, any libellous not statements. caring or ignorance. Indeed, a better description of the attitudes and

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. 138 JASR 30.2 (2017) behaviours of those born this century relative to religious diversity is that they are awash, but not adrift in a sea of diversity. Superdiversity, of all kinds—cultural, religious, non-religious, gender and sexuality, and multi- species—is an everyday part of their livedSociolinguistic reality, be they non-religious Studies or religious, and for the most part they seem to be respectful of it. This is currently being investigated in moreGuidelines detail by the presentfor submission authors.1

The Evidence Editors welcomefor the articles,existence reviews of SBNR and research (spiritual notes for but pu blicationnot religious)—those in future issues whoof Sociolinguisticmeditate, contemplate, Studies. Submitted express articles aregratitude, subject to area blind, thoughtful, peer review procesmindful,s. discussPlease adheremeaning, to the volunteer,guidelines below sacri whenfice, preparing celebrate, submission are opens for the to journal. the ‘more than’ and engage in ‘world repairing’ (Woodhead 2016b) activities often in Initialgroups submissions or networks including those found online—comes from these responsesSubmission to ofthe articles NCLS to Sociolinguisticsurvey of Australians: Studies should 45% normally said bethey done believe via the in journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the God;website another as an author, 20% andcannot follow choose, the instructions are agnostic; and guideline 28%s relating said they to submission. have had a mysticalAuthors who or aresupernatural unable to use experiencethis website for, either on-line positive submissi onor shouldnegative, contact which the theyeditors have for noadvice doubt on how was to submitreal; anothertheir manuscripts. 34% said ‘no they have not had such Articlesan experience, are normally but in I Englishbelieve (weit could also accepthappen articles or know in Spanish, someone Galician, who has’;Portuguese and 30% or French) pray/meditate and should more not exceed than 8,000 weekly. words, inclusive of endnotes and references. When we Appendices raise the may existence be included, of but SBNRs are included we in observe the total word that count. they are Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are despised by two groups. First, the religious who judge them as inade- anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations quate,should not appear up onlyto standards in the covering since email they message. have no creed, no head office, no clergy, Submission no depth of an while article hoping or book reviewthat th isey taken might to imply wind that up it hasin church,not previously syna- gogue,been publishedmosque, or templeis not being when considered they see for thepublication light, orelsew tirehere. of Iftheir an author shallow is ways.publishing And second,a related article the Secularists elsewhere, this who fact cannot should be believe stated. In their general, eyes authors and areears andasked judge to submit them no as more ‘irrational’, than one article or think for review it is in just a two-ye a passingar period. phase on the way to atheism. Review process If your submission is clearly unsuitable for publication in Sociolinguistic Studies, you will be promptly notifiedYoung by the PeopleEditors. If, and after Religion the review process, your article is accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit the manuscript again, incorporating A clusterany revisions analysis asked wasfor, and employed in a format by ready The for National publication. Church Life Survey to determine When the the Editors distribution confirm to ofyou religiousthat your submissionstyles in hasthe been whole accepted sample for publi- and amongcation youyoung should peopleprepare a final18–29 version years of the articleof age. in acco Therdance variables with the guidelines used to distinguishfor contributors clusters available were on the responses journal’s website. to: ‘ToIf your what article extent includes anydo figuresyou orsee yourselfcomplex as tables, a religious please pay person?’ special attention ‘To what to the guidelinesextent do on preparingyou see andyourself submitting as a spiritualartwork. person?’ ‘How important is religious faith or spirituality in shaping your life decisions?’ Three clusters emerged in the analysis. Permissions and copyright It‘Nones’ is your responsibility comprised to39.9% ensure thatof the you national have obtained sample any permissions and 41.6 to% reproduce of 18–29 yearany old part respondents. of another work. Nones If your alsoarticle decl containsared extracts that they from have other noworks, religion, especially that theyfigures, were tables, atheist poetry or etc.,agnostic, please contactnever theattend authors religious and publishers services, before do submitting not pray or themeditate final version and to have seek permissionnot had mystical to use their experiences. work. If prima ry data is to be included, research ‘SBNRs’ participant compriseds should 16.9% have signed of the a consent national form. sample and 16% of those 18–29 All yearscontributors old. whoSBNRsse articles also are declared accepted forthat publication they have will beno required religion, to sign but a copyright assignment form, and to confirm that their article is original, accurate (inasmuch as can be ascertained in research), and does not include any libellous 1. See future publications arising from our Australian Research Council (ARC) study on statements. ‘Young Australian’s perspectives on religious and non-religious worldviews’ (2016–2019).

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. Bouma and Halafoff Australia’s Changing Religious Profile 139 believe in a spirit/life force, that they do not attend religious services, and hardly ever pray/meditate. SBNRs were the most likely of the three clusters to have mystical experiences. ‘Religious and Spiritual’ comprisedSociolinguistic 43.3% of the national Studies sample and 42.4% of those respondents 18–29 years old. This cluster identified with a religion, reported that they attendGuidelines services infrequently, for submission but that they frequentlyThe Editors pray/meditate. welcome articles, reviews and research notes for publication in future issues ofStatistically Sociolinguistic signi Studiesficant. Submitted differences articles inare subjectthe national to a blind, sample peer review were proces founds. amongPlease adherethe clusters. to the guidelines The SBNRs below when were preparing slightly submission more likelys for theto journal.be women. They were the most likely to take action to reduce their impact on the environment.Initial submissions The Nones were the least likely to do unpaid voluntary work,Submission then the of articles SBNRs to andSociolinguistic especially Studies the Religious should normally and Spiritual. be done via Nones the journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the hadwebsite the aslowest an author, level and of follow education, the instructions were and slightly guideline mores relating likely to submission.to be male, andAuthors were who the are least unable likely to use to thishave website had forcontact on-line with submissi Indigenouson should Australians,contact the peopleeditors forof adviceother onreligions how to submit or recent their manuscripts. migrants to Australia. There was no appreciable Articles are difference normally inby Englishbirthplace (we alsoor by accept age articlesexcept infor S panish,there being Galician, very fewPortuguese SBNRs or in French) the 70+ and category.should not exceed 8,000 words, inclusive of endnotes and references. It should Appendices be noted may that be incwhileluded, many but are studiesincluded inof thereligion total word and count. youth in Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are Australia have stressed secularism, individualism and consumerism in the anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations shapingshould appear of young only inAustralian’s the covering emailreligiosit message.y and in the decline of any religious af filiation Submission (Mason of an articleet al. or2007; book reviewPossamai is taken 2009; to imply Cusack that it has2011) not previously they may have,been publishedin our opinion or is not thesebeing consideredstudies have for publication paid insuf elsewficienthere. attention If an author to isthe youngpublishing people a related who article take elsewhere, their religious this fact should and benon-religious stated. In general, identities authors areseri- ouslyasked (Halafoff to submit no and more Gobey than one forthcoming). article for review It inaddition, a two-year it period.is clear from these data alone that the ‘no religion’ category is highly diverse and is not solely Review process comprisedIf your submission of those is clearlywho areunsuitable anti-religion. for publication Much in more Sociolinguistic research Studies is required, you towill begin be promptly to appreciate notified bythe the ways Editors. religious If, after theand review non-religious process, your Australians, article is especiallyaccepted for young publication, Australians, you will be askednegoti to submitate their the manus lives,cript engageagain, incorporating in world- mending,any revisions celebrate asked for, lifeand inevents a format and ready sustain for publication. hope (Mason et al. 2007; Cusack When 2011). the Editors While confirm such to you activities that your havesubmission traditionally has been a cceptedbeen associatedfor publi- withcation religious you should organisations prepare a final versionand faith, of the itarticle is clear in acco thatrdance there with is the much guidelines going for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or on outside these places that is both highly diverse and effective (Halafoff complex tables, please pay special attention to the guidelines on preparing and submitting andartwork. Gobey forthcoming). The census and the NCLS data reveal a new religious context, one thatPermissions is at the andsame copyright time more religious and spiritual and in many ways lessIt is traditionally your responsibility religious to ensure (Woodhead that you have 2016a). obtained The any permissionscontinued to presence reproduce of religiousany part ofpersons/communities another work. If your article who contains take extractstheir religionsfrom other works,seriously especially means thatfigures, there tables, are poetryfewer etc., nominals. please contact Much the ofauthors the decline,and publishers for example,before submitting among the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, Anglicansresearch participant is of nominals—thoses should have signed wh a consento might form. have previously nominated Church All contributors of England who seas articlesa way are of accepte indicatingd for publication a vague w illallegiance be required to to thingssign English,a copyright but assignmentfor whom form, that andtoo to has confirm lost thatsalience. their article At the is same original, time accurate many of(inasmuch those who as canremain be ascertained Christian in are research), more andconservative does not incl thanude anywas libellous the case statements. thirty years ago (Bouma and Dixon 1986; Brown and Woodhead 2016),

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. 140 JASR 30.2 (2017) and note the rise of the Pentecostal and Christian n.f.d. group. Moreover, migration has brought to Australia Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Baha’is and a host of others who take their religions seriously and who are not a hangoverSociolinguistic from the past but a Studies twenty-first- century religious reality, fully engaged with the latest forms of communication, social media savvy,Guidelines informed, and for articulate. submission Most are ready to let others be ‘whatever’, but some are not. The Editors welcome articles, reviews and research notes for publication in future issues of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles are subject to a blind, peer review process. Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal. Diversity Compounded—Internal Difference

ToInitial this submissionspoint Australia has been viewed as a mosaic. Census data and analysisSubmission by religious of articles group to Sociolinguistic leads to Studiesassumptions should normallythat religious be done labels via the or journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the identities refer to internally cohesive, monolithic groups. But what of website as an author, and follow the instructions and guidelines relating to submission. theseAuthors ‘one-colour’ who are unable pieces to use in thisthe websitemosaic for of on-line Australian submissi religiouson should groups? contact the It is saideditors that for there advice are on how1.6 tobillion submit waystheir manuscripts. to be a Muslim. Similarly, Anglican diversity Articles is arelegendary normally inand English highly (we contested also accept (Porter articles in2011). Spanish, Moreover, Galician, whilePortuguese a few or decades French) and ago should religious not exceed groups 8,000 tendedwords, inclus to beive ofidenti endnotesfied andwith particularreferences. ethnic Appendices groups—Anglicans may be included, but we arere includedEnglish, in thePresbyterians total word count. Scottish and AuthorsCatholics should Irish—now ensure that many all submissions, religious whethergroups firstare orvery revised diverse versions, in terms are anonymised to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations of shouldthe ethnic appear origins only in theof coveringthose who email iden message.tify with them. Muslims come from over Submission60 countries, of an articleBuddhists or book from review ma isny taken backgrounds, to imply that itand has notCatholics previously are nobeen longer published only or Irishis not orbeing Italian considered but forfrom publication , elsew thehere. PhilippinesIf an author isor elsewherepublishing (Jupp a related 2009a, article elsewhere,2009b). thisHybridit fact shouldy and be multiple stated. In general,identities authors are arealso increasinglyasked to submit frequent, no more thanand one people article forare review more in likelya two-ye thanar period. ever to change their religious affiliation within or across denominations over time Review process (McGuireIf your submission 2008; Halafoff is clearly and unsuitable Gobey for forthcoming) publication in Sociolinguistic Studies, you will Religion be promptly and spiritualitynotified by the are Editors. in many If, after ways the reviewout of process, the control your article of both is ‘church’accepted and for publication, state. Religion you will is be online asked to, freelysubmit theand manus immediatelycript again, incorporating available at a click,any revisions in a way asked it for, was and not in a informat the readypast. for This publication. brings even more diversity. People’s When livedthe Editors religious confirm and to you spiritual that your experiences, submission has and been whataccepted people for publi- reli- giouscation and you non-religiousshould prepare a finalhold version as sa ofcred, the article cannot in acco simplyrdance bewith encompassed the guidelines for contributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or bycomplex ticking tables,a single please box pay of special a Census attention question, to the guidelines as was on preparingclearly exempli and submittingfied in theartwork. quotation in the opening section of this article from the Indigenous woman depicting lived religion (see McGuire 2008). As a result this kind of Permissionsmeasure of and religious copyright identity tells us very little. Religious and non- religiousIt is your diversity responsibility make to ensure for a that much you have more obtained confusing any permissions and at totimes reproduce more contestedany part of policy another context,work. If your given article that contains many extracts of froAustralia’sm other works, policies especially and figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting practicesthe final versiondo not to re seekflect permission the lived to usereality their work.of supe If primardiversity.ry data isWe to be are included, also in newresearch territory participant wheres should some have hard-fough signed a consentt-for form.rights and freedoms currently risk Allbeing contributors overturned whose byarticles pressure are accepte fromd for conservative publication w illgroups, be required which to sign are stronglya copyright resisting assignment this superdiversity. form, and to confirm that their article is original, accurate (inasmuch Broadly speaking, as can be ascertainedthe nones in and research), the SBNRs and does are not more include likely any libellousto have statements. more progressive cosmopolitan attitudes that respect diversity as long as

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. Bouma and Halafoff Australia’s Changing Religious Profile 141 one group’s rights do not compromise the rights of others. The seriously religious may be either progressive or conservative, and this may include the Christian majority and other minority faith groups. There is a global trend for these conservative anti-cosSociolinguisticmopolitan religious groups Studies to align with conservative governments, andGuidelines to push for religious for submission rights to triumph over others. We are currently witnessing this play out in Australia’s marriageThe Editors equality welcome debate, articles, re andviews in and risi researchng rates notes of for Islamophobia. publication in future Older issues and less-educatedof Sociolinguistic Australians Studies. Submitted are articlesmost arelikely subject to to areject blind, peerimmigration review proces ands. culturalPlease adhere diversity to the (Markus guidelines 2016). below when preparing submissions for the journal. The influence that conservative Christian groups, including the growing numberInitial submissions of Pentecostals, and Christians not further defined, have in the Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the public sphere, on social media and on Australian policy should also not journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the bewebsite underestimated as an author, and (Maddox follow the 2005, instructions 2014). and guidelineNeithers relatingshould to the submission. fact that mostAuthors politicians who are unableare from to use the this Baby website Boomer for on-line generation, submission andshould thus contact grew the up ineditors an arti for fiadvicecially on constructed how to submit white, their manuscripts. largely Protestant Australia of long ago. Articles Hope are lies normally with inthe English younger (we alsogenerations, accept articles in a in time Spanish, when Galician, more GenerationPortuguese or Xs French) lead and our should government, not exceed 8,000 and words, more inclus Millennials—andive of endnotes and the generationsreferences. Appendices that follow may them—are be included, butable are toincluded vote inand the assumetotal word positionscount. of Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are poweranonymised to protect to facilitate the blindrights reviewing. of all people Authors’ and names species and in stitutionalin our superdiverse affiliations societies.should appear By onlythis in thetime covering we mayemail message.also have developed new ways of measuring Submission andof an articleunderstanding or book review theiis takenr tolived imply thatexperiences it has not previously of this superdiversity,been published orwell is notbeyond being consideredthe narrow for categories publication elsewavailablehere. Ifto an us author today. is publishing a related article elsewhere, this fact should be stated. In general, authors are asked to submit no more than one article for review in a two-year period. References

Review process ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) If your submission is clearly unsuitable for publication in Sociolinguistic Studies, you 2016 1266.0 - Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups, 2016. will be promptly notified by the Editors. If, after the review process, your article is accepted for Online:publication, www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/mf/1266.0. you will be asked to submit the manuscript again, incorporating Barnaany revisions asked for, and in a format ready for publication. When2013 the WhyEditors You confirm Don’t to you Attend that your Chur submissionch. Online: has been www.barna.org.frames/ accepted for publi- cation you shouldmethodology/; prepare a final https://au.pinterest.com/pin/339951471846949476/. version of the article in accordance with the guidelines Bell,for Dianecontributors available on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or complex2009 tables,Aboriginal please pay and special Torres attention Strait Islandto the guidelineser Religions. on preparingIn Jupp 2009c: and submitting 69-96. Bouma,artwork. Gary

2006 Australian Soul: Religion and Spirituality in the 21st Century. Permissions and copyright Cambridge University Press, Melbourne. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained any permissions to reproduce 2011 Being Faithful in Diversity: Religions and Social Policy in MultiFaith any part of another work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially figures, tables,Societies. poetry etc., Australasian please contact Theological the authors Forum, and pubAdelaide.lishers before submitting the 2012 final version Beyond to seek Reasonable permission toAccommodation: use their work. If primaThe ryCase data is ofto beAustralia. included, In research participantReasonables should Accommodation: have signed a consent Managing form. Religious Diversity, edited by L. All contributorsBeaman, who 139-64se articles. University are accepte of dBritish for publication Columbia w Press,ill be requiredVancouver. to sign a 2014 copyright What assignment Happened form, to and British to confirm Protestants? that their In Re-imagining article is original, Church: accurate Positive (inasmuch asMinistry can be Responses ascertained to in the research), Age of andExperience does not, by incl G.ude Rose, any libellousP. Hughes statements. and G. Bouma, 5-18. Christian Research Association, Melbourne.

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. 142 JASR 30.2 (2017)

2016 The Role of Demographic and Socio-cultural Factors in Australia’s Successful Multicultural Society: How Australia Is Not Europe. The Journal of Sociology 52: 750-71. Bouma, Gary, and Beverly Dixon 1986 The Religious Factor in AustralianSociolinguistic Life. MARC, Melbourne. Studies Brown, Andrew, and Linda Woodhead Guidelines for submission 2016 That Was The Church That Was? How the Church of England Lost the The Editors welcome articles, reviews and research notes for publication in future issues . Bloomsbury, London. of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles are subject to a blind, peer review process. Cahill, Des, and Peter Wilkinson Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal. 2017 Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: An Interpretive Review of Initial submissionsthe Literature and Public Inquiry Reports. RMIT Centre for Global SubmissionResearch, of articles School to Sociolinguistic of Global, Urban Studies and should Social normally Studies, beMelbourne. done via the Carey,journal’s Hilary website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the website1996 as anBelieving author, andin Australia:follow the Ainstructions Cultural Historyand guideline of Religions.s relating Allento submission. & Unwin, Authors whoSydney. are unable to use this website for on-line submission should contact the editors 2009 for advice An Historical on how Outlineto submit of their Religion manuscripts. in Australia. In Jupp 2009c: 5-21. Croucher, Articles Paul are normally in English (we also accept articles in Spanish, Galician, Portuguese or French) and should not exceed 8,000 words, inclusive of endnotes and 1989 in Australia, 1848–1988. New South University Press, references. Appendices may be included, but are included in the total word count. Kensington. Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are Cusack,anonymised Carole to facilitate blind reviewing. Authors’ names and institutional affiliations should 2011 appear Some only Recent in the covering Trends emailin the message. Study of Religion and Youth. Journal of SubmissionReligious of an article History or book35(3): review 409-18. is taken Doi: to implyhttps://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467- that it has not previously been published9809.2011.01078.x. or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is Dixon,publishing Robert a related article elsewhere, this fact should be stated. In general, authors are asked2005 to submitThe noCatholic more than Communi one articlety in for Australia review .in Openbook a two-year period.Publishers, Adelaide, rev. edn. Review2016 processThe Catholic Community in Australia: A Profile by Dr Bob Dixon. If your submission is clearly unsuitable for publication in Sociolinguistic Studies, you Online: http://catholicschoolsguide.com.au/catholic-education-featured- will be promptly notified by the Editors. If, after the review process, your article is articles/faith-and-spirituality/the-catholic-community-in-australia/. accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit the manuscript again, incorporating Frappell,any revisions Ruth asked for, and in a format ready for publication. 2002 When the Imperial Editors confirmFervour to and you Anglicanthat your submissionLoyalty 1901–1929. has been a cceptedIn Anglicanism for publi- in cation you shouldAustralia: prepare A History a final ,version edited ofby the Bruce article Kaye, in acco 76-99.rdance Melbourne with the guidelines University for contributorsPress, available Melbourne. on the journal’s website. If your article includes any figures or Ganter,complex Regina tables, please pay special attention to the guidelines on preparing and submitting artwork. 2008 Muslim Australians: The Deep Histories of Contact. Journal of Australian

Studies 32: 481-92. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/14443050802471384. Halafoff,Permissions Anna and copyright It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained any permissions to reproduce 2013 The Multifaith Movement: Global Risks and Cosmopolitan Solutions. any part of another work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially Springer, Dordrecht. figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting Halafoff,the final Anna, version and to Lauraseek permission Gobey to use their work. If primary data is to be included, forthcomingresearch participant ‘Whatever’?s should Religion, have signed Youth, a consentand Identity form. in 21st Century Australia. In All contributorsYouth, whoReligionse articles and areIdentity accepte, editedd for publicationby Peter Beyer, will be Spencer required Bullivantto sign a copyrightand assignment Paul Gareau. form, Brill, and toLeiden. confirm that their article is original, accurate (inasmuch as can be ascertained in research), and does not include any libellous statements.

© Equinox Publishing Ltd 2017. Bouma and Halafoff Australia’s Changing Religious Profile 143

Hilliard, David 2002 Pluralism and New Alignments in Society and Church 1967 to the Present. In Anglicanism in Australia: A History, edited by Bruce Kaye, 124-49. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. Hogan, Michael Sociolinguistic Studies 1987 The Sectarian Strand: ReligionGuidelines in Australian History.for submission Penguin, Melbourne . Jupp, James The Editors welcome articles, reviews and research notes for publication in future issues 2009a Religion, Immigration and Refugees. In Jupp 2009c: 645-54. of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles are subject to a blind, peer review process. 2009b Ethnic Variety and Origins. In Jupp 2009c: 53-68. Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal. Jupp, James (ed.) Initial2009c submissions The Encyclopedia of Religion in Australia. Cambridge University Press, Submission Melbourne. of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the Maddox,journal’s Marion website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You will need to register with the website2014 as anTaking author, God and Tofollow School. the instructions Allen & Unwin, and guideline Sydney.s relating to submission. Authors2005 whoGod are unableUnder toHoward use this. Allen website & Unwin, for on-line Sydney. submissi on should contact the Markus,editors Andrewfor advice on how to submit their manuscripts. 2016 Articles areMapping normally Social in English Cohesion: (we alsoThe acceptScanlon articles Foundation in Spanish, Surveys Galician, 2016. Portuguese or French) and should not exceed 8,000 words, inclusive of endnotes and Monash University, ACJC, Melbourne. references. Appendices may be included, but are included in the total word count. Mason, Michael, Andrew Singleton, and Ruth Webber Authors should ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions, are anonymised2007 Theto facilitate Spirit ofblind Generation reviewing. Y: Authors’ Young Penamesople’s and Spirituality institutional in affiliations a Changing should appearAustralia. only in the John covering Garratt, email Melbourne. message. McGuire, Submission Meredith of an article or book review is taken to imply that it has not previously been2008 published Lived or isReligion: not being Faith considered and Practice for publication in Everyday elsew Lifehere.. Oxford If an author University is publishing a Press,related New article York. elsewhere, this fact should be stated. In general, authors are Pewasked (Pew to submitResearch no moreCentre) than one article for review in a two-year period. 2012 The Global Religious Landscape: A Report on the Size and Distribution Review processof the World’s Major Religious Groups as of 2010. Pew, Washington DC. If your submission is clearly unsuitable for publication in Sociolinguistic Studies, you Online: http://www.pewforum.org/global-religious-landscape.aspx. will be promptly notified by the Editors. If, after the review process, your article is Porter, Muriel accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit the manuscript again, incorporating any 2011 revisions Sydney asked for, Anglicans and in a formatand the ready Threat for publication.to World Anglicanism: The Sydney When the ExperimentEditors confirm. Ashgate, to you Farnham,that your submission Surrey, UK. has been accepted for publi- Possamai,cation you Adam should prepare a final version of the article in accordance with the guidelines for2009 contributors Sociology available of on Religion the journal’s for Generations website. If yourX and article Y. Equinox, includes anyLondon. figures or Stolz,complex Joerg, tables, Judith please Konemann, pay special Mallory attention Schneuwly to the guidelines Purdie, on preparingThomas andEngleberger submitting and artwork. Michael Kruggeler

2017 (Un)Believing in Modern Society: Religion, Spirituality, and Religious- PermissionsSecular and copyright Competition. Routledge, London. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained any permissions to reproduce Vertovec, Steven any part of another work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially 2007 Super-diversity and its Implications. Ethnic and Racial Studies 30(6): figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting the final version1024–54. to seek Doi: permission https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870701599465. to use their work. If primary data is to be included, Woodhead,research participant Linda s should have signed a consent form. 2016a All contributors The Rise who ofse ‘Noarticles Religion’ are accepte in Britain:d for publication The Emergence will be ofrequired a New to Cultural sign a copyright Majority. assignment Journal form, of and the to British confirm Academy that their 4: 245-61. article is original, accurate (inasmuch 2016b as Is No can Religion be ascertained the New in Religion? research), Paper and doesread notat the incl 78thude Annual any libellous Meeting statements. of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, Seattle, WA, USA.

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