AQUBANC ClipSheet 2004 James Cowen, Vice President of Sales, AQUBANC, LLC , , 800.350.4720
[email protected] Financial Services Clipsheet October 27, 2004 Check 21 Aqubanc Check 21 offering PRWEB 10/27 Aqubanc, LLC, Buffalo Grove IL, a provider of Payment, Check, & Form Processing Solutions announces the Check 21 Pass™ for processing check transactions. Every check transaction which can physically move through a check or page image scanner is imaged with the checks first & always before any other documents in the transaction. Check 21 Pass documents do not need or require any OCR scan lines or barcodes. Eliminating OCR scan lines or barcodes means more real estate is available on each document for use by marketing, sales & business development in soliciting & to convey information. In the Check 21 Pass, document recognition, data field capture & data excellence are performed on multiple fonts in multiple sizes on multiple documents within each batch. This makes it easier for operations to open/sort mail, post transactions & submit electronic deposits to meet ARC & Check 21 conversion needs. Will imaging prompt Fed to exit from clearing? 10/27 AB Many believe that as banks start using electronic images to clear checks they will switch from the Federal Reserve Banks’ check processing service to private systems. Nobody expects an instant transformation Thursday, when Check 21 will take effect. The law will merely make banks accept printouts of check images as substitute checks. But Thursday will be a symbolic kickoff to full-scale image clearing, & a number of companies are poised to offer image-based clearing & settlement, which would divert business from the Fed.