The Devil: Does He Exist? and What Does He
m :^^ r^^\:r:- mSm:,,: .Xhe Devil : ^^ ^ ^ -rioES ' HE ' mMx:'^ ; A j. J ^ AND WHAT DOES HE DO ? BY FATHER DELAPORTE, OF THE SOCIETY OF MEBCY, Doctor of Theology, Professor of Dogma in the Faculty of Bordeaux. ^ranslatilr from tit ^ixil Ifxzntl 'EUiion, BEVISED AND COBBEOTED BY THE AUTHOE, By MES. JAMES SADLIER. NEW YOEK: D. & J. SADLIER & CO., 31 BARCLAY STREET. MONTREAL I COR. NOTRE DAME AND ST. FRANCIS XAVIER STS. 1871. \, • vt • • • -•••" •'•!••. • « • « • <• * ! . • . • r Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, By D. & J. SADLIER & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Stereotyped by VINCENT DILL, 85 & 27 New-Chambers St, N. Y. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE, The valuable and interesting little work now first presented to the public in an English form, appeared, some two or three years since, in France, where it passed through several editions in the space of a few weeks. Its popularity was immense, notwithstanding that other and larger works of a similar nature were already extant. Soon after its appear- ance, it was brought under my notice by an esteemed missionary priest of this city, a member of the same community as the reverend and learned author. I at once commenced its translation, which IV TRANSLATOR S PREFACE. was soon unhappily interrupted by severe and protracted family affliction. After many attempts to continue the transla- tion, I have at length succeeded in ac- c mplishing my task, and now present Father Delaporte's admirable httle work to the American pubhc. If it only in- terests readers as much it did myself in translating it, it will be no less popular here than in France.
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