Causes and Potential Solutions for Conflicts between Protected Area Management and Local People in Germany Eick von Ruschkowski, Department of Environmental Planning, Leibniz University Han- nover, Herrenhäuser Strasse 2, 30419, Hannover, Germany;
[email protected] Introduction The designation of protected areas (e.g. national parks) often leads to conflicts between local communities and the area’s administration. This phenomenon exists worldwide (Pretty and Pimbert 1995) and is probably as old as the national park idea itself. These conflicts often affect both the protected areas and the local communities as strained relations bear the dan- ger of gridlock on park planning, conservation objectives or regional economic development. As national parks and surrounding communities are highly dependent on each other (Jarvis 2000), the task of managing stakeholder interests and potential use conflicts should be of high priority for park managers. National parks in Germany (as much of Central Europe’s protected areas) are often very vulnerable to such conflicts for a number of reasons. Their history is quite recent, with the oldest park having been established less than 40 years ago. On the other hand, the German landscape has been altered throughout many centuries, hence creating cultural landscapes, rather than unimpaired wilderness. Thus, the designation of national parks has caused con- flicts in the past, mainly along the lines of the continuation of traditional uses vs. future (non- )development, often additionally fuelled by management issues (local vs. state vs. federal). Additionally,a high population density puts protected areas more likely close to urban areas. Against this background, the management of stakeholder issues in order to increase support among local communities remains one of the most important sociological challenges for Ger- man park managers.