[email protected] Thames Crossing Action Group represents thousands of people along and from the surrounding areas that the entire proposed Lower Thames Crossing will impact if it goes ahead. First and foremost we would state that we find it totally unacceptable that this consultation was not postponed until after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has passed. We do not feel this Supplementary Consultation has been held adequately, and we will go into this in further details later in our response. It is under complete and utter duress that we, Thames Crossing Action Group, and all our thousands of members respond to this consultation at a time when the whole world is immersed in the COVID- 19 pandemic crisis. Some of us are grieving with the loss of loved ones, some of us are fighting for our lives, some of us are very sick, some of us are fighting to try and save those lives, some of us are going out of our minds with worry about loved ones, some of us are doing our utmost to ensure that everyone else have the food and supplies to survive. We are all seriously stressed and concerned, we are all doing our best to follow official advice, we are all doing the right thing and staying at home, we are all doing our best to try and stay safe, take care of and support each other. We at TCAG and all our thousands of members are completely disgusted that at this time Highways England/Lower Thames Crossing are happily putting additional pressure on us at this most difficult and awful times, by continuing to inflict this consultation upon us, rather than postponing until after the COVID019 crisis has passed.