Dreda Say Mitchell | 400 pages | 01 Nov 2011 | Hodder & Stoughton General Division | 9780340993224 | English | London, United Kingdom Hit Girls () - IMDb

She is the deuteragonist of Kick-Ass and Kick-Ass 2. Her grief-stricken mother, pregnant with Mindy at the time, committed suicide, but before she died, doctors managed to save Mindy. After Damon's release from prison, Hit Girls was given custody of Mindy. He trained her in the martial arts and taught her how to use various forms of weaponry, including guns, knives, spears, and grenades, as well as teaching Hit Girls how to take a bullet to the chest by wearing a bulletproof vest. As the deadly father-daughter crime-fighting duo Big Daddy and Hit-Girl, they set out to avenge Mindy's mother and Damon's imprisonment by tracking down and killing Frank D'Amico's henchmen and drug dealers one by one until reaching D'Amico himself. After discovering his true identity as Dave Lizewski, she and Big Daddy visit him at his home after re-routing his IP address. They see potential in him as a crime-fighter, and stay in contact with him should he ever need their assistance. Hit-Girl survives the attack due to wearing a bulletproof vest, and takes pursuit of the goons in the Mist Mobile. Her father and Kick-Ass are bound to chairs and brutally beaten on national television and later the internet. Before the goons can finish them, Hit Girls appears, shoots out the lights and, wearing night vision goggles, takes out the goons, but not before one of them sets her father on fire. A heartbroken Mindy and a fatally burned Damon express their Hit Girls for one another before he succumbs to his burns. She then releases Kick- Ass and the two escapes in the Mist Mobile. Hit-Girl is initially angry with Kick-Ass for his unwitting role in her father's death, but after deciding to finish what she and her father started; to bring down Frank D'Amico's organization, she wants Kick-Ass to help her, giving him the choice to either live with the guilt of inadvertently causing the death of her father, or redeem himself by helping her defeat D'Amico. Kick-Ass joins forces with Hit-Girl, who gives him instructions on how to use a jet pack. Mindy gains access to D'Amico's headquarters by disguising herself as a lost school girl. She promptly kills Hit Girls guards and returns Hit Girls her Hit-Girl guise. After engaging and killing most of the henchmen, she runs out of ammo and is forced to take cover. While Kick-Ass and Red Mist fight in the training room, Hit-Girl faces the man responsible for her parent's death in his office. During an intense duel of Hit Girls arts, Hit-Girl is ultimately overpowered and incapacitated. D'Amico picks up his gun and is about to shoot her, but Kick-Ass recovers from his brawl with Red Mist and saves her life by blasting Hit Girls out of the building with Hit Girls Daddy's bazooka, while a barely conscious Hit Girls looks on in satisfaction, as her Hit Girls are finally avenged. The duo escapes the headquarters on the jet pack, and Hit-Girl thanks Kick-Ass for his help. They reveal their true identities to one another and shake hands in friendship. Mindy and Dave retire from crime-fighting, and Mindy moves in with Marcus, who enrolls her at the same Hit Girls as Dave, the first school that she has ever attended. On her first day, she is approached by Hit Girls bullies who try to steal her lunch money, but she easily beats them up. At the opening of the film, Mindy has taken Dave out to possibly the same field where she and Big Daddy had their target gun practice. After a few times, Dave wearing a bulletproof vest doesn't want to go along with it, telling her to not say "okay" if he doesn't want to do Hit Girls, and then shoot him because "it's not cool". Mindy agrees to stop, but as Dave turns around, she smiles and shoots him in Hit Girls back. Hit Girls on, Mindy now 15 years old is starting her freshman year at the same high school where Dave is a senior at. Her absence is covered up, for now, because she Hit Girls into the system Hit Girls gave herself perfect attendance. Dave wanting to suit up again after seeing other people dress up as heroes asks for help in training to be a better hero, as in "Batman and Robin," to which Hit Girls says that "Robin wishes" he was her. Dave points out Hit Girls her that this way, she won't be alone anymore and that someone will "have her back". After coming home from school, Marcus asks where she has been at since the principal called to inform him of her not being at school to accept her perfect attendance award. Since Marcus does not want her to continue life as Hit-Girl, Mindy instead says that she went to the mall with a "boy" Dave that she likes. However, after saving Dave's life from a group of thugs as Hit-GirlMindy is caught Hit Girls home by Marcus, due to a blood stain on her cheek, so she has to promise to stop being her alter ego, go to school, and not see "that boy" Hit Girls. When Mindy tells Dave that they can't train anymore, she unknowningly causes him to break up with his girlfriend, Katie, Hit Girls thinks they were seeing each other, and soon, the news of her "hooking up" with Dave are spread around the school. Then, Marcus takes Mindy to her first slumber party, which is held at the house of a possible year old girl named Brooke. She and her two friends confront Mindy about Hit Girls, asking if she "rode his disco stick" or even kissed him, followed by them showing her a Hit Girls video by a boy band that causes Mindy to somewhat activate her hormones. As she starts hanging around with them, Mindy spends a little less time with Dave, Hit Girls wants her to come back in the superhero game, but she can't after having promised Marcus. Things get more sour between Dave and Mindy when she asks a varsity guy out on a date, trying to prove to Dave that she can be a regular teenage girl. However, on the night of her date, Mindy is brought to the middle of a forest somewhere, where the guy tries to hook Hit Girls with her, but then, Mindy finds a group of parked cars and sees a whole group of "popular Hit Girls, which includes Brooke, who to humiliate Mindy with some help from her "date" because of the tryout. They leave her alone in the darkness, so Mindy now embarrassed and saddened Hit Girls all the way to Dave's house, and climbs into his bedroom, saying at first that she needed to "see my Robin"; after that, she starts to break down, and she hugs Dave for comfort, saying that the three girls were mean and that she doesn't know what to do. Dave tells her that they are just "high school chicks", and that she is a beautiful, smart, funny, and really strong girl. Mindy asks what should she do, and Dave says that she just needs to be herself and to beat them at their own game. The next day, Mindy wearing make up, lip gloss, and a pretty dress confronts the girls, using the "Sic Stick" to cause them to throw up and Brooke to "poop" on the floor. That causes Mindy to be suspended, and at home, she is grounded by Marcus. She also can't help Dave out with this "evil army" that is being held by the "Mother Fucker". When Dave looses his dad to thugs of Chris D'amico, he and other members of "Justice Forever" attend, and Mindy comes, as well. But then, two of the Mother Fcker's goons kidnap Dave, and head towards his secret lair. A few minutes before Dave gets stabbed, Mindy on the van's roof uses a gun to kill those inside, except one of them nicknamed the Tumorand she saves Dave's life while they both also find out where Chris's lair is at. That night, Mindy tells Marcus that even though her father took away her childhood, she was also given a gift, and that she knows who she really is: Hit Girl. Inside the training studio, Dave takes off his shirt to change Hit Girls his costume, and Mindy notices his upper body, which is now muscular and buffed up. She is speechless at first, but when Dave asks if she is all right, she snaps out of her trance, and tells him she is fine. Mother Fucker laughs off their presence with his army outnumbering them severely. However, other superheroes, including Justice Forever, arrive to help the two. After exchanging insults, both armies charge at each other and a massive brawl Hit Girls. The two battle, but Hit-Girl's quick agility is equally matched by Mother Russia's hulking physique and matching brutality. However, the syringe is revealed to be filled with what Hit-Girl describes as "adrenaline", allowing her to take the full blows of Mother Russia's punches and quickly kill her by stabbing her with multiple glass shards all over her body. After the fighting is over with the superheroes winning, Justice Forever decides to disband, realizing they can no longer be superheroes, and Hit- Girl joins their final victory shout. Later, Mindy takes Dave back Hit Girls, telling him that she must leave New York in order to protect Hit Girls from police inquiry and because she is Hit Girls for murdering several of the supervillains. Before she leaves, she kisses Dave, citing it as her first kiss before driving off on her Hit Girls. Mindy shares a warm and loving bond with her father, evident Hit Girls Kick-Ass, and likes teasing in a friendly manner. She exhibits a playful personality and behaviour, both as Hit-Girl, and as herself. As Hit-Girl, she has a sarcastic demeanor. She respects Kick- Ass for his bravery, and is disappointed to learn that he is considering giving up crime-fighting due to his inexperience because she believes that he has potential as a superhero. Like her father, Mindy has a seething hatred of Frank D'Amico for framing her father and driving her mother to suicide. After her father is killed by D'Amico's henchmen, she vows to bring down the crimelord's organization and avenge her parents. Initially, Mindy feels some resentment towards Dave for unintentionally leading Damon to his death through Red Mist's plotted betrayal. However, this resentment is is quickly lifted when Kick-Ass helps her, and saves her life after she i s almost killed Hit Girls D'Amico in a brutal fight. Mindy thanks Kick-Ass for saving her life, and warmly expresses her belief that her father would have been proud of both of them. After Kick-Ass tells her his real name; Dave Lizewski, Mindy in turn Hit Girls her Hit Girls wig and eye Hit Girls, and reveals her own real name. The two then shake hands, becoming friends. Mirroring her comic counterpart, she endures an enslaught of bullying and ridicule from her classmate Debie Foreman, and her friends. Mindy initally establishes a friendship with Debbie Hit Girls quickly turns sour when she displays her athleticness, and fighting skills in a highschool dance tryout performance. Mindy shows a great deal of rebelliousness outside of school towards Marcus as Hit Girls makes her promise she will give up her crimefighting alter ego as Hit-Girl. Hit Girls her signature vow, "Cross my Heart, Hope to Die". For most of the film, this puts Mindy at conflict with Dave, as he tries to re-establish his identity as both Kick-Ass and a real life superhero. Mindy in general is a very emotionally hardened character, and she has difficulty at times accepting and handling emotions. This is seen in Kick-Ass where after her father's death, she supressing her sadness turning her pain into action against the D'amico's. She is also seen to be uncomfortable, and has difficulty and accepting her sexual feelings, in particular towards Dave. Hit Girls evident when he is changing in the alleyway, the Union J scene, and before the final assasult scene when Dave is shirtless. However, this is most likely as a result of her coming of age, being a teenager, and her extreme nature of her childhood discipline. Despite Mindy's aggressive, and emotionally hardened natured, she is relatively docile compared to her comic book counterapart, especially Hit Girls of Hit Girls. Mindy is also displays affection, compassion and kindness, mostly towards Dave, such as the scene after Mr. Lizewski's funeral. In general, she enjoys hanging out with Dave and drinking hotchocolate with marshmellows. Mindy stands at approximately 5ft 5inches, or cm in height, she has brownish-blonde hair, with green eyes, with fair skin. In general, same as actress Chloe Grace Moretz, however, she wears her hair typically tied back in a ponytail, with bangs. Mindy overall is Hit Girls slim, and is lightweight which enables her to perform highly acrobatic manuevers. According to Dave, Mindy is very beautiful. Mindy's last name in the movie is officially spelt "Macready" revealed in the end credits. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. Add an image. Categories :. General Information. Kick-Ass Kick-Ass 2. Hit-Girl | Kick-Ass Wiki | Fandom

The character was created by artist John Romita Jr. She is a young but effective vigilantetrained by her father Damon McCready a. Big Daddy from an early age to be a costumed Hit Girls and assassin. In Kick-Assshe is introduced as a supporting character. She featured in her own self- titled comic book series, Hit-Girlwhich was first published on February 21, by Image Comics. Following her father's death in the first volume of the comic The Dave Lizewski YearsHit-Girl takes on Kick-Ass Dave Lizewski as her crime-fighting partner in the second and third volumes, training him and using him to hunt criminals together with her. She also gets him to teach her Hit Girls to Hit Girls a normal kid, and get along with other girls somewhat older than herself. After she is arrested at the conclusion of the third volume, she breaks herself out of prison, and, joining back together with Kick-Ass, takes out the entirety of the Genovese crime family and their accomplices, Hit Girls taking on a new Kick-Ass as her sidekick. Hit-Girl returns in the new series following the events of The Dave Lizewski Years in which she goes on worldwide hunting down criminals. The character, named in the end credits as Mindy Macreadyappears in the film adaptation Kick-Assand the sequel Kick-Ass 2. Jane Goldmanone of the two co-writers of the first film's script, said, "We just really wanted Hit-Girl to be a character who, in a sense, simply happens Hit Girls be an eleven-year-old girl, in the same way that Ripley in Alien could have been a guy but the part happened to be played by Sigourney Weaver. It's not her fault: she's been raised in this environment where she Hit Girls know anything different. She's unwittingly part of a folie a deux. I think she also doesn't want special treatment because she's a girl. Hit Girls Vaughncommenting on the maturity of Moretz, said that because she has four older brothers, she was no stranger to Hit Girls of the language in the script. Lewis Wallace of Wired said that Mindy "gets all the good lines, capping every Tarantino -scale bloodletting with a Hit Girls joke". It's all Hit-Girl". To prepare for her role, Moretz took months of training in learning how Hit Girls handle guns and to use butterfly knives and swords. Moretz stated that the shooting of the action scenes was arduous. The only really negative thing we saw came from Roger Ebert and others from his generation who were upset, but there were those especially here in the United Kingdom [who] went crazy for her". Millar added he and Vaughn "were quite surprised about that. We were expecting the worst, that people were going to say she was amoral and we [in turn] were going to get killed for her. But it was much more of a case where people were positive about Hit-Girl even saying she was empowering female character". Australian Family Association spokesman Hit Girls Morrissey claimed that "the language [was] offensive and the values inappropriate; without the saving grace of the bloodless victory of traditional superheroes". In response to the controversy, Moretz stated in an Hit Girls, "If I ever uttered one word that I said in Kick-AssI would be grounded for years! I'd be stuck in my room until I was 20! I would never in a million years say that. I'm an average, everyday girl. He stated that, "If Hit Girls make that, hopefully that will be the sorbet for the people that didn't like Hit Girls 2 and then we can go off and make Kick-Ass 3. I think we've got to do this prequel to regain the love that we had with Kick-Ass. InMezco released Hit-Girl figures based on the movie and followed-up with new figures released in by Neca. Mindy is an expert martial artist and proficient with a Hit Girls variety of melee weapons. She has proven herself capable of defeating large groups of armed thugs wielding only a pair of swords or Hit Girls double-bladed pole-arm. She is also an excellent marksman and proficient with practically all firearms from pistols to automatic rifles. Mindy has proven herself adept at stealth and Hit Girls being able to infiltrate a maximum security prison with ease. She is also an expert driver with her vehicle of choice being a custom high-powered motorcycle. The nature of Big Daddy's training has made Hit- Girl a particularly brutal and remorseless character who does not flinch at torture or dispatching her opponents in the most gruesome and painful ways possible. In fact she can be so intimidating that when she was briefly imprisoned she was soon the undisputed ruler of Hit Girls adult penitentiary Hit Girls she was held despite being a twelve-year-old girl. Mindy's one weakness, as pointed Hit Girls by Mother Russia, is that her strength is limited by her youth which can cause an over-reliance on her weapon's skills to compensate. Indeed, Mother Russia seemed to be more than a match for Hit-Girl at hand-to-hand combat with the young vigilante winning their fight mostly through the intervention of chance. As a vigilante who regularly kills her opponent in violent fashion, Mindy displays not only the skill to carry out Hit Girls acts with high-level precision, but the emotional detachment and desensitized temperament necessary to do so. For example, when Kick-Ass tells her that her father was just murdered, she responds by saying, "Finish the job, mourn later. Despite the violent nature of her crime-fighting, and her ability to carry out such activities without apparent difficulty or remorse, Mindy also has an interest in things typical of young people, such as Hello Kittycomic books, Clint Hit Girls and John Woo movies. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the character. For other uses, see Hit-Girl Hit Girls. Main article: Hit-Girl comic Hit Girls. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Hit Girl 4. Marvel Comics New York. Retrieved February 21, The Guardian. Archived from the original on 23 January Retrieved 23 January The New York Times. Retrieved February 3, Jonathan Ross interviews Matthew Vaughn. Moretz: I would love to. I can't say anything about [the ending], but I would love to be Hit Girls twice, three times, four times in my life. Retrieved January 25, Archived from the original on December 1, Retrieved January 28, Archived from the original on 14 July Retrieved 21 January The Daily Telegraph. January 13, Chicago Hit Girls. Retrieved April 17, Roger Ebert's Journal. Archived from the original on 24 June Sugar Hit Girls spice, punches and the odd four-letter word, when they're the surprise star of Kick-Ass ". The Scotsman. Metro Herald. Archived from the original on August 15, People are so angry at Chloe [Grace Moretz] for saying bad language but she murders a ton of people Hit Girls no one seems to be offended by that. Vine Report. Retrieved September 7, Retrieved June 23, Comics portal United States portal United Kingdom portal. Kick-Ass Kick-Ass 2. . Jupiter's Legacy. CLiNT . John Romita Jr. Hit-Girl Kick-Ass. John Romita Sr. Categories : Characters created by John Romita Jr. Characters created by Mark Millar Child characters in comics Child characters in film Comics characters introduced in Hit Girls book sidekicks Fictional characters from New York state Fictional child soldiers Fictional knife-fighters Fictional hybrid martial artists Fictional mass murderers Fictional orphans Fictional swordsmen Fictional vigilantes Image Comics superheroes Kick-Ass franchise Superhero film characters Marvel Comics child superheroes Marvel Comics female superheroes Vigilante characters in comics Fictional women Hit Girls and warriors. Hidden categories: Use mdy dates from July Pages using deprecated image syntax Articles needing additional references from September All articles needing additional references. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View Hit Girls. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload Hit Girls. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Kick-Ass character. Kick-Ass Hit Girls July Mark Millar John Romita Jr. Hit-Girl - Wikipedia

Hit-Girl is Hit Girls deuteragonist in the Kick-Ass comic book series. She is a young but effective vigilante, trained by her father from an early age to be a costumed superhero and assassin. Hit-Girl is the superhero identity of Mindy McCready. Hit-Girl first met Kick-Ass when she and Big Daddy hit a small gang coincidentally just as Kick-Ass was confronting them, and she saved his life. Kick-Ass was mystified by her secretive nature, while all the other heroes were making names for themselves on the internet, Hit-Girl was virtually unheard of. Her and Big Daddy's vendetta against the mob did lead to her being heard of, but few people knew much about her. Hit-Girl charged after Genovese Hit Girls her father being severely wounded by him, soon finding herself shot by the mob boss multiple times. Although falling out a window, her kevlar and her well trained skills helped her Hit Girls. She then went for revenge, rescuing Kick-Ass but being unable to save her father. Hit-Girl struggled against Genovese until Kick-Ass intervened after fighting Red Mist, shooting Genovese in the testicles, and Hit-Girl used the distraction to violently kill him and the rest of the mafia. After taking down the organization, Hit Girls became an urban legend in the superhero community but she returned to live with Hit Girls mother and Hit Girls, the man investigating Hit-Girl's disappearance. Marcus was fully aware of her secret identity, urging her to quit fighting crime. Hit-Girl originally trained Kick-Ass to fight but later Hit Girls down his requests to join Justice Forever. Marcus then banned Hit-Girl from spending any time with Kick-Ass. Hit-Girl decapitating Mother Russia. She faced Mother Russia Hit Girls eventually got the advantage after stabbing the latter with a broken glass in the neck and the stomach. Hit-Girl then proceeded to decapitate Mother Russia. Hit Girls the near end of the battle, she told Kick Ass to return to the HQ but not to worry, for she will also be there soon. She then made a diversion by throwing Hit Girls smoke grenade to save Kick Ass from the police, who would have arrested him after Hit Girls him throw the Mother-Fucker from the rooftop. She would take a police car and go on a road rage, until a Hit Girls officer stopped her and led her to crash her car. By the end of the Hit Girls, she was heavily injured and bruised and was arrested Hit Girls charged with 60 counts of murder. After the Hit Girls of Kick-Ass 2, Hit-Girl has been sentenced to prison and continues to remain so, after Kick-Ass and Justice Forever have cold feet of their planned rescue mission in the high-security prison. Elsewhere, Hit-Girl confides to her psychiatrist after being bribed with Hello Kitty trading cards, which she proclaims are her only vice Hit Girls she has managed to circumvent the prison's security so as Hit Girls allow her to wander around at night, killing problematic inmates. Furthermore, she talks about how her father created his false backstory, with help from Marcus, in order to manipulate her into continuing her training to become Hit-Girl. During her imprisonment, Mindy meets her mother Hit Girls the first time since the latter found out about Hit Girls, and despite Mindy fearing that she would be unhappy, her mother instead praises her for fighting crime. In jail, Mindy is drugged by a group of corrupt guards working for Rocco, who plans to have Chris execute Mindy in front of all the other gang leaders on the Eastern Seaboard. At the mercy of Chris, Mindy is saved when he, out of guilt for how his actions turned his mother into a Hit Girls, turns and kills the corrupt guards, getting mortally wounded during the gunfight. Helping Mindy escape in a van, Chris accidentally crashes due to his injuries, and dies of his wounds. The police, also working for Rocco, find his body later. Mindy is caught by a police officer but is saved by Dave, who kills the police officer by bashing him in the back of the head and sticking Hit Girls baton in the wound. The duo return to Justice Hit Girls HQ after having learned from Chris that all the gang leaders will be gathering in a boathouse, and go their separate ways; Mindy Hit Girls to Rocco's meeting in a speedboat, intending Hit Girls kill all the gang leaders assembled there, while Dave goes to save Todd in Big Daddy's monster truck. Mindy raids the meeting, killing Rocco as well as everyone else there. Gigante and the rest of the corrupt cops arrive as she is leaving and hold her at gunpoint. Mindy reveals to the cops that she Hit Girls the anonymous tipster, before triggering explosives that kill all of the corrupt police officers except for Gigante. She then maims Gigante by Hit Girls out his pelvis and informing him that he will be turning state's evidence. Mindy remains an active vigilante, killing criminals across the world, though she never contacts Dave again she did however give flowers to her mother once every years similar to the flowers her father gave to her. In a 'post credits scene', Mindy shows up at the house of a bullied kid with Kick-Ass's uniform, announcing that she is now going to train him to be a superhero. Unlike most girls of her age, she is very interested in weapons and can handle death well. She doesn't seem to be at all Hit Girls by blood and Hit Girls. There are very few moments where she acts like other little girls her age and has Hit Girls proved herself to be far more mature than her crime-fighting counterpart, Hit Girls. She is also very determined. An example of this is when Kick-Ass Hit Girls her that her Hit Girls was just murdered, she responds by saying: "Finish the job, mourn later. She is more than likely driven a little crazy by the Hit Girls and eventual death of her father, who is shown in her spin-off story as an invisible advisor who she actively interacts with after killing several mobsters sent to murder her family. In one panel she Hit Girls even shown hugging her nonexistent father thanking him for his advice and guidance, surrounded by brutalized corpses and her drugged parents. The most disturbing part of this panel is the fact that there is a response from big daddy despite him not actually being present in the panel. Despite her driven and crazy personality, she has a soft spot for people who had families and fathers. For instance, in one comic series, she kills a pickpocket for stealing a father's wallet to helping a women whose father is a police officer kidnapped by a religious cult by killing all the religious cult members while allowing the women to reunite with her father. In another comic, she is able to make a little boy whose older brother is a gang killer see the actual reality of life as a criminal and encourages him to be a better person. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Contents [ show ]. Add an image. Categories :. Cancel Save. General Information. Kick-Ass 3 - July, Mark Millar John Romita, Jr.