Sealand CC and Queensferry CC and a Representative of Each Uniformed Group
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SEALAND COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD ON 21st SEPTEMBER 2020 ON LINE VIA GO TO MEETING PRESENT: Councillors Barbara Hinds (Chair), Gwyneth Bullock, Jean Fairbrother, Ashley Griffiths, Chris Jones (County Councillor), Norman Jones (Vice Chair), Michael Khan, Mary Southall, Mike Walker, Brian Ward and David Wisinger. Peter Richmond: Clerk and Financial Officer One member of the public. 20/77 MATTERS RAISED BY THE PUBLIC No matters were raised 20/78 APOLOGIES FOR NON-ATTENDANCE Apologies for non-attendance were not received from Councillors Bob James and Alex Lewis. 20/79 CODE OF CONDUCT DECLARATION OF INTEREST No declarations were submitted at the beginning of the meeting. 20/80 CHAIR’S REPORT AND ACTIONS SINCE 20th JULY 2020 The Chair advised that she had not attended any meetings since the previous Council meeting on 20th July 2020. The Clerk referred to the following planning applications received by Council for observations on 17th August 2020. 061575 - Erection of New Dwelling to the rear at land to the rear of 7 Manor Road, Sealand, Deeside, CH5 2SB. 061576 - New Vehicular Entrance, Demolition of Garage and side extension, new rear extension at 7 Manor Road, Sealand, Deeside, CH5 2SB. In view of the urgency to respond the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) the Clerk sought the views of members of Council on 27th August 2020 regarding the following response to the said planning applications. “Council is very concerned about the nature of the proposed development which clearly constitutes an infill / backland development 1 | P a g e Through successive developments of this character Manor Road would radically be altered for the worse and may eventually result in cramped forms of development which would greatly reduce the outlook and landscape amenity currently afforded to existing dwellings in this area. The insertion of a narrow awkward access drive to serve the land to the rear of 7 Manor Road will greatly disrupt the street scene and affect adjoining properties through the noise and visual intrusion of traffic movements. The nearness of the proposed development to existing properties will also detrimentally affect them through noise and visual intrusion Council understands that the proposed development would not be in line with the County’s Planning Strategy as it does not sit within a settlement boundary and is part of the open countryside. Council urges that the above planning applications be refused. I also understand that local residents adjacent to 7 Manor Road have already submitted their objections.” No objections to the response was received from members of Council and the Chair endorsed the response which was sent on 28th August 2020 RESOLVED – that the – i) report be noted. ii) Chair’s action in agreeing to the response to the above planning applications being sent to Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) be endorsed. 20/81 CONTINATION OF ON LINE COUNCIL MEETINGS The Clerk referred to recent communications circulated to members of Council. It is the responsibility of each council (as with other organisations): (i) to consider the regulations issued by the Welsh Government, together with the published general guidance; (ii) to weigh these up in relation to their local and individual circumstances; and (iii) to decide themselves as to the safest and most practical way for them to meet. The Clerk advised that the Headteacher of Sealand Primary School has advised that previously she said she wouldn’t be able to consider allowing Council meetings at the school at least until the end of October. However, she has now said it will be some time before we are able to resume meetings at the school. We will only be able to do that once we are back to normal operation within the school and the Headteacher said she can't see that happening for some time. At the moment the school are not allowing any visitors on site unless urgent and governing body meetings have not been resumed. 2 | P a g e Although you mention the hall - this is in use as a staff base as staff have to segregate into bubbles for their breaks. It wouldn't be feasible under current Risk Assessment to bring a large group of adults into our bases with the potential for infection to the school community. Plus, we couldn't open to public either. Our cleaning processes alone are complex without additional need due to visitors. We are working under very tight guidelines to maintain and protect school opening. The school is shut down to all but essential visitors and all areas of the school are in use as 'protective bubble bases' either for staff or pupils. There won't be any parent teacher evenings or Christmas events and we aren't even allowing parents in the building unless it's an exceptional circumstance. RESOLVED – that – i) the report be noted. ii) Council will continue holding its meetings on line and will keep under review as and when further Covid advice has been issued. 20/82 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON 20th JULY 2020 RESOLVED - that – i) the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 20th July 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record. ii) Clerk should visit the Chair to obtain a signed copy of the said minutes for record retention. 20/83 CHAIR’S FUND 2020/21 The Clerk reminded Council that the agreed spend for the Chair’s Fund for the 2020/21 financial year is £800.00. No payments have been made in the current financial year. Payments being made under expenditure powers - Ancillary Power Local Government Act 1972 (S11). RESOLVED – that the report be noted. 20/84 POLICE ISSUES Inspector Gareth Cust had been invited to attend the meeting but is unable to attend. 1. Riverbank cycle path - Shotton to Chester (in particular by the Railway Bridge / John Summers old offices) – Drugs Problem. Inspector Gareth Cust has previously advised that the police will patrol in order to disrupt as much as possible. The Inspector has asked that councillors or residents 3 | P a g e should report any matters as they happen so that the Police can target their response and be more effective. 2. Drugs Problem –Garden City The County Councillor has previously advised that the Police have indicated that they will provide additional patrols. 3. Community Speed Watch – Seahill Road, Foxes Lane and Welsh Road. John Morris advised on 25th July 2020 that it has been decided that CSW activities can resume in the North Wales Police area from Monday 27th July, 2020. Councillor Mike Walker advised that speed watches will be held this week and interested members of Council should contact him. 4. CCTV and laptop –The Council’s inoperative CCTV attached to a lighting column o/s 12 Farm Road, Garden City was removed by the County Council on Monday 17th August 2020 and is currently in store at the Alltami Depot. 5. Additional report made at the May 2020 meeting about a van in the ditch on Green Lane East. Inspector Gareth advised on 22nd July 2020 that Officers are aware of the location and the issue so monitoring will be ongoing. He was glad we were able to get Officers quickly to the issue that Councillor Walker reported. Council is correct in regards to vehicles using a bridleway unless there is a reason for a mechanically propelled vehicle to use the exemptions are access to private premises along the bridleway, maintenance etc. Bearing in mind the vehicle has stone on board was it accessing the bridleway to carry out work? 6. Problems of serious anti-social behaviour were highlighted by the County Councillor in her email to Inspector Gareth Cust on 19th September 2020. A gang of youths are congregating outside Spar in Garden City, every evening, from 6pm until late. They are rude, intimidating and often causing damage to Council property. They have recently damaged the nearby traffic lights. They also have damaged the new flats in Sealand Avenue and were abusive to a family who have recently moved in. There is also a person who stands near the entrance to Spar, begging for money. Apparently last night these kids were filming him and shouting abuse at him. The Spar staff went out to speak to them but received abuse. Many of the customers are getting angry and many are scared. The Inspector has been asked to discuss with the Spar manager. This ASB has been happening for months. These youths are causing trouble all over the Garden City Estate. They are known to the police, Clwyd Alyn and FCC, so a partnership meeting needs to called to discuss the situation. The County Councillor was promised last year that these families were on warnings and something would be done. Residents have had enough of this dreadful behaviour. After the July 2020 meeting Claire Hanard at the County Council was advised that 4 | P a g e youths are breaking into the Youth Centre on Sandy Lane and requesting that the County Council should install appropriate security to prevent this illegal access. A reply has not been received. RESOLVED – that – i) the reports be noted. ii) Inspector Gareth Cust be informed that the Council is very concerned about the on-going anti-social behaviour at Garden City and the urgent need for regular and continuing Police action /patrols to reduce the problems and requests the provision of a dispersal order. Council seeks clarification of the telephone number that should be used to report ASB incidents. Council requests a reply from the Inspector outlining current and future action that will be provided to take action about this serious ASB.