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HAPPY THANKSGIVING Balch Springs, Tx Balch Springs City Hall PRSRT STD 13503 Alexander Rd. US Postage PAID HAPPY THANKSGIVING Balch Springs, Tx. 75181 Mail Pro USA BALCH SPRINGS, NOVEMBER 2015 MAYOR MARSHALL’S TOWN TALK BALCH SPRINGS DFW dent. NETWORK CONNECTIONS Metroplex Mayors Association The Metroplex Mayors Association (MMA) in- Best Southwest Partnership cludes mayors, city managers, Economic De- Best Southwest Partnership is a cooperative velopment, Chamber of Commerce and others NEWS-BLAST effort among twelve communities and their lo- from cities throughout the greater Dallas-Fort cal government (including Cedar Hill, DeSoto, Worth area. The Association meets in Addison Duncanville and Lancaster) with Associate at the Marriott Quorum monthly receiving infor- memberships with Balch Springs, Ferris, Glenn mation and discusses concerns impacting our Heights, Hutchins, Midlothian, Ovilla, Red Oak region. Topics of interest by the MMA: Long and Wilmer promoting economic development, range water planning: Region air quality; North legislative collaboration, Healthcare and educa- Texas Business/Economy; Dallas/Fort Worth tional well-being for the region. Balch Springs Mayors and more. resident, Jorge Gutierrez and 2015 graduate of Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Magnet Center School of Science and Engineering is Balch Springs Best Southwest Scholarship winner at- tending the University of Texas at Austin. Senator Royce West represents the 23rd Senatorial District and was August guest Legis- lator in dialog with Mayor Marcus Knight at the TGIF At the September meeting Dallas Mayor Mike Legislative Breakfast Se- Rawlings addressed the MMA on Dallas priori- ries at Methodist Charlton ties for the coming year and how the region Medical Center. The City could work together. of Balch Springs hosted the September Best Best Southwest Partners and the Metroplex Southwest Board Breakfast with representatives Mayors Association provide valuable network- from twenty cities. Guests expressed apprecia- ing opportunities for Balch Springs and other tion for the “Radical” hospitality they received. cites through the exchange of information, Alvester Gibson, Chamber of Commerce Presi- ideas and creating new opportunities. Balch dent and Assistant, Martha Maldonado pre- Springs is represented at the Metroplex Mayors pared the Civic Center to receive guests and Association meeting by Mayor Carrie J. Mar- selected a delectable mouth-watering break- shall and Alvester Gibson, Chamber of Com- fast prepared by Panera Bread. Balch Springs merce President. is represented at Best Southwest Partnership Board Meeting by Mayor Carrie J. Marshall and Alvester Gibson, Chamber of Commerce Presi- -Mayor Carrie Marshall 8 1 BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION PROGRAM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MAKES GREAT STRIDE WITH There are five objections of Balch Springs’ BRE Program: (1) build- QUÉ HAY DE NUEVO EN BALCH SPRINGS THEIR BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION PROGRAM ing a solid relationship with the business owner or manager of the employers in the community, (2) regularly collecting data on both the Actualización sobre el Plan Integral de la Ciudad de Balch Springs próximas sesiones de la Comisión de Planeamiento y Zonificación, A community’s company and industry, (3) analyzing and tracking the collected data el 5 y 19 de noviembre, a las 7 pm., en el edificio del Gobierno economic health is in order to predict its behavior, (4) assisting the company in solving El 29 de octubre de 2014, la Ciudad de Balch Springs celebró una Municipal, ubicado en la 13503 Alexander Road, Balch Springs, Texas dependent on the problems that may cause them to move or close, and (5) looking for reunión para inaugurar el histórico plan integral de actualización de 75181. number and qual- opportunities to grow the businesses in their communities. Accord- la Ciudad. Nuestro propósito es lograr la participación de residentes, ity of jobs provided ing to the International Economic Development Council, over 80% de dueños de negocios y propiedades y de todos lo que tengan un Servicio de Autobús Balch Springs Star Transit Midtown Express by employers in the of all new jobs are created by the community’s existing businesses. interés personal en el futuro de Balch Springs. El Plan Integral de community. Good jobs BRE also encourages community leaders to identify new opportuni- Balch Springs se empleará para guiar el futuro de nuestra comuni- El 15 de junio de 2015, la Ciudad de Balch Springs y la empresa keep residents living in ties for businesses in the community and support them in expanding, dad durante los próximos 20 años. El Plan Integral de Actualización STAR Transit inauguraron su nuevo servicio de autobús Balch Springs cities. Jobs allow resi- creating new jobs. de Balch Springs incluirá actualizaciones a lo siguiente: Plan para el Midtown Express, como una nueva ruta de Respuesta de la Demanda dents to purchase property. The disposable income from jobs allows Aprovechamiento Futuro de los Terrenos, Plan Maestro de Parques, de Pasajeros. El servicio de transporte con itinerario fijo está dis- residents to shop more and increase the local economy. It is not sur- The objective is to visit with 12 Transporte, Desarrollo Económico, Habitabilidad de los Vecindarios, eñado para que los autobuses circulen dentro de la ciudad de Balch prising that community leaders have been intrigued by the concept businesses a year. The recent Panorámica de la Comunidad, así como la visión y los objetivos de Springs, y viajen a pedido a la estación DART de la Buckner Road of recruiting jobs to a community by attracting a large employer. businesses that participated in la comunidad. Hasta la fecha, los ciudadanos han llenado encuestas mediante solicitud verbal. El servicio será coordinado con el servicio However, the competition for such corporate partners is fierce. Major the BRE program this year are: en línea, asistido a reuniones públicas y hablado con miembros de actual STAR Transit de respuesta de la demanda. Mediante el nuevo corporations are not building new facilities in the United States at the Best Promotions, Buddy Fur- nuestro Comité Asesor del Plan Integral (Comprehensive Plan Advi- servicio con itinerario fijo, los autobuses circularán una vez cada hora, same rate they once did. According to the International Economic nace, Davita Dialysis, Space sory Committee, CPAC) para aportar sus comentarios. Sepa de qué de lunes a viernes, de 5:00 am a 10:00 am y de 2:00 pm a 7:00 pm Development Council, over 80% of all new jobs are created by the Maker Designs, Balch Springs se trata y cómo puede participar. (vea adjunto el itinerario del sistema de transporte en autobús y el community’s existing businesses. Middle School, Mesquite ISD, mapa de las paradas en Balch Springs). El precio del pasaje de la TXI, Texas Best Smokehouse, Puede obtener información actual sobre el progreso al ponerse en nueva ruta es un (1) dólar. En la gráfica de abajo se muestra la nueva The BRE (Business Retention Expansion) program in Balch Springs GDL Masonry, Baseball Nation contacto con la División de Planificación y Zonificación en el 972- ruta de paradas de autobuses con itinerario fijo según el desplaza- is coordinated and implemented thru the Economic Development and most recently Progressive 286-4477 x.212, o en www.cityofbalchsprings.com, y hacer clic en miento de autobuses por la toda la ciudad, el mapa del sistema de Department. The Balch Springs EDC has made great strides on Auto Care. los enlaces “For Businesses” (Para negocios) y “Comprehensive Plan transporte en autobús y el horario. growing the BRE program. For the past three fiscal years, the EDC Update” (Actualización sobre el Plan Integral). If you would like to have the BRE team visit your business please contact Effie has contracted with the Balch Springs Chamber of Commerce to Para obtener más información sobre el servicio nuevo, por favor facilitate the program. Donaldson, ED Administrative Services Manager at 972-913-3004 or [email protected]. Puede aportar comentarios e información actualizada durante las llame al 877-631-5278 o vaya a www.STARtransit.org. UPCOMING IN TEXAS NIGHT OUT DESAYUNO DEL DECEMBER CALENDARIO DE NOVIEMBRE VETERANO BALCH SPRINGS SENIOR CENTER The October 6, 2015 National Night Out involved National Night ANGEL TREE hundreds of Balch Springs residents and millions Out for over 20 • 5 de Noviembre : Planificación y Zonificación Reunión en el Para honrar a nuestras tropas por sus of others across the United States. The purpose years. Without our años de servicio , estamos teniendo un of National Night Out is to build strong part- volunteers, the en- Ayuntamiento, 7 PM Every December the Balch Springs Senior veterano desayuno ! Center shows there love and appreciation nerships between police departments and the thusiastic support of Papelera Round-Up en el Centro Cívico , communities they serve, and to promote local our elected officials, • 7 de Noviembre : for their Seniors with The Angel Tree. The crime awareness programs such as Neighborhood and local businesses 12400 Elam Rd , 8 AM- 12 PM 11 de noviembre 2015 de 7 a 11 horas Senior Citizens write a list of items they need Community Watch groups. that donated food Ayuntamiento Cafetería and place them on the Tree. Once the tree is and other services, • 9 de Noviembre : Reunión del Consejo de la Ciudad en el fully decorated with names, it’ll be placed at According to the NATW (National Association our National Night Ayuntamiento, 7 PM the library, in the front entrance for citizens of Town Watch), last year’s National Night Out Out would not have been the great success that Si tienes una foto actual que le gustaría to pick a name. was the largest ever and involved over 30 million it was. • 11 de Noviembre : Desayuno Veteranos en la cafetería del estar en el show de diapositivas o en people in 15,000 communities from all 50 states, • Over 1300 visitors Ayuntamiento , 7 AM- 11 AM el pasado , por favor, envíe o enviarlas Show your love and support for our Balch U.S.
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