Research Funded, in Whole Or Part, by the Organization for Autism Research 2006-2020 (In Descending Order of Date of Publication)
Research funded, in whole or part, by the Organization for Autism Research 2006-2020 (in descending order of date of publication) 2020 Anderson, K. A., Hemmeter, J., Rast, J. E., Roux, A. M., & Shattuck, P. T. (2020). Trends in supplemental security income payments to adults with autism. Psychiatric Services, 71(6), 602–607. Jorgenson, C. D., Clay, C. J., & Kahng, S. (2020). Evaluating preference for and reinforcing efficacy of a therapy dog to increase verbal statements. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53(3), 1419–1431. Lomas Mevers, J., Call, N. A., Gerencser, K. R., Scheithauer, M., Miller, S. J., Muething, C., Hewett, S., McCracken, C., Scahill, L., & McElhanon, B. O. (2020). A pilot randomized clinical trial of a multidisciplinary intervention for encopresis in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(3), 757–765. Matthews, N. L., Laflin, J., Orr, B. C., Warriner, K., DeCarlo, M., & Smith, C. J. (2020). Brief report: Effectiveness of an accelerated version of the PEERS® social skills intervention for adolescents. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(6), 2201–2207. Wieckowski, A. T., & White, S. W. (2020). Attention modification to attenuate facial emotion recognition deficits in children with autism: A pilot study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(1), 30–41. 2019 Lomas Mevers, J., Call, N. A., Gerencser, K. R., Scheithauer, M., Miller, S. J., Muething, C., Hewett, S., McCracken, C., Scahill, L., & McElhanon, B. O. (2020). A pilot randomized clinical trial of a multidisciplinary intervention for encopresis in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(3), 757–765.
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