
Data of Geochemistry

' *

Chapter W. Chemistry of the -rich Sedimentary Rocks


MICHAEL FLEISCHER, Technical Editor Chapter W. Chemistry of the Iron-rich Sedimentary Rocks By HAROLD L. JAMES


Chemical composition and occurrence of iron-bearing of sedimentary rocks, and composition, distribution, and geochemistry of and iron-formations


GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 45 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS

Page Face Abstract. ______Wl Chemistry of iron-rich rocks, etc. Continued Introduction. ______1 Oxide Continued Iron minerals of sedimentary rocks ______2 Hematitic iron-formation of Precambrian age__ W18 Iron oxides ______2 -rich rocks of Mesozoic and Paleozoic (a-FeO (OH) ) and _ 2 age______-__-.______19 (y-FeO(OH) )______3 Magnetite-rich iron-formation of Precambrian (a-Fe2O3) ______. _ _ 3 age._____-__---____--_---_------_ 21 Maghemite (7-Fe203) ______3 Silicate facies______21 Magnetite (Fe3O4) ______3 Chamositic ironstone____--_-_-__----_-_---_- 21 3 Silicate iron-formation of Precambrian age_____ 22 Iron silicates 4 Glauconitic rocks__-_-____------__------23 4 Carbonate facies______-_-_-___------_------23 . ______6 Sideritic rocks of post-Precambrian age.______24 Glauconite______6 Sideritic iron-formation of Precambrian age____ 24 Chlorite (excluding ) ______7 Sulfide facies______25 . ______8 Blackband and clayband siderite______26 Stilpnomelane______9 Distribution of deposits in space and time.______28 Iron sulfides ______9 Tertiary______28 (FeS2)___-__.______9 Mesozoic.______--_____-_---_--_------_-_- 28 (FeS2) _-_.--_----__-___-_-_____-__ 10 Paleozoic.______----____---_-___- 30 Hydrotroilite and tetragonal FeS______10 Precambrian- ______-___--_----__------34 Melnikovite and greigite ______11 Iron in natural waters------39 Classification and facies______11 Iron in solution..______---_-__--_-_------_ 39 Major subdivisions ______11 Iron in suspension_____-_-_-_-_-_-___------40 Facies______12 Iron as a constituent of transported or suspended Geochemical aspects. ______12 clays.__-___-______---_-___-__-----__---_ 40 Natural associations ______15 Conclusions-______-_____-____-__-___--___------40 Iron in present-day sediments___--_----__-_-___------41 16 Role of organic activity ______Bog iron deposits-_-______-_------___------41 Chemistry of iron-rich rocks, according to groups and Minor elements______42 facies ______17 Differences between and iron-formation.--.--- 46 Oxide facies______17 Origin______-_--___--__----___-_-__------47 Oolitic limonite ironstone______17 References ______51 Hematitic rocks of Mesozoic and Paleozoic age- 18 Index.______61


Page FIGURE 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of four types of glauconite______-______-_-_-__----_-_----- W7 2. Eh-pH diagram showing relations between anhydrous iron compounds at 25° C., 1 atm. pressure.______13 3. Eh-pH stability fields for iron minerals with carbonate equilibria as in "normal sea water" and total dissolved as in "average river and lake water" at 25° C______-__-______------_-_-_------14 4. Eh-pH relations of iron oxides, sulfide, and carbonate with total dissolved sulfur = 10~6M and total dissolved carbonate = 1M, at 25° C.______---_----- 14 5. Schematic section showing relations between ironstone facies and physico-chemical conditions.______15 6. Generalized stratigraphic successions of Precambrian rocks of the Lake Superior region. ______38 7. Activity of dissolved iron in equilibrium with total sulfur at activity 10~3 and total carbonate at activity 5X10-3__ .-_-----_-_-.______-__..-_-__.__-____--. _._.____..__-_-___-_--____-____-_-_-_---_ 39 IV CONTENTS TABLES

TABLES 1-4. Analyses of Pag« TABLES 8-19. Analyses of Continued Page 1. Separated limonite (goethite) 18. Sulfide-rich rocks__. . W27 ooliths from two Mesozoic 19. Blackband and -ironstone ironstones.------______W3 siderite____ 27 2. Siderite______4 20-22. Occurrences of iron-rich sedimentary 3. Chamosite___-______.______5 rocks 4. Greenalite ______6 20. Tertiary age.___- 28 5. Selected analyses of .______8 21. Mesozoic age_-___------_ 29 6. Analyses of minnesotaite, , 22. Paleozoic age--_---____------31 thuringite, and bavalite______8 23-25. Occurrences of iron-rich beds of Pre­ 7. Values for free energy (AF°) for species cambrian age of importance to the iron system, at 23. North and South America,. 34 standard conditions.______14 24. Europe and Asia__--___--_- 36 8-19. Analyses of 25. Australia and South Africa 37 8. Oolitic limonite (goethite) iron­ 26-28. Iron, , and minor-element con- stone. ______18 tents of 9. Hematite-rich sedimentary rocks 26. ores from deposits in of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Finland______-_._ 43 age. 19 27. Some iron-rich rocks.-.------43 10. Hematite-rich rocks of sedimen­ 28. Average of contents for iron-rich tary origin, Precambrian age_ 20 rocks, U.S.S.R______.. 44 11. Magnetite-rich sedimentary 29. Contents of Cu, As, V, Ni, Ti, and Zn in rocks of Mesozoic and Paleo­ minette ironstone of Luxembourg _ 44 zoic age______20 30. Minor-element contents of glauconitic, 12. Magnetite-rich ironstones of chamositic, and sideritic ironstone of Precambrian age______21 Lias () age of southern Sweden. 44 13. Chamositic ironstones ______22 31. Spectrographic analyses of ironstone of 14. Silicate iron-formation, mostly the Clinton Formation and Group Precambrian______23 () and Martin Formation 15. Glauconitic rocks () 24 (Devonian), U.S.A__ 45 16. rocks of post-Precam- 32. Minimum and maximum concentrations brianage______25 of minor elements given in tables 8-19 17. Sideritic iron-formation, Pre­ and 27-31 as compared with crustal cambrian-.______26 abundance______-_-_. ... 45 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY



ABSTRACT chamositic rocks, and commonly are submerged by local differ­ The iron-rich sedimentary rocks, defined as those containing ences related to the geochemical nature of the terrain adjacent 15 percent or more iron of depositional or diagenetic origin, have to basins of deposition. a wide range of physical and chemical properties, in part because The origin of the iron-rich sedimentary rocks remains a matter of gradations into more common sedimentary types and in part of speculation, as no modern-day examples exist. A few de­ because of the wide variety of iron minerals possible. The iron posits, exemplified by the ironstone of the Lahn-Dill district of may be in the form of goethite (limonite), hematite, and mag­ Germany and the Helen iron-formation of the Michipicoten netite; siderite, with a substantial range in amounts of manga­ district of Canada, appear to have a genetic relation to volcanic nese, , and calcium in solution; chamosite, and igneous activity and may be classed as "exhalative-sedi- greenalite, and glauconite (which upon slight mentary." The more typical and more extensive ironstones may be converted into thuringite and other chlorites); minne- and iron-formations, however, are entirely lacking in volcanic sotaite, and stilpnomelane; and pyrite and marcasite. Many of and igneous associations; for these the iron seemingly must be these minerals may be preceded by metastable species of uncer­ derived by of exposed land, although the large tain status, such as ferric hydroxide and hydrotroilite. Other chemical and physical differences between ironstone and iron- minerals, of rare occurrence, are lepidocrocite, maghemite, the formation imply some significant difference in the nature of the tetragonal iron sulfide, greigite, smythite, and pyrrhotite. process. It is suggested, by analogy with bog-iron deposition, By custom, the noncherty and generally oolitic iron-rich rocks, that for both types the iron is extracted and transported by most of which are of post-Precambrian age, are referred to as ground waters of low pH, and that this process was more effective ironstone (including the "minette type"), whereas the - in Cambrian and pre-Cambrian time, possibly because of a banded rocks, most of which are of Precambrian age, are called significantly higher content of C02 in the earth's atmosphere. iron-formation. Both ironstones and iron-formations may be divided into four major facies oxide, silicate, carbonate, and INTRODUCTION sulfide on the basis of the dominant iron . This facies classification has a theoretical base established by the distribu­ Iron, which is estimated to make up about 4.7 percent tion of stability fields of the iron species, expressed most effec­ of the earth's crust, is present in significant amounts in tively in terms of potential (Eh) and pH. Examples of almost all sedimentary rocks. The average , stability-field diagrams show that at given anion concentrations including graywacke, contains 1.7 percent Fe2O3 and almost any combination of oxides, silicates, carbonates, and sulfides of iron can exist stably at some geologically reasonable 1.5 percent FeO (Pettijohn, 1963, p. 15); the average value of Eh and pH. The dominant aspect, however, is one of contains 4.2 percent Fe2O3 and 2.45 percent FeO, sequential appearance of stable fields for oxide, carbonate, and and the average 0.54 percent combined sulfide with decrease in Eh. In an idealized restricted basin in Fe2O3 and FeO (Clarke, 1924, p. 25, 564). Each of which iron are being formed, this corresponds to these types, however, ranges in composition into progressive decrease in available oxygen in the bottom environ­ ment. The facies, therefore, are a direct reflection of deposi­ facies in which the iron content is 20 percent or more. tional environments. The iron-rich sedimentary rocks, here defined as those Chemical analyses of the iron-rich rocks are organized and containing 15 percent or more Fe of primary origin presented according to facies and in part according to age (depositional or diagenetic), in part therefore can be (Precambrian and post-Precambrian), and the distribution in considered a family of end members of the sedimentary space and time is summarized in a series of tables. The major differences in bulk compositions are inherent in the classifica­ series. These rocks commonly are referred to as iron­ tion as in the ratio of FeO to Fe20s and the content of COa stone or iron-formation. the silicate facies being significantly higher in Al20s. The The iron-rich rocks have a great range of physical and SiOa content varies chiefly according to the relative amounts of chemical characteristics. In part this is due to grada­ clastic (in ironstone) or chert (in iron-formation). tions from the common sedimentary rocks sandstone, Data on minor-element content are relatively scarce. The information available shows the amounts to be generally low in shale, limestone, chert with retention of attributes of comparison with crustal abundance. Differences between facies the parent stem. In larger part, however, the diversity are slight, except for higher chromium and in is due to the extraordinary ability of iron to form dif- Wl W2 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY ferent minerals in response to different conditions of the GOETHITE (a-FeO(OH)) AND LIMONITE bottom and diagenetic environment. Iron may precipi­ Goethite is the principal constituent of the post- tate as ferric oxide or hydrate (hematite, maghemite, Precambrian deposits of such sedimentary goethite, lepidocrocite), as a ferrous-ferric oxide (mag­ ores as those of the Jurassic of Europe (Correns and netite), as a ferric-ferrous silicate (glauconite), as a Engelhardt, 1941; Taylor, 1949; Correns, 1952a). The ferrous-ferric silicate (greenalite, chamosite), as a car­ "limonite" of the iron-rich sedimentary rocks consists bonate (siderite), or as a sulfide (pyrite, marcasite, or of goethite intimately mixed with other materials and less stable precursors). Inasmuch as the classification commonly has appreciable adsorbed additional water. of the iron-rich rocks is based in large part on the Caill&re and Kraut (1953) and others have suggested mineralogy of the iron, the character, composition, and that goethite, as well as other iron minerals in the occurrence of the iron minerals found in sedimentary sedimentary ores, develop diagenetically from an origi­ rocks are reviewed in the following section. The discus­ nal iron hydroxide gel, which may well be true, but no sion will deal only with those aspects of importance to direct evidence is available. According to Correns the problem at hand; more complete data on the optical, (1952a) the goethite may contain appreciable amounts structural, and chemical properties of the pure minerals of alumina with contraction of the unit cell constants are available in standard texts and references. a0 and 60 :

IRON MINERALS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Cell dimensions, in A Percent Percent IRON OXIDES AIO(OH) FeO(OH) a 6 c Goethite (limonite), hematite, and magnetite are found as important constituents of the iron-rich sedi­ 1.5 98.5 4.59 9.97 3.02 4.5 95.5 4.53 9.88 2.99 mentary rocks; lepidocrocite and maghemite have been 11.2 88.8 4.48 9.82 3.00 observed but are rare. Hydrogoethite, hydrohematite, turgite, and other reported oxide-hydrates have questionable status as Bernal, Dasgupta, and Mackay (1959, p. 17) give the minerals, and have not been identified in mineralogical dimensions of (presumably) pure goethite as: a=4.587, studies supported by X-ray examination. The "hydro- 6=9.937, c=3.015. goethite" of Tula, central Russia, has been shown to be The goethite of the sedimentary ores character­ lepidocrocite with adsorbed water (Palache, Berman, istically occurs in the form of ooliths built of successive and Frondel, 1944, p. 644) and it is likely that more shells of the oxide or of alternating shells of iron oxide recently described occurrences, such as reported by and chamosite in a matrix that may be chamosite, Tochilin (1952) are of similar material. Hydrohematite clay, siderite, or ; rarely or never is it a matrix and turgite probably represent mixtures of hematite to ooliths of different composition. The compositions and goethite or hematite with adsorbed water (Posnjak of separated limonite (goethite) ooliths from two and Merwin, 1919). C8-FeO(OH)), recently English ironstones of Mesozoic age are given in table described by Mackay (1962), has not yet been recog­ 1. The excess water is characteristic, and the ooliths nized in the iron-rich sedimentary rocks, but Mackay quite evidently contain admixed silicate, phosphate, states (p. 278-279), "The colloidal properties of /3-FeO(OH) and carbonate. are shown to be of considerable complexity and un­ The absence of goethite in the Precambrian sedi­ doubtedly will have a bearing on the formation of mentary ores, and the dominance of hematite in most deposits of hydrated iron oxides." of the lower Paleozoic oolitic ores strongly suggests Both ferrous and ferric hydroxides can, of course, be a progressive development of hematite from original readily precipitated in the laboratory, and they may goethite (or a more primitive hydrate). The generali­ well be transitory species in natural chemical precipi­ zation is not absolute, however, as hematite is present tates. The development of stable phases of iron oxides in some of the Mesozoic rocks (see Harder, 1951, for from original hydrates is discussed by Garrels (1959, description of Lias-y hematite oolite), and some lower p. 29-30), who considers the first precipitate to be Paleozoic ironstones are goethitic the Mayville ore of Fe2O3-7iH2O, with a solubility product of 10~37 (as com­ the Neda Formation of Wisconsin, for example (Hawley pared with 10~*2 for hematite). and Beavan, 1934). Certainly both hematite and Structural data for the oxides and hydroxides of iron goethite are stable at low temperatures, but according are given by Bernal, Dasgupta, and Mackay (1959, p. to Smith and Kidd (1949) goethite in neutral solutions 17). decomposes to hematite above 125° ±15° C. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W3

TABLE 1. Analyses of separated limonite (goeihite) ooliihs from diagenetic or metamorphic origin. It is not common in two Mesozoic ironstones the younger ironstones, but is by no means rare. It is A B A B a constituent in the Jurassic ores of Lorraine, Luxem­ bourg, and Germany (Berz, 1922; Caillere and Kraut, SiOa...... 5.15 5.53 HaO-_ . 2.07 3.44 AlaOs...... 4.49 4.62 TiO»__ . 1.05 .71 1946; Hoehne, 1955). Hoehne describes the magnetite 69.93 69.50 PtOs-.. .-. 1.23 .95 FeO.._ . .95 .56 COi. .48 .43 as occurring both as isolated and as a constit­ MnO...... 48 .20 C...... 41 .37 MgO.. . 1.05 .68 FeSa._ __ -...... 20 uent of individual ooliths; the characteristic CaO..__ .57 .53 (Co, Ni)0~_ . .03 .05 KjO...... on .14 form is shown by Ramdohr (1955a) to be the cube. NaaO... .01 .01 100. 11 100.24 H»0+..-. . 11.89 12.32 Magnetite occurs locally in ooliths in the unmetamor- phosed Northampton ironstone of , in A. Frodingham Ironstone, England (Hallimond, 1925, p. 79). Ooliths occur in matrix mostly of chamosite and siderite. places as shells between chamosite and limonite B. Claxby ironstone, Lincolnshire, England (Hallimond, 1925, p. 79). Ooliths occur in matrix mostly of clay (altered chamosite?) and carbonate. (Taylor, 1949); it is locally abundant in the Jurassic

LEPZDOCROCITE (r-FeO(OH)) beds of Yorkshire, in sideritic chamosite oolite, where it occurs as octahedra 0.002 mm to 0.012 mm diameter Lepidocrocite is rare or absent in most sedimentary in chamosite ooliths (Rastall and Hemingway, 1949). ironstones, but is reported by Correns (1952a) as In the iron-formations of Precambrian age, magnetite a constituent in the oolitic ores of Kladno Nucic, most commonly occurs as impure layers alternating Czechoslovakia. HEMATITE with chert (quartz); magnetite-bearing itabirite of Hematite is only locally an important ^constituent Brazil may contain as much as 20 percent of the Tertiary and Mesozoic ironstones and is virtually (Dorr, 1958, p. 62). absent from many. It is, however, a dominant mineral SIDERITE in some (though not all) of the lower Paleozoic oolitic Siderite is one of the most important constituents of ironstones such as those in the Clinton Group or For­ sedimentary ironstones, including those of the Pre­ mation of New York (Ailing, 1947) and of the Birming­ cambrian. In Sweden it is the principal mineral in ham district, the Wabana ores of Newfoundland (Hayes, ironstones of the Lias (Lower Jurassic), 12 beds of which 1915), and the Bliss Sandstone of New Mexico (KeUey, have an aggregate thickness of 60 meters in a sequence 1951). Hematite is the principal mineral in Precam- of clastic and coaly sediments 1,000 meters thick brian iron formations of every continent, in which rocks (Hadding, 1933; Palmqvist, 1945); in England it is a it is interbedded with quartz ("chert"). dominant mineral in the Cleveland ironstones of MAQHEMITE (y-FeiOs) equivalent age (Whitehead and others, 1952), and in Maghemite, the strongly magnetic isometric dimorph the slightly younger Northampton ironstone (Taylor, of hematite, is of rare occurrence in the sedimentary 1949). In these rocks it is typically associated with ironstones, though it is abundant in some . chamosite, less commonly with limonite (goethite) and Crystallographically it is very similar to magnetite, calcite; the Swedish rocks are characterized also by the and the cell dimensions a0 of the two minerals are nearly presence of detrital sand and clay. The so-called identical, so that even with X-ray techniques it is "blackband ores" are thin layers of massive siderite that difficult to distinguish the two. In polished section are particularly abundant in the Paleozoic coal measures the mineral is isotropic, gray to blue with brownish-red of Europe and the United States; according to Tyler internal reflections. (1950), 75 beds occur in the lower coal measures of Correns and Engelhardt (1941) describe maghemite . Siderite also is common as concretionary and magnetite in the Mesozoic ironstones of Germany, masses in clays and , as for example in the Lower although later work by Harder, reported by Correns beds of the Atlantic coastal plain (Singe- (1952a), casts doubt on the determinations of the mag­ wald, 1911). Some of the principal Precambrian iron- hemite. Recently, however, Deudon (1957) used a formations of the Lake Superior region those of the combination of X-ray, magnetic-separation, and chem­ Mesabi, Gogebic, Marquette, Cuyuna, and Iron River- ical analysis to show that one 10 to 20 cm thick in Crystal Falls districts are in large part composed of the "Couche Grise" of the Ottange basin of Lorraine interbedded siderite and chert. and Luxembourg contains about 40 percent maghemite, Analyses of six sedimentary are given in 20 percent hematite, 20 percent magnetite, and 20 table 2. percent geothite plus calcite. Most of the siderite in the sedimentary rocks is so MAGNETITE (FesCh) very fine grained and intimately mixed with other ma­ Magnetite is an abundant iron oxide in the Precam- terials that chemical and optical properties are not brian iron formations, in which it may be either of easily determined, although in many ironstones more W4 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 2. Analyses of siderite from the Riverton Iron-Formation of the Iron River

A B O D E F district of Michigan are given in table 2, analyses D, E, and F. X-ray examination has shown the car­ Si02 -.-_...... 0.9 1.5 1.2 0.65 0.09 0.53 A1203 --. _ 1.3 2.6 1.6 bonate to be a single phase, with calculated molecular FejOa .4 1.5 .6 FeO . 46.89 47.92 45.83 46.7 46.0 49.0 proportions as follows (weight percent given in paren­ MnO. ..______..._ .13 .18 .18 8.2 5.0 4.2 MgO._...... 3.37 2.46 3.68 4.2 5.2 4.8 theses) : CaO...... 4.66 3.71 5.10 1.1 3.5 2.2 H20+ ...... 12.0 12.4 12.1 H80-._...... 25 .43 .33 } .09 .12 .10 TiOs ...... 00 .00 .00 D E F P206 ...... 64 2.4 1.4 C02...... 35.36 33.33 35.20 38.0 36.4 37.4 Insol. residue ...... 4.57 3.06 3.74 FeCOs - 76.4 78. 5) 77.9 (80.7) 81.2 (83.8) C-.. .-- . .._ .20 1.5 .38 MnCOs --...... 13.7 14 01 8.9 (9.1) 7.2 (7.4) 8...... 06 .02 MgCOs . -- 9.1 fi 8) 11.9 (9.0) 10.7 (8.0) .03 OaCOa- ...... 8 .7) 1.3 (1.2) .9 (.8) 99.8 99.4 99.6 99.84 100.23 100. 04

i Calculated from loss on ignition; includes organic matter. Huber (1959, p. 93) has calculated from rock analyses A. Northamptonshire, England. Sphaerosiderite from Northampton sand iron­ stone (Taylor, 1949, p. 48). Analyst: C. 0. Harvey. the composition of carbonate from the Gogebic district B. As above. From oolitic chamosite-siderite rock, Northampton sand ironstone (Taylor, 1949, p. 48). Anayst: C. O. Harvey. Total includes 0.3 percent OdO. of Michigan and other districts of the Lake Superior O. As above. From siderite , Northampton sand ironstone (Taylor, 1949, p. 48). Analyst: C. O. Harvey. region. Representative examples are as follows (weight D, E, F. Iron River, Michigan. Thin layers of carbonate in Riverton Iron-Forma­ tion. Analyses by H. F. PhiUips, P. L. D. Elmore, and P. W. Scott, U.S. percent in parentheses): Geological Survey. Laboratory numbers 138255, 138258, and 138260. All samples contain small amounts of phosphate, free , quartz, and pyrite. Ghgebic Qunflint Marquette coarsely crystalline siderite occurs as spherulitic ag­ (Midi.) (Minn.) (Mich.) gregates, and as diagenetic replacements particularly of FeCOj . 76.8 (80.9) 75.8 80.2) 85.7 (89.0) MnCOs -- 3.9 (4.1) .5 chamosite ooliths. The composition of the siderite 17.0 (12.9) 16.4 12.6) 12.5 (9.4) can be expressed in terms of four components FeCO3, OaCOa . -- 2.3 (2.1) 7.3 6.7) 1.8 (1.6) MnCO3, MgCO3, and CaCO3 that are in solid solu­ tion. For three separated and analyzed siderites IRON SILICATES (table 2, analyses A, B, C) from the Northampton sand The only iron silicates definitely of primary origin and ironstone, Taylor (1949, p. 48-50) gives calculated of importance in the iron-rich sedimentary rocks are compositions in weight percent, together with measured chamosite, glauconite, and greenalite. Thuringite (ba- properties. The data in table 2, with compositions valite), minnesotaite, and stilpnomelane are of common converted to mol percent (weight percent in paren­ occurrence, however, and are described here. These theses), are given in columns A, B, C, below. For minerals probably are derived by low-grade metamor- comparison, the composition of siderite of the Lias-7 of phism of preexisting silicates, though a diagenetic Germany as calculated by Harder (1951, p. 458), is origin cannot be ruled out entirely. In any case, the shown in column D. Cohen (1952, p. 470-471) using primary sedimentary composition of rock containing a microradiograpkic technique in which the X-ray beam them probably has not been significantly altered, as is passed through thin sections to produce a shadow it may be in higher metamorphic zones in which photograph that reveals distribution of iron finds that grunerite, garnet, and fayalite are developed. at least the larger siderite crystals in Taylor's material CHAMOSITE are zoned, which accounts for the range of observed Chamosite (including "berthierine") is the most indices. abundant primary iron silicate of ironstones other than those of Precambrian age, and is a dominant constit­ A B C D uent of many. It typically occurs as ooliths of dark

FeO03...... 79.1 (82.60) co c (oa i Q\ 77 9 (81 39) Q9 /QK\ green material in a matrix of siderite or calcite, and MnC03._.. _ ------..- 3 ( OA\ .4 (.40) .4 (.38) 3 /o\ MgCOs.- __ . ___ ...- 10.2 (7.74) 7. 5 (5. 66) 10.4 (7.98) 13 (10) often is associated with ooliths of goethite; quite com­ CaCOs ..... 10. 4 (9. 40) 11.3 (10.25) 2 /o\ 1. 730-1. 845 1. 775-1. 838 1.789-1.837 1. 834-1. 842 monly ooliths are constructed of alternating shells of 1.813 1.816 1 (210 1 84 3.60 3.62 3.58 chamosite and goethite, as in the Northampton sand ironstone (Taylor, 1949) and in the ironstones of Lorraine (Cayeux, 1909). The siderite in the Precambrian iron-formations of The mineralogical classification of chamosite is still Lake Superior typically occurs interlayered and to in question, but it seems evident that the term has some extent intimately mixed with chert (see James, been and probably will continue to be applied to 1954, for review of occurrence). Analyses of individual materials that are not mineralogically identical and to layers, less than % inch thick, of nearly pure carbonate some that probably are mineralogically heterogeneous. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W5

Hallimond (1939) and later Engelhardt (1942) showed Nelson and Eoy (1954, p. 344) report the important that differences existed between the structure of the discovery of complete polymorphism between chlorites studied chamosites and of accepted chlorite, although characterized by 7A and 14A basal spacings; they write Engelhardt computed a formula on the basis of a (p. 337): "The 7A chlorites formed during sedimenta­ chlorite structure. Orcel, He'nin, and Caillere (1949) tion may be converted into 14A chlorites in one case examined a number of chamosites by thermal and or remain as 7A chlorites in another as a result of post- X-ray techniques and found distinct differences between depositional history * * *." They propose the term the materials from different localities. Brindley (1951) "septechlorite" (and septechamosite) for the 7A min­ and Brindley and Youell (1953) tentatively concluded eral, a designation accepted by Deer, Howie, and that chamosite (in a restricted sense) is closely related Zussman (1962, p. 164). It seems evident that chamo­ to the kaolin-type structure rather than to chlorite; site proper, characterized by the 7A spacing and and the critical feature is the presence of a 7 A basal exemplified by the unaltered iron silicate in the Meso- reflection in the X-ray diagram, rather than the 14A zoic ironstones of England and Lorraine, is readily reflection typical of chlorite. transformed by slight metamorphism to a chlorite Caillere and Henin (1951) also divide the chamositic (thuringite-bavalite) characterized by the 14A spacing. materials into two main groups on the basis of charac­ Hallimond, in printed discussion of the paper by teristic 14A and 7A spacings, but relate the 7A variety Caillere and Henin (1951) cites textural evidence that to an structure (comparable to greenalite) suggests reconstitution of the "chamosite" of Chamoson rather than to a kaolin structure. The silicate of the and states (p. 136) that it would not be surprising if Lias-gamma beds of Gottingen (Germany) is shown by this, the original chamosite, turned out to be bavalite, a Harder (1951) to contain both chamosite of 7A struc­ view supported by Taylor in the same discussion. ture and chamosite with a 14A chlorite structure; the Chamosite, because of its very fine grain size and latter Harder attributes to groundwater alteration of intimate mixture with other materials, is very difficult original chamosite. The chamosite of the Saint-Barbe to separate for analysis, and even the most carefully Lias (Lorraine) also has a 7A structure, according to prepared materials are impure; furthermore, for many Deudon (1955). Protich (1955) studied the chamosites published analyses doubt exists as to the specific from 3 localities of Cretaceous strata in Yugoslavia; mineralogic identity. Of those listed in table 3, only that from GlediS, with an unusually high Fe2O3 content C, D, and E are certainly of the 7A structural type; as (see table 3, analysis E), and that from Poustenck are previously mentioned, the chamosite of the type of the 7A type, whereas that from VlakSa is of the 14A locality (analysis A) may actually be a 14A chlorite. chlorite type. The most typical chamosites are essentially ferrous, but the mineral may be oxidized without loss of struc­ ture; Brindley and Youell (1953) have prepared ferric TABLE 3. Analyses of chamosite varieties by heat treatment of ferrous chamosite, and some natural chamosites have a significant content of A B C Ci D E F ferric iron. SiO2...... 30.07 22.43 22.47 23.81 26.65 21.50 20.62 The reported optical properties of chamosite are of AlsOs-...... 17.26 14.27 21.82 23.12 16.14 20.12 11.96 FesOa- _ . . ... 3.66 11.98 .22 .23 6.69 14.89 5.11 course of questionable validity in view of the uncer­ FeO.. _--..-...... 37.61 37.63 39.79 39.45 34.43 21.90 25.98 MnO...... 02 .02 .03 .98 .30 tainty of mineralogic classification of the particular MgO...... 1.69 3.42 2.82 2.72 4.47 1.92 3.07 CaO ...... 00 .38 1.18 11.50 materials. The chamosite ooliths of the unaltered NasO...... 44 .22 .09 KaO...... 16 .04 chamositic rocks of the Mesozoic of England (Halli­ H20+...... f 11.42 11.68 8.36 HsO-...... | 9.01 9.70 10.07 10.67 I .08 3.92 2.56 mond, 1925; Taylor, 1949), such as represented by TiO2 . .12 .19 Tr. .72 PS0{...... 00 5.11 analysis C in table 3, are built of very fine flakes, pale CO2...... 2.04 3.94 to dark green, arranged tangentially, so that the oolith 100.04 99.90 99.75 100. 00 99.88 99.14 100. 34 shows a dark extinction cross under crossed nicols. A. Chamosentze, Switzerland (Dgverin, 1945, p. 31); analyst, J. Jakob. From The flakes have positive elongation, mean indices of chamosite-calcite bed in Middle Jurassic (Dogger). Indices of refraction 7=0=1.63. refraction that range from 1.62 to 1.66, and birefrin­ B. Windgalle, Switzerland (Dgverin, 1945, p. 89); analyst, J. Jakob. From chamo­ site-calcite bed in Middle Jurassic. gence that ranges from zero to about 0.03. Crystalline O. Corby, Northamptonshire (Brindley and Youell, 1953, p. 61); analyst, R. F. Youell. From oolitic chamosite-limonite-siderite rock in Northampton sand chamosite in the same rocks occurs as cores to ooliths ironstone (Middle Jurassic). Total contains 0.11 percent SOs. Oi. As above, corrected for calculated impurities (Brindley and Youell, 1953, p. 61). and as scattered flakes in the chamositic ; D. Schmiedefeld, Germany. Analysis by Jung, quoted by Engelhardt (1942, p. 149). From thuringite-bearing ironstone in the Lower Silurian. this chamosite is uniaxial or nearly so, optically nega­ E. Gledie, Yugoslavia (Protich, 1955). From chamositic bed of Cretaceous (Aptian) age. Total contains 1.05 percent NiO. tive, pleochroic in shades of yellow and green, with a F. Island of Raasay, Scotland (MacGregor, Lee, and Wilson, 1920, p. 197-198). Hand-picked ooliths from bed of Jurassic age. Total includes 0.06 percent prominent fibrous ; mean indices of refraction (Co,Ni)O, 0.71 percent FeSs, 0.25 percent O. Total given as 100.35 percent in original. are as for the oolitic material. The Schmiedefeld 777-130 65 2 W6 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY chamosite (Engelhardt, 1942 see analysis D, table 3) pellets have the concentric structure characteristic of has higher indices: 7=18=1.668, and those for the chamosite. It typically is associated with magnetite. Gledic chamosite (analysis E, table 3), according to The granules have a range in density of 2.85 to 3.15 Protich, are 7=1.679, a = 1.671. It is apparent that (Jolliffe, 1935, p. 414), with an aggregate index of the increase in index and is directly refraction of about 1.670. related to ferrous-ferric ratio. Chamosite from most localities has been shown to TABLE 4. Analyses of greenalite have a specific gravity of 3.0 to 3.4, but that from the Northampton sand is reported by Taylor (1949, p. 41) A B A B to have a specific gravity of 2.7 to 2.9, possibly because SiOt ...... 32.02 32.27 NajO _. - .14 A1SO3 .. _ ... . 1.01 3.03 KjO .- .- .10 of admixture with submicroscopic . FejOa- ~ - 22.95 14.83 HjO+ -._-.-_. .-_ f 8.71 FeO -. _- . 29.15 36.00 H2O- ... .. } 9.52 \ 2.37 Youell (1958) has shown that the degree of disorder MnO.. - ...... 87 Ti02._ ...... 05 MgO__._-.... __ .. 5.34 2.11 P,05 ... .01 of chamosite at different stratigraphic horizons in the CaO_. ._...... _. - Tr. Northampton sand ironstone is a distinctive feature of 99.99 100.49 particular beds. A. Greenalite from Biwabik Iron-Formation, Mesabi district, Minnesota. Compo­ sition as computed by Gruner (1946, p. 16) from analysis given by Leith (1903, GREENAUTE p. 108). B. Roper Bar, Australia (Coehrane and Edwards, 1960, p. 17). P. J. J. Sinnott, Greenalite, a common and abundant primary iron analyst. Greenalite separated from greenalite-magnetite rock. Total given as 100.35 in original. silicate in the Mesabi and Gunflint districts of the Lake Superior region, was described and named by Leith GIjAUCONITE (1903, pp. 101-115). The mineral was further de­ Glauconite is a common though not especially abun­ scribed by Jolliffe (1935), and by Gruner (1936), who dant material in ironstones younger than the Precam­ defined it as a ferrous analogue of antigorite. It has brian, and in a few places it forms deposits of consider­ been synthesized by Flaschen and Osborn (1957, p. 926). able thickness. It is rare, but not unknown, in rocks of The mineral, which probably is more closely related Precambrian age; glauconite has been identified in structurally to chamosite than to antigorite is classed strata of the Sinian System of Asia (see, for example, as a septechlorite by Deer, Howie, and Zussman (1962, Kazakov and Polevaya, 1958, p. 383-384). Glauconite p. 167). Steadman and Youell (1958) report the is an established mineral species, but, as with chamosite, following structural data: the term is applied to mixtures of minerals of particular form and mass-aggregate properties. It typically do=5.54A occurs as bright-green pellets, which may accumulate as 60=9.59A beds tens of feet in thickness containing 75 percent or c0=7.19A more glauconite (Mansfield, 1920; Hutton and Seelye, 0=90° 1941), but it also occurs as intergranular fillings and disseminations, as crustifications, as replacements of A partial chemical analysis by Leith (1903, p. 108), as other materials, and as canal fillings in organic debris computed by Gruner (1946, p. 16), is given in table 4 (Cloud, 1955, p. 484), and the color may range from (analysis A); for nearly 60 years this was the only yellow to nearly black. The pellets range in size from analysis available. Recently, however, Cochrane and about 0.01 in diameter to about 0.5 mm (Burst, 1958b, Edwards (1960) have described a late Precambrian p. 484). greenalite-bearing iron-formation from northern Aus­ Burst (1958a, 1958b) divides natural into tralia. The analysis of separated greenalite is given as four classes: analysis B in table 4, and the computed formula is 1. Well-ordered, nonswelling, high- - 9(Fe,Mn,Mg)0.2(Fe,Al)2O3 .8SiO2.8H2O (Cochrane and type lattice, with well-defined X-ray reflections at Edwards, 1960, p. 16). Chemical data on green­ 3.3A and 10A. Closely approaches group 1M of alite given by Jolliffe (1935) are of uncertain value the mica polymorphs. because of the probable mixture of the material with 2. Disordered, nonswelling, low-potassium mica-type minnesotaite, which at that time had not been defined. lattice. Can be assigned to group iMd of the Greenalite, in contrast to chamosite and glauconite, mica polymorphs. occurs in quantity only in rock of Precambrian age, 3. Extremely disordered, expandable, low-potassium although it has been reported in the Ordovician of -type lattice. southern Scotland (Kennedy, 1936) and in Mesozoic 4. Mixtures of two or more clay minerals, such as sandstone of Sweden (Hadding, 1929, pp. 235-236). kaolinite and . Like glauconite, it occurs as rounded to subangular Characteristic X-ray diffraction diagrams of oriented isotropic light- to dark-green pellets; rarely do the material of these four classes are shown in figure 1. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W7

10(A) 4.48 10(A) likely, however, it reflects "immaturity" of the glau- conitic material, which after will attain a more ordered structure with fixation of additional potassium. Both Burst (1958a, 1958b) and Hower (1961) stress progressive reactions in the development of glauconite. Glauconite is a very fine-grained material and, by virtue of its mode of origin, may contain considerable admixtures of other material. A large number of analyses have been reported in the literature, but many are of dubious value; many have been made on samples treated with acids or alkalis or separated by use of inorganic liquids such as Thoulet's and Clerici's solutions, with resultant significant ion exchange. The selected analyses listed in table 5, except for A and B, in general typify the mineral glauconite; the material glauconite has a far greater range in composi­ (Inter.layered) (Mineral mixture) tion, as indicated in column I. The only consistent 3 4 relations between composition and age or type of FIGURE 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of four types of glauconite, according to Burst's enclosing rock is the lower content of K2O in recent classification (Burst, 1958b): 1. Franconia Sandstone, Cambrian, Wisconsin; well-ordered, nonswelling, glauconites as compared with those of older age, and high-potassium, mica-type lattice; the higher A1203 content of glauconite from limestone. 2. Burditt of Adkins (1933), Cretaceous, Texas; disordered, nonswel­ ling, low-potassium, mica-type lattice; CBLLOKITE (EXCLUDING CTTAMOSITE) 3. Byram Formation, Oligocene, Mississippi; extremely disordered, expand­ able, low-potassium, montmorillonite-type lattice; The chlorite of the iron-rich rocks is typified by the 4. Wilcox Formation, Eocene, Texas; mixtures of two or more clay minerals iron-rich variety, thuringite, the occurrence and habit as normal pellet constituents. of which are described here. Chlorite of similar char­ acter but of somewhat lesser iron content is not un­ The first class corresponds to the mineral glauconite, common; Hunter (p. 26),l for example, classes the the structure of which was defined by Gruner (1935), and nonchamositic chlorite of the Clinton as daphnite- * * * retreating from this end point on gradual steps of diminish­ brunsvigite. ing potassium content are materials which less and less resemble glauconites and more and more resemble . Thuringite is an abundant mineral of the Lower (Burst, 1958b, p. 492.) Silurian ironstone of Thuringia, Germany, where it forms ooliths in a matrix of quartz and magnetite. A somewhat similar scheme by Smulikowski (1954), Engelhardt (1942) established that thuringite has the based on the relations between interlayer cations (K, structure of an orthochlorite, and also established the Na, Ca), Al4, and Al6, requires chemical analysis and formula calculation for classification. virtual identity of bavalite with thuringite, and the Glauconite is a constituent of modern sediments in distinction of both from chamosite. Analyses are given many parts of the world (Cloud, 1955). It has been in table 6, E and F. The bavalite studied by Engel­ found in sandy sediments at depths ranging from that hardt was from Devonian strata of Brittany, France, of near-shore shallows to 14,400 feet, but its most com­ where it occurs in oolitic form in association with mag­ mon locale is 60 to 2,400 feet. Glauconites are es­ netite and siderite(?). Thuringite is also reported from sentially ferric (ferric-ferrous ratio typically about the lower Paleozoic oolitic chamositic ironstones of 7:1) and the material does not form in strongly North Wales, where it occurs in association with mag­ reducing environments. Burst (1958b, p. 482) con­ netite and stilpnomelane (Pulfrey, 1933). cludes, "Decaying organic material * * * creates a Thuringite and bavalite are optically negative; local reducing environment which sufficiently counter­ 2F=0° or very small; they are pleochroic in shades of acts the over-all oxidizing marine environment * * *." green and greenish yellow; and have low birefringence. Under such conditions glauconite can form as direct Indices of refraction for analyzed material listed in accretions or as replacements of preexisting material. table 6 are: Modern glauconites characteristically are deficient in Thuringite (sample E, table 6): 7=0=1.672 potassium, which fact has been interpreted by some Bavalite (sample F, table 6): 7=0=1.681 to indicate lower potassium content of present sea- i Hunter, R. E., 1960, Iron of the Clinton Group of the central Appalachian Basin: The Johns Hopkins University [Baltimore], unpublished water as compared with that of previous eras. More Ph. D. thesis, 416 pp. W8 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 5. Selected analyses of glauconite [Except for A and B, these glauconites probably would belong to Burst's class 1 (ordered mica-lattice) and class 2 (disordered mica-lattice) Burst, 1958b]

A B c D E F G H I

Si02______46.90 54.58 52.64 49,89 50.58 49.07 49.13 48.66 41. 0-56. 0 A1203 ___ ----- ______4.06 7.17 5.78 7.52 6.72 10.95 9.96 8.46 1. 5-22. 2 Fes08_____ ---_----_-_ 27.09 18.27 17.88 18.93 19.50 15.86 16.67 18.80 6. 2-28. 0 FeO __ __.__-_.___-__ 3.60 2.86 3.85 3.00 2.96 1.36 1.29 3.98 1.3- 8.6 MnO ______Tr Tr .01 MgO_.______.70 2.95 3.43 3.75 4.10 4.49 3.01 3.56 . 6- 4. 8 CaO ______.20 1.86 .12 .25 .34 .07 .95 .62 . 1- 4. 0 Na20_-______. 1.28 1.23 .18 .11 .04 .13 .49 .00 .0- 3.0 K20______6.16 5.34 7.42 7.52 8.26 7.51 8.87 8.31 3. 7- 9. 3 H20+______._ / 5.86 6.11 I 1 >7C 6.63 5.03 4.62 j 4.8-13.5 H20- | 9.25 . oo \ 2.83 2.34 f 7.

A, B. Recent sediments: F-H. Limestone: A. Recent greensand from Agulhasbank, near Agulhas, South Africa. F. Glauconite from glauconitic limestone, Milburn Quarry, Otago, New Analyst Gumbel (Smulikowski, 19S4, p. 38). Zealand. Analyst, Seelye (Hutton and Seelye, 1941, p. 596). Analysis B. Recent glauconite from Aomori Bay, Japan. Analyst, Takahashi total includes CrsOs 0.07 percent and S 0.06 percent. (Smulikowski, 1954, p. 36). G. Glauconite from Lower Ordovician limestone, Berg, Sweden. Analyst, C-E. Greensand or sandstone: Palmqvist (Hadding, 1932, p. 124). C. Glauconite from Tertiary greensand at Makerewau Creek, New Zealand. H. Glauconite from Upper Cambrian Bonneterre Dolomite. Analyst, Analyst, Seelye (Huttoii and Seelye, 1941, p. 596). (Specific gravity given by Gruner, 1935, p. 708). This is the D. Glauconite from lower Oligocene sandstone, Tysmienica, Carpathian material for which Gruner developed the structural formula of glauco­ Mountains. Analyst, Szubartowski (Smulikowski, 1954, table 3, nite as (OH) 8 K2 (Mg, F+2)3 (Fe+s, Al)6 (Sin A18) O«. No. 26). I. Maximum and minimum of 40 analyses in Hendricks and Ross (1941, p. 692-693). E. Glauconite from Upper Cretaceous greensand, Sewell, New Jersey, U.S.A. Analyst Bailey (Mansfield, 1920). Total includes COs 0.30 percent. The structural formula for the thuringite (sample E cording to Hallimond (1925, p. 28), thuringite is in table 6) is given by Engelhardt (1942) as: distinguished from chamosite in thin section or fine (Si4.8 A13.2) (MgMFeJSFef.Alj.7) (OH) 16.0020.o; powders by the hexagonal habit of the scales, retention of green color in fine powders (chamosite is grayer), that for bavalite (sample F in table 6): and bluish-green rather than green parallel (Si^AU (Mg,Fe«Fe.+_' M..) ((OH)13.90.2)020.0 to the base. MrNNBSOTATTE Thuringite is very similar in composition to chamo­ site, and it is likely that it is the product of mild meta- Minnesotaite, the iron analogue of , is a rock- morphism of originally chamositic rocks. Probably forming mineral in some Precambrian iron-formations. much of the difficulty in establishing the mineralogical In 1927, Bicharz (1927) recognized that some of the identity of chamosite is due to development of thuringite "" reported in rocks from the Mesabi in varying amounts from the original silicate. AC­ district of Minnesota could not be an amphibole and suggested the term "crystallized greenalite" for the TABLE 6. Analyses of minnesotaite, stilpnomelane, thuringite, material. Jolliffe (1935), in a study of greenalite, and bavalite describes a "mineral x" from the Gunflint Iron-Forma­ A B C D E F tion of Ontario and Minnesota and gives a partial chemical analysis and optical properties. The problem SiO2- ... .._. ._ 11 90 48.03 44 77 42.42 on QO 21.71 AhOs .61 6.48 6.71 17.64 91 Q^ was finally resolved by Gruner, who defined the FesOs...... 2.00 i 19 16.38 33.24 8 7fl S9 FeO ..- _ 33.66 22.88 15.08 QC 37.96 43.01 structure of the mineral and named it minnesotaite MnO...... __.._. .12 2.67 1.15 2.27 .05 MgO...... 6.26 C QQ 5.20 a IP; 2 00 (Gruner, 1944a). Further data on occurrence in the CaO._.. ..__.__._.__ .00 .83 nn .16 Na2O_._.. ._._____ . .08 .00 .84 \ 0. Lake Superior region are given by Gruner (1946), K80...... 03 .83 1 79 00 r . OO H20-K . 5 F.A 6 90 7.17 o oo 10.31 10.10 Tyler (1949), James (1954, 1955), and by Huber H2O-_._...... 24 2.64 1 QQ 1.45 .07 .11 TiOs ___ . .04 23 .18 Tr. .08 (1959), and by Harrison (1952, 1953) for the Quebec- 99.87 100. 55 100. 23 100. 47 99.65 100. 07 Labrador iron belt of Canada. Because of its character­ istic extremely fine grain size, the mineral probably A. Minnesotaite. From Biwabik Iron-Formation, Mesabi district, Minnesota (Gruner, 1944a). R. B. Ellestad, analyst. has gone unrecognized in many iron-rich rocks of other B. Stilpnomelane. From Otago , New Zealand. C. O. Hutton, analyst (Hutton, 1938). parts of the world. It is generally associated with one O. Stilpnomelane. From Mont Chemin, Wallis, Switzerland. J. Jakob. analyst (Jakob, 1927). or more of the following minerals: greenalite, stilpnome­ D. Stilpnomelane. Iron County, Michigan (Ayres, 1940). V. L. Ayres and B. Park. analysts. lane, siderite, magnetite, and quartz. Gruner (1946, E. Thuringite. From Schmiedefeld, Thuringia, Germany. (Jung and K6hler, 1930). F. Bavalite. Bas-Vallon, Brittany, France. (Orcel, 1923). p. 12) believes it to be a primary constitutent of the CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W9 rocks; Tyler, James, and Harrison believe it to be a The three analyses of Stilpnomelane given in table 6 low-grade metamorphic product. (B, C, D) show the range in FeO and Fe2O3. Minnesotaite is greenish gray in hand specimen, with a waxy luster. As seen under the microscope it is in IRON SULFIDES aggregates of very fine plates and fibers, colorless or Pyrite and marcasite. the latter relatively scarce, pale green; it strongly resembles talc, sericite, and are the only sulfides of quantitative significance in , but commonly forms tiny rosettes or lithified iron-rich sedimentary rocks. As with the sheafs. Optically negative, 2V less than 5°, positive oxides, however, these minerals may have been pre­ elongation, slightly pleochroic (7=|3=pale green; a ceded in certain sedimentary environments by less colorless or very pale yellow); indices 7=1.615, a= 1.580 stable materials of primary origin and transitory (7 Q:=0.035). The mineral has been synthesized existence. The terms hydrotroilite and melnikovite (Flaschen and Osborn, 1957, p. 926). The formula have been used by many authors to apply to amor­ proposed by Gruner (1944a, p. 370) is: phous black sulfides present in unlithified sediments of Recent and Tertiary age, but definition as true mineral (OH) n (Fe+2, Mg) u (Si, Al, Fe+2) 16O37. species has been lacking. Recently, however, the existence of a tetragonal form of FeS has been estab­ The analysis is given in table 6, A. In simplified form lished, which Berner (1962, 1964) believes to be the the formula may be written as (Fe, Mg) 3Si4Oio(OH)2. main mineral component of hydrotroilite, and Skinner STUJPNOMELANB and his coworkers (1964) have isolated and defined Stilpnomelane, a so-called "brittle mica", is a com­ the new mineral greigite (Fe3S4) that appears to be the mon constituent of many iron-rich rocks. In the iron- main component of melnikovite. The two pairs formations of the Lake Superior region it is a rock- hydrotroilite and tetragonal FeS and melnikovite and forming mineral (Gruner, 1944b, 1946; Tyler, 1949; greigite are therefore discussed separately under these James, 1954); it also occurs as thin veins of coarsely headings below. crystalline material cutting stilpnomelane-bearing rock Smythite (rhombohedral Fe3S4) and pyrrhotite (Grout and Thiel, 1924; Ayres, 1940), and as a meta­ (Fei_xS) occur as authigenic minerals in some sedimen­ morphic mineral near dikes and sills (Tyler, 1949). tary rocks Erd, (Evans, and Richter, 1957), but both are Stilpnomelane occurs in North Wales as a secondary very rare. Pyrrhotite is also produced by metamor- mineral adjacent to dikes in oolitic chamosite rock of phism of pyrite (see, for example, Neumann, 1950). Ordovician age (Hallimond and Enos, 1924; Hallimond, 1925, p. 29), and in the iron-rich rocks of the Lahn-Dill PYKITB CFeSs) district of Germany (Holzner, 1933). Pyrite, the most common sulfide of the sedimentary Stilpnomelane is very similar in appearance to ironstones, generally occurs as scattered isolated and doubtless has gone unrecognized in many rocks as a crystals that clearly are of diagenetic origin. It is result. In veins, as in the Cuyuna district of Min­ a dominant mineral in the Sulphur Bed of the Cleveland nesota, it forms foliae as much as several centimeters in ironstone of England and in the middle part of the diameter, olive green to nearly black. As a rock-form­ Dominion Bed of Wabana, Newfoundland; at these ing mineral in ironstones it occurs as microscopic places it forms layers as much as a foot thick and is in needles and plates, rarely more than a few tenths of a in the form of pellets, spherules, and replacements of millimeter in length, with very strong pleochroism and absorption. The color ranges from olive green to dark shell fragments. The graphitic Wauseca Pyritic Mem­ brown, depending on the ferrous-ferric ratio. Density ber of the Dunn Creek , a 50-foot Precambrian ranges from about 2.8 to 2.9. It is optically negative, unit of the Iron River district, Michigan, contains and 2V is very small or zero. Indices show large ranges 35 to 40 percent pyrite as crystals about 0.003 mm that can be related to ferric-ferrous ratio (Button, 1938, diameter (James, 1951). Pyrite of extraordinary 1945, 1956) ;a=1.55 1.63; 7=0=1.68 1.74. On the occurrence is described by Tyler and Barghoorn basis of X-ray studies, Gruner (1937; 1944b, p. 296) (1963) in chert of the Precambrian Gunflint Iron- concludes that Stilpnomelane is fundamentally a talc Formation of Ontario; the crystals appear to have structure with layers "stacked in such a manner that moved bodily in the chert, leaving a marked trail. the hexagonal rings more or less fit on each other as in The occurrence of microspheres of pyrite in Recent ". Al and Mg are essential constituents. The as well as ancient rocks has been extensively general structural formula developed by Gruner is: investigated in recent years. and muds may (OH)4(K, Na, Ca) 0-i(Fe, Mg, Al)7_8Si8O23_24-(H2O)2-4. contain 10,000 or more spheres per cubic millimeter of W10 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY rock. They are described by Love (1962b, p. 122) as generally is assumed to be FeS'^H2O, Volkov (1959, follows: p. 398) concludes that the common ferrous sulfide of The spheres range in diameter between 3 and 30 microns, com­ Black Sea muds is hydrotroilite with a composition monly being 7-10 microns and are composed of large numbers FeS'ftH2S, and Korolev (1958, p. 460) suggests that of minute euhedral sulfide crystals, each generally %-1 microns there exists a series of transitional phases between in size * * *. hydrotroilite and stable pyrite or marcasite. Chemical analysis by Vallentyne (1962) of a 450-mg Detailed study of natural hydrotroilite has been concentrate from a Recent lake yielded the hampered by its instability and extremely fine grain following results, in weight percent: size. By designing an experiment to simulate to some Fe -_--_--__-_-_-----______-_ 46. 59 degree the natural environment Berner (1962) syn­ S_ __.-__--_.__.___--____.______53. 16 thesized tetragonal FeS; he also recognized this com­ Si______. 13 pound in sediment from the highly contaminated Mystic C______.009 River of Massachusetts, U.S.A. In a later study Isolation of pyrite spheres from rocks of early Paleozoic (Berner, 1964) the nature and occurrence of tetragonal to Recent age and dissolution in acid have yielded FeS are more completely discussed; the mineral is organic residues of distinctive aspect; these forms shown to be essentially identical with mackinawite, have been named "Pyritosphaera barbaria" by Love which has been found in sulfide ore deposits (Evans and (1957, 1962a). Vallentyne (1962, p. 145) suggests others, 1964; Kouvo and Vuorelainen, 1963), and with that the spheres may be "secondarily biogenic" that the informally named kansite, a product of steel-pipe is, that the pyrite formed as a result of reactants pro­ corrosion (Myers and others, 1958). Berner shows duced by the organism rather than as accretion around further that X-ray data published by Volkov (1961) for living cells. a sulfide from Black Sea bottom muds are In a few areas, notably Meggen, Germany, and consistent with those of tetragonal FeS plus a lesser Mount Isa, Australia, pyrite of similar habit to the amount of greigite (Fe3S4, see next section). microspheres is a major rock constituent (see Schouten, The calculated specific gravity of synthetic tetragonal 1946; Baker, 1960; Love and Zimmerman, 1961). FeS is 4.29. The cell dimensions are c0=5.047 ± Whether the pyrite in these rocks is of sedimentary or 0.002A; OQ= 3.679±0.002A. In natural occurrence later origin has been debated at length. Baker (1960) that is, as "hydrotroilite" the mineral may contain suggests that the microsphere form may be the product "absorbed or nonessential water" (Berner, 1964), so that of either hydrothermal or sedimentary processes. the formula of FeS-?iH2O would apply. MAJRCASITE (FeSj) Arkhangelskii (1933) reported that where "hydro­ troilite" was present in abundance, it was in part Marcasite, rare or absent in most ironstones, is the converted to marcasite, and Ostroumov and Shilov characteristic sulfide associated with "black band" (1956) report similar transition in deep-sea deposits of siderite ores of coal-bearing strata, where it occurs as the north Pacific. In most sediments, however, the nodules, partings, and thin layers. Newhouse (1927) only positively identified crystalline sulfide is pyrite or describes marcasite layers in the of the marcasite. (See Tageeva and Tikhomirova, 1957, for Appalachians a few inches thick that cover square further data on Black Sea muds; Brodskaya and Mar- miles. Edwards and Baker (1951) consider deposition tova, 1957, for Sea of Okhotsk; Shepard and Moore, of marcasite in coaly deposits to be a reflection of an 1955, for Gulf of Mexico.) acid environment, in contrast to the neutral or alkaline A recent study of isotopic compositions of sulfur environment of marine deposits characterized by compounds of bottom sediments in four basins off the presence of pyrite. southern California coast (Kaplan, Emery, and Ritten- HYDROTROZLITE AND TETRAGONAL FeS berg, 1963) has thrown considerable light on the com­ The term hydrotroilite was used by Arkhangelskii plex process of sulfide formation. The sulfur is present (1933) and previous authors to describe the unstable in five forms: pyrite (dominant), acid-volatile sulfide amorphous iron sulfide fraction of bottom sediments of ("hydrotroilite"), elemental sulfur, organic sulfur, and the Black Sea. The material was distinguished by its sulfate sulfur (in interstitial solutions). The bacterial black color and by generation of H2S upon treatment reduction of sulfate results in strong enrichment in the with hydrochloric acid. As Berner (1964) has ob­ lighter (S32) in precipitated materials. Kaplan, served, the term pervades the sedimentologic literature, Emery, and Rittenberg (1963, p. 319) state: including that of recent date, even though justification Using the isotope data, a series of diagenetic reactions can be as a definite mineral species has been lacking and the traced beginning with sulphate and ending with pyrite * * * composition is uncertain. Although the composition the greatest fractionation in the reduced entities exists in the CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Wll surface sample and that the S32 enrichment there is similar for "melnikovite" synthesized by Lepp (1957). As men­ all compounds * * * must mean formation from a large sulphate tioned in the previous section, Berner shows that the reservoir. With increase in depth, all reduced components become less enriched in S32, free sulphide showing the greatest X-ray properties of the melnikovite of Volkov (1961; change and pyrite the least. The changes become apparent see also Volkov and Ostroumov, 1957), which occurs after burial and isolation from the infinite sulphate reservoir. in hard black at depths of 335-337 cm in Under such conditions the first sulphide evolved must be the Black Sea bottom muds, can be accounted for by a lightest, later sulphide becoming more enriched in S34 as the mixture of tetragonal FeS with the cubic iron oxide sulphate is depleted. The trends * * * indicate that the earliest formed sulphide is converted first into acid volatile (greigite). Berner also suggests that Doss' melnikovite sulphide and then to pyrite. The isotopic variation of elemental was a mixture of elemental sulfur with one or more of sulphur with depth and its 5 S34 values between those of free and the magnetic iron sulfides (pyrrhotite, smythite, acid volatile sulphide suggest that (a) it is continually being greigite). formed and destroyed and (b) its formation probably occurs CLASSIFICATION AND FACIES through oxidation of free sulphide. These findings support earlier hypotheses * * * that pyrite forms by the direct MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS reaction of hydrotroilite and elemental sulphur: Two major groups of the iron-rich sedimentary rocks FeS+S-»FeS2. are recognized: (1) the "ironstones", which are non- MKLNIKOVTTB AND GREIGITE cherty and largely of post-Precambrian age, and (2) Doss (1912 and earlier papers) described melnikovite the "iron-formations", which are typically laminated as an amorphous black magnetic iron sulfide, which was with chert and largely (but not exclusively) of Pre- found in clays of Miocene age in Samara, Russia. The cambrian age. Use of the two terms in this manner is material was reported to have a hardness of 2 to 3 entirely the result of custom, not prior definition or and a density of 4.2 to 4.3, to be soluble in dilute logic, but it is continued as it provides ready dis­ HC1, and to have the composition Fe5S7. Berz (1922), tinction between dissimilar rocks. "Ironstone" appears however, concluded that the material was a mixture of to have no synonym, other than the commonly used magnetite and pyrite, and subsequently the terms "", whereas the rock here referred to as iron- melnikovite-pyrite or melnikovite-marcasite were used formation is known also as itabirite (Brazil,) banded for fine-grained mixtures of pyrite and marcasite hematite quartzite (India), iron-bearing formation and (Ramdohr, 1955b). In 1957 Lepp synthesized a (U.S.A.), and quartz-banded ore (Scandinavia). sooty magnetic sulfide (or sulfide hydrate) with a Only in South Africa, where the term "banded iron­ distinctive X-ray pattern and properties similar to the stone" is used for Precambrian cherty iron-formation melnikovite of Doss (Lepp, 1957), but his data were is there overlap in usage of the two terms. not adequate for complete chemical and mineralogical With minor exceptions, both ironstone and iron- definition. Material also referred to as melnikovite formation probably have originated as chemically has been produced experimentally by Korolev (1958), precipitated marine sediments. The younger rocks but the X-ray properties are significantly different commonly contain marine often replaced by from those given by Lepp. As a mineral species, iron oxides and the older iron-f ormations occur within therefore, the status of melnikovite has remained un- typically marine sequences of strata. A nonmarine clarified. origin for the Precambrian iron-formations has been suggested, however, most explicitly by Hough (1958). Iron sulfide similar to the melnikovite of Doss Hunter 2 (p. 212, 229) has produced evidence to recently has been found in lacustrine sediments of indicate that the Clinton ores of eastern United States Tertiary age in San Bernadino County, Calif. (Skinner, were deposited in marginal marine waters of less-than- Erd, and Grimaldi, 1964). The HCl-soluble magnetic normal salinity. The best documented example of a iron sulfide has the composition Fe3S4 (spinel structure) nonmarine sedimentary ironstone appears to be that of and has been named greigite, a polymorph of smythite. Oligocene age in northern Turgai, U.S.S.R., where It is sooty black and occurs with marcasite in grayish oolitic ironstone contains fresh-water molluscs (David- black laminae in the sediment. The unit cell dimen­ son, 1961). sion is 9.876 ±0.002A, with a calculated density of 4.079±0.003. Skinner, Erd, and Grimaldi conclude Three other groups of iron-rich rocks of lesser importance can be defined: (1) theblackband and clay- that greigite formed by the action of anaerobic bacteria band ores, most of which are diagenetic or postdiage- in bottom sediments of an alkaline lake. netic deposits of siderite, often with associated marca­ The X-ray properties of "cubic magnetic iron sulfide" site or pyrite, found in coal measures and in some synthesized by Berner (1964) are essentially identical with those of natural greigite and conform to the *See footnote, p. W7. W12 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY clays; (2) the "bog iron ores" found in many bogs and established from the Nernst equation, expressed as small lakes in higher latitudes; and (3) surficial accumu­ lations, known as canga in Brazil, derived from nearby outcrops of iron-rich rocks. These accumulations, of (1) considerable extent and importance in some areas, have where much in common with lateritic deposits and with residual-transported deposits of and therefore Eh=oxidation potential (redox potential), are not discussed in this chapter. The blackband and E°= potential of the reaction under standard conditions, R= universal gas constant, 0.00198 kcal/degree mole, clayband ores, though not strictly or sedimentary T= temperature, degrees Kelvin, origin, are included here because they occur in sedi­ n number of electrons involved in the reaction, mentary rocks and because they share common factors F= Faraday constant, 23.06 kcal per volt-gram in chemistry of origin with the marine deposits. equivalent, Still another group consists of iron-rich sedimentary In k= natural logarithm of the equilibrium constant of the reaction; rocks that grade into manganese-rich beds, such as those of the Kazakh region of the U.S.S.R. (Maksimov, and from the relation 1960). This class of deposits, commonly associated E°= with volcanic rocks, is noted in passing here but is not nF' (2) treated in detail. where FACIES A F° standard free energy of the reaction. Of greater significance to problems of genesis and distribution than the groupings given above is a classi­ To establish the Eh-pH relation between a pair of fication according to the nature of the dominant iron compounds such as hematite and magnetite, write the mineral oxide, silicate, carbonate, or sulfide. Geo- electrode reaction: chemical facies based on mineralogy are suggested or established both in relation to the geochemistry of iron 2F3O4+H2O=3Fe2O3+2H++2e (Teodorovich, 1947; Krumbein and Garrels, 1952; The standard free-energy change of the reaction is Huber and Garrels, 1953; Krauskopf, 1957; Huber, obtained by subtracting the free energy (values in 1958; Garrels, 1960), and to geologic occurrence kcal given in table 7) of the reactants from those of (Harder, 1919; Tyler, 1950; James, 1954; Borchert, the products: 1952, 1960a, 1960b; Strakhov, 1959).

GBOCHEMICAL ASPECTS AF°=(3X -177.1) + (2X0)-(2X242.4) -(-56.69) = + 10.2 kcal The relations among the various compounds of iron are most effectively illustrated by the showing of then from (2) stability fields in diagrams of oxidation potential (Eh) _fl0.2 versus hydrogen-ion concentration (pH). Stemming 2X23.06 in considerable part from the work on corrosion of iron by Pourbaix (1949 and earlier papers), the use of = 0.221 volt stability-field diagrams in application to geology has Substituting in (1), at 25° C or 298.16° K, and con­ developed rapidly in recent years. A series of papers verting to logic, by Garrels with his colleagues and students (Castano and Garrels, 1950; Krumbein and Garrels, 1952; Eh= 0.221 + .00198X298.16 Garrels, 1953; Huber and Garrels, 1953; Huber, 1958), 2X23.06 all of which deal in part or specifically with the problem Noting that the activities of Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and H2O of iron sedimentation, culminated in the publication of are unity by convention, and that pH= log H+, the a book (Garrels, 1960) in which the method and the Eh-pH equation for the reaction is the straight line application to iron equilibria are discussed fully. Krauskopf (1957) has used Eh-pH diagrams to analyze Eh= 0.221-0.059 pH (3) the behavior of manganese and iron, and Hem (1960a, 1960b) and Hem and Cropper (1959) have utilized the At fixed concentrations of carbonate species in Eh-pH approach to define the stability fields of iron in solution (CO3~2; HCO^ 1; H2CO3) or sulfur species (H2S; solution. S~2; HS"1; HSO^ 1; SO

Values of free energy of formation, AF°, for species of Figure 2 is from Krauskopf (1957, p. 64). On the importance to the sedimentary iron system are listed diagram the field boundaries are based on total car­ in table 7. Equilibrium constants for significant bonate =0.002M, which is the aqueous concentration reactions are given by Latimer (1952), from which at pH 8 in equilibrium with the atmosphere; total source part of the data given in table 7 is derived. sulfur =0.1M; and total silica =0.002M, which is the 0.7

-0.5 10

FIGUEK 2. Eh-pHdiagramshowlngrelations between anhydrous Iron compounds at 25° 0, latm pressure (from Krauskopf, 1957, p. 64). Solid lines are boundaries of stability fields, as labeled. Cross-bars on short vertical lines show the intersection of field boundary at low concentrations of carbonate, sulfide, and silica. Dashed lines are theoretical limits of water stability. Dash-dot lines are isocon- centration lines, drawn through points where concentration of FeM in equilibrium with oxides is 0.5 ppm and 5 ppm. Question marks along FeaOi-FeO boundary indicate that FeO is unstable with respect to Fe and FeaOt Other conditions are specified in text. 777-130 «8 8 W14 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 7. Values for free energy (AF°) for species of importance to the iron system, at standard conditions State: aq, species in solution; s, solid; I, liquid; c, crystalline [From compilations by Garrels (I960)]

Free Free Species State energy Species State energy (kcal) (kcal)

Fe ...... - 0.0 HCOr ~ -140. 31 Fe« - - aq -20. 30 HjCOa - aq -149.00 Fe+1-. aq -2.53 C/U2 .- aq -92. 31 FeO-...... -58.4 H+_...... 0 -177. 1 OH-...... aq -37. 595 FesOi..... -242.4 H2O ______.. -56.690 Fe(OH)+2...... -55.91 HiOi..--_-_..-_-_-.. -31. 47 Fe(OH) 2-. - -115. 57 H8SiO4- - -.. -286. 8 Fe(OH) 2+...... -106.2 BUSi04 - ... -300. 2 Fe(OH)s.. - -166. 0 SiO2 (quartz) ...... -192.4 FeO2H-. -90.6 s-»._ ____ - 22.1 -23.32 H,S... - ... -6.54 -36.00 HS-~ ...... 3.01 FeCOs. - -161. 06 HSOr...... -179.94 FeSiOj... -. 257.0 SOr2 _ - _____ -177.34 COs-* aq -126. 22

amount soluble in water (chiefly as H4SiO4) at 25° C. Figure 3, from Huber (1958, p. 134), shows "blocked-




o >-0.2 FIGTJEB 4. Eh-pH relations of iron oxides, sulfide, and carbonate with total dis­ solved sulfur = lO-'M and total dissolved carbonate = 1M, at 26° C. (From Garrels, -0.4 I960, p. 167.) Heavy lines are field boundaries. Light line shows position of iso- concentrations of Fe in solution, at activity of 10-*. Dot-dash lines indicate theo­ retical limit of water stability.

-0.6 pressure under some geologically reasonable values of Eh, pH, and ionic concentrations. Notable, however, -0.8 is the restricted field of siderite at all but very high 6 7 10 carbonate concentration, and the remarkable per­ PH sistence of the pyrite field at very low sulfur concentra­ FIGTJEK 3. Eh-pH stability fields for iron minerals with carbonate equilibria as in "normal sea water" and total dissolved sulfur as in "average river and lake water" tion (fig. 4). The stability realm of magnetite shown (about 3.2 X10-8M), at 26° C. (From Huber, 1968, p. 134.) Dashed lines indicate on figures 3 and 4 is wiped out by assuming an appreci­ field boundaries for sulfur as in normal sea water (about 102-2 times concentration of river and lake water). able amount of silica in solution, as indicated on figure 2 by the Fe2O3-FeSiO3 field boundary. The formation out" fields for the compounds; it is based on total of the sedimentary ores, in all their variety, clearly carbonate as in "normal sea water" (activities not requires a variety of special conditions; as stated by specified, but from Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming, Garrels (1960, p. 162), "* * * it is obvious that a 1942, pp. 195-202); total sulfur as for "average river siderite facies can be obtained by having a high dis­ and lake water" 17.7 ppm SO";2 and salinity 146 ppm, or solved CO2 and by removing sulfide sulfur from the about 3.2X10-8 M. Figure 4, from Garrels (1960, p. system; a silicate facies by removing sulfur and a 157), shows field boundaries at relatively low concen­ high CO2 content, while preserving enough silica to tration of dissolved sulfur and very high concentration yield chert; a magnetite facies by reducing sulfur, of dissolved carbonate. CO2, and maintaining silica at a value under-saturated The three diagrams illustrate the wide range of with respect to amorphous silica." thermodynamically stable associations possible; virtu­ The Eh-pH diagrams are extremely helpful in ap­ ally any combination of oxides, silicate, carbonate, praising the significance of natural assemblages, but a and sulfide is stable at standard temperature and number of factors seriously restrict the direct applica- CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W15

tion to the geologic problems. Chief among these bonate, or sulfide has long been recognized (for example, are that the compounds used in the thermodynamic see Harder, 1919). The concept of sedimentary or calculations do not correspond exactly to the natural geochemical facies based on mineralogy and reflecting phases and that metastable phases are not accounted sedimentary environments has been given explicit defi­ for. Natural siderite in the sedimentary ores is not nition by Teodorovich (1947) and particularly by FeCO3 ; it is a complex (Fe, Mn, Mg, and Ca)-bearing Borchert (1960a, 1960b) for the younger ironstones, and carbonate. The silicate is not FeSiO3 ; it is the far by James (1954) for the Precambrian iron-formations. more complex chamosite, greenalite, or glauconite. The general relations as visualized by Borchert are The original oxide is not Fe2O3 ; it is limonite or some shown unequivocally in figure 5. Strakhov (1959, p. more primitive hydrate. The primary sulfide may not 765) presents a somewhat similar generalization, with be pyrite, but a metastable phase such as tetragonal two important differences: (1) all the iron minerals FeS. The natural occurrence of these phases indicates except the oxides are considered of diagenetic origin, that they have larger stability (or metastability) fields and (2) the relative positions of siderite and chamosite than do the compounds being considered. Further­ are reversed that is, the shore-to-depth sequence is more, the thermodynamic analysis indicates only oxide-silicate-carbonate-sulfide. This sequence also is theoretical phases; whether or not a particular phase proposed for the Precambrian iron-formations (James, will form may depend on other factors the presence 1954), with the addition of a magnetite-bearing facies of a catalyst, for example. In spite of the difficulties and substitution of greenalite (plus stilpnomelane and involved in their application, however, Eh-pH diagrams minnesotaite) for chamosite. do indicate equilibrium associations under specified No example is known of a complete array of major condition. Much more rigorous analysis of natural facies grading laterally one into the other as indicated associations will be possible with the gradual accumu­ diagrammatically in figure 5. The main reason for this lation of free-energy values for the more complex is that the shore-to-depth profile is merely a device for materials, coupled with greater understanding of the indicating a range in environmental conditions, particu­ role of metastable phases and with more specific data larly oxygen availability. Nevertheless, to quote from on the natural environmental ranges of Eh, pH, and an earlier paper (James, 1954, p. 242), ionic concentrations. Although it is doubtful if the pattern of precipitation indicated is NATURAL ASSOCIATIONS ever actually obtained in nature because of complicated relation­ ships between depth of basin, height of barrier, and details of That the iron-rich sedimentary rocks fall into natural circulation, the facies relationships between the various mineral­ groups based on the dominance of oxide, silicate, car­ ogies are valid.

Detritus from Sea level pH: 7.2-8.5 02 zone Eh:+0.05 to+0.4

Most important agents: 0 2 ,C02 , Cl- 1. S04-2, C03-2, HC03-i,

pH; 6-7.5 CO, zone Eh: +0.05 to-0.2

Most important agents: HCOg-'.CI-i, S04 -2, P04 ~3 , N02-»

H 2S zone n . 2 Eh: -0.2 to -0.5 Most important agents: H 2 S, Cx Hy 02 , C x Hy , NH 4OH

^L pyrite sapropel rna^

Without benthos Abundant bacteria FIGURE 5. Schematic section showing relations between ironstone facies and physico-chemical conditions. (From Borchert, 1960b, p. 34.) W16 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

Partial facies arrays that is, time-equivalent grada­ 3. Precipitation in overlapping stability fields. Little tions from one facies into adjoining ones have been is known of the true stability field of chamosite, for described for many areas: oxide to chamosite in the example, but its occurrence is controlled in part by Clinton (Hunter,3 figs. 66, 69); chamosite to siderite in available alumina and the stability field may over­ the Northampton sand ironstone (Taylor, 1949, fig. 1); lap that of other iron minerals. magnetite-greenalite to carbonate in the Gunflint 4. Periodic changes in bottom environment, due to (Goodwin, 1956, figs. 3 and 6); hematite to magnetite seasonal effects or longer-range shifts in water to silicate and carbonate in the Labrador trough currents, which result in small-scale interlamina- (Gastil and Knowles, 1960, p. 1249). tion of dissimilar facies. A valuable analysis of relations within the oxide 5. Incomplete mineralogic response to changes in en­ facies is provided by Plaksenko (1959), in his study vironment because of slow reaction rates or inade­ of relations between hematitic and magnetitic phases of quate capacity of the system. This effect is iron-formation in the Kursk district, U.S.S.R. From particularly to be expected in diagenesis: the west to east, dominantly hematitic iron-formation gives commonly observed partial replacements of cham­ way to rocks in which magnetite is dominant, and this osite and limonite ooliths by siderite, for example, transition is accompanied by a considerable increase doubtless are due to reactions below the deposi- in the amount of interbedded metashale. In a typical tional interface, and these reactions may be halted vertical section (thicknesses range from 120 m to by depletion of CO2 in the burial environment. nearly 500 m), metashale is succeeded first by magnetite 6. Post-diagenesis metamorphism, again with incom­ iron-formation and then by hematite iron-formation, plete reactions due to low capacity of the system and this sequence is repeated several times. Plaksenko or to sluggish reaction. The development of relates the cyclic aspect to transgression and regression, hematite in Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks is and concludes that the normal shore-to-depth sequence probably a metamorphic process, one which has is shale, magnetite, hematite. This reversal of the gone to completion in many rocks whereas in idealized relative position of hematite and magnetite is others (the Mayville ore of Wisconsin, for ex­ to be expected if a significant amount of clastic material ample) both goethite and hematite are present. is being contributed from the land, especially if the The partial development of thuringite from cham­ clastic material is clayey, with an organic component; osite is another example. it is particularly to be expected during regressive cycles. Textural relations provide the most significant White (1954) shows that in the Mesabi district of guides as to which factor or combination of Minnesota the initial transgression produced a normal factors is to be invoked to explain a specific pattern, with hematite grading into clean sand (Poke- assemblage, particularly if considered in the gama Quartzite) on the shoreward side, and into light of theoretical possibilities set up by Eh- magnetite in the deeper part of the basin; during regres­ pH diagrams and known differences in natural sion sideritic and even pyritic rock accumulated in near environments. It is to be expected, however, shore positions and these graded seaward into magnetite that diagenetic modifications will be in the direc­ and silicate facies. tion of decreasing state of oxidation; studies of Mixed assemblages and small-scale alternations be­ recent bottom sediments show that the Eh below tween facies are common. These multiphase rocks owe the water-sediment interface is generally lower their character to one or any combination of several than that of the depositional environment (Zobell, factors: 1946; Bruevich, 1938a, 1938b). 1. Clastic accumulation of iron minerals that were The interrelationships between ooliths and formed initially in separated environments. This matrix, arising principally from physical mixing process is typified by many oolitic ironstones, of materials deposited in separated environ­ which may contain chemically heterogeneous as­ ments plus diagenetic modifications, have led semblages of limonite ooliths, chamosite ooliths, Braun (1964) to define, for minette-type iron­ ooliths of alternating chamosite and limonite, partly stone, 14 classes within the framework of the 4 replaced fragments and clastic grains, and main facies. Each is illustrated by chemical phosphate pellets. and modal analyses. 2. Precipitation of iron minerals at boundary conditions ROLE OF ORGANIC ACTIVITY between facies, so that the minerals of each facies A number of organisms are known to cause the pre­ are in equilibrium. cipitation of iron (see Harder, 1919, for a thorough »See footnote, p. W7. review), but the true importance to the accumulation CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W17 of iron-rich rocks is difficult to assess. The subject of proteins. Berner (1963) has shown that direct will be only briefly surveyed here, as actual data sig­ measurements on black muds show a good fit to nificant to the question are few. the theoretical curve Eh=0.4850+.0295 pS~2. Three general situations may be considered; In such an environment, the iron is the main 1. The organism acts essentially as a catalyst that poising element in the system (Zobell, 1946). is, it causes or speeds up precipitation of a com­ Whether by precipitating material directly or by pound that is thermodynamically appropriate creating the appropriate environment, microorganisms to the environment. The well-known abundance almost surely play a dominant role in the formation of of bacterial populations in natural precipitates of many sulfide-rich sediments. They also may create iron oxides, as in emerging ground waters, is an ex­ reducing microenvironments in the vicinity of organic ample; in effect, the organism derives energy for particles in an otherwise oxidizing regime. Glauconite growth from the oxidation of metastable ferrous probably is formed in such localized environments, in iron. The products of biochemical precipitation which the Eh is appreciably lower than in the sur­ will be mixed with inorganic precipitates of the rounding medium. same character. In a sense, the organism is of In general, however, it seems fair to conclude that, only incidental importance; it flourishes by taking except for the sulfide-rich rocks, organisms have not advantage of the slow rate at which equilibrium been of first-order importance in the concentration of is reached by wholly inorganic processes. iron to form the ironstones and iron-formations, even 2. The organism selectively accretes a compound as though they may have been involved with the actual part of its cell wall or skeletal structure, as in the process of precipitation. familiar example of silica secretion by radiolaria. CHEMISTRY OF IRON-RICH ROCKS, ACCORDING TO This accretion may or may not be in harmony with GROUPS AND FACIES the inorganic aspects of the system; a diatom, for example, can secrete and maintain a silica test in Tables 8 to 19 present selected analyses of iron-rich an environment greatly undersaturated with rocks, grouped according to facies and to some extent respect to silica. However, with the possible according to age, and some of the more significant exception of Pyritosphaera barbaria (see under aspects of each group are given in summary fashion "Pyrite"), no organism is known to secrete an below. The separation according to age is to permit iron compound as a principal constituent of its isolation of differences between the Precambrian iron- hard parts. formations and the younger ironstones; these differ­ Foraminifera, and possibly some other or­ ences are discussed in a later section. ganisms, are known to extract particulate iron Except where otherwise stated, the analyses are oxide from sea water; foraminiferal tests are known or believed to be of representative samples of reported by Correns (1937) to contain 0.16-0.65 particular rock types in general of hand specimen percent Fe2O3. As has previously been mentioned, size or somewhat larger. this concentration, followed by death of the or­ OXIDE FACIES ganism and return of CaCO3 to solution, probably is the main reason for the high content of iron in The oxide facies of the normal iron-rich sedimentary deep-sea sediments (Wakeel and Riley, 1961). rocks comprises the oolitic limonitic and hematitic A somewhat similar process is suggested by ironstones of post-Precambrian age, banded hematitic Strong (1956), who has isolated iron bacteria in iron-formation of Precambrian age, and magnetite- rock salt of Devonian and younger age; he rich rocks of both Precambrian and younger age. suggests (p. 585) that bacterially precipitated In the tables these are grouped according to subf acies iron "* * * provide[s] material for certain de­ for example, limonitic ironstone and according to age posits of iron oxide by solution of salt and aqueous (Precambrian and post-Precambrian). redeposition of haematite." OOLITIC UMONITE IRONSTONE 3. The organism significantly modifies the physico- The oolitic are very largely restricted to chemical nature of the environment through its ironstones of Tertiary and Mesozoic age. An exception life processes. Reducing conditions that is, low is that of the Mayville ore of Ordovician age (table 8, Eh are created by bacterial action on included analyses Q-R). organic detritus in sediments, which results in The rocks typically consist of oolitic or pelletal consumption or displacement of oxygen, reduction grains of limonite, many with cores of clastic material, of sulfate to produce H2S or to directly precipitate in a matrix of chamosite or calcite. Some consist of iron sulfide, and liberation of H2S by destruction mixtures of chamosite and limonite ooliths, with the W18 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY chamosite either partly altered to limonite or containing called exhalative-sedimentary class (Borchert, 1960b, limonite in alternating layers with chamosite. The p. 25; Oftedahl, 1958), produced by sedimentary deposi­ rocks are chemically heterogeneous and doubtless are tion of materials derived from submarine volcanic and the products of a primary chemical precipitation fumarolic activity. The Lahn-Dill ironstone, which followed by mechanical transport and sorting of the includes both quartz-rich and calcite-rich varieties, has ooliths. Siderite, present in quantities of as much as a distinctly lesser content of P2O5, A12O3, and MgO than 10 percent or more, is of diagenetic origin. do ironstones of the normal minette type. Chemically the rocks are marked by a wide range in Two analyses, Q and R, are quartz-banded ores of composition that is related in considerable part to the Dunderland belt of Norway. These rocks, which the rudely inverse relation between quartz and calcite consist chiefly of interlayered quartz and crystalline content, and to the amounts of chamosite and of sec­ iron oxides, are of early Paleozoic age and have been ondary siderite. The P2O5 content is generally high, metamorphosed. Physically and mineralogically they reflecting the presence of pelletal cellophane. are very similar to many of the Precambrian iron- HEMATTTIC BOCKS OF MESOZOIC AND PALEOZOIC AGE formation rocks. Most of the hematitic ironstones listed in table 9 HEMATITIC IRON-FORMATION OF PRECAMBRIAN AGE are oolitic rocks similar in physical character to the The hematitic variety (or subf acies) of the oxide f acies oolitic limonites and with similar associations and origin. (table 10) is one of the more common types of Pre­ As in the limonites, an inverse relation between CaO cambrian iron-formation, though in some places there and SiO2 reflects the dominance of either clastic quartz is some question as to the primary nature of the hema­ or clastic or interstitial calcite. Chemically the chief difference is hi the lesser H2O content, represented tite. Edwards (1936) and Miles (1941), in discussing mineralogically in the dominance of hematite. the now dominantly hematitic rocks of South and Two analyses, L and M, are of ironstone of the Western Australia, for example, note that much of the "Lahn-Dill" type, as contrasted to the "minette" type. hematite is secondary after magnetite; according to The Lahn-Dill ironstone is a type example of the so- Johnson (1962, p. 31), residual magnetite is present

TABLE 8. Analyses of oolitic limonite (goethite) ironstone


SIOz ...... 8.60 17.75 25.03 5.39 8.64 8.44 7.83 10.40 6.55 3.45 10.45 23.85 14.32 3.90 9.25 13.77 6.90 5.12 AliOi...... 3.72 3.38 4.60 4 8Q 5.27 d fi9 7 SQ 6.91 3.56 5.28 7.57 5.20 3.34 4.6 4.77 4.72 3.25 35.82 47.36 41.61 40.45 35.07 36.78 43.14 50.48 62.88 36.40 39.00 39.46 43.22 19.4 24.86 38.71 60.50 72.34 FeO..._ 9.57 7.37 7.46 8.72 12.02 14.27 8.23 93 .18 .18 .28 8.78 1.31 11.31 10.66 6.56 .604 .44 MnO. on .45 39 .36 00 9fi 34 00 .31 .33 9Q .36 1.58 1.4 .167 .20 MgO- 2.10 1.72 2.10 1.63 1.95 1.94 o in 1.47 1.10 .58 .41 1.95 1.03 1.3 1.83 2.92 2.97 .61 CaO- 15.90 5.25 4.85 15.13 14.05 11.30 10 7« 7.67 6.06 27.08 20.07 4.91 14.66 26.3 21.1 11.18 6.70 5.98 H20+___ _ ( 11. 64 10.24 6.56 7.59 8.23 7.99 0) 7.06 4.90 H2O-...._ } 6.84 8.23 7.68 7.20 7.16 7.78 7.94 2 1.60 2 1.72 2 1.85 2 1 64 .95 .32 TiO2 .17 19 P205-_ 1.67 2.20 1.88 1.67 1.86 2.06 1 Q^ 2.35 1.83 1.05 1.10 .96 1.35 .77 .85 .917 3.33 3.73 CO2... 15.10 6.08 4.67 15.00 13.84 12 04 12.00 9 H9 3 00 20.64 3.26 10.32 » 20. 13 5.86 3.60 S_ ...... 18 .04 .07 .04 .07 .05 .07 .004 .009 .045 .25 .032 .41 .27 .055 .048 Subtotal . 99 89 99.83 100 34 * 100. 18 QQ fiS 100. 19 100. 97 i QO 89 99 46 QQ 89 QQ R7 99.51 QQ 70 99.18 99.84 100.29 Less O for S _ . .09 .02 .03 .02 .03 .02 .03 .02 .12 .02 .03 .02 Total. QQ ftO 99.81 100. 31 4 100. 16 QQ ft* 100. 17 1AA QJ. & QQ 89 99.46 QQ 89 QQ fi^ 99.39 99.77 99.15 99.82 100. 92

i Included under CO2. H. Ore from the Lias-y horizon, north GSttingen. Germany, between and ^ Not included in total. Reported as "hydration grad" in original reference. Soiling (Harder, 1951, p. 465). H. Harder, analyst. Calculated mode- calcite, 'Includes H2O. 4.9 percent, 4 8 percent, apatite 5.5 percent, goethite (with minor chamosite * Total includes 0.08 percent V2Os, 0.02 percent As. and siderite) 84 percent. ' Total includes 2.24 percent SOs, 0.13 percent V2Oe, 0.01 percent NiO, 0.08 percent C. I-M. Minette ores of Luxembourg, stratlgraphically assigned as follows: I, Rotes Haupt Lager 3: J, Gelbes Neben Lager 2a; K, Gelbes Haupt Lager 2; L, Braunes A-G. Minette ores of the "Grise," "Noire," and "Verte" horizons of Landres- Lager I; M, Rotes Lager I, Separate values given in original reference for quartz Amermont basin, Lorraine: A-C from Coche and others, 1954; D-G from and combined SiOs. Quartz content of samples as follows: I, 0.05 percent; J, 0.11 Cocke and others, 1955, analyses credited to Ecole de Mines, Nancy. Cal­ percent: K, 6.46 percent; L, 11.46 percent; M, 8.90 percent. From Lucius (1945, culated modes as follows: table B); analyses by technical laboratory of Konzerns A.R.B.E.D. N-O. Partial analyses of unweathered "* * * chamosite-siderite mudstone * * * crowded with limonite ooliths"; from Frodingham ironstone. North Lincolnshire, A B C D E F G England. N is from "Appleby bore 2": O is from Yarborough Pit. Analysis of (Couche (Couche (Couche (Couche (Couche (Couche (Couche separated limonite ooliths from this bed given in table 1, this report. Hallimond Grise) Noire) Verte) Grise) Grise) Grise) Grise) (1925, p 78); analyses by Frodingham Iron Co., Ltd. P. Limonite oolite of Jurassic age (Corallian Berts), from East Kent, England (Lamplugh, Wedd, and Pringle, 1920, p. 225). Sample from drill core: analysis Goethite- ..... 40.9 54.1 47.6 43 76 39.8 37.0 45.4 credited to E. O. Forster Brown. Siderite...... 10.3 9.2 5.5 13.17 Q 9 in ^ 8 7 Q-R. Mayville Ironstone from the Neda Formation of Ordovician age. Mayvllle, 2.1 1.0 Wisconsin (Hawley and Beavan. 1934. p. FQ5). 0 is composite analysis of run-of- Chamosite ...... 14.9 9.9 19.5 14.22 20.9 29.1 19 4 mine ore, made in 1925 by E. J. Wechter and Mayville Iron Co; R. by E. J. Beavan, Calcite ...... 23.2 5.9 4.5 22.71 23.4 17.5 19 1 analyst. Ore chiefly goethite and calcite, with a wide variety of other minerals in 4.0 15.2 17.6 1.45 2.0 .7 9 O minor quantity. 3.7 5.0 4.1 5.67 4.4 4 0 4.3 Other...... 9 .6 .5 1.40 .1 .3 1.1 CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W19

TABLE 9. Analyses of hematite-rich sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age

A B c D £ P G H I J K L M N 0 P Q B

SlOi.... 11.51 13.36 10.94 4.21 11.98 12.59 9.85 4.66 15.29 8 on 2.59 4fi 7Q 13.60 30.82 19.08 34.35 36.32 AhOs - 6.85 7.89 3.72 4.38 5.13 5.71 3.23 3.05 9.63 2 7Q .75 .25 5.17 10.33 4.45 3.73 4.58 FesOi.-...... 29.90 29.62 42.88 37.72 75.90 75.12 67.79 52.08 44.17 66.55 52.83 52.56 50.80 55.56 43.13 55.48 50.41 43.47 FeO.... _._ 12.08 2.69 7.67 7.27 0) W 10.03 91 17 19.38 1 1^1 .88 .40 .23 .45 .18 1.17 2.35 MnO._ ...... 058 .33 .29 .18 .23 .06 .78 .26 1 13 .81 .11 .01 .14 .21 .15 .39 .35 MgO... _ -_ 1.82 .93 5.90 1.68 .21 .42 0.37 1.14 1.45 1.39 5.70 .21 .02 1.49 1.01 2.05 .20 2.66 CaO...... 16.97 21.90 10.80 22.49 2.71 1.49 2.42 2.88 1.54 9.40 14.61 22.40 .80 10.26 2.16 7.14 3.85 4.25 NajO-.. ._ .019 .014 .05 .01 .46 .15 .05 .05 .07 .07 .07 KjO._..._ .... .30 .50 .02 .00 .08 .43 .03 .04 1.22 2.36 1.05 }" 1.7 HjO-K...... 4.15 1.85 1.76 1.98 U.86 22.17 2.35 1 79 5.80 f 1.12 .27 1.88 4.78 1.87 H,0---.. . .30 1.48 .12 .21 .52 .32 .27 .83 } 2.12 4.75 1 .21 .08 .80 2.05 .67 } .50 .64 TiOi ...... 39 .45 .14 .12 .27 .40 .28 .05 .22 .34 .20 .23 .32 Pj05- ...... 1 97 2.35 .71 1.00 9 ff> 1.63 2.26 2.11 1.07 1.02 .32 .084 .12 1.80 1.34 1.41 .46 .55 COj - 11.97 14.59 14.98 18.62 1.05 10.78 .43 5.73 18.14 18.50 .06 7.36 .10 6.02 2.9 2.8 S...... 10 .32 .00 .03 .00 .31 .028 .03 .02 .03 .04 .19 SO»._ ...... 1.90 1.05 .00 .00 1.31 .32 .009 .17 .00 .00 .00 C-.. .38 .33 8.38 «1.30 .08 .09 ^ Subtotal.. * 100. 13 599. 93 « 100. 03 99.87 100. 07 99.98 100.07 100.92 100.39 102.43 98.78 100.12 8100.14 99.83 99.17 99.85 99.33 100.18 .05 .16 .03 .02 .15 .01 .02 .01 .02 .02 .10 Total.. 4100.08 4 no 77 8100.00 99.87 100.05 99.98 100.07 100.92 100.39 102.43 98.78 '99.97 8100.13 99.81 99.16 99.83 99.31 100.08

1 All iron reported as FejOa. percent: hematite 65.5 percent; chamosite 23.9 percent; phosphate (shell 1 Reported as "loss on igition"; includes COj. fragments) 4.4 percent; quartz 6.0 percent (Hayes, 1915, p. 47). » "Organic matter". G-H. Ore bed of zone 4, Wabana, Newfoundland. Analysis G of lower part of ore i Total includes 0.116 percent V2O5, 0.001 CoO, 0.05 NiO. zone 4, specific gravity 4.23; analysis H is of upper part of ore zone 4. A. V. » Total includes 0.28 percent VsOj. Seaborn, analyst, as reported by Hayes (1915, p. 52-53). Total includes 0.05 percent F. I. Ore bed of zone 4 (lower part), Wabana, Newfoundland. C. O. Hayes (1915, p. 63), ' Total includes 0.05 percent VjOs, 0.08 percent BjOj. analyst. Oolitic hematite and chamosite. «Total includes 0.015 percent VjOs, 0.1 percent B2Oi. J. Rhubina hematite (Carboniferous), South Wales. Analysis made in laboratories of Geological Survey of Great Britain; quoted by Hallimond (1925, p. 85). Oolitic A-B. Oolitic hematite in chamosite-siderite matrix, from the Lias (Lower Jurassic) hematite with abundant shell fragments. As given by Hallimond, analysis is of north Gottingen (Harder, 1951, p. 463-464); analyses by H. Harder. Cal­ divided into two parts. The first is of the "soluble part," with 10.36 percent culated modes as follows, in percent: reported as insoluble residue; the second is of the ignited insoluble residue. The total for the first (including 10.36 percent insoluble) is 101.72 percent; the total A B for the second is 11.07 percent. K. Cheadle hematite (Carboniferous), Froghall, North Staffordshire, England. Massive hematite with calcite and dolomite. Partial analysis made in labora­ 46 54 tory of Geological Survey of Great Britain; reported by Hallimond (1925, p. 86). 24.83 32.09 Total includes 0.04 percent insoluble. 15 4 L. Hematite-calcite ore (Devonian), Koenigszug mine, Lahn-Dill region, Germany Siderite. ______12.52 1.25 (Harder, 1954, p. 60). H. Harder, analyst. Sample contains about 0.001 percent 3.00 5.53 NiO, and less than 0.0005 percent CoO. 4.09 2.27 M. Hematite-quartz ore (Devonian), Constanze mine, Lahn-Dill region, Germany Pyrite ______- .17 .60 (Harder, 1954, p. 61). H. Harder, analyst. Sample contains about 0.005 percent .65 .56 NiO, less than 0.0005 percent CoO. N. Oolitic hematite with chamosite, calcite, dolomite, and quartz. From the Martin Formation of Devonian age, Gila County, Ariz. (Willden, 1961). Sample F-2726, C. Oolitic hematite of Westmorland bed of the Clinton Group (Silurian), Kirkland, analysis by Paula M. Buschman, U.S. Geological Survey. Sample represents N.Y. Rock is dominantly hematite and calcite. Analysis by Paula M. Busch- the upper 6 feet of the bed (see also Willden, 1960, p. B21-B23). man, U.S. Geological Survey. Sample F-2640, collected by R. P. Sheldon. O. As above. Sample G-2892; represents lower foot of the ore bed; may be slightly D. Hematitic ironstone, from base of Keefer Sandstone of Clinton Group (Silurian) oxidized. age. Sample F-2635, collected by R. P. Sheldon from road cutl mile south of P. As above. Sample F-2727, representing 6.2 feet of beds. Allenwood, ; analysis by Paula M. Buschman, U.S. Geological Q. Quartz-banded hematite ore, Ortrann mine, Dunderland, Norway (Bugge, 1948, Survey. Sample consists of hematite, calcite, dolomite, minor quartz. table 1, borehole sample 115/11). Late Cambrian or Early Ordovician age. E-F. Dominion bed (Lower Ordovician), Wabana, Newfoundland. Analysis E by Rock contains 48.6 percent hematite, 3 percent magnetite. Analysis made in Nova Scotia Steel and Iron Co.; analysis F by T. G. McFarlane. Reported laboratories of Rana Gruber A/S (Company). as analyses C and D in Hayes (1915, p. 45), from "average" samples of Zone R. Quartz-banded hematite ore, same locality, reference, and analyst as for Q, bore­ 2. Specific gravity of No. F is 4.10. Average mode for analyses E and Fin hole sample 122/III. Rock contains 38.8 percent hematite, 7 percent magnetite.

in some of the dominantly hematitic rocks of the Gaud minor rock types in several unmetamorphosed iron­ Itabirite of Brazil. stones. The characteristic occurrence of magnetite in The hematitic iron-formation consists of thin layers ironstones of the minette type (table 11, analyses A to or laminae of hematite alternating with those of G) is as fine granules or small crystals of diagenetic recrystallized chert. In the Lake Superior region, at origin, clustered within limonite or chamosite ooliths. least, the layers pinch and swell to give rise to "wavy As Taylor (1949, p. 83) states with respect to magnetite bedded" iron-formation. Oolitic textures are typical in the Northampton sand ironstone (analysis G): of such rock (James, 1954) and are preserved even in Clearly it was not formed normally as a result of the alternation areas of moderate to strong metamorphism (James between oxidizing and reducing conditions. This is shown by and others, 1961, p. 44-15). its complete absence between concentric skins of chamosite and Chemically, the rock is remarkable in its simplicity; limonite in the ooliths. SiO2 and Fe2O3 generally account for all but a small Magnetite in the chloritic ironstones of early Paleozoic percentage of the total. In contrast to hematitic and age in Brittany, Normandy, and Wales (represented limonitic rocks of younger age, the content by analysis H) may be a metamorphic mineral, the by­ is very low rarely as much as 0.1 percent. product of conversion of an original iron-rich chlorite MAGNETITE-RICH ROCKS OF MESOZOIC AND PAUEOZOIC to chlorite of lower iron content (Pulfrey, 1933). AGE Analyses I and J are from the same district as Magnetite-bearing facies are not common in rocks of analyses Q and R (table 9), the Dunderland belt of post-Precambrian age, but they have been described as Norway. As in the hematitic rocks of that area, the W20 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 10. Analyses of hematite-rich rocks of sedimentary origin, Precambrian age [All rocks have been moderately metamorphosed]


S10» . AA Q(\ on 79 46.81 V7 U 40.1 28.30 if, 04 51.56 56.23 39.3 El A A.t\ AljOa .37 40 an g 3.86 .00 Tr .45 <.5 <.5 Fe2Os __ -- ______- 53.08 58.58 46.91 50.41 50.1 63.39 51.00 47.48 34.96 60.1 47.8 FeO- ...... 71 1.03 5 03 10.17 1.6 2.57 1.41 on 5.67 .3 .4 MnO _ Tr 00 Tr .00 .2 .00 .02 .07 MgO...... _ .07 .07 .36 .19 2.0 .56 .00 .00 1.13 <.l <.l OaO ...... OQ .03 .14 Tr 1.4 »fi Tr .00 .81 <.l <.l Na»O _ ...... - \ 12 f .13 . uu {---- .15 KjO...... / - 12 .07 I .03 } .03 .12 H|0+...... 04 .28 OQ .26 .72 .68 .49 .3 .1 H»0-_ .03 .02 04 .02 .03 TiOa .07 Tr Tr Tr .00 .00 .02 P»05 . .02 .03 .07 .085 .39 05 .03 .12 CO»__...... 40 .58 2.6 .06 8--- ...... 009 SO».- .03 .02 Total...... 99.57 a 100. 70 3 100. 22 100.05 98.9 100. 34 100.44 99.94 100.24

1 Samples dried at 100° C. before analysis. Zululand, South Africa (Wagner, 1928, p. 71). Name of analyst not given. s Given as 100.60 in original reference. G. "Hematite quartzite", Camel Hill, Middleback Ranges, Australia (Edwards, 8 Given as 100.19 in original reference. 1953, p. 468). Edwards(?), analyst. H. Banded ironstone of the Hospital Hill Slate Zone, Witswatersrand System. A-B. Banded specularite iron-formation, Krivoi Rog Series, Ukraine, TJ.S.S.R. Johannesburg, South Africa (Wagner, 1928, p. 73). Name of analyst not (Semenenko and others, 1956, p. 95). Analysis A by S. A. Panchenko; analysis given. B made in laboratories of Ukranian Geologic Administration. I. Specularite-magnetite iron-formation, Atlantic City district, Wyoming C-D. Hematite-magnetite iron-formation, Krivoi Rog Series, Ukraine, U.S.S.R. (Bayley, 1963, p. 10). Chip sample taken from about 200 feet of outcrop. (Semenenko and others, 1956, p. 101). Analysis C by P. P. Makhovka; Dorothy F. Powers, analyst, U.S. Geological Survey. analysis D made in laboratories of Ukranian Geologic Administration. J-K. Banded chert-specularite, Cau6 Itabirite, , Brazil. (J. V. N. B. Hematite iron-formation, Menominee district, Michigan. Composition as Dorr II, written communication of December 12, 1963). Samples are com­ recast by James (1954, p. 260; error in P2O5 content corrected) from commer­ posites of 25-75 chip samples; dried at 110° C. before analysis. Selected from cial analysis. Representative of shipment of 13,417 tons. Sample dried at 10 analyses, which show SiOz range of 36.3 to 51.4 percent (average 44.2), 100° C. before analysis. Approximately 47 percent hematite, 40 percent FesOj range of 47.8 to 63.6 percent (average 54.9). M. B. J. Fernandes, quartz, 5 percent dolomite, 5 percent magnetite, 3 percent kaolin and chlorite. analyst. F. Banded ironstone ("calico rock") of the Swaziland System, Umhlatuzi Valley

TABLE 11. Analyses of magnetite-rich sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic and Paleozoic age


Si03 __ 3.2 3.4 4.8 7.03 8.20 15.63 6.2 U2.90 35.6 35.94 AliOa ...... 2.2 3.2 4.7 7.13 4.77 7.92 5.9 3.66 4.76 4.49 FejOa. 30.3 20.9 44.1 32.56 14.90 16.21 18.2 34.14 32.73 34.46 FeO...... 38.3 18.8 24.9 25.92 33.69 32.82 34.8 32.90 14.84 14.99 MnO. __ ...... 19 .31 .21 .22 .32 .3 .26 .31 MgO...... 2.1 1.0 1.2 1.82 1.80 .25 2.4 1. 00 2.17 3.04 CaO__ _ .... _ . _ .. 4.6 28.2 6.4 2.84 12.45 2.62 4.6 5.00 4.84 3.55 Na»O.__ \ 1 2 K2O__ ...... | Tr I::::::::: / L2 HsO+ _ _ __ _ 1 Q 1 f 4.88 f 7.82 4.6 . 1 J 5.60 * f . W .50 HjO- _ . / 3' 1 9.4 I 6.20 1.3 Ti02 ...... 1.55 .38 .32 PiOa. 1.14 1.4 2.1 1.57 1.72 6.33 1.8 2.25 .44 .55 COj_ ...... 13.0 19.2 1.0 9.38 15.80 8.33 19.0 1.86 1.12 S...... 55 .02 .42 .17 .10 .25 .08 .23 SOa-. . ... _ ...... 04 C...... _ ..... _ ...... 1.1 .56 Subtotal. ______. 99.91 99.51 98.81 100. 13 99.67 99.65 99.24 100.00 99.66 100.90 LessO..... ____ ...... __ ...... _ _ . _ ...... 28 .01 .21 .09 .05 .13 .04 .12 Total ______...... a 99. 63 99.5 98.8 100.12 99.46 99.56 99.2 99.87 99.62 100. 78

1 Reported as "clay and silica." G. Siderite-magnetite-chamosite, Northampton sand ironstone, Middle Jurassic 3 Reported as "Loss on ignition (carbonic acid, organic matter, etc.)." age. Easton Neston, England (Taylor, 1949, p. 60). Calculated mode: 8 Total includes 0.05 percent As, 0.05 percent Zn, 0.03 percent V. Sideritic carbonate 48.5 percent, magnetite 26.4 percent, chamosite 18.9 percent, phosphate 4.0 percent (Taylor, 1949, p. 63). Analyst, C. O. Harvey, A-C. Magnetite oolite in minette ores of Jurassic age of the Lorraine basin, France Geological Survey of Great Britain. (Hoehne, 1955). Sample A from Angevillers; samples B and C from Amer- H. Oolitic magnetite ironstone of Cambrian age. Gareg-fawr mine, Carnarvon­ mont. shire, Wales (Strahan and others, 1920, p. 24): analysis made by "Dr. Price D. Magnetite ironstone of Jurassic age (Upper Lias, Dogger Seam), West Rosedale, of Newport." Cleveland district, England. Quoted by Lamplugh and others (1920, p. I. Banded magnetite-quartz rock, Late Cambrian or Early Ordovician age, 60) as an average of many analyses of the Dogger, or Top, Seam. 0rtvann mine, Dunderland, Norway (Bugge, 1948, table 1, borehole sample E. Magnetite-siderite ironstone, Couche Grise, of Aalenien (Jurassic) age, Lor­ 131/11). Rock contains 47 percent magnetite, 0.6 percent hematite. Analy­ raine, France. Mode: Quartz <1 percent, siderite 25.1 percent, magnetite sis represents 2.5 m of core. Analyst not specified; analysis presumably 21.6 percent, phosphate 3.8 percent, calcite 14.3 percent (Deudon, 1955, p. made in laboratories of Rana Gruber A/S (Company). 478). Analysis made in mineralogical laboratory, Facultes des Sciences de J Banded magnetite-quartz rock, same locality as sample I (Bugee. 1948, table Toulouse. 1, borehole 123). Rock contains 48 percent magnetite, 1.5 percent hematite. F. Calcitic chamosite-magnetite-siderite ironstone of Dogger (Middle Jurassic) Analysis represents 9 m of core. Analyst not specified; analysis presumably age. Analysis by C. Schmidt. Erzegg-Planplatte region, Switzerland made in laboratories of Rana Gruber A/S (Company). (Deverin, 1945, p. 42). Specific gravity 3.24. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W21

magnetite-rich rocks are interlayered with quartz and cambrian. Of interest and importance is the occurrence are more like Precambrian iron-formation than they of chamositic rocks (particularly analyses J and K), are like the normal minette type. physically and chemically more closely allied to the Except for the quartz-banded ores (analyses I and J), post-Precambrian magnetite facies than to the more the rocks are not different chemically in any significant typical cherty rocks of the Precambrian. The age of respect from the hematitic ironstones, other than in the Pretoria Series of the Transvaal System, in which ferrous-ferric ratio. chamositic rocks occur, is believed to be about 2,000 MAGNETITE-RICH IRON-FORMATION OF PRECAMBRIAN million years (Nicolaysen, 1962, p. 580, 582). AGE The magnetite-banded rocks, as represented by SILICATE FACIES analyses A, B, D, E, F, G, and L in table 12, are one of The silicate facies comprises those rocks in which the the major types of Precambrian iron-formation. They primary silicates chamosite, greenalite, and glauconite consist of layers alternately quartz-rich and magnetite- are dominant, plus those in which minnesotaite, iron- rich. Both chemically and mineralogically the magne­ rich chlorite, or stilpnomelane probably metamorphic tite f acies is more complex than the hematite f acies with in origin are major constituents. which it commonly is associated. The rock generally contains appreciable quantities of siderite and an iron CHAMOSITIC IRONSTONE silicate (greenalite, minnesotaite, stilpnomelane, chlo- The chamositic rocks are one of the most characteris­ rite), reflected chemically in the significant content of tic facies of the post-Precambrian ironstones (table 13). CO2, MgO, and to a lesser degree, A12O3. The rocks are In some districts they grade into or are interbedded notably lower in A12O3, CaO, and P2O5 than magnetite- with limonite (or hematite) oolite; in others they grade bearing rocks of younger age (table 11). into or are interbedded with sideritic rocks. Analyses H to K are of South African rocks from The rocks typically are oolitic, but most do not stratigraphically widely separated positions in the Pre­ exhibit chemical heterogeneity to the degree shown by

TABLE 12. Analyses of magnetite-rich ironstones of Precambrian age


Si02 34.44 35.86 2.56 51.52 45.66 39.50 22.70 42.10 50.90 19.05 5.84 47.2 A1203-- .85 1.57 6.20 .08 .28 .44 .31 4.65 6.25 6.60 4.40 1.6 30.54 21.54 35.37 19.16 29.21 22.07 22.15 20.00 41.30 42.03 38.5 FeO._ 22.06 20.26 26.57 10.24 21.28 18.51 23.20 17.83 14.40 22.70 34.35 10.1 MnO__ .21 .16 .04 .12 1.06 3.35 .85 .25 .90 MgO... . 2.30 1.74 6.95 .20 2.73 2.00 3.88 2.25 2.00 1.25 .90 1.3 CaO-... 1.72 .51 1.85 .02 1.04 2.71 4.49 1.00 .85 1.25 1.50 .8 Na20 .00 f .60 K20__ .13 } .02 I 1.10 HaO+____ .44 .60 5.66 1.48 1.54 \ 7* 1.30 f 5.50 2.90 H20-_ ...... 17 .06 .53 0 0) 0 0) / " 75 I .65 .28 Ti02 _ __ .02 .04 .27 .040 .014 .15 .30 .15 .26 P206 - .07 .14 .060 .085 .05 .05 .20 1.19 2 .22 COi 7.36 .60 3.99 1.06 7.54 6.22 21.18 4.90 1.10 .60 4.75 s .01 .129 .005 .10 .15 .25 .08 .007 S03-- - -- .00 .17 c .04 .12 8.017 8.016 100 36 QQ Qfi inn n^i QQ AA 4 QS QO *99.28 e 98. 15 99.75 99.38 99.7 Less O .01 .06 .05 .08 .13 .04 Total.. 100.35 100. 29 99.86 100. 03 99.44 98.84 98.92 99.23 98.07 99.62 99.34 99.7

1 Samples dried at 100° C. before analysis. district, Quebec, Canada (Quirke, 1961, p. 312; see also Quirke, Goldich, and 2 Calculated from 0.088 P. Krueger, 1960). Each sample represents 58 feet of core from drill hole. ' "Organic C." Analysis of major elements by Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co; C02 and C by 4 Given as 99.90 in original reference. Mines Experiment Station, University of Minnesota. 5 Given as 99.30 in original reference. H. Magnetite-siderite slate, South Africa. From uppermost part of Pongola « Given as 97.85 in original reference. beds, Swaziland System (Wagner, 1928, p. 69); analyzed in the Government Chemical Laboratory, Johannesburg. Sample is composite of 37 taken A. Banded magnetite iron-formation, Ironwood Iron-Formation, Gogebic district, across 40-foot bed in southeastern Transvaal. Keported to contain some Michigan (Huber, 1959, p. 100); Lucile N. Tarrant, U.S. Geological Survey, chamosite. Specific gravity 3.41. analyst. Calculated mode: Magnetite 44.3 percent, quartz 31.3 percent, I. Shaly magnetite ironstone, same locality as H but stratigrapMcally 40 feet sideritic carbonate 17.5 percent, minnesotaite 6.0 percent, excess constituents higher (Wagner, 1928, p. 69). Analysis is of a composite sample representing 1.3 percent. Sample represents 11 feet of drill core. a 20-foot thickness. Analyzed in the Government Chemical Laboratory, B. Banded magnetite-quartz rock with minor chlorite, siderite, and cumming- Johannesburg. tonite. Saksagan (Krivoi Bog) Series, Ukraine, U.S.S.B. (Semenenko J. Arenaceous oolitic magnetite-chamosite ironstone (Wagner, 1928, p. 85). and others, 1956, p. 105); O. I. Dokhlenko, analyst. From "Magnetic Quartzite Iron Horizon," Pretoria Series. Sample from C. Magnetite-stilpnomelane rock, with minor cummingtonite and carbonate, core of hole drilled near Pretoria, S. Africa; H. G. Weall, analyst. Cal­ middle suite of Krivoi Hog Series. From northern part of Saksagan band, culated mode (main constituents): quartz 11.2 percent, magnetite 35.2 per­ U.S.S.K. (Aleksandrov and Zmeenkova, 1958, p. 79); A. V. Zmeenkova, cent, hematite 17.0 percent, chamosite 28.6 percent, calcite 1.4 percent analyst. (Wagner, 1928, p. 86). D-E. Banded magnetite chert from the Lower Cherty division of Biwabik Iron- K. Oolitic magnetite-chamosite-siderite ironstone (Wagner, 1938, p.92). From Formation, Mesabi district, Minnesota (Gruner, 1946, p. 58-59); analyses by "Clayband Horizon," Pretoria Series. Sample from core of hole drilled Mines Experiment Station, University of Minnesota; W. E. Apuli, chief near Pretoria, S. Africa. Calculated mode (main constituents): magnetite chemist. Analysis D is one of 5 given by Gruner of magnetite-rich rock cut 60.9 percent, chamosite 22.0 percent, siderite 12.5 percent, phosphate 0.6 by drill hole near Aurora; sample represents 30 feet of core. Analysis E percent (Wagner, 1928, p. 93). Major elements determined in "laboratory is one of 6 given by Gruner for magnetite-rich rock cut by drill hole near of the Gutehoffnungshutte"; COj and HaO determined by Government Hibbing; sample represents 20 feet of core. Books mostly magnetite and Chemical Laboratory, Johannesburg. quartz, with siderite and iron silicates (greenalite, minnesotaite, stilpnomel­ L. Magnetite-quartz rock (Krishnan, 1952, p. 524), average of "large number of ane) in lesser amounts. samples." From Kanjamalai deposit, Madras State, India. F-G. Magnetite chert member of Temiscamie Iron-Formation, Lake Albanel 777-130 65 4 W22 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 13. Analyses of chamositic ironstones [See also chamositic siderites]


SiO» ...... 21.78 16.24 49.64 42.76 13.4 13.70 6.60 26.00 26.20 41.80 16.22 15.60 32.04 AhOs ______. 10.67 8.09 8.82 7.82 7.4 9.04 5.27 14.50 15.71 16.18 7.65 6.96 13.24 FejOj-...... __ . - 6.20 5.10 8.71 12.47 8.5 15.15 24.76 2.03 3.70 4,28 2.99 2.24 2.01 FeO . 22.70 15.12 16.70 16.29 31.9 36.47 23.34 29.03 28.45 24.28 35.38 18.25 24.32 MnO . ... . ___ . __ . __ .08 .26 .23 .091 1.67 1.86 3.12 .56 .13 MgO. ______- _____ . .... 3.61 2.41 3.19 .61 2.5 2.26 .97 3.67 1.36 .43 1.84 8.83 2.78 CaO___ ...... ___ ... _. 12.25 24.15 2.10 1.44 6.1 6.48 19.60 7.30 6.50 1.00 4.01 17.64 8.26 Na«O.. _ . .08 .32 .12 \ 52 /.._. .01 .05 KjO ...... 09 .024 .63 t va L .02 .23 HjO+ f 2.61 5.60 8.36 6.00 5.09 7.23 4.9 6.31 4.27 9.68 } 7.90 8.44 3.38 HiO- 1.01 .51 (9 5.66 3.6 (0 (I) , (') \ .78 .14 .37 TlOj. .53 .75 .50 .62 .31 .87 .10 .05 .61 .18 .70 P»0« 1.62 1.53 .91 .30 2.8 1.75 1.21 1.34 3.93 1.12 4.91 .80 .97 COj.. 8.45 18.04 5.15 3.37 17.4 8.95 13.32 485 3.00 .00 16.64 24.99 8.42 S .59 .72 2.043 .5 «1.39 '.56 BO» 1.47 .01 .00 .00 C .50 .63 .98 * 99. 96 « 99. 99 101. 36 100.31 99.0 100. 73 100. 17 99.27 99.91 100.00 96.76 « 99. 96 ? 99. 56 .11 .30 .36 .02 .3 .15 .19 Total ______...... <99.85 ' 99. 69 101. 00 100.29 98.7 100.73 100. 17 99 27 99.91 100.00 96.76 99.81 99.37

1 Samples apparently dried before analysis. F-H. Chamosite oolite, Chamosentze, Switzerland, of Middle Jurassic (Dogger) * Reported as 82. age (Deverin, 1945, p. 24). C. Schmidt, analyst. Average mode for 3 »FeSs. analyses includes chamosite 40 percent, magnetite 14 percent, quartz 13 * Total includes 0.23 percent VjOs, 0.05 percent BjOa, 0.06 percent NiO. percent, siderite 11 percent, calcite 10 percent. «Total includes 0.17 percent VjOs, 0.04 percent NiO, 0.004 percent CoO. I. Oolitic ironstone, quarry near Llangoed, Anglesey, Wales (Strahan and others, * Includes 0.36 percent F. 1920, p. 14; see also Pulfrey, 1933, for mineralogic descriptions). E. J. Morris ' Includes 0.44 percent F. and W. E. Williams, analysts. Ordovician. J. Oolitic ironstone, Bonw, Mynydd-y-Garn, Anglesey, Wales (same analysts as A. Chamosite ironstone from the Lias (Lower Jurassic) of north Gottingen, Germany samples F-H; Strahan and others, 1920, p. 15). Ordovician. (Harder, 1951, p. 460-462). Rock contains about 72 percent chamosite, 16 per­ K. Oolitic chamosite, Zone 4, Scotia bed, Wabana, Newfoundland (Hayes, 1915, cent calcite. p. 58). A. O. Hayes, analyst. Ordovician. Specific gravity of rock 3.50. B. Calcitic chamosite ironstone, same locality and reference as above. H. Harder, L. Oolitic chamosite, uppermost 6 inches of Westmoreland bed of Clinton Group analyst. Rock contains about 53 percent chamosite, 39 percent calcite. (Silurian), Westmoreland, New York. Sample F 2639, collected by R. P. C. Arenaceous chamosite ironstone of the " Couche Noire" of Middle Jurassic (Aalen- Sheldon; analysis by Paula M. Buschman, U.S. Geological Survey. Modal ian) age, Landres-Amermont basin, Lorraine, France (Coche and others, 1954). analysis given in Hunter, 1960, p. 104 (see footnote, p. W7) as follows: Hematite Analysis by laboratory of Ecole des Mines, Nancy. Rock contains about 38 and masked chamosite 9.9 percent; chamosite 36.8 percent; calcite, dolomite, percent chamosite ("ehlorite")> 37 percent clastic quartz, 10 percent siderite, siderite 45.9 percent; pyrite 1 percent; quartz 6.0 percent; cellophane 0.4 10 percent limonite. percent. D. Arenaceous green chamosite oolite of Early Jurassic (Lias) age, RSdingeberg, M. Oolitic chamosite, uppermost 6 Inches of Keefer Sandstone of Clinton (Silurian) Sweden (Palmqvist, 1935, p. 69). Sven Palmqvist, analyst. SiOa value age, Piato, Allegheny County, . Sample F 2642, collected by R. P. divided into "sand" 28.79, percent, SiOa (sol.)" 12.38percent, "SiO2" 1.59percent; Sheldon; analysis by Paula M. Buschman, U.S. Geological Survey. Modal AljOs value divided into "AljOs" 6.46 percent, "AUOa (clay)" 1.36 percent. analysis given in Hunter, 1960, p. 104 (see footnote, p. W7), as follows: E. Chamosite oolite, Northampton sand ironstone, of Middle Jurassic (Inferior Chamosite 48.4 percent; Calcite, dolomite, siderite 22.8 percent; pyrite 0.2 Oolite) age, (Taylor, 1949, p. 60). G. A. Sergeant, analyst, Geological Survey of percent; quartz 11.6 percent; argillaceous matrix 17.0 percent. Great Britain. From Lodge Pit, near Irchester, Northamptonshire, England. Rock contains about 36 percent chamosite, 10 percent goethite, remainder mostly sideritic carbonate.

the limonitic and hematitic oolitic ironstones. Never­ the Precambrian rocks, only that from the Roper River theless, they have a wide range in mineralogic and (analysis H) can be considered to be essentially in chemical makeup, attributable in part to the amount unaltered form; those from the Mesabi district (analy­ of clastic material mostly quartz, calcite, or dolo­ ses A-C) are weakly metamorphosed, with the partial mite and in part to extensive diagenetic modifications conversion of greenalite to minnesotaite and stilpnome- such as development of siderite and magnetite. The lane; that from the Gogebic district (analysis F) is rocks are dominantly ferrous, but the chamosite ooliths slightly more metamorphosed, with complete loss of themselves often contain concentric skins of oxidized original greenalite. Grunerite- and garnet-bearing material that represent interludes of higher Eh of the rocks, representing a higher degree of metamorphism, bottom environment during accumulation. As is to are arbitrarily excluded in the tabulations. be expected, the AlgOs content is higher than in most Most of the rocks consist of quartz (recrystallized other types of ironstone, and to a considerable degree chert) in layers alternating with silicate-rich layers that the chamosite can be considered a product of sea-bottom generally contain significant amounts of magnetite and reactions between ferrous iron in solution with detrital siderite. An exception is represented by analyses D clay particles. The replacement of clastic material by and E, in which quartz, chlorite, siderite, and magnetite chamosite indicates, however, that the process of for­ occur as fine-grained intergrowths in a laminated rock. mation was not simply that of clay diagenesis. In the The rock, though rich in iron, does not resemble normal Northampton sand ironstone the process of iron enrich­ iron-formation, and the bulk chemistry can be matched ment of clay to produce chamosite was locally reversed, by that of some of the younger chamositic ironstones. with the production of kaolinite that partly retains the Aside from analyses D and E, the Precambrian silicate oolitic form of chamosite (Taylor, 1949, p. 32). rocks are strikingly different in chemical composition SIUCATE IRON-FORMATION OF PRECAMBRIAN AGE from the chamositic ironstones of younger age. Most Most of the analyses listed in table 14 are of rocks notable is the much higher content of SiO2 (original that have been metamorphosed to some degree. Of chert) and much lower contents of A12O3 and P2O6. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W23

Also included in the tabulation is the analysis of an nantly ferric and depending upon its "maturity" unusual greenalite-chert rock of Ordovician age with a substantial content of K2O (see table 5). The (analysis L). compositions of the Gulf Coast (analyses GLAUCON1TIC ROCKS E-H, table 15) are therefore unusual, in that the rocks Glauconite, (see table 15) though of widespread are more ferrous than normal glauconitic rocks and occurrence as a minor constituent of ironstones, rarely have a very low content of K2O. In part the ferrous forms discrete deposits with ironstone associations. aspect is due to secondary siderite, but this can account An exception is the Seend ironstone of England, repre­ only partially for the relatively low ferric-ferrous ratio. sented by analysis I. Most of the larger glauconite The rocks are also high in A12O3. Evidently the pelletal deposits (greensands), such as those of New Jersey, material making up these greensands is far removed have been studied as sources of potash rather than iron. from the ordered mica structure of ideal glauconite; Nevertheless, in the ironstone districts, glauconite as a quite possibly it includes some chamosite. The associ­ disseminated mineral bears definite facies relation to ation glauconite-chamosite is nob particularly common, other iron minerals. The oolitic hematite-chamosite iron­ but it has been described. Chillingar (1956) reviews stones of the Clinton Group, for example, are shown by several occurrences of glauconite and chamosite in the Hunter (See footnote p. W7) to grade to the east into U.S.S.R. Of interest is the extremely low content of semicontinental hematitic sandstone and to the west K2O (0.14 percent) of a chamosite-bearing glauconite into glauconite-bearing marine strata. of Mesozoic age (Chillingar, 1956, p. 495). The compositions of the glauconitic rocks (table 15) have a wide range, in considerable part due to the vari­ CARBONATE FACIES able proportions of clastic material, interstitial calcite, and secondary siderite. Though glauconite, like cham- Aside from the "blackband" and "clayband" siderites, osite, probably in large part originates by reactions which are discussed later, the rocks included in the between and sea water, the actual accumulation carbonate facies are divided into those of Precambrian into deposits is accomplished by transport and deposi­ and post-Precambrian age. These groups are strik­ tion of granules and pellets, along with more usual ingly different in chemical composition and physical clastic components. The typical glauconite is domi- character, but they bear entirely comparable facies

TABLE 14. Analyses of silicate iron-formation, mostly Precambrian


SiOs--. 60.96 42.48 65.42 61.18 48.11 29.35 38.51 30.26 62.18 38.85 45.10 71.08 AlsOa... . 1.09 .53 .08 11.95 3.27 .70 2.70 2.26 3.08 2.23 2.16 .55 6.01 6.63 4.19 8.09 13.62 4.41 13.57 16.47 18.30 13.20 17.41 .78 FeO ______. ______30.37 33.76 23.63 12.16 16.69 39.61 21.47 37.00 16.68 26.58 20.83 18.53 MnO .00 2.71 3.27 1.02 1.81 .78 .67 .47 .00 MgO_ . 5.26 4.29 2.45 2.42 2,91 3.81 3.53 2.09 4.36 2.02 1.81 .18 CaO ______.04 1.12 .80 9 in 3.55 Tr 2.90 2.09 2.66 Tr Na20-._ .00 2.12 .24 .00 .01 .16 \ B8 t - 11 \ 12 i K2O.__.. . .00 1.86 2.32 .00 .09 .14 i .11 / - 12 i { '* n3o+...... 6.41 4.80 4.16 1.19 1.74 2.79 8.73 } >.94 | .59 .67 } 6.40 ^o-...... 75 (2) « .07 .44 .06 2.15 TiO2 .61 .52 .01 .144 .03 .15 .10 .13 PiOi...... 00 .54 .44 .14 .01 .28 .23 .18 COa .00 7.44 Tr 3.70 5.62 16.37 12.70 Tr (') 13.52 8.52 .44 B...... Tr .06 .005 3.32 .37 .59 C...... 21 .08 .027 100.10 98.93 99.93 99.61 99.99 100. 41 98.12 100.08 99.62 * 100. 87 » 100. 85 98.09 .03 .19 .28 Total ______. ... 100. 10 98.93 99.93 99.61 99.99 100. 38 98.12 100.08 99.62 100. 68 100. 57 98.09

iLoss on ignition, presumably includes COa. 91). Calculated mode: minnesotaite 46.3 percent sideritic carbonate 40.8 2 Samples dried at 100° C. before analysis. percent, magnetite 6.4 percent, quartz 5.8 percent, excess constituents 1.0 »SOa. percent. Represents 14 feet of drill core. Lucile N. Tarrant, analyst, U.S. «Includes 025 percent SOi. Total given as 100.69 in origina reference apparently Geological Survey. corrected O for S. G. "Upper " member, Temiscamie Iron-Formation, Lake Albanel range, «Includes 0.23 percent SOi. Total given as 100.56 in original reference apparently Quebec (Quirke, 1961, p. 306; also Quirke, Goldich, and Krueger, 1960). corrected O for S. Main elements determined in laboratories of Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., Owen Hassett, chief chemist; C and COa by Mines Experiment Station, A. Greenalite rock, Biwabik Iron-Formation, Mesabi district, Minnesota (Leith, University of Minnesota. 1903, p. 108). Analysis by George Steiger, U.S. Geological Survey. H. Magnetite-bearing oolitic greenalite rock, Roper River, Northern Territory, B. "Taconite consisting of about 8.6 percent quartz, 19 percent carbonate, and Australia (Cochrane and Edwards, 1960, p. 17; also Edwards, 1958). F. J. J. 71 percent minnesotaite and greenalite" (Gruner, 1946, pp. 56-57). From Sinnott, analyst. "Lower Slaty division," Biwabik Iron-Formation, Mesabi district, Minne­ I. Stilpnomelane-actinolite-magnetite-quartz rock, Krivoi Rog Series (Semen- sota. Analysis by Mines Experiment Station, University of Minnesota; enko and others, 1956, p. 374). Verkhtsevskovo region, U.S.S.R. Analyzed W. E. Apuli, chief chemist. in laboratories of Ukrainian Geologic Administration. C. "Taconite consisting of about 28 percent quartz and 72 percent minnesotaite" J-K. Thuringite-magnetite-siderite-quartz rocks, Krivoi Rog Series (Semenenko (Gruner, 1956, pp. 66-67). From "Lower Cherty division," Biwabik Iron- and others, 1956, p. 387). Verkhtsevskovo region, U.S.S.R. Analyzed in Formation, Mesabi district, Minnesota. Analysis by Mines Experiment laboratories of Ukrainian Geologic Administration. Station, University of Minnesota, W. E. Apuli, chief chemist. L. Black cherty rock with granules of greenalite, Ordovician in age (Kennedy, D-E. Laminated chlorite-siderite-magnetite-quartz rock, Stambaugh Formation, 1936, p. 435). From near Glenluce, Wigtownshire, Scotland. W. J. Skilling, Iron River district, Michigan (James, 1954, p. 271). Analyses by Leonard Shapiro and W. W. Brannock, U.S. Geological Survey. analyst. F. Sideritic silicate iron-formation, Gogebic district, Michigan (Huber, 1959,.p W24 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 15. Analyses of glauconitic rocks (greensand) [Values in parentheses reported separately; not Included in total]


SiOi _- ______R9 Qfi 50.74 51.83 50.32 29.40 32.10 28.67 27.21 21.61 AliOS --. 3.52 1.93 6.23 7.53 7.46 15.54 16.80 18.87 5.82 FejOs - - 8.91 17.36 17.15 18.38 5.60 12.71 8.41 9.32 17.48 FeO 1.52 3.34 2.93 3.02 14.54 20.39 20.74 18.55 25.69 MnO--_ ------.11 .12 .52 MgO 1.90 3.76 3.66 3.82 2.88 5.20 1.55 1.49 .59 CaO 2.10 2.86 .52 .65 20.00 1.98 .45 .38 2.88 NajO .82 1.53 .76 .22 Tr 2.37 .03 .11 .14 KjO--... ------3.56 6.68 6.60 7.88 3.41 3.62 .70 .43 .83 HjO-K... ------. 1" 3.05 HjO-....------} 7.68 9.08 9.98 8.58 12.20 15.20 11.76 13.12 \ 2.59 TiOj.. .30 .42 .25 PsOs 1.05 1.79 .31 .34 Tr Tr .25 .31 .96 COj . 1.00 .88 .36 .15 14.80 10.03 9.85 16.68 FeSs .50 ( 911 (.16) (.24) (.07) (2) (2) .79 Total--.---.--- .. 100.96 99.95 » 100. 33 100.89 100.29 4 100. 09 99.80 100.18 100. 38

1 Includes organic matter. E. Greensand,Texas (Schock, 1918, p. 170). Eocene. Analyst's name not given. 2 Reported as "present." F. Greensand marl of Eocene age, Texas (Schock, 1918, p. 170; see also Baker, 3 Given as 100.42 in original reference. 1935) L. E. Magnenat, analyst. * Total included 0.98 percent SO8. G-H. Greensand, Weches Greensand Member of Mount Selman Formation, Texas; of Eocene age (Eckel, E. B., 1938, p. 25). J. J. Fahey, analyst. A-D. Greensand from Eocene Manasquan Formation (A) and Horners- I. Glauconite-limonite oolite from Seend ironstone, Wiltshire, England (Halli- town Sand, New Jersey (Mansfield, 1922, p. 124). R. K. Bailey, analyst; mond, 1925, p. 89). Lower Cretaceous. Analyzed in laboratories of Geo­ organic matter by E. T. Erickson (reported separately on p. 130). logical Survey of Great Britain. relations to silicate and oxide rocks in their respective of P2O5 ranges from low « 0.2 percent) to high (> 2 associations. percent), approximately in direct relation to the oolitic

SEDERITIC ROCKS OF POST-PRECAMBRIAN AGE component. The range of physical and chemical characters of SIDERITIC IRON-FORMATION OF PRECAMBRIAN AGE sideritic ironstone is exceptionally well displayed in the The typical sideritic iron-formation (see table 17) Northampton Sand ironstone, as described by Taylor is a thinly bedded or laminated rock made up almost (1949, especially pp. 23-29, 33-35) and represented in wholly of alternating layers of dominantly chert and part by analyses B-G, table 16. In the more common dominantly iron-rich carbonate, in roughly equal pro­ varieties of the Northampton Sand, the siderite may portions by volume. It may grade into or be inter- form a groundmass for chamosite or limonite oolite, bedded with pyritic facies, on the one hand, as in the typically with considerable diagenetic replacement of Iron River district of Michigan (James, 1951) and the the ooliths; it may occur in fine-grained sideritic - Michipicoten area of Ontario (Goodwin, 1962), and stone with sandy and argillaceous material; it may oc­ into silicate or silicate-magnetite facies, on the other, cur in limestone as matrix and partial replacements of as in the Mesabi district (Gruner, 1946; White, 1954), shell fragments and calcite ooliths, or replacements of the Gogebic district of Wisconsin and Michigan (Huber, matrix calcite; or it may occur as "sphaerosiderite" 1959), the Gunflint district of Ontario (Goodwin, 1956), rounded masses and nodules in chamositic or kaolinitic and the Labrador trough (Harrison, 1953; Gas til and ironstone. Of these several varieties, probably only Knowles, 1960). The transitions into silicate or silicate- sideritic mudstone represents a primary sediment. magnetite are well illustrated by analyses D to G in This rock generally is fine grained and massive. In table 17 and analysis F in table 14, and accompanying the other varieties the bulk of the siderite is diagenetic, modes of rock from the Gogebic district, in which the as shown by textural relations to other rock components; silicate is minnesotaite. it is commonly more coarsely grained; and it has greater Chemically, the greatest range is in the SiO2:(FeO + range in relative molecular proportions of FeO, MgO, CO2) relation, reflecting the variable proportions of and CaO. chert and siderite. As in most Precambrian iron- As with other ironstone types, the sideritic rocks formation, the alkali content is very low or actually have a considerable spread in chemical composition zero. In rocks containing carbonaceous material or only in part reflected by the selected analyses in table associated with pyritic facies the carbonate is notably 16 as a result of gradations into chamositic and higher in Mn content (analyses A-C, M-N) and the limonitic facies and into normal mudstone, sandstone, P2O5 content is distinctly higher than in rocks with limestone, and dolomite. Granules of cellophane and silicate association. Sideritic iron-formation from the phosphatized organic debris occur in the varieties Cuyuna district, Minnesota, contains as much as 12.9 containing ooliths of chamosite or limonite; the content percent MnO (Schmidt, 1963, p. 21). CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W25

TABLE 16. Analyses of siderite rocks of post-Precambrian age ~R A B C D E F G H I J K Li MI N O P Q

SiOa. 7.56 9.20 8.03 4.42 4.88 12.73 2 Q 8 C1 1Q e qo 71 7.75 12.70 18.60 9.09 8.20 13.5 18.63 Ala03 4.10 8.95 8.86 5.40 3.38 9.10 1.3 1ft 9 5.54 8.35 4.65 5.31 7.11 5.84 3.77 .7 5.90 FeaOs-. ~ - 1.83 2.64 23.76 1.20 7.12 1.4 1.77 q A 2 CO 1.71 16.83 21.47 7.34 3.25 4.57 1.8 FeO... ._...... 43.86 39.53 27.58 45.14 49.32 32.62 23.4 36 91 00 K oe 17 35.61 27.93 23.06 44.90 42.72 43.23 43.8 42.10 MnO._ ...... 13 .05 .17 .18 .37 .16 .42 .7 .46 .37 .76 .76 .20 .36 .84 1.5 .61 MgO._. ._ 3.92 2.06 3.13 3.69 1.51 4 V7 2 A 3.75 3.5 2.30 4.03 4.34 3.26 .53 .84 .33 1.7 1.58 CaO...... 2.90 6.73 4.65 6.03 3.46 8.70 9S 7 K CA 5 A 3 97 10.53 5 QS 4.47 2.37 3.94 4.97 3.1 QQ NaaO . .11 .05 \ 18 /. .01 .05 .12 EjO .. 1.13 03 ; - 18 \ .34 .51 .70 44 Q 2 90 1 9 H20+...... 81 4.32 3.95 2.33 4.05 .72 4.15 4.73 5.77 3.73 1.78 2.11 .58 HjO- . .28 .2 10.00 8 Oft (2) 0) G) .80 1.43 .77 J ' 9 TiOa. - .18 .36 .3 .18 2.44 .39 .24 .03 .28 PiOj.. .11 2.70 1.84 .108 filft 2 10 Q 1 30 1.0 i ftfl 1.53 .60 .81 .21 .39 2.45 .33 COi. 32.84 23.01 17.35 33.06 32.70 21.78 38.8 9ft 7ft 19 0 25.25 20.80 16.30 19.78 29.41 29.91 29.6 324.31 s 036 .014 .111 .216 .4 .05 .102 .11 .21 4.013 4.19 4.16 .44 FeSa-- - 1.62 C __ ...... 27 s 1.33 6.36 .28 .62 .61 799.82 99.23 99.33 99.48 QQ SQ QQ 49 100.1 8 99 96 100.0 QQ *V7 99.85 9100.36 1° 99. 81 99.74 99.74 100.08 11 99. 08 96.97 03 .02 .01 .06 .06 .11 .2 .03 .1 .05 .06 .11 .10 .08 .22 Total... ' 99. 79 99.21 99.32 99.42 99.83 QQ 11 QQ Q 8 99 93 99 9 99.57 99.80 9 100.30 10 99. 70 99.74 99.64 100. 00 "99.1 96.75

1 Sample dried before analysis. Moisture content ("hydratationgrad") of L K. Cleveland ironstone, "Two-foot Seam" (Whitehead and others, 1952, pp. 59- reported as 2.49 percent; that of M as 2.38 percent. 60). Analysis by J. and H. S. Pattison, Newcastle upon Tyne. 2 Sample dried at 212°F before analysis. Moisture loss reported as 6.48 percent. L. Minette ore from Luxemburg, Jurassic (Aalenian) in age. From upper part 8 Reported as loss on ignition in analysis of acid-soluble fraction. of "Grunes" horizon, Lager IV (Lucius, table B). Quartz content reported 4 Reported as 82. separately as 1.14 percent, included in total SiOa. Analysis by laboratory 5 "Coaly matter." of Konzern, A.R.B.E.D. 9 "Carbonaceous matter." M. Minette ore from Luxemburg, Jurassic (Aalenian) in age. From near base of 7 Contains 0.06 percent F. "Schwarzes" horizon, Lager III (Lucius, table B). Quartz content reported 8 Total includes 0.03 percent CraOs, 0.08 "V. oxide," 0.02 As. separately as 9.48 percent, included in total SiO2. Analysis by laboratory » Total does not include 0.60 reported as insoluble. of Konzern, A.R.B.E.D. i° Total does not include 0.80 reported as insoluble. N. Ilmenite-bearing gray oolite, chamositic, from Kurremolla, southern Sweden » Contains 0.0005 percent VaO5. (Palmqvist, 1935, p. 53). Jurassic (Lias) age. Analysis by Sven Palmqvist. SiOa is total of values for "sand" 3.10 percent, "SiOa (sol.)" 5.70 percent, A. Siderite bed in upper 6 feet of Brassfleld Dolomite of Silurian age. Rose Run "SiOa" 0.29 percent. AljOs is total of values for "AljOs" 6.86 percent, and pits, Owingsville, Bath County, Ky. Analysis F2641 by Paula M. Busch- "AlsOs (clay)" 0.25 percent. man, U.S. Geol. Survey, of sample collected by R. P. Sheldon. Subtotal O. Greenish-gray, dense siderite rock, locality as for N (Palmqvist, 1935, p. 58). contains 0.06 percent F. Analysis also shows zero 80s. Analysis by Sven Palmqvist. SiOj is total of values for "sand" 1.41 per­ B-G. Sideritic rocks from the Northampton Sand ironstone, Middle Jurassic age cent, SiO2 (sol.) 1.71 percent, and SiOa 5.08 percent. AlzOs is total of (Taylor, 1949. pp. 60-61). B, described as "ooliths of chamosite in siderite values of "AlaOs" 1.49 percent, and "AkOa (clay)" 4.35 percent. matrix"; C, ''Ooliths of limonite and subordinate chamosite in siderite P. Light-gray, dense siderite rock, locality as for N (Palmqvist. 1935, p. 89.) Analy­ matrix"; D, "fine-grained siderite mudstone": E, "fine-grained siderite mud- sis by Sven Palmqvist. SiOz is total of values for "sand" 0.15 percent, stone [with] scattered chamosite ooliths"; F, siderite mudstone with chamo- "SiOa (sol.)" 3.03 percent, and "SiOj" 4.18 percent. AljOa is total of values sitic and local calcareous debris;" G, "siderite granules scattered for "AlaOj" 0.25 percent, and "AlaOs (clay) ' 3.52 percent. through calcite groundmass" (Taylor, 1949, p. 58). Calculated mineral Q. Siderite rock ("Weisseisenerzen"), Auerback, Germany (Harder, 1955, p. 516); compositions given in original reference. Analyses B-F by Stewarts and Analysis by H. Harder. Cretaceous. Contains 0.0005 percent VaOs. Lloyds, Ltd.; Analysis G by G. A. Sergeant, Geological Survey of Great R. Siderite rock from western Bashkiria, U.S.S.R., of Devonian age (Florensky, Britain. V. P., and Balshina, B. V., 1948, p. 690; sample 702/4). Analyst, B. V. H. Cleveland ironstone (Middle Jurassic), Eston, England (Hallimond, 1925, Balshina. Associated with chamositic ironstone. Analysis is total of two p. 51). Main seam. Rock contains about equal amounts of siderite and parts, acid-soluble, and acid-insoluble (26.36 percent), given in original chamosite (34 percent each). J. E. Stead, analyst. reference. All T102, AlaO3, and FeaOs is in "acid-insoluble" fraction, as is I. Cleveland ironstone (Middle Jurassic), Cleveland, England (Hallimond, 1925, all but 0.39 percent of the SiOa. Calculated mode as follows (ibid., p. 691): p. 51). Main seam. Rock contains approximately equal amounts of siderite detrital material 26.36 percent, siderite 67.27 percent, calcite 0.43 percent, and chamosite (about 30 percent each). J. E. Stead, analyst. 2.19 percent, pyrite 0.82 percent, apatite 0.78 percent, other 2.58 J. Cleveland ironstone, "Pecten Seam" (Whitehead and others, 1952, p. 61; percent. analysis quoted from older report). From Glaisdale Mine, Yorkshire, England. SULFIDE FACIES anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria, commonly is neces­ Although sulfide, principally pyrite, is a constituent sary to create the requisite low Eh for sulfide formation of many or most iron-rich sedimentary rocks, rarely in sedimentary environments. does it assume major proportions. As a facies, the In table 18 are tabulated chemical analyses of a sulfide rocks (see table 16) are distinctly subordinate variety of sulfide-rich sedimentary rocks. The only to those of the oxide, carbonate, and silicate, and the complete analysis available (analysis A) is of a 50- defining mineral is almost wholly of diagenetic origin. foot bed of graphitic pyritic slate, the Wauseca Pyritic With a few exceptions, such as the previously noted Member of the Dunn Creek Slate, which underlies the thin pyritic beds of the Cleveland district of England sideritic Riverton Iron-Formation in the Iron River and at Wabana, Newfoundland, the heavily pyritic district of Michigan (James; 1951, 1958). The pyrite rocks are black shales or their equivalents, with a large occurs mostly in separated grains of about 3 microns content of organic matter or carbon. The absence of diameter, and most show crystal outlines. The con­ direct precipitates, the scarcity of rocks of this facies, tent of pyrite is nearly constant over a known strike and the typical association with organic shales are all length of about 20 miles. The fine-grained matrix is to some degree reflections of the extraordinarily slow black with scattered fine flakes of mica and particles of rate at which sulfate in natural solutions is reduced, quartz. Similar concentrations of pyrite in slate are even in the thermodynamically stable realms of sul­ known elsewhere, most notably at Mount Isa, Australia fide, except when catalyzed by biochemical agents. (Love and Zimmerman, 1961), and other localities in Viewed differently, it may also be said that the presence Australia (Skinner, 1958; Baker, 1960); lesser but still of organic matter, which permits the development of significant concentrations occur in units such as the W26 DATA OP GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 17. Analyses of sideritic iron-formation, Precambrian

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O p

SiOa ______- 24.25 18.11 99 Q7 39 26 40.09 on 07 °.fi fi9 46.46 45.4 48.10 27.43 30.15 1O Ql QQ CO 68.22 AljOs...... 1.71 .18 1.08 2.88 2 00 2.46 .41 1.30 .24 i ft .47 9°. .40 ^ 97 dS .71 .34 3 KQ .63 Q Qfi .46 2 ^1 64 ft 7Q 1 fid 3 9Q 4 90 2.40 FeO. _____ . _ 35.22 40.68 33.17 24.94 25.84 34.50 OQ 77 9A 9Q 21.1 99 °.ft Ort oo O1 *M OQ fiO 28.07 20.90 MnO __ .. 2.11 2.56 6.77 1.23 1.25 1.33 Q9 90 .21 1.7 .77 . 9 KQ 1 7°. .04 .01 MgO_.-.__..._... 3.16 3.59 2.02 d ff> 2 79 3 KO 4.41 1 QQ 3 in 1 Q 9 Ql 5.04 4.77 5 «0 .47 44 qo CaO...-..-_._ 1.78 1.31 1 dS 4.62 .62 1.45 fifi 1 Q7 1.1 .74 6 * 64 1 9* 4.34 1 79 I NaaO...- ...... 04 .06 .06 .00 .03 .00 .00 .05 .94 .39 .27 KjO...... 20 .04 .10 .00 .40 .00 00 } .09 {:::;:,:: .07 .45 .12 .04 HsO+_...... 00 .05 .00 1.23 1 69 .02 .51 f 1.80 1.30 Ql .50 HjO-... __ ...... 21 .09 .17 .11 .56 28 fw .10 .07 \t * OUW 1 (2) (2) .10 1.76 2.26 Ti02._ ...... 00 Tr .10 .07 .23 .27 .02 Tr .03 .02 .09 .03 .02 P205 .... .91 .47 .62 .11 10 .09 .10 .03 1°. .41 087 .665 9; flfi .40 .016

Subtotal _ 99.86 99.47 100.65 100.27 6 100. 26 100.29 100.11 100. 22 100. 22 99.16 98.98 100.08 101.40 99.84 99.25 99.87 Less O ... .03 .02 .01 .05 fid Total... . 99.86 QQ dd 100.65 100.25 5 100. 25 100.24 100.07 100 22 100. 22 QQ 9 QQ QQ 100.08 101.40 99 84 QQ 9* QQ ft"7

»Reported as MtijOj. H. Carbonate iron-formation, Negaunee Iron-Formation, Marquette district, Mich­ ' Sample dried at 100° C. before analysis. igan (Van Hise and Bayley, 1897, p. 337). Analyses given separately for acid- »Given as FeSs. soluble and acid-insoluble fractions. George Steiger, analyst. 4 Reported as 5.08 percent Fe, 3.35 percent S, with text notation that sulflde is I. Carbonate iron-formation, Gunflint Iron-Formation. From north side Gunflint mainly pyrrhotite (8.31 percent) with minor pyrite (0.12 percent). Lake, Gunflint district, Ontario (Irving and Van Hise, 1892, p. 192; see also «Total contains 0.01 percent VjOj. Goodwin, 1956). T. M. Chatard, analyst. J. Chert-siderite rock, Welch mine, Florence County, Wis. Sample 150004, col­ A. Banded chert-carbonate rock, Riverton Iron-Formation, Iron River district, lected by C. E. Dutton; analysis by P. L. D. Elmore, S. D. Botts, M. D. Michigan (James, 1951, p. 257); analyst, Leonard Shapiro, U.S. Geol. Survey. Mack, U.S. Geol. Survey, using "rapid analysis" methods described in U.S. Sample represents 3 feet of drill core. Geol. Survey Bull. 1036-C. B-C. Carbonate-rich layers in Riverton Iron-Formation, Iron River district, Michi­ K. Siderite-rich bed in "Lower Slaty division", Biwabik Iron-Formation, Mesabi gan, (James, 1951, p. 257). Analysis B by Leonard Shapiro; analysis C by district near Hibbing, Minn. (Gruner, 1946, p. 59). Sample represents 15 feet Charlotte Warshaw, U.S. Geol. Survey. of drill core. Analysis by Mines Experiment Station, University of Minne­ D-G. Banded chert-carbonate from the Ironwood Iron-Formation, Gogebic district, sota; W. E. Apuli, Chief Chemist. Wisconsin-Michigan (Huber, 1959, p. 91). Analyses D and G, by Lucile L. Upper sideritic chert member, Temiscamie Iron-Formation, Lake Albanel range, N. Tarrant, analyses E and F by Lucille M. Kehl, U.S. Geol. Survey. Quebec (Quirke, 1961, p. 308). Sample represents 10 feet of drill core. Major Analyses D, E, F, and G represent, respectively, 17, 12,14, and 12 feet of drill elements determined in laboratory of Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.; organic O core. Calculated modes in percent, as follows: and COj by Mines Experiment Station, Univ. of Minnesota. M. Siliceous iron carbonate rock from the Kennedy mine, Cuyuna district, Minne­ sota (Harder and Johnston, 1918, p. 120-121). Analyst: J. H. McCarthy, D E F G Mines Experiment Station, University of Minnesota. N. Lowermost member of iron-formation at Helen mine, Michipicoten district, 49.6 35.9 52.4 67.2 Ontario (Collins, Quirke, and Thomson, 1926, p. 69; see also Goodwin, 1962). 31.8 34.7 29.5 29.7 O. Quartz-siderite rock, Krivoi Rog Series, Ukraine, U.S.S.R. (Semenenko and 14.5 10.2 6.5 1.7 others, 1956, p. 147); S. A. Panchenko, analyst. .9 14.4 6.9 .7 P. Quartz-rich siderite iron-formation, Krivoi Rog Series, Ukraine, U.S.S.R. 3.4 5.0 5.0 .7 (Semenenko and others, 1956, p. 149); analyses by laboratories of Ukraine Geologic Administration.

Chattanooga Shale of the United States (about 11 Goodwin (1962) the rock is the product of sedimentation percent, according to Bates and Strahl, 1957), the Upper of materials derived from submarine hot spring and Cambrian "alum shale" of Sweden (about 12 percent fumarolic activity that is, it is of the "exhalative- in the Peltura zone, written communication from V. E. sedimentary" type. A similar origin is suggested for McKelvey), and the of Germany and pyrrhotite-pyrite bodies at Samreid Lake, Ontario its equivalent, the Marl Slate of England. The (Friedman, 1959). pyritic deposit of Meggen, Germany, is thought by The occurrence of sulfide as diagenetic replacements some to be of sedimentary origin (Lindgren, 1933, p. in limestone is well known, particularly because of the 269), and by others to be epigenetic; Ehrenberg, spectacular preservation of fossils converted entirely Pilger, and Schroder (1954) conclude that it formed as to pyrite. In a few places the pyritic replacements a result of submarine exudation of magmatically assume major proportions as rock constituents; analyzed derived fluids that is, it is of "exhalative-sedimentary" samples of a 4-foot bed in the Greenhorn Limestone of origin. In several of these units notably the Mount the , for example, contain as much as 25.2 Isa rock and the Kupferschiefer the pyrite is accom­ percent pyrite (Rubey, 1930, p. 8). panied by a variety of other sulfides. Analyses G to H, table 18 are of a Precambrian BLACKBAND AND CLATBAND SIDERITE pyritic slate in Minnesota that has been metamor­ The so-called blackband and clayband (or clay- phosed to yield some pyrrhotite a hydrothermal ironstone) siderites (table 19) occur in clays and shales origin for the sulfides, as proposed by Thiel (1924), as thin layers rarely more than a foot or so thick, seems very unlikely. Analysis F represents a thick or as disconnected lenses and nodules. They consist unit of pyritic rock as much as 120 feet thick, with of fine-grained siderite for the most part, with variable associated pyrrhotite, siderite, magnetite, and quartz amounts of clastic material sand and clay and of the Michipicoten district of Ontario; according to organic matter. Spherulitic structure is common. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W27

TABLE 18. Analyses of sulfide-rich rocks The typical occurrence is in rocks associated with [Values given in percent] coal beds, notably those of Carboniferous or Permian Sample A. Complete analysis age. They are abundant in the Appalachian coal field (see, for example, Stout, 1944; Singewald, 1911), SiOi.. . . 36.67 TManf) 0.26 FeSi.... 38.70 AhOa 6.90 KjO - - 1.81 SO3. ___ . _ - 2.60 and they are reported to occur at 75 horizons in the HjO+ - 1.25 C._.. >7.60 FeO_ ...... 2 OK HsO- .55 lower coal measures of Wales (Tyler, 1950, p. 518). MnO... .002 TiOi. .. .39 Total.. __ 100.21 MgO -.... - .65 Pa05 .20 In the U.S.S.R., in the foreland of the Urals in the general CaO . - .13 Vj05 .15 vicinity of Perm, siderite forms irregular and lenticular Samples B-H. Partial analyses beds as much as several meters thick over a region of thousands of square miles (Belousov, 1933; Miro- B 0 D E F G H polskaya, 1949). SiOj __ ... _ ..... 9 01 13.20 4.69 42.11 36.57 The rocks tend to be higher in FeO relative to MnO, AliOs .56 8.72 5.28 Fe- .... 35.18 29.00 28.60 31.10 42.1 18.88 27.84 CaO, and MgO than the marine siderite facies. The Mn-_ ...... 1.0 .75 .16 MgO. _ ...... 1.90 .20 1.69 FeCO3 content of the carbonate commonly is 90 per­ OaO.. ..-...... 54 2.80 3.87 .19 1.70 PiOl.- ..--.-. -..- .35 .52 cent or more. The calculated molecular composition P...... 063 .119 s 34.46 25.00 24.58 25.70 32.6 14.8 15.6 SO»_ . of siderite from the coal measures of the Lvov basin of CuO...... 015 the U.S.S.R., for example, in molecular percent is PbO...... 14(1 Ni, Co...... 11 95.07 percent FeCO3, 2.15 percent MnCO3, and 2.77 HiO. . _. 16.24 10.96 percent CaCO3 (Vartanova, Artemenko, and Galkina, 1950, p. 302). The blackband ores are significantly 1 Includes organic matter. A. Pyritic graphitic slate, Iron Eiver district, Michigan. Precambrian (James, higher in C or organic content than those of the clay- 1951). Charlotte M. Warshaw, analyst. B. Oolitic pyrite, Wabana, Newfoundland (Hayes, 1915, p. 49). Ordovician. band variety and commonly contain several percent A. V. Seaborn, analyst. O. "Sulphur band" of Cleveland ironstone, Cleveland district, England (Halli- marcasite. mond. 1925, p. 54). Middle Jurassic. J. E. Stead, analyst. D-E. "Sulphur band" of Cleveland ironstone (Lamplugh, Wedd, and Pringle, Much of the blackband and clayband siderite is of 1920, p. 53). Analysis D by A. A. Street, analysis E by Eidsdale and Co., Middlesbrough. diagenetic origin, but some of the more continuous F. Pyritic member of Precambrian iron-formation of Michipicoten district, Goodreau A deposit, Ontario (Goodwin, 1962, p. 577). J. H. Dann, analyst. layers may represent primary sediments, deposited in G-H. Sulflde-bearing graphitic slate (Precambrian), Aitkin County, Minn. (Pen- nington and Davis, 1953, p. 9, 14). Sulfldes are pyrite, pryrrhotite, and brackish waters or marine swamps in the presence of marcasite. Sample G represents 66 feet of drill core; sample H represents 70 feet. Analyses by Lerch Bros., Orosby, Minn. abundant vegetal matter. TABLE 19. Analyses of blackband and clay-ironstone siderite


SiOa.. ____ . ._.. ____ . ______. ______5.10 6.46 13.50 10.04 12.86 6.83 13.35 0.48 8.67 10.72 A1303 ._. .______._ 2.35 2 64 5.57 6.16 2.85 5.79 .37 4.47 4.45 Fe203 ...... __...... 00 C OK i °.n 1 49 .39 .43 .41 1.18 .42 1.11 FeO.. _____ .___. ______. ______. ____ .. 50.92 d9 HR QQ 07 07 QQ AQ Q1 51.45 41.03 41.37 43.11 38.08 MnO... ______...... 58 2 09 1 °.fi 1.51 .98 .54 .55 .89 2.07 1.06 MgO.. .--.- ... __ ....______..... __ _ .30 1.76 2 77 3.37 1.15 .42 3.36 4.00 2.09 3.75 CaO.... ______. _____ .70 o 0*7 2 19 4.59 1.67 2.13 3.00 4.53 5.15 5.19 NajO. . .._ _ ...... 12 K20._. . _ ...... __ .. 10 .55 .42 .16 .86 .19 H30+ . ______. _ __ ( Tr 1 91 1 47 1.32 .54 1.36 } 4.10 ( J.25 1.10 H80- . . } 2.70 I .15 CQ .74 .54 .19 .57 \ 2.12 .77 TiOj...... ___ .... .21 .02 .22 PsO5- . . . . - - ...... _ ...... V* .65 .69 on .83 .23 .70 1.87 1.176 1.83 C0a...... 31.80 QO 7n OQ J7 9Q Q9 28.22 33.31 28.49 31.34 32.74 30.20 S ______.18 .178 SO3 . ______.20 Tr Tr Tr .30 .02 FeSj. . _.. .._._ _ .11 fii» on .02 1.28 .42 C. . __ .._.._. 5.00 31.42 3.88 3.67 3.07 »8.25 <1.04 Subtotal ______QQ Qfi 100.00 QQ HQ QQ CO 99.53 99.77 99.54 » 100. 00 100. 44 100.27 LessO ______.09 .09 Total... _____ . ______QQ 87 100.00 09.09 QQ C9 99.53 99.77 99.54 100.00 100. 35 100. 27 Water and organic matter." ysis reported here is total of acid-soluble and ignited acid-insoluble residue. * "Moisture." Analyst not known. 3 "Organic matter." E. Brooch ironstone, Corngreaves, Staffordshire, England (Gibson, in Strahan and * Total of carbon, organic 0.92 percent, and hydrogen, organic 0.12 percent. others, 1920, p. 62). Thin layer in Coal Measures (Carboniferous). Analysis « Total includes 0.02 "arsenic acid." reported here is total of acid-soluble and ignited acid-insoluble residue. Analyst not known. A. Siderite ironstone ("blackband"), Prestwick Mine, Natal, South Africa (Wagner, F. Sideritic ironstone ("Crawstone"), Madeley Wood, Shropshire, England (Dewey, 1928, p. 127-128). R. R. Walton, analyst. Associated with coal beds of Karoo in Strahan and others, 1920, p. 93). Irregular masses in fine-grained sandstone System (Carboniferous to ). Calculated mode: quartz 2.33 percent, of Coal Measures (Carboniferous). Specific gravity 3.68. Analysis reported "clay substance" 7.82 percent, siderite 83.24 percent, calcite 0.48 percent, apatite here is total of acid-soluble and acid-insoluble residue. Analyst not known. 0.76 percent, pyrite 0.34 percent, carbon 5.00 percent. Some of "clay substance" G. Clay ironstone, Rosser Vein Mine, Dowlais, South Wales (Strahan, in Strahan is chamosite. and others, 1920, p. 114). Bed in Coal Measures (Carboniferous). Analyst B. "Clay ironstone," Ashburnham Sussex, England (Lamplugh, in Lamplugh, not known. Wedd, and Prince, 1920, p. 227). Bed in Wadhurst Clay (Cretaceous). Anal­ H. Blackband ironstone, Dundonald Colliery, Fifeshire, Scotland (MacGregor, ysis by R.R. Tatlock and Thomson, Glasgow. Lee, and Wison, 1920, p. 142). Analysis by Lochgelly Iron and Coal Co. Layer O. "Clayband ironstone," Pargate. Yorkshire (Gibson, in Strahan and others (1920). 4-6 inches thick above coal bed of early Carboniferous age. Bed of siderite nodules in Coal Measures (Carboniferous). Analysis reported I. Blackband ore, Holmes County, Ohio (Stout,1944. pp. 168-169). Nodular siderite here is total of acid-soluble and ignited acid-insoluble residue. All SiOj is in in Pennsylvanian strata. Analysis by Ohio Geological Survey. insoluble portion. Analyst not known. J. Blackband ore, Tuscarawas County, Ohio (Stout, 1944, p. 172). Nodular siderite D. Siderite ironstone, Brown Rake, Butterley, Derbyshire, England (Gibson, in above Lower Kittanning coal (Pennsylvanian). D. Schaaf, analyst. Strahan and others, 1920, p. 52). Bed in Coal Measures (Carboniferous). Anal­ W28 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

DISTRIBUTION OF DEPOSITS IN SPACE AND TIME Precambrian age; for the Precambrian, assignments of The size, position, and duration of basins of deposi­ age can be made in a relative sense within some in­ tion, the dimensions of the deposits, and the facies dividual regions but absolute age is not readily relations both within the iron-rich sedimentary rocks established. and other rocks formed contemporaneously all these DEPOSITS OF TERTIARY AGE are of importance to the geochemistry of iron sedimenta­ tion, particularly with respect to problems of genesis. Deposits of Tertiary age (see table 20) are widespread Though volumetrically of minor proportions, the iron- in northern Europe, northern Africa, and southern rich rocks throughout the world have been studied United States, but most are of minor dimensions. The extensively, both because of intrinsic interest and only unit of significant size is that of the Kerch dis­ economic value. The literature on the subject is im­ trict of the Crimea. The rock mostly limonite- mense (see Luttrell, 1955, for a partial bibliography). chamosite oolite was deposited in a Pliocene embay- Fortunately, three compendia of relatively recent ment of the Black Sea, in an area of about 150 by 50 vintage are available: "Die Eisenerzvorrate der Welt" km. The iron deposits were formed in/the central part (Einecke, 1950); "Symposium sur les gisements de fer of the embayment and grade laterally into and du monde" (edited by Blondel and Marvier, 1952); clays (see facies map in Markevich, 1960, p. 370). and "Survey of World iron resources" (United Nations, DEPOSITS OF MESOZOIC AGE 1955). These are excellent source books. In the succeeding paragraphs and accompanying The principal Mesozoic deposits (see table 21) are tables, the occurrence and character of iron-rich sedi­ those of Jurassic age in northern Europe. These in­ mentary rocks are summarized briefly. The time aspect clude the famous minette beds of eastern France, can be delineated accurately only for deposits of post- Luxembourg, Belgium, and western Germany, the major

TABLE 20. Occurrences of iron-rich sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age

Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key References

Pliocene.. ______Kerch Basin, < 22m______. Youngest major iron­ Konstantov and U.S.S.R. chamosite. stone. Deposited in others, 1933; embayment of Putzer, 1943; Black Sea. Lateral Malakhovsky, gradation into fer­ 1956 and 1959; ruginous sands and Markevich, 1957. clays. Gelrode, Belgium____ Sandy glauconite.. . Ancion, 1952. Miocene ______Vogelsberg, Ger­ Blondel and others, many. 1955. Oligocene ______Mahmoudi, 1952. hematite. Caucasus, U.S.S.R __ Siderite ______Arkhangelskii and Kopchepova, 1934. East side of Urals, -= 15 m _____ Davidson, 1961. U.S.S.R. chamosite (?). Eocene______Tunisia______3.5 m______Gottis, 1952. Algeria ______.__do______8-15m______Betier, 1952. Kandi region, -__-do______Blondel, 1952. French W. Africa. Kressenberg, Ger­ __._-do______Few meters. __ Gudden and others, many. 1952. Weald, England ____ Siderite beds and nodules (clay ironstone) . India______. _____ Krishnan, 1952. stone) . Colombia ______2-6 m __ --_ May be Oligocene in Colombia, 1952, age. Hubach, 1953. Texas, U.S.A. ______< 100 ft_____ Weches Greensand Eckel, 1938. and clays. Member of Mount Selman Formation. Mississippi, U.S.A. _ Siderite. ______Wilcox Formation and Vestal, 1954; Lowe, Ackerman Forma­ 1914. tion (Wilcox age) .of former usage. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W29 ironstones of England (Northampton, Cleveland), and 1945, for the relations between the Esch and Differ- others of lesser importance. At first glance, the engen basins). At any one time, therefore, there picture would appear to be one of simultaneous depo­ existed at most perhaps one or two basins of modest sition of iron over broad areas, in a transgressive size within which iron-rich rocks were being laid down epicontinental sea bordering the deep Tethys seaway surely less than 1 percent of the total area of the epi­ to the south. In detail, however, this breaks down, continental sea. This fact, not readily apparent and it becomes apparent that the present deposits because of the relatively coarse units of time normally reflect dozens of separated basins, few of which ex­ dealt with, emerges as a result of the extraordinarily ceeded 50 miles in maximum dimension. Further­ detailed stratigraphic analysis made possible by the more, even for those formed within the same stage rich fossil record; it is a fact of major importance to the Aalenian, for example, which is the age of the major bear in mind in appraising the geochemical processes deposits the iron-rich beds in adjoining basins may involved in the deposition of these and other much less not be stratigraphically equivalent (see fig. 9 in Lucius, accurately dated ironstones.

TABLE 21. Occurrences of iron-rich sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic age

Locality Character Thickness Remarks ' Key references

Cretaceous: Upper... ___ __ Salzgitter, Germany. Oolitic and pisolitic <100m _ ... Much rock is clastic, Kolbe, 1952; Blondel limonite. derived from erosion and others, 1955; of older ironstones Seitz and others, on diapiric uplifts. 1952. In part of pre- Cre­ taceous age. Gross Iselde, Peine, Siliceous limonite---. <30m______Seitz and others, Damme, West 1952. Hannover, Ger­ many. Scania, Sweden __ Glauconitic sand­ Thick.. ______Hadding, 1932. stones. Mugai, Khoper Limon ite oolite __ Arkhangelskii and districts, Russia. Kopchenova, 1934. 1-2 m. ______Area 50 by 20km_____ 1943; Nassim, 1950; Attia, 1954. New Jersey, U.S.A. _ Glauconite _ ___ _ <40ft ______In several formations; Mansfield, 1922. area 160 by 16 km. New Jersey ___ _ Clay iron stone ______Hornerstown sand Mansfield, 1922. (now considered to be Paleocene). Alberta, Canada _____ Oolitic limonite- <30ft ___ _ Areal extent not yet Mellon, 1962. chamosite. defined. Lower ______Claxby, England. ... Oolitic limonite, 6 m aggregate Hallimond, 1925. glauconite. Wassy, Point Varin, Oolitic limonite. Blondel and others, Metabief, Som- 1955. mevoire, France. Maryland, U.S. A __ Clay ironstone. _ _ _ Arundel Formation Singewald, 1909. (now considered to be Upper Creta­ ceous) . Cretaceous un­ Moravia, Czecho­ Arenaceous siderite __ Roth and Matejka, divided. slovakia. 1953. Carpathia, Poland. __ Clay iron stone ______Einecke, 1950. Agbaja plateau, Oolitic limonite _ >40ft_._____ Chamosite and siderite, Jones, 1958. Nigeria. minor magnetite found in deeper drill holes. Udi plateau, "Rubbly" iron­ 2-28 ft_..____ Probably clastic Hazell, 1958. Nigeria. stone. deposit. Jurassic: Upper (Malm) . _ <4m______N6th, 1952. nite and lime­ stone. Giphorn, Wesserge- Limonite oolite, in <9m._.-_.__ Oxfordian age _ _ Seitz, Hoffman, and biet, Germany. part. Preul, 1952. See footnote at end of table.

777-130-^65 5 W30 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 21. Occurrences of iron-rich sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic age Continued

Locality Character Thickness Remarks » Key references

Middle (Dogger) _ _ Chamoson,, Erzegg, Limonite, chamosite l-2m _ _ __ Separate beds of Deverin, 1945. Fricktal, Switzer­ oolite. Callovian and land. Bathonian age. Hungary. _._ ___ _ Panto, 1952. "Minette" beds of Oolitic limonite and To 9 m _ ___. Aalenian in age. As Cayeux, 1909; Coche, eastern France, chamosite, many as 12 beds in Dastillon and Belgium, Luxem­ mainly. several basins with­ others, 1954, 1955; burg, Western in region 120 by 40 Bichelonne and Germany. km. Angot, 1939; Lucius, 1945; and many others. Northampton, Chamosite and To 25feet____ Aalenian (lower Taylor, 1949. England. limonite oolite; Dogger) age. siderite. Original basin 100 by 20 miles. Lower (Lias)____ _ Cleveland, England __ Sideritic chamosite Main seam Uppermost middle Whitehead and oolite. 2J4-5 feet. Lias in age. Four others, 1952; separate beds. Rastall and Hem­ ingway, 1949. East Midland, Sideritic chamosite To 25 feet.. __ Same age as Cleveland Whitehead and Banbury, Eng­ oolite (Marlstone ironstone. With others, 1952. land. ironstone) . Cleveland, de­ posited in individual basins about 30 by 15 miles in region 250 by 30 miles. Northern G6ttingen__ Hematite oolite and 4-5 m _ _ _ _ Lias-T age, equivalent Harder, 1951. hematite- to Pliensbachian. chamosite oolite. Fredericke Basin, Oolitic limonite and Beds few Lias-a-3 age, Kolbe, 1952. Germany. chamosite, meters equivalent to lower mainly. thick. Sinemurian. Four beds. Vares, Yugoslavia. __ Siderite and To 60m ___ _ Considered to be of Latal, 1952. hematite, locally "exhalative- oolitic. sedimentary" type. Frodingham, Mainly limonite To 32 feet_-__ Lower Lias age Whitehead and England. oolite. (approximately others, 1952. Sinemurian) . Kern, 1952. Scania, Sweden __ __ Sandy siderite, some Many Oldest Jurassic iron­ Palmqvist, 1935; chamosite and meters. stone in Europe. Hadding, 1929, limonite oolite, Hadding, 1933. Triassic.______No denosits of sianific ance known.

i Nomenclature of Jurassic stages follows Kolbe (1953). It diflers from French usage from British usage (Arkell, 1956, p. 10-11) which includes the Aalenian with the (Cusset, de Torcy, and Maubeuge, 1952, p. 147), which places the Malm-Dogger Bajocian, the Domerian with the Pliensbachian, and the Lotharingian with the boundary above the Oxfordian and places the Aalenian in the Lias. It also diflers Sinemurian.

The Triassic Period, one of widespread aridity dur­ canic rocks and believed to represent sedimentary dep­ ing which continental areas stood high and the oceans osition of the products of submarine volcanic and were confined largely to the major basins, is the most fumarolic activity (the "exhalative-sedimentary" ores); barren interval of post-Precambrian tune insofar as iron and the somewhat comparable deposits formed in eugeo- sediments are concerned. Clearly such conditions are synclinal (orthogeosynclinal) tracts, as typified by the not favorable for sedimentary concentration of iron, Ordovician ironstones of northwest France, Wales, as the known deposits are of trivial size. Portugal, and Spain. The latter deposits generally are characterized by the presence of abundant thuringite DEPOSITS OP PALEOZOIC AQE and magnetite. The Carboniferous and the Permian, marked by The youngest rocks of "iron-formation" aspect major coal beds in many parts of the world, are also that is, with interbedded chert are of Paleozoic age. marked by extensive development of the blackband The outstanding example is that of the Lesser Khingan siderite, but ironstones of normal character are rela­ range of Manchuria, the age of which is established tively scarce. The strata of middle and lower Paleo­ by the presence of an Early Cambrian brachiopod zoic age (see table 22), in contrast, contain many iron- (Modioloides prisons Walcott). The iron-formation, 65 to rich units. Two types are of particular interest: 80 feet thick, consists of banded hematite-chert and magne­ the Lahn-Dill type of Devonian age, associated with vol­ tite-chert (Chebotarev, 1958); itis underlain bya 25-foot bed CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W31

of manganese carbonate which grades into the overlying of and Metallurgy, Montreal, Canada, April iron-formation through a transitional zone of braunite- 1964), a jasper-hematite iron-formation several hun­ hematite. The unit is traced for a strike length of 60 dred feet thick is overlain by fossiliferous rocks of km and, according to Chebotarev, there is no evidence Middle Cambrian age and underlain by an evaporite- of igneous activity during the period of deposition. A bearing sequence that is correlated with nearby strata second major example, as yet incompletely described of Early Cambrian age. Other iron-formation units of in available literature, is in the Snake River region possible or probable Paleozoic age are those of Morro between the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada. do Urucum, Brazil; Relun, Chile; and the Mandi dis­ According to C. D. A. Dahlstrom (oral communication trict of northern Pakistan and the Chisapani Garhi to the Annual Convention of the Canadian Institute area of south-central Nepal (O'Rourke, 1962).

TABLE 22. Occurrences of iron-rich sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic age [Locality names given in brackets are according to the Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World (1961)]

Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Permian.. ______Desert Basin, <30ft.______Edwards, 1958. Australia. possibly cham- stone and shale. ositic. Szechwan, China. __ Pisolitic hematite 2-4m__.____- Krishnan, 1955. shale. Kiangai, China _ ___ 1-5 m______- In quartzite______Do. Opaczna and Ostra- Chamositic iron­ Locally manganif erous _ Einecke, 1950. wice, Poland. stone. Perm, Russia. ____ _ Siderite (clay iron­ Miropolskaya, 1949; stone) . Belousov, 1933. Karroo beds, South Blackband siderite. Lenticular. _ _ _ Associated with coal Wagner, 1928; Africa and South­ Chamosite re­ beds. Some layers Tyndale-Biscoe, ern Rhodesia. ported locally. many square miles 1952. in area. Carboniferous ___. Wyoming, U.S.A____ Three thin beds in Wanless, Belknap, glauconite, also Amsden Formation. and Foster, 1955; shale with "buck­ Branson, 1939. shot ore". -___.do-______hematitic shale. tion of C. C. Bran- son, 1941. son, Wind River Mts. England, Wales, Thin layers and lenses Strahan and others, Scotland. band siderite. occur at many 1920; MacGregor horizons in Coal and others, 1920. Measures. Lvov Basin, --_._do______. ______Thin layers and lenses Bartonova and U.S.S.R. associated with coal others, 1950. beds. Shansi and Hunan _____do______Thin layers and lenses Juan, 1946. provinces, China. associated with coal beds. Appalachian region -____do______Stout, 1944; Singe- U.S.A. associated with coal wald, 1911. beds. Devonian. ______Lahn-Dill district Beds< 16 m Kolbe, 1953; Germany. chamosite, sid­ thick. halative-sedi- Borchert, 1960b; erite, magnetite. mentary" class of Harder, 1954. ores, believed re­ lated to volcanism. Thuringia, Harz, Oolitic hematite and 2 m __ __. Von Gaertner, 1952; and Westfalen, chamosite (or Beyschlag, Krusch, Germany. orthochlorite), and Vogt, 1915; siderite. Hesemann, 1952. Ribera area, Spain _ Bedded hematite __ _ Lahn-Dill type. __ _ __ Belgium.. ______<4m______Middle and Early Devonian age. Lanschakogel, Bedded limonite ____ Thin beds ______Kern, 1952. Austria. Macedonia, Yugo­ Oolitic chamosite, Beds 1-20 m._ Three or more beds in Page, 1958. slavia. siderite, minor in area of magnetite. 60 by 30 km. Dielette, 1'Hermi- Thin beds-. ___ _. _ tage-Lorge, and magnetite, 1957; Blondel, Trelon, France. quartz. 1955. Camdag-Ferizla area, Oolitic oxides, side- Lenses "< 25 m Fossiliferous- ______Turkey. rite, chlorite. thick. W32 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 22. Occurrences of iron-rich sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic age Continued

Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Devonian Con_ _ _ Rates, Portugal. Thin beds. _ ._ __ _ De Jesus and Cotelo Neiva, 1952. Volga-Ural region, Lower Frasnian in age. Strakhov and others, U.S.S.R. bedded siderite Many beds. 1959. and limonite. Bashkira and Tatar Oolitic ironstone.. ___ Miropolsky, 1949. republics, U.S.S.R. -_ _do______-__ Three lenticular beds Matheron, 1955. Algeria. known. Arizona, U.S.A__--_- 5-7ft_ Upper part of Martin WUlden, 1960, 1961. Formation. Nova Scotia, Can­ Hayes, 1919. ada. hematite, "green silicate", quartz. Hunan, Kiangsi, Oolitic hematite_____ <2m___..___ Several beds. _._ Juan, 1946; Krish- Hupeh provinces, nan, 1955. China. Pyrite ______4 m ______Grades into baritic Lindgren, 1933: Ber- rock, also into ­ geat, 1914; Ehren- stone; may not be berg, H. and others, sedimentary. 1954. Sierra Grande, Ar­ In sequence of "De­ Argentina, 1952. gentina. vonian to Carbonif­ erous" age. Eastern U.S. A _ __ Oolitic hematite 30 ft max. in Sporadic occurrence Burchard, Butts, and (Clinton iron Ala. from New York to Eckel, 1910; Bur- ores) . Ala. generally four chard, 1913; New- beds. land and Hart- nagel, 1908; Ailing, 1947; Lesure, 1957; Hunter, 1960 (see footnote p. W7) . Aroostook County, A tfffTfrfFft t.f* Manganiferous. _ - _ ___ Pavlides, 1960, Maine, U.S.A. siliceous carbo­ 150 ft. 1962. nate. Sardinia, Italy ____ Oolitic thuringite- 15m___._ _ _ Penta, 1952. chamosite with siderite and mag­ netite. Oolitic hematite. __ _ Krishnan, 1955. China. Ordo vician * ______Thuringia, Germany. Oolitic chamosite- Aggregate Three beds. Arenig Von Gaertner, 1952; thuringite, mag­ g25m. age. Engelhardt, 1942. netite. Holoubkha [Hol- Tremadoc age ______Blondel, 1955. oubkov], Czech­ and hematite. oslovakia. Zdice and Krusna _-__do_--_-_____-_- Arenig age ______Do. Hora [Krusne Hory], Czecho­ slovakia. Nucitz [Nutschitz], ____.do ______^22 m ______Caradoc age. Can be Beyschlag, Krusch, Czecholsovakia. traced for 40 km. and Vogt, 1915. Tremadoc age _ ___ Einecke, 1950. Einodtal, Austria. Anjou, France ______<> 6 m. ______Arenig age, meta­ Troger, 1950; Hoenes lite; oolitic. morphosed. and TrQger, 1945. Normandy, France __ ^6 m_.______Arenig-Llandeilian Do. Fe-chlorite; ooli­ age. tic. North Wales _ _. Oolitic chlorite_--___ Several beds of Arenig Strahan and others, and younger age. 1920; Pulfrey, 1933. Southern Highlands, Kennedy, 1936. Scotland. See footnote at end of table. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W33

TABLE 22. Occurrences of iron-rich sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic age Continued

Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Ordovician ' Con. Quadranail, Oolitic chamosite, < 9m..._.._ Approx. Arenig age____ Cotelo Neiva, 1953. Portugal. siderite. Several _____do______Do. Cova, Portugal. corvo); magnetite- meters. quartz. Magnetite, thurin- 2 m-8 m___ _ Rechenberg, 1956. gite, siderite; oolitic. Siljan district, Oolitic limonite, Similar beds found in Hessland, 1949. Sweden. chamosite, minor Estonia, Latvia, and glauconite. Gotland. Ordovician and Cam­ Hadding, 1932. brian age. French West Africa... Hematite and red In schist. ______Blondel, 1952. jasper. French Morocco. __ < 25 m_ ____ Llandeilian age; 41 Agard, Destombes, oolitic. localities known. Naudet, and van Leckwijck, 1952; Percival, 1955. Wabana, Newfound­ Oolitic chamosite Beds 5-30 ft__ 12 or more beds in 5 Hayes; 1919, 1929. land. and hematite. zones in sandstone and shale of Arenig age. Nova Scotia, _____do______-_-___- < 8ft. .__-._ Haves, 1919. Canada. Mayville, Wis. Oolitic limonite ___ - < 55ft______In Neda Formation; Hawley and Beavan, U.S.A. also noted in 1934. Illinois (Workman, 1950). TTpw rnpf.PTci Widespread unit_ ___ _ Argentina, 1952. Cambrian ______Dunderland, Nor­ Banded quartz-mag­ < 50ft_____- Several beds at two Bugge, 1948; Foslie, way. netite, quartz- horizons 3,000 ft 1949; Carstens, hematite. apart in marble- 1955. schist-quartzite se­ quence. Some man- ganiferous beds. Georgia, U.S.A__ _ _ Oolitic hematite. _ - 1-3 ft______In Shady Formation. _ Kesler, 1950. , U.S. A _ Siliceous specular < 6ft___ _ _ In shale and quartzite. Harder, 1908. hematite. Talladega, Ala. Reed, 1949; Pallister, U.S.A. quartz. < 50 ft. 1953. New Mexico, U.S.A__ Arenaceous oolitic < 15 ft... _ Found over lateral Kelly, 1951. hematite, minor distance of 100 glauconite. miles; occur in Bliss Sandstone. Lesser Khingan Banded cherty iron- 20-25 m __ _ Underlain by man- Nalivkin, 1960; Range, eastern formation. ganiferous bed. Chebotarev, 1958; U.S.S.R. Contains Lower O'Rourke, 1961. Cambrian brachio- pod. Paleozoic (?) _ ___ Relun, Chile_-,_____ 20m _ ____ Area 8 by 15 km _____ Nef, 1952, Valdes, 1955. Morro do Urucum Banded hematite- 300m _ . __ Dorr, 1945; Dorr, Brazil. jasper with man­ Guild, and ganese beds. Barbosa, 1952.

1 In much of French and German literature, the Silurian comprised both Ordovi­ as well. Where stage names are given, these have been converted into standard cian and Silurian of British and American usage; by some, it included the Cambrian American usage; where they are not, the original terminology is retained. W34 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY DEPOSITS OF PRECAMBRIAN AGE of imposing thickness and extent, but probably the most impressive assemblage is to be found in the Canadian Every shield area of the world has been found to con­ Shield. Here, in a discontinuous chain surrounding a tain beds of iron-formation, much of it only weakly northeastward-trending core area of older and more metamorphosed. The principal occurrences are sum­ highly metamorphosed rocks, is a remarkable series of marized in tables 23, 24, and 25, according to area and "ranges" of rudely equivalent age. The Belcher Island- for those of the Canadian Shield and South Africa to Nastapoka Island area is on the northwest flank of this some degree according to relative stratigraphic position. block, the Labrador-Quebec "trough" is on the north­ The only region not included in the tables is that of east end, the Lake Albanel range is on the southeast central Africa, where iron-formation is known to be flank, and the Marquette, Menominee, Gogebic, Gun- present in thick beds at many places (see for example, flint, Mesabi, and Cuyuna districts are on the south Woodtli, 1961) but for which published data are as yet margin. The principal iron-formation units are brack­ too fragmentary to present a coherent picture. eted in age between about 1,800 million years and 2,500 The iron-formations of South Africa, Brazil, India, million years (Lowdon and others, 1963; Goldich and and the Krivoi Rog-Kursk areas of the U.S.S.R. all are others, 1961).

TABLE 23. Occurrences of iron-rich beds of Precambrian age in North America and South America 1

Region Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Canadian shield: < 600 ft ______Riverton Iron-Forma­ James, 1951, 1954, ly Ani- Falls district, tion, mostly sider- tion; youngest iron- 1958; James and mikie (or Mich. ite facies. formation of Ani- others, 1959. Huronian) mikie Series. ««&G.a era Amasa Oval and Chert-magnetite, <800 ft __.. In Animikie Series, Leith, Lund, and West Marquette, chert-hematite, but younger than Leith, 1935; Gair Michigan. chert-siderite. major iron-forma­ and Wier, 1956; tion units. Four Bayley, 1959; separate units James, 1958. (Mansfield, Bird, Fence River and Amasa of Amasa Oval: Bijiki of West Marquette). 270ft ______Moore, 1919. Islands, Canada. tion; oxide, silicate (greenalite), sider- ite facies. Labrador trough, Cherty iron-forma­ < 600 ft ______Sokoman Formation; Harrison, 1952; Wes- Labrador-Quebec. tion; oxide, silicate- Wabash Lake Iron- tervelt, 1957; siderite facies. Formation. Belt Auger, 1954; Gastil 600 miles long, 60 and Knowles, 1960. miles wide. <700ft ______Quirke, Goldich, and Mistassini dis­ tion ; oxide, silicate, Krueger, 1960; trict, Quebec. siderite facies. Quirke, 1961. Mesabi-Gunflint Cherty iron-forma­ <800 ft ______Biwabik Iron-Forma­ Gruner, 1946; White, range, Minnesota- tion ; oxide, silicate, tion; Gunflint Iron- 1954; Goodwin, Ontario. siderite facies. Formation. Total 1956. length 200 miles, interrupted by Duluth Gabbro Complex. Cuyuna district, Mostly silicate- Several hun­ Manganiferous. Pos­ Grout and Wolff, Minnesota. siderite iron- dred feet. sibly correlative 1955; Schmidt, formation. with Biwabik Iron- 1963. Formation. Gogebic, Marquette, Cherty iron-forma­ < 2,000 ft, Ironwood Iron-forma­ Leith, Lund, and and Menominee tion; oxide, silicate Marquette tion (Gogebic) ; Leith, 1935; districts, Wisc.- siderite facies. district. Negaunee Iron-For­ Huber, 1959; Mich. mation (Marquette); James, 1958. Vulcan Iron-Forma­ tion (Menominee). Probably correlative but deposited in separate basins. See footnote at end of table. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W35

TABLE 23. Occurrences of iron-rich beds of Precambrian age in North America and South America ' Continued

Region Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Canadian shield Continued Pre-Animikie Michipicoten dis­ Helen Iron-Forma­ Siderite beds Helen Iron-formation Goodwin, 1962. age. trict, Ontario. tion: chert, sider- to 350 ft; considered to be of ite, pyrite. pyrite beds exhalative-sedi- to 120 ft. mentary type. Lower iron-forma­ Lenticular, tion: chert-mag­ typically to netite, chert- 300ft hematite. thick, 3,000 ft long. Vermilion district, Mostly chert-hema­ Few hundred Soudan Iron-Forma­ Grout and others, Minnesota. tite, chert-mag­ feet or less. tion, underlain by 1951; Goldichand netite. Ely Greenstone others, 1961. (lower Precambrian). Skunk Creek belt, Banded magnetite- 100 ft_____.__ In Dickinson Group. _. James and others, Rocky Mountain. _ Mich. quartz-silicate. 1961. Southwest Montana- Banded quartz-mag­ Beds ^50ft_. Many occurrences, DeMunck, 1956; netite, mostly. probably not cor­ James and Wier, relative. 1961, 1962. Atlantic City, Wyo__ Banded quartz-mag­ 150 ft... _ __ Bayley, 1963. netite, do __ <300ft ___ . Levering, 1929. Wyo. Arizona-New Mexico- Banded jasper-mag­ ^30 ft, lentic­ In Jerome area, Ari­ Burchard, 1931; netite. ular. zona, interbedded Anderson and with dacite flows. Creasey, 1958; South America Bertholf, 1960. Guiana Shield, Banded magnetite- ^700 ft Includes El Pao, Cerro Stam, 1963, Ruck- Venezuela. quartz, hematite- (Cerro Bolivar, Santa mick, 1963. quartz. Bolivar). Barbara areas. 75m_. ____ . Dorr, Guild, and hematite. Barbosa, 1952. Mato Grosso, Brazil, .....do...... _.__ <300m Manganiferous; possi­ Dorr, 1945; Dorr, and Santa Cruz, (Morro do bly Paleozoic in age. Guild, and Bar­ Bolivia. Urucum). bosa, 1952. Minas Gerais, Brazil Banded quartz-hem­ To 1000 m; Gaud Itabirite, of Dorr, Guild, and (Quadrilatero atite (itabirite). average Minas Series; origi­ Barbosa, 1952; Ferrif ero) . about 250 nal extent probably Johnson, 1962; m. more than 10,000 Guild, 1957; Dorr square miles. and Barbosa, 1963. Minas Gerais, Brazil. Siderite iron-forma­ Lenses to 50 In pre- Minas Rio das Gair, 1962. tion. ft. Velhas Series.

>Not a complete list. Does not Include some highly metamorphosed rocks In Canada, nor some recent discoveries for which information is scant. W36 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

TABLE 24. Occurrences of iron-rich beds of Precambrian age in Europe and Asia 1

Area Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Generally few Strongly metamor­ Norway: Bugge, others, Norway; hematite, quartz- tens of phosed in most 1953; Poulsen, Stripa and others, magnetite. meters or places. 1952. Sweden: central Sweden; less. Geijer, 1938; Porkonen and Geijer and Mag- Jussaari, Finland. nussen, 1948, 1952. Finland: Marmo, 1952. U.S.S.R____ _ ._. <200 m ___ Tightly folded belt Svitalsky, 1937; Ukraine. tion; oxide, sili­ 250 km long. Semenenko and cate, carbonate others, 1956; facies. Belevtsen, 1957. <500 m. ... Plaksenko, 1959. netic anomaly). hematite, quartz- with several hundred magnetite. meters of Paleozoic and younger strata. <500 m __ _ Stratigraphy similar Alexandrov, 1962. Zaporozh'ye hematite. to both Krivoi Rog region. and Kursk. Polovinkina and mation. be thick. Rozina, 1956 (as reported in pub­ lished annotated bibliographies) . Southern Urals. ... Lenses <60 Part of Burzyansk Starostina, 1959. shale and lime­ m. Series (Riphean). stone. Eastern Siberia Hematite- j asper. _ _ _ _ Lenses in Classed as exhalative- Pavlosky and Beli- (Bakal upland) . zone 200 sedimentary. chenko, 1958. m thick. China.... _ . __ 4 TYi nt* IPCJQ Tegregen, 1921; northern China. (minette type). with sandstone and Krishnan, 1955; shale. Shows stro- Matsuzawa, 1953. matolitic structures. Southern Manchuria Banded hematite- ^400 m (at In middle Precam­ Tegregen, 1921; and adjacent areas quartz, magnetite- Miao Erh brian Wu-t'ai-shan Tsuro, 1931; of Korea. quartz. Kou). System. Murakami, 1922; Asano, 1953; Krishnan, 1955. India. ______^3,000 ft Area of 40 by 25 Krishnan, 1955 adjoining areas of jasper. (possible miles. Spencer and Per- Bonai and Keon- fold repe­ cival, 1952. jar. tition) . Bailadila, Rowgat, < 1,500 ft_ -__ Krishnan, 1955. and adjacent de­ magnetite, quartz- posits of Madhya hematite. Pradesh. Hyderabad. ______<150ft _ __. In Dharwar System Krishnan, 1952. quartz-hematite ("Archean"). schist. Mysore State. _____ <200ft__. _ In Dharwar System. __ Krishnan, 1952 quartz. Radhakrishna, 1951. Salem-Trichinopoly Banded magnetite- Beds to 100 At least 3 beds known. _ Krishnan, 1952. district, southern quartz. ft. India.

J Not a complete list. Includes iron-rich beds of major thickness and (or) significance. Grouped deposits, as in India, may include formations not stratigraphically equivalent. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W37

TABLE 25. Occurrences of iron-rich beds of Precambrian age in Australia and South Africa Australia

Locality Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Roper Bar, northern Australia. _ _ __ _ Oolitic hematite and Beds <40ft__ Three beds separated Edwards, 1958; greenalite; mag­ by sandstone and Cochrane and netite, siderite. shale. "Upper Edwards, 1960. Proterozoic." Constance Range, northern Australia ___ Oolitic hematite and <30ft______- Two beds separated Edwards, 1958. greenalite (?) ; by sandstone. siderite. zoic.""Upper Protero­ Yampi Sound, northwestern Australia. ___ Banded hematite- <130ft ______"Middle Precam­ Canavan, 1953. quartz, magne­ brian." tite-quartz. Western Australia ______-do __ _--_- . Many thin Widespread in occur­ Miles, 1953. beds. rence ("jasper bars"). "Archean." Middleback Ranges, South Australia _ _ __do < 200 ft ___ Rudd and Miles, formations. 1953; Percival, 1955b; Edwards, 1953; Miles, 1954.

South Africa

Locality Stratigraphic position Character Thickness Remarks Key references

Transvaal System Pretoria Series, 5 of Transvaal. horizons: 1. Waaikraal. _.. Magnetite and <12ft______\ Crop out in belts Wagner, 1928. silicates. partly encircling 2. Daspoort ___ Oolitic hematite Av. 3ft __ __ Bushveld Complex. and chamosite. Magnetic quartzite 3. Clayband... _ Magnetite-chamo- <4ft ______(Timeball Hill site-siderite oolite. horizon) can be 4. Pisolitic <6ft___-____ , traced for 300 miles. ironstone. tite chamosite. <27ft______quartzite tite-chamosite (lowest unit). oolite. Dolomite Series, Banded quartz- 200-260 m____ Strati graphically below Du Preez, 1945. Thabazimbi. hematite. Pretoria Series. Transvaal System Pretoria Series, Banded chert, mag­ 2,500 ft in Belt 320 miles long____ Wagner, 1928; of Cape Prov­ Griquatown netite, silicates, south, Cilliers and ince. Stage: Postmas- siderite. 1,000 ft in others, 1961; burg belt (Gama- north. Cullen, 1963. gara Rand). Wagner, 1928. System of one in Hospital hematite, quartz- several Transvaal and Hill Slate Zone. magnetite. hundred ft. adjacent areas. Do. of Transvaal, horizons. magnetite, quartz- 20-100 ft. Natal, Zulu- hematite; magne- land, Northern tite-chamosite- Cape Province; siderite in places. also Southern Rhodesia. W38 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

GOGEBIC-KEWEENAWAN DISTRICTS, MICH.-WISC. LITHOLOGlC SYMBOLS MENOM.NEE DISTRICT MICH.-WISC. s of volcanic Rocks of sedimentary Crystalline rocks, mostly origin origin of igneous origin

Sandstone and Gebbro and of quartz ite post-middle Kewe- enawan age Greenstone and Conglomerate, congiom- , ^ ^ . eratic sandstone, and Granitic rock of [^r_rwv.[ arkose post-Animikie age Greenstone, in part with j-^r-- -=1 preserved pillow \ r ' ^\ structures Graywacke, shale, argil- Gneissic granite of late t-,- -=\ lite, slate, and schist pre-Animikie age

Amphibolite of basaltic composition Granitic of known Iron-formation or probable early pre- Animikie age

Schist. Probably in­ cludes some rocks of volcanic origin

FIQUEE 6. Generalized stratigraphic successions of Precambrian rocks of the Lake Superior region, showing occurrence of iron-formation units (modified from James, 1960).

The iron-rich rocks of the Canadian shield attain the Gunflint Iron-Formation of Ontario (Barghoorn, maximum thickness and complexity on the south side 1957). of Lake Superior (fig. 6). The main iron-formation Also shown in figure 6 are the pre-Animikie iron- unit of the Animikie Series (unit B of fig. 6, which formation units of Minnesota and Michigan (units A represents the Vulcan, Negaunee, Ironwood, Biwabik, and A7)- Unit A', in particular the Soudan Iron- and Gunflint Iron-Formations of the various districts) Formation of the Vermilion district is representative of "Keewatin-type" iron-formation, of common oc­ attains a thickness of 2,000 feet in the Marquette currence in the pre-Animikie mafic volcanic rocks district. In the Menominee and Iron River-Crystal elsewhere in the Shield. The Soudan is more than Falls districts and adjoining areas, the main iron- 2,500 million years old (Goldich and others, 1961), and formation is succeeded by at least four other units is separated from the by two profound having thicknesses of 100 to 800 feet; in column 4, in unconformities. ascending order, these are the Mansfield and Bird The main iron-formations of the Lake Superior Iron-bearing Members of the Hemlock Formation region appear to be approximately equivalent in age to (C,D), the Amasa Formation (E), and the Riverton those of Krivoi Rog and Kursk in Russia, which have Iron-Formation (F). The aggregate thickness of the been assigned an age of 1,800-2,000 million years Animikie Series in the area illustrated by column 4 (Semenenko, 1959), and to the Transvaal System of (fig. 6) is about 50,000 feet, of which iron-formations in South Africa, which contains the major iron-formations maximum thickness comprise about 4,000 feet. All of that region and which is estimated to be about 2,000 the facies of iron-formation are represented sulfide, million years in age (Nicolaysen, 1962). The Gaud carbonate, silicate, and oxide (both hematite and Itabirite of Brazil, which was thought to be bracketed magnetite varieties). Of particular interest are the between 500 and 1,350 million years (Herz and others, local development of algal structures in the Biwabik 1961), is now believed to have an age between 2,600 Iron-Formation (unit B'), as described by Grout and and 1,300 million years (P. W. Guild, written communi­ Broderick (1919) and by Gruner (1946), and the cation, March 19, 1964). In India the rocks associated magnificent preservation of algal forms in basal chert of with iron-formation of the Singhbhum district yield CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W39 apparent ages of about 1,500 million years (Pichamuthu, 69). As Hem states, the usefulness of such diagrams 1962). The oldest iron-formation units known are is restricted by the arbitrary selection of anionic values those of "Keewatin-type" in the Swaziland System of and by the implicit assumptions of equilibrium and South Africa, the age of which is believed to be in absence of unspecified complex ions. excess of 3,100 million years (Nicolaysen, 1962). According to Lewis and Goldberg (1954), the average IRON IN NATURAL WATERS content of soluble iron in the ocean is 0.0034 mg/1 both Iron is held and transported in natural waters in at surface and at depth (mg/1=ppm, in water of unit three forms: (1) as dissolved iron, mainly ferrous; (2) density). Dobrzhanskaia and Pshenina (1958) record in suspension as a colloid or particulate form; and (3) the soluble iron content of the Black Sea as zero at the as a constituent of clastic particles. surface and at depth in most places, but locally in the IRON IN SOLUTION "deep layer", at 1,000-2,000 m in depth, the concentra­ The solubility product of Fe(OH)3, which is the tion is as high as 0.020 mg/1. The content of soluble stable (or metastable) species of iron in the Eh-pH iron of ground waters in common rocks generally is less range of most natural surface waters, is extremely low. than 1 ppm, but values of as much as 5 ppm are not Published values range from 10~36 to 10~40 (Hem, 1960a, rare (White, Hem, and Waring, 1963). The higher p. 53). Consequently the amount of iron that theoreti­ values doubtless reflect the presence of ferrous iron cally can be held in true solution is vanishingly small in water of either low pH or low Eh, or both. According except at abnormally low values of pH (5 or below), or to Hem and Cropper (1959, p. 16) iron concentrations in equilibrium with abnormally high concentrations of as much as 50 ppm are stable in natural ground of S04~2 or Cl~] certain oilfield brines and volcanic waters. The redox potentials of such waters will be waters (see White, Hem, and Waring, 1963, p. 32, 44). raised in near-surface environments by contact with The low theoretical solubility of iron in the normal oxygen, with consequent precipitation of ferric iron. environmental range is indicated by figure 7, which is Hem notes, however, that ferrous iron commonly is one of a family of Eh-pH diagrams that can be drawn present in emerging natural waters and attributes its for specified anionic concentrations (Hem, 1960b, p. preservation to lack of equilibrium. The dissolved- iron content of stream waters generally is low; the average for streams of the world has been computed to be 0.73 ppm (Strakhov, 1948). 4 Iron may also be in solution as organic complexes, including chelates, many of which are well known in laboratory procedures (Bjerrum, Schwarzenbach, and Sillen, 1957). Information on such possible complexes in natural environments is scant, but the complexes of tannic acid have been investigated experimentally by Hem (1960c). The complexing of ferrous iron was noted to be particularly strong in fairly concentrated Solid-phase Fe minerals relatively stable solutions of tannic acid (500 ppm, or about 1.5X10"3 molarity); colored complexes were formed over a pH ? 0.2 range of 2 to 9, with Fe concentrations after a month's time of 10 to 2 ppm. Hem (1960c, p. 94) concludes that -o.o the mechanism may be effective in solution and tans- port of iron in forested regions. Hutchinson (1957) -0.2 - discusses at some length the relation between iron con­ tent and organic matter in lake waters, noting that some lakes in northern Sweden contain as much, as -0.4 2,500 mg Fe m~3 (p. 711). He concludes (p. 714) that * * * apart from particulate iron compounds in organisms and -0.6 - perhaps in suspended silt, the main forms of iron in lake water are ferric hydroxide in particulate form or adsorbed to particles of microscopic dimensions, and an organic iron complex or series -0.8 of complexes. 0 * Some uncertainty exists as to the validity of Strakhov's values. In the published Figure 7. Activity of dissolved iron in equilibrium with total sulfur at activity discussion accompanying the paper, A. P. Vinogradov expresses the view that the 10-' (equivalent to 96 ppm SOr2 and total carbonate at activity 5X10-' (equivalent division made between soluble and suspended iron seemed arbitrary and that in to 305 ppm HCOri). (From Hem, 1960b). fact the amount of iron in true solution is much lower. W40 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

Shapiro (1964) also notes that iron is present in many Plankton such as diatoms absorb particulate ferric natural waters in vastly greater quantity than that hydroxide, and Harvey (1932-33) comments that there predicted by physicochemical argument, and he shows is "* * * little more ionic iron in a cubic metre of water experimentally that much of this excess iron must be in than found in a diatom of moderate size." the form of ferric colloid peptized by organic acids. Strakhov (1948 table 7), in his extensive study of As previously mentioned, certain waters of volcanic suspended iron in natural waters, shows that for association may contain large amounts of iron in streams in the U.S.S.R. the ratio of suspended iron to equilibrium with SO4~2 or Cl"1. White, Hem, and dissolved iron which here appears to include particles Waring (1963, p. 44) record values of as high as 5,100 of true colloidal dimension ranges from about 1:1 ppm. A particularly interesting example is the iron- to 100:1. It must be noted, however, that for some rich water of hot springs related to Ebeko volcano, streams the amount of suspended iron was computed Paramushir Island, and its transport to the Okhotsk from the turbidity of the water and the Fe content of Sea (Zelenov, 1958). For the main stream carrying the total load; this would include iron carried on or iron-rich waters to the sea, the data are as follows: chemically as part of clay minerals.

IRON AS A CONSTITUENT OF TRANSPORTED OR Iron content (mg/1) SUSPENDED CLAYS Distance below confluence of hot-spring waters pH Fe+s Fe« Iron is associated with clays as an essential ion in the clay structure, as in , or as surface films 0 -- -- 1.3 150 120 700-800 m_... _ ... 1.4 20 200 of oxides on the clay micelles (Carroll, 1958). Of these 1700-1800 m.. 1.6 10 320 Mouth of stream (~* 3km) two principal modes, the surface films on oxides appear 1.4 5 320 l.R 220 to be quantitatively the more important; the iron-bear­ ing clays are relatively scarce in occurrence. As quoted by Carroll (p. 4), the average ferric oxide content of The discharge is 1.8/m3/sec, and the total iron de­ the colloid fraction of 162 in the United States is livered to the sea is 400-500 gms/sec or 35-50 tons per 10.3 percent. Presumably, an appreciable fraction of day. The iron-rich waters extend into the sea as a this is as separated particles, rather than clay-bound, colored band a few hundred meters wide and several which would separate from the clay host during erosion kilometers long. The band is divided into three and transportation; nevertheless, although quantita­ zones: (1) a near-shore zone of poisonously green tive data are few, there seems little doubt but that water out to 50-80 m from the river mouth; (2) a much iron is transported as oxide films on clays. If zone about 1.5 km long colored yellow by precipita­ the clay fraction is accumulated in an environment of tion of yellow iron oxides, and (3) a zone out to the low Eh, the oxide iron may return to solution and open sea of bluish-yellow water without precipitated redeposit as glauconite, chamosite, siderite, or sulfide iron oxides. The pH increases steadily from 1.7 in (Carroll, 1958, p. 24; Strakhov, 1948). the surf zone to 7.6 in the normal sea water. The Iron also of course may be transported in coarser content of iron decreases steadily to 1 mg/1. clastic fractions as an essential constituent of such IRON IN SUSPENSION minerals as or hornblende or of volcanic materials, and similarly can be recycled through sea- Ferric hydroxide readily forms colloidal suspensions, bottom reactions a process labelled "halmyrolse" by which are fairly stable and have a positive charge. Hummel (1922). This mobilization of iron from clays Iron sols are reportedly stabilized by organic colloids; and other clastic materials may take place both on sea- Moore and Maynard (1929, p. 375) state, "Natural bottom or below the depositional interface. Bruevich streams, therefore, in which the content of organic (1938b) describes such mobilization and reconcentra- matter is at least 4.5 ppm, will have no difficulty in tion of iron (and manganese) in bottom deposits of the transporting 30 ppm colloidal silica and 10 ppm col­ Barents Sea. loidal ferric oxide.* * *" Iron in particulate form, CONCLUSIONS which is defined by Lewis and Goldberg (1954) to be that of plus 5-micron dimensions, is present in con­ The amount of iron in true solution in the oceans and siderably greater amounts than dissolved iron in sea most natural bodies of water is extremely small, and is water and displays much greater range 0.0045 mg/1 controlled by the very low (= 10~38) solubility-product in deep waters (more than 500 m) and as high as 3.25 of Fe(OH) 3. Concentrations typically are about 0.003 mg/1 in shoal water. The maximum amount of par­ mg/1 in ocean water and considerably less than 1 mg/1 in ticulate iron in the Gulf of Panama is 0.863 mg/1. in most streams and ground waters. The only natural near-shore positions (Schaefer and Bishop, 1958). waters carrying significantly large quantities of iron CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W41

(to 10 mg/1) in solution are certain bicarbonate or that contained in the argillaceous sediments is probably de­ bicarbonate-sulfate ground waters and rare hot spring- rived from globigerina or other organisms, the highly insoluble waters in some volcanic areas (to 5,000 mg/1). Some iron oxide or hydoxide content of which remains after their cal­ careous parts have dissolved away during sedimentation. natural fresh waters may also contain relatively large concentrations of iron as an organically peptized ferric The relating of iron content to organisms had been pro­ colloid, or, to a lesser degree, as organic complexes. posed by Correns (1937, 1952b), who noted that The bulk of the iron produced by present-day erosion foraminiferal tests contain 0.16 to 0.65 percent Fe203. is transported to the ocean as colloidal ferric hydroxide, Correns also noted that the far-reaching deltaic de­ as adhering oxide on clay, or as chemically bound ions in posits of the Amazon River, which is higher in Fe clastic mineral particles. This iron may be remobilized content than most major streams, are not enriched by sea-bottom reactions to form local concentrations, in iron, doubtless because of dilution by a heavy such as concretions, fossil replacements, and perhaps clastic load. glauconite pellets, but in general it must remain asso­ The pattern of iron distribution in bottom deposits ciated with, and be much subordinate to, the dom- of lakes and seas has been studied by many. In inantly clastic deposits; it is not a likely source of iron general, however, the total amount of iron is relatively for the main deposits of ironstone and iron formation. moderate less than that of the deep-sea deposits and much less than that of the sedimentary ironstones. IRON IN PRESENT-DAY SEDIMENTS Tabulations by Strakhov (1959, table 4) for bottom With the exception of "bog ores" in lakes of higher deposits of the Black Sea, for example, show total iron latitudes (see next page), there is no example in present- to range from 3.07 percent to 4.94 percent of which a day environments of deposition of material approaching quarter to a half is in detrital material. The excep­ in composition the iron-rich units of past eras. Hema­ tionally high iron content (to 11.11 percent) found tite-coated quartz grains and hematite oolite dredged locally in the bottom sediments of the Okhotsk Sea, from the North Sea have been regarded as contemporary particularly near the Kurile Islands, doubtless is re­ formation of iron oolite (Pratje, 1930), but there is lated to incorporation and dissolution of volcanic considerable doubt as to the interpretation; the material materials (Ostroumov, 1955). may be reworked from older beds, and certainly the A submarine iron-rich deposit similar to that being North Sea is not the site of modern-day ironstone deposited off Paramushir Island (see p. W40) is reported deposition. to be present near Santorin, Greece. According to The general sedimentation pattern of present-day Harder (1960), the deposit, the extent of which is not marine regions is that of relatively iron-poor sediments specified, consists mainly of ferrous and ferric hydrox­ near the coasts and progressive increase in iron content ides and is related to recent volcanic or fumarolic toward the deeps, the highest iron content being found activity. The chemical composition of the deposit is in the red clays far from shore. In a chemical and as follows, in weight percent: mineralogical study of deep-sea sediments, Wakeel and Si02 18 Ti02-___--______0.01 Riley (1961, p. 125) write: FeaO, 1 -- ______58 Mn02___-______.1 A1203______- ______.05 CaO._. ______.15 With the exception of the highly calcareous sediments, the iron P205 _-._ ._ ___ .3 MgO______.2 content of the deep-sea sediments, calculated as Fe2O3, on a V205~ - ___---- .0 H20_____---_- __._.__ 21 carbonate and water-free basis, is surprisingly uniform. This Mn0 2______.15 is particularly true of the argillaceous samples, which contain i Presumably total iron given as FeaOs. average concentrations of 8.23 percent total Fe203 (7.04 per­ aAs given. cent Fe203 and 1.13 percent FeO on original clay). [In table BOG IRON DEPOSITS 3 in Wakeel and Riley, the average Fe203 content of argil­ laceous sediments, on a carbonate and water-free basis, is given The so-called bog iron ores including "lake ore", as 8.93 percent rather than 8.23 percent. H.L.J.} The mean "meadow ore"; "raseneisenstein" are found in many iron contents of the sediments of the three oceans are similar, swamps and lakes in recently glaciated regions, notably but those from the Pacific are slightly higher * * *. in North America, northern Europe, and northern Asia. Certain of the highly calcareous samples from the Atlantic Prior to about 1900 these deposits were significant (Nos. 2, 6, and 11) and their acid-insoluble residues have Fe203 contents (on a water- and carbonate-free basis) considerably sources of iron ore and were studied by many investi­ higher than the argillaceous sediments. This effect has been gators, particularly in Europe, but modern literature on observed previously by Revelle (1944) who found that sedi­ the subject is scarce. Nevertheless, as Lindgren (1933, ments containing less than 30 percent of carbonates contained p. 263) says, "* * * the easily traceable processes of on the average about 7.0 percent of Fe203 (on a water- and car­ their formation gives us a most welcome key to the bonate-free basis), whereas those containing over 80 percent of carbonates had much greater concentrations of Fe2Os amounting origin of other and more obscure deposits." The most to as much as 16 percent in some cases. This excess iron over significant work of relatively recent years is that of W42 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

Ljunggren (1953, 1955a, 1955b), on the bog ores of ore are much better crystallized. The DTA curves Sweden; and that of Strakhov (1948) and Krotov (1950) are significantly different from standards of any of the on the bog ores of the U.S.S.R. crystalline iron oxides, probably owing to the presence The ores exhibit a wide range of characters in of oxide and oxide hydrate gels. The manganese composition (manganiferous to nonmanganiferous), in mineral associated with the Swedish ores probably is occurrence, and in physical properties. Harder (1919, mainly delta-Mn02, but the identification is not p. 53) divides them into two general groups on the basis certain (Ljunggren, 1955b, p. 145-146). The manga­ of occurrence: (1) those formed in agitated or flowing niferous ores are enriched in minor elements and have water at lake margins, and (2) those formed in marshes, higher radioactivity than the predominantly iron ores bogs, or other shallow depressions. (Ljunggren, 1955a). Type 1, lake ore, is found most abundantly between The distribution of the deposits appears to have depths of 1 to 5 m and rarely at depths of as much as little relation to the nature of bedrock, nor do the de­ 10 m. The ores consist of oolitic or pisolitic grains, 2 to posits in bogs and lakes have any necessary relation to 7 mm in diameter, commonly cemented into discs tributary streams. On the basis of a study of bog ranging in diameter from an inch or so the "penny- iron deposits in Finland, Aarnio (1920) concluded that ore" of Sweden to a foot or more. These grains and the deposits were found only in or adjacent to water- discs, together with fragments of similar material and permeable ground, usually sand, in areas of humous clastic detritus, coalesce to form more or less continuous podzolic . These soils are strongly acid; iron masses generally less than 1 m thick. Krotov (1950) (and manganese) are leached in the A-horizon reports the alternation of iron and manganese oxides, and are removed, probably as soluble humates or locally with chamositic chlorite, in some of the concre­ bicarbonate. Formation of bog ores occurs when the tionary forms in Russian lakes. subsoil water enters water courses, lake shallows, or The bog ores of type 2 occur as thin layers of earthy more aerated ground (Ljunggren, 1955a; Aarnio, 1920; to pisolitic yellow to black oxides, both at the surface Strakhov, 1948; Borchert, 1960a). In general, the and below as much as several feet of porous soil or peat. precipitation is in response to the predictable rise in Much of the material is cemented sand and encrusted Eh when the waters become aerated, and the increase plant remains. These ores commonly contain nests of in pH with loss of CO2. white fine-grained siderite, and in places the siderite is Bog ores of quite different origin are present in areas the major iron mineral; the analyses given by Clarke of recent or present-day volcanic activity in Japan. (1924, p. 538) of "raseneisenstein" from the Nether­ According to Zelenov (1960, p. 50), one deposit is 2,000 lands show as much as 37.70 percent FeCO3. m long, 30-200 m wide, and as much as 20 m thick. also is a common mineral, in amounts to several percent The iron in these deposits apparently has been pre­ or more. cipitated from emerging thermal waters. The chemical compositions of "lake ores" have con­ siderably greater range in manganese and lesser range MINOR ELEMENTS in phosphate (and carbonate) than the bog ores of The systematics of minor-element distribution in type 2. Many analyses are quoted by Beyschlag, the iron-rich sedimentary rocks are poorly known, for Krusch, and Vogt (1909); those of Finnish lake ores three principal reasons: (1) relatively few rocks have show the following range: been analyzed; (2) most investigations have covered Percent Percent only a few of the minor elements and these are different Fe2O3______20. 5-69. 5 CaO______0.4- 0.8 from one study to another; and (3) the values obtained MnO2______3. 3-40. 3 MgO______.____ Tr.-.3 SiO2______7.1-19.3 P2O5______0.45-1.25 by different methods, or by different laboratories, are A12O3______.- .9-3.2 Loss on ignition. __ 12. 9-21. 9 not necessarily comparable. Reason 3 may be illus­ Further analyses of Finnish ores, giving Fe and Mn trated by reference to the published values for boron contents together with minor elements, are presented content of Finnish lake ores, as determined by highly in table 26. In many of the deposits, layers of iron- reputable analysts: Goldschmidt (1954, p. 286-87) rich material alternate with, are encrusted by, or grade reports that of 12 samples analyzed, 9 had no boron, into manganese-rich ore. 2 contained 5 ppm, and only one contained as much as "" Goethite is the only identifiable iron oxide of the bog 10 ppm, whereas Landergren (1948; see table 26 in this ores. In a differential thermal and X-ray study of the report) finds boron to be present in all analyzed samples Swedish ores, Ljunggren (1955b) finds that the soft of entirely similar ore, with amounts in the range of earthy ores yield diffuse patterns in X-ray powder 20 to 40 ppm. photographs, only the major reflections of goethite For reasons 2 and 3 above, it is not feasible to present being identifiable, whereas the hard varieties of lake a single tabulation of available analyses, nor is it feasible CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W43

TABLE 26. Iron, manganese, and minor-element contents of bog iron ores from deposits in Finland 1 [Adapted from Landergren, 1948. Values are given In weight percent]

Element » 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Aver­ Esti­ age* Name mated error (percent)

Fe.._ -._-._.- 18.8 34.8 12.0 31.0 49.9 26.1 44.22 33.43 44.22 26.35 42.44 25.4 28.27 40.4 32.7 Mn....-....__- 14.1 5.9 8.9 12.0 .6 16.7 1.65 1.10 .89 2.92 .83 23.3 15.35 .20 7.45 B __ 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.0029 Be _ __--__-. ±25 <.001 <.001 <.001 .001 <.001 .001 <.001 <.001 .001 <.001 <.001 .001 .0008 <.001 .0007 Co.. -__--__-. ±25 .01 .02 .008 .01 .03 .008 .01 .006 .008 .008 .02 .007 .02 .01 .013 Cr.__ -._._._._ ±30 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 K...... -..- ±20 .06 .04 <.04 .05 .07 .05 .004 Li...... ±15-20 .004 .0005 .001 .0006 <.0005 <.0005 .004 .0005 <.005 <.0005 <.6505 .0005 .0007 <.0005 .001 Mg...... ±10-15 .1 .1 .5 .1 .3 .2 < ! .09 .66 Mo...... ±20 <.005 <.005 .006 .005 <005

» Samples numbered as in Landergren (1948). From collection by B. H. Kranck. tories of Geological Survey of Sweden; estimated errors as given by Landergren. a Fe and Mn determined "in Helsingfors;" uams of analyst not given. Ti deter­ 1 As given by Landergren, 1948, p. 108,110. mined chemically and other elements spectrographically by 8. Landergren in labora­

TABLE 27. Iron, manganese, and minor-element contents of some iron-rich rocks. [Adapted from Landergren, 1948. Values in weight percent]

Averages * Element ' Limonitic Hematitic Magnetite Sideritic ironstone Chamositic ironstone ironstone Iron-formation iron-formation Oolitic Sideritic Quartz- iron­ iron­ banded stone * stone ore, Sweden Estimat­ Element ed error (percent) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N

Fe.. _ ..... 38.9 53.4 35.3 (*) 35.7 nd nd 52.0 52.2 46.6 nd 31 38 52 Mn. .2 .1 .05 0.1 .2 1.2 0.5 .09 .3 .08 0.25 .16 .26 .12 B...... 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.002 0.005 0.001 0.01 <0. 001 0.001 <0. 001 <0. 001 0.0073 0. 0028 0.0006 Be...... ±25 <.001 .002 <.001 .001 .001 <.001 .001 .007 <.001 <.001 <.001 .001 .001 .0029 Co. ±25 .04 .008 .02 .01 .03 .03 .005 .005 <.003 <.003 <.003 .02 .03 .0027 Cr...... ±30 .001 .01 .01 .003 .03 .02 .03 .008 .001 .005 .001 .024 .002 .005 K .... ±20 .4 nd .06 .2 .11 nd .07 .2 nd .32 nd Li...... ±15-20 .01 .004 .003 .004 .02 .003 .01 .001 <. 0005 .002 <.0005 .012 .01 .0006 Mg ±10-15 .04 .7 1.2 .9 .4 1.0 2.1 4.8 .8 1.48 1.0 Mo...... ±20 <.001 <.003 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.003 <.001 <.003 <.001 Ni...... ±10 .01 .01 .01 .01 .03 .04 .02 .001 .003 .001 .01 .02 .005 .002 Rb... __ ... ±15 .001 <.001 <.001 .002 <.001 <.001 .001 .001 <.001 .01 <.001 .0007 .0005 .0006 Ti.... ±40 .2 .09 .3 .2 .3 .05 .10 .02 .02 .08 .02 .39 .20 .01 V...... ±25 .01 .05 .05 .05 .06 .05 .03 .02 .003 .002 .004 .05 .007 .0085 w_ ±20 <.03 .03 <.03 <.03 <.03 .1 <.03 <.03 <.03 <.03 <.03

i Fe and Mn determined in laboratories of Geological Survey of Sweden. Ti deter­ 2 Dominantly chamositic ironstone. mined chemically and other elements spectrographically by S. Landergren in labora­ * As given by Landergren, 1948, p. 108,110. tories of Geological Survey of Sweden; estimated errors as given by Landergren. * Given as 5.4 percent by Landergren; probably a typographical error.


A. Unweathered sideritic mudstone, Northampton, England Northampton Sand G. Minette ore. brown bed, Luxembourg. No. 6 in tables 53, 54, 55 in Landergren, ironstone. No. 3 in tables 44, 45, 46 in Landergren, 1948. 1948. Rock is assumed to be a limonite oolite. B. Mlnette ore, gray bed. Luxembourg. No. 5 in tables 53, 54, 55 in Landergren, 1948 H. Quartz-hematite ore. banded; from the Stripa mine, Sweden. No. 24 in tables 15, C. Unweathered chamosite oolite oolites of chamosite and subordinate limonite in 23, 27 in Landergren 1948. sideritic groundmass Northampton, England. No. 1 in tables 44, 45, 46 in I. Jaspilite, Marquette, Michigan. No. 32 in tables 53, 54, 55 in Landergren, 1948. Landergren, 1948. J. Quartz-magnetite ore, from the Strassa mine, Sweden. No. 27 in tables 15, 23, 27 D. Gray green chamosite ore, Frodingham ironstone, Lincolnshire, England. No. 6 in Landergren, 1948. in tables 44, 45, 46 in Landergren, 1948. K. Quartz-banded magnetite ore, South Varanger, Norway. No. 1 In tables 53,54,55 E. Marlstone ironstone, Oxfordshire, England. Average of 7 analyses 8a to 8g, in in Landergren, 1948. tables 44, 45, 46 in Landergren, 1948. F. Minette ore, green bed, Luxembourg. No. 8 in tables 53, 54, 55 hi Landergren, 1948. to separate them according to the schemes of classifica­ investigator or a single laboratory. Table 27 is a tion used for the bulk analyses given in previous tables. selection of analyses from the tremendous work of Instead, on the assumption that most results will have Landergren, which is unparalleled both in volume and a fair degree of internal consistency, some of the avail­ in the clarity with which the methods, estimated errors, able data on minor elements are presented in separate and results are presented. Table 26, previously re­ tables, each of which represents the results from a single ferred to, also is drawn from this work. Table 28 con- W44 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

tains analyses from a tabulation of average values for type ("exhalative-sedimentary") are considered to be some Russian deposits, as given by Arkhangelsk!! and distinctly higher in Zn and Cu, and possibly Ag, Pb,. Kopchenova (1934). The results were based on an ex­ and Mo, than the normal ironstones. The results also tensive analytical project carried out at the Institute of show a several-fold enrichment over crustal abundance Geology and Mineralogy (Moscow); the methods of of Ni, Co, and V in the minette ores of Lorraine, which analysis (colorimetric) and individual values are re­ confirms the results reported by Lucius (1945) presented ported in a separate publication (Arkhangelskii and hi table 29. Kopchenova, 1935). TABLE 29. Contents of Cu, As, V, Ni, Ti, and Zn in minette TABLE 28. Average contents of iron, manganese, and minor ele­ ironstone of Luxembourg ments l of some iron-rich rocks from U.S.S.R. [As quoted in Lucius (1945, p. 159, adapted from work of R. Stumper). Values in weight percent] [Adapted from Arkhangelskii and Kopchenova, 1934.2; nd., not determined; Tr., trace. Values in weight percent] Stratum 1 and location Cu As V Ni Ti Zn Bog ore; Chamo- Limonite oolite, Clay ironstone, Iron- site- forma­ Karelia Cretaceous Caucasus A Layer 3b, St. Miehel and limonite tion, 0.0068 0.019 0.060 0.0060 0.116 0. 0147 Moscow oolite, Kursk, B Layer 3a, St. Miehel districts Kerch, Mugai Khoper Oligocene Jurassic Pre- (Middle red)...... 0061 .019 .062 .0069 .118 .0145 Pliocene cambrian C Layer 3, Landergrund .0040 .020 .056 .0061 .111 .0100 D Layer 2, Mont-Rouge, A B C D E F G .0048 .020 .059 .0059 .093 .0157 E Layer 1, Mont- Rouge (Gray) ...... 0051 .019 .060 .0078 .099 .0182 Fe.. 37.66 39.83 28.80 42.21 33.94 42.17 47.46 F Layer I, Mont-Rouge Mn...... 84 1.88 .37 1.21 4.17 .79 .13 .0051 .026 .070 .0095 .111 .0212 As...... 01 .08 .01 0 Tr. Tr. Tr. G Layer II, Mont-Rouge Co...... 0 .019 nd Tr. 0 0 0 West (Black) .0057 .023 .059 .0102 .126 .0239 Or...... 01 .17 Tr. Tr. 0 0 Tr. H Layer III, Mont- Rouge, Cu...... 004 .002 .011 Tr. .003 .003 .01 .0051 .023 .070 .0110 .113 .0230 Ni...... 0 .008 Tr. .007 0 Tr. 0 Enclave (Green) ...... P .... 1.57 1.12 .45 1.21 .51 .11 .12 Ti _ . _ .22 .16 nd .11 .13 .07 .08 1 Units arranged in relative stratigraphie position (A is youngest, H is oldest). V...... 03 .06 .08 .03 0 0 0

1 Qualitative analyses for Pb, W, Zn, Mo, and Sn contents also reported for in­ TABLE 30. Minor element contents of glauconitic, chamositic, and dividual samples. Results generally negative, but W present in trace amounts in sideritic ironstone of Lias (Jurassic) age of southern Sweden samples from Kerch and Kursk, and Pb present "in appreciable amounts" in one Kursk sample. [Adapted from Palmqvist, 1935. Analyst: Cl. Peters, Mineralog. Inst., Gottingen, 2 The seven average compositions selected are from a table containing 14, including using spectrographic methods. Results (expressed as oxides) given in tables 5-11 some for deposits of questionable origin. The 14 averages are reported to be based on in Palmqvist, 1935. Values in weight percent] analyses of about 200 samples. A B C D E Table 29 gives the contents of six metals from the Glauconite, Brown Oolite Siderite, Oolite with Baldringe cement, (chamosite?), Kurremola, siderite and iron eight separated minette ironstone beds of Luxemburg, Road Baldringe Baldringe locality 2 silicate, Kurre­ assembled by Lucius (1945) from the work of R. Road Road mola, locality 5 Stumper; it is one of the few compilations available for As-. .. nd nd nd nd 0.013 B...... 0.03 0.016 0.016 0. 016-0. 003 0. 016-0. 003 stratigraphic units within a single basin. Table 30 Co. .-. 0 .0008 .0008 nd nd Or.. ----- .07 .0007 .0035 nd nd presents a few analyses from the Liassic beds of southern Ge .0004 .0004 .0004 .0004 nd Ni...... 0008 .04 .04 nd nd Sweden, arranged according to lithologic character of V...... 007 .03 .7 nd nd the ironstone by Palmqvist (1935); the work was done Zn.-.....- nd .008 .008 0 .004 in V. M. Goldschmidt's laboratory at the University of Gottingen. Table 31 contains semiquantitative data A commonly held view is that the iron-oxide sedi­ by the U.S. Geological Survey on 11 samples from the ments are enriched in minor elements because of as­ ironstones of the Clinton Group of New York and sumed origin as a positively charged colloid, able to Pennsylvania and the Martin Formation of Arizona. adsorb other elements (Goldschmidt, 1954), or because These data, though suitable for statistical analysis, ferric iron can form insoluble vanadate, arsenate, must be used with caution; individual values may or chromate, or selenate (Goldschmidt, 1954; Krauskopf, may not be significant. Finally, in table 32, the 1955). The concept of sedimentary iron oxides as maximum and minimum values of the assembled data scavengers for minor elements in natural environments are compared with crustal abundance. does not seem to be borne out by the available data on An extensive study by Hegemann and Albrecht (1954) the oxide ironstones, though it certainly appears true of the oxide ores of iron provides a valuable comparison for the manganese-iron oxide concretions of present of minor-element contents of the sedimentary ores as sea bottoms. compared with those of magmatic or hydrothermal Except for phosphorus, the distribution and occur­ origin. Individual analyses are not given the results rence of which has been discussed in relation to major are grouped and assembled in graphic form but it is rock components, the minor-element content of iron­ evident that in general the minor element content of the stones is surprisingly low, with maximum concentrations sedimentary types is low. The ores of the Lahn-Dill no greater than or considerably below those of shale. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W45

TABLE 31. Spectrographic analyses of ironstone of the Clinton Formation and Group (Silurian) and Martin Formation (Devonian), U.S.A. Analysts; Nancy M. Conklin (analyses A-E, I-K) and Paul R. Barnett (analyses F-H) ,TT.S. Geol. Survey. Laboratory numbers are given at heads of columns. Values in weight percent] MARTIN 2 CLINTON i [Oolitic hematite with glauconite]

A B C D E F G HS I J3 KS (oolitic (oolitic (siderite) (oolitic (hematite) chamosite) hematite) chamosite)

F2639 F2640 F2641 F2642 F2635 F2726 F2727 F2728 G2892 G2893 G2894

Ba . ___. 0.0007 0.007 0.0015 0.003 0.0015 0.007 0.007 0.003 0.03 0.015 0.007 Be . . .0003 0 0 .00015 0 0 0 0 .0003 .0003 . 00015 Ce ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.03 .03 .03 .03 .03 Co. _ _ .0015 0 <.0015 .003 0 .0015 .0015 .0015 .003 .003 .003 Cr...... 007 .007 .0007 .015 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 Cu...... 015 .0003 .0003 .015 .0003 .0007 .0003 .0003 .0015 .0007 .0015 Qa...... _.______. .0003 .0003 .00015 .0015 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0003 .0007 La . _ _._ _ 0 .007 0 .007 0 .015 .015 .007 .015 .015 .015 Mo...... <.002 <.002 0 <.002 <.002 0 0 0 <.005 <.005 <.005 Nb...... nd nd nd .0015 0 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 Nd ...... - .-..-. 0 0 0 .015 0 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 .015 Ni...... 003 .003 .0007 .007 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 .003 .003 .003 Pb...... 0 0 0 0 0 .0015 .0015 .0015 .003 .003 .003 fie...... _____ ... .0015 0 0 .003 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0015 .0015 .0015 Sr. .007 .007 .0007 .015 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 V...... 03 .03 .0015 .07 .015 .015 .015 .007 .03 .03 .03 Y...... 007 .007 0 .007 .007 .003 .003 .003 .007 .007 .007 Yb...... 0007 .0007 nd .0015 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 .0007 Zt...... 003 .007 0 .07 .007 .003 .007 .007 .015 .007 .007

i For chemical analyses, description, and location for A, see table 13, No. L; B, geometric scale. Comparisons of this type of semiquantitative results with data table 9, No. C; C, table 16, No. A, D, table 13, No. M, E, table 9, No. D. obtained by quantitative methods, either chemical or Spectrographic, show that the 3 For chemical analysis, description, and location fr F, G, I, see table 9, Nos. N, assigned group includes the quantitative value about 60 percent of the time. Also P, O, respectively. looked for but not found: Ag, As, Au, Bi, Cd, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, Ge, Hf, Hg, Ho, In, a Specific locations given in Willden, 1960,1961. Ir, LI, Lu, Os, Pd, Pr, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, Sb, Sn, Sm, Ta, Tb.Te, Th, Tl, Tm. U, W. and Zn. B reported in barely detectable amounts in several samples (limit of NOTE. Values, in percent, are reported to nearest number in the series 3,1.5, 0.7, detection 0.002 percent). 0.3, 0.15, 0.07, ...... These numbers represent midpoints of group data on a

TABLE 32. Minimum and maximum concentrations of minor The analyses now available, however, indicate the elements given in tables 8-19, 27-31 as compared with crustal abundance copper content commonly is less than crustal abun­ [Values in weight percent] dance. Again, Goldschmidt (p. 286-287) reports

Crustal Concentration from Reference for maximum boron in the marine ferric ores, in amounts "* * * usually abundance tables in this report Element (from ranging from 50 to 500 ppm B2O3, sometimes reaching Mason, 1958, p. 44) Minimum Maximum Table Analysis 1,000 ppm, and rarely as low as 30 ppm," and the Scania (Sweden) ironstone was found to contain 100 As...... 0. 0002 0 0.026 29 F B_ . .0003 0 .03 30 A to 1,000 ppm B2O3 by Palmqvist (1935), who, like Ba...... 0400 .0007 .03 31 I Be. .0002 0 .007 27 H Goldschmidt, attributed the high content to a marine Ce-_ .0046 0 .03 31 F-K Co-. .0023 0 .04 27 A environment of origin. In striking contrast, however, Cr._ ... .0200 .0007 .17 28 B Cu ...... 0045 .0003 .015 31 A, D is the absence of boron in the ironstones of the Clinton

but calcite rare or absent. Pelletal phosphate, The various mechanisms that have been proposed for chamosite, glauconite absent. derivation of the iron are as follows: 6. Chemistry. Ironstone: except for high content of 1. Iron is derived from weathering of land masses iron, no distinctive aspects. Iron-formation: re­ under humid tropical or subtropical conditions markably low content of Na, K, Al, and minor (Gruner, 1922; Gill, 1927; Moore and Maynard, elements; phosphorus content generally much 1929; Taylor, 1949; Sakamoto, 1950; Alexandrov, lower than in ironstone (Geijer, 1962); Mn/Fe 1955; Hough, 1958); under arid conditions (Wool- ratio believed by some to be higher (Lepp, 1963). nough, 1941); or by weathering under an atmos­ 7. Associated rocks. No distinctive differences. Both phere of lower oxygen and higher C02 content ironstone and iron-formation typically are inter- than at present (MacGregor, 1927; Tyler and bedded with shale, sandstone, or graywacke, or Twenhofel, 1952). their metamorphosed equivalents. Carbonate 2. The iron is derived from sea-bottom reactions on rocks limestone and (or) dolomite in the iron­ chiefly clastic materials (Strakhov, 1959; Borchert, stone sequences and dolomite in iron-formation 1960a; Braun, 1964), and concentrated by solution sequences not rare but subordinate to clastic and selective sea-bottom precipitation (Borchert), rocks in immediately associated strata. or mainly by diagenetic reactions (Strakhov). 8. Relative abundance of facies. No gross differences 3. The iron (and also silica in the iron-formations) is apparent. Probable order of abundance for derived from processes related to contemporaneous ironstone: oxide, silicate (chamosite), siderite, volcanic and igneous activity (Van Hise and sulfide; for iron-formation, order is similar but Leith, 1911; Moore, in Moore and Maynard, 1929; siderite facies may be more abundant than Goodwin, 1956; Oftedahl, 1958; Gruner, 1959, silicate facies. Within oxide facies, however, written communication, a reversal of views pub­ magnetite is far more abundant hi iron-formation lished in 1922; Harder, 1963). than in ironstone. Each of these mechanisms other than that calling Some of the differences hi the above summary can be for atmospheric modification can be either observed ascribed to greater degree of metamorphism or simple or reasonably inferred on a small-scale basis at the "aging" of the (generally) older rocks, which result in present. For example, the bog iron deposits repre­ change of goethite to hematite, chamosite to chlorite, sent leaching of iron from surface and subsurface and possibly glauconite to stilpnomelane, but many materials and lateral movement to sites of deposition features remain as distinctive to iron-formation. Chief essentially a weathering process; sideritic concretions among them are the notably greater abundance in the and some glauconite concentrations surely represent Precambrian, the greater dimensions, the interlayered mobilization of iron from surrounding sediments by chert, and the extremely low content of the alkalis, sea-bottom or diagenetic reaction; present-day de­ alumina, phosphorus, and minor elements. position of iron related to volcanism is known from at least a few localities. None of the processes are ORIGIN mutually exclusive; the question is one of scale and of The lack of modern-day examples of ironstone and which process is dominant. Of the three possibilities, iron-formation deposition makes the subject of origin a it would seem to the present writer that the second fertile one for speculation. Furthermore, the question sea-bottom or diagnetic reactions is quantitatively is not a simple one: it has many facets, some inter­ inadequate, particularly with respect to the iron- related and some for the most part independent. formations, unless the chemistry of seawater differed Fairly definite conclusions can be drawn as to the profoundly from that of today. If this judgment is distribution patterns and basic chemistry of iron accepted, then only two major possibilities need to deposition: both ironstone and iron-formation were be considered: derivation of iron by weathering proc­ formed as chemical sediments in marine or brackish- esses, and derivation of iron by processes related to water basins of restricted circulation, or in marginal volcanism and igneous activity. seas of modest extent, the mineralogy of the iron Assessment of the role of volcanism and related precipitates being governed principally by relative processes to iron deposition is not easily made, as it availability of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and sulfur. depends largely upon inferences drawn from associated Beyond this, many major and minor problems remain rocks. Nevertheless, a close and probable genetic unsettled. Chief among them are the source and mode relation seems reasonably proved for a few ironstones of transport of iron (and, for the iron-formation, also and iron-formations for example, the Devonian iron­ silica) and the relation between ironstone and iron- stone of the Lahn-Dill district of Germany, and the formation. "Keewatin-type" Precambrian iron-formations, ex- W48 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY emplified in the Michipicoten district of Canada. yielding iron concentrations, other than by volcanic Another well-documented example is that of Meggen, contributions, is that of bog-ore formation, which Germany (Ehrenberg, Pilger, and Schroder, 1954), involves shallow subsurface leaching of iron from where pyritic beds of Devonian age grade laterally permeable sands, and transportation in bicarbonate into barite. In others, such as the deposits of Kazah, ground waters of low Eh and pH. It does not seem U.S.S.R. (Maksimov, 1958), the iron-rich strata unreasonable to invoke this process on a much larger interfinger with and grade into manganese-rich beds. scale. The process and general setting may be visual­ These various deposits, which have been classed as ized as follows: during a period of widespread and exhalative-sedimentary, typically exhibit rapid changes dominantly clastic sedimentation in a shallow epi­ in thickness and lithic facies, and all have close spatial continental sea, local warping resulted in emergence of relations to volcanic rocks or other evidence of volcanic low broad island areas separated by shallow and gen­ and igneous activity. erally interconnected basins. Climatic conditions For most of the major ironstone units of younger probably warm and humid permitted development age, however, for which time-equivalent relations of a thick cover of deeply rooted vegetation on the can be established with other rocks so that contem­ emergent blocks of permeable and weakly lithified poraneous volcanic or igneous activity in surrounding sediments. Deep penetration of ground waters rich regions can be excluded derivation of iron by weather­ in CO2 and organic acids the CO2 content augmented ing processes, or at least nonvolcanic processes, seems by subsurface production from root processes resulted certain. Typical of the deposits of nonvolcanic in leaching of fine-grained iron oxides and iron sulfides association are the many ironstone beds of Jurassic in near-surface zones, with the products of leaching age of northern Europe, which were deposited in being transported by acid ground waters to bordering isolated or semi-isolated marine basins on the order seas via subsurface routes. If the sites of debouche- of several tens of miles in maximum dimension, marginal ment of the ground waters were fully open to oceanic to or within an epicontinental sea. The iron seemingly circulation, then most of the dissolved material was can only have been derived from weathering of ad­ dispersed, but if the site was a relatively small basin joining land areas, as concluded by Taylor (1949) for with restricted circulation, then the iron could be the Northampton Sand ironstone of England. trapped and ultimately precipitated according to the Most of the major iron-formations of the world Eh-pH conditions prevailing. Clastic components similarly are devoid of apparent volcanic associations, sand and clay and associated clastic rocks would although the possibility of a relationship cannot be as represent contribution and periodic influx of surface- readily dismissed, at least for units of Precambrian transported materials, which would be interlayered age, in view of the great difficulty or perhaps (at and in part intermixed with the products of chemical present) impossibility of establishing true time-equiva­ precipitation. lence between dissimilar rocks of separated areas. For several reasons the process suggested for dep­ Nevertheless, sufficient information on the enclosing osition of ironstone appears inadequate to explain geology of these areas is at hand to show that the deposition of iron-formation. Chief among these are relationship, if it existed, was not an immediate one; the far greater dimensions of the depositional units, the iron and silica were not derived from thermal the more complete separation of iron from constituents waters of volcanic or igneous source within the basins other than silica, and the presence of interbedded of deposition. chert. Most layers within iron-formation are finely Deposition of both ironstone and iron-formation laminated, with thicknesses of laminae being on the of nonvolcanic affiliation requires a more efficient order of 0.1 mm. If these represent yearly precipi­ means of transporting iron to the site of deposition tations, an iron-formation 200 m thick would take and of separation from other materials than that now about a million years to accumulate, even assuming no evident in dominant surface processes, in which the breaks in sedimentation. It is more likely that the bulk of the iron is transported in the form of colloidal laminae represent longer time intervals, and that iron oxide and is inextricably tied up with the clastic sedimentation was not continuous, so that a thick iron- fraction. formation may well have taken some tens of millions of For the ironstones of nonvolcanic origin, with ages years to accumulate. Maintenance for such a long as young as Pliocene, significant atmospheric or bio- period of time of topographic conditions appropriate spheric modification seems an unlikely possibility: for continued groundwater flow of the type outlined the range of environmental conditions in the Pliocene seems improbable. Furthermore, in pre-Devonian could not have differed greatly from those of the present time the landscape would not be covered with deeply except in relative importance. The only process now rooted vegetation, if indeed it was covered at all. CHEMISTRY OF THE IRON-RICH SEDIMENTARY ROCKS W49

Finally, the ground water hypothesis would offer no tion was higher in CO2 than during later eras. The obvious explanation for the interbedded chert. existence of thick and widespread oxidic facies seemingly Neither the dual occurrence of ironstone and iron- eliminates the possibility that an actual reducing atmos­ formation in strata at least as young as Cambrian, nor phere prevailed, but it does not eliminate the possibility the fact that ironstone could be deposited both in that the partial pressure of CO2 was significantly Pliocene time and in a period far back in the Pre- greater. If, for example, in a dominantly oxidizing cambrian, eliminates the possibility of a significant atmosphere, though perhaps much lower in oxygen than relation between evolution of the earth's atmosphere today, the partial pressure of CO2 were 0.03 atmosphere, and origin of iron-formation. An atmosphere appre­ instead of the present 0.0003 atmosphere, the equi­ ciably different from that of the present could have librium pH of surface waters would be reduced from persisted at least into early Paleozoic time. Strong 8.17 to about 6.1 (Rubey, 1951, p. 1129). If the total limits on this speculation are imposed, however, by volume of surface waters were less than at present, the evidence from within the iron-formation units and their pH would be still lower. Surface waters would then associated rocks. Any proposed system must permit to some degree have similar chemical attributes, or account for the following facts: particularly the capacity to leach and transport iron, 1. Depositional environments for iron had comparable that is now characteristic of acid ground waters. ranges in Eh to those inferred for younger iron­ Furthermore, if the pH of marine water in fact was stone. This fact is derived from the observed much lower than at present, either because of the direct range in facies (oxide to sulfide), from the relative equilibration with CO2 of the atmosphere or because of abundance of facies types, and from the relation higher concentration of some other constituent of the facies to physical features of the rocks that chlorine, for example then an additional important give independent evidence on environment of factor is introduced: namely, that the sea itself could origin. Oolitic structure, for example, which have been a major reservoir for iron in solution. surely in part reflects deposition in shallow and The validity of this model is open to some question. turbulent and therefore well-aerated water, is Revelle and Fairbridge (1957, p. 246) conclude that the confined to oxide and silicate facies, as it is in present CO2 content of the atmosphere is an approxi­ younger ironstone; never is it present in sideritic mate equilibrium value, controlled in large part by facies. carbonate precipitation and silicate weathering. The 2. The precipitation of calcium, magnesium, and minor specific situation analyzed, however, is that of a sudden elements was strongly repressed during the iron- increase in partial pressure of CO2 and its effects on formation cycles. seawater equilibrium, with the implicit assumption of 3. Chert rarely occurs as separate units in strata element concentrations similar to those of present associated with iron-formation. Furthermore, oceans. This assumption is not necessarily an accept­ within iron-formation the amount of chert varies able one; conceivably, for example, seawater at the systematically with the facies defined by iron time of iron-formation deposition might have been minerals. The implication, therefore, is that much undersaturated with respect to elements such as precipitation of silica was not independent of calcium. Cloud (1965) questions the existence of an that of iron. oxygen-bearing atmosphere in early and middle Pre- 4. Thick units of dolomite are present in strata associ­ cambrian time, as do Lepp and Goldich (1964). Cloud ated with some units of iron-formation. The develops the concept of photosynthetically generated dolomite actually interbedded with or adjacent to oxygen to provide local oxidizing environments. The iron-formation commonly contains magnetite, but concept is a valuable one, but whether local generation the principal units as much as 2,000 feet thick of oxygen is quantitatively adequate for precipitation of contain no more iron than dolomites of younger thick oxidic sediments remains to be demonstrated. age. It is clear, however, that an increase in the partial 5. Associated clastic rocks, such as quartzite, gray- pressure of CO2 to relatively modest levels would have wacke, and argillite, are quite similar in mineral­ profound effect on the cycle of iron, and vastly increase ogy and chemistry to equivalent rocks of younger the efficiency of iron extraction and transport. Ac­ age. Clastic is common in the quartzites cepting this as a probable condition, and considering and graywackes, which indicates that chemical the limiting factors previously outlined, the proposition breakdown of rocks during erosion was not entirely is here presented that dominant over physical processes. 1. The earth's atmosphere has been dominantly oxi­ A number of workers have suggested that the earth's dizing since at least mid-Precambrian time that atmosphere during the time of iron-formation deposi­ is, for the past 2 billion years and that oxygen, W50 DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY

perhaps locally generated by photosynthesis, was the nutrient content or the temperature of surface available even at the time of formation of the waters in the basin of deposition. According to oldest known stratified rocks (3 billion years or this concept, iron would be precipitated at a slow more in age). and nearly constant rate, whereas the silica-rich 2. During mid-Precambrian time, the atmosphere con­ layers would represent relatively brief interludes tained a considerably greater amount of CO2 during which organically precipitated silica was than at present, and that this relatively high showered down from near-surface levels in the CO2 content persisted but in diminishing amounts water. until at least early Cambrian tune. 7. Periodic influx of clastic material, now represented by 3. The iron-formations typically were deposited ad­ rocks such as graywacke and quartzite, represent jacent to long-exposed low-lying land masses intervals of structural disturbance during which during intervals in which clastic contributions to chemical weathering became subordinate to physi­ the sea were almost nil. Reduction of the land cal disintegration of the land surface. During surface during the iron-formation cycle was almost these periods the supply of iron and silica in solu­ entirely by deep chemical weathering, with com­ tion was greatly reduced, so that iron-formation plete chemical breakdown of silicates so as to and clastic sedimentary rocks, in general, now are yield abundant iron and silica in solution. mutually exclusive. 4. An important event leading to the deposition of 8. Thick units of iron-free dolomite, which, if present major iron-formations was the formation of shal­ in the iron-formation sequences generally are low restricted troughs or basins, marginal to the separated by some distance stratigraphically from old landmass, in which the products of chemical the main iron-formation units, were formed either weathering could be accumulated, and in which before the restriction on open-sea circulation was abnormal bottom conditions, particularly of Eh, established or during periods when it was de­ could exist. Some units of iron-formation con­ stroyed. During these intervals the iron and sisting only of oxide facies, however, could have silica being contributed were lost to the open sea, been deposited in the relatively unrestricted whereas the carbonate rock could have been pre­ shallows of low-sloping continental shelves. cipitated from water not significantly different in 5. The precipitation of such elements as Ca, Mg, K, composition from that of the oceanic reservoir, in and Na was inhibited by the low pH of the sea response to some special conditions such as those water, possibly also by low concentrations; whereas now prevailing on the Bahama Banks. iron, transported as bicarbonate, and silica, de­ 9. The time of maximum development of iron-formation, rived from breakdown of silicates and transported about 2,000 million years ago, was near or at the as monomeric H2SiO4 (Siever, 1962), reached close of a very long and perhaps world-wide period saturation levels. The intimate association of of stable structural conditions. In the Canadian iron minerals and chert, therefore, is due to the Shield, at least, to judge from the geochronologic manner in which the elements were extracted from data now available, this structural stability had the landmass and trapped: the breakdown of lasted for about 500 million years. In this, the silicates to yield the necessary amounts of iron in region of greatest iron-formation occurrence, the solution would at the same time place large formation of the necessary marginal basins was the amounts of silica in solution. The fractionation earliest stage of what was to develop into a of iron and silica from other elements was not eugeosynclinal and erogenic cycle of major accomplished at the source, but rather during the proportions. precipitation process. Both ironstone and iron-formation, therefore, may 6. The rhythmic layering so characteristic of iron- have been formed by essentially similar processes formation is due to some periodic, perhaps seasonal extraction of iron by weathering from adjacent land change in environment. 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Semenenko, N. P., Polovko, N. I., Zhukov, G. V., Ladieva, Strong, M. W., 1956, Marine iron bacteria as rock forming V. D., and Makukhina, A. A., 1956, Petrografiya zhelezisto- organisms: Adv. Sci., v. 12, no. 49, p. 583-585. kremnistykh formatsii Ukrainskoi SSR [Petrography of Sverdrup, H. U., Johnson, M. W., and Fleming, R. H., 1942, siliceous iron-formations of the Ukrainian SSR]: Kiev, The oceans, their physics, chemistry, and general biology: Akad. Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, Inst. Geol. Nauk, 536 p. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1087 p. [Partial English translation by M. Blake, U.S. Geol. Sur­ Svitalsky, N. I., 1937, Krivoy Rog and the iron ores of this vey.] district: Internat. Geol. Cong., 17th, Moscow, 1937, Shapiro, Joseph, 1964, Effect of yellow organic acids on iron and Guidebook of the Southern Excursion, The Ukrainian other metals in water: Am. Water Works Assoc. Jour., SSR, p. 51-77. v. 56, p. 1062-1082. Sweeting, G. S., 1944, Wealden iron ore and the history of its Shepard, F. 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M., 1959, Conditions of distribution of siderite p. 506-523. ores throughout the host rocks of the Bakal group of ore Tyler, S. A., and Barghoorn, E. S., 1963, Ambient pyrite grains deposits, southern Urals: Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv., Ser. Geol., in Precambrian : Am. Jour. Sci., v. 261, p. 424-432. 1959, no. 7, p. 33-50. [In Russian; English translation Tyler, S. A., and Twenhofel, W. H., 1952, Sedimentation and pub. by Am. Geol. Inst., 1961.] stratigraphy of the Huronian of Upper Michigan: Am. Steadman, R., and Youell, R. F., 1958, Mineralogy and crystal Jour. Sci., v. 250, p. 1-27 and 118-151. [in two parts.] structure of greenalite: Nature, v. 181, no. 4601, p. 45. Tyndale-Biscoe, R., 1952, Iron ores in Southern Rhodesia: Stout, Wilbur, 1944, The iron-bearing formations of Ohio: Internat. Geol. Cong., 19th, Algiers 1952, Symposium . . . Geol. Survey Ohio, ser. 4, Bull. 45, 230 p. fer, v. 1, p. 171-174. Strahan, Aubrey, Gibson, W., Cantrill, T. C., Sherlock, R. 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Vartanova, N. S., Artemenko, I. N., and Galkina, R. G., 1950, White, D. A., 1954, The stratigraphy and structure of the O sideritakh v kamennougolnykh otlozheniyakh Lvovskoi Mesabi range, Minnesota: Minnesota Geol. Survey Bull. muldy [Siderite in the coal deposits of the Lvov basin]: 38, 92 p. Mineralog. Sbornik (Lvov. Geol. Obshch.), no. 4, p. 299- White, D. E., Hem, J. D., and Waring, G. A., 1963, Chemical 302. [In Russian; translated by V. P. Sokoloff.] composition of subsurface waters: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Vasyutinsky, N. A., and Nevoysa, G. G., 1961, Nekotorye Paper 440-F, 67 p. osobennosti raspredeleniya myshyaka v Kerchenskikh Whitehead, T. H., Anderson, W., Wilson, V., and Wray, D. A., zheleznykh rudakh: [Some characteristics of arsenic distri­ 1952, The Mesozoic ironstones of England. The Liassic bution in Kerch iron ores]: Akad. Nauk SSSR, Doklady, ironstones: Great Britain Geol. Survey Mem., 211 p. v. 141, p. 197-200. [English translation pub. by Geochem. Willden, Ronald, 1960, Sedimentary iron-formation in the Soc. 1963, p. 1121-1124.] Devonian Martin formation, Christmas quadrangle, Arizona: Vestal, F. E., 1954(7), Iron ores of Mississippi: Mississippi U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 400-B, p. B21-B23. Acad. Sci. Jour., v. 5 (1951-53), p. 206-208. Volkov, I. I., 1959, [Free hydrogen sulfide and iron sulfide in 1961, Composition of the iron-formation of Devonian age mud sediments of the Black Sea]: Akad. Nauk SSSR, in the Christmas quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Geol. Survey Doklady, v. 126, p. 163-166. [In Russian; English transla­ Prof. Paper 424-D, p. D304-D306. tion pub. by Consultants Bureau, 1960, p. 396-398.] Woodtli, R. A., 1961, Iron ore resources of the north-eastern 1961, Iron sulfides, their interdependence and transfor­ Congo: Econ. Geology, v. 56, p. 1385-1391. mation in the Black Sea bottom sediments: Akad. Nauk Woolnough, W. G., 1941, Origin of banded iron deposits a SSSR, Inst. Okeanol. Trudy, v. 50, p. 68-92. [In Russian; suggestion: Econ. Geology, v. 36, p. 465-489. reference given in Berner, 1964.] Youell, R. F., 1958, A clay mineralogical study of the ironstone at Volkov, I. I., and Ostroumov, E. A., 1957, Iron sulfide concre­ Easton Neston, Northamptonshire: Clay Minerals Bull., v. tions in Black Sea deposits: Akad. Nauk USSR, Doklady, 3, p. 264-269. Geochem. Sec., v. 116, p. 645-648. [In Russian; English Zelenov, K. K., 1958, On the discharge of iron in solution into the translation pub. by Consultants Bureau, Inc., 1958, p. Okhotsk Sea by thermal springs of the Ebeko volcano 83-86.] (Paramushir Island): Akad. Nauk SSSR, Doklady, v. 120, Von Gaertner, H. R. See Gaertner, H. R. von. p. 1089-1092. (In Russian; English translation pub. by Wagner, P. A., 1928, The iron deposits of the Union of South Consultants Bur., Inc., 1959, p. 497-500.) Africa: South Africa Geol. Survey Mem. 26, 268 p. Wakeel, S. E. El. See El Wakeel, S. E. 1960, Migration and accumulation of iron and aluminum Wanless, H. R., Belknap, R. L., and Foster, Helen, 1955, in volcanic regions of the Pacific Ocean: Akad. Nauk Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks of the Gros Ventre, Teton, SSSR Izv., Ser. Geol. 1960, no. 8, p. 58-74. (In Russian; Hoback, and Snake River ranges, Wyoming: Geol. Soc. English translation pub. by Am. Geol. Inst. 1961 p. 47-59) America Mem. 63, 90 p. Zobell, C. E., 1946, Studies on redox potential of marine sedi­ Westervelt, R. D., 1957, The Knob Lake iron ore deposits: ments: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 30, p. Canadian Mining Metall. Bull., v. 50, no. 547, p. 678-688. 477-513. INDEX

Page Page Page Akaganeite______W2 Clayband siderite...______..__ ... W26 Mesozoie deposits of iron-rich sedimentary Alumina, in goethite..______2 rocks___.... . W28 Analyses, bavalite______8 Dissolved iron.______... 39 Minette type of ironstone...... 18 blaekband and clayband siderite___-..... 27 Minnesotaite. bog iron ores______43,44 Earth's crust, percentage of iron in___._ 1 Minor elements, concentrations compared with brown cement.. ______44 Eh and pH relations..______13,14,39 crustal abundance ...... 45 chamosite..___...______5 distribution in iron-rich rocks______42 chamosite-limonite oolite______... 44 Faeies of the iron-rich sedimentary rocks 12 Mixed assemblages, factors influencing charac­ ehamositic ironstone______... 22,43 ter. _ 16 Glauconite- 2 clay ironstone. ______44 Glauconitie rocks. -______-___._ 23 Cretaceous iron-formation______44 Goethite containing alumina, contraction of Organic activity in precipitation of iron. glauconite._.______...... 8,44 unit-cell constants_ __ _ 2 Oxide faeies of iron-rich rocks. . glaueonitic rocks.....______23 Goethite (limonite)- ______2,3 greenalite______6 Greenalite.. 2 Paleozoic deposits of iron-rich sedimentary hematite.....______...___ 19,20 Grelgite_ _ ... - 11 rocks______.______30 hematitle iron-formation______43 Precambrian deposits of iron-rich sedimentary Lahn-Dill type of ironstone______18 Hematite.. __. . . 2,3 rocks______.______34 limonite___.__.___,____ 3,18 Hematitle rocks of Mesozoie, Paleozoic, and Pyrite_-_.__ 2,9 limonite oolite______. .. 44 Preeambrian age...... 18 Pyrttosphaera barbaria, secretion of iron. _ _ 17 limonitic ironstone______43 Hydrogoetblte...... __._ . .... 2 magnetite _ _.__ 20,21 Hydrohematite__.... 2 Sandstone, average, percent iron oxide in__ 1 magnetite iron-formation______. 43 Hydrotroilite __ _ 10 Shale, average, percent iron in_._ __.._.. 1 minnesotaite___.______8 Siderite.. __ ,______2,3,4 minette ironstone .__.___. ___ 18,44 Iron, mechanisms for derivation ______47 Sideritie iron-formation of Precambrian age... 24 oolite (chamosite?)-______44 Iron associated with elays...... 40 Sideritie rocks of post-Preeambrian age 24 oolite with siderite and iron silicate___ 44 Iron content of natural waters. _.. 39 Silicate facies of iron-rich rocks. _ 21 quartz-banded ore, Sweden______43 Iron-formation and ironstone, deposition.._ 47,49 Silicate iron-formation of Precambrian age. 22 siderite______4,44 differences between_ 46 Speetrographie analyses, ironstone . 45 sideritie iron-formation of Preeambrian Iron in present-day deposits___... _. 41 Stilpnomelane. . 9 Iron oxides, development of stable phases..._ 2 Stratigraphic succession, Precambrian rocks.. 38 sideritie ironstone...______. Strong, M. W., quoted, on baeterially pre­ sideritie rocks of post Preeambrian age- Iron silicates.... . 4 Iron sulfldes____.___._ _...__ 9 cipitated iron______.... 17 silicate iron-formation...______. Ironstone facies, relation to physico-chemical stilpnomelane--...... Sulflde faeies of iron-rich rocks . 25 conditions__.__ _ __ 15 sulfide-rieh rocks..______.__. Suspensions of iron__... 40 Ironstone. See also under Iron-formation. thuringite______. See also under Spectrographie analyses. Taylor, J. H., quoted, on magnetite content Lahn-Dill type of ironstone. .... 18 in Northampton sand ironstone.. 19 Berthierine. See under Chamosite. Lepidocrocite. 2,3 Tertiary deposits of iron-rich sedimentary Blaekband siderite______. limestone, average, percent iron in_ .... 1 rocks______28 Bog iron deposits.______. Tetragonal FeS._ 10 Maekay, A. L., quoted 2 Carbonate facies of iron-rich rocks.. _____ 23 Maghemite. .. 2,3 Turgite... Chamosite__.__..______2,4 Magnetite...__..__ 2,3 Chamositic ironstone...______21 Magnetite-rich rocks of Mesozoie, Paleozoic, Volcanic activity, relation to derivation of Chlar-te-. --_ -- -- .- -. 7 and Precambrian. 20,21 iron.______47 Classification of the iron-rich sedimentary Marcasite. 2,10 rocks....__.______.. 11 Melnlkovlte-...... - - 11 Weathering, derivation of iron by... 47 W61