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Library Digitised Collections Author/S: University of Melbourne Title Library Digitised Collections Author/s: University of Melbourne Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1973 Date: 1973 Persistent Link: File Description: 17_Part 1 Members-Council, Boards and Faculties, Committees, Staff Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions: Copyright in works deposited in the University of Melbourne Calendar Collection is retained by the copyright owner. The work may not be altered without permission from the copyright owner. Readers may only, download, print, and save electronic copies of whole works for their own personal non-commercial use. Any use that exceeds these limits requires permission from the copyright owner. Attribution is essential when quoting or paraphrasing from these works. Terms and Conditions: To request permission to adapt, modify or use the works outside of the limits of these terms and conditions, please complete the permission request form at: THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE 1973 VISITOR His EXCELLENCY THE C^OVKKNOH OK VnTom.\ MAJOR-GENERAL SIR ROHAN DELACOMBE, KCMG KCVO KBE CB DSC) KStJ Hon.LLD Mon. 6 Melb. CHANCELLOR LEONARD WILLIAM WEICKHARDT. MSt- MIChcniE FRACI. Elected Oth March. 1972. DEPUTY CHANCELLORS PROFESSOR EMERITUS ROY DOUGLAS WRIGHT. DSc A.N.U. i- Melb. MB MS FRACP. Elected 10th April, 1972. MAURICE BROWN, LLB. Elected 2nd April, 197.1 —.— =^—. VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL PROFESSOR DAVID PLUMLEY DERHAM, CMC MBE Hon.LLD Mon. BA LLM, Barrister-at-Law. Appointed 1st March, 1908. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR PROFESSOR DAVID EDMUND CARO. PhD Birm. MSe FInstP FAI P. Appointed 1st March, 1972. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLORS PROFESSOR MAXWELL EDGAR HARGREAVES, PhD Cantab. BMetE MAusIMM FIM. Appointed 18th DeccuuVr. 1969. PROFESSOR JOHN RIDDOCH I'OYNTER, MA Oxon. PhD. Appointed 20th December, 1971. ASSISTANT VICE-CHANCELLOR PROFESSOR RICHARD IVAN DOWNING, DipEc Cantab. BA. Re-appointed from May. 1972. VICE-PRINCIPAL RAYMOND DAVID MARGINSON, BCom DipPubAdmin. Appointed 1st February, 1966. REGISTRAR ALFRED THOMAS JAKINS BELL, OBE BE Syd. BA FIEAust. Appointed 1st March, 1968. 680 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR .•••.••":•. '•.-;..!.•(:•/ COUNCIL-;. ; s •;:«.• Appointed by die Governor-in-Council— Term expiring 16th December, 1975— LESLIE BREWSTER. OBE DipCom FASA FAIM. Appointed 17th December, 1971. : ALEXANDER LESLIE CAHILL. Appointed I6th December, 1955. THE HON. STANLEY EDMOND GLEESON, MLC. Appointed 29th April, 1971. NEIL BANNATYNE LEWIS, BSc DPhil Oxon. FInstP FRACI. Appointed 17th December. 1963. DONALD JAMES HIBBERD, OBE BEc Syd. Appointed 5th June. 1967. ALLAN CLYDE HOLDING, LLB, MLA. Appointed 17th December, 1967. DAVID SUTCLIFFE WISHART, BVSc Syd. Appointed 17th December, 1967. BRIAN JAMES DIXON, BCom DipEd MACE MLA. Appointed 13tli October. 1970. Elected by Convocation— Term expiring 16th December, 1973— . SIR WILLIAM GEORGE DISMORE UPJOHN, Kt. OBE MD MS Hon.LLD FRCS FRACS. Elected 16tii December, 1957. " JOHN CORBELL HABERSBERGER, BCom. Elected 7th June, 1971. THE HON. MR. JUSTICE JOHN GERALD NORRIS. LLM. Elected 18th August, 1965. ' JAMES CORDON CAMPBELL, BA MSc PhD FInstP FAIR Elected 16th December, 1965. THE HON. MR. JUSTICE CLIFFORD INCH MENHENNITT, QC LLM. Elected 17th April, 1968. Term expiring 16th December, 1975— PHILIP GARTH LAW. CBE MSc Hon.DAppSc FInstP. Elected 17tli December. 1959. LEONARD WILLIAM WEICKHARDT. MSc MIChcmE FRACI. Elected 17th December, 1963. -.••...-.,.. MAURICE BROWN, LLB. Elected 17th December, 1967. PROFESSOR EMERITUS ROY DOUGLAS WRIGHT, DSc A.N.U. & Melb. MB MS FRACP. Elected 17th December, 1971. KATHLEEN ELIZABETH FITZPATRICK, MA Oxon. BA. Elected 17th Decem­ ber. 1971. Eleded by the Professors— Term expiring 16th December, 1975— PROFESSOR ALASTAIR HERON, MSc Mane. PhD Lond. FBPsS FAPsS. Elected 17th December, 1971. PROFESSOR SIR LANCE TOWNSEND, Kt VRD MD BS DTM & H Lond. FRCS Edin. FRACS FRCOC FRCS(C)Hon. Eleded 17th December, 1971. PROFESSOR PETER WILLIAM WHITTON, BSc(Eng) PhD Lond. ME(CEng) DIG FIMMechE FIEAust. Elected 6th March, 1972. Elected by the Teaching Staff, other than Professors— Term expiring 16th December, 1973-r- • . KENNETH GREGORY ARMSTRONG, MA Oion. BA. Elected 5th May, 1969. Term expiring 16th December, 1975— HUME DOW, AB Harv. MA. Elected 4th luly, 1066. Elected by the Graduate Students— Term expiring 16th December, 1973— MARY-JANE HILLIARD GETHING. BSc. Elected 17th December, 1971. Eleded by Uie Undergraduates— Term expiring 16th December, 1973— SPENCER MICHAEL ZIFCAK. Elected 17th December. 1971. 690 COUNCIL Term expiring Ifith December, 1975— SAMUEL R1CKETSON. Elected 18th D-,.ceinl*er, 1972. Members ex officio PROFES.SOR DAVID PLUMLEY DERHAM, CMG MBE Hon.LLD Mon. BA LLM, Biirriiter-al-Law. \'ice-Cli;mcelIor ami Principal, Appointed 1st March, 1968. PROFESSOR DAVID EDMUND CARO. PhD Birm. M.Sc FInstP FA1P. Deputy Vice-Chancellor. Appointed Isl March. 1U72. PROFESSOR MAXWELL EDGAR HARGREAVES. PhD Cantab. BMetE MAusIMM. Pro-Vice-Cbancellnr. Appointed I Hi h December, 1909. PROFESSOR JOHN RIDDOCH POYNTER, MA (brim. PhD. Pro-Vice- Chancellor. Appointed 20th December, 1**T 1. RAYMOND DAVID MARGINSON. BO mi Sice-Principal. Ap­ pointed to CmiiKil 17th March. 1907. THOMAS JAMES MOORE, MEd Alta. BA BFd MACE. Assistant Direclor- Gi'iieral of Education, Appointed 29th March, 1971. CHARLES PYM COOK, BA BEd MA1AS MACE. Chairman of the Advisory Commit ten appointed under Agricultural Colleges At I, 195S, Appointed 3rd Noveinber, 1909. ARTHUR DENIS WIMPOLE. President (.f Students" Representative Council. Appointed 7th Aimii->t, 1972. Members co-opted— Tonn expiring 16th December, 1975— SIR JOHN LAURENCE KNOTT, Kt CUE DipCom idt* AASA FC1S FAIM LCA. Co-opted 17th December, 1971. EUSTACE ALWYNNE ROWLANDS. ORE VRD MB MS FRCS FRACS. Co- opted 3rd May, 196-3. Heads of Colleges co-opted - Term expiring Ifith December. 197.5— EVA GI/.EI.LA EDEN. MA PhD Cantab. MSc MACE. Principal of Janet Clarke Hull. Co-opted 16th December, 1971. ROBIN LORIMER SHARWOOD. LLM Calif. SJD Hun: BA LLB. Warden of Trinity College. Co-opted 16th December. 1971. SKCKKTAHV—TIIE REGISTRAR 091 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR COMMITTEES The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-Principal are by statute ex officio members of all University committees. Their tides are not repeated in the following list of committees unless they are intended to be regularly attending working members of these committees. In the lists of committees foUowing, some other ex officio members are expressed by title without name. For the recurring ex officio positions the following persons hold the offices concemed as at 2nd April, 1973. THE CHANCELLOR: MR. L. W. WEICKHARDT THE DEPUTY-CHANCELLORS: PROFESSOR EMERITUS R. D. WRIGHT MR. M. BROWN THE VICE-CHANCELLOR: PROFESSOR D. P. DERHAM THK DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR: PROFESSOR D. E. CARO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD: PROFESSOR M. E. HARGREAVES THE VICE-CHAIRMAN or THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD: PROFESSOR J. R. POYNTER THE VICE-PRINCIPAL: MR. R. D. MARGINSON THE ASSISTANT VICE-CHANCELLOR: PROFESSOR R. I. DOWNING THE PRESIDENT OF THE S.R.C: MR. A. D. WIMPOLE (until August, 1973) THE REGISTRAR : MR. A. T. J. BELL By resolution of Council, the Assistant Vice-Chancellor is a member of all Standing Committees of the Council. 692 STANDLNC COMMrTTEES OF COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THE CHANCELLOR (CHAIRMAN) THK DKPLTY CHANCELLORS THE VICK.-CHANCELLOH THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR THE CHAIRMAN OK THE PHOKKSSORIAL BOARD THK VICE-CHAIIIMAN OK THE PROFES­ SORIAL BOA no THE VICE-PRINCIPAL THE REGISTRAR THE PRESIDENT OK THE S.B.C. THE CHAIRMAN OK THE BUILDINGS COMMIITKK: MR. R. D. MARGINSON THE CHAIRMAN OF THE FrNANCB COMMITTEE: MH. D. J. HIBBERD REPRESKNTATIVK OK TEACHING STAFF (OTHKH THAN PROFESSORS) ON COUNCIL: MR. II. DOW SECRETARY—TIIE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: MR. D. J. HIBBERD VICE-CHAIRMEN:- MR. L. BREWSTER MH. J. C. HABERSBFRCER THE CiiANri-i.LOH THE VICE-CHANCELLOH THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR TLIK CIL-MHMAN OK THE PROFESSORIAL BOMID 'IHE VICE-CHAIRMAN OK THE PROFES­ SORIAL BOARD THE VICE-PRINCIPAL THE RK.GISTIIAH THE CHAIRMAN OK THE BUILDINGS COMMITTEE- MR. R. D. MARGINSON NOMINEE OF CONVOCATION: MR. M. 0. BARRETT SECRETARY—THE ACCOUNTANT COMMITTEE ON STAFF THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR I CHAIRMAN ) THE CHAIRMAN OK THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OE IHE PROFES­ SORIAL BOARD TWO REPRESENTATIVES OK TEACHING STAKE IOTHER -THAN PROFESSORS ) ON COUNCIL: MR. H. DOW MR. K. G. ARMSTRONG SIX MKMIIKHI EI.KCTKD HY COUNCIL: MH. C. P. COOK DR. E. EDEN MISS M. J- GETHING PROFESSOR A. HERON DR. N. B. LEWIS PROFESSOR P. W. WIHTTON 693 UNIVERSITY r CALENDAR ADDITIONAL MEMBER ELECTED BY COUNCIL FOR 1G73; . PROFESSOR SIR LANCE TOWNSEND ONE MEMBER NOMLNATBD BY TUB STANDING COMMITTEE OF CONVOCATION: MISS N. CARR THE PRESIDENT OF THE MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY STAFF ASSOCIATION: DR. K. C. HINES (by Invitation; SECRETARY—THE STAFF OFFICER BUILDINGS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: MR. R. D. MARGINSON VICE-CHAIRMAN : DR. N. B.. LEWIS THE DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLOR THE CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD THE VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE PROFES- • soRiAL BOARD THE VICE-PRINCIPAL THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CENTRAL BUILD­ ING PLANNING COMMITTEE: ' PROFESSOR R. I. DOWNING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: MR. D. J. HIBBERD A PROFESSOR OF BOTANY: PROFESSOR J. S. TURNER FIVE MEMBERS ELECTED BY COUNCIL: MR. H. DOW SIR JOHN KNOTT MR. S. RICKETSON MR. E. A. ROWLANDS PROFESSOR L. K. STEVENS NOMINEE OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF CONVOCATION: MR. W. THORN S.R.C. REPRESENTATTVE: TO BE APPOINTED OBSERVER FOR THE MELBOURNE UNrvEBSiTY STAFF ASSOCIATION; DR. K. HINES SECRETARY—DEPUTY CONTROLLER {BUILDINGS! LEGISLATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN: THE HON. MR. JUSTICE NORRIS VICE-CHAIRMAN: THE HON. MR. JUSTICE MENHENNITT THE VICE-CHANCELLOH (or his nominee) THE CHAmMAN OP THE PROFESSORIAL BOARD THE VICE-CHAWIMAN OF THE PROFES­ SORIAL BOARD THE PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENTS' REPRESENTATTVE COUNCIL THE REGISTRAR THE DEAN OF LAW FACULTY (or his nominee): PROFESSOR H. A. J. FORD ELECTED BY COUNCIL:' MR. S. RICKETSON SECHETART—SOLICITOR TO THE UNIVERSITY 694 STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL STANDING COMMITTEE ON STAFF SALARIES CHAIRMAN: THE HON. MR.
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