“The strongest affection and utmost zeal should, I think, promote the studies concerned with the most beautiful objects. This is the discipline which deals with the universe’s divine revolutions, the stars’ motions, sizes, distances, risings and settings…for what is more beautiful than heaven?” —Copernicus: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, Andreas Cellarius 1543

[front:] The Copernican System from Andreas Cellarius, plate 5 from Atlas Coelestis seu Harmonica Macrocosmica, 1660. (for more 17th century star maps, visit www.cosmicwindow.com) COSMIC WINDOW TM PERSONAL APPOINTMENT CALENDAR

created for KATIE HOLMES December 18, 1978 9:32 PM EST Toledo, Ohio

Sun: Sagittarius I Moon: Leo E Rising: Leo E

January 2015—December 2015

NOTE: Ephemeris is GMT midnight. New/full moons and sun/moon sign entry times are PACIFIC. Your personal daily activity is for the PACIFIC time zone. (Daylight Savings Time observed) “What you are trying to understand is the meaning of [the] situation as a whole. The reason the position of the planets is important is simply this: if you realize the universe is an organism in the broadest sense of the term, a system of integrated activities, then anything that happens within that system of integrated activity has a place and function within that system. If you want to understand a particular point in time-space within that system, you have to see it in relation to the whole system. The wholeness of the system is constantly working in polyphonic harmony with the life of the individual which has become separated from the whole by becoming itself, a little whole, a little organism. Each time anything individualizes out from the whole, it remains part of the whole . . . The idea in astrology is to relate all the functional activity of a human being to basic symbols, or planets, each planet representing a definite quality of activity. Taken together, they represent a blueprint of a person as a whole.”

— Dane Rudhyar, “Humanistic Astrology”

“The basic principle that makes up astrology is...the heartfelt faith that the cosmos is divinely ordered and governed, and that everything which happens in the heavens and which is calculable stands, mysteriously, in close relation to the events on earth.” — Dr. Gustav-Adolf Schoener, “Astrology: Between Religion and the Empirical”


Hidden in our lives are mysterious forces, whether we are concerned with our daily routines or major life crises. Once called gods and goddesses, all we can say now is that these unknown presences are revealed by the patterns we observe. We can call them planets, unconscious energies, deities or just mysteries. Astrology is still - as it always has been - mainly concerned with revealing the rhythms or cycles of our collec- tive and individual unfolding. This is what you and I experience as the journey of life with its ups and downs. Knowledge of our planetary cycles offers us the ability to see into what’s going on beneath the outer surface and to navigate and make choices more wisely. We don’t know why. The Cosmic Window is designed for that purpose.

The astrology used here is not about prediction or fatalism. Astrology is simply the study of meaningful correspondences between planetary movements and our lives. The rhythms of the planets reveal an order and pattern which can show us hidden patterns in our lives. Astrology is being used here because of its power as a tool which can reveal hidden information, based (irrational as it may seem) only upon the time and place of birth of the individual. It cannot predict the outcome of a situation - success or failure. You need not be a believer or follower of astrology to be open to what it can tell you.

[front] The empty chart with the sanskrit symbol for OM in its center, representing the mysterious Source of all existence.

Cosmic Window, its design and contents copyright  1986, 2004 by Philip Levine. Dear Katie Holmes,

ere is your COSMIC WINDOW Daily Appointment Calendar. With it you can quickly and easily see the astrological in- H dications for you personally for any given day. Almost all of the information here is based upon your individual birth date, time, and location. Ideally this calendar will not take the place of your own deci- sion-making but will give you more information to allow you to make better-informed choices. It is not suggesting that you are subject to planetary influences (though perhaps we are), only that there is a meaningful and useful relationship between planetary cycles and our daily lives.

You may know absolutely nothing about astrology. Even if you don’t know what a “trine” is or what Jupiter represents, you are holding a calendar that can tell you about your personal astrological activity for a year, without any technical knowledge.

Your personal and useful information is easily available without your having to wade through arcane terms. If you want to learn more, this is a great place to begin. But if you just want the facts and inter- pretations so you can use them, without having to know how they work and where they come from, then here they are.

The COSMIC WINDOW was created for the purpose of helping you to be more aware of the rhythms and cycles of the Universe in order that you might live in greater cooperative attunement with them.

Enjoy your COSMIC WINDOW. If you have any questions or sugges- tions, I’d like to hear from you. PHILIP LEVINE e-mail: [email protected] CONTENTS Katie Holmes

You can use these as links to jump directly to the corresponding page; use the “back” button on your viewer to return here. Also, you can use the bookmarks section of your pdf viewer to quickly find your way around your calendar.

✩ Planetary Positions and House Cusps

✩ Personal Sabian Symbols

✩ Personal Yearly Summaries

✩ Monthly Calendar*

January 2015 February 2015 March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 June 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 2015 October 2015 November 2015 December 2015

✩ Personal Yearly Symbols

✩ Major Activity

✩ Appendix

* You may use the letters (if any) at the bottom of each day as links to jump directly to the corresponding Major Activity page.

How Astrology Works A Brief Overview

So what is really going on here? We know it’s somehow about the planets (and the Sun and Moon) and your birth. This short article offers a glimpse into the strange symbols and calculations that form the foundation for the interpretations you read here.

When you were born, astrology assumes there was some kind of meaningful relationship between the locations of the planets and the person you are (and perhaps have the potential to be). By drawing up a chart (“casting a horoscope”) to show their placements in the zodiac signs (marked-off areas of space around our Earth), in the houses (areas of space around your place of birth), and angular relationships with each other (“aspects”), we have a map of sorts. This chart is our starting point, and is uniquely yours. Up to this point, the work has been logical, mathematical and objective.

Astrology becomes illogical and subjective when it attempts to interpret the meaning of this chart, to tell you about yourself because you have Mars in Cancer, Pluto in the Fourth House, or Venus square Saturn. This lengthy tradition is what infuriates the scientist and seems insulting to the astronomer, who sees no meaning in his or her calculations and heavenly bodies.

To understand the present or any particular time in your life, we move the planets from their starting positions at birth (natal) to the moment in question, and in the case of your Cosmic Window, interpret the angular relationships between their new position (transits) and their birth positions. This is colorfully portrayed in your calendar by using the planetary symbols (A,H,G) and aspects (R U Q). Learning these few (16) glyphs can open up a much deeper level of understanding.

Once you know that E means “Mars”, you can then memorize what “Mars” represents, i.e., aggression, passion, desire, anger and initiative. Suddenly a little “phrase” like ERA can mean a great deal!

When you look at your personal pages, the interpretative phrases each day or the para- graphs in the Major Activity section are a translation of those three little glyphs. And what they are showing you is this: The first symbol refers to the planet in motion in the sky at that given moment and its position. This is called a “transiting planet.” The last symbol is a planet (or house cusp if “AC” or “MC”) in your natal chart. And the middle glyph is showing the number of degrees between the two (give or take a few degrees, called “orbs”).

So if you see ERA, this would be saying “the Mars position in the sky at this time is roughly 90 degrees from where the Sun was when you were born.” The great leap of faith (or at least of curiosity) comes in being willing to imagine that such a thing actually mat- ters!

I believe if you take the time to observe and to consider, you will see that there is, in fact, some kind of connection between these astrological facts and what’s going on in your life. You don’t have to believe (as many do) that the planets are causing your life to be the way it is. But you can entertain the idea that there is SOMETHING going on. And even if we can’t explain it or defend it to a scientist — and why do we need to? — you can still derive great benefit from seeing and experiencing the rhythms and patterns of your planetary cycles as they appear in the life you live. Planetary Positions and House Cusps Katie Holmes December 18, 1978 9:32 PM EST Toledo, Ohio

— Planetary Positions — A SUN 26 Sagittarius 50 H 5 B MOON 17 Leo 12 H 12 C MERCURY 6 Sagittarius 16 H 4 D VENUS 14 Scorpio 38 H 4 E MARS 4 Capricorn 50 H 5 F JUPITER 8 Leo 11 (R) H 12 G SATURN 13 Virgo 54 H 1 H URANUS 19 Scorpio 04 H 4 I NEPTUNE 18 Sagittarius 21 H 4 J PLUTO 18 Libra 53 H 3 K NODE 21 Virgo 55 H 2 AC ASCENDANT 22 Leo 19 MC MIDHEAVEN 14 Taurus 15 Colors FIRE EARTH by Element AIR WATER — House Cusps —

AC House 1 22 Leo 19 House 2 19 Virgo 35 House 3 17 Libra 03 IC House 4 14 Scorpio 15 House 5 24 Sagittarius 54 House 6 25 Capricorn 00 DC House 7 22 Aquarius 19 House 8 19 Pisces 35 House 9 17 Aries 03 MC House 10 14 Taurus 15 House 11 24 Gemini 54 House 12 25 Cancer 00 Koch Houses Birth Aspects Katie Holmes SUN semisquares VENUS 42° 12’ SUN conjuncts MARS 8° 00’ SUN conjuncts NEPTUNE 8° 28’ SUN sextiles PLUTO 67° 56’ SUN squares NODE 94° 55’ SUN trines ASCENDANT (AC) 124° 30’ SUN sesquisquares MIDHEAVEN (MC) 137° 25’ MOON squares VENUS 87° 25’ MOON sesquisquares MARS 137° 37’ MOON conjuncts JUPITER 9° 01’ MOON squares URANUS 91° 51’ MOON trines NEPTUNE 121° 09’ MOON sextiles PLUTO 61° 41’ MOON conjuncts ASCENDANT (AC) 5° 06’ MOON squares MIDHEAVEN (MC) 92° 57’ MERCURY trines JUPITER 118° 05’ MERCURY squares SATURN 82° 21’ MERCURY semisquares PLUTO 47° 22’ VENUS squares JUPITER 96° 27’ VENUS sextiles SATURN 60° 43’ VENUS conjuncts URANUS 4° 26’ VENUS squares ASCENDANT (AC) 82° 18’ VENUS opposes MIDHEAVEN (MC) 179° 37’ MARS semisquares URANUS 45° 46’ MARS sesquisquares ASCENDANT (AC) 132° 30’ JUPITER semisquares NODE 43° 44’ JUPITER squares MIDHEAVEN (MC) 83° 55’ SATURN sextiles URANUS 65° 09’ SATURN squares NEPTUNE 94° 27’ SATURN conjuncts NODE 8° 00’ SATURN trines MIDHEAVEN (MC) 119° 39’ URANUS sextiles NODE 57° 09’ URANUS squares ASCENDANT (AC) 86° 44’ URANUS opposes MIDHEAVEN (MC) 175° 11’ NEPTUNE sextiles PLUTO 59° 28’ NEPTUNE squares NODE 86° 27’ NEPTUNE trines ASCENDANT (AC) 116° 02’ PLUTO sextiles ASCENDANT (AC) 56° 34’ NODE trines MIDHEAVEN (MC) 127° 39’ YOUR PERSONAL SABIAN SYMBOLS Katie Holmes The Sabian symbols have been around for almost 100 years. Since they were popularized by Dane Rudhyar in An Astrological Mandala (1973) they have been appearing more often in astrological consultations and articles.

Visualized originally by a psychic at the request of astrologer Marc Edmund Jones, the 360 images were randomly assigned to each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, thus giving each separate degree its own character. So 3 degrees of Taurus differs from 4 degrees of Taurus, for example, because they each carry their own symbol of their unique quality.

You will find one interesting application of Rudhyar’s approach at the beginning of your Major Activity section in the back of your Cosmic Window. There a set of four symbols, forming a cross occupying every 90 degrees, paints an intuitive picture of your present life situation. Those symbols are based upon your mo- ment of birth and the cross is formed by using the degree of your progressed Sun, which changes about one degree every year.

Here we are using the symbols to add depth to your birth chart. The Sabian symbol is given for the degree occupied by each of the major items in your own chart. The degrees are determined in this way: from 0 degrees Aries up to 1 de- gree of Aries is Aries 1; from 1 degree 1 minute of Aries up to 2 degrees of Aries is Aries 2; and so on.* SUN 26Sagittarius50 Sagittarius27

SUN: center of your personality, clearly being and expressing yourself, your integrity, sense of purpose and intention to be who you truly are 27 SAG: A sculptor at his work. This shows an individual effort to project one’s vision into substantial form.

MOON 17Leo12 Leo18

MOON: your listening, receiving, feeling your feelings, caring for others, having needs, being vulnerable or needing help, the child in you 18 LEO: A chemist conducts an experiment for his students. This might refer to the thrill of discovery available to those who have mastered the basics.

* The colors shown here are meant to express the element in which your planet or angle is found, i.e., red for fire signs, green for earth signs, blue for water signs, and orange for air signs. Sabian Symbols - 1 YOUR PERSONAL SABIAN SYMBOLS Katie Holmes

MERCURY 6Sagittarius16 Sagittarius7

MERCURY: your thinking, speaking, writing, studying, playing, trickery 7 SAG: Cupid knocks at the door of a human heart. This implies that an emotional rebirth is possible through the awakening of an ideal love.

VENUS 14Scorpio38 Scorpio15

VENUS: beauty, attraction, your values, love, artistic expression, feeling appre- ciated, being spoiled, money and luxury 15 SCO: Children playing around five mounds of sand. This could symbolize the early stages of an advanced mental development.

MARS 4Capricorn50 Capricorn5

MARS: physical activity, competition, enthusiasm, trying hard, wanting or de- siring, initiative, pushing, or even anger 5 CAP: Indians on the warpath. While some men row a well-filled canoe, others in it perform a war dance. This implies a mobilization of your energies for an assertive act or a test.

JUPITER 8Leo11 Leo9

JUPITER: optimism, vision, confidence, being sociable, encouraging others, taking chances, generosity, overdoing, good fortune, teaching, religion, goals 9 LEO: Glass blowers shape beautiful vases with their controlled breathing. This suggests a total involvement in creative expression, or perhaps a divine inspiration shaping your life.

Sabian Symbols - 2 YOUR PERSONAL SABIAN SYMBOLS Katie Holmes

SATURN 13Virgo54 Virgo14

SATURN: pessimism, caution, your life structure, need for security, lonely or solitary, authority, fear, practicality, limitations, hard work and discipline 14 VIR: An aristocratic family tree. This might imply the availability of a source of guidance or support to be found within your personal past or through a tradition.

URANUS 19Scorpio04 Scorpio20

URANUS: eccentricity, special gifts, being different, rebelliousness, unpredictable, shocking, inventive, technology 20 SCO: A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the en- trance to a sacred pathway. This suggests a revelation which transcends dualistic knowledge and a plunging ahead into the unknown.

NEPTUNE 18Sagittarius21 Sagittarius19

NEPTUNE: imagination, idealism, dreams, illusions, confusion, chaos, com- passion, strong sensitivity, seeking communion, hiding oneself or going along with others weakly 19 SAG: Pelicans menaced by the behavior and refuse of men seek safer areas for bringing up their young. This suggests the need to find a more wholesome way of life or healthier sur- roundings if one’s future potentials are to be realized.

PLUTO 18Libra53 Libra19

PLUTO: going deeply, being on the edge, challenging, intensity, controlling, will- fulness, renewing, rebuilding, taking things apart, investigating, healing; the deeper spiritual will within 19 LIB: A gang of robbers in hiding. Hidden elements capable of subverting authority or of seizing what belongs to you may be lurking.

Sabian Symbols - 3 YOUR PERSONAL SABIAN SYMBOLS Katie Holmes

ASCENDANT(AC) 22Leo19 Leo23

ASCENDANT (AC): your own unique path toward becoming who you really are and your destiny, your appearance, how you see yourself 23 LEO: In a circus the bareback rider displays her dangerous skill. This seems to symbolize the development of self-control to a degree which al- lows for outstanding achievements.

MIDHEAVEN(MC) 14Taurus15 Taurus15

MIDHEAVEN (MC): your role in the world, social position, calling, vocation; spiritual identity as member of the whole 15 TAU: Head covered with a rakish silk hat, muffled against the cold, a man braves a storm. This might imply a willing ability to face tests or crises if something valuable is to be gained.

DESCENDANT (DC) 22 Aquarius 19 Aquarius 23

DESCENDANT (DC): who others see in you, your relationship attitudes toward others, interface between you and others 23 AQU: A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws. This suggests the result of discipline and training-a powerful instinctual figure obeying the will of its master.

NADIR(IC) 14Scorpio15 Scorpio15

NADIR (IC): your roots, home, family, inheritance, where you are grounded, inner life and inner self; psychological womb 15 SCO: Children playing around five mounds of sand. This could symbolize the early stages of an advanced mental development.

Sabian Symbols - 4

To get the most out of your Cosmic Window calendar, read this section once. INTRODUCTION

Who knows what this year holds for you? You are looking at 12 months of your life - 52 weeks, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes, 31,536,000 seconds. How many breaths, how many beats of your heart will you live from the start to the end of these pages?

Of course, these markings on paper are not your actual life, not your hopes and fears, highs and lows, joys, trials, and realizations which you will experience during these 12 months. But these pages contain valuable information about the patterns likely to be woven throughout your days and nights. Whether you are al- ready convinced of the value of astrology or just testing its validity, your Cosmic Window calendar can provide you with a way to see into the daily and longer- term events of your inner and outer life. And it’s fun! (How to use each kind of page can be found at the end of the book.) The colors: EASE as in REST (leisure, relaxation, calmness, security) FREEDOM FROM RESTRAINT (abandon, naturalness, spontaneity) FREEDOM FROM or easing of PAIN, or relief READINESS: facility, cleverness, effortlessness, expertise, knack, poise, skillfulness, smoothness; efficiency PROSPERITY: abundance, easy street, thriving, well-being But could be idleness, inactivity, inertia, passivity. STRESS as in the action or effect of force exerted within or upon a thing CONSTRAINING force or influence: (pressure, strain, tension, pinch; bur- den, weight) EMPHASIS, accentuation, importance LABOR: toil, travail; adversity, difficulty; burden, care, worry Can be discomfort, unrest; agony, pain Or awkwardness, clumsiness, stiffness; inconvenience; exertion, effort.

Stress is built into life, and we experience a tidal rising and falling of stress in our day-to-day existence. Often it is felt as a quickening or vitalizing and we feel more alive. The pace quickens; we respond to challenge. More rarely, at its ex- treme it can be quite unbearable. Will it come from tense encounters with people in our environment, from unwelcome thoughts or feelings surfacing from our own minds, or physical illness or material loss?

Ease or harmony is also built into our lives. It is more than just the absence of stress. The Chinese - among others - believed that life was a mixture of harmony and chaos or stress. When you are living life as it is, or living the Tao, then you can experience harmony even in the midst of crisis. In harmony, life brings you a feeling of support, validation, or acceptance.

Introduction - 1 You may see red days, red moments, or even whole red months. These are not to be feared or to be seen as warnings of awful events. Occasionally they may coincide with difficult times. But there is stress in finding or marrying a mate, starting a new job, completing an education. So please, try not to react to red as something bad or unfortunate waiting to crush you. It is more like a “force exerted within or upon you.”

In the same light, blue days, moments or months will not necessarily bring you everything you wish for. At these times there is more of a sense of life working for you, or with you — less effort and struggle. But perhaps it’s a time when very little happens unless you are open, and looking, and willing to receive or to act. The Chinese, again, looked at life as consisting of times when the “way is open” and times when the “way is closed.” You will develop your own personal and in- dividual sense of just what these colors mean for you.

When a day, or planetary action (“transit”) on a given day, or a month is neither strongly easy (blue) or challenging (red), it will appear as black. You may in fact have a very busy time, because a day with no activity will be black, but then again, a day with a great deal of activity, fairly balanced between ease and chal- lenge, will also show up as black. So black is neutral, not necessarily quiet, just an even mix.

Your calendar provides you with two types of values in order to help you deter- mine the flavor of the time. Besides the colors which tell you the relative ease or stress, we include measures of activity (“busy” or “quiet”) regardless of whether it’s stress or ease. So a given day may not show up as particularly emphasizing stress or ease, but it may still be one of the busiest or most active days (or months) in your whole year.

In order to furnish you with perspective, your book offers its own movement into detail and out for the bigger picture. We step out and back from your life in the overviews contained in the following pages and in the major activity in the back of your calendar. And we move into the detail of your days and hours by showing you the planetary activity each day. Used together, you will find the Cosmic Window to be a valuable companion, whether you use it mainly to plan meetings and trips, to explore the deeper meanings and patterns of your soul and your destiny, or just for fun.

This is what you will find:

• Your Birth Chart, your Planetary Positions, your Personal Sabian Symbols and a listing of the Highlights for your year, which include your secondary and solar arc progressions.

(Brief tech note: Prog-Nat refers to the technique of moving all factors in the chart one day’s distance for every year lived and comparing to the birth chart, while Arc-Nat moves all factors the same distance - the distance the Sun travels in one day.)

Introduction - 2 • Your Personal Yearly Summary, an analysis of your personal year. You will see how your year looks by examining your own statistics based on the planetary activity in your chart. This section contains:

✩ The total number of red days, blue days and black days in your calendar for the year and for each month, giving you another way to track your relative ups and downs for this particular year. ✩ Your most favorable and most challenging months for the year. ✩ Your “blue-est” or most favorable days for each month and for the year. ✩ Your “red-est” or most challenging days for each month and for the year. ✩ Your astrologically busiest or most active days and month and your least ac- tive or quietest days and month for the year. ✩ A graph of your monthly stress and activity numbers for an easy at-a-glance look at the year. ✩ Your most favorable (most harmonious) planet for the entire year and the most stressed (most challenged) planet for the year and what these may mean for you. ✩ Your most favorable planet and most challenged planet for each month. ✩ Your most active (busiest) and least active (quietest) planets for the whole year and for each month. ✩ The lunations (Eclipses, New Moons, and Full Moons) which are significant for you personally during this year. ✩ Your most important challenges and opportunities presented by your major activity during this year.

• Your daily personal astrological information, which makes up the core of your book. When any single aspect or day is deemed primarily harmonious or favorable, it will appear as blue. When an aspect or day is considered stressful, it appears as red. Those we consider having the potential to go either way ap- pear as black.

Notice that the actual month name is also going to appear red, blue or black for each month, reflecting the overall stress or ease for that entire month.

• Included in the daily/monthly section you will find a brief description of the Mundane Astrological Highlights for the month, covering the New and Full Moons, the changes in apparent direction of the planets (stations), entries into new signs (ingresses), and noteworthy angular relationships (aspects) between the planets in the sky. This information is applicable to all of us, providing you with the general conditions of the time, the astrological “weather”.

• Your Monthly Summary Pages, which provide you with favorability ratings for each and every day of your month in 15 categories, as well as the activity and stress levels for the month. The colors offer an intuitive way to feel your month.

Introduction - 3 • Your Personal Sabian Symbols for the Year follow the calendar section. These are derived from your own birth data. Two sets of four symbols are given, be- cause the 12-month period each set symbolizes usually does not coincide with the same 12 months of your calendar. These periods are determined from your moment of birth.

• Your Major Activity, formed by the five slower moving “outer” planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto), appears in the back of your book. These are referred to your daily astrological activity using their letter codes (.A., .B., .C. etc). These also are color-coded with reds, blues and blacks.

In your Major Activity you will find a wealth of information to help you explore and to live the opportunities and challenges represented by these planetary cycles. An example from your own personal calendar is given at the beginning of the Major Activity section. Because of the amount of information it may be difficult at first to gain full benefit from the tools provided there. You may find it helpful to focus on the smaller number of aspects indicated at the end of your Yearly Summary as your key challenges and opportunities.

In particular I recommend examining the “Cycle Histories”, allowing you to ex- plore the earlier key times for each currently active cycle. You can see how earlier events and circumstances have contributed to the situation in the present, thus revealing a deeper purpose and meaning. This can help you to know what this time calls for.

• There is also an Appendix after the Major Activity section, offering the daily statistics for each month.

This new Cosmic Window has evolved since 1985. Its present incarnation offers by far the greatest amount of information yet by including color and statistics. But this knowledge will not serve its true purpose if it does not help you to determine how to live the best and deepest life possible for you. It is not neces- sary to consume and digest every fact and piece of data. Use what appeals to you.

Here you have a very personal window for viewing your life, particularly at the times when habitual points of view dissolve or structures rupture in the in- evitable processes of change that are your life and mine.

The Cosmic Window has developed partly because of the useful suggestions of its users. I would like to encourage you to offer any constructive criticism or im- provements, and also to ask any questions it may provoke.

Thank you very much for letting the Cosmic Window be of service.

Philip Levine

[email protected]

Introduction - 4

Interpretation Keywords

Angles of 60 (Í) or 120 (Â) usually indicate ease or opportunity

Angles of 90 (Ê), 150 (Î), 180 (‰) usually indicate stress or tension

Angles of 0 („) with Ô, Ò, ˆ, ˜, may be stressful

Angles of 0 („) with Ó or  should be easy or opportunistic

 indicate "triggers" which stimulate  or

MAJOR transits in effect at the time


Á È AC, MC Highlights communication, intellect (Ñ not listening)

ËÓ Feelings, desire for closeness (Ñ mind vs. feeling)

Ô Assertiveness, initiative, quick (Ñ argumentative)

 Understanding, planning, expansion (Ñ too much)

Ò Discipline, seriousness, focus (Ñ frustration)

ˆ Innovation, independence, creativity (Ñ rebellious)

˜ Imagination, aspiration, idealism (Ñ confusion)

∏ Depth, intensity, influence, renewal (Ñ dogmatic)


Á Ó AC, MC, Ë Intimacy, pleasure, love, art (Ñ laziness)

È Communication or thinking (Ñ selfishness)

Ô Assertiveness, initiative, sex, creation (Ñ tension)

 Ease, well-being,comfort (Ñ overdoing, indulgence)

Ò Discipline, solitude, focus (Ñ low esteem, lonely)

ˆ Freedom, change, excitement, new (Ñ fickleness)

˜ Imagination, romantic, idealism, art (Ñ confusion)

∏ Intense, renewal, release (Ñ compulsion, jealous)



Á Ô AC, MC Assertiveness, action, purpose, decisiveness (Ñ tension)

Ë Feelings, contact, emotional reactions/needs (Ñ tension)

È Communication, thinking (Ñ arguing, not listening)

Ó Desire for love, harmony, pleasure/beauty (Ñ tension)

 Risk, confidence, reward (Ñ excess, arrogance)

Ò Discipline,patience,focus (Ñ depressed, frustrated, fear)

ˆ Freedom, change, unexpected, new (Ñ impulsive)

˜ Imagination, idealism, giving (Ñ deception, confusion)

∏ Intensity, striving, depth (Ñ repression, compulsion)

¥ Ë (MOON) ASPECTS: Refer to meanings shown above in the chart Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015

✩ Your year has 77 red days, 202 blue days, and 86 black days.* Distribution of your color days by month:

Month Red Blue Black JAN 3 22 6 FEB 18 7 3 MAR 10 7 14 APR 5 18 7 MAY 12 8 11 JUN 0 29 1 JUL 1 27 3 AUG 4 12 15 SEP 16 4 10 OCT 3 22 6 NOV 0 28 2 DEC 5 18 8

✩ Your Most Favorable Month:* JUN (267) (Rating numbers are in parentheses.) ✩ Your Most Challenging Month:* SEP (–46)

These are your monthly ratings for comparison (average = 92):

JAN 152 FEB –41 MAR –20 APR 67 MAY 6 JUN 267 JUL 162 AUG 28 SEP –46 OCT 161 NOV 266 DEC 105

* More complete statistics for the year may be found in the appendix in the back.

Yearly Summary - 1 Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days: JAN 30;JUN 30;OCT 17;DEC 1 (16) Your most favorable days for each month (average = 11.9):*

Month Dates Rating JAN 30 16 FEB 1 8 MAR 30 7 APR 4,12 8 MAY 29 13 JUN 30 16 JUL 1 13 AUG 24 7 SEP 1 8 OCT 17 16 NOV 15,26 15 DEC 1 16

✩ Your Most Challenging Days: MAR 16 (–11) Your most challenging days for each month (average = –6):*

Month Dates Rating JAN 2 –4 FEB 23,24 –9 MAR 16 –11 APR 23 –8 MAY 17 –8 JUN 0 JUL 10 –8 AUG 6 –8 SEP 4, 8 –6 OCT 3,21 –3 NOV 20 –1 DEC 21 –6

* Also shown before each month. More complete statistics for the year may be found in the appendix in the back.

Yearly Summary - 2 Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015 ✩ Your Busiest Month: JAN (576) ✩ Your Quietest Month: SEP (258) Your monthly activity ratings for comparison (average = 360):

JAN 576 FEB 396 MAR 265 APR 291 MAY 286 JUN 474 JUL 359 AUG 272 SEP 258 OCT 346 NOV 511 DEC 286 Katie Holmes’s Stress and Activity JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

10 -

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0 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ACTIVITY STRESS Yearly Summary - 3 Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015

✩ Your Busiest Days: JAN 21 (28) Your busiest days for each month (average = 11.8):*

Month Dates Rating JAN 21,27 28 FEB 7 27 MAR 4 18 APR 6, 8,13,19,26 15 MAY 31 21 JUN 13 24 JUL 1 25 AUG 31 16 SEP 1 17 OCT 16,17 17 NOV 15 26 DEC 1 22

✩ Your Quietest Days: JUL 28 (0) Your quietest days for each month (average = 11.8):*

Month Dates Rating JAN 3 9 FEB 18,22 6 MAR 11 1 APR 28,29 4 MAY 2 2 JUN 23 8 JUL 28 0 AUG 7 2 SEP 16,21,23 4 OCT 5 1 NOV 16 8 DEC 29,31 3

* Also shown before each month. More complete statistics for the year may be found in the appendix in the back.

Yearly Summary - 4 Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015 A LOOK AT YOUR PLANETS FOR THE YEAR (and Angles)

✩ Your Most Favorable Overall: VENUS (739) ave (255) ✩ Your Most Challenging Overall: URANUS (–296) ave (255) ✩ Your Busiest Overall: VENUS (1230) ave (816) ✩ Your Quietest Overall: SUN (575) ave (816) Your overall yearly planet totals:* Planet/Angle Stress/Ease Activity SUN 105 575 MOON 646 1094 MERCURY –159 606 VENUS 739 1230 MARS 62 588 JUPITER 236 695 SATURN 195 1168 URANUS –296 809 NEPTUNE 203 772 PLUTO 229 751 ASCENDANT 270 474 MIDHEAVEN 834 1029


Yearly Summary - 5 Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet/Month: MOON in APR (168) Your most favorable planet for each month (average = 112):

Month Planet Rating JAN Venus 110 FEB Moon 100 MAR Moon 23 APR Moon 168 MAY Venus 72 JUN Venus 149 JUL Saturn 133 AUG Mars 96 SEP Mars 33 OCT Venus 149 NOV Saturn 163 DEC Venus 145

✩ Your Most Challenging Planet/Month: MERCURY in JAN (–176) Your most challenging planet for each month (average = –62):*

Month Planet Rating JAN Mercury –176 FEB Saturn –156 MAR Saturn –25 APR Uranus –27 MAY Uranus –108 JUN Uranus –44 JUL Mars –19 AUG Jupiter –22 SEP Uranus –117 OCT Uranus –5 NOV Mercury –37 DEC Saturn –12

* More complete statistics for the year may be found in the appendix in the back.

Yearly Summary - 6 Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015

✩ Your Busiest Planet/Month: VENUS in FEB (242) Your busiest planet for each month (average = 170):

Month Planet Rating JAN Saturn 235 FEB Venus 242 MAR Jupiter 87 APR Moon 216 MAY Uranus 130 JUN Venus 159 JUL Saturn 167 AUG Mars 142 SEP Uranus 139 OCT Venus 160 NOV Saturn 202 DEC Venus 155

✩ Your Quietest Planet/Month: MERCURY in DEC (17) Your quietest planet for each month (average = 28):

Month Planet Rating JAN Jupiter 33 FEB Sun 32 MAR Mercury 25 APR Venus 26 MAY Mercury 26 JUN Mercury 29 JUL Moon 27 AUG Venus 29 SEP Venus 24 OCT Uranus 34 NOV Sun 30 DEC Mercury 17

Yearly Summary - 7 Personal Yearly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015

✩ You have 12 noteworthy lunations this year: The FULL MOON FEB3 triggersyour MIDHEAVEN (see FEB) The FULL MOON FEB3 alsohitsyour VENUS (see FEB) The FULL MOON MAR5 triggersyour SATURN (see MAR) The FULL MOON MAY3 triggersyour MIDHEAVEN (see MAY) The NEW MOON JUL31 triggersyour JUPITER (see JUL) The NEW MOON AUG14 triggersyour ASCENDANT (see AUG) The FULL MOON AUG29 triggersyour MERCURY (see AUG) The LUNAR ECLIPSE SEP27 triggersyour MARS (see SEP) The NEW MOON OCT12 triggersyour PLUTO (see OCT) The NEW MOON NOV11 triggersyour URANUS (see NOV) The NEW MOON DEC11 triggersyour NEPTUNE (see DEC) The FULL MOON DEC25 triggersyour MARS (see DEC)

✩ This year brings you some key major opportunities and challenges: Opportunities (see your Major Activity section): .I. FPB OCT 14 – JUN 15 .N. HUB MAR 15 – FEB 16 .R. FPmN NOV 14 – JUL 15 .S. FUA 7/17 - 7/27 .T. FUE 8/23 - 9/2 .W. FUMN OCT 15 – JUN 16 .X. FSD OCT 15 – JUN 16 .Z. FSH NOV 15 – JUL 16 Challenges (see your Major Activity section): .H. HTG APR 14 – FEB 15 These are probably the best ones to focus on.

Yearly Summary - 8 NGC 7293: The Helix Nebula

Credit: NASA, WIYN, NOAO, ESA, Hubble Helix Nebula Team, M. Meixner (STScI), & T. A. Rector (NRAO)

The Cosmic Window is dedicated with gratitude to the long lineage of

devoted astrologers going back through the time of the Babylonian

star-priests, to those who looked up and saw order in the heavens

and wanted to communicate that order to their fellow humans. The

love of these human beings - whether Tibetan, Hindu, Chinese,

Greek, Roman, English, French, American or of any other origin - for

the Mystery of the skies and its connection with Sources beyond our

comprehension forms the thread that has kept this vital knowledge

alive and evolving to this day. Anything that directs our attention to the remembering of who

we are serves the process of reconnecting us to the Life that

brought us forth for Its own purposes.

Nothing that humanity has devised to this end is devoted so

completely to just that seeking than the horoscope, the

mathematically calculated chart of the positions of the

heavenly bodies at the moment of birth. How long the

horoscope has been with us! Whether in or out of favor, it has

been humanity's constant companion as far back as we

remember. In quite a few civilizations (that's civilizations, not

states, cities, eras), the horoscope has received the ultimate

trust from the people as the supreme guide to ensure the

collective survival.

Civilizations may have differed in their approach to the

horoscope both technically and interpretatively, but they have

agreed upon its importance.

SIRIUS is the name of the brightest star in the heavens, the

Dog Star found in the constellation Canis Majoris. It is said to

predispose one to dog bites, but otherwise to give honors,

fame and wealth. SIRIUS is like the cosmic Higher Self to our

own Sun.

In esoteric traditions, SIRIUS is said to be the solar system

from which the beings came who brought our initial human

consciousness to the animal beings then living on the Earth.

It has been called "The Great Instructor of Mankind" and has

been related to Mercury and Buddha or wisdom. 2015 January 2015 February 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 910 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 2829 30 31

March 2015 April 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 1314 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2223 24 25 26 2728 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2930 31 2627 2829 30

May 2015 June 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 2223 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2425 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 July 2015 August 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 30 31 1 5 6 7 8 910 11 2 3 4 5 6 78 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 1314 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1617 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

September 2015 October 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 2223 24 25 26 18 19 2021 22 23 24 27 2829 30 25 2627 28 29 30 31

November 2015 December 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 27 28 29 3031 2016 January 2016 February 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 31 March 2016 April 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

May 2016 June 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30

July 2016 August 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 31 September 2016 October 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November 2016 December 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mundane Activity JANUARY 2015

Full Moon Jan 4 at 11:54 PM EST/ 8:54 PM PST from 14 Can 31. Sun is conjunct Pluto at 13 Cap, and FM makes a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus at 12 Ari. Saturn is also at the midpoint of this Full Moon. At this point we are well along in the process of annihilation/renewal associated with Uranus-Pluto. New Moon Jan 20 at 8:15 AM EST/ 5:15 AM PST at 0 Aqu 09. Much quieter: sextiles Saturn at 2 Sag, uplifted perhaps by Jupiter retro opposite Merc and Venus from 20 Leo. Planetary Changes: Mercury Stationary turning Retrograde Jan 21 at 10:56 AM EST/ 7:56 AM PST at 17 Aqu 05. While almost opposing Jupiter retro at 19 Leo. Venus into Aquarius Jan 3 at 9:49 AM EST/ 6:49 AM PST. Mercury into Aquarius Jan 4 at 8:09 PM EST/ 5:09 PM PST. Mars into Pisces Jan 12 at 5:21 AM EST/ 2:21 AM PST. Sun into Aquarius Jan 20 at 4:44 AM EST/ 1:44 AM PST. Venus into Pisces Jan 27 at 10:01 AM EST/ 7:01 AM PST. Key Aspects: Mars opposes Jupiter retro Jan 1 at 2:50 PM EST/ 11:50 AM PST from 21 Aqu 41. Head- ing into a stressful Full Moon (see above), this suggests enthusiastic action, or wasted and scattered energy. Sun squares Uranus Jan 3 at 3:41 AM EST/ 12:41 AM PST from 12 Cap 38. Just before the Full Moon (see above), instability cries out for change. Sun conjuncts Pluto Jan 3 at 6:35 PM EST/ 3:35 PM PST at 13 Cap 16. Part of the same package as above, is there some way you can help what’s trying to happen? Mars squares Saturn Jan 15 at 1:11 AM EST/ Jan 14 at 10:11 PM PST from 2 Pisc 12. Mars also conjuncts Neptune at 5 Pisc. So the tension is between compassionate action and the need for patience and respect for limits. Venus opposes Jupiter retro Jan 19 at 8:45 AM EST/ 5:45 AM PST from 19 Aqu 57. As the New Moon approaches, perhaps leniency, generosity, or over-the-top show. Mars conjuncts Neptune Jan 19 at 7:10 PM EST/ 4:10 PM PST at 5 Pisc 55. Imagine Mars being weighed down or stopped when squaring Saturn (see above), now escaping, with or without its purpose executed. Venus squares Saturn Jan 30 at 3:24 AM EST/ 12:24 AM PST from 3 Pisc 23. Following where Mars passed a couple of weeks ago, try to look at things realistically even if it means sobriety costs you your cherished fantasies. Sun conjuncts Mercury retro Jan 30 at 8:46 AM EST/ 5:46 AM PST at 10 Aqu 20. Mars conjuncts Chiron Jan 31 at 3:24 PM EST/ 12:24 PM PST at 15 Pisc 10. In addition, Venus sextiles Saturn Jan 3-4, Sun sextiles Chiron Jan 4, Mercury sextiles Saturn Jan 5, Venus sextiles Uranus Jan 13, Mercury sextiles Uranus Jan 13-14, Sun sex- tiles Saturn Jan 22-23, Mercury sextiles Uranus Jan 27-28, Mars sextiles Pluto Jan 29-30. JANUARY 2015


1 10 j 14 20 b 36 23 j 39 26 j 43 21 k 03 21 e 46 0 i 52 12 a 37 5 l 23 13 j 10 2 11 15 3 c 43 25 14 27 58 21 50 21 r 41 0 58 12 37 5 25 13 12 3 12 16 16 39 26 49 29 14 22 37 21 36 1 04 12 38 5 26 13 14

4 13 17 29 24 28 23 0 k 29 23 24 21 32 1 10 12 39 5 28 13 16 5 14 18 11 d 58 29 56 1 44 24 11 21 27 1 16 12 39 5 29 13 18 6 15 19 24 21 1 k 27 2 59 24 58 21 21 1 22 12 40 5 31 13 20 7 16 21 6 e 33 2 58 4 14 25 45 21 16 1 27 12 41 5 32 13 22 8 17 22 18 36 4 27 5 29 26 32 21 11 1 33 12 42 5 34 13 25 9 18 23 0 f 30 5 53 6 44 27 19 21 05 1 39 12 43 5 36 13 27 10 19 24 12 19 7 18 7 59 28 06 20 59 1 44 12 44 5 37 13 29

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25 4 41 6 a 17 16 01 26 44 9 50 19 18 3 00 13 04 6 05 13 59 26 5 42 20 25 15 18 27 58 10 37 19 10 3 05 13 06 6 07 14 01 27 6 43 4 b 11 14 25 29 13 11 23 19 03 3 09 13 07 6 09 14 03 28 7 44 17 37 13 23 0 l 28 12 10 18 55 3 14 13 09 6 12 14 05 29 8 44 0 c 45 12 15 1 43 12 57 18 47 3 18 13 11 6 14 14 07 30 9 45 13 37 11 03 2 57 13 44 18 39 3 22 13 13 6 16 14 09 31 10 46 26 16 9 48 4 12 14 30 18 32 3 26 13 15 6 18 14 11

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Jan 20 at 5:15 AM PST 0k09 SYMBOL: An old adobe mission in California. ❍ Full Moon: Jan 4 at 8:54 PM PST 14d31 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: D➟k Jan 3 C tr Jan 21 (7:56 AM PST) EQ F Jan 1 C➟k Jan 4 AR H PJ Jan 2-3 E➟l Jan 12 ER G Jan 14-15 A➟k Jan 20 EP I Jan 19-20 D➟l Jan 27 DQ F Jan 19 AP C Jan 22 DR G Jan 29-30 Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – J JANUARY shows very high (12) activity for you, with high (6) stress. A N U




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication ✖ ▲ ✖ ▼ R 1 1 2 ✖ ▲ ✖ ▼ !! 2 3 ✖ ▲ ✖ ▼ 3

4 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 4 Y 5 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▼ 5 6 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▼ 6 7 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ✚ ▼ ▲ ▼ 7 8 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 8 9 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ✖ ▲ 9 10 ▼ ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▼ 10

11 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▼ 11 12 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▼ 12 13 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▼ 13 14 ✖▲✚✚✖▲▼ ▼▼▲▼ ▲ 14 15 ✖ ✚ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▼ 15 16 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ ✖ ▼ ▲ 16 17 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▲ 17

18 ✖▼✚✚✚▲✖▲▲ ▲▲▲ 18 19 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▼ !! 19 20 ✖ ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✖ ▲ 20 2 21 ✖ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ 21 22 ✖ ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 22 23 ✖ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ 23 24 ✖ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✖ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 24 0 25 ✖ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ 25 26 ✖ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 26 27 ✖ ✖ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✖ ✚ ▲ ▲ 27 1 28 ✖ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ 28 29 ✖▼✚✚▲▲✖✖▲ ▼▼ !! 29 30 ✖✚✚✚✚ ▲✚▲▲✚▲▲ 30 31 ▲✖✚✚✚▲▼ ▲▲▲ ▲ 31 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes JANUARY 2015 3 red days 22 blue days 6 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days January 30 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days January 2 (–4) ✩ Your Busiest Days January 21,27 (28) ✩ Your Quietest Days January 3 (9)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for January: VENUS (110)

Luxurious pleasures and loving connections with others are probably avail- able to you now. Your attractiveness and worth are enhanced.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for January: MERCURY (—176)

Communication may be challenging and your thinking may not be clear. Traveling is also not likely to go smoothly at this time.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your SATURN (235) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your JUPITER (33)

Now is the time to focus on your practical needs, responsibilities and de- tails. Do not avoid them or try to lose yourself in dreams. Also be aware of any fear-imposed limit you carry. It’s like they let the air out of the balloon. Your ability to see the big picture or what’s ahead may be lost for the time being. JANUARY 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 MARCH 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31


1X0 3:21 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1X4 6:05 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) ✖✖ 1Z2 8:42 PM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) ✖✖ T H 1 U New Years Day Void 4:20 AM (PST) .A. .B. GEMINI 9:10 AM (PST) EQmN 6:50 AM (Possible encounter with another’s will. ) 1y5 12:14 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 10:55 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1X3 12:16 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) F 1y1 5:04 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) R 1Z8 7:13 PM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 2 I 1|9 8:13 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1X7 8:32 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) .A. .B. 1ysp 2:39 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) VENUS enters AQUARIUS 1Z0 11:10 AM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) 6:49 AM (PST) S A 3 T Void 3:56 AM (PST) .A. .B. CANCER 5:09 PM (PST) JANUARY 2015 ❍ AUG 6:38 AM (Responsibility & structure offer security. ) 8:54 PM (PST) AUMN 2:47 PM (Pursue objectives, aware of purpose. ) FULL MOON (14 Canc 31) ASD 11:33 PM (Appreciate self...affirm self-worth.) S 1Z4 2:20 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) U ✖✖ 1X2 5:05 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ N 4 1y6 7:45 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) MERC > AQUAR 5:09 PM 1yop 8:25 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 9:08 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) Void 8:54 PM (PST) [w JUMN w 1X8 4:22 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1x9 5:23 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 5:44 AM (Try something new - experiment.) M 1X0 8:51 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) O N 5

.A. .B. .C. 1X4 12:37 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 3:26 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Y5 7:14 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) T U E 6

LEO 3:04 AM (PST) .A. .B. .C. ATB 12:17 PM (Tension...try for emotional balance.) 1xop 7:20 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 8:04 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) W 1Y1 1:14 PM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) E 1|8 3:33 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) D 7 1y9 4:36 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1x7 4:57 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1Ysp 11:28 PM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) .A. .B. .C. ESA 1:02 AM (Use initiative, assertiveness...be decisive.) DSC 6:49 AM (Mix communication & social activity. ) CSC 10:15 PM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) T 1|0 8:35 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) H U 8 Void 9:06 AM (PST) VIRGO 2:59 PM (PST) .A. .B. .C. ARJ 3:56 AM (Power struggles...try detachment, let go.) ASH 8:06 AM (Try new experiences...experiment.) DQF 7:36 PM (Self-love & indulgence...to excess?) F 1|4 12:46 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) R ✖✖ 1x2 3:40 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ I 9 1Y6 7:14 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) 1|op 7:56 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 8:41 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) .A. .B. .C. CQF 7:35 AM (Plans or big ideas...watch for the details.) 1x8 4:17 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1y7 5:43 AM (Try something new - experiment.) S 1x0 9:30 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) A T 10

Void 7:47 AM (PST) .A. .B. .C. JANUARY 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 MARCH 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 1x4 1:42 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 4:35 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1y5 8:28 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) S U 11 N

.A. .B. .C. LIBRA 3:58 AM (PST) ATmN 12:44 PM (Possible tension in your expression. ) MARS enters PISCES 1Xop 8:37 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 2:21 AM (PST) 1y1 2:30 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1y8 4:48 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) M 1Y9 5:52 PM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) O 12 N

.A. .B. .C. 1ysp 12:41 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) ◗ 1y0 9:29 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1:48 AM (PST) 3Q (22 Lib 52) T U 13 E Void 1:48 AM (PST) .A. .B. .C. SCORPIO 3:45 PM (PST) DTG 9:35 AM (Little from others...appreciate yourself.) DRMN 4:13 PM (Harmony, creativity, & self-appreciation. ) DRD 11:22 PM (Express your values & worth...love.) 1y4 1:04 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) W 1x5 7:25 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) E 1y6 6:18 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 14 D 1Zop 6:57 PM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) 1Y3 7:40 PM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) .A. .B. .C. CTG 4:47 AM (Cautious thoughts...face limits, details.) CRMN 1:51 PM (Ideas may need action...listen.) CRD 11:36 PM (Be nice...but be honest.) 1x1 12:32 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) T 1Y7 3:57 AM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) H 1xsp 9:55 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 15 U

.A. .B. .C. Void 3:53 PM (PST) ✖✖ 1Y2 11:07 AM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) ✖✖ 1|5 2:31 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) F R 16 I

[w FRH w SAGITTARIUS 12:02 AM (PST) DQB 12:53 AM (Your need for love can make you weak. ) DSI 11:03 PM (Romantic imagining...transcendent love.) 1x6 12:38 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1Xop 1:14 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) S 1|1 6:17 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) A 1Y8 8:15 AM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 17 T 1y9 9:09 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1|sp 3:01 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) [w FSJ w Void 11:26 AM (PST) JANUARY 2015 ESE 6:31 AM (Dynamic activity, initiative, decisiveness. ) DUJ 9:14 AM (Seek deeper ties...intensive creativity.) ✖✖ DRH 12:38 PM (Try freedom or change in relationships. ) ✖✖ S 1Y4 12:02 PM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) U 1X5 5:35 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) N 18

CAPRICORN 4:05 AM (PST) .A. .B. .C. .D. .E. .F. 1|6 3:00 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1|op 3:34 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 4:10 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) M 1X1 8:21 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) O 1x9 11:04 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) N 19 1y7 11:21 AM (Try something new - experiment.) ML King Birthday (US) 1Xsp 4:37 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.)

Void 2:52 AM (PST) .A. .B. .C. .D. .E. .F. ● ✖✖ ERC 2:23 AM (Tendency to argue or drive too fast. ) ✖✖ 5:15 AM (PST) 1y2 2:58 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) NEW MOON (0 Aqu 09) 1Z5 6:02 PM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) T U E 20 SUN > AQUARIUS 1:44 AM AQUARIUS 5:01 AM (PST) .A. .B. .C. .D. .E. .F. MERCURY DQmN 3:09 AM (Seek harmony & love with others. ) RETRO til 2/11 • • 1X6 3:10 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1xop 3:43 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) W 1x3 4:19 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) E 1Z1 8:25 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) D 21 1y8 10:15 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1|9 11:06 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) ✖✖ 1x7 11:23 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ Void 5:46 PM (PST) [w FUI w ETF 1:16 PM (High energy, enthusiasm...watch excess.) 1y4 12:35 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) ✖✖ 1x2 2:52 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ T 1X5 5:57 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) H U 22

PISCES 4:49 AM (PST) w JUG w] 1Z6 3:12 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 3:46 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 4:22 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) F 1X1 8:35 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) R 1x8 10:28 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) I 23 1X9 11:20 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 11:37 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1Xsp 4:55 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) Void 3:14 AM (PST) .B. .C. .D. .E. .F. .G. DSA 5:53 PM (Enjoy beauty, peace...appreciate self.) 1x0 12:17 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1x4 1:39 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) S 1|2 4:02 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) A 1|5 7:14 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T 24

ARIES 5:32 AM (PST) .B. .C. .D. .E. .F. .G. JANUARY 2015 FEBRUARY 2015 MARCH 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 1X6 4:55 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1X3 6:09 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1|1 10:34 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1|8 12:33 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) S 1Z9 1:27 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) U ✖✖ 1X7 1:45 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ 25 N 1|sp 7:19 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.)

.B. .C. .D. .E. .F. .G. ASC 5:23 AM (Get your ideas across easily...insight.) ◗ CRD 10:04 AM (Be nice...but be honest.) 8:50 PM (PST) CRMN 7:39 PM (Ideas may need action...listen.) 1Q (6 Tau 55) 1|0 3:07 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) M 1|4 5:11 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) O ✖✖ 1X2 7:42 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ 26 N 1x5 11:04 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) Void 6:24 AM (PST) w FRH w] TAURUS 8:38 AM (PST) ✖✖ CTG 3:59 AM (Cautious thoughts...face limits, details.) ✖✖ VENUS enters PISCES 1|6 9:22 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 7:01 AM (PST) 1Yop 10:00 AM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) 1Z3 10:40 AM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) T 1x1 3:18 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) U 1X8 5:23 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 27 E 1X9 6:20 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1Z7 6:39 PM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) w FSJ w] Void 6:20 PM (PST) AQF 2:40 AM (Confidence & optimism...not arrogance.) 1xsp 12:32 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 1X0 8:50 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1X4 11:34 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) W E 28 D

[w HTG w GEMINI 2:37 PM (PST) ✖✖ EQG 9:32 PM (Learn from obstacles...avoid self-pity.) ✖✖ ✖✖ 1Z2 2:14 AM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) ✖✖ 1y5 5:50 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) ✖✖ 1x6 4:35 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) ✖✖ T 1X3 5:56 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) H 1y1 10:46 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 29 U

w IRC w] ESMN 8:12 AM (Act decisively, initiate your aims. ) EUD 7:41 PM (Romantic or creative possibilities. ) 1Z8 12:57 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 1|9 1:58 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) F 1X7 2:18 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) R 1ysp 8:30 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 30 I 1Z0 5:06 PM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) Void 1:25 AM (PST) [w FPB w CANCER 11:10 PM (PST) DSE 4:09 AM (Take the initiative socially & creatively. ) CQF 11:32 PM (Plans or big ideas...watch for the details.) 1Z4 8:30 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 11:16 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) S A 31 T

w FUI w] Mundane Activity FEBRUARY 2015

Full Moon Feb 3 at 6:10 PM EST/ 3:10 PM PST from 14 Leo 48. A favorable Full Moon, with Jupiter retro conjuncting the Moon from 18 Leo, and FM trines/sextiles Uranus at 13 Ari. Experiment with freedom. New Moon Feb 18 at 6:48 PM EST/ 3:48 PM PST at 0 Pisc 00. This squared by Saturn at 4 Sag, calling for patience and attention to detail. Planetary Changes: Mercury Stationary turning Direct Feb 11 at 9:58 AM EST/ 6:58 AM PST at 1 Aqu 18. Sun into Pisces Feb 18 at 6:51 PM EST/ 3:51 PM PST. Mars into Aries Feb 19 at 7:12 PM EST/ 4:12 PM PST. Venus into Aries Feb 20 at 3:07 PM EST/ 12:07 PM PST. Key Aspects: Venus conjuncts Neptune Feb 1 at 12:35 PM EST/ 9:35 AM PST at 6 Pisc 21. Sobriety versus delirium, with a square to Saturn at 3 Sag. Sun opposes Jupiter retro Feb 6 at 1:21 PM EST/ 10:21 AM PST from 17 Aqu 37. The high point of this year’s Sun-Jupiter cycle. Venus conjuncts Chiron Feb 9 at 12:03 AM EST/ Feb 8 at 9:03 PM PST at 15 Pisc 38. The point of a yod, formed by Jupiter retro at 17 Leo sextiling Moon at 17 Libr. Venus conjuncts Mars Feb 22 at 12:14 AM EST/ Feb 21 at 9:14 PM PST at 1 Ari 41. Trining Saturn at 4 Sag. Low key procreation with staying power. Sun squares Saturn Feb 23 at 8:57 AM EST/ 5:57 AM PST from 4 Pisc 37. First, confinement, steady effort, avoid the limelight, then… Sun conjuncts Neptune Feb 25 at 11:56 PM EST/ 8:56 PM PST at 7 Pisc 15. Feel the tension, with a Mutable T-Square with Moon at 13 Gem. Form versus formless.

In addition, Sun sextiles Uranus Feb 1-2, Mercury sextiles Saturn Feb 4-5, Venus sextiles Pluto Feb 7-8, Mercury sextiles Saturn Feb 18-19, Venus trines Saturn Feb 23-24, Mars trines Saturn Feb 25. FEBRUARY 2015


1 11 k 47 8 d 43 8 k 34 5 l 27 15 l 17 18 e 24 3 i 30 13 a 17 6 l 20 14 j 13 2 12 48 21 01 7 r 21 6 41 16 04 18 r 16 3 34 13 19 6 22 14 15 3 13 49 3 e 11 6 12 7 56 16 50 18 08 3 38 13 21 6 24 14 17 4 14 50 15 13 5 09 9 10 17 37 18 00 3 42 13 23 6 26 14 19 5 15 51 27 08 4 12 10 25 18 24 17 52 3 45 13 25 6 28 14 21 6 16 51 8 f 59 3 23 11 39 19 10 17 44 3 49 13 27 6 31 14 22 7 17 52 20 47 2 42 12 54 19 57 17 36 3 53 13 30 6 33 14 24

8 18 53 2 g 35 2 09 14 08 20 43 17 28 3 56 13 32 6 35 14 26 9 19 54 14 26 1 44 15 22 21 30 17 20 3 59 13 34 6 37 14 28 10 20 55 26 25 1 28 16 37 22 16 17 12 4 03 13 36 6 39 14 30 11 21 55 8 h 36 1 19 17 51 23 03 17 04 4 06 13 39 6 42 14 31 12 22 56 21 04 1 D 19 19 05 23 49 16 56 4 09 13 41 6 44 14 33 13 23 57 3 i 54 1 25 20 20 24 36 16 49 4 12 13 44 6 46 14 35 14 24 57 17 10 1 38 21 34 25 22 16 41 4 15 13 46 6 48 14 36

15 25 58 0 j 55 1 57 22 48 26 08 16 33 4 17 13 49 6 50 14 38 16 26 59 15 10 2 21 24 02 26 55 16 25 4 20 13 51 6 53 14 40 17 27 59 29 51 2 51 25 16 27 41 16 17 4 23 13 54 6 55 14 41 18 29 00 14 k 53 3 26 26 30 28 27 16 10 4 25 13 57 6 57 14 43 19 0 l 00 0 l 07 4 06 27 44 29 13 16 02 4 28 13 59 7 00 14 45 20 1 01 15 22 4 49 28 58 0 a 00 15 55 4 30 14 02 7 02 14 46 21 2 01 0 a 29 5 37 0 a 12 0 46 15 47 4 32 14 05 7 04 14 48

22 3 02 15 17 6 27 1 26 1 32 15 40 4 34 14 07 7 06 14 49 23 4 02 29 43 7 22 2 40 2 18 15 33 4 36 14 10 7 09 14 51 24 5 03 13 b 42 8 19 3 53 3 04 15 25 4 38 14 13 7 11 14 52 25 6 03 27 16 9 19 5 07 3 50 15 18 4 40 14 16 7 13 14 54 26 7 03 10 c 26 10 21 6 21 4 36 15 11 4 42 14 19 7 15 14 55 27 8 04 23 16 11 26 7 34 5 22 15 05 4 43 14 22 7 18 14 57 28 9 04 5 d 47 12 33 8 48 6 08 14 58 4 45 14 25 7 20 14 58

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Feb 18 at 3:48 PM PST 0l00 SYMBOL: Deeply rooted in the past, a spiritual brotherhood is revealed to one who has emerged successfully from his metamorphosis. ❍ Full Moon: Feb 3 at 3:10 PM PST 14e48 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: A➟l Feb 18 C tq Feb 11 (6:58 AM PST) DP I Feb 1 E➟a Feb 19 AQ F Feb 6 D➟a Feb 20 DP E Feb 21-22 AR G Feb 23 AP I Feb 25-26

Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – F FEBRUARY shows very high (8) activity for you, with high (8) stress. E FULL MOON FEB 3 is on your Midheaven/Nadir. FULL MOON FEB 3 keys peace, love or appreciation. B R




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication ▲ ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ A 1 1 2 ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ !! 2 3 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 3 4 ▼✚✚▲▲ ✖ ▲▲▼▼▲ !! 4 5 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 5 R 6 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 6 7 ▲✚✚▲✚ ▲ ▲✚▼▲✚ !! 7 8 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 8 Y 9 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ !! 9 10 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ 10 11 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 11 12 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 12 13 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 13 14 ✖ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ 14

15 ▼ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 15 16 ▼ ✚ 16 17 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ 17 18 ▲ 18 19 ▲ 19 20 ▲ ✖ 20 21 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✖ 21 2 22 ▲ ✖ 22 23 ▲▼▲▲▲▲▼▲▲✖ ▲▲ 23 24 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ✖ ▼ ▼ ▼ 24 0 25 ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▼ !! 25 26 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✖ ✚ ▲ 26 27 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✖ 27 28 ✖ ✚ ▼ ▲ ▼ ✖ 28 1 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes FEBRUARY 2015 18 red days 7 blue days 3 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days February 1 (8) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days February 23,24 (–9) ✩ Your Busiest Days February 7 (27) ✩ Your Quietest Days February 18,22 (6)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for February: MOON (100)

Be willing to receive, to carry, to hold and to nurture. Openness and vul- nerability are favored now. Take in what is being offered.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for February: SATURN (—156)

Insecurity may arise if your defenses or life structure are being challenged from within or without. What is your real foundation here?

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your VENUS (242) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your SUN (32)

The emphasis is on issues of the heart, and your sense of self-worth. Are you over-indulging or just seeking what you truly deserve? This is not a time to expect recognition or attention. Let others shine and stay in the background. Purpose and clarity may not be possible right now.

The FULL MOON FEB 3 triggers your MIDHEAVEN. The balance between your outer social activity and your inner domain, including your home, needs to be watched now. The FULL MOON FEB 3 also hits your VENUS. This period would then seem to offer a chance for gratification and harmony. Relationships may be highlighted. FEBRUARY 2015 DRC 7:44 AM (Be nice...but be honest. Enjoy beauty.) 1y6 2:05 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1yop 2:46 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) S 1|3 3:29 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) U 1X8 10:48 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) N 1 1x9 11:50 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 12:11 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

Void 5:38 AM (PST) w JUMN w] CSC 3:01 PM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) ✖✖ ATG 6:08 PM (Learn from limits, mistakes...lighten up.) ✖✖ DTF 8:46 PM (Self-worth can be high...even excessive.) M 1X0 3:26 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) O 1X4 7:18 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) N 2 1|2 10:07 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.)

LEO 9:42 AM (PST) .I. .E. .H. ❍ ARMN 2:19 AM (Balance inner/outer...watch ego.) 3:10 PM (PST) ✖✖ ETB 3:12 AM (Watch anger, impatience, defensiveness. ) ✖✖ FULL MOON (14 Leo 48) ARD 11:08 AM (Relax, enjoy...generosity, waste possible.) T 1Y5 1:57 AM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) U 1xop 2:06 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) E 3 1x3 2:51 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) ✖✖ 1Y1 8:00 PM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) ✖✖ 1|8 10:19 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) Void 9:32 PM (PST) .I. .E. .H. ERI 2:52 PM (Act as a channel, selflessly...or escape.) 1Ysp 6:17 AM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) 1|0 3:23 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) W E D 4

VIRGO 9:47 PM (PST) .I. .E. .H. ETJ 7:14 AM (Power struggle is risky--can you let go? ) EUH 12:42 PM (Creative innovation...break free.) 1|4 7:34 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) T 1x2 10:28 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) H U 5

.I. .E. .H. ✖✖ AQB 12:11 AM (Look at habits & attachments if tense. ) ✖✖ ✖✖ 1Y6 2:00 AM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) ✖✖ 1|op 2:42 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) F 1y3 3:27 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) R 1x8 11:03 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) I 6 1y7 12:29 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

Void 2:10 PM (PST) .I. .E. .H. ASI 3:32 AM (Give...seek the ideal...meditate.) ✖✖ DQG 11:35 AM (Don’t fear being alone...face yourself.) ✖✖ AUJ 4:04 PM (Cleansing...you can influence others.) S DSMN 6:17 PM (Harmony, creativity, & self-appreciation. ) A ARH 8:16 PM (Restlessness(?)...change...trial & error.) T 7 1x0 4:17 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1x4 8:33 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 11:27 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) LIBRA 10:45 AM (PST) .I. .E. .H. FEBRUARY 2015 MARCH 2015 APRIL 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 DUD 1:30 AM (You can attract beauty & love. ) 1y5 3:19 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1Xop 3:35 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1y1 9:33 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) S 1y8 11:53 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) U 8 N

.I. .E. .H. ETmN 5:23 PM (Assert decisively with others. ) 1Y9 12:56 AM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) 1ysp 7:46 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1y0 4:46 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) M O 9 N Void 3:59 AM (PST) w FPB w] SCORPIO 11:06 PM (PST) DTB 3:27 AM (Nurturance...watch out for smother love.) 1y4 8:34 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x5 3:06 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) T U 10 E

.E. .H. AQmN 1:23 AM (Listen to others...seek companionship.) ◗ DRI 1:49 AM (Daydream...be creative, romantic.) 7:51 PM (PST) DTJ 12:05 PM (Control yourself, not others. ) 3Q (23 Sco 06) DUH 3:31 PM (Innovate artistically...seek stimulation.) W 1y6 2:16 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) E 1Zop 2:55 AM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) 11 D 1Y3 3:38 AM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) MERCURY DIRECT • • 1x1 8:33 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) .E. .H. Void 9:33 PM (PST) 1Y2 8:17 PM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) 1|5 11:49 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T H 12 U

[w HTD w SAGITTARIUS 8:48 AM (PST) ✖✖ 1x6 10:04 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) ✖✖ 1Xop 10:41 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1|1 3:58 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Y8 6:02 PM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) F 1y9 6:58 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) R 13 I

.E. .H. .J. DTmN 6:39 AM (Laziness, self-indulgence, pleasure. ) 1|sp 1:04 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1Y0 8:50 AM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) 1Y4 10:39 PM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) S A 14 T Void 7:16 AM (PST) w JSD w] CAPRICORN 2:25 PM (PST) FEBRUARY 2015 ASA 12:25 PM (Express yourself...be visible.) ERA 1:21 PM (Hostility/irritability if not decisive. ) 1X5 4:16 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) S 1|6 1:49 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) U 1|op 2:24 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) N 15 1y3 3:01 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1X1 7:19 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x9 10:07 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) .H. .J. 1Xsp 3:43 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.)

M O N 16 Presidents’ Day (US) Void 12:18 PM (PST) AQUARIUS 4:14 PM (PST) w HTG w] DRA 10:18 PM (Peace & well-being...are you too nice?) 1y2 2:15 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Z5 5:18 AM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) T 1X6 2:24 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) U 1xop 2:57 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) E 17 ✖✖ 1x3 3:32 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) ✖✖ 1Z1 7:38 PM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) 1y8 9:28 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) .J. ● 1Zsp 3:43 AM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) 3:48 PM (PST) 1y0 10:48 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) NEW MOON (0 Pisc 00) 1y4 11:23 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) W E D 18 SUN > PISCES 3:51 PM Void 3:48 PM (PST) PISCES 3:49 PM (PST) .J. MARS enters ARIES 1x2 1:39 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 4:12 PM (PST) 1X5 4:40 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1Z6 1:42 PM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) T 1yop 2:15 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) H 1|3 2:50 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) U 19 1X1 6:54 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x8 8:43 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 9:33 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) Void 3:03 PM (PST) .J. VENUS enters ARIES 1Xsp 3:00 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 12:07 PM (PST) 1x0 10:12 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1x4 11:00 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) F R I 20

ARIES 3:14 PM (PST) [w FRD w CSC 10:22 AM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) 1|2 1:19 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1|5 4:27 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) S 1X6 1:48 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) A ✖✖ 1X3 2:59 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) ✖✖ T 21 1|1 7:12 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1|8 9:05 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1Z9 9:57 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) Void 4:37 PM (PST) .J. .K. FEBRUARY 2015 MARCH 2015 APRIL 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 1|sp 3:39 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1|0 11:13 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) S U 22 N

[w ITF w TAURUS 4:29 PM (PST) ASE 10:52 AM (Take the lead...productive high energy.) ✖✖ CQF 12:34 PM (Plans or big ideas...watch for the details.) ✖✖ 1|4 12:42 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1X2 3:10 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) M ✖✖ 1x5 6:30 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ O 1|6 4:25 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 23 N 1Yop 5:01 PM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) ✖✖ 1Z3 5:40 PM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) ✖✖ .J. .K. .L. Void 6:58 PM (PST) DRE 10:22 AM (Sexual tensions...lessons of compromise.) ARC 8:56 PM (Mental tension(?)...think before speaking.) 1X8 12:08 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 1:05 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) T 1Z7 1:24 AM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) U 1xsp 7:13 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 24 E 1X0 3:16 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.)

[w FRMN w GEMINI 8:55 PM (PST) DUC 2:18 PM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) ◗ ERE 11:13 PM (Be decisive, not rash...watch conflicts.) 9:15 AM (PST) 1X4 5:45 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1Q (6 Gem 47) 1Z2 8:22 AM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) W 1y5 11:54 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) E 1x6 10:26 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 25 D ✖✖ 1X3 11:46 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) ✖✖

.J. .K. .L. .M. ✖✖ ATF 6:42 PM (Be positive, confident...with humility.) ✖✖ 1y1 4:37 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Z8 6:48 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 1|9 7:48 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) T 1X7 8:08 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) H 1ysp 2:16 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 26 U 1Z0 10:47 PM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.)

.J. .K. .L. .M. Void 12:45 AM (PST) DUF 3:50 AM (Creativity...be grateful for what you have.) EUC 8:03 PM (Promote your ideas...mentally active.) 1Z4 2:11 PM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 4:57 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) F R 27 I

.J. .K. .L. .M. CANCER 4:51 AM (PST) CTG 8:05 PM (Cautious thoughts...face limits, details.) 1y6 7:50 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1yop 8:30 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 9:14 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) S 1X8 4:34 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) A 1x9 5:36 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 28 T 1|7 5:57 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

.J. .K. .L. .M. Void 9:54 AM (PST) Mundane Activity MARCH 2015

Full Moon Mar 5 at 1:07 PM EST/ 10:07 AM PST from 14 Virg 50. Sun conjuncts Chiron at 17 Pis and Neptune at 7 Pis. Mediated by a trine/sextile to Pluto at 15 Cap. Also featured at this time is an interesting Venus–Mars-Uranus conjunction in Aries, squared to Pluto (see below). Soft imaginative sensitivity at the same time as potent creativity. New Moon Eclipse Mar 20 at 5:37 AM EDT/ 2:37 AM PDT at 29 Pisc 27. Just before the vernal equinox, a mixed message, in the final degree of the zodiac, the New Moon signals birth. Planetary Changes: Saturn Stationary turning Retro Mar 14 at 11:03 AM EDT/ 8:03 AM PDT at 4 Sag 55. Almost reaching a square to Neptune at 7 Pisc before turning back. Mercury into Pisces Mar 12 at 11:53 PM EDT/ 8:53 PM PDT. Venus into Taurus Mar 17 at 6:16 AM EDT/ 3:16 AM PDT. Sun into Aries Mar 20 at 6:46 PM EDT/ 3:46 PM PDT. Mercury into Aries Mar 30 at 9:43 PM EDT/ 6:43 PM PDT. Mars into Taurus Mar 31 at 12:28 PM EDT/ 9:28 AM PDT. Key Aspects: Mercury opposes Jupiter retro Mar 1 at 4:16 PM EST/ 1:16 PM PST from 14 Aqu 45. Mercury also sextiles Uranus at 14 Ari and Venus at 11 Ari, suggesting words or thoughts that can be expansively original. Or shockingly overdone. Jupiter retro trines Uranus Mar 3 at 7:25 AM EST/ 4:25 AM PST from 14 Leo 35. Amidst the climactic final Uranus/Pluto square this month, this slow-moving trine also includes now Venus conjuncting Uranus along with Mars, and the Moon conjuncting Jupiter. Take advantage of this most fortuitous creative time. Venus conjuncts Uranus Mar 4 at 1:47 PM EST/ 10:47 AM PST at 14 Ari 38. Exactly trin- ing Jupiter retro at 14 Leo, and sextile Mercury at 18 Aqu (see above). Squares Pluto at 15 Cap. Continuing to highlight this intensely creative and transformative time. What do you have to say? Venus squares Pluto Mar 4 at 10:18 PM EST/ 7:18 PM PST from 15 Ari 04. Something needs to change or be eliminated. Try something new. What attracts you? Mars conjuncts Uranus Mar 11 at 12:07 PM EDT/ 9:07 AM PDT at 15 Ari 00. As Venus scurries away (see above), it’s Mars’ turn. Exact square to Pluto at 15 Cap as well. This has often been an explosive combination. Now aided by a trine to Jupiter retro at 13 Leo. It seems decisive action MUST be taken. Mars squares Pluto Mar 11 at 6:40 PM EDT/ 3:40 PM PDT from 15 Ari 12. Suggesting foreceful action, strong will, with resistance. Dampened perhaps by a Moon-Saturn con- junction occurring today as well. Mercury squares Saturn stationary Mar 16 at 5:42 AM EDT/ 2:42 AM PDT from 4 Pisc 55. Calls for serious objectivity and simple words or silence, while not forgetting your dreams and imagination (see below). Uranus squares Pluto stationary Mar 16 at 10:55 PM EDT/ 7:55 PM PDT from 15 Ari 18. At last, the final square between these two; number 7 of 7. Starting in 2012, this has been the main focus of astrologers for our times, indicating upheaval, cleansing, intense strug- gle, and (hopefully) transformation. Mercury conjuncts Neptune Mar 18 at 4:50 AM EDT/ 1:50 AM PDT at 8 Pisc 01. Joined by the Moon later today, this is part of Mercury’s passage over the current Saturn-Neptune square. It asks for communication of the tension between boundaries and limits versus dreams or fantasies of unlimited aspirations. Venus squares Jupiter retro Mar 27 at 10:12 PM EDT/ 7:12 PM PDT from 12 Tau 48. Easy to overdo acquisitiveness, possessiveness, or greed. Time for pleasure, but what’s too much? In addition, Mercury sextiles Uranus Mar 1, Venus trines Jupiter Mar 3-4, Sun sextiles Pluto Mar 5, Sun conjuncts Chiron Mar 7, Mars trines Jupiter Mar 9-10, Mercury sextiles Pluto Mar 22, Venus sextiles Neptune Mar 23-24, Mercury conjuncts Chiron Mar 23-24, Sun trines Saturn Mar 25, Venus trines Pluto Mar 29-30, MARCH 2015


1 10 l 04 18 d 05 13 k 42 10 a 01 6 a 54 14 e 51 4 i 46 14 a 27 7 l 22 14 j 59 2 11 05 0 e 12 14 54 11 15 7 39 14 r 45 4 47 14 30 7 25 15 01 3 12 05 12 12 16 07 12 28 8 25 14 38 4 48 14 33 7 27 15 02 4 13 05 24 05 17 22 13 42 9 11 14 32 4 50 14 36 7 29 15 03 5 14 05 5 f 55 18 38 14 55 9 57 14 26 4 51 14 40 7 31 15 05 6 15 05 17 44 19 57 16 08 10 42 14 20 4 52 14 43 7 34 15 06 7 16 05 29 34 21 16 17 21 11 28 14 14 4 52 14 46 7 36 15 07

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22 1 03 23 27 13 57 5 30 22 47 13 05 4 53 15 34 8 09 15 22 23 2 02 8 b 04 15 38 6 43 23 32 13 02 4 52 15 38 8 11 15 23 24 3 02 22 16 17 20 7 54 24 17 12 59 4 51 15 41 8 13 15 24 25 4 01 6 c 01 19 03 9 06 25 02 12 56 4 50 15 44 8 15 15 25 26 5 01 19 20 20 48 10 18 25 46 12 53 4 49 15 48 8 17 15 25 27 6 00 2 d 15 22 34 11 30 26 31 12 51 4 48 15 51 8 20 15 26 28 7 00 14 48 24 22 12 42 27 16 12 48 4 46 15 55 8 22 15 27

29 7 59 27 04 26 10 13 53 28 00 12 46 4 45 15 58 8 24 15 27 30 8 58 9 e 07 28 00 15 05 28 45 12 44 4 43 16 01 8 26 15 28 31 9 58 21 01 29 52 16 16 29 29 12 43 4 42 16 05 8 28 15 28

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon (Eclipse): Mar 20 at 2:37 AM PDT 29l27 SYMBOL: A majestic rock formation like a face is idealized by a boy who, growing up, begins to look like it.. ❍ Full Moon: Mar 5 at 10:07 AM PST 14f50 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: C➟l Mar 12 G tr Mar 14 (8:03 AM PDT) CQ F Mar 1 D➟b Mar 17 FU H Mar 3 A➟a Mar 20 DP HRJ Mar 4-5 C➟a Mar 30 EP HRJ Mar 11 E➟b Mar 31 CR G Mar 16 HR J Mar 16-17 Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – M MARCH shows average (5) activity for you, with critical (9) stress. A FULL MOON MAR 5 keys safety, self-acceptance or security. R C




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication 1 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✖ 1 2 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ 2 3 ▼▲✖✚▲✖▼ ✖▼▼✖ 3 4 ▲▲✚✚▲▲▲▲▲▼✚▲▼▲ !! 4 5 ▲ ▲ ▼ 5 6 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ 6 7 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ 7

8 ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ✖ 8 9 ▲ ▲ ✖ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ !! 9 10 ▲✖✚ ▲▲▲ ▲▼▲▲ ▲ 10 11 ▼ 11 12 ▼ 12 13 ▼ 13 14 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ 14

15 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ 15 16 ▼ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ !!! 16 17 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ 17 18 ▼ 18 19 ▼ 19 20 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 20 21 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 21 2 22 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ 22 23 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▲ 23 24 ✖ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ 24 0 25 ✖ !! 25 26 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 26 27 27 28 ▼▲▲▲▲✚ ▲▲▲✚ ▲▲ 28 1 29 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 29 30 ▲ 30 31 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▲ 31 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes MARCH 2015 10 red days 7 blue days 14 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days March 30 (7) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days March 16 (–11) ✩ Your Busiest Days March 4 (18) ✩ Your Quietest Days March 11 (1)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for March: MOON (23)

Be willing to receive, to carry, to hold and to nurture. Openness and vul- nerability are favored now. Take in what is being offered.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for March: SATURN (—25)

Insecurity may arise if your defenses or life structure are being challenged from within or without. What is your real foundation here?

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your JUPITER (87) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your MERCURY (25)

Bigness, growth and expectations are important for you now. Overdoing is possible, or just a larger than usual way of seeing. Look at your plans and goals. There’s not much emphasis on speaking with others or think- ing about things right now. Communication is low key, and feeling may be more important than what you think.

The FULL MOON MAR 5 triggers your SATURN. The days around this time may shake your security, and make you defensive. Not necessarily com- fortable, this could be a good time to examine some of your limitations. MARCH 2015 ✖✖ CRMN 3:07 AM (Ideas may need action...listen.) ✖✖ ✖✖ CRD 10:34 AM (Be nice...but be honest.) ✖✖ 1X0 9:18 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) S U N 1

LEO 3:35 PM (PST) .K. .J. .M. .L. EUF 8:20 AM (Act with confidence, enthusiasm. ) 1X4 1:14 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 4:06 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) M ✖✖ 1Y5 7:57 AM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) ✖✖ O ✖✖ 1xop 8:09 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) ✖✖ N 2 ✖✖ 1x3 8:54 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) ✖✖

w FRD w] CQB 12:56 PM (Try to balance thoughts & feelings. ) DTG 8:14 PM (Little from others...appreciate yourself.) 1Y1 2:05 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) T 1|8 4:25 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) U 1y9 5:30 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) E 3 1x7 5:51 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1Ysp 12:26 PM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) 1|0 9:33 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) Void 12:49 AM (PST) .J. .M. .L. ✖✖ DTD 10:21 AM (Express your values & worth...love.) ✖✖ CSI 10:42 AM (Intuition, idealism...spiritual ideas.) AQG 11:46 AM (See what makes you insecure. ) W ASMN 8:03 PM (Pursue objectives, aware of purpose. ) E CUJ 8:34 PM (Problem solving...self-understanding.) D 4 CRH 11:52 PM (Quick mind, new ideas...avoid rashness.) 1|4 1:47 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 4:41 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) VIRGO 3:59 AM (PST) w HTD w] ❍ AUD 4:59 AM (Appreciate self...affirm self-worth.) 10:07 AM (PST) 1Y6 8:12 AM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) FULL MOON (14 Virg 50) 1|op 8:55 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) T 1y3 9:40 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) H 1x8 5:15 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) U 5 1y7 6:41 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

Void 10:38 AM (PST) .M. .L. DUB 1:05 PM (Sympathy, nurturance...indulgence.) 1x0 10:26 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) F R I 6

LIBRA 4:53 PM (PST) w FRMN w] CQmN 11:27 AM (Communication can be clear, objective. ) DUI 12:50 PM (Selfless love...creative inspiration.) ATB 7:48 PM (Tension...try for emotional balance.) S DQJ 11:16 PM (Clear the air...watch your motives.) A 1x4 3:39 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) T 7 1y2 6:32 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1y5 10:24 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1Xop 10:40 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) .L. MARCH 2015 APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 31 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DTH 2:45 AM (Try freedom or change in relationships. ) ARI 11:30 PM (Confusion, illusion, weakness...be honest.) 1y1 4:36 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1y8 6:54 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) S 1Y9 7:58 AM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) U 1ysp 2:50 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 8 N 1y0 11:51 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.)

.L. Void 6:25 PM (PDT) ATJ 12:13 PM (Power struggles...try detachment, let go.) AUH 4:28 PM (Experimentation, honesty offer freedom. ) ETG 10:16 PM (Go slow...release tensions/fears.) 1y4 3:42 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) M ✖✖ 1x5 10:19 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ O 9 N

.L. SCORPIO 6:11 AM (PDT) CSA 4:43 PM (Write, speak, think about your purpose. ) DUmN 6:59 PM (Pleasure, rest & well-being. ) ETD 9:02 PM (Blend needs for affection & expression. ) 1y6 9:30 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) T 1Zop 10:10 AM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) U 1Y3 10:54 AM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) 10 E 1x1 3:54 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1Y7 7:31 PM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) .L. 1xsp 1:50 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.)

W E 11 D Void 12:47 PM (PDT) .L. SAGITTARIUS 4:32 PM (PDT) ATmN 10:38 PM (Possible tension in your expression. ) MERCURY enters PISCES 1Y2 4:17 AM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) 8:53 PM (PDT) 1|5 7:50 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 6:28 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) T 1Xop 7:07 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) H 12 U

.L. 1|1 12:35 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) ◗ 1Y8 2:41 AM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 10:49 AM (PDT) 1y9 3:38 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 3Q (22 Sag 49) 1|sp 9:49 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) F 1Y0 5:56 PM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) R 13 I Void 4:12 PM (PDT) .L. CAPRICORN 11:41 PM (PDT) EUB 6:55 AM (Passionate feelings...assert your needs.) SATURN DUA 12:15 PM (Enjoy beauty, peace...appreciate self.) RETRO til 8/1 • • 1Y4 8:08 AM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) ✖✖ 1X5 1:59 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ S 1|6 11:59 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) A 14 T

.L. MARCH 2015 EUI 7:39 PM (Act, even if uncertain...seek spirituality.) 1|op 12:36 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 1:14 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) S 1X1 5:36 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) U 1x9 8:27 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) N 15 1y7 8:45 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1Xsp 2:16 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.)

.L. CSE 1:12 AM (Assert your ideas...think passionately.) EQJ 12:32 PM (Not as it seems...what’s really going on?) ETH 6:10 PM (Restlessness, rebellion...breakthrough.) M CRC 11:09 PM (Be firm but flexible in thoughts & words. ) O 1y2 1:31 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) N 16 ✖✖ 1Z5 4:41 PM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) ✖✖ Void 1:03 AM (PDT) AQUARIUS 3:15 AM (PDT) .L. VENUS enters TAURUS ARA 11:12 AM (Be decisive. Your intention is tested. ) 3:16 AM (PDT) 1X6 2:05 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1xop 2:39 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) T 1x3 3:15 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) U 1Z1 7:24 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) E 17 1y8 9:15 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) St. Patrick’s Day 1|9 10:07 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1x7 10:24 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) Void 11:19 AM (PDT) .L. ✖✖ CTF 4:11 AM (Optimism...don’t promise too much.) ✖✖ 1y4 11:38 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 1:54 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) W ✖✖ 1X5 4:56 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ E D 18

PISCES 3:59 AM (PDT) .L. 1Z6 2:02 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 2:35 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 3:10 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) T 1X1 7:15 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) H 1x8 9:04 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) U 19 1X9 9:54 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 10:11 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1Xsp 3:20 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) .L. ● 1x4 11:10 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 2:37 AM (PDT) 1|2 1:27 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) NEW MOON Eclipse (29 Pisc 27) 1|5 4:30 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) F R I 20 SUN > ARIES 3:46 PM Void 2:37 AM (PDT) ARIES 3:29 AM (PDT) .L. EUmN 2:06 AM (Take initiative in relationships. ) DUE 3:29 AM (Take the initiative socially & creatively. ) CQG 4:21 PM (Learn from your limits...concentrate.) S CSMN 9:20 PM (Clear thinking or communication. ) A 1X6 1:37 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) T 21 1X3 2:47 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1|1 6:57 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1|8 8:49 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) Void 3:52 PM (PDT) .L. MARCH 2015 APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 31 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CUD 2:40 AM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) DTC 8:01 AM (Be nice...but be honest. Enjoy beauty.) 1|4 11:43 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1X2 2:05 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) S ✖✖ 1x5 5:16 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ U 22 N

w ITF w] TAURUS 3:41 AM (PDT) CTB 3:08 PM (Learn from old communication habits. ) DRF 10:23 PM (Self-worth can be high...even excessive.) 1|6 2:48 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Yop 3:24 AM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) M 1Z3 4:02 AM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) O 1x1 8:26 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 23 N 1X8 10:24 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 11:19 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1Z7 11:37 AM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) Void 7:26 AM (PDT) CRI 7:16 AM (Misunderstanding, disillusionment...deceit.) CTJ 2:36 PM (Explore motives...intense, opinionated?) CUH 5:03 PM (Change, mental stimulation, intuition. ) 1X0 12:52 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) T 1X4 2:58 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) U 1Z2 5:30 PM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) 24 E 1y5 8:53 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.)

GEMINI 6:24 AM (PDT) ARE 12:34 PM (Impatience...be decisive, not combative.) 1x6 7:11 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1X3 8:29 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1y1 1:11 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) W 1Z8 3:17 PM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) E 1|9 4:15 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 25 D 1X7 4:35 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1ysp 10:30 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.)

CTmN 1:31 PM (Mental activity, communication...tension?) AUC 11:12 PM (Get your ideas across easily...insight.) 1Z0 6:54 AM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) 1Z4 9:55 PM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) T H 26 U Void 5:36 AM (PDT) CANCER 12:46 PM (PDT) EUA 2:55 AM (Use initiative, assertiveness...be decisive.) ◗ 1X2 12:36 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 12:44 AM (PDT) 1y6 3:20 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Q (6 Canc 19) 1yop 4:00 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) F 1|3 4:44 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) R 1X8 11:55 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 27 I

DUG 5:26 PM (Look to yourself for appreciation. ) AUF 9:43 PM (Confidence, faith...trust yourself.) 1x9 12:57 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 1:17 AM (Try something new - experiment.) S 1X0 4:34 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) A 28 T Void 6:59 PM (PDT) LEO 10:49 PM (PDT) MARCH 2015 DPMN 12:23 AM (Show your love and worth. ) CRA 1:34 AM (Mind or tongue may be overactive. ) DQD 7:54 AM (Let others affirm your value & worth. ) S 1X4 8:27 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) U 1|2 11:19 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) N 29 1Y5 3:09 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.)

MERCURY enters ARIES 1xop 3:20 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 6:45 PM (PDT) 1x3 4:05 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1Y1 9:18 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) M 1|8 11:38 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) O 1y9 12:42 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) N 30 1x7 1:04 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1Ysp 7:38 PM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) Void 6:58 AM (PDT) VIRGO 11:13 AM (PDT) [w HUB w MARS enters TAURUS DRB 11:55 AM (Nurturance...watch out for smother love.) 9:28 AM (PDT) 1|0 4:46 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1|4 9:02 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) T 1x2 11:57 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) U E 31


NOTES Mundane Activity APRIL 2015 Full Moon Eclipse Apr 4 at 8:07 AM EDT/ 5:07 AM PDT from 14 Libr 24. This Full Moon triggers our old friend (since 2012) the Uranus-Pluto square, with Uranus at 16 Ari conjunct the Sun, and Pluto square from 15 Cap. Thus a potent Cardinal T-Square. Tough placement for the US. New Moon Apr 18 at 2:58 PM EDT/ 11:58 AM PDT at 28 Ari 25. Either very quiet, or a wild card, because this New Moon makes no aspects or connections with any other planets. But the New Moon in Aries is traditionally a good time for starting something. Planetary Changes: Jupiter Stationary turning Direct Apr 8 at 12:56 PM EDT/ 9:56 AM PDT at 12 Leo 35. Adding strength to its current trine to Sun, Mercury and Uranus at 16-18 Ari. Pluto Stationary turning Retrograde Apr 16 at 11:56 PM EDT/ 8:56 PM PDT at 15 Cap 32. Intensifying the ongoing square with Uranus a 17 Ari. Venus into Gemini Apr 11 at 11:30 AM EDT/ 8:30 AM PDT. Mercury into Taurus Apr 14 at 6:53 PM EDT/ 3:53 PM PDT. Sun into Taurus Apr 20 at 5:43 AM EDT/ 2:43 AM PDT. Mercury into Gemini Apr 30 at 10:01 PM EDT/ 7:01 PM PDT. Key Aspects: Sun squares Pluto Apr 5 at 11:09 AM EDT/ 8:09 AM PDT from 15 Ari 30. For 3 years, every three months, the Sun has acted as a trigger for the ongoing Uranus- Pluto square. In addition, this time the Sun is also trining Jupiter retro at 12 Leo, suggesting beneficial forces at work, or at least helping to relieve the stress of the square (see Full Moon above). Sun conjuncts Uranus Apr 6 at 10:09 AM EDT/ 7:09 AM PDT at 16 Ari 27. Same as above, and Mercury is conjunct the Sun for both of these aspects, ad- ding in a mental and communicative slant, perhaps disrupting travel as well. Favorable for new ideas. Mercury squares Pluto Apr 7 at 8:08 PM EDT/ 5:08 PM PDT from 15 Ari 31. Lots of pres- sure either to speak, or to keep quiet. Mercury conjuncts Uranus Apr 8 at 8:21 AM EDT/ 5:21 AM PDT at 16 Ari 33. Do you dare to speak your truth? To hear theirs? Sun conjuncts Mercury Apr 10 at 12:01 AM EDT/ Apr 9 at 9:01 PM PDT at 19 Ari 58. Venus opposes Saturn retro Apr 15 at 12:26 AM EDT/ Apr 14 at 9:26 PM PDT from 4 Gem 07. Forming a Mutable T-Square with Moon at 5 Pis and Neptune at 9 Pis. Confusion about worth and value, including a debate between what you wish and what is. Mars squares Jupiter Apr 17 at 8:30 PM EDT/ 5:30 PM PDT from 12 Taur 43. You may be hasty, and motives may not be clear (or be too clear) as this coincides with a Moon-Uranus conjunction at 17 Ari. Venus squares Neptune Apr 19 at 6:30 AM EDT/ 3:30 AM PDT from 9 Gem 03. Emphasiz- ing the more idealistic and less realistic piece of this T-Square (see two paragraphs above). Mercury squares Jupiter Apr 21 at 12:17 AM EDT/ Apr 20 at 9:17 PM PDT from 12 Taur 49. Continuing the theme of escapism and exaggeration (lack of objectivity), and ener- gized by the remnants of Mars squaring Jupiter (see above). Driving too fast? Mercury conjuncts Mars Apr 22 at 7:04 PM EDT/ 4:04 PM PDT at 16 Tau 18. Both square to Jupiter at 13 Leo. Too much? Too fast? But a good time to enthusiastically put your message across. In addition, Venus sextiles Chiron Apr 1, Mercury trines Saturn Apr 1-2, Sun trines Jupiter Apr 2, Mercury trines Jupiter Apr 5-6, Mars sextiles Neptune Apr 12, Mercury sextiles Nep- tune Apr 18-19, Mars trines Pluto Apr 21, Mercury trines Pluto Apr 21-22, Venus sextiles Jupiter Apr 22, Mercury sextiles Chiron Apr 24, Venus sextiles Uranus Apr 26, Mars sextiles Chiron Apr 27-28, Venus squares Chiron Apr 28-29, Sun sextiles Neptune Apr 29. APRIL 2015


1 10 a 57 2 f 51 1 a 45 17 b 27 0 b 14 12 e 41 4 i 41 16 a 08 8 l 30 15 j 29 2 11 56 14 39 3 39 18 38 0 58 12 r 39 4 r 39 16 12 8 32 15 29 3 12 55 26 28 5 34 19 50 1 43 12 38 4 37 16 15 8 34 15 30 4 13 54 8 g 22 7 31 21 01 2 27 12 37 4 35 16 18 8 36 15 30

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12 21 46 19 46 23 48 0 c 25 8 20 12 36 4 16 16 46 8 51 15 32 13 22 45 3 k 39 25 53 1 35 9 04 12 37 4 14 16 49 8 52 15 32 14 23 44 17 50 28 00 2 45 9 48 12 38 4 11 16 53 8 54 15 33 15 24 43 2 l 18 0 b 06 3 55 10 32 12 39 4 08 16 56 8 56 15 33 16 25 41 17 00 2 12 5 04 11 15 12 40 4 05 16 59 8 57 15 33 17 26 40 1 a 51 4 18 6 14 11 59 12 41 4 02 17 03 8 59 15 33 18 27 39 16 44 6 22 7 23 12 43 12 43 3 59 17 06 9 01 15 r 33

19 28 38 1 b 30 8 26 8 33 13 26 12 45 3 56 17 10 9 02 15 33 20 29 36 16 04 10 28 9 42 14 10 12 47 3 53 17 13 9 04 15 33 21 0 b 35 0 c 18 12 29 10 51 14 53 12 49 3 49 17 16 9 06 15 33 22 1 33 14 09 14 27 12 00 15 37 12 51 3 46 17 20 9 07 15 32 23 2 32 27 34 16 23 13 09 16 20 12 54 3 43 17 23 9 09 15 32 24 3 31 10 d 34 18 16 14 18 17 04 12 57 3 39 17 26 9 10 15 32 25 4 29 23 11 20 06 15 26 17 47 13 00 3 35 17 30 9 12 15 32

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All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Apr 18 at 11:58 AM PDT 28a25 SYMBOL: The music of the spheres. ❍ Full Moon (Eclipse): Apr 4 at 5:07 AM PDT 14g24 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: D➟c Apr 11 F tq Apr 8 (9:58 AM PDT) AR JPH Apr 5-6 C➟b Apr 14 J tr Apr 16 (8:56 PM PDT) CR JPH Apr 7-8 A➟b Apr 20 AP C Apr 9-10 DQ G Apr 14-15 CER F Apr 17-21 DR I Apr 19

Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – A APRIL shows above average (6) activity for you, with substantial (5) stress. P R I




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication 1 ▼ ✚ ✚ ✖ 1 2 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 2 3 ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ !! 3 4 ✖ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 4

5 ▲ 5 6 ✖ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 6 7 ▲ ▲ ▲ 7 8 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▼ !!! 8 9 ✖ ✚ ✚ 9 10 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 10 11 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 11

12 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ 12 13 ▲ 13 14 ▲ 14 15 ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 15 16 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ 16 17 ▼ ▼ ▲ 17 18 ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 18

19 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ 19 20 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 20 2 21 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ 21 22 ▼ ▲ ▼ 22 23 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▼ ▼ ✖ ▼ ▼ ▲ !! 23 24 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 24 0 25 ▲ ▲ ✖ ▼ ▼ !! 25

26 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ !!! 26 27 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▲ 27 1 28 ▼ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 28 29 ▲ 29 30 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 30 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes APRIL 2015 5 red days 18 blue days 7 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days April 4,12 (8) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days April 23 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days April 6, 8,13,19,26 (15) ✩ Your Quietest Days April 28,29 (4)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for April: MOON (168)

Be willing to receive, to carry, to hold and to nurture. Openness and vul- nerability are favored now. Take in what is being offered.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for April: URANUS (—27)

Restlessness and a desire for freedom may make you irritable or unstable. If it really is time for change, then you may need to do it anyway. Things could be shaky.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your MOON (216) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your VENUS (26)

Pay attention to home and close personal relations. Listen and receive, and take care of yourself and those closest to you. Attend to the child inside you. Love, relationship, money or appreciation may be in short supply. Attention needs to go elsewhere at this time. APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30


JUPITER stationary later this month (through the 8th) Expansion and Growth Need re-examining What’s approaching for Jupiter Activity? It may feel like it’s starting now

PLUTO stationary this month till 16th Intensity buried stuff comes up See what you’ve got approaching for Pluto Activity It may feel like it’s starting now

DTI 11:16 AM (Daydream...be creative, romantic.) DTJ 9:59 PM (Control yourself, not others. ) 1Y6 3:30 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) 1|op 4:12 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) W 1y3 4:57 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) E 1 D

.N. DQH 1:34 AM (Experiment, seek stimulation with others. ) CRE 7:47 AM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) 1x8 12:33 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1y7 1:59 AM (Try something new - experiment.) T 1x0 5:42 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) H 2 U

.N. Void 2:02 AM (PDT) CUC 1:32 AM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) ATG 5:03 PM (Learn from limits, mistakes...lighten up.) 1x4 9:52 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 12:44 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) F 1y5 4:36 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) R 3 I Good Friday

.N. LIBRA 12:09 AM (PDT) CUF 1:05 AM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) ❍ ATD 10:33 AM (Relax, enjoy...generosity, waste possible.) 5:07 AM (PDT) DRmN 7:34 PM (Laziness, self-indulgence, pleasure. ) FULL MOON Eclipse (14 Libr 24) 1Xop 4:47 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) S 1y1 10:40 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) A 1y8 12:58 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 4 T 1Y9 2:02 PM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) 1ysp 8:52 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) .N. Void 9:00 AM (PDT) APRIL 2015 1y0 5:48 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1y4 9:33 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) S U N 5 Easter

SCORPIO 12:05 PM (PDT) .N. CTG 10:01 PM (Cautious thoughts...face limits, details.) EUE 10:27 PM (Dynamic activity, initiative, decisiveness. ) 1x5 4:06 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) M 1y6 3:14 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) O 1Zop 3:54 PM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) N 6 1Y3 4:37 PM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) 1x1 9:38 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.)

.N. AUB 1:25 AM (Inner harmony can benefit relationships. ) CTD 6:31 AM (Be nice...but be honest.) 1Y7 1:14 AM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) T 1xsp 7:27 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) U E 7 Void 1:43 PM (PDT) SAGITTARIUS 10:09 PM (PDT) .N. JUPITER AUI 5:36 AM (Express ideals, compassion...meditate.) DIRECT • • CUB 12:48 PM (Speak from the heart...listen to others.) DTA 3:29 PM (Peace & well-being...are you too nice?) W AQJ 6:32 PM (Learn from your attachments/compulsions. ) E ETC 9:07 PM (Tendency to argue or drive too fast. ) D 8 ATH 10:51 PM (Restlessness(?)...change...trial & error.) 1Y2 9:55 AM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) 1|5 1:31 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) .N. CUI 2:17 AM (Fantasy, aesthetic sensitivity...intuition.) CQJ 8:26 AM (Concentration...your words have power.) CTH 10:29 AM (Quick mind, new ideas...avoid rashness.) T 1x6 12:16 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) H 1Xop 12:55 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) U 9 1|1 6:20 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Y8 8:27 AM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 1y9 9:26 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) Void 10:43 AM (PDT) .N. 1Y0 12:01 AM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) 1Y4 2:26 PM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) 1X5 8:27 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) F R I 10

CAPRICORN 5:48 AM (PDT) .N. ◗ CUmN 12:04 AM (Mental activity, communication. ) 8:46 PM (PDT) ERF 11:53 AM (High energy, enthusiasm...watch excess.) 3Q (21 Cap 55) 1|6 6:37 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) S 1|op 7:14 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) A 1y3 7:53 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) T 11 1X1 12:25 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x9 3:23 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) VENUS enters GEMINI 1y7 3:41 PM (Try something new - experiment.) 8:30 AM (PDT) .N. APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 AUmN 6:22 AM (Project clearly...express your intentions.) 1y2 9:26 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) S U 12 N Void 1:16 AM (PDT) .N. AQUARIUS 10:45 AM (PDT) CUA 3:40 AM (Write, speak, think about your purpose. ) 1Z5 12:43 AM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) 1X6 10:21 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1xop 10:56 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) M 1x3 11:34 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) O 1Z1 3:53 PM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) 13 N 1y8 5:50 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1|9 6:43 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) .N. 1Zsp 12:29 AM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) MERCURY enters TAURUS 1y0 7:55 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 3:53 PM (PDT) 1y4 9:07 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 11:29 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) T U 14 E Void 12:46 PM (PDT) .N. PISCES 1:13 PM (PDT) DTE 11:59 AM (Sexual tensions...lessons of compromise.) 1X5 2:37 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1Z6 11:56 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 12:30 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) W 1|3 1:06 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) E 1X1 5:17 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 15 D 1x8 7:10 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 8:02 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) .N. Void 2:38 PM (PDT) DQC 5:32 PM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) AUA 8:48 PM (Be yourself and let others see you. ) CUE 11:11 PM (Assert your ideas...think passionately.) 1Xsp 1:36 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) T 1x0 8:53 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) H 1x4 9:48 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 16 U

.N. ARIES 2:01 PM (PDT) CTC 3:43 PM (Be firm but flexible in thoughts & words. ) PLUTO 1|2 12:06 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) RETRO til 9/25 • • 1|5 3:12 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1X6 12:27 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) F 1X3 1:37 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) R 1|1 5:47 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 17 I 1|8 7:38 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1Z9 8:30 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) .N. DSF 9:18 AM (Creativity...be grateful for what you have.) ● CRF 2:02 PM (Optimism...don’t promise too much.) 11:58 AM (PDT) 1|sp 2:03 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) NEW MOON (28 Ari 25) 1|0 9:24 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) S 1|4 10:27 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) A 18 T Void 11:58 AM (PDT) .N. TAURUS 2:32 PM (PDT) APRIL 2015 EUG 8:32 AM (Discipline & patience...attention to detail.) EPMN 7:58 PM (High energy for ambitions, personal aims. ) 1X2 12:47 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) S 1x5 3:57 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) U 1|6 1:28 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) N 19 1Yop 2:02 PM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) 1Z3 2:40 PM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) 1x1 6:56 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) Void 4:08 PM (PDT) w HUB w] SUN enters TAURUS EQD 8:18 AM (Self-worth may seem under attack. ) 2:43 AM (PDT) 1xsp 3:29 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 1X0 11:09 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) M O N 20

GEMINI 4:29 PM (PDT) [w HUI w CUG 10:24 AM (Serious thoughts...concentration...focu) CPMN 2:38 PM (Think about your direction or goals. ) CQD 7:12 PM (Be nice...but be honest.) T 1X4 12:46 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) U 1Z2 3:16 AM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) E 21 1y5 6:37 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 4:40 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1X3 5:55 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) Void 10:39 PM (PDT) .O. 1Z8 12:27 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 1|9 1:24 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1X7 1:43 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) W 1ysp 7:36 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) E 1Z0 3:45 PM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) D 22

CANCER 9:27 PM (PDT) .O. CRB 3:24 AM (Learn from old communication habits. ) DRG 8:51 AM (Little from others...appreciate yourself.) CTI 6:13 PM (Misunderstanding, disillusionment...deceit.) T ERB 9:49 PM (Watch anger, impatience, defensiveness. ) H DTD 11:55 PM (Express your values & worth...love.) U 23 1Z4 6:23 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 9:03 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 1y6 11:19 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) .O. CTJ 1:00 AM (Explore motives...intense, opinionated?) CQH 3:21 AM (Impatience, candor, insight...experiment.) 1|3 12:39 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) F 1X8 7:48 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) R 1x9 8:49 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) I 24 1|7 9:10 AM (Try something new - experiment.)

Void 10:05 AM (PDT) .O. ◗ AUE 1:33 AM (Intention & action can align...assert.) 4:56 PM (PDT) ETI 12:13 PM (Act as a channel, selflessly...or escape.) 1Q (5 Leo 27) CRmN 10:55 PM (Mental activity, communication...tension?) S 1X0 12:03 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) A 1X4 3:46 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) T 25 1|2 6:34 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Y5 10:20 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.)

LEO 6:14 AM (PDT) .O. APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 ETJ 5:52 AM (Power struggle is risky--can you let go? ) DSB 6:10 AM (Sympathy, nurturance...indulgence.) EQH 11:46 AM (Surprises, disruptions...breaking free.) ATC 12:47 PM (Mental tension(?)...think before speaking.) S 1xop 10:27 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) U 1x3 11:12 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 26 N 1Y1 4:21 PM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) 1|8 6:40 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) .O. DQI 6:33 AM (Be realistic...don’t play the victim.) DUJ 5:45 PM (Seek deeper ties...intensive creativity.) DTH 9:29 PM (Try freedom or change in relationships. ) 1Ysp 2:36 AM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) M 1|0 11:44 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) O 27 N Void 7:13 AM (PDT) .O. VIRGO 6:08 PM (PDT) ARF 12:06 PM (Be positive, confident...with humility.) CTA 4:18 PM (Mind or tongue may be overactive. ) 1|4 3:57 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 6:51 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) T 1Y6 10:24 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) U 1|op 11:06 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 28 E 1y3 11:52 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.)

.O. 1x8 7:27 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1y7 8:53 AM (Try something new - experiment.) W E 29 D

.O. DSmN 6:36 PM (Pleasure, rest & well-being. ) MERCURY > GEMINI 1x0 12:38 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 7:01 PM (PDT) 1x4 4:47 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 7:40 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) T 1y5 11:31 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) H 30 U Void 5:25 AM (PDT) .O. LIBRA 7:04 AM (PDT)

NOTES Mundane Activity MAY 2015 Full Moon May 3 at 11:43 PM EDT/ 8:43 PM PDT from 13 Sco 23. A powerful tension is possible. One man’s pig-headedness is another’s trustworthiness. A Fixed T-Square with Jupiter at 13 Leo. New Moon May 18 at 12:14 AM EDT/ May 17 at 9:14 PM PDT at 26 Tau 56. Op- pressed or secretly conspiring, this New Moon is only widely opposed by Saturn at 2 Sag. Endure. Planetary Changes: Mercury Stationary turning Retrograde May 18 at 9:49 PM EDT/ 6:49 PM PDT at 13 Gem 08. Venus into Cancer May 7 at 6:53 PM EDT/ 3:53 PM PDT. Mars into Gemini May 11 at 10:41 PM EDT/ 7:41 PM PDT. Sun into Gemini May 21 at 4:46 AM EDT/ 1:46 AM PDT. Key Aspects: Mercury opposes Saturn retro May 3 at 4:34 AM EDT/ 1:34 AM PDT from 3 Gem 03. Just as Venus did last month, Mercury passes through forming a Mutable T-Square with Neptune at 9 Pis. Because it soon retrogrades, this will be the first of three times doing this. A lengthy dialogue between wishful thinking and misleading words on the one hand, and sticking only to the facts or facing repercussions on the other. Sun squares Jupiter May 4 at 5:03 AM EDT/ 2:03 AM PDT from 13 Tau 35. A possible peak of the Full Moon (see above). Mercury squares Neptune May 9 at 12:08 PM EDT/ 9:08 AM PDT from 9 Gem 30. Com- pleting the first pass through the T-Square, escaping responsibilities and realities. Mars opposes Saturn retro May 15 at 2:02 AM EDT/ May 14 at 11:02 PM PDT from 2 Gem 13. There’s a lot going on here, because the Uranus-Pluto square currently wreaking havoc occupies the midpoint of this opposition. Explosive, repressive, forceful and endur- ing. Venus opposes Pluto retro May 21 at 9:58 PM EDT/ 6:58 PM PDT from 15 Can 15. Venus also conjuncts Moon at 19 Can. Are we seeing the power of the feminine or its repression? Sun opposes Saturn retro May 22 at 9:36 PM EDT/ 6:36 PM PDT from 1 Gem 38. A push downward just before the Moon bounces back as it reaches its own conjunction with Jupiter at 15 Leo in 23 hours. Venus squares Uranus May 25 at 1:11 PM EDT/ 10:11 AM PDT from 19 Can 02. Has something shifted in the past week? (see above) Mars squares Neptune May 25 at 7:39 PM EDT/ 4:39 PM PDT from 9 Gem 44. Mars in cahoots with Sun at 4 Gem and Mercury retro at 11 Gem, with the Moon at 7 Vir forming a quick and elusive Mutable T-Square. Great for subterfuge. Mercury retro conjuncts Mars May 27 at 6:38 AM EDT/ 3:38 AM PDT at 10 Gem 44. Second time in a month, with Mercury retrograde. Keeping alive the Mutable T-Square with Neptune at 9 Pis and Saturn retro at 1 Sag. Mercury retro squares Neptune May 29 at 3:02 AM EDT/ 12:02 AM PDT from 9 Gem 45. Second time since the 9th (see above). Sun conjuncts Mercury retro May 30 at 12:57 PM EDT/ 9:57 AM PDT at 8 Gem 58. Sun squares Neptune May 31 at 9:09 AM EDT/ 6:09 AM PDT from 9 Gem 46. Leaving with Mars at 13 Gem, this now leaves Mercury as the only character at this corner of the Mutable T-Square with Saturn and Neptune. A lot of masculine energy with assertive words goes off to intensify for next month.

In addition, Sun trines Pluto May 5-6, Sun sextiles Chiron May 11, Venus trines Neptune May 16, Venus trines Chiron May 27. MAY 2015


1 10 b 19 4 g 55 29 b 53 22 c 15 22 b 06 13 e 21 3 i 13 17 a 49 9 l 20 15 j 30 2 11 17 16 55 1 c 17 23 22 22 49 13 25 3 r 09 17 53 9 22 15 r 29

3 12 16 29 05 2 36 24 29 23 31 13 29 3 05 17 56 9 23 15 29 4 13 14 11 h 26 3 51 25 36 24 14 13 34 3 01 17 59 9 24 15 29 5 14 12 24 02 5 02 26 43 24 57 13 38 2 57 18 02 9 25 15 28 6 15 10 6 i 51 6 08 27 50 25 40 13 43 2 53 18 05 9 27 15 28 7 16 08 19 54 7 09 28 57 26 22 13 48 2 49 18 08 9 28 15 27 8 17 06 3 11 8 06 0 d 03 27 05 13 53 2 44 18 12 9 29 15 26 9 18 04 16 40 8 58 1 09 27 48 13 58 2 40 18 15 9 30 15 26

10 19 02 0 k 21 9 46 2 15 28 30 14 04 2 36 18 18 9 31 15 25 11 20 00 14 14 10 28 3 21 29 13 14 09 2 32 18 21 9 32 15 24 12 20 58 28 17 11 06 4 27 29 55 14 15 2 27 18 24 9 33 15 24 13 21 56 12 l 30 11 38 5 32 0 c 38 14 21 2 23 18 27 9 34 15 23 14 22 54 26 51 12 06 6 37 1 20 14 27 2 19 18 30 9 35 15 22 15 23 52 11 a 17 12 28 7 42 2 02 14 33 2 14 18 33 9 36 15 22 16 24 50 25 45 12 46 8 47 2 45 14 39 2 10 18 36 9 37 15 21

17 25 48 10 b 10 12 58 9 51 3 27 14 46 2 05 18 39 9 38 15 20 18 26 46 24 26 13 06 10 56 4 09 14 52 2 01 18 41 9 39 15 19 19 27 43 8 c 28 13 09 12 00 4 51 14 59 1 56 18 44 9 39 15 18 20 28 41 22 11 13 r 07 13 03 5 33 15 06 1 52 18 47 9 40 15 17 21 29 39 5 d 33 13 00 14 07 6 15 15 13 1 47 18 50 9 41 15 16 22 0 c 37 18 33 12 49 15 10 6 57 15 20 1 43 18 53 9 42 15 15 23 1 34 1 e 11 12 34 16 13 7 39 15 27 1 39 18 55 9 42 15 14

24 2 32 13 30 12 15 17 16 8 21 15 34 1 34 18 58 9 43 15 14 25 3 30 25 35 11 52 18 18 9 03 15 42 1 30 19 01 9 44 15 13 26 4 27 7 f 29 11 27 19 20 9 45 15 49 1 25 19 03 9 44 15 11 27 5 25 19 18 10 58 20 22 10 26 15 57 1 21 19 06 9 45 15 10 28 6 23 1 g 08 10 28 21 24 11 08 16 05 1 16 19 09 9 45 15 09 29 7 20 13 02 9 55 22 25 11 50 16 13 1 12 19 11 9 46 15 08 30 8 18 25 07 9 22 23 25 12 31 16 21 1 07 19 14 9 46 15 07

31 9 15 7 h 25 8 48 24 26 13 13 16 29 1 03 19 16 9 47 15 06

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: May 17 at 9:14 PM PDT 26b56 SYMBOL: An old Indian woman selling artifacts of her tribe to passers-by. ❍ Full Moon: May 3 at 8:43 PM PDT 13h23 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: D➟d May 7 C tr May 18 (6:49 PM PDT) CQ G May 2-3 E➟c May 11 AR F May 3-4 A➟c May 21 CR I May 9 EQ G May 14-15 DQ J May 21-22 AQ G May 22-23 ER I May 25 Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – M MAY shows above average (6) activity for you, with high (7) stress. A

FULL MOON MAY 3 is on your Midheaven/Nadir. Y



Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication 1 ✚ ▲ !! 1 2 ✚ ▲ 2

3 ✚ ▲ 3 4 ▼▼✚✚▼▲ ▲▲▲▼ ▼ !! 4 5 ▼ ▼ ✚ ▲ ✖ 5 6 ✚ ▲ ✖ 6 7 ▲▼▲✚✚▲▲ ▲✖▼ ▼ !! 7 8 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▼ ✖ 8 9 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ✖ !! 9

10 ✚ ▲ ✖ 10 11 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ✖ ▼ ▼ ▼ 11 12 ✚ ✖ 12 13 ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ ✖ 13 14 ✚ ✖ 14 15 ✚ ✖ 15 16 ✚ 16

17 ✚ ▲ 17 18 ✚ ▲ ▼ !! 18 19 ✚ 19 20 ▼▲✚✚▼✚ ▲▲✚▲ ▲ !! 20 2 21 ✚ 21 22 ▲ 22 23 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 23 0 24 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ 24 25 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 25 26 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 26 27 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 27 1 28 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 28 29 ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 29 30 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 30

▲▼▲✚✚▲▲✖ ▲▲▼ ▲ !! 31 5 31 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes MAY 2015 12 red days 8 blue days 11 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days May 29 (13) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days May 17 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days May 31 (21) ✩ Your Quietest Days May 2 (2)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for May: VENUS (72)

Luxurious pleasures and loving connections with others are probably avail- able to you now. Your attractiveness and worth are enhanced.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for May: URANUS (—108)

Restlessness and a desire for freedom may make you irritable or unstable. If it really is time for change, then you may need to do it anyway. Things could be shaky.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your URANUS (130) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your MERCURY (26)

Stimulation and new experiences are important now. Innovate and exper- iment; don’t stay in a rut. Ask yourself how far you need to go in finding real independence. There’s not much emphasis on speaking with others or thinking about things right now. Communication is low key, and feeling may be more important than what you think.

The FULL MOON MAY 3 triggers your MIDHEAVEN. The balance between your outer social activity and your inner domain, including your home, needs to be watched now. MAY 2015


ERmN 12:31 AM (Assert decisively with others. ) ✖✖ 1Xop 11:39 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) ✖✖ 1y1 5:32 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) F 1y8 7:50 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) R ✖✖ 1Y9 8:53 PM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) ✖✖ I 1

.O. .M. .P. 1ysp 3:41 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1y0 12:32 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) S A T 2 Void 7:04 AM (PDT) SCORPIO 6:48 PM (PDT) .O. .M. .P. MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 1y4 4:11 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) ❍ 1x5 10:39 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 8:43 PM (PDT) 1y6 9:42 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) FULL MOON (13 Scor 23) ✖✖ 1Zop 10:22 PM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) ✖✖ S 1Y3 11:05 PM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) U 3 N

.O. .M. .P. AUG 9:50 AM (Responsibility & structure offer security. ) CTE 1:01 PM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) ✖✖ APMN 6:24 PM (Be visible, out there...maybe recognition.) ✖✖ DQA 7:14 PM (Attract what you value...don’t overdo.) M 1x1 4:01 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) O 1Y7 7:32 AM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) 4 N 1xsp 1:42 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) See FULL MOON on monthly front page. .O. .M. .P. Void 6:50 PM (PDT) ✖✖ AQD 3:37 AM (Relations show where balance is needed. ) ✖✖ CQC 8:02 PM (Examine thoughts & words objectively. ) 1Y2 3:51 PM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) 1|5 7:25 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T U 5 E

[w FRD w SAGITTARIUS 4:14 AM (PDT) 1x6 5:59 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) ✖✖ 1Xop 6:37 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) ✖✖ 1|1 12:01 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Y8 2:07 PM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) W 1y9 3:05 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) E 1|sp 9:22 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 6 D

[w HTH w ETA 8:14 AM (Hostility/irritability if not decisive. ) VENUS enters CANCER CSF 7:09 PM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) 3:53 PM (PDT) ARB 7:32 PM (Tension...try for emotional balance.) 1Y0 5:32 AM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) T 1Y4 7:55 PM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) H 7 U Void 10:53 AM (PDT) .O. .M. .P. .K. .Q. CAPRICORN 11:17 AM (PDT) 1X5 1:55 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1|6 12:04 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1|op 12:41 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 1:21 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) F 1X1 5:54 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) R ✖✖ 1x9 8:53 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ 8 I 1y7 9:12 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

.O. .M. .P. .K. .Q. ATI 12:11 AM (Confusion, illusion, weakness...be honest.) ✖✖ ATJ 1:19 PM (Power struggles...try detachment, let go.) ✖✖ ✖✖ AQH 5:42 PM (Unexpected offers tension...awakening?) ✖✖ 1Xsp 2:56 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) S A 9 T Void 1:36 PM (PDT) .O. .M. .P. .K. .Q. AQUARIUS 4:23 PM (PDT) MAY 2015 1y2 3:14 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Z5 6:32 AM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) 1X6 4:24 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) S ✖✖ 1xop 5:00 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) ✖✖ U ✖✖ 1x3 5:38 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) ✖✖ N 10 1Z1 10:05 PM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.)

w HUI w] ◗ 1y8 12:04 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 3:37 AM (PDT) 1|9 12:59 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 3Q (20 Aqu 26) ✖✖ 1x7 1:17 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ M 1Zsp 6:49 AM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) O 1y0 2:29 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) N 11 MARS > GEMINI 7:41 PM Void 3:37 AM (PDT) PISCES 7:54 PM (PDT) w FRMN w] DQE 1:30 AM (Tension between good-will & strong will. ) 1y4 4:04 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 6:28 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) T 1X5 9:41 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) U 1Z6 7:20 PM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) E 12 1yop 7:55 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 8:32 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.)

.P. .K. .Q. ARmN 2:30 AM (Possible tension in your expression. ) DTC 9:02 AM (Be nice...but be honest. Enjoy beauty.) 1X1 12:53 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) W 1x8 2:48 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) E ✖✖ 1X9 3:41 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ D 13 1|7 3:59 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1Xsp 9:25 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) Void 9:56 AM (PDT) 1x0 4:56 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) ARIES 10:15 PM (PDT) .P. .K. .Q. 1x4 6:16 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 8:38 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1|5 11:49 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T 1X6 9:20 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) H ✖✖ 1X3 10:32 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) ✖✖ U 14

.P. .K. .Q. 1|1 2:48 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1|8 4:43 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) ✖✖ 1Z9 5:36 AM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) ✖✖ F ✖✖ 1X7 5:54 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ R 1|sp 11:18 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) I 15 1|0 6:47 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.)

Void 5:05 AM (PDT) w FRD w] 1|4 8:07 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1X2 10:30 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 1x5 1:42 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) S 1|6 11:16 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) A 1Yop 11:51 PM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) T 16

TAURUS 12:03 AM (PDT) .P. .Q. MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 ATA 6:40 PM (Be decisive. Your intention is tested. ) ● 1Z3 12:28 AM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) 9:14 PM (PDT) 1x1 4:49 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) NEW MOON (26 Taur 56) 1X8 6:46 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) S ✖✖ 1X9 7:40 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ U ✖✖ 1Z7 7:58 AM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) ✖✖ 17 N 1xsp 1:28 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 1X0 9:05 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) .P. .Q. Void 9:14 PM (PDT) ETE 4:15 PM (Be decisive, not rash...watch conflicts.) 1X4 10:48 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1Z2 1:15 PM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) 1y5 4:33 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) M O 18 N

.P. .Q. GEMINI 2:28 AM (PDT) 1x6 2:28 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) MERCURY 1X3 3:44 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) RETRO til 6/11 • • 1y1 8:16 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Z8 10:19 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) T 1|9 11:15 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) U ✖✖ 1X7 11:33 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ 19 E 1ysp 5:17 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.)

.P. .Q. Void 10:59 AM (PDT) DSG 12:16 PM (Look to yourself for appreciation. ) EQC 5:11 PM (Think before speaking...ideas under fire.) DSMN 8:07 PM (Harmony, creativity, & self-appreciation. ) 1Z0 1:15 AM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) W 1Z4 3:45 PM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) E 1X2 6:21 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 20 D

.P. .Q. CANCER 6:57 AM (PDT) DUD 4:36 AM (You can attract beauty & love. ) SUN enters GEMINI 1y6 8:25 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1:46 AM (PDT) 1yop 9:04 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 9:45 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) T 1X8 4:43 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) H ✖✖ 1x9 5:42 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ 21 U 1|7 6:02 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

w HQJ w] Void 5:37 PM (PDT) 1X0 8:43 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.)

F R 22 I

.Q. LEO 2:43 PM (PDT) ESF 11:01 AM (Act with confidence, enthusiasm. ) 1X4 12:03 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 2:50 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Y5 6:35 AM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) S 1xop 6:31 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) A 1x3 7:15 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 23 T

.Q. MAY 2015 DTI 6:15 PM (Daydream...be creative, romantic.) 1Y1 12:18 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) 1|8 2:36 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) S 1y9 3:39 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) U ✖✖ 1x7 4:00 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ N 24 1Ysp 10:31 AM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) 1|0 7:31 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.)

Void 3:51 AM (PDT) [w JSD w ◗ DRJ 6:31 AM (Control yourself, not others. ) 10:20 AM (PDT) DUH 10:38 AM (Innovate artistically...seek stimulation.) 1Q (4 Virg 11) 1|4 11:39 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) M 1x2 2:32 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) O N 25 Memorial Day (US)

VIRGO 1:53 AM (PDT) w HTH w] ATE 2:21 AM (Impatience...be decisive, not combative.) 1Y6 6:02 AM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) 1|op 6:44 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) T 1y3 7:29 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) U 1x8 3:04 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) E 26 1y7 4:31 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

Void 7:22 PM (PDT) [w FPB w AQC 2:04 PM (Be receptive, careful in communications. ) 1x0 8:16 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) W E D 27

LIBRA 2:43 PM (PDT) .E. .I. 1x4 12:29 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 3:21 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1y5 7:12 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T 1Xop 7:24 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) H U 28

.E. .I. ASF 2:02 PM (Confidence, faith...trust yourself.) 1y1 1:19 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1y8 3:35 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) F 1Y9 4:38 AM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) R 1ysp 11:25 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) I 29 1y0 8:19 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.)

Void 1:21 PM (PDT) .E. .I. 1y4 11:55 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x5 6:24 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) S A T 30

SCORPIO 2:35 AM (PDT) .E. .I. MAY 2015 JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 ERG 5:00 PM (Go slow...release tensions/fears.) CSF 8:00 PM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) 1y6 5:23 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Zop 6:03 AM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) S 1Y3 6:45 AM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) U ✖✖ 1x1 11:38 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) ✖✖ 31 N 1Y7 3:09 PM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) 1xsp 9:18 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) .E. .I.

NOTES Mundane Activity JUNE 2015 Full Moon Jun 2 at 12:20 PM EDT/ 9:20 AM PDT from 11 Sag 49. A Mutable T- Square with Neptune at 9 Pis. Lots of activity, hard to focus. Mars also at 15 Gem. New Moon Jun 16 at 10:07 AM EDT/ 7:07 AM PDT at 25 Gem 07. Also conjuncts Mars at 24 Gem, all square to Chiron at 21 Pis. Energy-filled New Moon with mul- tiple options, best used to make connections. Planetary Changes: Mercury Stationary turning Direct Jun 11 at 6:35 PM EDT/ 3:35 PM PDT at 4 Gem 33. Neptune Stationary turning Retrograde Jun 12 at 5:09 AM EDT/ 2:09 AM PDT at 9 Pis 49. Chiron Stationary turning Retrograde Jun 24 at 7:37 AM EDT/ 4:37 AM PDT at 21 Pis 33. Venus into Leo Jun 5 at 11:34 AM EDT/ 8:34 AM PDT. Saturn into Scorpio Jun 14 at 8:37 PM EDT/ 5:37 PM PDT. Sun into Cancer Jun 21 at 12:39 PM EDT/ 9:39 AM PDT. Mars into Cancer Jun 24 at 9:34 AM EDT/ 6:34 AM PDT. Key Aspects: Mars squares Chiron Jun 11 at 8:36 PM EDT/ 5:36 PM PDT from 21 Gem 29. Sun squares Chiron Jun 12 at 2:56 PM EDT/ 11:56 AM PDT from 21 Gem 29. Sun conjuncts Mars Jun 14 at 11:57 AM EDT/ 8:57 AM PDT at 23 Gem 17. Quiet month after May. Assertive communications, fast travel, scattered energies. Mercury squares Neptune retro Jun 23 at 2:09 PM EDT/ 11:09 AM PDT from 9 Gem 46. Are you hearing or reading what’s being said, or what you want to hear? Are you expressing the truth, or what you wish? Good for writing poetry or fiction. Jupiter trines Uranus retro Jun 22 at 9:48 AM EDT/ 6:48 AM PDT from 20 Leo 02. Look for avenues of creative expression and new ideas. Good timing.

In addition, Mars sextiles Jupiter Jun 5, Venus trines Saturn Jun 5-6, Sun sex- tiles Jupiter Jun 8, Mars sextiles Uranus Jun 8-9, Mercury sextiles Venus Jun 9- 10, Sun sextiles Uranus Jun 10, Venus trines Uranus Jun 28-29. JUNE 2015


1 10 c 13 20 h 00 8 c 15 25 d 26 13 c 54 16 e 37 0 i 59 19 a 19 9 47 15 jw 05 2 11 10 2 i 53 7 r 42 26 26 14 36 16 46 0 r 54 19 21 9 47 15 r 04 3 12 08 16 04 7 10 27 25 15 17 16 54 0 50 19 23 9 48 15 03 4 13 05 29 31 6 40 28 24 15 59 17 03 0 45 19 26 9 48 15 01 5 14 03 13 j 12 6 12 29 22 16 40 17 12 0 41 19 28 9 48 15 00 6 15 00 27 04 5 47 0 e 20 17 21 17 21 0 37 19 30 9 48 14 59

7 15 57 11 k 03 5 26 1 18 18 03 17 30 0 33 19 33 9 49 14 58 8 16 55 25 08 5 07 2 15 18 44 17 39 0 28 19 35 9 49 14 56 9 17 52 9 l 15 4 53 3 12 19 25 17 48 0 24 19 37 9 49 14 55 10 18 50 23 23 4 42 4 08 20 06 17 57 0 20 19 39 9 49 14 54 11 19 47 7 a 30 4 36 5 04 20 47 18 07 0 16 19 41 9 49 14 53 12 20 44 21 37 4 D 34 5 59 21 28 18 16 0 12 19 43 9 49 14 51 13 21 42 5 b 41 4 36 6 54 22 09 18 26 0 08 19 45 9 r 49 14 50

14 22 39 19 40 4 43 7 48 22 50 18 36 0 04 19 47 9 49 14 49 15 23 36 3 c 32 4 55 8 42 23 31 18 45 0 00 19 49 9 49 14 47 16 24 34 17 12 5 11 9 35 24 12 18 55 29 h 56 19 51 9 49 14 46 17 25 31 0 d 38 5 32 10 27 24 53 19 05 29 52 19 53 9 49 14 44 18 26 28 13 47 5 57 11 19 25 33 19 15 29 49 19 55 9 49 14 43 19 27 26 26 38 6 27 12 10 26 14 19 26 29 45 19 57 9 48 14 42 20 28 23 9 e 11 7 01 13 01 26 55 19 36 29 41 19 58 9 48 14 40

21 29 20 21 27 7 39 13 51 27 35 19 46 29 38 20 00 9 48 14 39 22 0 d 18 3 f 30 8 22 14 40 28 16 19 57 29 34 20 02 9 48 14 37 23 1 15 15 23 9 09 15 28 28 57 20 07 29 31 20 03 9 47 14 36 24 2 12 27 12 10 00 16 16 29 37 20 18 29 27 20 05 9 47 14 34 25 3 09 9 g 01 10 55 17 03 0 d 18 20 28 29 24 20 06 9 46 14 33 26 4 06 20 57 11 54 17 48 0 58 20 39 29 21 20 08 9 46 14 32 27 5 04 3 h 04 12 57 18 33 1 38 20 50 29 17 20 09 9 46 14 30

28 6 01 15 28 14 04 19 18 2 19 21 01 29 14 20 11 9 45 14 29 29 6 58 28 11 15 15 20 01 2 59 21 12 29 11 20 12 9 45 14 27 30 7 55 11 i 17 16 29 20 43 3 39 21 23 29 08 20 13 9 44 14 26

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Jun 16 at 7:07 AM PDT 25c07 SYMBOL: Frost-coverered trees against winter skies. ❍ Full Moon: Jun 2 at 9:20 AM PDT 11i49 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: D➟e Jun 5 C tq Jun 11 (3:35 PM PDT) AP E Jun 14 G➟h Jun 14 I tr Jun 12 (2:09 AM PDT) FU H Jun 22 A➟d Jun 21 CR I Jun 23 E➟d Jun 24 DP F Jun 30-1

Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – J JUNE shows very high (9) activity for you, with substantial (4) stress. U N




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication 1 ✖ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 1 2 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 2 3 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 3 4 ▼▲▲✚✚ ▼✖▲▲ ▼▲ !! 4 5 ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 5 6 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▼ ▼ !! 6

7 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 7 8 ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 8 9 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 9 10 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ 10 11 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 11 12 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 12 13 ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ 13

14 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 14 15 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 15 16 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 16 17 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 17 18 ▼ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 18 19 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 19 20 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ 20 2 21 ▲▼✚✚▲✚▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ 21 22 ▲ ✚ ▲ 22 23 ▲ ✚ ▲ 23 24 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ 24 0 25 ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ 25 26 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ !! 26 27 ✖ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ 27 1 28 ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ 28 29 ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ 29 30 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ 30 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes JUNE 2015 0 red days 29 blue days 1 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days June 30 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days June (0) ✩ Your Busiest Days June 13 (24) ✩ Your Quietest Days June 23 (8)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for June: VENUS (149)

Luxurious pleasures and loving connections with others are probably avail- able to you now. Your attractiveness and worth are enhanced.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for June: URANUS (—44)

Restlessness and a desire for freedom may make you irritable or unstable. If it really is time for change, then you may need to do it anyway. Things could be shaky.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your VENUS (159) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your MERCURY (29)

The emphasis is on issues of the heart, and your sense of self-worth. Are you over-indulging or just seeking what you truly deserve? There’s not much emphasis on speaking with others or thinking about things right now. Communication is low key, and feeling may be more important than what you think. JUNE 2015

ETD 5:58 PM (Blend needs for affection & expression. ) 1Y2 11:10 PM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) M O N 1 Void 4:02 AM (PDT) SAGITTARIUS 11:40 AM (PDT) .I. .E. ❍ DTA 2:40 AM (Peace & well-being...are you too nice?) 9:20 AM (PDT) 1|5 2:41 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) FULL MOON (11 Sag 49) 1x6 1:02 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) T 1Xop 1:40 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) U 1|1 7:00 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) E 2 1Y8 9:05 PM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 1y9 10:03 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.)

Void 11:00 PM (PDT) [w FUI w 1|sp 4:11 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1Y0 12:11 PM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) W E D 3

CAPRICORN 5:52 PM (PDT) .I. .E. .G. ARG 1:35 PM (Learn from limits, mistakes...lighten up.) CQC 2:21 PM (Examine thoughts & words objectively. ) 1Y4 2:21 AM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) T 1X5 8:12 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) H 1|6 6:12 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) U 4 1|op 6:48 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 7:27 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) ✖✖ 1X1 11:57 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) ✖✖ w FPB w] VENUS enters LEO ATD 7:36 AM (Relax, enjoy...generosity, waste possible.) 8:34 AM (PDT) ESB 11:44 AM (Passionate feelings...assert your needs.) 1x9 2:52 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) F 1y7 3:10 AM (Try something new - experiment.) R 1Xsp 8:47 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) I 5 Void 3:55 AM (PDT) AQUARIUS 10:03 PM (PDT) [w FSJ w 1y2 8:46 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Z5 12:03 PM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) 1X6 9:51 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) S 1xop 10:27 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) A 1x3 11:05 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) T 6

[w FRH w JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 30 31 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 EQI 4:03 AM (Put yourself in another’s shoes. ) EUJ 10:33 PM (Repair, renew...dig to solve problems.) 1Z1 3:29 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) 1y8 5:27 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) S 1|9 6:21 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) U ✖✖ 1x7 6:39 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ 7 N 1Zsp 12:12 PM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) 1y0 7:52 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) .E. .G. .F. .D. Void 7:32 AM (PDT) ASB 12:16 AM (Focus on home...be receptive, nurturing.) ✖✖ ETH 4:45 AM (Restlessness, rebellion...breakthrough.) ✖✖ CTE 10:50 PM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) 1y4 9:29 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) M 1x2 11:55 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) O 1X5 3:11 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 8 N

[w JUMN w PISCES 1:17 AM (PDT) AQI 5:14 AM (Clarity & honesty needed...check facts.) ◗ AUJ 6:31 PM (Cleansing...you can influence others.) 8:43 AM (PDT) ✖✖ ATH 10:57 PM (Restlessness(?)...change...trial & error.) ✖✖ 3Q (18 Pis 30) 1Z6 12:55 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) T 1yop 1:30 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) U 1|3 2:08 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 9 E 1X1 6:31 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x8 8:28 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) .E. .G. .F. .D. .C. Void 11:09 AM (PDT) DTE 10:57 AM (Sexual tensions...lessons of compromise.) 1x4 12:27 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 2:53 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1|5 6:08 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) W E 10 D

.E. .G. .F. .D. .C. ARIES 4:15 AM (PDT) 1X6 3:52 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) MERCURY 1X3 5:06 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) DIRECT • • 1|1 9:29 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1|8 11:27 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) T 1Z9 12:21 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) H ✖✖ 1X7 12:39 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ 11 U 1|sp 6:11 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.)

.E. .G. .F. .D. .C. Void 4:44 PM (PDT) DUC 12:10 AM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) NEPTUNE ESmN 10:51 PM (Take initiative in relationships. ) RETRO til 11/18 • • 1|0 1:52 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1|4 3:33 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) F 1X2 5:59 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) R 1x5 9:16 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 12 I

w FUI w] TAURUS 7:17 AM (PDT) ASmN 8:37 AM (Project clearly...express your intentions.) 1|6 7:06 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Yop 7:42 AM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) 1Z3 8:20 AM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) S 1x1 12:46 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) A 1X8 2:45 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 13 T 1X9 3:40 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ 1Z7 3:58 PM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) ✖✖ .E. .F. .D. .C. Void 3:07 PM (PDT) JUNE 2015 SATURN enters SCORPIO DPF 3:03 AM (Your day for generosity & gratitude. ) 5:37 PM (PDT) CTE 6:41 AM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) 1X0 5:22 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) S 1X4 7:18 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) U 1Z2 9:47 PM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) N 14

GEMINI 10:52 AM (PDT) .E. .F. .D. .C. 1y5 1:07 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 11:14 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1X3 12:30 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) M 1y1 5:03 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) O 1Z8 7:05 PM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) N 15 1|9 8:01 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) ✖✖ 1X7 8:20 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖

w FSJ w] ● 1ysp 2:06 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 7:07 AM (PDT) 1Z0 10:12 AM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) NEW MOON (25 Gem 07) T U E 16 Void 7:07 AM (PDT) CANCER 3:52 PM (PDT) w FRH w] 1Z4 12:36 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 3:14 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 1y6 5:17 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) W 1yop 5:55 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) E 1|3 6:37 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) D 17

.E. .C. AQA 1:52 AM (Pursue objectives...respect others.) CQC 8:02 AM (Examine thoughts & words objectively. ) 1X8 1:29 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) T 1x9 2:29 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) H 1|7 2:49 AM (Try something new - experiment.) U 18 1X0 5:26 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) Void 10:53 PM (PDT) LEO 11:24 PM (PDT) .E. .C. EQA 1:55 PM (Act...repressed anger can bring conflict.) 1X4 8:41 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 11:26 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) F 1Y5 3:08 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) R I 19

.E. .C. 1xop 2:53 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 3:37 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1Y1 8:41 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) S 1|8 10:58 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) A 1y9 12:00 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) T 20 1x7 12:21 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1Ysp 6:45 PM (Invest yourself in new ventures.)

.E. .C. JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 30 31 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 DRMN 4:57 AM (Harmony, creativity, & self-appreciation. ) SUN enters CANCER CSF 10:37 AM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) 9:39 AM (PDT) DRD 3:56 PM (Express your values & worth...love.) 1|0 3:41 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) S 1|4 7:42 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) U 1x2 10:34 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 21 N Fathers’ Day (US) Void 9:11 AM (PDT) w JSD w] VIRGO 10:00 AM (PDT) 1Y6 2:01 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) 1|op 2:43 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 3:29 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1x8 11:02 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) M O 22 N

[w JUG w 1y7 12:28 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1x0 4:14 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) T U 23 E Void 10:13 PM (PDT) .C. .A. LIBRA 10:42 PM (PDT) DPB 10:03 PM (Feel a sense of worth...warm feelings.) ◗ 1x4 8:29 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 4:04 AM (PDT) 1y2 11:23 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Q (2 Libr 38) 1y5 3:16 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) W E 24 D MARS enters CANCER [w FPmN w 6:34 AM (PDT) 1Xop 3:32 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1y1 9:27 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1y8 11:46 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1Y9 12:49 PM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) T 1ysp 7:41 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) H 25 U

.C. .A. .R. Void 4:23 PM (PDT) DUI 10:37 AM (Selfless love...creative inspiration.) AQE 11:10 AM (Possible conflict or competition...go slow.) 1y0 4:39 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1y4 8:24 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) F R 26 I

.C. .A. .R. SCORPIO 10:58 AM (PDT) DSJ 3:42 AM (Seek deeper ties...intensive creativity.) DRH 9:31 AM (Try freedom or change in relationships. ) CRG 1:31 PM (Cautious thoughts...face limits, details.) ATC 11:08 PM (Mental tension(?)...think before speaking.) S 1x5 2:56 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) A 1y6 1:56 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 27 T 1Zop 2:36 PM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) 1Y3 3:19 PM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) .C. .A. .R. JUNE 2015 CTD 4:29 AM (Be nice...but be honest.) ✖✖ 1xsp 5:57 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) ✖✖ S U N 28 Void 6:51 PM (PDT) SAGITTARIUS 8:22 PM (PDT) .C. .A. .R. 1Y2 7:49 AM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) 1|5 11:17 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 9:42 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) M 1Xop 10:19 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) O N 29

.C. .A. .R. CSB 6:13 AM (Speak from the heart...listen to others.) 1|1 3:37 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Y8 5:39 AM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) T 1y9 6:35 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) U 1|sp 12:38 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) E 30 1Y0 8:36 PM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.)

Void 11:19 AM (PDT) .C. .A. .R.

NOTES Mundane Activity JULY 2015 Full Moon Jul 1 at 10:21 PM EDT/ 7:21 PM PDT from 9 Cap 55. Moon conjuncts Pluto retro at 14 Cap, Sun conjuncts Mars at 5 Canc. All form a Cardinal T- Square with Uranus at 20 Ari. Clashes, warfare, power struggles. New Moon Jul 15 at 9:25 PM EDT/ 6:25 PM PDT at 23 Can 14. Widely opposing Pluto retro at 14 Cap, squaring Uranus at 20 Ari, and forming a Grand Water Trine with Saturn retro at 28 Sco and Chiron retro at 21 Pis. Can you turn the energies of tension into a healing bath? Full Moon Jul 31 at 6:44 AM EDT/ 3:44 AM PDT from 7 Aqu 56. A quiet one. Planetary Changes: Venus Stationary turning Retrograde Jul 25 at 5:30 AM EDT/ 2:30 AM PDT at 0 Vir 46. Uranus Stationary turning Retrograde Jul 26 at 6:39 AM EDT/ 3:39 AM PDT at 20 Ari 30. Mercury into Cancer Jul 8 at 2:53 PM EDT/ 11:53 AM PDT. Venus into Virgo Jul 18 at 6:39 PM EDT/ 3:39 PM PDT. Sun into Leo Jul 22 at 11:32 PM EDT/ 8:32 PM PDT. Mercury into Leo Jul 23 at 8:15 AM EDT/ 5:15 AM PDT. Venus into Leo Jul 31 at 11:28 AM EDT/ 8:28 AM PDT. Key Aspects: Venus conjuncts Jupiter Jul 1 at 3:52 AM EDT/ 12:52 AM PDT at 21 Leo 37. This will be a three-hit affair, as Venus goes retrograde this month and returns to join Jupiter until Oc- tober 25. This confident (Leo) expansiveness and eye for creativity (trines Uranus at 20 Ari) is challenged by a square from Saturn retro at 29 Sco. Mercury squares Chiron Jul 3 at 11:07 AM EDT/ 8:07 AM PDT from 21 Gem 31. Sun opposes Pluto retro Jul 6 at 11:39 AM EDT/ 8:39 AM PDT from 14 Can 15. Forming a Cardinal T-Square with Uranus at 20 Ari. Mars conjuncts Sun from 8 Can. Stressful. Treacherous. Venus-Jupiter is still around to inspire you. Sun squares Uranus Jul 12 at 10:54 PM EDT/ 7:54 PM PDT from 20 Can 25. First one through the Cardinal T-Square, followed by slower and more inflammatory Mars (see below). Venus squares Saturn retro Jul 14 at 2:49 AM EDT/ Jul 13 at 11:49 PM PDT from 28 Leo 34. A quite lengthy square, because Venus is stationing this month, taking until Oct 10. Time to love the dark parts, soften the hardness. Mars opposes Pluto retro Jul 15 at 10:13 AM EDT/ 7:13 AM PDT from 14 Can 02. Extra strong, at the New Moon (see above) and Mercury nearby. Friction, tension, Kinship may hold the key. Mercury opposes Pluto retro Jul 15 at 7:41 PM EDT/ 4:41 PM PDT from 14 Can 01. Pres- sure to assert, put forward. Is Pluto repression? Mercury conjuncts Mars Jul 16 at 12:15 AM EDT/ Jul 15 at 9:15 PM PDT at 14 Can 25. In the dark of the New Moon, someone somewhere is struggling to be heard. Mercury squares Uranus Jul 18 at 9:08 PM EDT/ 6:08 PM PDT from 20 Can 28. Original or surprising thoughts or words. Erratic driving. Sun conjuncts Mercury Jul 23 at 3:25 PM EDT/ 12:25 PM PDT at 0 Leo 37. Mars squares Uranus Jul 25 at 5:44 AM EDT/ 2:44 AM PDT from 20 Can 30. The fireworks at the climax of this month’s Cardinal T-Square, which now begins to dissipate. Uranus very strong at this time as it stations.

In addition, Sun trines Neptune Jul 1, Mercury sextiles Uranus Jul 2, Mercury sextiles Jupiter Jul 3, Mercury sextiles Venus Jul 4-5, Mars trines Neptune Jul 8, Mercury trines Neptune Jul 13, Sun trines Chiron Jul 13, Mercury trines Chiron Jul 18-19, Sun trines Saturn Jul 20-21, Mercury trines Saturn Jul 22, Mars trines Chiron Jul 25-26. JULY 2015


1 8 d 53 24 i 44 17 c 48 21 e 24 4 d 20 21 e 34 29 h 05 20 a 14 9 l 44 14 j 24 2 9 50 8 j 33 19 10 22 04 5 00 21 45 29 r 02 20 15 9 r 43 14 r 23 3 10 47 22 39 20 35 22 43 5 40 21 56 29 00 20 16 9 42 14 21 4 11 44 6 k 57 22 05 23 21 6 20 22 08 28 57 20 17 9 42 14 20

5 12 41 21 21 23 37 23 58 7 00 22 19 28 54 20 18 9 41 14 18 6 13 38 5 l 46 25 14 24 33 7 40 22 30 28 52 20 19 9 40 14 17 7 14 36 20 07 26 54 25 08 8 20 22 42 28 49 20 20 9 39 14 15 8 15 33 4 a 21 28 37 25 41 9 00 22 53 28 47 20 21 9 39 14 14 9 16 30 18 27 0 d 23 26 12 9 40 23 05 28 45 20 22 9 38 14 12 10 17 27 2 b 24 2 12 26 42 10 20 23 17 28 43 20 23 9 37 14 11 11 18 24 16 12 4 05 27 11 11 00 23 28 28 40 20 24 9 36 14 09

12 19 22 29 50 6 00 27 38 11 40 23 40 28 38 20 25 9 35 14 08 13 20 19 13 c 18 7 58 28 04 12 19 23 52 28 36 20 25 9 34 14 06 14 21 16 26 34 9 58 28 28 12 59 24 04 28 35 20 26 9 33 14 05 15 22 13 9 d 38 12 00 28 50 13 39 24 16 28 33 20 26 9 33 14 03 16 23 11 22 29 14 04 29 10 14 19 24 28 28 31 20 27 9 32 14 02 17 24 08 5 e 05 16 09 29 29 14 58 24 40 28 30 20 27 9 31 14 00 18 25 05 17 27 18 15 29 46 15 38 24 52 28 28 20 28 9 29 13 59

19 26 02 29 36 20 23 0 f 01 16 17 25 04 28 27 20 28 9 28 13 57 20 27 00 11 f 34 22 31 0 14 16 57 25 17 28 25 20 29 9 27 13 56 21 27 57 23 25 24 39 0 25 17 37 25 29 28 24 20 29 9 26 13 55 22 28 54 5 g 12 26 47 0 33 18 16 25 41 28 23 20 29 9 25 13 53 23 29 52 17 01 28 55 0 40 18 55 25 53 28 22 20 29 9 24 13 52 24 0 e 49 28 56 1 e 02 0 44 19 35 26 06 28 21 20 30 9 23 13 50 25 1 46 11 h 03 3 09 0 46 20 14 26 18 28 20 20 30 9 22 13 49

26 2 43 23 27 5 14 0 r 46 20 54 26 31 28 19 20 30 9 20 13 47 27 3 41 6 i 12 7 19 0 43 21 33 26 43 28 19 20 r 30 9 19 13 46 28 4 38 19 22 9 22 0 38 22 12 26 56 28 18 20 30 9 18 13 45 29 5 35 2 j 59 11 24 0 31 22 51 27 08 28 18 20 30 9 17 13 43 30 6 33 17 01 13 25 0 21 23 30 27 21 28 17 20 29 9 15 13 42 31 7 30 1 k 24 15 24 0 09 24 10 27 33 28 17 20 29 9 14 13 41

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ❍ Full Moon: Jul 1 at 7:21 PM PDT 9j55 ● New Moon: Jul 15 at 6:25 PM PDT 23d14 SYMBOL: A woman and two men castaways on a small island of the south seas. ❍ Full Moon: Jul 31 at 3:44 AM PDT 7k56 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: C➟d Jul 8 D tr Jul 25 (2:30 AM PDT) DP F Jul 1 D➟f Jul 18 H tr Jul 26 (3:39 AM PDT) AQ JRH Jul 6-13 A➟e Jul 22 DR G Jul 13-14 C➟e Jul 23 CEQJRH Jul 15-25 D➟e Jul 31 AP C Jul 23

Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – J JULY shows above average (7) activity for you, with substantial (4) stress. U NEW MOON JUL 31 keys faith, vision or optimism. L




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication 1 ▼▼✚✚▲▲▲▲✚▼▲▲ ▲ !! 1 2 ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ 2 3 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▼ !! 3 4 ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ 4

5 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 5 6 ▼ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 6 7 ▲ 7 8 ▲ 8 9 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 9 10 ▼ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ !! 10 11 ▼ ▼ ✚ ✚ !! 11

12 ▲ 12 13 ▲ 13 14 ▲ ▲ ▲ 14 15 ✚▼✚▲▲▲✚▲▲▲ ▲▲ 15 16 ▲ 16 17 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ 17 18 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 18

19 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 19 20 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 20 2 21 ▼ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ !! 21 22 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 22 23 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 23 24 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 24 0 25 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▼ !! 25

26 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 26 27 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✖ !! 27 1 28 28 29 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 29 30 ▲ ▲ 30 31 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 31 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes JULY 2015 1 red days 27 blue days 3 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days July 1 (13) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days July 10 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days July 1 (25) ✩ Your Quietest Days July 28 (0)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for July: SATURN (133)

You are safe now and the structures of your life are being strengthened or reinforced. Stability and security can be found in the traditions that matter.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for July: MARS (—19)

You may be challenged in how you assert yourself. Perhaps it would be better to wait or at least to examine your motives thoroughly. Could be hard work.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your SATURN (167) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your MOON (27)

Now is the time to focus on your practical needs, responsibilities and de- tails. Do not avoid them or try to lose yourself in dreams. Also be aware of any fear-imposed limit you carry. It may be hard to find time to take care of your emotional needs now. Your usual sense of being contained or held by others or your home may be missing.

The NEW MOON JUL 31 triggers your JUPITER. Look for opportunities and opening doors. Enthusiasm and optimism are strengthened during this time. This could be a very favorable period. JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 30 31 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30


URANUS stationary through the 26th New experiences coming No longer as stable See what you’ve got approaching for Uranus Activity It may feel like it’s starting now

CQI 3:01 AM (Misunderstanding, disillusionment...deceit.) ❍ EQE 11:04 AM (Assert, respecting others...face anger.) 7:21 PM (PDT) CUJ 12:10 PM (Problem solving...self-understanding.) FULL MOON (9 Cap 55) CTH 3:14 PM (Quick mind, new ideas...avoid rashness.) W 1Y4 10:31 AM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) E 1X5 4:17 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1 D

.R. .C. .A. CAPRICORN 2:12 AM (PDT) ✖✖ DPmN 1:57 AM (Love, attraction & harmony. ) ✖✖ 1|6 2:09 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1|op 2:44 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 3:22 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) T 1X1 7:44 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) H 1x9 10:35 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 2 U 1y7 10:53 AM (Try something new - experiment.) ✖✖ 1Xsp 4:23 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) ✖✖ .R. .C. .A. ETC 2:19 PM (Tendency to argue or drive too fast. ) CSmN 8:44 PM (Mental activity, communication. ) 1y2 3:49 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Z5 7:02 PM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) F R 3 I Void 3:39 AM (PDT) .R. .C. .A. AQUARIUS 5:22 AM (PDT) 1X6 4:36 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1xop 5:10 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 5:48 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1Z1 10:05 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) S 1y8 12:01 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) A 1|9 12:53 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 4 T 1x7 1:11 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) Independence Day (US) ✖✖ 1Zsp 6:36 PM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) ✖✖ w FPmN w] JULY 2015 ASG 11:43 PM (Patience and structure offer security. ) 1y0 2:07 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1y4 3:27 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) S 1x2 5:50 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) U 1X5 9:02 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) N 5 Void 5:33 AM (PDT) PISCES 7:24 AM (PDT) .C. .A. ASMN 8:25 AM (Pursue objectives, aware of purpose. ) CQA 3:58 PM (Someone’s words may challenge you. ) AUD 5:48 PM (Appreciate self...affirm self-worth.) M 1Z6 6:37 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) O 1yop 7:12 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) N 6 1|3 7:49 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1X1 12:08 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x8 2:04 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 2:58 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1x0 4:18 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1x4 5:50 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 8:15 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) T 1|5 11:29 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) U E 7 Void 7:37 AM (PDT) ARIES 9:39 AM (PDT) .A. ◗ 1X6 9:15 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1:25 PM (PDT) 1X3 10:29 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 3Q (16 Ari 22) 1|1 2:53 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) W 1|8 4:51 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) E 1Z9 5:46 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) D 8 1X7 6:04 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1|sp 11:37 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) MERCURY enters CANCER 11:53 AM (PDT) .A. DUA 11:01 PM (Enjoy beauty, peace...appreciate self.) 1|0 7:23 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1|4 9:13 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) T 1X2 11:41 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) H U 9 Void 6:48 AM (PDT) TAURUS 12:51 PM (PDT) .A. ATI 3:45 PM (Confusion, illusion, weakness...be honest.) 1x5 3:01 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1|6 1:01 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) F 1Yop 1:37 PM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) R 1Z3 2:16 PM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) I 10 1x1 6:46 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1X8 8:47 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 9:43 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) .A. CQE 2:26 AM (Slow down...sharp tongue...argument) ARJ 5:04 AM (Power struggles...try detachment, let go.) AUH 9:31 AM (Experimentation, honesty offer freedom. ) S CTC 8:11 PM (Be firm but flexible in thoughts & words. ) A 1xsp 3:44 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) T 11 1X0 11:42 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) Void 2:53 PM (PDT) GEMINI 5:17 PM (PDT) .A. JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 30 31 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 1X4 1:52 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1Z2 4:25 AM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) 1y5 7:51 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 6:07 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) S 1X3 7:24 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) U 12 N

.A. 1y1 12:01 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Z8 2:06 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 1|9 3:04 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1X7 3:23 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) M 1ysp 9:18 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) O 1Z0 5:29 PM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) 13 N Void 8:32 PM (PDT) .A. CANCER 11:15 PM (PDT) 1Z4 8:09 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 10:48 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) T U 14 E

.A. ESG 2:23 AM (Discipline & patience...attention to detail.) ● ESMN 2:56 PM (Act decisively, initiate your aims. ) 6:25 PM (PDT) CSG 3:12 PM (Serious thoughts...concentration...focu) NEW MOON (23 Canc 14) CSMN 7:13 PM (Clear thinking or communication. ) W CUD 11:32 PM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) E 1y6 12:55 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 15 D 1yop 1:34 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 2:16 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) .A. EUD 4:28 AM (Romantic or creative possibilities. ) 1X0 1:13 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1X4 4:34 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 7:18 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) T 1Y5 10:59 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) H 16 U Void 4:25 AM (PDT) .A. LEO 7:16 AM (PDT) CTI 6:08 PM (Misunderstanding, disillusionment...deceit.) 1xop 10:48 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 11:32 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1Y1 4:34 PM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) F 1|8 6:49 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) R 1y9 7:51 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 17 I 1x7 8:12 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) [w FUA w CRJ 12:08 AM (Explore motives...intense, opinionated?) VENUS enters VIRGO CUH 2:08 AM (Change, mental stimulation, intuition. ) 3:39 PM (PDT) 1Ysp 2:34 AM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) 1|0 11:32 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) S A 18 T Void 2:42 PM (PDT) .A. .S. VIRGO 5:48 PM (PDT) JULY 2015 ATA 12:44 PM (Be decisive. Your intention is tested. ) 1|4 3:27 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 6:20 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) S 1Y6 9:44 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) U 1|op 10:25 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) N 19 1y3 11:10 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.)

.A. .S. 1x8 6:44 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1y7 8:10 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1x0 11:56 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) M O N 20

w JUG w] CTA 5:28 PM (Mind or tongue may be overactive. ) ETI 8:21 PM (Act as a channel, selflessly...or escape.) 1x4 4:14 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) T 1y2 7:08 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) U 1y5 11:03 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) E 21 Void 3:08 AM (PDT) LIBRA 6:24 AM (PDT) .S. SUN enters LEO ERJ 3:41 PM (Power struggle is risky--can you let go? ) 8:32 PM (PDT) EUH 10:08 PM (Creative innovation...break free.) 1Xop 11:22 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) W 1y1 5:21 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) E 1y8 7:42 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) D 22 1Y9 8:46 PM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.)

.S. ◗ 1ysp 3:42 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 9:05 PM (PDT) 1y0 12:44 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1Q (0 Sco 59) T H U 23 MERCURY > LEO 5:15 AM Void 11:13 AM (PDT) SCORPIO 7:08 PM (PDT) .S. 1y4 4:42 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x5 11:17 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1y6 10:34 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) F 1Zop 11:15 PM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) R 1Y3 11:59 PM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) I 24

.S. VENUS CTE 12:18 PM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) RETRO til 9/6 • • 1x1 4:57 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1Y7 8:31 AM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) S 1xsp 2:45 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) A T 25

.S. JULY 2015 AUGUST 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 30 31 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 CUC 4:46 AM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) URANUS 1Y2 5:01 PM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) RETRO til 12/25 • • 1|5 8:35 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) S U 26 N Void 2:16 AM (PDT) .S. SAGITTARIUS 5:26 AM (PDT) CPF 3:01 AM (Good news...plan or examine the future.) ATE 9:54 PM (Impatience...be decisive, not combative.) 1x6 7:03 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1Xop 7:41 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) M 1|1 1:00 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) O 1Y8 3:05 PM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 27 N 1y9 4:02 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1|sp 10:13 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) w FUA w] 1Y0 6:10 AM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) 1Y4 8:08 PM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) T U 28 E Void 6:38 AM (PDT) CAPRICORN 11:49 AM (PDT) AUC 9:48 AM (Get your ideas across easily...insight.) 1X5 1:57 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1|6 11:40 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1|op 12:15 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) W 1y3 12:53 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) E 1X1 5:15 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 29 D 1x9 8:06 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1y7 8:24 PM (Try something new - experiment.)

CRMN 3:05 AM (Ideas may need action...listen.) CRD 7:36 AM (Be nice...but be honest.) 1Xsp 1:54 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) T H 30 U Void 11:51 AM (PDT) AQUARIUS 2:41 PM (PDT) APF 9:57 AM (Have faith...expect best...make plan) ❍ CPB 3:05 PM (Communicate your needs & feelings. ) 3:44 AM (PDT) 1y2 12:59 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) FULL MOON (7 Aqu 56) 1Z5 4:07 AM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) F 1X6 1:28 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) R 1xop 2:02 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 31 I 1x3 2:38 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1Z1 6:50 PM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) VENUS enters LEO 1y8 8:43 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 8:28 AM (PDT) Mundane Activity AUGUST 2015 New Moon Aug 14 at 10:55 AM EDT/ 7:55 AM PDT at 21 Leo 31. Conjuncts Venus retro at 23 Leo, all square Saturn at 28 Sco, and trining Uranus retro at 20 Ari. The traditional interferes with radiant self-expression. Look for ways to ex- periment (see below). Full Moon Aug 29 at 2:36 PM EDT/ 11:36 AM PDT from 6 Pis 06. Sun conjuncts Jupiter at 4 Vir and Moon conjuncts Neptune retro at 8 Pis, all forming a wide T- Square with Saturn at 29 Sco. This one’s got it all: Saturn pushing down, Jupiter expanding, Neptune dissolving, and a Mars-Venus conjunction in Leo too. Planetary Changes: Saturn Stationary turning Direct Aug 2 at 1:54 AM EDT/ Aug 1 at 10:54 PM PDT at 28 Sco 16. Mercury into Virgo Aug 7 at 3:16 PM EDT/ 12:16 PM PDT. Mars into Leo Aug 8 at 7:33 PM EDT/ 4:33 PM PDT. Jupiter into Virgo Aug 11 at 7:12 AM EDT/ 4:12 AM PDT. Sun into Virgo Aug 23 at 6:38 AM EDT/ 3:38 AM PDT. Mercury into Libra Aug 27 at 11:46 AM EDT/ 8:46 AM PDT. Key Aspects: Jupiter squares Saturn Aug 3 at 6:37 AM EDT/ 3:37 AM PDT from 28 Leo 17. The theme for the month, with Venus retro at 29 Leo, we have warm flamboyant showing off inter- fered with by cold withholding. Venus retro conjuncts Jupiter Aug 4 at 5:48 PM EDT/ 2:48 PM PDT at 28 Leo 35. Aries Moon at the midpoint. Generosity confronts conservatism. Venus retro squares Saturn Aug 5 at 11:09 AM EDT/ 8:09 AM PDT from 28 Leo 17. More of the same. Mercury conjuncts Venus retro Aug 6 at 10:26 AM EDT/ 7:26 AM PDT at 27 Leo 51. Mer- cury enters the picture, joining Venus and Jupiter at 27-28 Leo. Same theme: Jupiter/Leo enthusiasm and drama, bringing to light defensiveness. Mercury squares Saturn Aug 6 at 4:20 PM EDT/ 1:20 PM PDT from 28 Leo 17. What’s blocking or holding back? Mercury conjuncts Jupiter Aug 7 at 3:10 AM EDT/ 12:10 AM PDT at 29 Leo 06. Talk too much? Mercury opposes Neptune retro Aug 12 at 9:12 PM EDT/ 6:12 PM PDT from 8 Vir 55. Wishful thinking, articulating ideals and imagination. Sun conjuncts Venus retro Aug 15 at 3:23 PM EDT/ 12:23 PM PDT at 22 Leo 39. Beauty mixed with practicality. Sun squares Saturn Aug 21 at 7:41 PM EDT/ 4:41 PM PDT from 28 Leo 35. What has the tension been about for this month? What has been the Saturn influence, restricting, delay- ing, demanding patience? Sun conjuncts Jupiter Aug 26 at 6:03 PM EDT/ 3:03 PM PDT at 3 Vir 21. At the midpoint of Saturn/Neptune. Though Neptune would like to soar freely in dreams and fantasies, Saturn wants his due, which is often inescapable. Sun opposes Neptune retro Aug 31 at 11:39 PM EDT/ 8:39 PM PDT from 8 Vir 24. Now perhaps is the time when escapism and imagination can happen, as the Saturn influence fades.

In addition, Mercury trines Uranus Aug 1-2, Mars trines Saturn Aug 5-6, Sun trines Uranus Aug 12-13, Mercury trines Pluto Aug 15, Venus trines Uranus Aug 19, Mercury opposes Chiron Aug 19-20, Mercury sextiles Saturn Aug 26. AUGUST 2015


1 8 e 27 16 k 03 17 e 22 29 e 55 24 d 49 27 e 46 28 h 17 20 a 29 9 l 13 13 j 39

2 9 25 0 l 51 19 18 29 r 38 25 28 27 59 28 r 17 20 r 29 9 r 11 13 r 38 3 10 22 15 39 21 12 29 19 26 07 28 11 28 D 17 20 29 9 10 13 37 4 11 20 0 a 21 23 05 28 57 26 46 28 24 28 17 20 28 9 08 13 35 5 12 17 14 52 24 57 28 33 27 25 28 37 28 17 20 28 9 07 13 34 6 13 15 29 07 26 46 28 08 28 04 28 50 28 18 20 27 9 06 13 33 7 14 12 13 b 06 28 34 27 40 28 43 29 02 28 18 20 27 9 04 13 32 8 15 09 26 48 0 f 21 27 11 29 22 29 15 28 19 20 26 9 03 13 30

9 16 07 10 c 14 2 06 26 40 0 e 01 29 28 28 19 20 26 9 01 13 29 10 17 05 23 25 3 49 26 07 0 40 29 41 28 20 20 25 9 00 13 28 11 18 02 6 d 22 5 31 25 34 1 18 29 54 28 21 20 24 8 58 13 27 12 19 00 19 05 7 11 24 59 1 57 0 f 07 28 22 20 24 8 57 13 26 13 19 57 1 e 37 8 50 24 23 2 36 0 20 28 23 20 23 8 55 13 25 14 20 55 13 57 10 27 23 46 3 15 0 33 28 24 20 22 8 54 13 23 15 21 53 26 06 12 03 23 09 3 53 0 46 28 25 20 21 8 52 13 22

16 22 50 8 f 06 13 37 22 32 4 32 0 59 28 26 20 20 8 51 13 21 17 23 48 19 58 15 10 21 55 5 11 1 12 28 28 20 19 8 49 13 20 18 24 46 1 g 46 16 41 21 18 5 49 1 25 28 29 20 18 8 47 13 19 19 25 43 13 32 18 11 20 41 6 28 1 38 28 31 20 17 8 46 13 18 20 26 41 25 20 19 39 20 05 7 07 1 51 28 32 20 16 8 44 13 17 21 27 39 7 h 15 21 05 19 31 7 45 2 04 28 34 20 15 8 43 13 16 22 28 37 19 21 22 30 18 57 8 24 2 17 28 36 20 13 8 41 13 15

23 29 34 1 i 43 23 54 18 24 9 02 2 30 28 38 20 12 8 39 13 14 24 0 f 32 14 26 25 16 17 54 9 40 2 43 28 40 20 11 8 38 13 13 25 1 30 27 33 26 36 17 24 10 19 2 56 28 42 20 10 8 36 13 13 26 2 28 11 j 08 27 54 16 57 10 57 3 09 28 44 20 08 8 34 13 12 27 3 26 25 10 29 11 16 32 11 36 3 22 28 47 20 07 8 33 13 11 28 4 24 9 k 39 0 g 25 16 08 12 14 3 35 28 49 20 05 8 31 13 10 29 5 22 24 28 1 38 15 47 12 52 3 48 28 51 20 04 8 30 13 09

30 6 20 9 l 30 2 49 15 28 13 31 4 01 28 54 20 02 8 28 13 09 31 7 17 24 37 3 58 15 12 14 09 4 14 28 57 20 01 8 26 13 08

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Aug 14 at 7:55 AM PDT 21e31 SYMBOL: A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission. ❍ Full Moon: Aug 29 at 11:36 AM PDT 6l06 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: C➟f Aug 7 G tq Aug 1 (10:54 PM PDT) FR G Aug 2-3 E➟e Aug 8 CDPFRG Aug 4-7 F➟f Aug 11 CP D Aug 6 A➟f Aug 23 CQ I Aug 12-13 C➟g Aug 27 AP D Aug 15 AR GP F Aug 21-26 AQ I Aug 31-1 Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – A AUGUST shows average (5) activity for you, with substantial (6) stress. U NEW MOON AUG 14 is on your Ascendant/Descendant. FULL MOON AUG 29 keys knowledge or communication. G U




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ T 1 1

2 2 3 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 3 4 4 5 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 5 6 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ 6 7 7 8 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 8

9 ▲ 9 10 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 10 11 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 11 12 ▼ 12 13 ▼ 13 14 ▲ ▼ 14 15 ▲▼▲ ▲✚▲▲▼▲▲ ▲ !! 15

16 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 16 17 ▼ 17 18 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✖ 18 19 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ 19 20 ▼ 20 2 21 ✖ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ 21 22 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 22 23 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 23 0 24 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ 24 25 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 25 26 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 26 27 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ 27 1 28 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 28 29 ▼ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ✖ ▲ 29

30 ▲ ▼ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ✖ ▲ !! 30 ✖ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✖ ▲ ✖ ✖ ▲ ▲ !! 31 5 31 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes AUGUST 2015 4 red days 12 blue days 15 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days August 24 (7) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days August 6 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days August 31 (16) ✩ Your Quietest Days August 7 (2)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for August: MARS (96)

Go for it. Take action, make decisions and assert yourself. Follow your passion (within reason) and give life a push.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for August: JUPITER (—22)

Your desire to expand or succeed may be thwarted now, or perhaps un- clear. Your vision may need adjusting or you might be over-reaching.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your MARS (142) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your VENUS (29)

The focus now is on how you assert yourself, whether or not you are pushy or just going after what you want. Anger may possibly need atten- tion. Love, relationship, money or appreciation may be in short supply. Attention needs to go elsewhere at this time.

The NEW MOON AUG 14 triggers your ASCENDANT. More energy is likely to be involved in your relationships and how you see yourself and others. Examine where you seem to be headed. The FULL MOON AUG 29 triggers your MERCURY. Communication, writing and study or thought can be stimulated during this time. Look for connec- tions to be made. AUGUST 2015


SATURN stationary this month (till 1st). Carry that weight Bear and endure a little longer See what you’ve got approaching for Saturn Activity It may feel like it’s starting now

SATURN CUI 5:20 AM (Fantasy, aesthetic sensitivity...intuition.) DIRECT • • CSJ 11:56 AM (Deep thinking...intensive penetration.) CRH 2:08 PM (Quick mind, new ideas...avoid rashness.) S 1Zsp 3:10 AM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) A 1y0 10:28 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) T 1 1y4 11:26 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) Void 3:04 PM (PDT) PISCES 3:37 PM (PDT) AUGUST 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 OCTOBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 30 31 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1x2 1:45 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 1X5 4:52 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1Z6 2:10 PM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 2:44 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) S 1|3 3:20 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) U 1X1 7:31 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 2 N 1x8 9:24 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 10:15 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.)

CPmN 7:10 AM (Mental activity, communication. ) ETA 7:12 PM (Hostility/irritability if not decisive. ) 1Xsp 3:51 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 1x0 11:15 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) M O 3 N Void 1:36 PM (PDT) ARIES 4:25 PM (PDT) 1x4 12:22 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 2:44 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1|5 5:55 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1X6 3:27 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) T 1X3 4:39 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) U 1|1 8:56 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 4 E 1|8 10:52 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1Z9 11:44 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?)

CUA 5:46 PM (Write, speak, think about your purpose. ) 1X7 12:02 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1|sp 5:32 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1|0 1:10 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) W E 5 D Void 4:30 PM (PDT) TAURUS 6:30 PM (PDT) ARMN 6:20 PM (Balance inner/outer...watch ego.) ◗ 1|4 2:46 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 7:04 PM (PDT) 1X2 5:14 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 3Q (14 Taur 17) 1x5 8:33 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) T 1|6 6:27 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) H 1Yop 7:03 PM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) 6 U 1Z3 7:42 PM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.)

ARD 3:40 AM (Relax, enjoy...generosity, waste possible.) MERCURY enters VIRGO 1x1 12:09 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 12:16 PM (PDT) 1X8 2:10 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 3:06 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) F 1Z7 3:25 AM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) R 1xsp 9:09 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 7 I 1X0 5:06 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) Void 9:47 PM (PDT) GEMINI 10:41 PM (PDT) DUA 9:30 AM (Enjoy beauty, peace...appreciate self.) MARS enters LEO 1X4 7:20 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 4:33 PM (PDT) 1Z2 9:54 AM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) 1y5 1:21 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) S 1x6 11:39 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) A 8 T AUGUST 2015 APB 8:12 PM (Express needs...make feelings known.) 1X3 12:57 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1y1 5:40 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) S 1Z8 7:47 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) U 1|9 8:45 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) N 9 1X7 9:05 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1ysp 3:02 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1Z0 11:18 PM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.)

CUE 7:16 AM (Assert your ideas...think passionately.) 1Z4 2:11 PM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 4:51 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) M O N 10 Void 4:46 AM (PDT) CANCER 5:09 AM (PDT) JUPITER enters VIRGO AUI 1:05 AM (Express ideals, compassion...meditate.) 4:12 AM (PDT) CRC 3:37 AM (Be firm but flexible in thoughts & words. ) ASJ 2:19 PM (Heal, probe, repair...use your strength.) T ARH 6:45 PM (Restlessness(?)...change...trial & error.) U 1y6 7:13 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) E 11 1yop 7:52 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 8:34 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1X8 3:39 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1x9 4:39 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1X0 7:49 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1X4 11:14 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) W E D 12 Void 10:45 AM (PDT) LEO 1:53 PM (PDT) [w ITF w 1|2 2:00 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) ✖✖ 1Y5 5:45 AM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) ✖✖ 1xop 5:38 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) T 1x3 6:22 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) H 1Y1 11:25 PM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) U 13

.L. ● 1|8 1:41 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 7:55 AM (PDT) 1y9 2:44 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) NEW MOON (21 Leo 31) 1x7 3:05 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) F 1Ysp 9:32 AM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) R 1|0 6:28 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) I 14

Void 9:37 PM (PDT) .L. APmN 4:02 AM (Make an impression...begin a new cycle.) CPG 9:26 PM (You are vulnerable...stay focussed.) 1|4 10:28 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) S 1x2 1:20 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) A T 15 See NEW MOON on monthly front page. VIRGO 12:47 AM (PDT) .L. AUGUST 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 OCTOBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 30 31 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 DPmN 1:20 AM (Love, attraction & harmony. ) CUMN 2:46 AM (Clear thinking or communication. ) ETE 3:59 AM (Be decisive, not rash...watch conflicts.) CSD 8:36 AM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) S 1Y6 4:43 AM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) U 1|op 5:25 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 16 N 1y3 6:11 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1x8 1:44 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) .L. 1x0 6:56 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1x4 11:14 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) M O 17 N Void 10:17 AM (PDT) .L. LIBRA 1:24 PM (PDT) EUC 9:17 AM (Promote your ideas...mentally active.) CRI 7:55 PM (Misunderstanding, disillusionment...deceit.) 1y2 2:09 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1y5 6:03 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T 1Xop 6:27 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) U 18 E

.L. CSH 7:27 AM (Change, mental stimulation, innovation. ) AUA 8:32 PM (Be yourself and let others see you. ) 1y1 12:28 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1y8 2:48 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) W 1Y9 3:53 AM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) E 1ysp 10:50 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 19 D 1y0 7:59 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.)

.L. Void 7:58 PM (PDT) 1y4 12:06 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) ✖✖ 1x5 6:48 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ T H 20 U

.L. SCORPIO 2:25 AM (PDT) ✖✖ EPF 8:56 AM (High confidence...physically active.) ✖✖ DRH 12:04 PM (Try freedom or change in relationships. ) DSJ 7:43 PM (Seek deeper ties...intensive creativity.) 1y6 6:13 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) F 1Zop 6:53 AM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) R 1Y3 7:37 AM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) 21 I 1x1 12:42 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1Y7 4:22 PM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) .L. DUI 7:22 PM (Selfless love...creative inspiration.) ◗ 12:32 PM (PDT) 1Q (29 Sco 24) S A 22 T Void 12:32 PM (PDT) .L. SAGITTARIUS 1:42 PM (PDT) AUGUST 2015 SUN enters VIRGO 1Y2 1:38 AM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) 3:38 AM (PDT) 1|5 5:13 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 3:56 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) S 1Xop 4:35 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) U 1|1 10:05 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) N 23

[w FUE w CRA 9:15 PM (Mind or tongue may be overactive. ) 1Y8 12:15 AM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 1y9 1:14 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) M 1|sp 7:26 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) O 1Y0 3:35 PM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) N 24 Void 3:05 PM (PDT) CAPRICORN 9:23 PM (PDT) .L. .T. DPB 3:34 AM (Feel a sense of worth...warm feelings.) 1Y4 5:53 AM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) ✖✖ 1X5 11:44 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ T 1|6 9:45 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) U 1|op 10:21 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) E 25 1y3 11:00 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.)

.L. .T. 1X1 3:26 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x9 6:17 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1y7 6:35 AM (Try something new - experiment.) W 1Xsp 12:05 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) E D 26

.L. .T. MERCURY enters LIBRA 1y2 11:22 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 8:46 AM (PDT) ✖✖ 1Z5 2:31 PM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) ✖✖ 1X6 11:56 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) T H U 27 Void 12:21 AM (PDT) AQUARIUS 1:05 AM (PDT) .L. .T. AUE 3:51 AM (Intention & action can align...assert.) 1xop 12:30 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 1:07 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) F 1Z1 5:16 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) R 1y8 7:07 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) I 28 1|9 7:59 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1x7 8:16 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1Zsp 1:30 PM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) .L. .T. ❍ ✖✖ ARC 3:22 PM (Mental tension(?)...think before speaking.) ✖✖ 11:36 AM (PDT) 1y4 9:33 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) FULL MOON (6 Pisc 06) ✖✖ 1x2 11:49 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ S ✖✖ 1X5 2:52 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ A 1Z6 11:59 PM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) T 29 Void 12:04 AM (PDT) See FULL MOON on monthly front page. PISCES 1:52 AM (PDT) [w FRC w AUGUST 2015 SEPTEMBER 2015 OCTOBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 30 31 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ERMN 9:02 PM (Be decisive, not pushy...take a stand.) 1yop 12:32 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 1:08 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1X1 5:14 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) S 1x8 7:04 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) U 1X9 7:54 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 30 N 1|7 8:11 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1Xsp 1:21 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) .L. .T. .U. Void 11:55 PM (PDT) ERD 11:05 AM (Blend needs for affection & expression. ) CRE 11:29 AM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) 1x4 9:18 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 11:35 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) M 1|5 2:40 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) O 1X6 11:50 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 31 N

.L. .T. .U. ARIES 1:34 AM (PDT)

NOTES Mundane Activity SEPTEMBER 2015

New Moon Eclipse Sep 13 at 2:42 AM EDT/ Sep 12 at 11:42 PM PDT at 20 Vir 10. Opposes Chiron retro at 19 Pis, and trines Pluto retro at 13 Cap. Full Moon Eclipse Sep 27 at 10:52 PM EDT/ 7:52 PM PDT from 4 Ari 40. Sun conjuncts Mercury retro at 10 Lib. Planetary Changes: Venus Stationary turning Direct Sep 6 at 4:30 AM EDT/ 1:30 AM PDT at 14 Leo 23. Mercury Stationary turning Retrograde Sep 17 at 2:11 PM EDT/ 11:11 AM PDT at 15 Lib 55.. Pluto Stationary turning Direct Sep 25 at 2:59 AM EDT/ Sep 24 at 11:59 PM PDT at 12 Cap 58. Saturn into Sagittarius Sep 17 at 10:50 PM EDT/ 7:50 PM PDT. Sun into Libra Sep 23 at 4:22 AM EDT/ 1:22 AM PDT. Mars into Virgo Sep 24 at 10:19 PM EDT/ 7:19 PM PDT. Key Aspects: Venus conjuncts Mars Sep 1 at 1:05 AM EDT/ Aug 31 at 10:05 PM PDT at 14 Leo 55. Venus hangs around with little movement (see above), trines Moon and Uranus retro at 12-20 Ari. Who is seducing whom? Mercury squares Pluto retro Sep 9 at 3:29 PM EDT/ 12:29 PM PDT from 13 Lib 02. Mercury doing the Cardinal T-Square with Uranus retro at 19 Ari. Travel and communications under stress. This one lasts a while, until Oct 25. Sun opposes Chiron retro Sep 12 at 3:01 AM EDT/ 12:01 AM PDT from 19 Vir 12. Jupiter opposes Neptune retro Sep 17 at 2:55 AM EDT/ Sep 16 at 11:55 PM PDT from 7 Vir 58. At this moment exactly trine/sextile Moon at 7 Sco. These are good days for inspiration and vision. Mercury retro squares Pluto retro Sep 24 at 6:27 PM EDT/ 3:27 PM PDT from 12 Lib 58. Pressure on words to be clear. Mars squares Saturn Sep 25 at 9:13 PM EDT/ 6:13 PM PDT from 0 Vir 35. Mutable T-Square with Moon and Neptune at 3-7 Pis. Precision called for, and a good sense of timing. Sun conjuncts Mercury Sep 30 at 10:39 AM EDT/ 7:39 AM PDT at 7 Lib 07. In addition, Sun trines Pluto Sep 5, Mars trines Uranus Sep 8, Venus trines Uranus Sep 22, Sun sextiles Saturn Sep 23. SEPTEMBER 2015


1 8 f 15 9 a 39 5 g 05 14 e 58 14 e 47 4 f 27 28 h 59 19 a 59 8 l 25 13 j 07 2 9 14 24 29 6 10 14 r 46 15 25 4 40 29 02 19 r 57 8 r 23 13 r 06 3 10 12 9 b 01 7 12 14 37 16 03 4 53 29 05 19 56 8 21 13 06 4 11 10 23 10 8 12 14 30 16 41 5 06 29 08 19 54 8 20 13 05 5 12 08 6 c 57 9 09 14 26 17 20 5 19 29 11 19 52 8 18 13 05

6 13 06 20 21 10 04 14 23 17 58 5 32 29 15 19 51 8 16 13 04 7 14 04 3 d 24 10 55 14 D 24 18 36 5 45 29 18 19 49 8 15 13 03 8 15 02 16 10 11 43 14 26 19 14 5 58 29 21 19 47 8 13 13 03 9 16 01 28 39 12 28 14 31 19 52 6 11 29 25 19 45 8 11 13 02 10 16 59 10 e 56 13 10 14 39 20 30 6 24 29 28 19 43 8 10 13 02 11 17 57 23 02 13 47 14 48 21 08 6 37 29 32 19 41 8 08 13 02 12 18 56 5 f 00 14 20 15 00 21 46 6 50 29 36 19 39 8 07 13 01

13 19 54 16 52 14 49 15 13 22 24 7 03 29 39 19 37 8 05 13 01 14 20 52 28 40 15 13 15 29 23 01 7 16 29 43 19 35 8 03 13 00 15 21 51 10 g 27 15 32 15 46 23 39 7 29 29 47 19 33 8 02 13 00 16 22 49 22 15 15 46 16 06 24 17 7 42 29 51 19 31 8 00 13 00 17 23 48 4 h 06 15 53 16 27 24 55 7 54 29 55 19 29 7 59 13 00 18 24 46 16 03 15 r 55 16 50 25 33 8 07 0 i 00 19 27 7 57 12 59 19 25 45 28 11 15 50 17 15 26 10 8 20 0 04 19 25 7 55 12 59

20 26 44 10 i 33 15 39 17 41 26 48 8 33 0 08 19 22 7 54 12 59 21 27 42 23 14 15 20 18 09 27 26 8 45 0 12 19 20 7 52 12 59 22 28 41 6 j 15 14 54 18 39 28 04 8 58 0 17 19 18 7 51 12 59 23 29 40 19 42 14 22 19 10 28 41 9 11 0 22 19 16 7 49 12 59 24 0 g 38 3 k 35 13 42 19 43 29 19 9 23 0 26 19 14 7 48 12 59 25 1 37 17 55 12 55 20 17 29 56 9 36 0 31 19 11 7 46 12 58 26 2 36 2 l 38 12 03 20 52 0 f 34 9 48 0 36 19 09 7 45 12 D 58

27 3 35 17 40 11 04 21 28 1 11 10 01 0 40 19 07 7 43 12 59 28 4 33 2 a 51 10 02 22 06 1 49 10 13 0 45 19 04 7 42 12 59 29 5 32 18 04 8 56 22 45 2 26 10 26 0 50 19 02 7 41 12 59 30 6 31 3 b 08 7 48 23 25 3 04 10 38 0 55 19 00 7 39 12 59

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon (Eclipse): Sep 12 at 11:42 PM PDT 20f10 SYMBOL: A girls’ basketball team. ❍ Full Moon (Eclipse): Sep 27 at 7:52 PM PDT 4a40 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: G➟i Sep 17 D tq Sep 6 (1:30 AM PDT) DP E Sep 1 A➟g Sep 23 C tr Sep 17 (11:11 AM PDT) CR J Sep 9 E➟f Sep 24 J tq Sep 24 (11:59 PM PDT) FQ I Sep 16-17 CR J Sep 24 ER G Sep 25-26 AP C Sep 30

Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – S SEPTEMBER shows average (5) activity for you, with high (6) stress. E LUNAR ECLIPSE SEP 27 keys assertive action or decisive initiative. P T




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication ✚ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ M 1 1 2 ▲▼▲✚▲▲✖▲ ✖▲▲▲▲ 2 3 ▲ ✖ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✖ 3 4 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ ✖ !! 4 5 ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ✖ ✖ 5 B

6 ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✖ ✖ ▲ ✖ ▲ 6 7 ▲✖✚✚▲▲✖ ▲✖▲▲ !! 7 8 ▲ ▼ ✚ ▲ ✖ ✖ 8 E 9 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ 9 10 ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ 10 11 ▲ ▲ ▲ 11 12 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 12 R 13 ✚ 13 14 ✚ 14 15 ✚ 15 16 ✚ 16 17 ✚ 17 18 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 18 19 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 19 20 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 20 2 21 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 21 22 ▼ ▲ ✚ 22 23 ✚ 23 24 ✚ 24 0 25 ✚ 25 26 ✚ 26 27 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 27 1 28 ✚ 28 29 ✚ ▼ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ 29 30 ✚ 30 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes SEPTEMBER 2015 16 red days 4 blue days 10 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days September 1 (8) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days September 4, 8 (–6) ✩ Your Busiest Days September 1 (17) ✩ Your Quietest Days September 16,21,23 (4)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for September: MARS (33)

Go for it. Take action, make decisions and assert yourself. Follow your passion (within reason) and give life a push.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for September: URANUS (—117)

Restlessness and a desire for freedom may make you irritable or unstable. If it really is time for change, then you may need to do it anyway. Things could be shaky.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your URANUS (139) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your VENUS (24)

Stimulation and new experiences are important now. Innovate and exper- iment; don’t stay in a rut. Ask yourself how far you need to go in finding real independence. Love, relationship, money or appreciation may be in short supply. Attention needs to go elsewhere at this time.

The LUNAR ECLIPSE SEP 27 triggers your MARS. This can be a few days when you need to push forward. If not, irritability can arise. Aggression may be a sign of frustrated initiative or blocked decisions. SEPTEMBER 2015


PLUTO stationary mid-month till 24th Intensity buried stuff comes up See what you’ve got approaching for Pluto Activity It may feel like it’s starting now

CSC 7:14 PM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) 1X3 1:00 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1|1 5:11 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) T 1|8 7:04 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) U 1Z9 7:56 AM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) E 1 1X7 8:13 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1|sp 1:31 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1|0 8:52 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) Void 9:39 AM (PDT) .T. .U. .L. DRD 3:35 PM (Express your values & worth...love.) 1|4 10:06 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) ✖✖ 1X2 12:29 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ W ✖✖ 1x5 3:40 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) ✖✖ E D 2

TAURUS 2:03 AM (PDT) w FUE w] CSF 4:34 PM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) 1|6 1:13 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Yop 1:49 AM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) T 1Z3 2:27 AM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) H 1x1 6:52 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) U 3 1X8 8:50 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 9:44 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1Z7 10:03 AM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) .U. .L. EPB 12:22 PM (Impatience, irritability...assert your needs.) 1X4 1:21 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) ✖✖ 1Z2 3:51 PM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) ✖✖ F 1y5 7:14 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) R I 4 Void 3:21 AM (PDT) GEMINI 4:49 AM (PDT) .U. .L. ◗ 1x6 5:25 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 2:55 AM (PDT) 1X3 6:43 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 3Q (12 Gem 32) 1y1 11:23 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) S 1Z8 1:28 PM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) A 1|9 2:25 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) T 5 1X7 2:44 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1ysp 8:37 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.)

Void 4:05 PM (PDT) .U. .L. SEPTEMBER 2015 OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 EUI 8:00 AM (Act, even if uncertain...seek spirituality.) VENUS APG 12:59 PM (Humility...face limits, fears, doubts.) DIRECT • • AUMN 9:33 PM (Pursue objectives, aware of purpose. ) 1Z0 4:52 AM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) S 1Z4 7:42 PM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) U ✖✖ 1X2 10:21 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ 6 N

.U. .L. CANCER 10:41 AM (PDT) ESJ 4:02 AM (Repair, renew...dig to solve problems.) ASD 6:46 AM (Appreciate self...affirm self-worth.) ✖✖ ERH 10:44 AM (Restlessness, rebellion...breakthrough.) ✖✖ 1y6 12:47 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) M 1yop 1:26 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) O 1|3 2:09 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 7 N 1X8 9:13 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) Labor Day (US) 1x9 10:13 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) [w HTH w 1X0 1:31 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.)

T U 8 E Void 6:29 PM (PDT) w FRC w] LEO 7:37 PM (PDT) DRD 12:57 PM (Express your values & worth...love.) 1X4 5:03 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 7:51 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) ✖✖ 1Y5 11:37 AM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) ✖✖ W 1xop 11:34 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) E 9 D

w ITF w] 1x3 12:18 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1Y1 5:25 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) 1|8 7:43 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1y9 8:46 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) T ✖✖ 1x7 9:07 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ H 1Ysp 3:36 PM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) 10 U

.Q. ARI 2:57 AM (Confusion, illusion, weakness...be honest.) CTMN 1:32 PM (Ideas may need action...listen.) ASH 8:23 PM (Try new experiences...experiment.) 1|0 12:35 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) F 1|4 4:40 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) R 1x2 7:33 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 11 I Void 6:04 AM (PDT) .Q. VIRGO 6:57 AM (PDT) EPmN 2:06 PM (Dynamic energy or rash impulsiveness. ) ● 1Y6 11:00 AM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) 11:42 PM (PDT) 1|op 11:42 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) NEW MOON Eclipse (20 Virg 10) 1y3 12:28 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) S 1x8 8:02 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) A 1y7 9:27 PM (Try something new - experiment.) 12 T

[w HQJ w SEPTEMBER 2015 1x0 1:14 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.)

S U N 13 Void 7:09 PM (PDT) LIBRA 7:42 PM (PDT) .Q. .P. 1x4 5:32 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 8:27 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1y5 12:21 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) M O N 14

.Q. .P. 1Xop 12:44 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1y1 6:44 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1y8 9:05 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) T ✖✖ 1Y9 10:10 AM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) ✖✖ U 1ysp 5:08 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) E 15

Void 9:23 PM (PDT) .Q. .P. 1y0 2:17 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1y4 6:27 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) W E D 16

SCORPIO 8:44 AM (PDT) .Q. .P. MERCURY 1x5 1:13 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) RETRO til 10/9 • • 1y6 12:40 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Zop 1:21 PM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) T 1Y3 2:06 PM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) H 1x1 7:15 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) U 17 ✖✖ 1Y7 10:58 PM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) ✖✖ SATURN enters SAGITTARIUS 7:50 PM (PDT) .Q. .P. DPB 2:16 PM (Feel a sense of worth...warm feelings.) 1xsp 5:24 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) F R I 18 Void 12:50 PM (PDT) SAGITTARIUS 8:33 PM (PDT) .Q. .P. EUA 5:52 PM (Use initiative, assertiveness...be decisive.) ARA 7:26 PM (Be decisive. Your intention is tested. ) 1Y2 8:39 AM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) S 1|5 12:21 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) A 1x6 11:23 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) T 19

.Q. .P. SEPTEMBER 2015 OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 1Xop 12:03 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1|1 5:37 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Y8 7:47 AM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 1y9 8:46 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) S 1|sp 3:13 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) U 1Y0 11:41 PM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) 20 N

.Q. .P. DUI 2:54 AM (Selfless love...creative inspiration.) ◗ 1Y4 2:18 PM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) 2:00 AM (PDT) 1X5 8:24 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1Q (28 Sag 04) M O 21 N Void 2:00 AM (PDT) .Q. .P. CAPRICORN 5:34 AM (PDT) DSJ 4:05 AM (Seek deeper ties...intensive creativity.) ✖✖ DRH 12:09 PM (Try freedom or change in relationships. ) ✖✖ CTMN 8:53 PM (Ideas may need action...listen.) 1|6 6:40 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) T 1|op 7:17 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) U 1y3 7:56 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 22 E 1X1 12:30 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) ✖✖ 1x9 3:28 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ .Q. .P. Void 4:14 PM (PDT) 1y2 9:28 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) SUN enters LIBRA 1:22 AM (PDT) W E 23 D

.Q. .P. AQUARIUS 10:52 AM (PDT) 1Z5 12:45 AM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) MARS enters VIRGO 1X6 10:16 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 7:19 PM (PDT) 1xop 10:51 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 11:28 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) T 1Z1 3:44 PM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) H 1y8 5:39 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 24 U 1|9 6:32 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) PLUTO DIRECT • • ✖✖ 1x7 6:50 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ .Q. .P. Void 9:03 PM (PDT) 1Zsp 12:13 AM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) 1y0 7:32 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1y4 8:29 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 10:48 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) F R 25 I

[w HUI w PISCES 12:45 PM (PDT) 1X5 1:53 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1Z6 11:00 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 11:33 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 12:08 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) S 1X1 4:14 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) A 1x8 6:04 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 26 T ✖✖ 1X9 6:55 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ 1|7 7:12 PM (Try something new - experiment.) .Q. .P. .O. Void 9:33 AM (PDT) SEPTEMBER 2015 ❍ ARE 11:43 PM (Impatience...be decisive, not combative.) 7:52 PM (PDT) 1Xsp 12:22 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) FULL MOON Eclipse (4 Ari 40) 1x0 7:29 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) S 1x4 8:06 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) U 1|2 10:21 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) N 27 See LUNAR ECLIPSE on monthly front page. ARIES 12:30 PM (PDT) w HTH w] DPmN 12:59 AM (Love, attraction & harmony. ) 1|5 1:23 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1X6 10:26 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) M 1X3 11:34 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) O 1|1 3:39 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) N 28 1|8 5:28 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) ✖✖ 1Z9 6:18 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) ✖✖ ✖✖ 1X7 6:35 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) ✖✖ .P. .O. CSF 9:07 AM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) ASC 10:40 AM (Get your ideas across easily...insight.) 1|0 6:56 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) T 1|4 7:45 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) U 1X2 10:02 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) E 29 Void 12:46 AM (PDT) TAURUS 11:58 AM (PDT) .P. .O. 1x5 1:07 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1|6 10:29 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Yop 11:03 AM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) W 1Z3 11:40 AM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) E 1x1 3:53 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) D 30 1X8 5:46 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) ✖✖ 1X9 6:38 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) ✖✖ 1Z7 6:56 PM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) .P. .O.

NOTES Mundane Activity OCTOBER 2015

New Moon Oct 12 at 8:07 PM EDT/ 5:07 PM PDT at 19 Lib 20. Cardinal T-Square with Pluto at 13 Cap and Uranus at18 Ari. Full Moon Oct 27 at 8:06 AM/ 5:06 AM PDT from 3 Tau 45. Potentially uplifting time, with Venus-Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo. Planetary Changes: Mercury Stationary turning Direct Oct 9 at 10:59 AM EDT/ 7:59 AM PDT at 0 Lib 53. Venus into Virgo Oct 8 at 1:30 PM EDT/ 10:30 AM PDT. Sun into Scorpio Oct 23 at 1:48 PM EDT/ 10:48 AM PDT. Key Aspects: Sun squares Pluto Oct 6 at 10:16 AM EDT/ 7:16 AM PDT from 13 Lib 00. Sun passing through Cardinal T-Square with Uranus retro at 18 Ari. Mars opposes Neptune retro Oct 6 at 10:54 PM EDT/ 7:54 PM PDT from 7 Vir 29. Mars crossing over the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, energizing Jupiter. Venus squares Saturn Oct 10 at 8:32 PM EDT/ 5:32 PM PDT from 1 Vir 54. Along with Mars and Jupiter at 9-12 Vir, and Neptune retro at 7 Pis, forming a lengthy Mutable T-Square which could go either way. Sun opposes Uranus retro Oct 11 at 11:51 PM EDT/ 8:51 PM PDT from 18 Lib 30. At New Moon (see above). A wake-up call? Venus opposes Neptune retro Oct 16 at 10:54 PM EDT/ 7:54 PM PDT from 7 Vir 8. Strong Mutable T-Square with Neptune at 7 Pis and Moon at 9 Sag and Saturn at 2 Sag. Mars and Jupiter at 13-14 Virgo too. It’s about values that should be able to withstand doubt, tests, or disillusionment. Mars conjuncts Jupiter Oct 17 at 6:41 PM EDT/ 3:41 PM PDT at 14 Vir 11. Mutable T-Square with Chiron retro at 17 Pis and Moon at 19 Sag. This conjunc- tion also trines Pluto at 13 Cap. Optimal time for taking care of details and work- ing hard. Mercury squares Pluto Oct 22 at 5:23 PM EDT/ 2:23 PM PDT from 13 Lib 10. Cardinal T-Square with Uranus retro at 18 Ari. What are you thinking? Mars opposes Chiron retro Oct 23 at 4:49 AM EDT/ 1:49 AM PDT from 17 Vir 31. Venus conjuncts Jupiter Oct 25 at 4:04 PM EDT/ 1:04 PM PDT at 15 Vir 38. This aspect first formed on July 1 and this is the third and final pass. We have Mars conjunct this Venus-Jupiter conjunction, all trine Pluto at 13 Cap and op- posing Chiron retro at 17 Pis. There’s energy to be squandered here. How will you use it? Mercury opposes Uranus retro Oct 25 at 7:01 PM EDT/ 4:01 PM PDT from 17 Lib 57. Completing this most recent Cardinal T-Square, with Moon conjunct Uranus at 10 Ari. Try looking at things from a different perspective. Venus opposes Chiron retro Oct 27 at 10:08 AM EDT/ 7:08 AM PDT from 17 Vir 23. In addition, Mercury sextiles Saturn Oct 6, Jupiter trines Pluto Oct 11, Mercury sextiles Saturn Oct 12-13, Mars trines Pluto Oct 15, Venus trines Pluto Oct 22- 23, Sun trines Neptune Oct 30. OCTOBER 2015


1 7 g 30 17 b 56 6 g 41 24 e 07 3 f 41 10 f 50 1 i 00 18 a 57 7 l 38 12 j 59 2 8 29 2 c 19 5 r 35 24 49 4 19 11 03 1 06 18 r 55 7 r 36 12 59 3 9 28 16 17 4 33 25 33 4 56 11 15 1 11 18 53 7 35 12 59

4 10 27 29 47 3 36 26 17 5 33 11 27 1 16 18 50 7 34 13 00 5 11 26 12 d 52 2 46 27 03 6 11 11 39 1 21 18 48 7 33 13 00 6 12 25 25 34 2 04 27 49 6 48 11 51 1 27 18 45 7 31 13 00 7 13 24 7 e 57 1 31 28 36 7 25 12 03 1 32 18 43 7 30 13 01 8 14 24 20 05 1 08 29 24 8 03 12 15 1 38 18 40 7 29 13 01 9 15 23 2 f 03 0 56 0 f 13 8 40 12 27 1 43 18 38 7 27 13 01 10 16 22 13 54 0 D 55 1 03 9 17 12 39 1 49 18 36 7 26 13 02

11 17 21 25 42 1 04 1 54 9 54 12 51 1 55 18 33 7 25 13 02 12 18 21 7 g 28 1 24 2 45 10 31 13 03 2 00 18 31 7 24 13 03 13 19 20 19 17 1 54 3 37 11 08 13 14 2 06 18 28 7 23 13 03 14 20 20 1 h 10 2 33 4 30 11 45 13 26 2 12 18 26 7 22 13 04 15 21 19 13 09 3 20 5 23 12 22 13 38 2 18 18 23 7 21 13 04 16 22 18 25 15 4 16 6 17 13 00 13 49 2 24 18 21 7 20 13 05 17 23 18 7 i 32 5 18 7 12 13 37 14 01 2 30 18 19 7 19 13 06

18 24 18 20 01 6 27 8 07 14 13 14 12 2 36 18 16 7 18 13 06 19 25 17 2 j 44 7 42 9 03 14 50 14 23 2 42 18 14 7 17 13 07 20 26 17 15 44 9 01 9 59 15 27 14 35 2 48 18 11 7 16 13 08 21 27 16 29 04 10 24 10 56 16 04 14 46 2 54 18 09 7 15 13 09 22 28 16 12 k 46 11 50 11 54 16 41 14 57 3 01 18 06 7 14 13 09 23 29 16 26 50 13 20 12 52 17 18 15 08 3 07 18 04 7 13 13 10 24 0 h 15 11 l 16 14 52 13 50 17 55 15 19 3 13 18 02 7 12 13 11

25 1 15 26 02 16 26 14 49 18 31 15 30 3 20 17 59 7 11 13 12 26 2 15 11 a 02 18 01 15 48 19 08 15 40 3 26 17 57 7 10 13 13 27 3 15 26 08 19 38 16 48 19 45 15 51 3 33 17 55 7 10 13 14 28 4 15 11 b 12 21 15 17 49 20 21 16 02 3 39 17 52 7 09 13 15 29 5 14 26 04 22 54 18 49 20 58 16 12 3 46 17 50 7 08 13 16 30 6 14 10 c 37 24 32 19 51 21 35 16 23 3 52 17 48 7 08 13 17 31 7 14 24 44 26 12 20 52 22 11 16 33 3 59 17 46 7 07 13 18

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Oct 12 at 5:07 PM PDT 19g20 SYMBOL: A rabbi performing his duties. ❍ Full Moon: Oct 27 at 5:06 AM PDT 3b45 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: D➟f Oct 8 C tq Oct 9 (7:59 AM PDT) AR JQH Oct 6-12 A➟h Oct 23 EQ I Oct 6-7 DR G Oct 10-11 FU J Oct 11 DQ I Oct 16-17 EP F Oct 17 CR JQH Oct 22-25 Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – O OCTOBER shows above average (7) ac- tivity for you, with substantial (4) stress. C NEW MOON OCT 12 keys control, transformation or insight. T O




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication ▲ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ E 1 1 2 ▼ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▼ ▲ !! 2 3 ▲ 3

4 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 4 R 5 ▲ 5 6 ▲ ▲ 6 7 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ 7 8 ✚ ✚ ▲ 8 9 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 9 10 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 10

11 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 11 12 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 12 13 ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 13 14 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 14 15 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ 15 16 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 16 17 ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 17

18 ▲ ✖ ✚ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 18 19 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 19 20 ▲ ▲ 20 2 21 21 22 22 23 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 23 24 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✖ ▲ ▼ ▲ !! 24 0 25 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 25 26 ▲ ▲ ▲ 26 27 ▲ 27 1 28 ▲▼✚✚▲▲▲▲▲✖ ▲▲ 28 29 ✚ 29 30 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 30 31 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 31 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes OCTOBER 2015 3 red days 22 blue days 6 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days October 17 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days October 3,21 (–3) ✩ Your Busiest Days October 16,17 (17) ✩ Your Quietest Days October 5 (1)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for October: VENUS (149)

Luxurious pleasures and loving connections with others are probably avail- able to you now. Your attractiveness and worth are enhanced.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for October: URANUS (—5)

Restlessness and a desire for freedom may make you irritable or unstable. If it really is time for change, then you may need to do it anyway. Things could be shaky.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your VENUS (160) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your URANUS (34)

The emphasis is on issues of the heart, and your sense of self-worth. Are you over-indulging or just seeking what you truly deserve?

The NEW MOON OCT 12 triggers your PLUTO. In the days around that time deep processes are at work, and something is seeking the light of day. If you are being compelled or driven, try to see beneath it for the real cause. OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 DECEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31


CSC 2:09 AM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) ASF 9:31 AM (Confidence, faith...trust yourself.) 1xsp 12:15 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 1X0 7:49 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) T 1X4 9:18 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) H 1Z2 11:42 PM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) 1 U Void 3:45 AM (PDT) .P. .O. GEMINI 1:05 PM (PDT) CRE 10:30 AM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) EUE 1:00 PM (Dynamic activity, initiative, decisiveness. ) 1y5 2:59 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 12:57 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) F 1X3 2:12 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) R 1y1 6:41 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 2 I 1Z8 8:41 PM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 1|9 9:36 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) w HQJ w] 1ysp 3:39 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1Z0 11:45 AM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) S A 3 T Void 10:20 AM (PDT) .O. CANCER 5:23 PM (PDT) OCTOBER 2015 ◗ DUA 10:08 AM (Enjoy beauty, peace...appreciate self.) 2:07 PM (PDT) ERC 8:07 PM (Tendency to argue or drive too fast. ) 3Q (11 Can 19) 1Z4 2:10 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) S 1X2 4:49 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) U 1y6 7:00 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) N 4 1yop 7:39 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 8:20 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.)

.O. 1X8 3:19 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1x9 4:20 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 4:40 AM (Try something new - experiment.) M 1X0 7:28 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) O N 5

Void 4:05 AM (PDT) .O. 1X4 10:57 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 1:45 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Y5 5:29 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) T U E 6

LEO 1:32 AM (PDT) [w FPG w ATMN 1:35 PM (Balance inner/outer...watch ego.) 1xop 5:26 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 6:10 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) W 1Y1 11:18 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) E 1|8 1:35 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) D 7 1y9 2:38 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1x7 3:00 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1Ysp 9:27 PM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) Void 2:11 PM (PDT) [w FUMN w VENUS enters VIRGO 1|0 6:29 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 10:30 AM (PDT) 1|4 10:37 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) T H U 8

VIRGO 12:52 PM (PDT) .O. .V. .W. MERCURY 1x2 1:30 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) DIRECT • • ✖✖ 1Y6 5:01 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) ✖✖ 1|op 5:43 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) F 1y3 6:29 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) R I 9

Void 3:13 PM (PDT) [w FSD w ASB 1:16 PM (Focus on home...be receptive, nurturing.) 1x8 2:03 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1y7 3:30 AM (Try something new - experiment.) S 1x0 7:18 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) A T 10

.O. .V. .W. .X. OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 DECEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 ASI 5:17 PM (Give...seek the ideal...meditate.) 1x4 11:36 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 2:31 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1y5 6:25 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) S U 11 N

.O. .V. .W. .X. LIBRA 1:47 AM (PDT) APJ 6:07 AM (Depth...what makes you act this way?) ● 1Xop 6:46 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 5:07 PM (PDT) 1y1 12:45 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) NEW MOON (19 Libr 20) 1y8 3:06 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) M 1Y9 4:10 PM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) O 1ysp 11:08 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 12 N Columbus Day (US) See NEW MOON on monthly front page. .O. .V. .W. .X. Void 5:07 PM (PDT) 1y0 8:14 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.)

T U 13 E

.O. .V. .W. .X. SCORPIO 2:39 PM (PDT) DUE 2:04 AM (Take the initiative socially & creatively. ) 1y4 12:22 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x5 7:03 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1y6 6:29 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) W 1Zop 7:11 PM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) E 1Y3 7:56 PM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) 14 D

.O. .V. .W. .X. Void 5:59 PM (PDT) DRC 4:17 PM (Be nice...but be honest. Enjoy beauty.) ASmN 5:12 PM (Project clearly...express your intentions.) 1x1 1:04 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1Y7 4:45 AM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) T 1xsp 11:10 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) H 15 U

w HUI w] CRE 6:08 AM (Slow down...verbal conflict or harshness.) 1Y2 2:29 PM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) 1|5 6:12 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) F R 16 I

w FPG w] SAGITTARIUS 2:19 AM (PDT) EPG 4:39 AM (Cautious, stable activity...fears triggered?) CSC 12:49 PM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) EUMN 6:08 PM (Act decisively, initiate your aims. ) 1x6 5:17 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) S 1Xop 5:56 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) A 1|1 11:35 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 17 T 1Y8 1:47 PM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) 1y9 2:48 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) w FUMN w] OCTOBER 2015 ESD 8:39 AM (Romantic or creative possibilities. ) 1Y0 5:52 AM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) 1Y4 8:52 PM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) S U N 18 Void 1:50 AM (PDT) CAPRICORN 11:53 AM (PDT) .X. CSF 1:57 AM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) 1X5 3:05 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 1|6 1:34 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) M 1|op 2:12 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) O 1y3 2:53 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) N 19 1X1 7:36 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x9 10:41 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1y7 11:01 PM (Try something new - experiment.) w FSD w] ◗ ASA 6:12 AM (Express yourself...be visible.) 1:32 PM (PDT) 1Xsp 4:52 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 1Q (27 Cap 08) T U E 20 Void 1:32 PM (PDT) AQUARIUS 6:39 PM (PDT) 1y2 5:37 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Z5 8:57 AM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) 1X6 6:54 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) W 1xop 7:30 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) E 1x3 8:09 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) D 21

1Z1 12:38 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) 1y8 2:35 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1|9 3:29 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) T 1x7 3:47 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) H 1Zsp 9:17 AM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) U 22 1y0 4:54 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) Void 9:23 PM (PDT) PISCES 10:19 PM (PDT) SUN enters SCORPIO CTMN 7:27 AM (Ideas may need action...listen.) 10:48 AM (PDT) DPG 6:45 PM (Solitude...don’t be afraid of love.) 1y4 6:18 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) F 1x2 8:40 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) R 1X5 11:50 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) I 23 1Z6 9:17 PM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 9:51 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 10:28 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.)

DUMN 3:14 AM (Harmony, creativity, & self-appreciation. ) ERI 10:35 AM (Act as a channel, selflessly...or escape.) DSD 12:19 PM (Seek harmony & love...creativity.) S 1X1 2:41 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) A 1x8 4:33 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) T 24 1X9 5:24 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 5:41 AM (Try something new - experiment.) Void 4:19 AM (PDT) 1Xsp 10:57 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) ARIES 11:23 PM (PDT) 1x0 6:14 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER 2015 DECEMBER 2015 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 CSB 4:44 AM (Speak from the heart...listen to others.) ESH 2:17 PM (Innovate...break out of routine.) CSI 10:04 PM (Intuition, idealism...spiritual ideas.) 1x4 7:05 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) S 1|2 9:22 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) U 1|5 12:25 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 25 N 1X6 9:34 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1X3 10:42 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.)

CPJ 5:58 AM (Intensity can persuade...obsessed?) 1|1 2:49 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1|8 4:39 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1Z9 5:29 AM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) M 1X7 5:46 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) O 1|sp 10:56 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 26 N 1|0 6:06 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) Void 5:26 AM (PDT) [w HUB w TAURUS 11:08 PM (PDT) 1|4 6:51 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) ❍ 1X2 9:08 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) 5:06 AM (PDT) 1x5 12:12 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) FULL MOON (3 Taur 45) 1|6 9:21 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) T 1Yop 9:54 PM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) U 1Z3 10:30 PM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) 27 E

.N. DRI 5:57 AM (Daydream...be creative, romantic.) ASE 7:08 AM (Take the lead...productive high energy.) CSmN 8:32 AM (Mental activity, communication. ) DSH 10:39 PM (Innovate artistically...seek stimulation.) W 1x1 2:39 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) E 1X8 4:31 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 28 D 1X9 5:23 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1Z7 5:40 AM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) Void 8:21 AM (PDT) .N. GEMINI 11:25 PM (PDT) 1X4 7:26 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1Z2 9:49 AM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) 1y5 1:01 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1x6 10:34 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) T 1X3 11:45 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) H 29 U

[w JUG w 1y1 4:09 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1Z8 6:08 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 1|9 7:03 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1X7 7:21 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) F 1ysp 12:56 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) R 1Z0 8:41 PM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) 30 I

.N. .A. Void 7:53 PM (PDT) CSA 1:09 AM (Write, speak, think about your purpose. ) ARF 2:33 PM (Be positive, confident...with humility.) 1Z4 9:47 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 12:19 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) S A 31 T Halloween (US)

[w FRI w CANCER 2:10 AM (PDT) Mundane Activity NOVEMBER 2015

New Moon Nov 11 at 12:48 PM EST/ 9:48 AM PST at 19 Sco 01. Sextiles Jupiter at 18 Vir, and trines Chiron retro at 17 Pis. Look for healing insights or treatments. Full Moon Nov 25 at 5:45 PM EST/ 2:45 PM PST from 3 Gem 20. Sun is conjunct Saturn at 7 Sag and Mercury at 8 Sag. All make a Mutable T-Square with Neptune at 7 Pis. Continuing the theme of Saturn square Neptune, limits versus all-in- clusive, material reality versus imagination and dream, standing alone versus communing with All. Planetary Changes: Neptune Stationary turning Direct Nov 18 at 11:32 AM EST/ 8:32 AM PST at 7 Pis 01. This station makes the square with Saturn even stronger. Chiron Stationary turning Direct Nov 28 at 1:44 AM EST/ Nov 27 at 10:44 PM PST at 16 Pis 56. Mercury into Scorpio Nov 2 at 2:07 AM EST/ Nov 1 at 11:07 PM PST. Venus into Libra Nov 8 at 10:32 AM EST/ 7:32 AM PST. Mars into Libra Nov 12 at 4:42 PM EST/ 1:42 PM PST. Mercury into Sagittarius Nov 20 at 2:44 PM EST/ 11:44 AM PST. Sun into Sagittarius Nov 22 at 10:26 AM EST/ 7:26 AM PST. Key Aspects: Venus conjuncts Mars Nov 2 at 8:11 PM EST/ 5:11 PM PST at 24 Vir 02. Still both conjunct Jupiter at 17 Vir. Make hay while the… Sun conjuncts Mercury Nov 17 at 9:54 AM EST/ 6:54 AM PST at 24 Sco 55. Venus squares Pluto Nov 20 at 9:03 PM EST/ 6:03 PM PST from 13 Lib 45. Venus enters the Cardinal T-Square. Venus opposes Uranus retro Nov 23 at 5:14 PM EST/ 2:14 PM PST from 16 Lib 59. Stressful few days possible for relationships. Mercury conjuncts Saturn Nov 24 at 11:58 PM EST/ 8:58 PM PST at 6 Sag 52. And conjuncts the Sun at 2 Sag, All square to Neptune at 7 Pis. Another take on the Saturn-Neptune square going on. What needs to be brought into clearer focus?. Mercury squares Neptune Nov 25 at 2:16 AM EST/ Nov 24 at 11:16 PM PST from 7 Sag 01. (see above) Words may lack precision or seriousness. Saturn squares Neptune Nov 26 at 7:16 AM EST/ 4:16 AM PST from 7 Sag 02. The story of this month is here, as the Sun and Mercury join in this longer square. Putting limits on fantasy or escapism. Or dissolving defense and struc- ture. Sun squares Neptune Nov 29 at 9:51 AM EST/ 6:51 AM PST from 7 Sag 03. Where do you see the clash between Saturn and Neptune? Is it a clash or is it more subtle? Sun conjuncts Saturn Nov 29 at 7:17 PM EST/ 4:17 PM PST at 7 Sag 27. Does Saturn get the final word? Typically a down day. In addition, Jupiter opposes Chiron Nov 3, Sun sextiles Pluto Nov 5, Mercury trines Neptune Nov 5-6. Sun trines Chiron Nov 9, Mercury sextiles Pluto Nov 9- 10, Sun sextiles Jupiter Nov 10, Mercury trines Chiron Nov 11-12, Venus sextiles Saturn Nov 13, Mercury sextiles Jupiter Nov 13, Mars sextiles Saturn Nov 23-24, Mercury sextiles Mars Nov 24-25. NOVEMBER 2015


1 8 h 14 8 d 23 27 g 51 21 f 54 22 f 48 16 f 43 4 i 05 17 a 43 7 l 06 13 j 19 2 9 14 21 33 29 30 22 57 23 24 16 54 4 12 17 r 41 7 r 06 13 20 3 10 14 4 e 18 1 h 10 23 59 24 01 17 04 4 19 17 39 7 05 13 21 4 11 14 16 42 2 49 25 02 24 37 17 14 4 25 17 37 7 05 13 22 5 12 14 28 48 4 28 26 06 25 13 17 24 4 32 17 35 7 04 13 23 6 13 15 10 f 43 6 07 27 10 25 50 17 33 4 39 17 32 7 04 13 25 7 14 15 22 31 7 46 28 14 26 26 17 43 4 46 17 30 7 03 13 26

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15 22 17 29 48 20 45 6 57 1 16 18 57 5 41 17 14 7 01 13 37 16 23 18 12 j 44 22 21 8 04 1 52 19 06 5 48 17 13 7 01 13 38 17 24 18 25 53 23 57 9 10 2 28 19 14 5 55 17 11 7 01 13 39 18 25 19 9 k 16 25 32 10 17 3 03 19 23 6 02 17 09 7 01 13 41 19 26 19 22 53 27 07 11 25 3 39 19 31 6 09 17 07 7 D 01 13 43 20 27 20 6 l 45 28 42 12 32 4 15 19 39 6 16 17 06 7 01 13 44 21 28 20 20 54 0 i 17 13 40 4 51 19 47 6 23 17 04 7 01 13 46

22 29 21 5 a 17 1 51 14 48 5 27 19 55 6 30 17 02 7 01 13 47 23 0 i 22 19 54 3 25 15 56 6 02 20 03 6 37 17 01 7 01 13 49 24 1 22 4 b 39 5 00 17 04 6 38 20 11 6 44 16 59 7 02 13 50 25 2 23 19 25 6 33 18 13 7 14 20 18 6 51 16 58 7 02 13 52 26 3 23 4 c 06 8 07 19 21 7 49 20 26 6 59 16 56 7 02 13 54 27 4 24 18 32 9 41 20 30 8 25 20 33 7 06 16 55 7 02 13 55 28 5 25 2 d 38 11 14 21 39 9 00 20 40 7 13 16 53 7 03 13 57

29 6 26 16 19 12 48 22 49 9 36 20 47 7 20 16 52 7 03 13 59 30 7 26 29 34 14 21 23 58 10 11 20 54 7 27 16 51 7 03 14 01

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Nov 11 at 9:48 AM PST 19h01 SYMBOL: A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the entrance to a sacred pathway. ❍ Full Moon: Nov 25 at 2:45 PM PST 3c20 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: C➟h Nov 1 I tq Nov 18 (8:32 AM PST) DP E Nov 2-3 D➟g Nov 8 AP C Nov 17 E➟g Nov 12 DR JQH Nov 20-23 C➟i Nov 20 CP GRI Nov 24-25 A➟i Nov 22 GR I Nov 26 AR IPG Nov 29-30 Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – N NOVEMBER shows very high (10) activity for you, with substantial (5) stress. O NEW MOON NOV 11 keys freedom, change or new experiences. V E




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication ✚ B 1 1 2 ✚ 2 3 ✚ 3 4 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 4 5 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ 5 E 6 ▲ ✚✚✚▲▼▲▲▲▲▲ 6 7 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ !! 7 8 ▲ ✚ ▲ 8 R 9 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ 9 10 ▼ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 10 11 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ 11 12 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ 12 13 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ 13 14 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ 14

15 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 15 16 ✖ ▲ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▲ 16 17 ✖ ▲ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▲ 17 18 ✖ ▲ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▲ 18 19 ✖ ▲ ▲ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▲ 19 20 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 20 21 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 21 2 22 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 22 23 ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 23 24 ▲ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 24 0 25 ▲▲✚✚▲▲▲ ▲▲▲▲ 25 26 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 26 27 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 27 28 ▲▲✚✚▲✚ ✚▲▲▲ ▲ 28 1 29 ✖ ▲ ✚ ✚ ✖ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 29 30 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 30 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes NOVEMBER 2015 0 red days 28 blue days 2 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days November 15,26 (15) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days November 20 (–1) ✩ Your Busiest Days November 15 (26) ✩ Your Quietest Days November 16 (8)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for November: SATURN (163)

You are safe now and the structures of your life are being strengthened or reinforced. Stability and security can be found in the traditions that matter.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for November: MERCURY (—37)

Communication may be challenging and your thinking may not be clear. Traveling is also not likely to go smoothly at this time.

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your SATURN (202) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your SUN (30)

Now is the time to focus on your practical needs, responsibilities and de- tails. Do not avoid them or try to lose yourself in dreams. Also be aware of any fear-imposed limit you carry. This is not a time to expect recognition or attention. Let others shine and stay in the background. Purpose and clarity may not be possible right now.

The NEW MOON NOV 11 triggers your URANUS. The days around that time can be lively and full of surprises. You may feel stimulated, even rebel- lious. Look for new experiences, beyond the familiar. NOVEMBER 2015 MERCURY enters SCORPIO 1y6 2:00 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 11:07 PM (PST) 1yop 2:38 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 3:19 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) S ✖✖ 1X8 10:12 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) ✖✖ U 1x9 11:10 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) N 1 1|7 11:30 AM (Try something new - experiment.)

Void 7:36 PM (PST) .Y. .N. .A. 1X0 1:51 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1X4 5:04 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 7:47 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) M 1Y5 11:26 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) O N 2

LEO 7:49 AM (PST) .Y. .N. .A. ◗ 1xop 11:17 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 4:25 AM (PST) 1x3 12:01 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 3Q (10 Leo 45) 1Y1 5:03 PM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) T 1|8 7:18 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) U 1y9 8:20 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) E 3 1x7 8:41 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.)

Void 5:47 PM (PST) .Y. .N. .A. CSE 9:11 PM (Assert your ideas...think passionately.) 1Ysp 3:06 AM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) 1|0 12:05 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) W E D 4

VIRGO 6:24 PM (PST) .Y. .N. .A. DRA 8:26 AM (Peace & well-being...are you too nice?) 1|4 4:07 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 7:00 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) T 1Y6 10:28 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) H 1|op 11:10 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) U 5 1y3 11:55 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.)

[w FSH w ASG 7:52 AM (Patience and structure offer security. ) AQMN 4:08 PM (Look within...focus on home, family.) CRF 9:58 PM (Optimism...don’t promise too much.) F ✖✖ 1x8 7:31 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) ✖✖ R 1y7 8:58 AM (Try something new - experiment.) I 6

.Y. .N. .A. .Z. APD 1:03 AM (Your value is shown by what you attract. ) ERA 7:27 AM (Hostility/irritability if not decisive. ) 1x0 12:46 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) S 1x4 5:05 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) A 1y2 8:00 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) T 7 1y5 11:55 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) Void 4:48 AM (PST) LIBRA 7:15 AM (PST) .Y. .N. .A. .Z. NOVEMBER 2015 DECEMBER 2015 JANUARY 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 31 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1Xop 12:15 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) VENUS enters LIBRA 1y1 6:14 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 7:32 AM (PST) 1y8 8:35 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1Y9 9:39 PM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) S U 8 N

.Y. .N. .A. .Z. Void 6:43 PM (PST) ARB 2:40 PM (Tension...try for emotional balance.) 1ysp 4:34 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1y0 1:39 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) M O 9 N

[w GPC w SCORPIO 8:04 PM (PST) CSG 10:11 AM (Serious thoughts...concentration...focu) CQMN 3:18 PM (Think about personal life, your home. ) CPD 8:49 PM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) 1y4 5:41 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) T 1x5 12:21 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) U 1y6 11:44 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 10 E

w FRI w] APH 11:05 AM (Expect the unexpected...be different.) ● 1Zop 12:25 AM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) 9:48 AM (PST) 1Y3 1:09 AM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) NEW MOON (19 Scor 01) 1x1 6:13 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) W 1Y7 9:52 AM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) E 1xsp 4:14 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 11 D Veterans Day (US) See NEW MOON on monthly front page. [w JUMN w CRB 11:04 AM (Learn from old communication habits. ) MARS enters LIBRA DRE 5:54 PM (Sexual tensions...lessons of compromise.) 1:42 PM (PST) ✖✖ 1Y2 7:18 PM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) ✖✖ 1|5 11:01 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T H 12 U Void 6:55 AM (PST) .N. .A. .Z. .C. .a. SAGITTARIUS 7:15 AM (PST) CPH 2:48 PM (Surprises...new ideas, innovate, dissent.) 1x6 9:56 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1Xop 10:36 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1|1 4:13 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) F 1Y8 6:25 PM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) R 1y9 7:25 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 13 I

.N. .A. .Z. .C. .a. Void 7:20 PM (PST) DSC 1:01 AM (Mix communication & social activity. ) ARmN 4:38 PM (Possible tension in your expression. ) 1|sp 1:55 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1Y0 10:22 AM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) S A 14 T

.N. .A. .Z. .C. .a. CAPRICORN 4:22 PM (PST) NOVEMBER 2015 CRmN 3:31 PM (Mental activity, communication...tension?) DSF 6:31 PM (Creativity...be grateful for what you have.) 1Y4 1:21 AM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) S 1X5 7:32 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) U 1|6 6:06 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) N 15 1|op 6:45 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 7:26 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) w FSH w] 1X1 12:11 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1x9 3:14 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1y7 3:34 AM (Try something new - experiment.) M 1Xsp 9:28 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) O N 16 Void 12:54 PM (PST) AQUARIUS 11:25 PM (PST) w HUB w] 1y2 10:35 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Z5 2:01 PM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) T U E 17

.A. .C. .a. ◗ 1X6 12:14 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 10:28 PM (PST) 1xop 12:50 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1Q (26 Aqu 36) 1x3 1:29 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) W 1Z1 6:00 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) E 1y8 8:02 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) D 18 1|9 8:57 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1x7 9:16 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) NEPTUNE 1Zsp 2:58 PM (May need to give attention others’ needs.) DIRECT • • .A. .C. .a. 1y4 12:38 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) ✖✖ 1x2 3:06 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) ✖✖ 1X5 6:23 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) T H U 19 Void 12:20 AM (PST) PISCES 4:23 AM (PST) w GPC w] MERCURY enters SAGITTARIUS ERE 3:16 PM (Be decisive, not rash...watch conflicts.) 11:44 AM (PST) 1Z6 4:09 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 4:44 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) F 1|3 5:22 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) R 1X1 9:43 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) I 20 1x8 11:40 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 12:33 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 12:51 PM (Try something new - experiment.) .A. .C. DTMN 4:28 AM (Harmony, creativity, & self-appreciation. ) 1x0 1:55 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 1x4 3:11 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) S 1|2 5:33 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) A 1|5 8:44 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) T 21 Void 5:24 AM (PST) ARIES 7:13 AM (PST) [w JSD w It’s time to re-order your COSMIC WINDOW PERSONAL APPOINTMENT CALENDAR


------Click above to order your new COSMIC WINDOW PERSONAL APPOINTMENT CALENDAR.

Personal details:

Name Katie Holmes

Birth Date Dec 18, 1978 Time 9:32 PM EST

Place Toledo, Ohio

To begin in January 2016

NOVEMBER 2015 DECEMBER 2015 JANUARY 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 31 1 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1X6 6:09 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) SUN enters SAGITTARIUS 1X3 7:20 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 7:26 AM (PST) 1|1 11:33 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) 1|8 1:26 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) S 1Z9 2:18 PM (Caution in meetings...power struggles?) U 1X7 2:36 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 22 N 1|sp 7:55 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.)

.A. .C. .E. Void 11:17 AM (PST) ESC 12:54 AM (Decisive expression of ideas...active.) DSB 6:47 PM (Sympathy, nurturance...indulgence.) 1|0 3:16 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1|4 4:17 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) M 1X2 6:36 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) O 1x5 9:43 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 23 N

.A. .C. .E. TAURUS 8:27 AM (PST) CPC 11:25 AM (Active for mind, travel or communications. ) DSI 7:02 PM (Romantic imagining...transcendent love.) 1|6 7:02 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Yop 7:36 AM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) T 1Z3 8:12 AM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) U 1x1 12:24 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 24 E 1X8 2:17 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1X9 3:08 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) .A. .C. .E. Void 5:27 PM (PST) DPJ 6:08 AM (Intensity & depth thru art or love. ) ❍ CUF 4:52 PM (Think expansively...look at big picture.) 2:45 PM (PST) 1X0 4:05 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) FULL MOON (3 Gem 20) 1X4 5:14 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) W 1Z2 7:35 PM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) E 1y5 10:44 PM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 25 D

[w GUF w GEMINI 9:16 AM (PST) ESF 6:29 AM (Act with confidence, enthusiasm. ) 1x6 8:18 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1X3 9:30 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1y1 1:49 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) T 1Z8 3:45 PM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) H 1|9 4:38 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 26 U 1X7 4:56 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) Thanksgiving (US) 1ysp 10:23 PM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) w JUG w] Void 7:36 PM (PST) 1Z0 6:05 AM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) 1Z4 7:50 PM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) 1X2 10:18 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) F R 27 I

.C. .E. .b. CANCER 11:28 AM (PST) DSmN 5:44 AM (Pleasure, rest & well-being. ) APC 12:02 PM (Communication and thinking emphasized. ) 1y6 11:48 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1yop 12:25 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) S 1|3 1:05 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) A 1X8 7:41 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 28 T 1x9 8:38 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 8:57 PM (Try something new - experiment.) .C. .E. .b. NOVEMBER 2015 CRG 9:08 AM (Cautious thoughts...face limits, details.) CTMN 2:28 PM (Ideas may need action...listen.) 1X0 11:04 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) S U N 29 Void 4:47 AM (PST) LEO 4:48 PM (PST) .C. .E. .b. AUF 9:28 AM (Confidence, faith...trust yourself.) 1X4 1:47 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 4:29 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) M 1Y5 8:07 AM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) O 1xop 7:37 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) N 30 1x3 8:19 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.)

.C. .E. .b.

NOTES Mundane Activity DECEMBER 2015

New Moon Dec 11 at 5:30 AM EST/ 2:30 AM PST at 19 Sag 03. Square to Chiron at 17 Pis and Jupiter at 22 Vir, making a Mutable T-Square. Easy to over-do. Be positive, but don’t necessarily fly away in your desire to rise above. Full Moon Dec 25 at 6:13 AM EST/ 3:13 AM PST from 3 Can 20. Pretty quiet. Planetary Changes: Uranus Stationary turning Direct Dec 25 at 10:54 PM EST/ 7:54 PM PST at 16 Ari 33. Venus into Scorpio Dec 4 at 11:16 PM EST/ 8:16 PM PST. Mercury into Capricorn Dec 9 at 9:35 PM EST/ 6:35 PM PST. Sun into Capricorn Dec 21 at 11:49 PM EST/ 8:49 PM PST. Venus into Sagittarius Dec 30 at 2:18 AM EST/ Dec 29 at 11:18 PM PST. Key Aspects: Mercury squares Chiron Dec 1 at 11:02 AM EST/ 8:02 AM PST at 16 Sag 56. Mutable T-Square with Jupiter at 21 Vir. Mercury squares Jupiter Dec 4 at 7:54 AM EST/ 4:54 AM PST from 21 Sag 23. Moon near Jupiter at 25 Vir. Lots of optimism and happy talk here, but restraint still in the air as Sun conjuncts Saturn at 8-12 Sag. Mars squares Pluto Dec 6 at 3:53 PM EST/ 12:53 PM PST from 14 Lib 12. Another one of those recurring tense Cardinal T-Squares, involving Uranus retro at 16 Ari. Eruptions, violence possible. Sun squares Chiron Dec 9 at 5:05 AM EST/ 2:05 AM PST from 16 Sag 59. Mars opposes Uranus retro Dec 10 at 8:32 PM EST/ 5:32 PST from 16 Lib 39. The end of 4-5 days of tension, struggle, possible decisive action. Sun squares Jupiter Dec 14 at 10:03 AM EST/ 7:03 AM PST from 22 Sag 17. After visiting with serious Saturn two weeks ago, now the Sun in Sag breaks free and flies high and overdoes everything. Mutable T-Square with Chiron at 17 Pis. Mercury conjuncts Pluto Dec 19 at 1:57 PM EST/ 10:57 AM PST at 14 Cap 37. Mars is done, but now Mercury accentuates the Uranus-Pluto square. Moon also at 12 Ari conjunct Uranus. Mercury squares Uranus retro Dec 20 at 10:09 PM EST/ 7:09 PM PST from 16 Cap 34. Wide Cardinal T-Square with Mars at 22 Vir. A couple of days of potential intense words or transportation issues. Mercury squares Mars Dec 29 at 9:54 AM EST/ 6:54 AM PST from 27 Cap 13. Verbally active, possibly impatient or aggressive. In addition, Mercury trines Uranus Dec 1, Sun sextiles Mars Dec 5-6, Sun trines Uranus Dec 8, Venus trines Neptune Dec 10-11, Mercury sextiles Neptune Dec 14, Venus sextiles Pluto Dec 16-17, Venus trines Chiron Dec 18-19, Mercury sex- tiles Chiron Dec 20-21, Venus sextiles Jupiter Dec 23-24, Mercury trines Jupiter Dec 25, Sun sextiles Neptune Dec 28-29. DECEMBER 2015


1 8 i 27 12 e 23 15 i 54 25 g 08 10 g 46 21 f 01 7 i 34 16 a 49 7 l 04 14 j 02 2 9 28 24 49 17 27 26 17 11 22 21 07 7 41 16 r 48 7 04 14 04 3 10 29 6 f 58 19 01 27 27 11 57 21 14 7 48 16 47 7 05 14 06 4 11 30 18 53 20 34 28 37 12 32 21 20 7 55 16 46 7 05 14 08 5 12 30 0 g 42 22 07 29 47 13 07 21 26 8 03 16 45 7 06 14 09

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27 4 53 24 11 24 22 26 00 25 46 23 00 10 35 16 D 34 7 26 14 53 28 5 54 7 e 20 25 31 27 13 26 19 23 02 10 42 16 34 7 27 14 55 29 6 55 20 07 26 36 28 25 26 53 23 04 10 49 16 34 7 29 14 57 30 7 57 2 f 34 27 36 29 38 27 26 23 06 10 55 16 34 7 30 14 59 31 8 58 14 44 28 30 0 i 51 28 00 23 08 11 02 16 34 7 31 15 01

All Text, Design, & Format Copyright 1992 by Sirius Astrological Services ● New Moon: Dec 11 at 2:30 AM PST 19i03 SYMBOL: In a northern village men cut the ice of a frozen pond for use in the summer. ❍ Full Moon: Dec 25 at 3:13 AM PST 3d20 Ingresses: Planetary Stations: Mundane Aspects: D➟h Dec 4 H tq Dec 25 (7:54 PM PST) CR F Dec 4 C➟j Dec 9 ER JQH Dec 6-11 A➟j Dec 21 AR F Dec 14 D➟i Dec 29 CP JRH Dec 19-21 CR E Dec 29

Planetary positions are for Greenwich Midnight. – Katie Holmes – D DECEMBER shows above average (6) ac- tivity for you, with average (3) stress. E NEW MOON DEC 11 keys escapism, imagination, or idealism. FULL MOON DEC 25 keys assertive action or decisive initiative. C E




Physical Exercise Physical

Sexual Activity Sexual


Financial Decisions Financial

Self Expression Self


Mental Work Mental





Solitude Communication ▲▲✚✚▲✚ ✚▲▲▲ ▲ B 1 1 2 ▲ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 2 3 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 3 4 ▲ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 4 5 ✚ ▲ ✚ ▼ ▲ ▼ !! 5 E

6 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 6 7 ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 7 8 ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 8 R 9 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 9 10 ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 10 11 ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 11 12 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ !! 12

13 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 13 14 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 14 15 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 15 16 ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 16 17 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 17 18 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 18 19 ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ 19 20 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 20 2 21 ▼ ▼ 21 22 ▼ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 22 23 ▼ ▲ ▲ 23 24 24 0 25 25 26 ▲ ▼ ▲ !! 26 27 ▼ 27 1 28 ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 28 29 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▲ 29 30 ▼ 30 31 ▼ 31 5 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable Personal Monthly Summary Katie Holmes DECEMBER 2015 5 red days 18 blue days 8 black days

✩ Your Most Favorable Days December 1 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days December 21 (–6) ✩ Your Busiest Days December 1 (22) ✩ Your Quietest Days December 29,31 (3)

✩ Your Most Favorable Planet for December: VENUS (145)

Luxurious pleasures and loving connections with others are probably avail- able to you now. Your attractiveness and worth are enhanced.

✩ Your Most Difficult Planet for December: SATURN (—12)

Insecurity may arise if your defenses or life structure are being challenged from within or without. What is your real foundation here?

✩ Your Busiest Planet this month is your VENUS (155) ✩ Your Quietest Planet this month is your MERCURY (17)

The emphasis is on issues of the heart, and your sense of self-worth. Are you over-indulging or just seeking what you truly deserve? There’s not much emphasis on speaking with others or thinking about things right now. Communication is low key, and feeling may be more important than what you think.

The NEW MOON DEC 11 triggers your NEPTUNE. A dreamy time when you may look for ways to lose yourself. Not the clearest of periods for these few days. Dreams and fantasies may be stronger than usual. The FULL MOON DEC 25 triggers your MARS. This can be a few days when you need to push forward. If not, irritability can arise. Aggression may be a sign of frustrated initiative or blocked decisions. DECEMBER 2015 JANUARY 2016 FEBRUARY 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29


URANUS stationary through the 25th New experiences coming No longer as stable See what you’ve got approaching for Uranus Activity It may feel like it’s starting now

CUB 12:04 PM (Speak from the heart...listen to others.) 1Y1 1:14 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) 1|8 3:29 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 1y9 4:30 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) T 1x7 4:51 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) U 1Ysp 11:11 AM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) 1 E 1|0 7:57 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.)

.b. .C. .E. Void 7:10 PM (PST) DSA 3:03 AM (Enjoy beauty, peace...appreciate self.) ◗ CPI 5:55 AM (Imagination or confusion. Be honest. ) 11:41 PM (PST) CSJ 2:06 PM (Deep thinking...intensive penetration.) 3Q (10 Vir 48) 1|4 11:48 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) W 1x2 2:38 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) E 2 D

.b. .C. .E. VIRGO 2:10 AM (PST) 1Y6 5:57 AM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) 1|op 6:39 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 7:24 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1x8 2:57 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) T 1y7 4:22 PM (Try something new - experiment.) H 3 U

.b. .C. .E. Void 9:00 PM (PST) CUmN 7:14 PM (Mental activity, communication. ) VENUS enters SCORPIO 1x0 8:07 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) 8:16 PM (PST) F R 4 I

.b. .C. .E. LIBRA 2:35 PM (PST) 1x4 12:25 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1y2 3:19 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1y5 7:14 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) 1Xop 7:36 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) S A 5 T

w GUF w] DECEMBER 2015 ARG 1:05 AM (Learn from limits, mistakes...lighten up.) ATMN 9:16 AM (Balance inner/outer...watch ego.) ETMN 2:27 PM (Be decisive, not pushy...take a stand.) S 1y1 1:35 AM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) U 1y8 3:55 AM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) N 6 1Y9 5:00 AM (Eliminate rubbish, clean up, repair, heal.) 1ysp 11:56 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) 1y0 9:03 PM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) Void 6:04 PM (PST) .C. .E. CPA 5:12 PM (Communication and thinking emphasized. ) 1y4 1:04 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x5 7:44 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) M O N 7

SCORPIO 3:27 AM (PST) w JUMN w] DSE 10:51 PM (Take the initiative socially & creatively. ) 1y6 7:04 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1Zop 7:44 AM (Retreat, re-charge within yourself & home.) T 1Y3 8:28 AM (Time for nurturance, self-appreciation.) U 1x1 1:32 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) E 8 1Y7 5:11 PM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) 1xsp 11:34 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.)

Void 10:40 PM (PST) .E. MERCURY enters CAPRICORN AUB 6:58 AM (Inner harmony can benefit relationships. ) 6:35 PM (PST) W E D 9

SAGITTARIUS 2:26 PM (PST) .E. API 10:14 AM (Imagination, dreams, sensitivity...idealism.) ASJ 10:44 PM (Heal, probe, repair...use your strength.) 1Y2 2:23 AM (Communicate feelings...mental stimulation.) T 1|5 6:00 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) H 1x6 4:49 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) U 10 1Xop 5:28 PM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1|1 11:03 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) See NEW MOON on monthly front page. .E. ● ESB 4:15 PM (Passionate feelings...assert your needs.) 2:30 AM (PST) DRF 6:44 PM (Self-worth can be high...even excessive.) NEW MOON (19 Sag 03) 1Y8 1:12 AM (Dreams, imagination strong...maybe careless.) F 1y9 2:11 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) R 1|sp 8:32 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) I 11 1Y0 4:54 PM (Energize...express self, purpose, integrity.) Void 8:07 AM (PST) CAPRICORN 10:48 PM (PST) .E. CPE 10:08 PM (Thoughts or words can lead to action. ) 1Y4 7:36 AM (Assertiveness, initiative stir...irritable?) 1X5 1:42 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) S A T 12

.E. DECEMBER 2015 JANUARY 2016 FEBRUARY 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 ESI 4:11 PM (Act out ideals...seek spirituality, nature.) 1|6 12:08 AM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) 1|op 12:45 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 1:25 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) S 1X1 6:03 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) U 1x9 9:04 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 13 N 1y7 9:24 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1Xsp 3:14 PM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) .E. Void 3:08 PM (PST) AUmN 7:39 AM (Project clearly...express your intentions.) EPJ 2:13 PM (Great strength...careful how you use it.) 1y2 4:04 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) 1Z5 7:28 PM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) M O 14 N

.E. AQUARIUS 5:00 AM (PST) CTF 2:56 AM (Optimism...don’t promise too much.) 1X6 5:35 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 1xop 6:11 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 6:50 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) T 1Z1 11:22 AM (Consider others’ needs in seeking well-being.) U 1y8 1:23 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) 15 E 1|9 2:19 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1x7 2:38 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) .E. Void 11:18 PM (PST) DSG 2:19 PM (Look to yourself for appreciation. ) DQMN 9:16 PM (Seek beauty, love & self-worth at home. ) 1y0 4:13 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 1y4 6:08 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) W 1x2 8:37 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) E 1X5 11:57 PM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) 16 D

.E. PISCES 9:46 AM (PST) DPD 4:45 AM (Affirm your value & worth...attraction.) 1Z6 9:49 AM (Accept your vulnerability...be humble.) 1yop 10:25 AM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1|3 11:03 AM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) T 1X1 3:30 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) H 1x8 5:29 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 17 U 1X9 6:24 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 1|7 6:42 PM (Try something new - experiment.) .E. APA 5:59 PM (Express yourself with clear intent. ) ◗ CUG 11:04 PM (Serious thoughts...concentration...focu) 7:15 AM (PST) 1Xsp 12:18 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) 1Q (26 Pis 22) 1x0 8:00 AM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) F 1x4 9:40 PM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) R HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Katie Holmes !! 18 I Void 7:15 AM (PST) .E. ARIES 1:27 PM (PST) CUMN 4:45 AM (Clear thinking or communication. ) DRB 8:28 AM (Nurturance...watch out for smother love.) CSD 10:53 AM (Words or thoughts of love...be creative.) 1|2 12:07 AM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) S 1|5 3:22 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) A 1X6 1:04 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) 19 T 1X3 2:17 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1|1 6:39 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.) w JSD w] DECEMBER 2015 ESmN 1:58 PM (Take initiative in relationships. ) DPH 9:43 PM (Make new friends...creative experiments.) 1|sp 3:17 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) S 1|0 10:52 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) U N 20 Void 2:02 PM (PST) TAURUS 4:14 PM (PST) SUN enters CAPRICORN CTB 5:53 AM (Learn from old communication habits. ) 8:49 PM (PST) 1|4 12:20 AM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1X2 2:44 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) M 1x5 5:56 AM (Confidence is fine...don’t exaggerate, overdo.) O 1|6 3:33 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) N 21 1Yop 4:07 PM (Show others where you stand; pursue goals.) 1Z3 4:45 PM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) 1x1 9:04 PM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 1X8 11:00 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) CRJ 10:45 AM (Explore motives...intense, opinionated?) CSH 1:50 PM (Change, mental stimulation, innovation. ) 1Z7 12:11 AM (Find freedom...avoid outer oppression.) T 1xsp 5:39 AM (May be tension in balancing self/others.) U 1X0 1:13 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) E 22 Void 6:27 AM (PST) GEMINI 6:32 PM (PST) DRmN 2:39 PM (Laziness, self-indulgence, pleasure. ) 1X4 2:39 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1Z2 5:04 AM (Listen to others’ feelings, body language.) W 1y5 8:19 AM (Expansiveness, optimism, seek opportunity.) E 1x6 6:00 PM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) D 23 1X3 7:12 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1y1 11:34 PM (Time for emotional vulnerability, openness.)

1Z8 1:32 AM (You may be imagining what seems to be real.) 1|9 2:26 AM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 1X7 2:45 AM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) T 1ysp 8:19 AM (Relationships of all kinds can flow smoothly.) H 1Z0 4:02 PM (Balance ego desires with moods, feelings.) U 24 Void 12:05 PM (PST) CANCER 9:28 PM (PST) ❍ CTmN 12:19 AM (Mental activity, communication...tension?) 3:13 AM (PST) 1Z4 5:52 AM (Pushing too hard? Is this a mirror for you?) FULL MOON (3 Canc 20) 1X2 8:22 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) F 1y6 9:43 PM (Solitude, security needs favored now.) R 1yop 10:20 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) I 25 1|3 10:59 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) Christmas URANUS DIRECT • • APE 2:40 PM (Purposeful initiative, activity or assertion.) 1X8 5:38 AM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) 1x9 6:35 AM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) S 1|7 6:54 AM (Try something new - experiment.) A 1X0 8:48 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) T 26 See FULL MOON on monthly front page. Void 7:37 PM (PST) [w ITF w DECEMBER 2015 JANUARY 2016 FEBRUARY 2016 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 1X4 11:27 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) 1|2 2:05 PM (Your thoughts & ideas may be received now.) ✖✖ 1Y5 5:37 PM (Feel how you’re supported...faith, trust.) ✖✖ S U 27 N

.L. LEO 2:32 AM (PST) ESA 1:35 PM (Use initiative, assertiveness...be decisive.) 1xop 4:57 AM (Maybe stress balancing outer goals/inner needs.) 1x3 5:39 AM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) 1Y1 10:32 AM (Feelings, security needs...be receptive.) M 1|8 12:43 PM (Listen to subtle messages, attune to nature.) O 1y9 1:43 PM (Repairing, healing favored now.) 28 N 1x7 2:03 PM (Need freedom...can be impulsive or upset.) 1Ysp 8:13 PM (Invest yourself in new ventures.) .L. ✖✖ ATF 9:30 PM (Be positive, confident...with humility.) ✖✖ VENUS enters SAGITTARIUS 1|0 4:53 AM (Expect to be received...expression favored.) 11:18 PM (PST) 1|4 8:26 PM (Take initiative, act, push for what you want.) 1x2 11:13 PM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) T U 29 E Void 9:39 AM (PST) .L. VIRGO 10:59 AM (PST) 1Y6 2:23 PM (Vulnerability or fears may reveal truer self.) 1|op 3:05 PM (Stand firm, feel your roots & goals in you.) 1y3 3:49 PM (Show your worth & love; feel appreciated.) 1x8 11:14 PM (Confusion(?), lack of clarity...meditate.) W E 30 D

.L. 1y7 12:39 AM (Try something new - experiment.) 1x0 4:18 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) T H 31 U Void 9:35 PM (PST) .L. LIBRA 10:42 PM (PST)

NOTES The superior man or woman Sets the calendar in order And makes the seasons clear.

In the course of the year a combat takes place between the forces of light and the forces of darkness, eventuating in the revolution of the seasons. Human beings master these changes in nature by noting their regularity and marking off the passage of time accordingly. In this way order and clarity appear in the ap- parently chaotic changes of the seasons, and human beings are able to adjust themselves in advance to the demands of the different times.

(The I Ching) Calendar of Events

February 2015 All Inclusive Enchantment Resort The Park, Findhorn Sedona, AZ Feb. 5-8, 2015

March 2015 THE MANOR HOUSE IN CASTLE COMBE, THE COTSWOLDS How to Understand the Creative Power of Your Intuitive Nature March 2-5, 2015

Alternatives, St James’s Church, London Mythic Encounters in Your Psyche: Dragons, Giants, Wizards, Trolls, and Ghosts March 7, 2015

The Essential Guide for Healers and Healing Kripalu - Berkshires, Massachusetts March 20-22, 2015

Fragments and Fractures at the Crossroads Sounds True - Wake up Festival San Francisco March 28 2015

April 2015 Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Virginia Beach, VA Self- Diagnosis and Healing with Your Body’s Energy Systems April 17-19, 2015

May 2015 Exploring the Mystical Whispers Awakening Your Soul Assisi, Italy Dancing Spirit Tours May 3-16, 2015

May 2015 Standing at the Crossroads I Can Do It! Edmonton, Canada - Hay House May 15-17, 2015

June 2015 Celebrate Your Life, Chicago Mishka Productions Chicago June 12-15, 2015

August 2015 How The Sacred Feminine Is Transforming Your Soul France - ’The Divine Feminine’ Dancing Spirit Tours Aug. 31 Sept 13, 2015 The Mystery of Astrology

Look at this Hubble image of the Eagle nebula. Wonder about it. What is it? How big is it? Where is it located? How long has it been there? What does it have to do with you?

Astrology nowadays, at the start of the 21st century and the third millenium since Christ, has largely lost its soul. Entertainment and fast and easy answers are the prevailing themes. It is understandable in our times, which emphasize outer activity, materialism and scientific explanations, that astrology has largely followed the same trend. It is mainly predictive, concerned with outer events, concrete and literal situations rather than inner imaginative activity, and seeks to prove itself as worthy of respect by using computers and statistics. But why should astrology try to prove itself by the measure of values that are being proven to be a failure every day (by the technological and environmental destruction of the earth)?

Astrology should not be chasing after the modern intellect to prove it is a statistically valid predictive tool. The more it does this, the more it is losing its way, and its heart and soul. Instead, astrology is the sacred vessel that still holds the potential of reunit- ing us with our surrounding and containing Universe. By consciously observing the meaningful interplay between the planetary cycles in the heavens and our lived ex- periences, we rebuild the once common sense that we are living participants in the intelligent though mysterious processes of the Universe, not exiled and abandoned in a random and meaningless wasteland.

It is also understandable that people in crisis turn to astrology for answers. And the prevailing astrology seeks to respond. But what is lost in the process — and what is crucial — is what people are really starving for: to embrace, honor, and learn to trust the Mystery of our existence as we live it each day. This Mystery is found within. Astrology is a gift from our earliest origins, able to direct our seeking to our inner resources. But astrology must resist the temptation to supply answers and only answers.

If only astrologers could begin their responses with “It really is a mystery, isn’t it?”. By succumbing to the pressure of the seeker for answers (“my problems must be ex- plained, because I cannot bear to face the emptiness of not knowing”) and the need of astrology to impress the world with its skills, astrologers fail the seeker’s real need, fail even to recognize it. And this too is so understandable, in a world where explanations are an addiction and mysteries are to be feared.

Astrology can still guide us to the emptiness, the unknowing, the open space in us where we might eventually hear our own answers. How? By evoking wonder. By asking the right questions instead of being so quick to give answers.

To embrace and honor the mystery of astrology means to admit and even to celebrate that none of us has any idea of how astrology works. Theories are theories, not answers. They are “as if.” We do not have to give in to the pressure of a world addicted to explanations. There is nothing dishonorable about honoring a mystery.

Philip Levine

(Other articles may be found at http://www.cosmicwindow.com/articles.html)

Personal Yearly Symbols Katie Holmes December 18, 1978 9:32 PM EST Toledo, Ohio

Your Yearly Symbols are given as food for the intuition. They are based on your individual chart progressed to the present time and cover the 12-month period beginning at the time indicated. Though suggestions may be made as to their meaning, it is your own associations for the symbol(s) that are likely to be the most useful. Yearly Symbols (June 2014*): ◆ Your main symbol describing WHAT the 12-month period from June 2014 until June 2015 is about is: A Hindu yogi demonstrates his healing powers This image suggests the possibility of realizing the healing results of a focusing of disciplined spiritual energies (AQU 4).

◆ The possible RESULT or GOAL of this period is symbolized in this way: A formally dressed elderly man stands near trophies he brought back from a hunting expedition This symbolizes the proud results of expressing one’s power, whether or not such achievements are appropriate (LEO 4).

◆ The MEANS by which to reach this goal is suggested by this symbol: The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow This might symbolize the reward which comes from having bridged between the heavenly and material spheres (TAU 4).

◆ The MEANING or PURPOSE of all this for your life as a whole: A youth carries a lighted candle in a devotional ritual Perhaps this refers to a time in which we can perform a spiritual act if we have the proper attitude, even if we are not yet mature enough to realize its implications (SCO 4).

* The dates for which these symbols are in effect will usually not match the start and end dates for your calendar, but are intended to overlap them, because the symbol dates are determined from your unique date and time of birth. This method of using four Sabian symbols as an oracle is taken from An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar, Part 4. Personal Yearly Symbols Yearly Symbols (June 2015*): ◆ Your main symbol describing WHAT the 12-month period beginning June 2015 is about is: A council of ancestors is seen implementing the efforts of a young leader Perhaps this signifies that traditional ideas or systems are likely to play a major role in the expression of new ideas in critical situations-for better or worse (AQU 5).

◆ The possible RESULT or GOAL of this period is symbolized in this way: Rock formations tower over a deep canyon This image suggests elements of a deep and permanent force which transcends smaller personal concerns (LEO 5).

◆ The MEANS by which to reach this goal is suggested by this symbol: A widow at an open grave This symbol suggests the need to break free of the past and to face the void which masks the future (TAU 5).

◆ The MEANING or PURPOSE of all this for your life as a whole: A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea This might suggest the strength of endurance and stability - or an inertial resis- tance to change (SCO 5).

You may find it of value to use your current symbols as a theme for meditation.

Cycle Histories In the following section, each major activity cycle also shows a cycle history, in which earlier key phases of the currently active cycle are listed. By recalling these earlier dates and seeing if they are relevant to what the current cycle describes, you may be able to gain insight into the longer process of which this period is part. (Angles of 0, 90, 180, and 270 are often the most critical ones, and therefore may be easiest to remember.) Critical angles are printed in red. USING YOUR CYCLE HISTORIES One of the real gifts astrology offers is the ability to see and to under- stand the rhythms and cycles that make up the flow of our lives. Some of these cycles last for decades, others for a few years, for months, or even days.

There are far too many interactive cycles present at any time for us to meaningfully keep track of them all. But when you have an important opportunity or a crisis, the historical background of the relevant planetary cycles can reveal powerful connections between earlier periods or events in your life and what is happening in the present.

Your Cosmic Window provides you with the necessary information so that, with a little thought, you may be able to realize how the present is the outcome of your past, and how this particular moment fits into a lar- ger ongoing process which has been moving throughout your life.

When you look at your Major Activity cycles in the following section, it may not be practical to explore every single history in depth. But when you notice a particular cycle that seems to characterize something im- portant for you now, that may be one with which you can work.

You may choose to focus on your most significant challenges or oppor- tunities occurring during this time, such as:

Challenges (see your Major Activity section): .H. HTG APR 14 – FEB 15

As an example, let’s look at this one of yours:

.I. FPB OCT 14 – JUN 15

After familiarizing yourself with the general meaning of this particular transit cycle for your life, and the time period it will be covering (OCT 14 – JUN 15), you may want first to enter more deeply into its overall “atmosphere” by taking some quiet time to reflect on its associated meditative seed thought, or to try its visualization, or to repeat its affir- mation. CYCLE HISTORY EXAMPLE for KATIE HOLMES

.I. FPB OCT 14 – JUN 15 FPB Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Jun 03 Emergence (45°): Oct 04 Test; crisis (90°): Jan 06 - Sep 06 Opportunity (120°): Feb 07 - Oct 07 Climax; reversal (180°): Mar 09 Opportunity (240°): Apr11 Test; crisis (270°): Apr12

After deepening your grasp of the cycle’s theme, examine the Cycle History. Note when this cycle began, Origin; birth (0°), and take some time to recall what that particular period was for you. What was happening for you in Jun 03? In particular, what can you remember that began during that time, especially having to do with the theme of “Joy”? How does this time now (OCT 14 – JUN 15) relate to that earlier period? The easiest way to see the outlines of the given cycle is to start by focusing on the red phases, because those are usually the most noticeable, containing the most tension. Besides the Origin; birth (0°) phase, look at the next red phase - Test; crisis (90°) - which occurred around Jan 06 - Sep 06. How can you see that this time in your life was somehow a test or crisis regarding the theme of “Joy”, and a development of what was only starting around Jun 03? A turning point in most cycles occurs at its halfway point, the Climax; rever- sal (180°), when many of the trends since the birth of the cycle are reversed, or at least reach their conclusion or outcome. For you, this was Mar 09. How does that time relate to the birth and previous “test” period of Jan 06 - Sep 06? The “test” period is often a time of choice, and the Climax; reversal (180°) brings you face to face with the outcomes of your previous decisions. The final red phase comes at 3/4 through the cycle, the Test; crisis (270°), and another time of choice arises. During this phase, Apr 12, a period of letting go may arise. In fact all four of the red phases usually require letting go. Here you may have questioned the purpose of activities you had taken for granted. In fact they may have run their course, making it necessary to face a growing sense of emptiness and lack of direction. How does this relate to the theme of the cycle? Now you are well on your way to enriching your understanding of the present, and how this time is a “challenge” or “opportunity” (or both) in the continuing development of the cycle as a whole. For an explanation of the phases and overall concept of the cycle, see the article “The Astrological Cycle” in the Appendix. I hope you will find the Cycle Histories a rich and enjoyable way to discern the patterns and cycles interwoven through your life. The arising in us of an archetypal complex can serve as a window to a universe, indeed a door and a pathway, but it can also serve as an enclosing wall, an impermeable boundary and barrier that effectively creates a limit to our universe of possibilities. Only a critical awareness of that potential boundary, and an act of the imagination to transcend it, can open the horizon of our universe. I have found that such an aware- ness is mediated most effectively by a recognition of the dominant archetypal complexes and dynamics of a given time, whether for an individual or an entire civilization, and that this recognition is ex- traordinarily enhanced by a knowledge of what planets are in align- ment at what time and for how long, an informed understanding of which can provide a crucial, irreplaceable perspective on the shifting archetypal dynamics of life.

In this sense, even when the correlations observed involve the gravest and darkest matters, the archetypal astrological perspective points to the possibility of an unexpected liberation from certain otherwise im- placably confining conditions. This emancipatory potential has three different interrelated elements:

First, by providing nuanced, clarifying insight into which archetypal complexes are likely to be constellated in an individual or a society and when, such a perspective can open up a new potential for critical reflec- tion and self-awareness—a new possibility of transcending one’s uncons- cious immersion in the moment, and thus a crucial degree of autonomy in relation to the powerful forces at work in the individual and collec- tive psyche.

Second, such ongoing insight provides one with an edifying sense of the relativity of every state of being in which one finds oneself, whether a state of mind, a stage of life, or an historical epoch: “This too shall pass”—both the grievous and the glorious—and however persuasive the current archetypal gestalt appears to be, it is not the whole story.

Finally, apart from the particulars of the planetary and archetypal pat- terning, the very recognition that such correlations exist at all, and that they continue to exist with such extraordinary consistency and elegant complexity, can nurture a profound awareness of the human condition as one of embeddedness and creative participation in a living cosmos of un- folding meaning and purpose.

From Richard Tarnas, Cosmos and Psyche “Opening New Horizons” YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY

.A. JUG .A. - .A. (1/1 - 1/22, 6/22 - 7/20, 10/29 - 11/26) During this period PLUTO is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal SATURN. This is a time when you may feel that you have outgrown something you have come to depend on for safety and security. There are certain aspects of your sense of individuality and the mask or persona you present to the world which have become unnecessary, perhaps even a burden. It is possible that increasing ambition or desire to be effective can now release you from fears of failing, if they are present. One way to understand this time is to imagine that a higher Will (or the will of your higher Self) is seeking to use you, and whatever fears or defenses which are no longer necessary to you but which are obstructing that Will can be dropped. How can you cooperate with this process? What is it that this higher Will appears to wish? [Sequence lasts from APR 14 until NOV 15.]

Affirmation: I am my essential Self, using form and structure but not letting it imprison me.

Visualization: Imagine yourself to be a seed, lying in the ground as the earth warms during the early Spring. Visualize the life energies of the Sun and the moisture in the earth being absorbed within your core, bringing the urge for release. Let yourself will these energies to gently penetrate the shell surrounding you until it drops away.

Seed Thought: "A lobster outgrowing and shedding its shell: why, and what makes it happen?"

JUG Cycle History: Emergence (45°): Nov 82 - Sep 83 Organizing (60°): Nov 88 - Sep 89 Test; crisis (90°): Feb 00 - Oct 01

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .B. IRC (1/1 - 1/29) During this period NEPTUNE will be SQUARE to your natal MERCURY. The .B. - .B. principles of idealism and selflessness are demanding expression through your thinking and communications. Now is a time to use your mind in imag- inative ways. This is not the best time for rigorous and logical thinking. You are better off thinking and communicating about unity and ideals, rather than analyzing or restricting yourself to only practical considerations. While you are likely to be very open (or at least should try to be) with regard to your thoughts, you may lack a sense of consistent or solid structure for your ideas or in your communications with others. As a result, it is easier for confusion or misunderstandings to occur. Try to be clear. The challenge now is not to hold on too tightly to what you knew or thought was right, yet at the same time to make your way through this time of transition trusting your ability to assimilate a broader perspective. You may be open now as a channel communicating intuitive wisdom or be telepathically sensitive to others’ thoughts. [Sequence lasts from MAR 14 until JAN 15.]

Affirmation: I am open to the inspiration of the Universal Mind.

Visualization: See your mind and the way you think about the world in the form of a book. Imagine that you go to open the book to look up something and find it completely blank. You realize that you can now write anything you want into this book. What would you like to put in it?

Seed Thought: "The gift of Uncertainty"

IRC Cycle History: Emergence (45°): Apr93-Nov94 Organizing (60°): Apr00-Nov01

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .C. JUMN (1/4 - 2/1, 6/8 - 7/6, 11/9 - 12/7) During this period PLUTO is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal MIDHEAVEN. This could be a time in which you cut through worn-out habits which have grown comfortable for you. There is an opportunity now to make your life ex- pression more accurately reflect your true Self. Your home or career life could .C. - .C. provide you with a chance to drop pretenses and to be willing to be yourself Ð honestly and without fear. This is a good time to pursue your life goals and ambitions. You have the ability now to make significant changes in your life; your personality can be expressive of greater power and influence. A good time for a thorough housecleaning. [Sequence lasts from JAN 15 until DEC 15.]

Affirmation: I honor that which is most sacred in me.

Visualization: Imagine being a link in a large chain. Even though the purpose of the whole chain may be unknown to you, you feel instilled with a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to carry out your individual role. Part of this sense of commitment is in your belief in the sacredness of what you are doing, but you can also sense that your commitment comes through you from the chain as a whole, of which you are a part.

Seed Thought: "Not my will, but Thine."

JUMN Cycle History: Climax; reversal (180°): Nov 88 - Sep 89 Refinement (210°): Dec 00 - Oct 01 Reorientation (225°): Feb 07 - Oct 08

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .D. FRH (1/16 - 1/26, 6/6 - 6/16) During this period JUPITER is forming a 90° SQUARE to your natal URANUS. This combination suggests a time in which you feel a need to make break- throughs which offer you greater freedom. Changing circumstances may offer you what you need even though they may seem to upset your plans at first. You can have insights into the kinds of changes or new areas for exploration .D. - .D. which will best suit your growth. At times like this many have noticed a sudden liberation from burdens or limitations. Trust your intuition, and be open to sud- den understandings which can free you from the limits of your old perspective. Not likely to be the most stable of times. [Sequence lasts from OCT 14 until JUN 15.]

Affirmation: I trust my own Truth and it will set me free.

Visualization: Visualize an open door, leading out through a wall. You have been behind this wall all your life.

Seed Thought: "Joyful freedom"

FRH Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Mar 06 - Oct 06 Emergence (45°): Jan 08 Organizing (60°): Mar 08 - Nov 08 Test; crisis (90°): Mar 09 - Nov 09 Opportunity (120°): Apr10 Moving out (135°): Jul 10 - Feb 11 Adjustment (150°): Apr11 Climax; reversal (180°): Apr12 Refinement (210°): May 13 Reorientation (225°): Jul 13 Opportunity (240°): Oct 13 - May 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .E. JSD (1/17 - 2/14, 5/24 - 6/21, 11/21 - 12/19) During this period PLUTO is forming a 60° SEXTILE to your natal VENUS. This could be a time in which you cut through worn-out habits which have grown comfortable for you. There is an opportunity now to make your values more accurately reflect your true Self. An existing or a new relationship could pro- vide you with a chance to drop pretenses and to be willing to be yourself Ð honestly and without fear. This is a good time for your attitudes and behav- iors in intimate situations to become more authentic, as you let go of games or faades. This could represent an opportunity for a deeper self-acceptance, .E. - .E. if you want it. It may be possible now to free yourself from addictive desires which you felt were necessary to validate your self-worth. Whatever the cir- cumstances, your heart is probably trying to open as your resistance to love is brought to the surface for healing. [Sequence lasts from JAN 15 until SEP 16.]

Affirmation: I attract those who respond to my deepest motivations.

Visualization: Imagine an intensification of your love•nature, so that there is pouring through you a stream of harmonizing, attractive energies, copper in color. As this stream of energies passes through you and to others whom you attract, impurities are cleansed and removed from your personality, allowing you to love purely from your deepest Self.

Seed Thought: "You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you NEED."

JSD Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Dec 88 - Sep 89 Emergence (45°): Feb 07 - Oct 08

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .F. FSJ (1/17 - 1/27, 6/5 - 6/15) During this period JUPITER is forming a 60° SEXTILE to your natal PLUTO. The principles of expansion and vision can easily blend with your transforma- tive activities and need for influence. At this time you may find opportunity to make the world or your relationships conform to your plans or ideals. You will probably find yourself possessing a great deal of energy which can be used for long-term or demanding projects. If you feel overwhelmed or tense make sure you are taking care of yourself physically and allowing some rest. Can you see now how your goals relate to a larger process, perhaps to a social movement or higher purpose? You can express something now which can influence or .F. - .F. change others. This is a good time for any kind of therapy, renewal, or renova- tion. You may now benefit from your present or earlier efforts to transform or heal yourself. [Sequence lasts from OCT 14 until JUN 15.]

Affirmation: I flow with the Will of my deeper Self.

Visualization: Imagine you are in a play and that the goals and ambitions which you are now pursuing are part of your character’s script. You have no personal attachment to how they turn out, knowing that as the one who is acting, all you need do is to play your role.

Seed Thought: "Detachment"

FSJ Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Jan 05 - Sep 05 Emergence (45°): Dec 06 Organizing (60°): Mar 07 - Oct 07 Test; crisis (90°): Mar 08 - Nov 08 Opportunity (120°): Mar 09 - Nov 09 Moving out (135°): Feb 10 Adjustment (150°): Apr10 Climax; reversal (180°): Apr11 Refinement (210°): Apr12 Reorientation (225°): Jun 12 Opportunity (240°): May 13 Test; crisis (270°): Oct 13 - May 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .G. FUI (1/21 - 1/31, 6/2 - 6/12) JUPITER is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal NEPTUNE. This can be a pos- itive time for expressing your ideals, as well as for realizing your participation in a larger whole. It is possible that growth or expansion now can lead you into a transitional period in which you lack clarity. For some this may take the form of a spiritual or peak experience. It is also easy to let this opportunity pass in a daze. A good time for using your imagination, you may find guidance available to you through dreams or imagery. It is likely that the benefits of this time can be found in states of relative unconsciousness or in the spaces of uncertainty or emptiness within your life. You are probably open now to subtle influences within your environment, so shared experiences with others that can nourish your higher aspirations or goals are recommended. [Sequence lasts from OCT 14 until JUN 15.] .G. - .G.

Affirmation: I see how it can be.

Visualization: Imagine being able to leave your body and to go to the Place where the Plan is kept which shows the design for life on Earth. This Plan has little to do with material limitations, but shows the ideal forms which we are only learning to approximate. See yourself as a bridge between this Plan and your daily life on Earth.

Seed Thought: "The greatest good for the greatest number."

FUI Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Mar 07 - Oct 07 Emergence (45°): Jan 09 Organizing (60°): Mar 09 - Nov 09 Test; crisis (90°): Apr10 Opportunity (120°): Apr11 Moving out (135°): Jun 11 - Feb 12 Adjustment (150°): Apr12 Climax; reversal (180°): May 13 Refinement (210°): Oct 13 - May 14 Reorientation (225°): Aug 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .H. HTG (1/27 - 2/16) During this period URANUS is forming a 150° QUINCUNX your natal SAT- URN. You may be clarifying how stable and set your present life structure will be. Something new may be trying to break through your defenses of habit. It might even happen suddenly or unexpectedly. This is not the time to try and cling to the known and what is safe. You may feel insecure because there is an instability about this period. But if you can trust that change can work for you, you may even feel excitement about the potential for freedom now beginning. Try to be flexible and to avoid becoming rigid or defensive. There is probably room for experimentation or for greater freedom. You may be liberated from an old limitation or fear. [Sequence lasts from APR 14 until FEB 15.]

Affirmation: I am adapting to life’s surprises and my own unfoldment. .H. - .H. Visualization: Imagine you are a nerve cell in the brain. You have gradually developed your own cellular identity and have a specific role to play. You have become used to this role and the habitual routine of your existence. Now a sudden nerve impulse is sending a high vibration of electrical energy through you. Try to stay with the awareness that this en• ergy is making it necessary for you to change your routines, even your sense of permanence.

Seed Thought: "Times change"

HTG Cycle History: Test; crisis (90°): Mar 84 - Sep 85 Opportunity (120°): Apr91-Oct92 Moving out (135°): Mar 95 - Dec 95 Adjustment (150°): May 98 - Dec 99 Climax; reversal (180°): May 06 - Feb 07

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .I. FPB (1/30 - 2/9, 5/25 - 6/4) JUPITER is CROSSING your natal MOON. This could be an emotionally up- lifting time for you. You can feel good about yourself, and your innermost needs for belonging and nurturance are likely to be stimulated. This could degenerate into a passive waiting or expecting to be taken care of, or you may be inclined to offer support and nurturance to others. Your relationships with women may be particularly helpful or nurturing at this time. This is a good time to let your inner Child play. If you feel dependent and cling-y, it may be that you have been denying that side of you. Let yourself heal, and allow yourself to experience gratitude for what you have. Satisfaction or expansion can be yours as the Universe encourages your trusting. [Sequence lasts from OCT 14 until JUN 15.]

Affirmation: I am loved.

Visualization: Imagine a warm and giant hand cradling you, protecting you. Try to stay .I. - .I. with that image for a few moments. Feel a warm aura of light with you at all times, nourishing you and protecting you from negative influences.

Seed Thought: "Joy"

FPB Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Jun 03 Emergence (45°): Oct 04 Organizing (60°): Jan 05 - Aug 05 Test; crisis (90°): Jan 06 - Sep 06 Opportunity (120°): Feb 07 - Oct 07 Moving out (135°): Dec 07 Adjustment (150°): Mar 08 - Nov 08 Climax; reversal (180°): Mar 09 Refinement (210°): Mar 10 Reorientation (225°): Jun 10 - Feb 11 Opportunity (240°): Apr11 Test; crisis (270°): Apr12 Productivity (300°): Oct12-Apr13 Release; let go (315°): Jul 13

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .J. HTD (2/12 - 3/4) During this period URANUS is forming a 150° QUINCUNX to your natal VENUS. The principles of freedom and originality are seeking to be expressed through your love relationships, values and sense of self-worth. This is a time of adjust- ment in which you should look for ways to incorporate your own individuality and uniqueness into your relationships and your values. You may be feeling a need for more freedom or experimentation in your close relationships, or if you are in a relationship your partner may be expressing a desire for these. Either way, now is the time for possibly changing your attitude toward your sense of self-worth and intimacy. It may be possible now to free yourself from addictive desires which you felt were necessary to validate your self-worth. [Sequence lasts from MAY 14 until MAR 15.]

Affirmation: All the value I see in anything comes only from within myself.

Visualization: Visualize your innermost Heart (not necessarily your physical one). Imag• ine a door in your Heart opening. Emerging from it you see a Wise and Loving Person, One who knows you completely. Listen as s/he tells you what you need to know at this .J. - .J. time in order for you to be true to yourself.

Seed Thought: "Detachment"

HTD Cycle History: Emergence (45°): Feb 88 - Nov 88 Organizing (60°): Apr91-Nov92 Test; crisis (90°): May 98 - Dec 99 Opportunity (120°): Jun 06 - Dec 07 Moving out (135°): May 10 - Mar 11

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .K. FRD (2/20 - 3/2, 5/5 - 5/15) JUPITER is forming a 90° SQUARE to your natal VENUS. This is a period in which you are likely to crave pleasure, approval or intimate love. Your sense of self-worth can be high, in fact possibly even inflated. Look for and appre- ciate beauty in yourself and others. This could be a good time for artistic expression, though you may be feeling quite lazy. Your desire for comfort and ease may cost you an opportunity. It is easy to overdo at this time, particu- larly where romance or finances are concerned. There is nothing wrong with enjoying what’s offered, as long as you are willing to pay the price tomorrow. [Sequence lasts from SEP 14 until MAY 15.]

Affirmation: My value does not depend upon how others see me, but comes from within me.

Visualization: For the visualization, listen to music which uplifts you or makes you feel good. Relax with your eyes closed while you listen, and allow the music to stimulate imagery.

Seed Thought: "What is my worth based on?"

FRD Cycle History: .K. - .K. Origin; birth (0°): Jan 06 - Sep 06 Emergence (45°): Dec 07 Organizing (60°): Feb 08 - Oct 08 Test; crisis (90°): Mar 09 Opportunity (120°): Mar 10 Moving out (135°): Jun 10 - Jan 11 Adjustment (150°): Mar 11 Climax; reversal (180°): Apr12 Refinement (210°): Sep 12 - Apr 13 Reorientation (225°): Jun 13 Opportunity (240°): Sep 13 - Apr 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .L. ITF (2/22 - 3/22, 8/12 - 9/9, 12/26 - JAN) During this period NEPTUNE is forming a 150° QUINCUNX to your natal JUPITER. The principles of faith, expansion and vision are being infused by compassion and inclusiveness. Your plans and goals can now be opened up to a more inclusive perspective, while your intuition and imagination are fertile and can stimulate your receptivity to creative or spiritual impressions. You may feel drawn to commit yourself to being of greater service to others. It is quite possible that this period will bring uncertainty about your future, because your expectations are in transition and may need time to clarify. You also are more likely to be unrealistic/idealistic about the future, so remember to include the practical details in any plans. If escape is your preference, that can also be accomplished quite easily now as well. This is a good time for experiencing the Truth contained in religious or philosophical teachings, behind the words and symbols. [Sequence lasts from FEB 15 until JAN 16.]

Affirmation: I hear the quiet voice of direction in my heart.

Visualization: Imagine you are sitting with Mother Teresa in a hospice in Calcutta. Around you are many who are dying, being given care, love and support by Mother Teresa’s co•workers. You can see a calm and loving acceptance in her eyes. Imagine telling her your plans and goals for your life. .L. - .L.

Seed Thought: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for"

ITF Cycle History: Moving out (135°): Mar 80 - Nov 81 Adjustment (150°): Apr87-Nov88 Climax; reversal (180°): Mar 01 - Nov 02

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .M. FRMN (2/24 - 3/6, 5/1 - 5/11) JUPITER is forming a 90° SQUARE to your natal MIDHEAVEN. The principles of expansion and opportunity are needing to be included in your individual life direction. This may bring recognition or promotion. It is a good time to ad- vance your aims in the outer world, while at the same time things may look positive in your private personal life. The only difficulty may be that you could be feeling overwhelmed and need to set limits. Sometimes this comes at a time when there is more than one possibility and it is difficult to choose. As a result, you may try to hold on to all or spread yourself too thin. This is a time to be confident yet not arrogant. Don’t let the natural optimism of this time blind you to necessary limits or the future implications of your decisions. You may need to re-evaluate some of the goals you have been pursuing (especially professionally). [Sequence lasts from SEP 14 until MAY 15.]

Affirmation: I confidently move ahead, yet remain aware of the long•term perspective.

Visualization: Visualize two doors, leading out in different directions through a wall. Be aware that each could lead to a reward for you, but that you can only take one. Experience what it is like to have to make this choice, and then choose one and go through. What do you find there?

Seed Thought: "I see the goal. I reach that goal and see another." .M. - .M. FRMN Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Apr12 Emergence (45°): Jun 13 Organizing (60°): Sep 13 - Apr 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .N. HUB (3/30 - 4/19, 10/26 - 11/15) During this period URANUS is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal MOON. This is a time in which you should look for ways to assimilate new experiences. You are likely to be called upon to adjust to changes in your life, though this is not likely to be stressful. These changes may be external or internal, mean- ing you could feel restless or a desire for stimulation. The playful inner Child, your instinctive knowing, and spontaneity can re-awaken now. New feelings may present themselves; are you receptive? Even physical changes may oc- cur at this time – for women sometimes pregnancy or childbirth. Often this symbolism represents a change of residence or within it. This is the time to experiment. [Sequence lasts from MAR 15 until FEB 16.]

Affirmation: I know instinctively how to respond to new experiences.

Visualization: Imagine waking and looking in a mirror, seeing someone there you do not recognize...

Seed Thought: "A new experience must be met with an open mind."

HUB Cycle History: Test; crisis (90°): Nov 78 - Aug 79 Opportunity (120°): Feb 85 - Nov 85 Moving out (135°): Apr88-Oct89 Adjustment (150°): Mar 92 - Dec 92 .N. - .N. Climax; reversal (180°): May 99 - Nov 00 Refinement (210°): Apr07-Feb08 Reorientation (225°): Jul 10 - Feb 12

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .O. HUI (4/20 - 5/10, 9/25 - 10/15) During this period URANUS is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal NEPTUNE. This is a difficult period to describe. It may bring no noticeable changes to some people, while for others it can represent an opportunity for spiritual de- velopment. Much would depend first of all on how important or meaningful transpersonal growth is to you. By that is meant the seeking of some goals which are beyond personal satisfaction. There is a natural rhythm at work here and it comes mainly through the new ideas and sudden unexpected sit- uations in your life. It is hard to know what to expect. If you are on a spiritual path, this is an optimal time to attune yourself to the global transformations taking place, rather than focusing only on your individual advancement. You may experience an awakening of a psychic sensitivity or your dreams may provide guidance. Your compassion or your ability to accept WHAT IS can be stimulated now. [Sequence lasts from APR 15 until MAR 16.]

Affirmation: I strive toward cooperation. Let the Master of my life Ñ the soul and the One I seek to serve Ñ pour Light through me to others.

Visualization: Imagine that your present circumstances have been arranged by your inner spiritual Teacher as a test of your ability to act with detachment. How are you doing? Are you handling it in a centered way, in the way you would choose to if you knew you were being observed?

Seed Thought: "Inspiration means ’being breathed into’."

HUI Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Mar 85 - Sep 86 .O. - .O. Emergence (45°): Mar 96 - Jan 97 Organizing (60°): May 99 - Dec 00 Test; crisis (90°): Jun 07 - Mar 08

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .P. HQJ (5/1 - 5/21, 9/12 - 10/2) During this period URANUS is OPPOSING your natal PLUTO. This is a diffi- cult period to describe. It may bring no noticeable changes to some people, while for others it can represent a breakthrough in spiritual development. Much would depend first of all on how important or meaningful transpersonal growth is to you. By that is meant the seeking of some goals which are beyond per- sonal satisfaction. There is a natural rhythm at work here and it comes mainly through the new ideas and sudden unexpected situations in your life. It is hard to know what to expect. If you are on a spiritual path, this is an optimal time to attune yourself to the global transformations taking place, rather than focusing only on your individual advancement. This period could represent an awak- ening of a commitment or a determination to carry out your plans, possibly through actions or surprises coming from someone in your life. [Sequence lasts from MAY 15 until MAR 16.]

Affirmation: I teach only love, for love is what I am.

Visualization: Imagine you are an antenna, receiving instructions from an extraplanetary source which can now help meet humanity’s needs.

Seed Thought: "Silence"

HQJ Cycle History: Emergence (45°): Feb 82 - Nov 82 Organizing (60°): Mar 85 - Oct 86 Test; crisis (90°): Apr92-Nov93 Opportunity (120°): May 99 - Jan 01 Moving out (135°): Jun 03 - Jan 05 Adjustment (150°): Jun 07 - Dec 08 .P. - .P.

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .Q. HTH (5/5 - 5/25, 9/7 - 9/27) .Q. - .Q. During this period URANUS is forming a 150° QUINCUNX to your natal URANUS. The principles of freedom and originality may need adjusting in your life. Its effects will depend upon how you have dealt with your need for independence and change. If you have followed your own authentic path and neither lived for others’ expectations nor reactively rebelled this can be a time of confirmation of your unique worth and originality. On the other hand, if you have avoided change and stifled your unique qualities, this may be a time of unexpected reversals or extreme restlessness. Take a look at how you are using your inventive and creative abilities. Don’t deny them. What is awakening? [Sequence lasts from MAY 15 until MAR 16.]

Affirmation: I will let it happen.

Visualization: Imagine yourself as a river. Experience yourself flowing easily along, letting gravity take you between the riverbanks. Imagine you begin moving faster, feeling power and excitement. Suddenly you reach a sharp drop and turn into a poweful waterfall.

Seed Thought: "The Constructive Value of Inconsistency"

HTH Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Dec 78 - Oct 79 Emergence (45°): Feb 89 - Dec 89 Organizing (60°): Apr92-Nov93 Test; crisis (90°): Mar 00 - Jan 01 Opportunity (120°): Jun 07 - Dec 08 Moving out (135°): Jun 11 - Mar 12

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .R. FPmN (6/24 - 7/4) JUPITER is CROSSING your natal ASCENDANT. This represents a beginning .R. - .R. or birth in your life of a new vision or expectation. A good time for confident self-expression and risk-taking, your presence can now be magnified within your environment. This may refer to certain relationships, or to opportunities expanding your influence. Try to be aware of the seed of new possibilities which presents itself now. Trust in the Universe, in the rightness of Life, in yourself. Your confidence may be justified, but rose-colored glasses need to be removed from time to time for a reality check. You are encouraged to deal with others with trust, while still being aware of the need for discrimination and boundaries during this time of potential openness and generosity. [Sequence lasts from NOV 14 until JUL 15.]

Affirmation: I deserve the support of the Universe.

Visualization: Imagine having someone approach you with an offer to support you in the realization of your most desired goal. See them as being motivated by love and with your best interests at heart. Experience yourself as accepting, receiving, and deserving their help. Allow yourself to experience renewed faith and optimism.

Seed Thought: "Faith is the evidence of things not seen."

FPmN Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Jul 03 Emergence (45°): Oct 04 Organizing (60°): Sep 05 Test; crisis (90°): Oct 06 Opportunity (120°): Apr07-Nov07 Moving out (135°): Jan 08 Adjustment (150°): May 08 - Dec 08 Climax; reversal (180°): Apr09-Dec09 Refinement (210°): Apr10 Reorientation (225°): Feb 11 Opportunity (240°): May 11 Test; crisis (270°): May 12 Productivity (300°): May 13 Release; let go (315°): Jul 13

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .S. FUA (7/17 - 7/27) JUPITER is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal SUN. A good time for posi- tive or enthusiastic expression. This represents a time in which you may be able to foresee a new direction, one which may take some time to germinate. There is the possibility of receiving some recognition or support, especially if .S. - .S. you take the initiative. The energies of optimism or faith are in alignment with your sense of purpose, which can usually bring a sense of well-being, as if the Universe is supportive of your efforts to express your real self. This can also allow you to be a source of radiating goodwill for others, inspiring or teaching them through your example. [This occurs only one time during this cycle.]

Affirmation: I am loving•wisdom, which I express by being who I am.

Visualization: Visualize yourself as a radiant source of loving healing and see your healing energies flowing outward from you to the world, bringing warmth and upliftment to all who are in need.

Seed Thought: "If I completely trusted myself, I would . . ."

FUA Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Dec 07 Emergence (45°): Feb 09 Organizing (60°): Jun 09 - Jan 10 Test; crisis (90°): May 10 - Jan 11 Opportunity (120°): May 11 Moving out (135°): Sep 11 - Mar 12 Adjustment (150°): May 12 Climax; reversal (180°): Jun 13 Refinement (210°): Jul 14 Reorientation (225°): Sep 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .T. FUE (8/23 - 9/2) JUPITER is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal MARS. The principles of ex- pansion and faith can blend easily with your initiative and expression. This is an opportunity to use your energies to express outwardly your ideals and expectations. You can feel good about what you are doing now, and should be able to find support for your choices. Enthusiasm and optimism can help you .T. - .T. now, as long as you remain aware of necessary limits or obligations. This is one of the best times you will have for taking the initiative and risking expres- sion of something important to you. Try to act from the broadest point of view as you take advantage of the opportunities presented by your desires being in harmony with the Universe. You can also make choices now that can pave the way for future successes. [This occurs only one time during this cycle.]

Affirmation: I am confident and trust myself in my choices and actions.

Visualization: Imagine what it feels like to sky•dive – to jump from a plane thousands of feet above the ground and to have your parachute open, allowing you to float gently to the ground.

Seed Thought: "Goal•fitness"

FUE Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Jan 08 Emergence (45°): Apr09-Nov09 Organizing (60°): Feb 10 Test; crisis (90°): Jul 10 - Feb 11 Opportunity (120°): Jul 11 - Feb 12 Moving out (135°): Apr12 Adjustment (150°): Jul 12 Climax; reversal (180°): Jul 13 Refinement (210°): Aug 14 Reorientation (225°): Oct 14 - Jun 15

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .U. FRC (8/29 - 9/8) JUPITER is forming a 90° SQUARE to your natal MERCURY. Your mind is ready to grow now. By expanding what you know, as well as the range of con- tacts you have through communication, you are gaining a broader perspective which can give greater meaning to what you think. You may be thinking about your future now, considering possibilities. As a result, you may have to push beyond outdated ideas of which you had been sure, or your familiar circle of contacts, if you are to continue to nurture the potential of this cycle. You may not be very accurate or precise now, because this is really a time when .U. - .U. expansion and assimilation matter more than clarity or definition. Problems may arise if you don’t know when to set limits on your mental activity or your speech. Try to consider the broader perspective, rather than the details. Be careful of the tendency to promise too much or to exaggerate. [This occurs only one time during this cycle.]

Affirmation: I am free to learn because no one absolutely knows anything.

Visualization: See yourself as a child. Imagine that you are starting school. Be aware of how little you know, and how interested and excited you are about being able to learn.

Seed Thought: "I have a mind, but I am not my mind."

FRC Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Dec 06 Emergence (45°): Apr08-Nov08 Organizing (60°): Jan 09 Test; crisis (90°): Feb 10 Opportunity (120°): Feb 11 Moving out (135°): Apr11 Adjustment (150°): Jul 11 - Feb 12 Climax; reversal (180°): Jul 12 - Feb 13 Refinement (210°): Jul 13 Reorientation (225°): Nov 13 - Jun 14 Opportunity (240°): Aug 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .V. FPG (10/6 - 10/16) JUPITER is CROSSING your natal SATURN. This represents an important time in which the desire for expansion and freedom can infuse your need for structure, security and limits. You may be facing decisions which ask you to decide upon the balance in your life between playing it safe and risking growth. An opportunity to express your potentials may be evoking fear. You can now expand the boundaries within which your life has been contained. You may feel more identified with the urge to expand or with the desire to preserve the status quo. Some people respond at this time by focusing upon material needs and solidifying their social or professional status. Others feel a need to break .V. - .V. free of responsibilities and restrictions. [Sequence lasts from OCT 15 until MAY 16.]

Affirmation: I am balanced and stable.

Visualization: Imagine being a seed which has just opened within the ground during the spring. Feel the life growing within you and your need for the light of the Sun and fresh air. Experience that inner urge drawing you outward and upward, pushing you against the crust of the earth, until you break through into the light and the air.

Seed Thought: "I tread the way which leads between the pairs of opposites."

FPG Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Jul 04 Emergence (45°): Oct 05 Organizing (60°): Jan 06 - Sep 06 Test; crisis (90°): Jan 07 - Sep 07 Opportunity (120°): Feb 08 - Oct 08 Moving out (135°): Dec 08 Adjustment (150°): Mar 09 Climax; reversal (180°): Mar 10 Refinement (210°): Mar 11 Reorientation (225°): May 11 Opportunity (240°): Apr12 Test; crisis (270°): Aug12-Apr13 Productivity (300°): Sep 13 - Apr 14 Release; let go (315°): Jul 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .W. FUMN (10/7 - 10/17) JUPITER is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal MIDHEAVEN. This may bring recognition or promotion. A good time to advance your aims in the outer world, while at the same time things may look positive in your private personal life. This can be a period in which you are able to effectively integrate your aspira- tions or vision with your worldly role, if you want to. An attitude of trust or faith can help you take advantage of what could be called a ’cosmic alignment’, a time in which your individual and most authentic purpose should be in har- mony with outer circumstances. The role you feel called upon to play within your environment may become clearer to you now, or you may progress now in the achievement of that role. [Sequence lasts from OCT 15 until JUN 16.]

Affirmation: I confidently move ahead, yet remain aware of the long•term perspective.

Visualization: Visualize two doors, leading out in different directions through a wall. Be .W. - .W. aware that each could lead to a reward for you, but that you can only take one. Experience what it is like to have to make this choice, and then choose one and go through. What do you find there?

Seed Thought: "I see the goal. I reach that goal and see another."

FUMN Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Apr12 Emergence (45°): Jun 13 Organizing (60°): Sep 13 - Apr 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .X. FSD (10/9 - 10/19) JUPITER is SEXTILE (60°) to your natal VENUS. The principles of expansion and vision can infuse your values and sense of self-worth. This is a period in which you are likely to find pleasure, approval or intimate love. Your sense of self-worth can be high, in fact possibly even inflated. Look for and appreciate beauty in yourself and others. This could be a good time for artistic expression, though you may be feeling quite lazy. It is easy to overdo at this time, particu- larly where romance or finances are concerned. There is nothing wrong with enjoying what’s offered, as long as you are willing to pay the price tomorrow. Let yourself radiate love or well-being. Others will probably respond by being attracted to you. [Sequence lasts from OCT 15 until JUN 16.]

Affirmation: My valuedoes not depend upon how others see me, but comes from within me. .X. - .X. Visualization: For the visualization, listen to music which uplifts you or makes you feel good. Relax with your eyes closed while you listen, and allow the music to stimulate imagery.

Seed Thought: "What is my worth based on?"

FSD Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Jan 06 - Sep 06 Emergence (45°): Dec 07 Organizing (60°): Feb 08 - Oct 08 Test; crisis (90°): Mar 09 Opportunity (120°): Mar 10 Moving out (135°): Jun 10 - Jan 11 Adjustment (150°): Mar 11 Climax; reversal (180°): Apr12 Refinement (210°): Sep 12 - Apr 13 Reorientation (225°): Jun 13 Opportunity (240°): Sep 13 - Apr 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .Y. FRI (10/31 - 11/10) JUPITER is forming a 90° SQUARE your natal NEPTUNE. This can be a time for expressing your ideals, as well as for realizing your participation in a larger whole. It is possible that growth or expansion now can lead you into a transi- tional period in which you lack clarity. For some this may take the form of a spiritual or peak experience. It is also easy to be unrealistic now. A good time for using your imagination productively. The part of you which seeks an expe- rience of escape or transcendence of everyday life needs expansion; you may soar, but remember to keep your feet on the ground. It is easy at a time like this to be misled by your idealism, to believe what you want to believe without checking the facts or listening to others. [Sequence lasts from OCT 15 until JUL 16.]

Affirmation: I see how it can be.

Visualization: Imagine being able to leave your body and to go to the Place where the Plan is kept which shows the design for life on Earth. This Plan has little to do with material limitations, but shows the ideal forms which we are only learning to approximate. See yourself as a bridge between this Plan and your daily life on Earth. .Y. - .Y. Seed Thought: "The greatest good for the greatest number."

FRI Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Mar 07 - Oct 07 Emergence (45°): Jan 09 Organizing (60°): Mar 09 - Nov 09 Test; crisis (90°): Apr10 Opportunity (120°): Apr11 Moving out (135°): Jun 11 - Feb 12 Adjustment (150°): Apr12 Climax; reversal (180°): May 13 Refinement (210°): Oct 13 - May 14 Reorientation (225°): Aug 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .Z. FSH (11/5 - 11/15) During this period JUPITER is forming a 60° SEXTILE to your natal URANUS. The principles of expansion and vision can be expressed through your urge for independence and innovation. This combination suggests a time in which you are free to make breakthroughs which offer you greater freedom. Change should come easily now as circumstances seem to offer you what you need and you can have insights into the kinds of changes or new areas for explo- ration which will best suit your growth. If you have been considering exper- imenting or moving out beyond your present safe limits, there will not be a better (more supportive) time for you to try. You may still need to take the ini- tiative, rather than sitting back and waiting. Trust your intuition, and be open to sudden understandings which can free you from the limits of your old perspec- tive. If possible, study subjects like astrology, metaphysics, or even computers or radio/television communications. An excellent time for travel. [Sequence lasts from NOV 15 until JUL 16.]

Affirmation: I trust my own Truth and it will set me free.

.Z. - .Z. Visualization: Visualize an open door, leading out through a wall. You have been behind this wall all your life.

Seed Thought: "Joyful freedom"

FSH Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Mar 06 - Oct 06 Emergence (45°): Jan 08 Organizing (60°): Mar 08 - Nov 08 Test; crisis (90°): Mar 09 - Nov 09 Opportunity (120°): Apr10 Moving out (135°): Jul 10 - Feb 11 Adjustment (150°): Apr11 Climax; reversal (180°): Apr12 Refinement (210°): May 13 Reorientation (225°): Jul 13 Opportunity (240°): Oct 13 - May 14

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .a. GPC (11/9 - 11/19) During this period SATURN will be CONJUNCT (0°) your natal MERCURY. This is a time in which your thinking, perceptions, and communications are of importance. You must work hard to give some kind of tangible structure or form to your thoughts. To be aligned with the meaning of this time, you would do best to be focusing or concentrating upon a limited field of mental activity. It is a good time for study or intensive writing or communicating, though you may find it demanding. You may find yourself feeling blocked or resisted in your attempts to get your ideas across. This is not something to become an- gry or defeated about, only the Universe’s way of asking you to work harder. Patience and persistence are called for. [This occurs only one time during this cycle.]

Affirmation: My mind is focused and productive.

Visualization: Picture a field of fireflies. Imagine going into that field and gathering dozens of fireflies, even though it may take considerable time and effort. When you fin• ish, you have a container filled with fireflies, giving off an illumination as bright as a small sun.

Seed Thought: "Concentration"

GPC Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Oct 86 Emergence (45°): Feb 90 - Nov 90 .a. - .a. Organizing (60°): Apr 91 - Jan 92 Test; crisis (90°): Mar 94 - Dec 94 Opportunity (120°): Jun 96 - Feb 97 Moving out (135°): Aug 97 - Mar 98 Adjustment (150°): Apr99 Climax; reversal (180°): Jun 01 Refinement (210°): Jul 03 Reorientation (225°): Aug04-Apr05 Opportunity (240°): Sep 05 - May 06 Test; crisis (270°): Oct 07 - Jul 08 Productivity (300°): Sep 10 Release; let go (315°): Oct 11

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY .b. GUF (11/25 - 12/5) During this period SATURN is forming a 120° TRINE to your natal JUPITER. The principles of limitation and definition can productively combine with your vision and desire for expansion. At this time you can accept certain limita- tions upon your desire to expand in order to realize a tangible expression of something important to you. You are asked to balance between risk-taking and consolidation, and it is likely that if you are not easily patient or disciplined that you will feel restricted or restless. You might now see how you must give up some of your future possibilities if you are to actualize one of them. This is an opportunity to do something tangible with your ideals or goals if you have patience and discipline. [This occurs only one time during this cycle.]

Affirmation: I accept limits which can help me realize my potential.

Visualization: Visualize a vast expanse of beautiful prairie, flowing as far you can see. . . Then imagine that you can see this land being divided into farm•sized sections by fences. . . Be aware of your reactions to having the fences placed there. . . Now watch your reactions as you realize that the addition of these fences allows you to live on your own section of this land with a view of it all.

.b. - .b. Seed Thought: "Temperance" GUF Cycle History: Origin; birth (0°): Sep 05 - Jun 06 Emergence (45°): Sep 09 Organizing (60°): Oct 10 Test; crisis (90°): Dec 12 - Sep 13

Katie Holmes January 2015 -- December 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes JANUARY – DECEMBER 2015

Here in the Appendix you will find the numbers which make up your colors and summaries.

For each month of your calendar, the favorable/challenging ratings, as well as the busy/quiet numbers, are shown for every day and each planet/ angle. With these, you can gain a greater insight into the details that make up your Cosmic Window and your year.

Note that part of the formula which determines your ease and stress values is based upon an analysis of your birth chart. In doing this, I have taken into consideration the “condition” of your natal planets and angles. This means, for example, if you have a Saturn-Sun square in your birth chart, that your Sun is considered to have more difficulty with Saturn ac- tivity, and so when Saturn stresses your Sun, it receives a higher stress rating than would someone whose Sun was not in aspect to Saturn at birth.

In addition, if you had Saturn in a trine or sextile to the Sun at birth you would receive a lower than normal negative rating when Saturn stresses your Sun, because the trine or sextile is taken to mean that you are more attuned to or comfortable with Saturn-Sun aspects.

Also in calculating your calendar, any aspect that occurs before 6 AM is at- tributed to the previous day in making our color evaluations, assuming its “influence” is more relevant the prior day than it would be after the exact aspect has already occurred during the early morning.

These numbers are provided for those of you who enjoy such things, and this data is in no way needed for you to get the greatest benefit from your Cosmic Window. Numbers for the left brain; colors for the right brain.

Your feedback and suggestions are most welcome.

Philip Levine [email protected]

Appendix - 1 Symbol Key — Zodiac Signs — a Aries Initiating, arising, pushing b Taurus Solidifying, concentrating, persisting c Gemini Connecting, thinking, communicating d Cancer Nurturing, protecting, containing e Leo Showing, shining, exposing f Virgo Refining, perfecting,analyzing g Libra Balancing, sharing, harmonizing h Scorpio Struggling, healing, transforming i Sagittarius Aiming, aspiring, promoting j Capricorn Achieving, structuring, conserving k Aquarius Inventing, reforming, knowing l Pisces Imagining, devoting, escaping — Personal Points — A Sun Purpose, integrity, will-to-be B Moon Receptivity, feelings, containment C Mercury Thought, speech, journeys D Venus Love, appreciation, values E Mars Assertion, initiative, passion F Jupiter Aspiration, idealism, vision G Saturn Limitation, stability, effort H Uranus Breakthroughs, freedom, change I Neptune Fantasy, imagination, illusion J Pluto Control, de-structuring, intensity K North Node Progressive growth L South Node Habitual patterns AC Ascendant Self in relation to others MC Midheaven Individuality in social role — Aspects — P Conjunct (0°) Combining, blending V Semisquare (45°) Motivating, emerging S Sextile (60°) Harmonizing, assisting R Square (90°) Challenging, conflicting, choosing U Trine (120°) Harmonizing, releasing W Sesquisquare (135°) Seeking outlets, stressing T Quincunx (150°) Disrupting, needing attention Q Opposite (180°) Opposing, balancing, separating APPENDIX Katie Holmes JANUARY 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days JAN 30 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days JAN 2 (–4) ✩ Your Busiest Days JAN 21,27 (28) ✩ Your Quietest Days JAN 3 (9) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet VENUS (110) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet MERCURY (–176) ✩ Your Busiest Planet SATURN (235) ✩ Your Quietest Planet JUPITER (33)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 –1 10 A 1 39 2 –4 17 B 26 58 3 –3 9 C –176 221 4 9 20 D 110 129 5 2 10 E 1 39 6 4 12 F 12 33 7 5 21 G 74 235 8 6 20 59 9 5 16 H –37 10 0 12 I 84 115 J 85 122 11 4 13 12 6 13 AC 2 25 13 5 11 MC 188 199 14 –2 17 15 1 11 16 2 13 17 13 22 18 15 25 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 5 21 Net Total of +/-: 152 20 5 20 21 11 28 Active Total: 576 22 11 24 YEAR TOTALS 23 4 22 24 11 24 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 11 24 Active Total: 4320 26 6 20 27 –2 28 28 1 20 29 –3 27 30 16 27 31 8 20

Appendix: JANUARY 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes FEBRUARY 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days FEB 1 (8) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days FEB 23,24 (–9) ✩ Your Busiest Days FEB 7 (27) ✩ Your Quietest Days FEB 18,22 (6) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet MOON (100) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet SATURN (–156) ✩ Your Busiest Planet VENUS (242) ✩ Your Quietest Planet SUN (32)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 8 21 A –7 32 2 4 22 B 100 143 3 1 23 C 24 38 4 2 16 D 8 242 5 3 22 E –10 34 6 4 18 7 6 27 F 2 48 G –156 173 8 6 15 40 9 5 15 H –7 10 –3 14 I –2 42 11 –3 13 J –2 42 12 –2 12 AC –0 22 13 –3 16 MC 28 53 14 –4 10 15 –7 18 16 –7 9 17 –6 14 18 –2 6 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 –5 10 20 –4 9 Net Total of +/-: --41 21 0 13 Active Total: 396 22 –2 6 YEAR TOTALS 23 –9 14 24 –9 9 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 –5 14 Active Total: 4320 26 –2 14 27 –4 8 28 –4 11

Appendix: FEBRUARY 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes MARCH 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days MAR 30 (7) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days MAR 16 (–11) ✩ Your Busiest Days MAR 4 (18) ✩ Your Quietest Days MAR 11 (1) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet MOON (23) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet SATURN (–25) ✩ Your Busiest Planet JUPITER (87) ✩ Your Quietest Planet MERCURY (25)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 –6 8 A 4 47 2 0 16 B 23 67 3 –6 8 C 4 25 4 –2 18 D –15 82 5 –4 9 E –0 39 6 –1 7 7 1 9 F –21 87 G –25 43 8 –1 8 44 9 –2 8 H –12 10 1 12 I 7 53 11 –1 1 J –3 51 12 1 8 AC 16 30 13 0 2 MC 29 44 14 6 9 15 2 7 16 –11 13 17 –3 12 18 –1 6 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 –5 7 20 4 11 Net Total of +/-: --20 21 3 14 Active Total: 265 22 –1 4 YEAR TOTALS 23 –8 8 24 –1 8 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 –2 10 Active Total: 4320 26 1 7 27 1 6 28 4 8 29 –1 4 30 7 11 31 4 6

Appendix: MARCH 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes APRIL 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days APR 4,12 (8) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days APR 23 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days APR 6, 8,13,19,26 (15) ✩ Your Quietest Days APR 28,29 (4) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet MOON (168) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet URANUS (–27) ✩ Your Busiest Planet MOON (216) ✩ Your Quietest Planet VENUS (26)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 2 11 A 1 35 2 3 11 B 168 216 3 7 13 C 10 29 4 8 9 D 4 26 5 4 6 E 1 44 6 6 15 F 21 46 7 5 7 G –12 37 8 2 15 46 9 4 11 H –27 10 6 6 I 8 59 11 3 12 J –11 51 12 8 10 AC 18 32 13 1 15 MC 5 20 14 5 7 15 2 11 16 7 14 17 3 12 18 7 10 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 –1 15 Net Total of +/-: 67 20 –5 5 21 0 11 Active Total: 291 22 –3 5 YEAR TOTALS 23 –8 13 24 0 6 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 –3 7 Active Total: 4320 26 –1 15 27 3 5 28 –1 4 29 –2 4 30 4 7

Appendix: APRIL 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes MAY 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days MAY 29 (13) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days MAY 17 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days MAY 31 (21) ✩ Your Quietest Days MAY 2 (2) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet VENUS (72) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet URANUS (–108) ✩ Your Busiest Planet URANUS (130) ✩ Your Quietest Planet MERCURY (26)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 0 8 A –9 30 2 2 2 B 70 112 3 0 7 C –4 26 4 –1 7 D 72 93 5 –4 7 E –12 31 6 1 6 F 36 50 7 –3 9 G –10 36 8 –1 8 130 9 –5 7 H –108 I 23 61 10 –5 13 J 25 69 11 –2 6 12 –7 12 AC –5 28 13 –4 4 MC 31 53 14 –2 12 15 0 4 16 –4 7 17 –8 8 18 –5 8 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 –2 10 Net Total of +/-: 6 20 –1 11 21 –1 8 Active Total: 286 22 –3 5 YEAR TOTALS 23 2 14 24 2 6 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 6 16 Active Total: 4320 26 8 13 27 4 13 28 12 13 29 13 13 30 9 11 31 4 21

Appendix: MAY 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes JUNE 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days JUN 30 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days JUN (0) ✩ Your Busiest Days JUN 13 (24) ✩ Your Quietest Days JUN 23 (8) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet VENUS (149) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet URANUS (–44) ✩ Your Busiest Planet VENUS (159) ✩ Your Quietest Planet MERCURY (29)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 10 10 A –14 33 2 12 17 B 77 104 3 11 11 C 3 29 4 7 22 D 149 159 5 11 11 E –13 31 6 3 21 F 29 39 7 12 22 G 39 96 8 7 22 57 9 8 22 H –44 10 11 18 I 74 126 11 15 22 J 101 126 12 13 17 AC 96 106 13 6 24 MC 151 162 14 7 14 15 8 18 16 2 10 17 5 14 18 3 9 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 2 13 20 9 13 Net Total of +/-: 267 21 9 11 Active Total: 474 22 6 11 YEAR TOTALS 23 4 8 24 15 18 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 15 16 Active Total: 4320 26 13 19 27 5 20 28 11 11 29 11 16 30 16 16

Appendix: JUNE 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes JULY 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days JUL 1 (13) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days JUL 10 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days JUL 1 (25) ✩ Your Quietest Days JUL 28 (0) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet SATURN (133) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet MARS (–19) ✩ Your Busiest Planet SATURN (167) ✩ Your Quietest Planet MOON (27)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 13 25 A 130 165 2 10 14 B –10 27 3 9 18 C 10 29 4 11 20 D 19 37 5 7 9 E –19 37 6 5 20 F 25 39 7 4 7 G 133 167 8 3 10 44 9 7 9 H –3 10 –8 16 I 0 42 11 1 9 J –10 58 12 3 12 AC 79 89 13 2 6 MC 63 78 14 6 9 15 10 16 16 4 6 17 7 21 18 10 10 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 7 12 Net Total of +/-: 162 20 6 12 21 5 10 Active Total: 359 22 6 15 YEAR TOTALS 23 7 7 24 3 10 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 5 11 Active Total: 4320 26 9 9 27 5 12 28 0 0 29 2 7 30 –1 3 31 4 16

Appendix: JULY 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes AUGUST 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days AUG 24 (7) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days AUG 6 (–8) ✩ Your Busiest Days AUG 31 (16) ✩ Your Quietest Days AUG 7 (2) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet MARS (96) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet JUPITER (–22) ✩ Your Busiest Planet MARS (142) ✩ Your Quietest Planet VENUS (29)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 1 8 A 1 47 2 –2 7 B 0 31 3 –3 8 C –5 36 4 0 7 D 7 29 5 4 4 E 96 142 6 –8 10 F –22 73 7 –2 2 G –18 31 8 2 9 H –17 42 9 0 8 I 6 45 10 0 8 J 13 42 11 0 11 12 –1 4 AC 18 31 13 –1 9 MC 2 25 14 4 6 15 0 11 16 2 7 17 –4 5 18 3 10 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 5 7 Net Total of +/-: 28 20 –1 3 21 –1 12 Active Total: 272 22 3 5 YEAR TOTALS 23 4 11 24 7 11 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 6 9 Active Total: 4320 26 3 8 27 2 14 28 6 14 29 0 15 30 –2 14 31 –1 16

Appendix: AUGUST 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes SEPTEMBER 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days SEP 1 (8) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days SEP 4, 8 (–6) ✩ Your Busiest Days SEP 1 (17) ✩ Your Quietest Days SEP 16,21,23 (4) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet MARS (33) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet URANUS (–117) ✩ Your Busiest Planet URANUS (139) ✩ Your Quietest Planet VENUS (24)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 8 17 A –2 33 2 3 10 B –6 37 3 –5 12 C –4 41 4 –6 9 D 11 24 5 –2 10 E 33 72 6 0 14 F 2 61 7 –5 16 G –13 30 8 –6 6 139 9 –3 7 H –117 10 –2 12 I 10 58 11 0 6 J 26 64 12 –4 9 AC 8 27 13 –5 5 MC 11 23 14 1 5 15 2 7 16 –2 4 17 –5 8 18 1 5 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 0 11 Net Total of +/-: --46 20 2 8 21 0 4 Active Total: 258 22 –2 9 YEAR TOTALS 23 –2 4 24 –5 13 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 –1 5 Active Total: 4320 26 –4 9 27 –4 15 28 0 7 29 5 7 30 –5 7

Appendix: SEPTEMBER 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes OCTOBER 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days OCT 17 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days OCT 3,21 (–3) ✩ Your Busiest Days OCT 16,17 (17) ✩ Your Quietest Days OCT 5 (1) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet VENUS (149) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet URANUS (–5) ✩ Your Busiest Planet VENUS (160) ✩ Your Quietest Planet URANUS (34)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 4 11 A 3 40 2 1 13 B 61 88 3 –3 3 C 13 35 4 2 11 D 149 160 5 –1 1 E –3 51 6 1 5 F 27 41 7 6 12 G 32 84 8 6 8 34 9 10 15 H –5 10 10 14 I 9 68 J –0 43 11 13 16 12 11 16 AC 13 27 13 15 15 MC 118 130 14 7 16 15 11 13 16 6 17 17 16 17 18 11 11 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 6 11 Net Total of +/-: 161 20 3 3 21 –3 11 Active Total: 346 22 0 2 YEAR TOTALS 23 –2 13 24 –1 9 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 2 14 Active Total: 4320 26 6 6 27 –2 13 28 8 12 29 6 13 30 8 16 31 3 11

Appendix: OCTOBER 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes NOVEMBER 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days NOV 15,26 (15) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days NOV 20 (–1) ✩ Your Busiest Days NOV 15 (26) ✩ Your Quietest Days NOV 16 (8) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet SATURN (163) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet MERCURY (–37) ✩ Your Busiest Planet SATURN (202) ✩ Your Quietest Planet SUN (30)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 6 14 A –12 30 2 7 11 B 131 174 3 6 16 C –37 80 4 10 12 D 80 94 5 10 15 E –12 35 6 9 21 7 8 19 F 80 94 G 163 202 8 13 16 138 9 11 21 H 92 10 14 24 I –19 59 11 6 22 J –2 34 12 11 21 AC 5 27 13 14 25 MC 144 163 14 10 18 15 15 26 16 4 8 17 1 12 18 4 17 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 4 13 20 –1 15 Net Total of +/-: 266 21 10 13 Active Total: 511 22 12 19 YEAR TOTALS 23 12 14 24 4 19 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 14 20 Active Total: 4320 26 15 23 27 9 15 28 10 15 29 6 14 30 11 15

Appendix: NOVEMBER 2015 APPENDIX Katie Holmes DECEMBER 2015

✩ Your Most Favorable Days DEC 1 (16) ✩ Your Most Challenging Days DEC 21 (–6) ✩ Your Busiest Days DEC 1 (22) ✩ Your Quietest Days DEC 29,31 (3) ✩ Your Most Favorable Planet VENUS (145) ✩ Your Most Difficult Planet SATURN (–12) ✩ Your Busiest Planet VENUS (155) ✩ Your Quietest Planet MERCURY (17)

Day +/- Busy Planet +/- Busy 1 16 22 A 9 44 2 10 14 B 6 37 3 10 13 C 3 17 4 8 15 D 145 155 5 10 17 E –0 33 6 7 9 F 45 84 7 6 8 G –12 34 8 3 12 36 9 5 5 H –11 10 6 13 I 3 44 11 5 7 J 7 49 12 6 6 AC 20 30 13 4 8 MC 64 79 14 2 10 15 1 14 16 6 8 17 1 10 18 6 13 MONTHLY TOTALS 19 6 13 Net Total of +/-: 105 20 1 7 21 –6 8 Active Total: 286 22 –3 7 YEAR TOTALS 23 0 9 24 –3 4 Net Total of +/-: 1108 25 1 4 Active Total: 4320 26 –3 5 27 –2 5 28 5 11 29 –1 3 30 –1 6 31 –3 3


It’s easy to imagine that astrology arose as an answer to our very human instinct to seek a reliable and predictable order somewhere in our world as a relief from the constant onslaught of change we face every day. In earliest times this order would show in the regularity of the seasons, the alternation of day and night, and observed repetition of changing heavenly bodies, like the waxing and waning of the moon. We are the same today, even if most of us rarely consider astrology as such a source of dependable rhythm and order. We all have our rituals - the morning coffee, the weekly appointment, the favorite television show - that we rely on without neces- sarily considering what we’re doing and how we rely on that predictability. If we could stop thinking of it as “astrology,” with all its associated prejudices, foolish media portrayals and intellectual skepticism (or emotional total belief), and begin to consider the heavenly movements we take for granted (the Sun will come up every day, the planet Venus will be exactly where we expect it to be) as a great clock that never runs down (but it is), we might find the order we need. The cycle of repetition - whether of a planet reliably returning to its starting point with exactly the same length of time each and every time, or the New Moon alternat- ing with the Full Moon - is most useful when we understand not only its duration, but its structure. This article analyzes one way to deconstruct the cycle of motion through space that we witness in the changing faces of the moon. In doing so, we can clarify the different stages or phases of any cycle, including our own life cycle, which can give us a greater sense of order. This can greatly help us to live life with a reassuring feeling of participation in an orderly and therefore more secure process. The Fourfold Structure of the Cycle We will describe here the skeletal structure of a cycle. In doing so we will rely primarily on the Sun-Moon lunar cycle which recurs every 28-29 days as an example, and we will draw parallels to the human life cycle with its developmental stages. Once we have done so, the organization portrayed here can be applied to any cycle of heavenly motion, as we do in the Cosmic Window with its Cycle Histories. The first thing that becomes apparent when we examine the most common cycles that envelop our daily lives is that they seem fourfold, to have a natural four-stage structure. If we look at the annual cycle of the seasons, in the temperate zones, we find four seasons, not six or three (except in Maine, where we have a fifth called “mud season”). Because our yearly seasons are the result of the opposing forces of north and south, or daylight and darkness (or any other way you want to look at it), there occur four key turning points over time. We shall see this pattern repeated in all cycles. Starting arbitrarily with the winter solstice, celebrated for millenia in the northern hemisphere as the rebirth of the light or the divine in the heart of darkness, we find the Sun at its maximum southern position, and thus in the north, the time of least daylight and warmth. Darkness and cold predominate. This is the first critical point of the annual cycle. Astrological Cycle - 1 At its opposite point in the year, in June, there will occur an opposing moment, when light and warmth rule, and the longest day of the year called the summer solstice. So we can see from this example that all cycles are founded upon the ex- treme opposition of two “polar” moments. In our daily lives, these two moments are called “midnight” and “noon” or “mid-day.” So in one way, all cycles are bipolar. The yin and yang of dark and light, cold and warmth, wax and wane repeatedly back and forth, with one dominating one half of the cycle, and the other ruling the other half. But because they are in motion, i.e., waxing and waning, each growing as the other shrinks, we find two other crucial moments appearing as well, exactly halfway between these ruling opposites. In the spring, the vernal or spring equinox occurs. And 6 months later, the autumnal equinox arrives. These opposing moments have one similarity: at these times the opposing forces of day-night, dark-light, cold-warm, and north-south (latitude of the Sun) are momentarily equal. Summer Solstice Noon Midlife Initiation Trial


Autumn Equinox Spring Equinox Sunset LAST FIRST Sunrise “Retirement” QUARTER QUARTER Young Adult Returning Home Leaving Home


INSIDE: OUTSIDE: The Lunar Cycle Winter Solstice Seasonal Cycle Midnight Daily Cycles Birth and Death Human Life Cycle Home Initiation Journey

Figure 1: The Fourfold Astrological Cycle

In our daily lives, we recognize these same two cyclic moments as “sunrise” and “sunset.” In both cases - whether daily or yearly - these recognizable events are sig- nificant not only because they represent a momentary balancing of the opposing for- ces that make up the cycle, but also because at these moments there is an impor- tant shift from the domination of one (the one now waning) to the increasing eminence of the other (the one now waxing).

Astrological Cycle - 2 So these four points, mysteriously four like the four cardinal points by which we orient ourselves - north, east, south and west - provide us with the most basic beginnings of a recognizable structure with which we can begin to orient ourselves in the midst of any moving cyclic process. We know what season it is and what’s necessary or appropriate at that time. We know what time of day it is and by that knowledge can prepare for what’s next. The same reasoning applies as we examine the astrological cycle (which both the annual and daily cycles also are). There is a beginning, a middle and an end. There are four key moments, which we recognize by the names of Conjunction, Square, Opposition, and Square. It is unfortunate that the same name is used to identify both the second and fourth critical events, because they are quite different. We refer to them here as First Quarter Square and Last Quarter Square.

The Phases of the Cycle As we describe the following phases, always consider them specifically in the context of the main themes of the particular cycles you are trying to understand. With this somewhat lengthy but necessary background, let’s briefly look at the main points in the course of a cycle, the same ones listed in the Cycle Histories. Conjunction – Origin; birth (0°)*: At this moment two astrological bodies occupy the same place in space. They are conjoined, which means fused, merged, or one. Therefore there is no distinction between them. Each is filled with the other. It is a moment of complete potential for what will follow. Depending upon the individual characters of Empty and Full the participating bodies, the mix may be pleasant, excruciat- Pure Potential ing, curious or just right. Semisquare – Emergence (45°): The separation has begun, and the new potential born from the mixing of the two bodies takes its first steps to establish it- self on its own. It is far too soon for complete independence, but emergence has begun. In order to make this abstract map of the cyclic process and its structure more practical, we will now compare each stage with the human life cycle, imagining it in some archetypal way to last 75 - 80 years. The ages given are just rough ap- proximations. So the conjunction would represent the conception or creation of the child, all potential and hidden in the womb. The Semisquare would then occur 1/8 into the cycle and so would compare with of about 9 - 10 years old. This youthful and still dependent movement toward the first stages of independence from the original maternal and family container ex- emplifies what the “Emergence” stage of any cycle represents: asserting freedom, yet still not fully ready to be on its own.

* degrees indicate the distance between them measured from the starting point

Astrological Cycle - 3 Sextile - Organizing (60°): After the hard angle (multiples of 45° being considered “hard”) comes the relative ease of the Sextile. Sextiles are blue in the Cosmic Window. During the Sextile phase of any cycle the opportunity arises to organize the growing potential born with the cycle, to put things in their place and to “make hay,” a phrase from the 16th century probably meaning the time of year and the weather are right for gathering the hay. During our life cycle, this point would occur around 12 - 13 years old, or the beginning of adolescence. Here we witness the somewhat chaotic and awkward beginnings of organizing for and toward independent adulthood. Square - Test; crisis (90°): The dreaded Square, in our words the First Quarter Square. What gives this angle such a difficult reputation can be seen by its position in the whole cycle. The new potential that emerged at the Semisquare, began organizing at the Sextile, is now ready to break free and away from its origins, traditions, and the safety of its home. It is obviously not easy in most cases to take that step. This is the vernal equinox, the moment of daybreak, one quarter into the cycle, the critical moment when the ruling force that originated the process is overthrown by the rising power of its opposite. So in the development of any cycle, this crucial moment will serve as a foundation for what follows. If the new potential is unable to move forward, too attached to its past or too weak to stand on its own, the stages to follow will be handicapped. In our human life cycle, this is the critical stage around age 18 - 21 when we con- sider the young person legally responsible for themselves and capable of survival without the shelter and care of those who gave them birth and care. Trine - Opportunity (120°): Now the process moves into its second major stage in which the potential of the cycle - if it has successfully been chosen and acted upon - can grow more or less unhindered by depen- dency. After the struggle to break free from the past, including habit and tradition, the Trine offers a potentially flowing mo- ment when doors open, and enthusiasm fosters growth in the new life. For humans, this time at around age 23 - 26 can bring increasing con- fidence and professional advancement after years of training, if the break in the previous phase has been successfully navigated. Sesquisquare - Moving Out (135°): Another “hard” angle of 45°, long neglected in astrology, the Sesquisquare represents another moment of tension between the source or origin, tradition or habit, and the growing movement toward fulfilment of what was originally potential. Another hurdle, not necessarily major, must be overcome; another growth spurt lived through. For the human, at age 27 -

Astrological Cycle - 4 30, this is the time of the well-known “Saturn return,” when the momentum of the 20’s (if there has been some) is faced with a time of self-appraisal, necessary maturation, and real questions about who one is and why one is living the life being lived. The degree of ease or difficulty at this stage is probably directly tied to the success or failure that accompanied the passage through the initiation of the First Quarter Square. If it was wounding, this could represent a crucial time for course correction or healing. Inconjunct (or Quincunx) - Adjustment (150°): Considered a minor annoyance or a stimulant to awareness, like a pebble in the shoe or a toothache, by most astrologers, the Inconjunct (the first one) coming just before the crucial Opposition represents the opportunity or necessity to improve or adjust the results of the whole first half of the cycle before confronting the inevitable reversals and realizations about to arise. This is the time around age 30 - 35. Opposition - Climax; reversal (180°): Like the summer solstice and the moment of noon, this is our first experience of the actual death of one of the two com- ponents of any cycle. The first one was occurring at birth, and thus without awareness. In addition, this “death” is of the ele- ment that was in complete control of the cycle’s origin. For example, at the summer solstice, the north-light-warm pole is riding high, and the south-dark-cold pole is only a memory. Or at noon, where can we find any remembrance of midnight? But in all these cases, it is exactly at this moment that the almost hidden opposite begins to restore itself and to slowly, invisibly, to reassert itself. We may celebrate the birth of the light at the winter solstice, but how do we respond to this opposing birth of the dark in the early months of summer or at noon? So while the previously mentioned “death” may first be imagined to refer to the waning and now lost element that dominated the birth, in fact this time is a wound- ing of the force now almost totally dominant, a wounding which will prove fatal as the dominating or controlling factor begins its waning descent from power. Thus this is a magical and mysterious initiation, a total shift even if only in its beginnings, and a time calling for all our faculties in any astrological cycle. We can expect at the Opposition to be confronted with the pieces of the cycle we have avoided or suppressed. The results of our actions and choices, particularly those which occurred at the First Quarter Square, will now come due or reward us, depending on whether those choices were aligned with the growing potential of the cycle’s purpose or were a surrender or failure to make the shift called for at that time. This is the challenging “midlife” phase of life - roughly ages 35 - 45. The ongoing process of maturation and development necessitated growth of a personality and an ego that could fend for itself in the world and learn skills with which one could fulfill one’s purpose and potential. This means seeking success, reward, fame, or happi- ness for most of us. Then at midlife, these goals are no longer what it’s all about. The drive outward and upward so characteristic of the first half of life and of any Astrological Cycle - 5 cycle (increasing warmth and daylight, for example) now face a reversal, and we don’t take it well usually. Does this mean just a depressing defeat, or is it possible there is another purpose, still aligned with the cycle’s purpose as a whole? Inconjunct (Quincunx) - Refinement (210°): Another stage of stimulation toward awareness, but this time not in preparation for the harrowing challenge of the Opposi- tion. Instead this is what follows the Opposition and refers to a time of gleaning insights and necessary realizations as the result of the confrontation with reversal and the climax of all that the first half of the cycle stood for. We must adjust to the realizations that occurred at the opposition if we are to realize the best from the remaining half of the cycle. The time following midlife - mid 40’s - can represent the emergence from depres- sion, the facing of one’s limits and mortality, and trying to find a sense of purpose in light of what has been seen. Sesquisquare - Reorientation (225°): The process of finding new bearings after the Opposition con- tinues. What will the second half of the cycle be about? What is it driving toward? What is the appropriate attitude? Now would be the time of the cycle for expressing one’s ideas or works to others. The tension here may be the result of feedback for one’s efforts. This would reflect the life around the late 40’s to about 50. Trine - Opportunity (240°): This Trine represents a new flow of energy and release of potential in the second half of the cycle, perhaps being the creative outpouring of the learnings or realizations from the whole first half of the cycle. The second Trine in life symbolically comes around the late 40’s and can represent another sense of opening and move- ment depending upon how midlife was. Did we face the realizations, as sobering and even depressing as they may be, that life is limited and we may never fulfill all the potentials (or in some cases even any) we imagined and which stimulated us during the first half of life? If we have “refined” and “reoriented” then this can symbolize the next easy movement forward into a productive period of later life. Last Quarter Square - Test; crisis (270°): Another critical stage, the fourth after Conjunction, First Quarter Square, and Opposition, in the cycle. The potential that was born at the beginning, tested and chosen or not at the First Quarter Square, faced, realized, or given up at the Opposition, now leads us to another threshold. This shows us why it is so necessary to distinguish between the First and Last Squares. The First one is recognized as a challenge which must be faced with courage as the purpose of the cycle must be boldly acted upon

Astrological Cycle - 6 to establish a foundation upon which the cycle will proceed. But this is a different time, a fact only made obvious if we look at it in the context of an entire cycle. Before the goal of the cycle was to establish itself as free from its early nurturing matrix and the initial impulse of the Conjunction. It was driving toward the Opposition, being carried by the growing power of the newly arising fac- tor that was (re)born at the start of the cycle. But that element has peaked at the Opposition. Its time has come and gone. To try to carry on the cycle’s activity as if it still rules is to pretend. We didn’t know where the cycle was going during its early stages, and now we don’t know where it’s headed again. But it certainly is not headed to its earlier goal. That goal was symbolized by the Opposition, a moment of peak separation from origins, standing alone as a singular force. Now it’s headed toward the goal of the Conjunc- tion, which is not separation but convergence and fusion again – a mysterious sym- bol for the end of the cycle and the end of life. This is the moment of the autumnal equinox or of sunset, a somber-feeling darken- ing which can be glorified by brilliant foliage or a blazing sunset. The day is ending, going inward. In any cycle, this is therefore a time calling for surrender, not bold and courageous action (though surrender can be very courageous). This is a time of let- ting go, when the old dreams no longer fuel us, and if we are brave enough to face emptiness and uncertainty, we move on (or sit still) in the unknown. Jung said, “At the stroke of noon the descent [of the sun] begins. And the descent means the reversal of all the ideals and values that were cherished in the morning…It is as though it should draw in its rays, instead of emitting them. Light and warmth decline and are at last extinguished…we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the programme of life’s morning—for what was great in the morning will be little at evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie…Whoever carries over into the afternoon the law of the morning. …must pay for so doing with damage to his soul.” The Last Quarter Square represents a moment - another crisis - when the force that had dominated the entire middle of the cycle now is overcome by the rising oppos- ing element of south-dark-cold again. In life this comes around the late 50’s to early 60’s. A life based upon increased earning and productivity becomes less ap- propriate, but what will we replace it with? What is the purpose now? Is there a need to surrender to something, to move more inward or deeper within? Sextile - Productivity (300°): What kind of productivity could we expect at this late stage of any cycle? Probably the fruits of the entire cycle are ready to be harvested and possibly shared. This easy time shows the cycle favors such an approach now. The elements of the cycle are in a late stage of their relationship and probably ready to manifest a perspective that only comes near the close of any cycle. This is early evening and early autumn. We know what’s coming but there’s still time to produce something meaningful.

Astrological Cycle - 7 Now we reach the time of life which has been called “retirement.” The life lived now has reached its limits in the view of society of being a productive participant. What can be realized or shared at this time? Is it all about emptying and disengagement, or is there something to be found on the inside? The cycle since the Opposition has been moving inward, back to its Source, and this is the most inward stage of all. Semisquare - Release; let go (315°): This final phase of the cycle brings the entire cycle to the threshold of its dissolving and release. The two elements that were merged at birth and which separated over time in order to fulfill potential are now almost done and ready to re-join. This is the darkening (not necessarily negative) time just before winter or midnight. What does it call for? Letting go perhaps, and entering into a quiet place of recognition that the time is almost up. Did the ego continue to pursue its individual goals long after midlife, or was there some kind of shift since that time that brought greater emphasis to society, collec- tive goals and the well-being of others? This is what follows retirement time. Western society has no great interest in the last half of any cycle, and so we are left on our own to find a meaningful way to live the potential richness of a more inward time.

The cycle reaches its end and begins anew. What that may mean to the individual soul we do not know. But it is a reassuring model for existence, that life does some- how go on even after its individual carriers are done. Whether we take this to mean that our children, students and others we may have influenced carry on, or that there is a “soul” that lives on after death, the point is that in the model of the cycle, cycles do repeat and repeat and repeat. The seasons continue on and light is always reborn at the solstice, though no two seasons are exactly alike. Each spring and each autumn are their own kind of season.

The concept of the cycle – so completely woven into every aspect of our lives and yet hardly recognized – can be felt internally in the in-and-out beating of your heart and the rhythm of the breath. Once perceived, it will be seen everywhere. But if you have 20 drummers each faithfully beating their own particular rhythm the result will sound anything but orderly and rhythmic. Only by focussing on one drummer at a time will their individual beat be heard. To Dane Rudhyar goes the credit for the insight that the cycle is the heart of astrology and the key to understanding planetary motions and meanings. His The Lunation Cycle, The Pulse of Life, and Astrological Aspects (written with Leyla Rael), are some of his writings on the cycle (Aurora Press).


Your appointment calendar consists of three parts: • the MONTHLY SUMMARY PAGES, providing infor- mation on your stress and activity levels, your key New or Full Moons, and your most and least favorable days, • the DAILY ACTIVITY PAGES which show your daily activity for each week, and • the MAJOR ACTIVITY PAGES, including inter- pretations and dates for all the major cycles occur- ring during the 12-month period covered.

Sylvia Aron M MAY 2010 YOUR MAJOR ACTIVITY VE 180 JU SATURN DIRECT • • MAY shows above average activity for you, MO 120 SU 1:11 AM .A. JTB MO 120 UR 7:42 AM S .A. - .A. with substantial stress. A MO 90 MO 12:41 PM U (1/1 - 1/7, 5/20 - 6/17, 10/9 - 11/6) MO 150 MC 12:46 PM 7 N ° FULL MOON MAY 13 highlights knowledge or communication. During this period PLUTO is forming a 150 QUINCUNX to your natal MO 120 ME 4:16 PM Void 3:50 AM (EST) • SA 180 UR •] LIBRA 5:32 PM (EST) MOON. This could be a time of adjustment in which you are able to let Y go of old attachments. Old emotional habit patterns or dependencies can ME 90 NE be shed relatively easily now. There may be things or people to which MO 60 AC 1:01 AM you have been clinging because you felt you needed them, but which MO 60 VE 1:00 AM M MO 90 SA 1:19 PM O now can be let go. You are likely to be able to see more deeply into your ✖✖ MO 90 MA 6:00 PM ✖✖ 8 N hidden motivations and can assume more control over your reactions as a result. It is the feminine (receptive, nurturing, inward) side of your na- .B.C. ture which can be a source of power now. VE 150 VE, 90 AC [Sequence lasts from JAN 04 until NOV 04.] SU 0 UR MO 90 PL 2:07 AM

Communication Solitude Creativity Enlightenment Travel Romance/Social Mental Work Initiative/Decisions Self Expression Financial Decisions Relaxation/Nature Activity Sexual Physical Exercise Nourishment/Recep !!Caution!! T Affirmation: I am letting go of old needs. I need them no longer. MO 90 SU 5:44 AM U 1 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ✖ ▲ !! 1 MO 150 UR 11:49 AM E 2 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ 2 9 Visualization: Imagine yourself to be a seed, lying in the ground in the spring. Feel MO 120 MO 4:28 PM 3 ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 3 Void 7:44 AM (EST) life beginning to stir within you. Gradually let it expand from within, until you 4 ▲ ✚ ▲ 4 .B.C. SCORPIO 9:04 PM (EST) ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ feel yourself pressing more and more against your shell. Imagine that shell 5 5 MO 0 JU 0:13 AM 6 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 6 gently opening and falling away, leaving you free to expand. MO 90 AC 3:54 AM 7 ✚ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ !! 7 MO 120 SA 3:28 PM W Seed Thought: “The lobster outgrows its shell and sheds it.” 8 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 8 MO 60 MA 7:51 PM E 9 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ✚ ▼ ✖ ✖ !! 9 10 D JTB Cycle History: ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 10 10 Emergence (45°): Nov 58 - May 61 11 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 11 .B.C. ° 12 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 12 Organizing (60 ): Nov 66 - Jun 68 13 ✖ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 13 MA 150 SU Test; crisis (90°): Oct 79 - Aug 80 MO 60 NE 1:06 AM Opportunity (120°): Jan 91 - Aug 92 14 ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ 14 MO 120 PL 3:28 AM T ° 15 ▲▼✚✚▲▲✚▲✚✖▲ ▲ 15 MO 60 SU 6:56 AM H Moving out (135 ): Feb 97 - Sep 98 16 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ 16 MO 180 UR 12:46 PM 11 U Notes: 17 ✖ ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ !! 17 MO 150 MO 5:14 PM 18 ▲ ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▼ 18 Void 11:12 PM (EST) • JU 60 ME •] SAGITTARIUS 11:58 PM (EST) 19 ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ 19 20 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 20 ME 150 SU MERCURY enters ARIES 4:45 AM (EST) 2 MO 0 VE 4:14 AM 21 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ 21 MO 120 AC 4:15 AM ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ F 22 22 MO 150 SA 3:35 PM ▼ ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ R 23 23 I 24 ▲▲▲▲▲✚▲ ▲▲✚ ▲ 24 12 25 ▼ ▲ 25 0 26 ▲ ✖ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ 26 .B. ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 27 27 MO 90 NE 1:03 AM ◗ 4:02 PM (EST) MO 150 PL 3:23 AM 3Q (23 Sag 37) 28 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 28 1 29 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 29 MO 150 UR 12:35 PM S 30 ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ 30 MO 180 MO 5:01 PM A 31 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 31 0 MO 120 MC 5:05 PM 13 T ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable .B. Void 4:02 PM (EST) Sylvia Aron January 2005 - December 2005

Monthly Summary Daily Activity Major Activity Page Page Page Monthly Summary Page

– Bill Knowles – MAY shows below average (2) activity for M Your Stress and you, with substantial (5) stress. A Activity levels.* FULL MOON MAY 13 highlights knowledge or communication. What (if anything) Y the New or Full Moon means for you personally. Communication Solitude Creativity Enlightenment Travel Romance/Social Mental Work Initiative/Decisions Self Expression Financial Decisions Relaxation/Nature Activity Sexual Physical Exercise Nourishment/Recep !!Caution!! 1 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ✖ ▲ !! 1 2 ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ 2 These days are not "good" 3 ▼ ✚ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ 3 4 ▲ ✚ ▲ 4 5 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ 5 or "bad". The categories 6 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 6

are each explained later 7 ✚ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ !! 7 8 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 8 in this introduction. 9 ▲ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▼ ✚ ▼ ✖ ✖ !! 9 10 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 10 11 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 11 12 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ 12 13 ✖ ▲ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ !! 13

14 ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ ✚ ▲ 14 15 ▲▼✚✚▲▲✚▲✚✖▲ ▲ 15 16 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ 16 17 ✖ ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ !! 17 18 ▲ ✖ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▼ 18 19 ▲ ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ ✚ ▲ 19 20 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 20 ▲ ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ✚ 2 21 21 22 ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 22 * Includes numerical 23 ▼ ▼ ▲ ✚ ▲ 23 24 ▲▲▲▲▲✚▲ ▲▲✚ ▲ 24 ratings: 0 (lowest) to 25 ▼ ▲ 25 0 26 ▲ ✖ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ 26 10 (highest). 27 ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 27 28 ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ 28 1 29 ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲ 29 30 ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ 30 31 ▼ ✚ ✚ ▲ ▲ ▲ 31 0 ✚ Most Favorable ▲ Favorable ▼ Unfavorable ✖ Least Favorable

The first page each month offers a monthly One of the most helpful and innovative overview. You may want to note: features of the COSMIC WINDOW is its list- ❑ Activity level: Based upon the average ing of your “most favorable” and “least amount of activity over this twelve-month favorable” days each month for a variety of period, each month is rated from “very specific categories which are explained in high” to “extremely low”. This can be help- more detail on the following pages. Their ful in planning, pacing and not over-ex- meanings are usually obvious, but you still tending yourself, etc. might find it helpful to read about them. These will be particularly helpful in planning, ❑ Stress level: Based upon the amount of although these suggestions should not be stressful planetary activity each month, substituted for your own free choices. In par- rated from “critical” to “relatively little”. ticular, “least favorable” days may mean that Please note that stress is not necessarily bad or un- you are simply inclined to do something desirable. High stress months may be demand- other than what the category calls for. ing, tense or even uncomfortable, but the stress may be indicative of a dynamic tension In the above example, May 1st and 2nd would which motivates you to accomplish things that be the least favorable days for communica- otherwise would remain undone. Only you can tion for the month, with the 5th a little better judge whether stress-full months are difficult for but still not favorable. May 7th and 28th you. Many thrive on them. Others may feel would be the best for the month, with bored or lack stimulation during low-stress several other days also favored, but not as months. much. Daily Activity Page Your short term daily activity SEPTEMBER 2004 OCT0BER 2004 NOVEMBER 2004 SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 31 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 (if any) is shown each day with 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "MERCURY DIRECT" 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 the symbols, their times, and Ł 12:56 PM (Overdoing may be a way to bury feelings.) and the moon signs interpretations. Bold symbols S U are explained 22 N & plain type [in chronological DQG 4:45 PM (Face yourself...) MERCURY on the next ● ● order first] are the most sig- 2:02 AM (Try freedom or change in relationships.) ❍ DIRECT Ł 8:12 10:09 AM PM (You may be(Trust imagining what seemsyourself) to be real.) 4:19 PM (EDT) AUF FULL MOON ( 2 Sag 47) page. nificant each day when they ✖ ✖ M 1x7 5:29 AM (Blend needs for...) 23 O occur [allow 4-12 hours lead N T Void 12:55 AM (EDT) This [• JUPITER # 1 • SAGITTARIUS 11:39 AM (EDT) H time]. Of lesser impact are Ł Ł 2:17 AM (Body/emotional stress...can be irritable.) 26 U indicates those formed by the moon -- T 24 U the moon [1-4 hours]. .B. EVIRGO 4:08 AM enters the [• SATURN # 1 • æ 12:26 AM (Learn from limits, mistakes…lighten up.) Ł 3:00 PM (Sympathy, nurturance…indulgence.) sign Virgo. ŒMC 6:12 PM (Harmony, creativity, & self-appreciation.) The approximate times Ł æ 12:27 AM (Look in the mirror...see what you’re avoiding.) W ✖✖ Ł 4:42 AM (May be short fuse, impatience...go slow.) ✖✖ E Ł ‚ 12:06 PM (Control/domination issues...repressions erupt.) 25 D for all your daily activity Ł 3:30 PM (Tense expression, consider others’ feelings.) See NEW MOON on monthly front page. Void 2:53 AM (EDT) Daily activity .A.B. CAPRICORN 1:12 PM (EDT) are given in your local Ł Ø 4:46 AM (Intellect and emotions may be at odds.) Ł 8:55 AM (Look for outer recognition, affirmation.) which stimulates time zone (ST/DST). T or "triggers" longer- 26 H U term Major Activity .A.B. The letters (.B.) seen on the bot- º æ 1:35 AM (Go slow…release tensions/fears.) ✖✖ 7:05 PM (Impatience…be decisive, not combative.) ✖✖ for a day or part of Łª 9:06 PM (Need to break routine...create...may rebel.) tom of each day's activity refer F a day can easily be 27 R to your Major Activity in ef- I ✖ ✖ Void 11:23 AM (EDT) seen by the marks [• JUPITER # 1 • AQUARIUS 2:11 PM (EDT) fect that day. You will find Ł 12:57 PM (Give/receive love by listening, caring.) MERCURY enters GEMINI 6:45 AM (EDT) which surround them. their interpretations in the S 28 A section in the back of your book. T .A.B.

This page shows you your own personal daily The symbols for the planets and sensitive astrological activity (“aspects”) based on your points (angles) are shown for the curious who moment of birth. By looking at the calendar want to learn a bit more about astrology. (If you can immediately see which days are the you’re not curious, you can stop reading this most active astrologically. Your personal minor page here.) Remember, you don't need to know activity is shown on the day it occurs, while anything about astrology or its symbols to receive full your major activity may last up to a month or bene®t from your COSMIC WINDOW. more. These will prove to be the most signifi- cant for you and are shown at the bottom of You will find keywords with which to build each day they are in effect, using an open- your own interpretations on the back of an bracket [wFTAw to show its approximate early page of your book. Using the above ex- start and a close-bracket wFTAw] to show ample, DQG would suggest “intimacy, the date when it ends. love, self-worth, or beauty” (D)combine with possible “tension” (Q) with your “discipline, In between the opening and closing of major solitude, or focus” (G). This might cor- activity, a letter code (.B.) is used to indicate respond to a day in which you feel neglected that a particular aspect remains in effect on by someone usually close to you, or in which any given day. The same letters are also keyed you choose to forego pleasure or comfort be- to the interpretations found in the back pages cause of work or responsibilities. You may of your book. All short daily aspects which feel low esteem or lonely. But you might just “trigger” or stimulate MAJOR activity currently as easily find that you are able to accomplish in effect are indicated by ✖. In the above ex- a lot on your own, to feel a sense of self- ample, "BRH" is indicated as having a “trig- worth within your solitude. These keyword gering” effect, because the major aspect in ef- formulas are suggestive and should not be fect that day “.B.” is a stressful one involving taken too rigidly. Remember to be aware of the the same planetary placement in your birth keywords in parentheses, indicating possible detrimen- chart. Watch these triggers carefully. tal meanings, especially when one of the tension- producing aspects is indicated. DIRECT AND RETROGRADE MOTION The occasional occurrence of the terms movement. During the few days when a DIRECT or RETROGRADE refers to a planet appears to be stopped, the energies phenomenon caused by the motions of the symbolized by that planet are often observed Earth and the planets in which a planet ap- to be intensified in our lives or our environ- pears to stop moving in the sky for several ment. These times of stopped motion are days and then to reverse its direction. noted in the calendar and the effects may last Retrograde means moving backward through for several days. the zodiac, while Direct refers to a forward MOON SIGNS VOID Your COSMIC WINDOW also shows the sign From the time when the moon makes its final through which the Moon is passing each day. major aspect in a given sign until it enters the These are noted under the date of the ap- following sign the moon is said to be “Void of propriate day, with the time for the Moon’s Course”. Thus the time mentioned under the entry into that sign. To help you use this in- date of the appropriate day marked “Void” formation, the following keywords indicate tells when the final major aspect occurs. the quality of energy represented by each From that time until entry into the next sign, sign. You should especially note when the many believe it unwise to begin projects or Moon is passing through one of your key make decisions. signs, which are listed under your name on the front page. Moon in: Highlighting: Aries Initiative, passion, beginnings Taurus Steadiness, fertility, productivity Gemini Communication, thought, flexibility Cancer Security, feelings, family/home Leo Expression, romance, risking, fun Virgo Organizing, improvement, work Libra Harmony, relationships, beauty Scorpio Intense feeling, struggle, cleansing Sagittarius Planning, travel, enthusiasm, play Capricorn Work, ambition, self-control Aquarius Friends/groups, intuition, new Pisces Service, imagination, sensitivity Your Major Activity Pages The final section of your Personal Appoint- tion of this present sequence for each cycle ment Calendar interprets your major (sometimes an occurrence covers a period of astrological activity for the twelve months several months because of retrograde mo- covered.* The letter codes (.A., .B., etc.) cor- tion – see above). respond to those shown on the days when the particular major cycles are in effect. You * Our Yearly Cycles Workbook provides a more will also find in this section the dates when in-depth look at these (and other) major cycles in these cycles are active for you and the dura- your life, as well as offering practical tools for working with them. MOST FAVORABLE / LEAST FAVORABLE DAYS

ªLeast favorableº does not mean ªbadº. For ex- ❑ TRAVEL: This can refer to any kind of ample, a “least favorable” day for Relaxa- travel, from global to the grocery store. tion/ Nature may mean that you are likely Naturally, major journeys would be most to be highly motivated or to desire an out- favored during periods in which there are let for your creativity. It is recommended several “most favorable” travel days. that you only draw conclusions about a ❑ ROMANCE/SOCIALIZING: Has to do given day after considering all the pos- with relating harmoniously with others, sible categories in which it is listed. whether intimately (romance) or simply socializing. These days also refer to your sense of being loved or appreciated, of feeling a sense of self-worth or value. On The categories: “least favorable” days you would ❑ COMMUNICATION: Including writing, probably do best to look to yourself for speaking, negotiating, teaching, selling, love or appreciation, instead of expect- phoning. “Least favorable” days may be ing it from others. times when you are confused, have more ❑ difficulty getting your ideas across, or are MENTAL WORK: This includes writing, unable to find a receptive audience. studying, organizing, or concentrating. “Least favorable” days may mean being ❑ SOLITUDE: Times to spend with your- scattered, daydreaming, or just feeling self, giving yourself attention. These lazy, though some of those days, par- “most favorable” days are often the “least ticularly ones being “most favorable” for favorable” ones for socializing. A greater enlightenment, may be very good for sense of self-reliance or self-sufficiency abstract thought or brainstorming with can be found on these days. little structure. ❑ ❑ CREATIVITY: There are generally quite INITIATIVE/DECISIONS: These favor a few of these each month. These favor dynamic movement, willed action, taking innovation, experimentation, or artistic risks, or starting something. Sometimes expression. The “least favorable” days you may find these dates also under !! may bring demands for dealing with Caution !!, indicating the possibility of routine, details, or practical matters or being carried away with enthusiasm or responsibilities. passion. “Least favorable” days may in- dicate confusion, insecurity, or lack of ❑ ENLIGHTENMENT: This often has more perspective. favorable days than any other category, ❑ because most days are opportunities for SELF-EXPRESSION: Be yourself, show insight, spiritual growth, understanding, others who you are. These are times to etc. Days that are favored for both be honest, to speak out or creatively ex- solitude and enlightenment, for exam- press your ideas or vision. When favored, ple, would be excellent for meditation you are likely to be clear or to find a retreats or journal writing, etc. (You can receptive audience. “Least favorable” be creative in combining the information may refer to fear, self-doubt, introver- for more than one category.) There are no sion, or lack of response. “least favorable” days for enlightenment. ❑ FINANCIAL DECISIONS: These can be ❑ NOURISHMENT/RECEPTIVITY: Pay par- major or trivial. Your ability to evaluate ticular attention to this one. Culturally we clearly, to think realistically or to see the are not usually taught to pay enough at- big picture is greatest on the “most tention to meeting our most personal favorable” days. On the other hand, you needs, to take responsibility for them may be temporarily off base on the “least ourselves, or to ask others for care, favorable” days. Don’t necessarily avoid a touch or nurturing. The quality of recep- decision on a “least favorable” day, just tivity is also largely overlooked as we are be more cautious or seek advice. taught to focus on doing rather than ❑ being. Therefore it is even more impor- RELAXATION/NATURE: Since life is tant to be aware of these “most cyclic, there are times for stopping, favorable” days so we can take advan- rejuvenating, appreciating the sky and na- tage of them to nurture ourselves (or ture around you. These days favor com- others). If you are typically busy or ac- muning with nature, whether through sail- tive, try maintaining an attitude of recep- ing, gardening, hiking, lying in a ham- tivity these days, rather than initiating or mock, or whatever you prefer. “Least controlling. These are some of the best favorable” days may be indicative of pas- days for massage, touch, or healing. sion, impatience, ambition, anxiety, etc., “Least favorable” days may be making it more difficult to relax. But per- troublesome, making it difficult for you haps passion could combine with relaxa- to feel nurtured or be receptive. tion by white-water rafting, for example. ❑ ❑ !! CAUTION !!: This category (which SEXUAL ACTIVITY: This is the hardest has no “least favorable” days) should be one to rate, be cause the “least favorable” watched, but not blown out of propor- days are the ones with the greatest ten- tion. It may indicate a time of likely sion, while “most favorable” days are obstacles, friction, or frustration, but it harmonious, and many people prefer the could instead refer to a day in which you tension over the harmony. So watch over are full of enthusiasm or passion with no time to see if in fact you find the dates lis- blockages, thus potentially inclined to go ted as “least favorable” to be the most too far. BE ALERT! Think about your ac- satisfying ones. If so, then just reverse tions. Be aware of how you are feeling. these ratings for sexual activity. These Don’t necessarily let these days stop you ratings are based upon the balance be- from acting. tween your desire for love, peace, har- mony and well-being on the one hand and If you read these descriptions closely, you will be for assertion and self-expression on the able to use those categories given here to general- ize to others. For example, if you had to decide other. whether to hire someone, you could refer to the “most favorable” days for Financial Decisions, ❑ PHYSICAL EXERCISE: Your energy is since these relate to “your ability to evaluate likely to be high on these “most clearly, to think realistically”. favorable” days. Athletic activity, physical labor, even sex may be favored then. There are layers and layers of useful informa- tion available to you, as you learn to combine “Least favorable” days indicate anything the various pieces here, giving you a clearer from an inclination toward laziness to perspective on your life, freeing you to make potential danger from accidents (see !! better choices as you steer your life in the Caution !!). direction you intend. ASTROLOGY BOOKS

Learning Astrology Costello, Priscilla Practical Astrology Davidson, Ronald Astrology Hand, Robert Horoscope Symbols Hickey, Isabel Astrology: A Cosmic Science Hone, Margaret Modern Textbook of Astrology Mayo, Jeff Astrology The Planets and Human Behavior Sakoian, Frances and Acker, Louis The Astrologers’ Handbook Sasportas, Howard The Astrological Houses The Gods of Change

On Astrology Arroyo, Stephen Astrology, Karma and Transformation Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements The Practice and Profession of Astrology Forrest, Steven The Changing Sky The Inner Sky Greene, Liz The Art of Stealing Fire The Astrologer, the Counsellor and the Priest Astrology of Fate Barriers and Boundaries The Horoscope in Manifestation Relating Saturn Greene, Liz & Sasportas,Howard The Development of the Personality Dynamics of the Unconscious The Inner Planets The Luminaries Idemon, Richard The Magic Thread Through the Looking Glass Meyer, Michael Handbook for the Humanistic Astrologer Rael, Leyla and Rudhyar, Dane Astrological Aspects Rudhyar, Dane The Astrological Houses The Astrology of Personality Astrology of Transformation The Lunation Cycle Person-Centered Astrology The Practice of Astrology The Pulse of Life Tarnas, Richard Cosmos and Psyche Prometheus the Awakener Gratitude to Dane Rudhyar Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak Bill Bates Michael Erlewine Rick Pottenger Isabel Hickey Stephen Arroyo Bill Knowles Adobe & Apple Microsoft John Kemeny & Thomas Kurtz Sylvia Rania Zelda Addresses/Phone Numbers

Addresses/Phone Numbers