^ 1934 ^ Washington, Wednesday, November 13, 1940
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REGISTER ^ 1934 ^ VOLUME 5 NUMBER 221 * Wa n t e d ^ Washington, Wednesday, November 13, 1940 The President vessels of Egypt and the produce, manu CONTENTS factures, or merchandise imported in said vessels into the United States from THE PRESIDENT Egypt—Suspension op T onnage D uties Egypt or from any other foreign coun Proclamations: BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES OF try; the suspension to take effect from Suspension of tonnage duties: Page AMERICA October 3, 1940, and to continue so long Dominican Republic_________ 4442 as the reciprocal exemption of vessels A PROCLAMATION Egypt------------------------------ 4441 belonging to citizens of the United States Guatemala_____________'_____ 4441 WHEREAS section 4228 of the Revised and their cargoes shall be continued, and Haiti------------------------------- 4443 no longer. Statutes of the United States, as Venezuela___________________ 4444 amended by the act of July 24,1897, c. 13, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have Washington, closed area under 30 Stat. 214 (U.S.C., title 46, sec. 141), hereunto set my hand and caused the the Migratory Bird Treaty provides, in part, as follows: seal of the United States of America to A c t------------------------------ 4443 be affixed. Upon satisfactory proof toeing given to the Executive Orders: President, by the government of any foreign DONE at the City of Washington this nation, that no discriminating duties of 7th day of November in the year of our Arkansas, public land with tonnage or imposts are imposed or levied Lord nineteen hundred and drawal in aid of flood con in the ports of such nation upon vessels trol ------- 4450 [ seal] forty, and of the Independence wholly belonging to citizens of the United Civil Service Rules, general States, or upon the produce, manufactures, of the United States of America or merchandise imported in the same from the one hundred and sixty-fifth. amendments______ ____ 4445 the United States or from any foreign coun Civilian officers and employees try, the President may issue his proclama Franklin D R oosevelt of United States, transpor tion, declaring that the foreign discriminat By the President: ing duties of tonnage and impost within tation expense payments the United States are suspended and dis Cordell H ull for household goods, etc____ 4448 continued, so far as respects the vessels of The Secretary of State. Land forces, number to be in such foreign nation, and the produce, manu ducted prior to July 1, factures, or merchandise imported into the [No. 24351 United States from such foreign nation, or 1941, etc___________________ 4449 [P. R. Doc. 40-4839; Piled, November 12, 1940; Power Site Reserve No. 461, from any other foreign country; the sus 11:47 a. m.] pension to take effect from the time of such Idaho, modification_______ 4449 notification being given to the President, Tax returns, inspection by re and to continue so long as the reciprocal exemption of vessels, belonging to citizens j ceivers and trustees in of the United States, and their cargoes, shall G uatemala-—Suspension of T onnage bankruptcy________________ 4444 be continued, and no longer * * *; D uties RULES, REGULATIONS, AND WHEREAS satisfactory proof BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ORDERS was received by me from the Government OF AMERICA of Egypt on October 3, 1940, that no dis T itle 7— A griculture: A PROCLAMATION criminating duties of tonnage or imposts Agricultural Adjustment Ad are imposed or levied in the ports of WHEREAS section 4228 of the Revised ministration: Egypt upon vessels wholly belonging to Statutes of the United States, as amended Burley tobacco, proclamation citizens of the United States, or upon by the act of July 24, 1897, c. 13, 30 Stat. of national marketing the produce, manufactures, or mer 214 (U.S.C., title 46, sec. 141), provides, quota for 1941-42_______ 4450 chandise imported in such vessels, from in part, as follows: Flue-cured tobacco, determi the United States, or from any foreign Upon satisfactory proof being given to the nation of acreage allot country: President, by the government of any for ments for 1941_________ _ 4451 eign nation, that no discriminating duties T itle 10— Ar m y : W ar D epartment: NOW, THEREFORE, L FRANKLIN D. of tonnage or imposts are imposed or levied ROOSEVELT, President of the United in the ports of such nation upon vessels Aid of Civil Authorities, etc.; States of America, by virtue of the au wholly belonging to citizens of the United Safeguarding Technical In States, or upon the produce, manufactures, formation; invitations for thority vested in me by the above-quoted or merchandise imported in the same from statutory provisions, do hereby declare the United States or from any foreign coun bids and contracts________ 4452 and proclaim that the foreign discrim try, the President may issue his proclamation, Military Reservations and Na inating duties of tonnage and imposts declaring that the foreign discriminating tional Cemeteries; Post Ex duties of tonnage and impost within the within the United States are suspended United States are suspended and discon changes ___________________ 4453 and discontinued so far as respects the tinued, so far as respects the vessels of such (Continued on next page) 4441 4442 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, Novem ber 13, 1940 CONTENTS—Continued IN TESTIM ONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Federal Communications Commis seal of the United States of America to FEDERAL^REGISTER sion : Page be affixed. l®3* «ÿJK Roberts-MacNab Co., hearing_ 4465 DONE at the City of Washington this Federal Power Commission: 7th day of November in the year of our Puget Sound Power & Light Co., Lord nineteen hundred and hearing postponed________ 4467 Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, [ seal] forty, and of the Independence and days following legal holidays by the Federal Security Agency: of the United States of America Division of the Federal Register, The National Social Security Board: Archives, pursuant to the authority con the one hundred and sixty-fifth. Certification to Unemploy tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Franklin D R oosevelt July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula ment Compensation and tions prescribed by the Administrative Com Placement Division of By the President: mittee, approved by the President. Cordell H ull The Administrative Committee consists of Oklahoma_______________ 4467 the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Securities and Exchange Commis Secretary of State. of the Department of Justice designated by sion: the Attorney General, and the Public Printer [No. 2436] Lakeside Light and Power Co., or Acting Public Printer. [F. R. Doc. 40—4840; Filed, November 12 The daily issue of the F ederal Register application approved______ 4467 1940; 11:47 a. m.] will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Louisiana Ice and Electric Co., of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Inc., effectiveness of decla year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in advance. Remit money order payable to the ration_____________________ 4468 Superintendent of Documents directly to the Wisconsin Public Service Corp., D ominican R epublic—Suspension op Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. application granted_______ 4467 T onnage D uties War Department: BY THE PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES CONTENTS—Continued Contract summaries: OP AMERICA Beech Aircraft Corp_________ 4456 T itle 14— Civil A viation: Buell, T. H., & Co_____________ 4461 A PROCLAMATION Civil Aeronautics Authority: PaS® Colt’s Patent Fire Arms WHEREAS section 4228 of the Revised Certificates of convenience Manufacturing Co_______ 4456 Statutes of the United States, as amended and necessity, amend Curtiss-Wright Corp_._____ ;_ 4459 by the act of July 24, 1897, c. 13, 30 Stat. ment relative to applica Du Pont de Nemours & Co____ 4459 214 (U. S. C., title 46, sec. 141), provides, tions ___________________ 4455 General Motors Corp________ 4460 in part, as follows: T itle 26— I nternal R evenue: Rommel, Geo. H., Co________ 4457 Bureau of Internal Revenue: Upon satisfactory proof being given to the Savage Arms Corp________:__ 4457 President, by the government of any foreign Tax returns, inspection by re nation, that no discriminating duties of ton ceiver or trustee in bank nage or imposts are imposed or levied in the ruptcy___________________ 4455 ports of such nation upon vessels wholly be foreign nation, and the produce, manufac T itle 49 — T ransportation and longing to citizens of the United States, or tures, or merchandise imported into the upon the produce, manufactures, or mer R ailroads: United States from such foreign nation, or chandise imported in the same from the Interstate Commerce Commis from any other foreign country; the sus United States or from any foreign country, sion: pension to take effect from the time of such the President may issue his proclamation, notification being given to the President, declaring that the foreign discriminating Safety of operation of motor and to continue so long as the reciprocal ex duties of tonnage and impost within the vehicles used in trans emption of vessels, belonging to citizens of United States are suspended and discontin porting property by pri the United States, and their cargoes, shall ued, so far as respects the vessels of such vate carriers___________ 4455 be continued, and no longer * * *; foreign nation, and the produce, manufac tures, or merchandise imported into the NOTICES WHEREAS satisfactory proof was re United States from such foreign nation, or ceived by me from the'Government of from any other foreign country; the sus Department of Agriculture: Guatemala on October 19, 1940, that no pension to take effect from the time of such Rural Electrification Adminis discriminating duties of tonnage or im notification being given to the President, and to continue so long as the reciprocal exemp tration: posts are imposed or levied in the ports Allocation of funds for loans tion of vessels, belonging to citizens of the of Guatemala upon vessels wholly be United States, and their cargoes, shall be (2 documents)______ 4463,4464 longing to citizens of the United States, continued, and no longer * * *; ' Project designations amended.