A helping hand Dingaan Thobela defeated local favorite Mario Martinez Disabled Student Services offers a variety of assistance programs from tutors to computers. Page 6 Page 8 SPARTAN DAILY Vol. 97, No. 25 Published Since 1934 Tuesday, March 5, 1991 Quantitive reasoning course enrollment declining By Pam Schatz minds," he said. "We also need to look at purpose of the proposal is to monitor the lems within these departments. large, comprehensive degree programs, Daily staff writer opportunities that lie for them when they attitudes and career objectives of biology The foundation seeks to factor out the Sanchez said. Enrollment in science, mathematics and graduate." students and to document those who are problems within these areas of study. It "SJSU is an ideal choice, an excellent engineering is declining and the National Out of the total number of students that leaving the biology major. The information also seeks to increase the number of university," he added. Fullerton was the Science Foundation sees this as a major enroll in the engineering department, only will hopefully better aid the change of cur- women and minorities and those who enter only person from the CSU system to attend problem, SJSU President Gail Fullerton and 50 percent of them graduate. Most of the riculum to better serve the students. in and complete degrees in these fields. the conference. other academic leaders were told in a recent students drop out within the first two years, SJSU President Gail Fullerton recently "The goal is to attract and keep the stu- The foundation is a federal government visit to Washington, D.C. according to James Freeman, associate visited Washington D.C. to discuss a com- dents in the departments," Sanchez said. organization funded by congress and the Students enrolled in these departments dean of undergraduate studies of engineer- prehensive plan to improve undergraduate The foundation said it wants to develop a president. Its role is to fund basic scientific are often changing their course of study, ing. programs in science, mathematics and engi- university-wide model program. research and to fund projects in science, according to David Sanchez, assistant "If your not retaining students, it's a neering education in universities. "We wanted someone from the typical mathematics and engineering. The intent is director for the foundation. He said he sees problem," Freeman said. Fullerton, along with 24 other academic Califomia State University, and Gail Fuller- to provide research experiences for under- these changes as a serious problem. Daniel Walker, associate dean of science administrators from various universities, ton was a fine representative," Sanchez graduate students. "The university needs to look at the fac- education, wrote a proposal on behalf of the were asked to comment on the foundation's said. Currently, the foundation is funding 55 tors at which the students are changing their biology faculty of all 20 campuses. The ideas on counteracting the existing prob- SJSU has a diverse student body and programs on campus.. Social 'Gimme shelter' BART Work proposal school discussed By Jack Trageser Daily staff writer Advocates and opponents of Bay Area Rapid Transit's pro- praised posed extension to San Jose agreed on two things Thursday. By Precy Correos First, San Jose needs a form of Daily staff writer mass transportation at least similar A team of four educators and to BART. Second, BART will take one practitioner from the Council a minimum of 15 years to con- on Social Work Education visited struct in San Jose, probably longer. SJSU's School of Social Work lam Roughly 100 people attended a month to evaluate and review its focus meeting, the fifth of its kind, program. to discuss a possible extension of Every eight years the accredita- BART.to San Jose. Santa Clara tion sight team travels around the and Milpitas. The meeting took country and visits each university's place in the cafeteria of the Santa school of social work to evaluate Clara County Government Center, their school's curriculum, accord- and a hunger for facts led many to ing to Ismael Dicppa dean for the ask questions and make comments after the panel of experts had given 'We believe that the their presentation. Among those addressing the board was H. Han family remains the Rumbolz, co-chairman of Transit most important institu- Advocacy Group. "One huge, unanswered ques- tion in our society.' tion is why don't any of the alter- natives (for extending BART) include plans to run it to the air- Ismael Dieppa, port." Rumbolz told the panel. -.... dean for the School of Social Several others speakers men- Flockslord Takamatsu Daily svill photographer tioned the airport and even more Work. concurred with his statement. Sophomore Arnecia Lewis, freshman Aileen Saludares, and week in front of tower Hall. According to the weather reports, "Bart will take 15, 20, even 30 freshman Magnolia Lacson, all nursing majors, get close to the San Jose area can expect to stay wet until the end of the years to get down here." School of Social Work. share one umbrella and a laugh during the recent storm last week when the present system or storms is expected to depart. Rumbolz's organization, TAG, It took about two years to pre- See BART, page S pare for this evaluation which remitted in 12 volumes of informa- tion compiled by the faculty of social work. Each volume was as thick as a telephone book Job faire offers information on internships, employment expounding on the program's way to make extra spending panics will be on hand to pass out information regarding job open- valuable information," she said. intensive courses, Dicppa said. Career Planning and money over the summer can find a job descriptions and answer stu- ings for this summer. The key to lining up some pos- The accreditation team said they Placement Center slew of information on perspective dents' questions. 1.ina Melkonian. assistant direc- sible jobs, Melkonian said, is to be were very impressed with the tran- work opportunities at the Summer Among the employers sched- tor of co-op career and placement, patient. "Wait in line to talk to scultural curriculum model that sponsors annual event and Co-op Job Faire. uled to attend are American Red said the fair provides students with employers. Ask questions. If SJSU had, and that it was "very The Career Planning and Place- Cross, Santa Clara Parks and a great opportunity to research you're focused, state that to unique and the only one of it's By lorrie Voigt ment Center is sponsoring its Recreation, tlewlen-Packard Com- jobs, impress perspective employ- them." kind in the whole county," Dicppa Daily soill writer annual Job Faire this Wednesday pany and United Airlines. All stu- ers and do some networking. According to Marie Milleage, added. Students interested in internship from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Event dents are welcomed to meet com- "It people conic in with an open One team visitor, Frank positions or simply looking for a Center, where more than 100 corn- pany representatives and gather mind, they can walk away with See FAIRE, page 4 Ba.skind, dean of social work from Southern Connecticut State Uni- versity said, "not only should the transcultural curriculum program be used in this university but it Arnold Air Society, Stanford Hospital should be shared and replicated with other schools of Social Work." conduct successful campus blood drive What makes the curriculum By Robert W. Scoble "unique" is the way the faculty Daily staff writer He (Anthony Merza, Arnold Air Society mem- members have been continually Students can get free cookies responding to the changing needs and juice in the Student Union ber) said the reserves that were built up for the and demographics of its communi- today. There's one catch though: Persian Gulf War have been used and need to ty around them, said Dieppa. they'll need to donate about a pint Over the past 20 years the facul- of blood. be replaced. ty saw this change and engaged in The Arnold Air Society and developing a curriculum for stu- Stanford Hospital are collecting dents to respond positively to a blood in the Student Union Ball- have been used and need to be diverse ethnic community. Dicppa room today between 9 a.m. and Giving blood isn't much of an replaced. added. 3 p.m. The hospital collected inconvenience says Tom Duong, Organizing biannual blood Students arc taught to under about 70 units front 90 donors a political science junior. drives isn't the only thing that the stand the importance of a cultural Monday. "It doesn't hurt at all," he said. Arnold Air Society does. It also perspective - - the values and In addition to being nearly pain- works in a soup kitchen during sup- beliefs of people and how they The blood will be used to less, he said that giving blood day-to- See R WM, page 4 perceive health and illness. The ply Stanford Hospital for only takes 3010 45 minutes. Cobb, program also teaches students how day needs, said Barbara Parking Enforcement officer for the Stan- is needed right culture can guide people's lives Mobile Supervisor "The blood Paul Ilanneman for the Merza, a donates a pint and how they see their world ford Blood Center. Its goal now," said Anthony units. Air Society. of blood at the Arnold Air around them. two-day drive is 160 member of Arnold were Society blood drive Monday. It's critical for students and pro- "We really need that," Cobb He said the reserves that hoping for a few War hon fessionals in nursing, MetIICIIIC, said. "We're built up for the Persian Gulf Photo by Ushey. See WORK, page 5 Spartan Daily Page 2, Tuesday, March 5, 1991 Forum Opinions

EDITORIAL What does the CFA expect? ever forward-thinking budget-strained campus finds TheCalifornia Faculty money to send 400 faculty on Association will meet sabbatical each year, no one will Wednesday in hopes of ratifying a be there to teach the 1200-plus laughable new tentative contract classes left instructorless. agreement. Here's where it lands in the Meanwhile, SJSU's dues-paying students' lapsagain. Bigger faculty are preoccupied with classes and smaller instructor- threats to their jobs, salaries and student ratios are inevitable due to workloads, with little time to keep budget cuts even without 360 a watchful eye on the circus being extra sabbatical leaves. This conducted by the union. policy would only aggravate an One of the most embarrassing already strained situation. provisions of the contract allows Fimbres's response? "It's not my sabbatical leave for all faculty problem." when they earn it. As it stands now, 400 faculty become eligible Fimbres expects the every year. Funding is available administration to become a for 40. pack of Houdini clones and When asked from where the make thousands of dollars appear money for 360 more leaves would out of thin air. come, Manuel Fimbres, SJSU If the administration could do chapter head of CFA simply said, that, there are plenty more urgent "It's not my problem." things to tend to than sabbaticals. Piaui Doeningtx,z Spartan Daily A separate clause in the contract A union can only be effective if allows the CSU to siphon money it grounds itself in reality, generally used to pay replacement especially in these slim times. The CAMPUS VOICE JAY PATRICK faculty for those on sabbatical to CFA is playing a cruel joke on pay for deficit reduction. The those who depend on it for their Remembering with pride some SJSU heroes campuses will be left to deal with livelihoods, and its ineptitude in Feb. 26, 1968: 23 years ago today following to make it a success. After all, portrayed it to the public through the the resulting shortfall themselves. such serious matters is shocking. wasn't that different from todayor was black athletes' talent was instrumental in distorted establishment. When in actuality So, if lightning strikes and the Our faculty deserve better. it? Students go to class today just as they America's dominance in international the grave sacrifices given by the athletes did then. They attended social functions competition, and everyone knew it. Soon were successful. then as we do today. They were in war names like Lomax, McKissick and Dr. The center of attention during the with Vietnam then, just as we were in war King were publicly supporting and political games was the victory stand. The REPORTER'S FORUM with Iraq today. SJSU was in the papers assisting in organizing the movement. Star Spangled Banner, after 200 meters nation-wide then, but not today. SJSU Together with Edwards and various was the focal point in which Tommie JOHN BESSA was writing history then and today I don't others, a list of demands were submitted. Smith, the gold medalist, and John Carlos, think the students even know it. The demands looked to repent the the Bronze medalist, both from SJSU, Despite the numerous students being made their mark in history. Hurdling A childhood dream drafted into a war they didn't agree with, The center of attention during attempts at intimidation by the USOC, the there were other issues raging on two climbed the victory stand. Joined by campusnamely civil rights. Even during the political games was the Australian Peter Norman, who wore the now an infatuation African Awareness month, there was no victory stand. The Star Span- official badge of the Olympic project to mention of the Olympic Project for display his medals. The National Anthem Human Rights on campus. gled Banner was the focal was played. Smith and Carlos standing I don't know why, but as long as I can There are also deer. Deer don't bother The project was the beginning of the point in which Tommie Smith shoeless, raised their gloved fists and remember I've had this thing about me because they have good ears, quick liberation of African-Americans in sport. anti John Carlos, both bowed their heads. Later Smith explained motorcycles. Not Harleys or Ninjas or reflexes, and they can accelerate from Virtually the whole vision of a boycott from "I wore a black right-handed glove and other weird street machines, but dirt zero to 60 in about an eighth of a second, was directed by Harry Edwards of SJSU. SJSU, made their mark in arlos wore the left. My raised han,c1 bikes. 1 never had one as kid, but now but just knowing that they're watching me Edwards wilts a track and basketball history. itoo4) for the power in black America. that I'm old and decrepit and have no makes me nervous. If they were deer athlete here. The issues of segregation and fogether they formed an arch of unity and time to ride them, I'm hooked. imported from Yosemite national park. I social discrimination amongst the teams governing establishment (U.S. Olympic power. The black scarf around my neck My childhood dreams of riding dirt would really be concerned, since they'd and the audience was toodistasteful to Committee); the additions of black stood for black pride. The black socks bikes must have been weird for my be about as timid as Bette Midler. I'd ignore anymore. All black athletes in any coaching staff to the track team; the with no shoes stood for black poverty in parents, because neither of them have probably round a turn and have a seven- level of competition were feeling this curtailment of participation of the all racist America. The totality of our effort ever ridden a motorcycle in their lives, foot tall buck spear me off my bike like a oppression. At the time SJSU had white teams of South Africa; the was the regaining of black dignity. The and here they have this three-year-old cheap marshmallow, only to have his numerous world-class track athletes that appointment of at least two black people bowed head was in remembrance of fall drawing pictures of Hondas with knobby accomplices tear my lunch from me like a were training for the 1968 Olympic to policy making positions within the warriors in the black liberation struggle in tires and highly detailed engines. They pack of wolves. Games and competing for SJSU. Of the USOC; and the desegregation of the AmericaMalcom X, Martin Luther tried to suppress my desire to ride dirt Other than waking up and seeing no less total enrollment of the university "racist" New York Athletic Club. The King Jr.. and others." bikes by buying me a bicycle, and forcing than 34 raccoons eating all your food (24,000), 72 were African -American demands were accepted, but not Whether a total success or not by me to play baseball and soccer (both of provisions for the next four days, seeing students, many of whom were athletes. immediately acted upon and the black anyone's standards does not depict the which I ended up liking anyway). animals usually makes dirt biking all the For the collegiate athletics acted as a lever athletes proceeded to the Olympic events sacrifices these athletes made of Anyway, history aside. I'm addicted to more fun. to expose the social, political and as scheduled. themselves, their carriers, their dirt biking now. It's also fun riding with friends, academic improprieties. Out of these The project in Mexico City was a protest scholarships, and sport to reach for a Maybe it's the wonderful animal life I provided that you can stand them on the issues, developed the idea of revolt on luminated with numerous symbolic seemingly reasonable dream of equality. encounter while ripping down dirt trails, long drive to places such as Clear Creek, campus and of the Olympic Games. gestures. The stage was the Olympic Please don't forget your history SJSU. with no one around for miles. Just me and Hollister Hills or Redhill something or Games with the whole world as the the trees and the trail. other. I usually ride with my friend Matt, The project for human rights took on a audience. The effect, though not perfect, Jay Patrick is an undeclared junior. so if I should happen to crash, he can national appeal and attracted enough of a was grand. Unfortunately, the medium Other than the interesting comment all the way home how his 40 surprises and infrequent mile-an-hour wipe out didn't hurt a bit, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR while I have more bruises than a bunch of bouts of pain, dirt biking is week-old bananas and my foot is pointing Carts a campus nuisance come here, to get out of their way or the wrong way. That was because he they'll run us down. Most of the time they a blast. Editor, have nothing in the beds of these carts Forum page happened to crash in front of me and took As we students of SJSU, we know that that warrants their use - they could walk Squirrels are sources of nice surprises. up the only soft piece of earth in the entire do not go to the most beautiful or most that toolbox or box of nails across I'm convinced that they wait until they county for his own landing. Matt's a good affluent policies school in the valley, but we do campus, much as we walk ourselves and hear the thumping of my approaching guy, though, since he bought me a bag of know that The Spartan Daily provides a daily we go to one of the nicer our books around campus everyday. motorcycle, and then leap out into the ice afterwards. schools of higher Most of us Forum page. Contributions to the education. A possible solution to the use of carts on trail. They don't usually run off the trail, Other than the interesting surprises and just take the bad aspects of SJSU and page arc encouraged from students, campus would be to have them driven either, but choose instead to run towards infrequent bouts of pain, dirt biking is a dismiss them; being thankful for what we staff, faculty, others who arc around the perimeter of the campus (This me, weaving back and forth like they've blast. I have tried other sports, and those have. Unfortunately, there is one bad interested in the University at large. is fair we have to ride our bikes and been eating too much fermented fruit. I'm experiences don't even compare with the aspect of SJSU that we should not have to Any letter or column for the Forum skateboards around the perimeter of the convinced that they arc trying to play thrill I get from 15 minutes of riding. put up with - the electric go-carts used by page must be turned into the Letters campus). The only exception to this chicken, and since I love animals, I grab a Now all I have to do is say something the maintenance staff. to the Editor box in the Spartan would be the garbage carts. This way the handful of front brake and hit the ground colorful about my lovely fiancee, or else Daily newsroom. WLN 104, during Most of these carts are used for the sole carts could be used, and the students like a sack of potatoes. Following soon she might sabotage my bike and end any office hours. Submissions may also purpose of carrying the workers would not have to jump out of the way after is a graceful 20 -foot slide hopes I have of going riding for the ninth be mailed to Forum Editor, The themselves from one side of the campus every time a bell rings behind them. underneath 300 pounds of steel and weekend in a row. Spartan Daily, Department of to the other. This would not be so bad if plastic (some of which is very hot), Journalism, San Jose State the drivers of these carts weren't so Todd Heidenthal finally perfecting the move with a shovel- University, San Jose, CA., 95192. like visor maneuver in the dirt. I know the John Bessa is a Spartan Daily staff obnoxious and rude. They ring their little Senior evil little rodents plan it that way. writer. bicycle bells for us, the people who pay to Aerospace Engineering


ANGUS KLEIN, Executive Editor 1)EREK smut', Advertising Director Retail Advertising Manager SANDRA HI IT( AMANDA HEIEN, Managing Editor/Production BRA,/ I/ETANNA, HINS. Au I)irector MONICA ( SR I NI. Downtown Advertising Manager WEN ElEI:Erri:, Production Manager BRYAN GOLD, Managing Editor/Editorial JUDY SI/MMERS, National Advertising Manager JUI.IA Cii-op Advertising Manager ANTHONY CATALDO, Forum Editor LAURA DIMASCHL City Editor JESSI YU, Marketing Manager KEVIN SQUIRES, Photo Editor STEVE HELMER, Sports Editor Account evecuthre Sara Harry. Candyn bunch. Colin King. Koller' O'Leary. 'talent. Matthias. And) Kayl, tarry Iranherg SHELL*: TERRY, Entertainment/Features (*hie Photographer MARY MORELLO. Arthita: Joinder Herman Paul Smith. f- roc Vital Editor KEVIN WEIL, Copy Chief LORI SINSLEY. Wire Editor ellINInd OWN 10111111:mPaid an tan Jose. CalolOrnol. Marmanet of the Galao,nra Ifingaller Publishers AssuiNshor, end Published deity, el toss Mate University, during tits maps year In' opinions 44111plaord m the p.p., Sol thaw. Si lbs Reporter': John Hesma. Brooke Shelby Higgs. Claudia Bramkomp, Susan Rom n. Pre cy Owens. AndrewFinkelman. Jim Department St Jautiomera and Mess Commune:411one. Ms University or any Ohm students or faculty oruamlatten tasa totimi ( 'has I Pam Schait Rotten Scottie. Carolyn Swaggan. Jack Trapeser. Ciire residder. Lome Vino on owneinder54 sernester beets Full hesdemle yew. NO Fun semester $10 ON-OemPliS nor* P.f (WY Is cat,* On an,POS PAM. Y Paid IhmApt tnatnxec,,,ast %too Acihnees funds shin ewes Sr lus urn's student Phony Editonal 14091 41'14 3280 adverbravj lanai 924.3270 Phoingt antlers: rilicksrmui. Chip Inven. George ono. thin Richey. lfillary Schalit. Roc-Word Takamatsu, Ken Wong Poniard by Independent Publioanens Postmaster. Pleas bend es ackPosn ,xx,ichons In Spartan Duly San Jou. rpm. Lin,,,ag.,cy on. Weininglon Slquers. San Mist Calibres 106102.

[ ORIGINAL D Spartan Daily Tuesday, March 5, 1991, Page 3

PREVENTION EDUCATION PROGRAM- noon. Student Union Amphitheatre. call 924- STUDENT EDUCATORS: Drug Awareness 4595 YesterDaily Sparta(uide Week Community Resource Tables Exhib- FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIA- its. 9 am. SU. Adam Flores of the TION: Careers in banking by Bank of the Because many students are not on Thday's forecast SpartaGuide is a daily calendar avail- FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT: NCADD. 12 30 pm. SU, Montalvo Room. West, 500 pm.SU Almaden Room call campus everyday. YesterDaily able 924-8714 to SJSU students, faculty and Outdoor concert-South American folk music call 924-5945 provides readers with a recap of staff organizations noon, S.0 Amphitheatre. Occasional chance of at no charge. call 924-4595 ART DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Night Lec- MEChA: Raza Day planning committee the previous issue's top stories. Forms are available in the Daily ASIAN AMERICAN CHRISTIAN ture Series-Rita Keegan feminist View of meeting. noon to 1 p m Chicano Library showers, thunderstorms newsroom. pm. Resource Center, Wahlquist Library North Wahlquist Library North FELLOWSHIP: Meeting on fellowship and Ordinary Life. 5 Art Dept Room 133. in afternoon, highs near Room 104, and at the Information friendship. 7 pm, S.0 Costanoan Room. call 924-4330 Room 307 call 924 2519 Nicole Launder, Ga? briel Center of the Student Union. (Letters call 275-1057 SJSU MARKETING CLUB: General Meet- THURSDAY Miramontes, Pierre Oliverio and 62 degrees. to the editor can also be submitted at SJSU SYMPHONY & CHAMBER OR- ing. 3.30 p.m ,SU,AS Council Chambers, Tyler Warfield announced their the CAREER PLANNING AND PLACEMENT: Information Center.) The deadline CHESTRA: Concert. Music Building Concert call 251-4134. Careers in foreign languages. 12 30 pm interest in running for position of is 10 a.m. The Daily's staff members Hall, 7 30 p.m . $3-$5 donations accepted SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL- S U., Costanoan Room, call 924-6053 attempt Academic Senate president. to enter each item at least DEPT. OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES: Na- ISTS: 2nd Meeting, members and non- FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Wednesday's forecast two days before the date of the event tional Foreign Languages Week. Films- members welcome, 10.30 a.m Walguist Li- Foreign language book lair 8 30 a m tc informed More of the same, slight in addition to the day of the event. Otoko wa Tsuraiye. 1.45 p.m. Sweeney brary North Room 113. call 7219461 12 30 pm. Sweeney Hall Library. call 924- President Gail Fullerton Limited space may force reducing the Hall Room 410: 'Ecco Litalit. 230 pm . WEDNESDAY 4602 SJSU employees that there will be chance of showers, 15 number of MacOuarrie Hall Room 322: :Lorenzo Ghi- -cut insertions FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT: SJSU ICE HOCKEY CLUB: Practice. It 3( plenty of warning should budget mph winds. berti The Gates of Paradise , 3 30 p m . layoffs become necessary. TODAY MacOuarrie Hall Room 322, call 924-4620 Foreign language book fair 8 30 a m to p m Eastndge Ice Arena, call 265-5098 HISPANIC BUSINESS ASSOCIATION: or 924-4602 12 30 pm Sweeney Hall lobby call 924- PRE-MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Meetinc 4602 Hall players, who National Weather General meeting. 600 pm.Chicano Re- CAREER PLANNING 8. PLACEMENT: On- and guest speaker. 1.30 p m . Duncan Five SJSU football source Center. Wahlquist Library North call Campus Interview Orientation, 2 30 p m FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT: SKI CLUB: Meeting-new officer norm were arrested last semester for a bar Service 924-2707 S U . Almaden Room, call 924-6033 Chinese dancers and Kendo demonstration, nations. 800 pm .SU Almaden Room. cal room brawl, had their trial delayed. 462-5717 Gulf troops may be returning Stanford's latest objective shifts home as early as this week funds from research to instruction WASHINGTON (AP) U.S. troops in the Gulf. praised them for members of the 99th Army STANFORD I Al' - Hoping to grams would not be at the expense crete program with some money forees may begin heading home for "incredible acts of bravery" Reserve unit killed in an Iraqi return his university's focus to tea- of research and would "unify the behind it." Kurovsky said Sunday. from the Persian Gulf within a that left Iraqi President Saddam Scud attack on their compound ching undergraduate students. two vital missions of the univer- Among other things the plan few days, a top official said Sat- Hussein "stripped of his capacity near Dhahran. Saudi Arabia. Stanford University President sity." provides: urday. President Bush praised to project offensive military Byrne carried a letter from Donald Kennedy has proposed $7 The proposals will be submitted Salary hikes, one-time cash to the the troops for building a "re- power... Bash to the survivors stating, million in new programs to im- faculty advisory board and awards and fellowships for good newed sense of pride and confi- "His regime is totally discred- "Your loved ones did not die in prove and reward work in the various faculty committees for fur- teaching in the School of Humani- dence" among Americans. Red. and as a threat to peace, the vain. ... They helped to lead not classroom. ther discussion. ties and Sciences, the school re- White House chief of staff day of this dictator is over," just Kuwait but the world onto a Kennedy on Sunday unveiled Backing the proposal is a $5 sponsible for 80 percent of under- John Sununu said it was possible Bush said in the speech carried new path of peace and freedom. the new programs rejecting the tra- million contribution from Stanford graduate teaching. trustee the first combat troops could be by Armed Forces Radio, a path paved with respect for the ditional "publish or perish" sys- Peter Bing and his wife, a Financial incentives for prom- home within a week. "The sacrifice of those who rule of law and for the unaliena- tem and making performance gift that school spokesman Rich ising young faculty members. "Hopefully in the next kw gave their lives will never be for- hie rights of all mankind." not publication the standard by Kurovsky said makes the proposals Better ways to judge good days, you'll hear an announce- gotten," he added. The speech which professors are judged. more than a good idea. teaching, including systematically his Saturday radio address. "A lot ment of a specific schedule and I was taped before he left Friday to In Hikes in base salary, financial of people have talked numitoring professors in class- Bush said that with the Gulf vie- about this, but suspect they'll be coming home spend the weekend at the presi- support incentives to young in- here's a real con- rooms. "The first test of the new right after the announcement." dential retreat in Camp David. tory. structors and course preparation order has been passed." he said. Md. world stipends are among Kennedy's proposals. They also include re- Defense Secretary Dick Che- Sununu, interviewed Saturday Vietnam has "The specter of stricting research by faculty mem- ney said the military is drafting a on CNN's "Evans & Novak" desert been buried forever in the bers and limiting the number of EVERYONE WELCOME! unit-by-unit plan for withdraw- program, said Bush's success in Peninsula, sands of the Arabian publications that can be considered ing the half-million U.S. troops the Persian Gulf gave the Repub. the president said. from the Gulf. lie said the plan lican Party a good political issue. in appointments and promotions. OVER 100 EMPLOYERS would be ready "within the next "I think the Democrats are tie spoke as allied military "The overproduction of routine week or two and could be im- afraid that it may be a productive leaders prepared to meet Sunday scholarship is one of the most egre- plemented "almost immedi- issue." he said. "Anybody with their Iraqi counterparts to gious aspects of ... academic ately doing political arithmetic would discuss arrangements for a per- life," Kennedy wrote in an essay SUMMER It will take less time to bring probably put that on the positive manent cease-fire. it) the Stanford community. the troops home than the seven side of the ledger." The plan follows a speech last AND CO-OP months it took to put them in Bush on Saturday dispatched Release of allied prisoners and April in which Kennedy said he place. Cheney said on CNN's his personal military aide. Army. Kuwaiti detainees will top the wanted instruction rather than re- Newsmaker Saturday." Maj, Sean Byrne. to attend a U.S. agenda, Pentagon officials search to become the universitv - Bush, in a radio address to the Pennsylvania memorial service said. main academic mission. On Sri: day. Kennedy said his new pro- U.S. cuts aid to protest Bolivian drug appointee JOB LA PAZ. Bolivia (AP) Thc United States has suspended S6r) have charged the TUIVCS. million in aid for Bolivia to protest Many human rights groups The embassy sources, who also, the appointment of a former intelli- intelligence unit was responsible for torture and declined to be named, noted that gence chief to head the nation's humanitarian aid for fiscal 1991 FAIR anti-drug squad. a government of- other abuses under Toro's command. would not he affected. The amount ficial said. of the humanitarian aid packagc WEDNESDAY. MARCH 6 1991 Col. Faustino Rico 'torn. who was not immediately known. Many human rights groups have in Miami earlier this year. took over the anti-drug post last charged the intelligence unit was The suspension of the U.S. mili- Bolivian Minister of halm ii week, headed the notorious army PM responsible for torture and other tary and economic aid was dis- tion Mario Rueda said Friday the 10 AM -3 intelligence division during the abuses under Toro's command. closed by goverment officials, who government had received no to. 1980-81 military regime of Gen. Garcia Mern's former interior min- spoke on condition of anonymity. cial word from the United St,c at THE EVENT CENTER I an. Garcia Meia ister was convicted of drug dealing and confirmed by U.S. emhavsv on the suspension of aid. ip f',;' .L.1 with employers representing business -'Justly education, government, health and Community Services Continued brutal fighting in Soweto between BE SURE TO ATTEND! Zulu and Xhosa tribes leaves two dozen dead ' No p gams r ',et,t sre mks, Mars, gm 111 South stormed through the Meadowlands IT Ad, The aitisi outbreak of ta.- mored vehicles surrounded the \ Members ot the Zulu Hostel in the black township Sun- limal fighting in the Johannesburg hostel early Monday . hut the situa 20th Anniversary Concert and Xhosa tribes fought hand-to- day. hacking and spearing Xhosas region in recent weeks. Rattles last ism was quiet, police said. A hand at a hostel in Soweto, leaving to death year claimed moire than I .INIO lice helicopter hovered overhc at least 24 dead and 15 injured, po- Terrified people were cut down lives. officers piled the bodies oil tti %leo y f"..1, e said Monday . as they tried to flee, others were Ilea% itv armed police with ar- senior police officer, who killed in toilets or in rooms allot'

sfs tke on condition of anonymity. they had been eating and sleeplin. said hundreds of armed Zulus witnesses said. Meet the Candidates... l'our Irish men murdered Get the Issues and the Answers in shooting spree near puh 7, BHT AST. Northern Ireland THURSDAY 1 4 API -- Assailants skit and killed EVENT CENTER AT SAN JOSE STATE BPM MARC I four men and seriously wounded a No organization fifth at a village pub in Northern immediately claimed Ireland. police said. No organuation immediately responsibility for the AN ACOUSTIC EVENING WITH claimed responsibility for the shooting Sunday night m Cappagh. shooting Sunday night 50 miles west of Belfast All the in Cappagh, 50 milt'\ DARYL HALL JOHN OATES dead in the pub. a huh 1,1, porn far with Roman Cathol %x ere west of Belfast. All the AND BAND Catholic and II said Ilics sus- in the pub, pected a Protestant 'loyalist dead which gang killed them was popular with Two men were being held for questioning Monday . according at Roman Catholics, were Associated Students Election Board the Royal Ulster Constabulary . Po- Catholic and lice identified the dead as John locals said Quinn. 23: Dwayne O'Donnell. they suspected a Open IS: Thomas Armstrong. 52: and SATURDAY ri Malcolm Nugent. 21 Malachy Protestant ''loyalist'' I VENT < INTER At SAN JOSE STATE ILEINI MARCH L.) Rafferty, 21. at- reported in se- gang killed them. rious condition .ii Royal Victoria in Belfast. Forum '90 'tot TS AVAILABL A, A, 11A':, '0 Oil f NI/ ’’I W.! II.,(JLI'A AND Hospital Candidate ,OWEP RECORDS VISA MC ACCEPTED ALL ICKE IS SUB/EC TO SERVICE CHARGE SIX Witnesses said the assailants 1989 ,CKET LIMP PER CUSTOMER WATCH OUT FOR COUNTERFEIT TICKETS. BUY ONLY FROM A.. Thursday, March 7,12:30 TICKET opened fire as the four young men his iA as an wilisconintiii 5uTHOR1ZED AGENCY tack by a loy alist gang who p, Student Union Amphitheater CHARGE 1111. NONE 406/194-BASS 4151762-BASS drove up to Boyles pub. 91 6/923-BASS 707/762.11AsS 209/466 BASS 41111We The Rev . Denis hint. a Catholic a very easy target . Eau! said (Ram Location: Student Union Upper Pad) Witnesses said two men wet, priest, said he believed the same Bill GRAHAM PRESENTS gang had murdered seven other killed in the car, a third tried to run Funded by Associated Students Catholics in the vicinity since hut died nearby

AL DEFECTIVE Page 4, Thesday, March 5, 1991 Spartan Daily FAIRE Reporters held captive From page / BLOOD co-coordinator of the event, 115 in 'good shape' after war From page! businesses are scheduled to be rep- Thanksgiving, clears trash resented at the faire, some of NEW YORK (API CBS re- Simon said all four men were from beaches and takes dis- which offer a co-op program to porter Bob Simon described beat- beaten within earshot of one an- advantaged children to San individuals for internships and ings and hunger during six weeks other. Jose Jammer's games. hands-on experience. 0060Iof Iraqi captivity, but col- "When they were getting to ... "We're striving to be civic- leagues detained with hint said the important questions they opened minded professionals," -They're looking for students to most terrifying moment was when the door and beat Juan. Peter and perform specific tasks that will Meru said. an allied bomb hit the Baghdad Roberto so they would scream and is an assist in the educational process," The Air Society building where they were held. I would hear them scream while organization for ROTC Milleage said. Simon. CBS London bureau they were asking me questions and cadets who want to be an chief Peter Bluff, freelance camer- beating me at the same time. officer in the Air Force. "The But not all the employers at the aman Roberto Alvarez and sound- Alvarez said the Feb. 23 bomb- Air Force acknowledges job faire offer work positions relat- man Juan Caldera were reported in ing of the military intelligence people who are civic-mind- ed to academic pursuits. Besides good condition at a hospital in headquarters where they were Merza said. the appearance of such traditional London on Sunday ed," after being being held was more frightening the blood is tested businesses as Intel and General freed in Baghdad All of on Saturday. than the beatings. he said. In Electric, said Melkonian, represen- The four were captured by Iraqi confidentially, "The day we got hit with the prospective tatives from summer camps and forces near the Kuwait-Saudi bor- addition each bombs, that was probably the scar- is asked to fill out a the Shoreline Amphitheater will be der on Jan. 21. Iraq released them donor iest moment I went through." he about their trying to recruit people who are after prodding from Soviet Presi- questionnaire said. health history and people looking for a fun way to earn a lit- dent Mikhail S. Gorbachev. a bomb smashed Caldera said with any diseases are asked tle extra cash. The four have lost weight be- open the roof of his room and he not to donate. cause of malnutrition, hut other- ankle injury when ma- Melkonian said that students suffered an Potential donors are not wise were "in remarkably good sonry fell on him. often hesitate to talk with visiting allowed to give blood unless shape when you consider they've "When I went back to the room company representatives, but she they feel 1(X) percent healthy, been in prison in awful circum- I could see the sky," he said. stressed the importance for people weigh at least 110 pounds, arc stances for 40 days," said Dr. Simon said that during one inter- to introduce themselves and voice older and are not cate- Stuart Sanders, who examined the rogation, a captain in the Iraqi 17 or questions. gorized in a high-risk group crew. army "grabbed me by the face,

"The market is competitive and Tom Goodman. a spokesman forced my mouth open and said such as those who have been they can't afford to be shy," for CBS News, said the four do not 'Yehudi. Ychudi,' which means exposed to the AIDS-causing HIV virus. He also said that it Melkonian said. "This is for our George Ortz Daily staff photographer have any internal injuries, broken Jewish, and then spat at me and students We think they deserve it hones or bruises. is impossible to catch AIDS Thalia Lebus, an international business senior, takes a turn at the slapped me. and they should use it." In an interview broadcast Sun- "I would have killed him if I or any other diseases while hula hoop during the Summer Co-Op Job Faire Monday. day night on CBS' "60 Minutes." could have." said Simon. "I donating blood. would have killed hint and I would The blood drive capped a GROVILLE (AP) A 28- maximum allowed, to Robert ficer but jurors convicted him on have had no more remorse than I week of activities that were Chico man year-old Chico man was sen- Rasmussen, who was convicted the misdemeanor charge instead. had every morning when I got up designed to honor Prisoners tenced Monday to a year in jail last month of two misdemeanor of War. The Arnold Air Soci- It was the first 'felony trial and killed a cockroach in my for his role in last May's Rancho charges: assault on a peace offi- ety also held a candlelight sentenced for Chico Days rioting. cer and rioting. stemming from the rioting, mom desire vigil honoring POW's on Superior Court Judge Lloyd Rasmussen had been charged which took place the weekend of Simon said his greatest of solitary confine- Mulkey gave the sentence, the with felony assault on a peace of- May 4-5. 1990. during 24 days assault and riot ment was for fixxi.

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nation. living together and remarried indi- other the Southern Pacific right-of- ate student who lives on Julian WORK By being aware of these factors, viduals who combine households way. Of those who participated in Street, attended the meeting after social workers and other profes- are factors that concern the School BART the meeting, all but one backed the learning that his house is very near page 1 From sionals will be able to communi- of Social Work because of finan- From page 1 union route. the proposed UP. route. work, cate and if I had social etc., to know the fac- extend their help to peo- cial and child care burden. favors a system similar to the ligh- The Southern Pacific route "is "I could live with it and stresses ple of tors that affect people color more effectively. The School of Social Work fac- trail system that would connect closer to a greater number of resi- to,"Abinante said. "But I'd rather who are culturally different from "We believe that the family ulty, comprised of Anglos, Asians, San Jose to the North Bay, but dences," said Susan Strain of the it didn't come." them, Dieppa said. remains the most important insti- blacks and Hispanics, is the most claims there are alternatives that Highpark Neighborhood Associa- Terry Christensen, long time Communication tution in our society," Dieppa said. diverse in gender and and SJSU politi- and language race of any cost less and could be implement- tion, in support of the union route. downtown resident barriers, for The program is with example, can be an geared to help school in the United States, Diep- ed more quickly than BART. "SP will cause a greater influx of cal science professor, agreed factor people and their families to contin- BAR!' or extraordinary for immigrant pa said. BART is a computerized railway traffic on neighborhood streets." most that San Jose needs families who come ue to nurture and strengthen their The goal is to speaking real- to the United train graduate and system which runs from Fremont First Street was mentioned as something like it. But ties to others, States. Dieppa added. undergraduate students from an to the East Bay. the lone downtown station along istically said, "The planning is nice, Immigrants seeking a better life The program not only acknowl- ecological as well as from an envi- the S.P. alignment, while along the but the cost is exorbitant. I think it's because of oppression they've edges minority issues but also ronmental perspective. Dieppa The formal presentation was U.P. route, stations under consider- a long ways off." brief and dealt primarily with the encountered in their homeland, communities changing family added. ation are SJSU and Seventh Street, Paul Ogrin, a Project Develop- find that when they arrive in the lifestyles as a whole. The national Baskin said he was "thoroughly distinctions between the two main Almaden and Market Streets, ment staff member and part of the United States they are faced with divorce rate of 50 percent has impressed with the quality; of the alternatives for extending BART, Julian Street and Cahill Street. All panel, said after the meeting that rather than yet more problems. These crises influenced the American family faculty, of the talented students, the pros and cons of comments at the meeting, with the BART is a long way from snaking BART in general. include a lack of opportunity, edu- making single parents contend the design of the curriculum and exception of one, favored the U.P. its way through San Jose. cation, access to available services with child rearing alone. its impact on the community. A cost analysis and a time frame alignment. "Right now we're just deciding and continual poverty or discrimi- Single, divorced, gay couples (SJSU) should be very proud." are further down the road, or But such service is not without on an alignment," he said. "The tracks, according to Rollo Parsons, its price. Most of the largely resi- (Santa Clara County) Board of manager of project development dential displacement that would Supervisors has to approve it and I for BART. One proposed route result from construction would have no idea when that will hap- Committee approves new helmet safety law would follow the Union Pacific occur in the downtown area. pen. After it's approved we're Railroad right-of-way, and the Mark Abinante, an SJSU gradu- looking at 20 years, at least." SACRAMENTO (AP) All taxpayers, who foot the bill in and restricted their rights of free California motorcyclists would providing health care for motor- choice. he required to wear safety hel- cycle crash victims. Deukmejian vetoed both of mets under legislation sent to the Floyd's earlier bills, saying the Defense pulls request for depressed porn king Assembly floor Monday by "People who bang their head a 9-2 measures were too broadly members and friends gathered in home, a loaded rifle stuffed vote of the Assembly along a curb need a lot of taking SAN RAFAEL (AP) Porn down Transporta- drafted, requiring all bikers to Antioch to remember the slain a pant leg and tion Committee. care of," Floyd said. king Jim Mitchell. charged with a revolver in a wear helmets under all condi- other half of the Mitchell Brothers shoulder holster. He was being It is virtually the same bill murdering his brother Artie. that tions on all roads. pornography empire. held in the Mann County jail. has been vetoed twice before by In one accident, the committee should remain in custody so he can was Police do not have a motive but former Gov. George Deukme- told, a man required inten- Current California law re- receive psychiatric care, his attor- "It's hard for me to get up here jian. sive care and a series of opera- quires riders 151/2 years old and neys told a court. and say 'Artie." said Jeff Arm- their investigation is continuing. The measure by Assemblyman tions costing $1 .06 million, younger to wear helmets, and all They withdrew a request for a strong. business manager of the The Mitchell Brothers built a Dick Floyd. D-Carson, would which was paid by his parents' riders using off-terrain vehicles bail hearing Monday after a psy- O'Farrell Theater. "After 20 multimillion dollar pornography of 21. force all motorcycle drivers and insurance. At the age must wear helmets. About 850.- chological evaluation determined years. I'm only used to saying, empire that included II movie

riders to wear safety helmets ap- Medi-Cal picked up his coverage 000 Californians are licensed to Mitchell is depressed. 'Jim and Art." houses and adult theatres, includ- proved by the federal Depart- at a cost of $100,000 an- drive motorcycles. Artie Mitchell, 45, was shot to ing the O'Farrell Theatre in San nually. Deputy district anomey Chuck .nent of Transportation. Although motorcycles account death in his Corte Madera home Francisco that features live sex Cacciatore said Mitchell's next Mitch- shows. Their low-budget "Behind Floyd, who authored the ear- Critics of the bill, including for slightly more than 3 percent last Wednesday night. Jim court appearance will be March 19 47. has pleaded innocent. the Green Door" became a classic lier, unsuccessful bills, said his some members of motorcycle of all California vehicles, they ell, when a date will be set for a pre- within in the sex film industry and made a AB7 would ensure safety for mo- clubs, said the use of a helmet account for more than 13 percent Jim Mitchell was arrested liminary hearing. as he star out of Marilyn Chambers. who torcyclists and lower costs for limited their peripheral vision of the accidents. minutes of the slaying On Sunday. about 200 family walked away from his brother's attended Sunday's ceremony.

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%MITA( IAILA Sr j Recp i red Expiration 3-16-91 isms moo IMIN Page 6, Thesday, March 5, 1991 Sports Spartan Daily South African boxer defends WBO belt in 12-round decision By Jack Trageser Daily staff writer Dingaan Thobela retained his 'If my hand was World Boxing Organization light- weight belt Saturday night at the well, the fight would San Jose Exhibit Hall. defeating Mario Martinez handily with a 12- have ended much round unanimous decision. sooner.' Thobela, 24-0-1 with 15 KOs. controlled the action from begin- Dingaan Thobela ning to end. WBO lightweight champion "I was never hurt once,’ Tho- bela said. "I knew from the start Romero, won a four-round unani- that I would win." mous decision against Rodney Martinez, 0-4 in title fights and Brown of Oakland. 48-8-2 overall, took the initiative throughout the fight, but flurries Making his comeback debut from the champion stopped him after retiring with a perfect record nearly evey time. six years ago. Romero beat a boxer The only time Martinez hurt who appeared to be in much better Thobela, he literally used his head. shape tham him. Romero pleased Thobela bruised his right hand in the crowd with powerful blows the third round by hitting Martinez that rocked Brown several times. in the forehead, according to cut- showing that the long layoff had man Jesse Reid. causing the champ not affected his ability. Romero to rely mostly on his left jab. improved his record to 17-0 while "If my hand was well, the fight Brown's record dropped to 5-4. would have ended much sooner," Also fighting Saturday night Thobela said. was Victor Egorov (9-1), the first As the rounds passed, Marti- Soviet boxer to fight professionally nez's face grew increasingly swol- in the U.S. He scored a second- len and bloody. But because of his round TKO against Rick Jarvis injured hand.. Thobela was forced (II -10-1) of Reno, Nevada, in a to be patient and score points. super middleweight bout sched- A well-rounded boxer, Thobela uled for 8 rounds. Egorov was ex- considers stamina the most impor- tremely patient in the ring, waiting tant element of the sport. His pro- for open shots at Jarvis' head. moter and publicist, Thinus Stry- dom. proudly claims Thobela "I wanted to throw clean could go 20 rounds and still dance punches and wait for good oppor- around the ring. Thobela considers tunities," Evorov said through an speed his strongest attribute, which interpreter. He also said that he he proved repeatedly by answering liked visiting San Jose. feeble Martinez uppercuts with "San Jose is great," Egorov lightning-quick combinations. Mg Daily stall ptitartgrapiiiii said. "I like all the new build- Even with the scrupulous rep- ings." Above: World Boxing Organization tuation of boxing judges, there was lightweight champion Ding- Thobela retained his title with a 12 round decision. Below: Ilan 'Rose of no way anyone could ignore Tho- In the evening's other matches, Soweto"l'hobela of South Africa, lands a punch to Trainer Norman Filabane instructs the champ' between bela's superiority. The three James Page of Concord improved the head of challenger Mario 'Azabache Martinez of Mexico. rounds of the fight Saturday at the San Jose Civic Auditorium. judges scored the fight 120-109, his perfect record to 4-0 with four 119-111, and 118-Ill, which knockouts. and Jacques Smith of translates to a decisive margin in South Africa (13-1) won his bout Government boxing. after it was stopped due to head- The largely Hispanic sellout butting. crowd paid between $22 and $62 Page, who resembles a young politics hurt to see five bouts, all of which in- Ray Leonard. stopped Frank volved local or cultural favorites. Lopez (2-5) with a second-round Thobela's career They cheered Martinez the loud- TKO. Smith was ahead on points est, chanting "Mex-i-co" many when the referee stopped the fight By Jack Trageser times during the main event. He because his opponent, Cirilio Nino Daily staff writer lost, but the other crowd favorite, ( 11-4-1 ) of Mexico, illegally in- Saturday night. less than an hour San Jose light heavyweight Albert jurred him with a headbutt. after successfully defending his belt for the first time. Dingaan Thobela dropped his unscathed, wiry body into an overstuffed hotel Women's basketball team chair. He looked relaxed and com- fortable in a pastel cotton sweat- suit. winless in conference play Thobela answered questions about the fight in exactly the same By Chris Lillie Smith added 10. manner he had discussed it at the Daily staff writer On Saturday. the Spartans press conference two days ear- The losing streak has finally played Long Beach State closer lier with a casual confidence in ended, but not the way the SJSU than they played NMSU. and soft, broken english. women's basketball team had much closer than they played the But when the questions shifted hoped. 49ers on Jan. 28. While Long to politics. the 24-year-old South In their last two games of the Beach embarassed SJSU that night African shifted to the edge of his season, the Spartans lost at New in the Event Center. 110-56. the chair, widening his gazing white Ken Wong - Daily Mexico State and Long Beach Spartans kept Saturday's game re- eyes to an intense stare usually re- staff photographer State. The Big West defeats left spectable, eventually falling 73- served for the ring. He spoke mem to that effect Blacks there SJSU's record for 1990-91 at 2-25, 53. louder and more rapidly. segregation. Although Thobela I ',spite du: tact that Thohela is still do not even have the right to including 18 straight losses, all in All-Big West candidate Penny "As a sportsman I try to leave hasn't been physically harassed. he black, apartheid sanctions make conference. Moore cut through the Spartans for said police still show their preju- matches in his country hard to vote. The government has said politics to the politicans. but in my no SJSU headed into Las Cruces on 18 points and 13 rebounds, fol- dice when they can come by lie is forced to travel to apartheid is over, hut we see country it is very hard." Thobela actions. according to Thohela. Thursday aiming for revenge lowed by Dana Wilkerson with 14 said. 'They do come and ask ques- far away places like San Jose to de- against New Mexico State. The points and Danielle Scott with 10. He lives in Soweto, the em- tions." Thobela said. "They look fend his belt. Roadrunners began the Spartans' All of the 49ers. who are tied atop battled township outside of Johan- lor reasons to ask questions. "Very soon, Dingaan will draw When asked about his future as a losing string Jan. 4 with a 95-66 the Big West with UNLV. scored nesburg that is centerstage in the No one, however, can question 120.000 in South Africa." said hovel Dingaan Thobela eased drubbing in the conference opener at least one basket. apartheid drama. Thohela's right to a lightweight 'thobela's publicity agent "[hums hack into his plush chair and said for both learns. SJSU achieved two of its three Even though Thobela has equal title belt. He improved his record Strydom "When apartheid crum- he would like 10 light Pernell Whi- upset, how- SJSU's hopes for an objectives in the loss. Coach Tina %upport among black and white to 24-0-1 with a unanimous deci- bles. which ii w ill NOIM. he'll draw take' . the (Avner of the other three ever, wilted under NMStrs attack. Krah had said recently that for the South Africans and is nationally sion Saturday and has 15 KOs. some bigger niunes and bigger lightweight title hells in proles - The Roadrunners raced to a 51-33 Spartans to play competitively. recognized, he is not immune to Rut once again politics comes into eriiwds ' sit mat hi u'.iitg I he electricity in halftime lead on the was to a 104- they needed to shoot at least 40 apartheid's archaic ii sin and play Roth Stryihmi and 1 I li,thela's eyes Min tied hi cool 63 win, and five of the nine players percent. cut down on turnovers and SOUth Air,,alt. belie% e parthcid itterh-c as he explained. in his who scored finished in double fig- have Pemba and Smith play well son. t -assured manner, his M- ures. together throughout an entire Men and women ime 111110\ tug NMSU's Andrea Kabwasa to- game. taled a game-high 23 points and Saturday. Smith finished with pulled down I I rebounds. while 19 points and 111 rebounds. Pember set season high, but lose Rona Raven scored 15 points and totaled 14 points and 13 hoards. Craig calls 1991 Giants his best Tracey Goetsch added 14 points and the team shot 40.7 percent. By Shigeru Nishiwaki event." SCOTINDA11.. \t, I 11'i C% in Bass. ccc , added Willie and 15 rebounds. Tia Thomas The third goal was hardly a charm. Daily staff writer "It was a tremendous boost to Roger Craig. who has %%no twi di Mcliee, and play cis like Ke% iii dished out 12 assists. however, as the Spartans com- It was a busy, but productive get us to regionals." he added. "It istun titles and a pennant in Eye Mitchell, Will Ulm I, and Matt V.ul The Spartans. Its), boasted five mitted 30 turnovers. Stephanie weekend for both SJSU's gymnas- sins exactly what we needed." years as the San Franc 1,01 ili1111`; hams are getting better, players in double figures. Kim Childs lost the hall eight times in tics teams. Stanford sopluinnire stanthiut manager. said the 1991 team is his

Skaggs led the way with 16 points 16 minutes. The women's and men's teams lair Lynch captured the all-around hest ever. Craig added that health was his and added 10 rebounds, hut made Shooting-wise. the Spartans traveled to Palo Alto to take on competition with a schiiol-record "I've never managed a hello biggest concern billowing a 1990 In in, the field. on only 6 of 19 shots fared even better in the first half, arch-rival Stanford t lniversny 58.4 lie also scored two 9.9's in team." Craig said while watehing season in which injuries forced the lent support with 12 to Dana Jones hitting 10 of 19 shots for 52.6 per- Friday night. Despite falling the pommel horse and high har a 41, hour workout. "We have (Omits to use 26 pitchers. Veteran points and eight rebounds. while cent. The 49ers, however. doubled their competition, both teams re- events, and an astonishing 9.95 in 'mac pitching depth. a healthy right handers Rick Retischel and

Pam Pernbcr matched points and SJSU's number of shot attempts. corded season-high scores. the parallel hars. IN in It( ihmson are ailing again boards with 11 each. Sherry Yudt converting lit of 314. They led 41- The men scored a season-high 'the women, competing along- es by sophomore Jtsti scored another 11 points and Karen 26 at the half. 273.7 in the team competition. side the men, registered a season- tormanL Henschel. who had arthroscopic SI)lod placing third behind the host Car- high score for a road meet with a and Sanwo highlighted the surgery on his left knee last July 9, Spartans dinal and the University of Michi- 180.1. evening for the had mime siAelling in the knee after Women's Basketball Stilt ul Slum, tied tor t irsi gan. Freshman Staci Wicklund tied and throyv ing tor 15 minutes and will Troy place in the uneven hal s event with 1990-91 Big West Conference Final Standings Individually. Spartan for second place in the uneven bars two e it drained Monday 1111)rninp a 9.55, while also finishing lost Conferene Overall Stewart tied for third in the high with a 9.4. while Cheryl SallWO bar with a career-high 9.55. placed third in the balance beam and second respectively in the all- W L PCT W L Pf I "We had our hest meet of the 'Overall. we showed that we around competition. Today's scheduled baseball UNLV 15 3 .833 24 5 .828 year. hut we had a rough event," can he a solid 180 team, hut we 'Exit was very' solid and CIII1S1 - game against the Dons at the Long Beach State 15 3 .833 20 7 .741 said Spartan head coach Dave have to he more consistent.' SJSU lent through the meet at Sacia. us memo.' Walker said. "She was University of San Francisco Cal State Fullerton 14 4 .778 22 6 .786 Juszciyk. "The score will help head coach Jackie Walker said. a lot to qualify to (the NCA A ) Re- On Saturday night, the women's very well mentally prepared has been declared a rainout. UC Santa Barbara 10 8 .556 16 11 .593 gionals." team traveled to Sacramento to The Spartans finished in third This is the Spartans' fifth Pacific 10 8 .556 15 12 .556 "We finally kind of stayed to- take on the host Hornets. VC- place behind Sacramento State and consecutive rainout. SJSU is Fresno State 9 9 .500 16 12 .571 gether, even after we had bad Day is, and the Texas Women's 'C- Da% is going so well scheduled to play U.S. New Mexico State 8 10 .444 13 16 .448 events," SJSU senior gymnast University. "The meet wasn't "It wasn't so not fare as well for us, so we figured we had the International University 6 12 .333 12 14 .462 Rusty Boicourt said. 'Me Spartans did Hawaii much that we all had good events, this time, scoring a 176.95 in the deficit in the last rotation on bars:" Thursday at 5 p.m. at UC Irvine 3 15 .167 5 22 .185 hut that when we had a had event, team competition Wickland said. "And I think we Municipal Stadium. SJSU 0 18 .000 2 25 .074 we made up for it on the following However. great individual per. did make up a few points. Spartan Daily Sports Tuesday, March 5, 1991, Page 7 SJSU ends season at bottom of Big West conference Golf team By Jim Johnson team rule by violating curfew and duced to the home crowd. All but a still on top Daily staff writer were left at the team hotel, Morri- single senior, guard Mike Wasser- Just when it looked like the son said. burger, were in street clothes. By Robert Scoble SJSU men's basketball team was This is the first year that the Players like senior guards Troy Daily staff writer getting ready to make a season- Spartans have failed to make the Batiste and Andre Brooks, and se- Even rain and wind ending run at the playoffs, the conference playoffs in its history. nior forward Jeffrey Novitzky couldn't keep the top-ranked Spartans got a rude reminder of The Spartans finished with a 7- missed significant portions of the SJSU women's golf team how far the program still has to go. 20 overall record, the third consec- season. Batiste was so plagued by from winning the Jostens In- Last week, SJSU was in ninth utive 20-loss season for the SJSU injury that he was forced to "re- vitational. The women's col- place in the Big West Conference program. tire" late in the season. legiate golf tournament took with a 5-11 record and two games SJSU was operating from a nat- "It was a season filled with very place last weekend at the Fort to play. The Spartans had visions ural disadvantage all year long. As unfortunate injuries," Morrison Ord Bayonet Course. of winning both its remaining con- if the fact that head coach Stan said. "And we had a number of SJSU was declared the tests and sweeping into the play- Morrison was trying to rebuild the other key people out at various winner after 36 holes because offs ahead of Long Beach State program from scratch wasn't times." rain forced the cancellation and Fresno State, teams they had enough, what little senior lead- The plethora of injuries forced of Sunday's final round. It beaten twice in their season series. ership the Spartans did have disap- Morrison to use numerous differ- was the Spartans third team Instead. SJSU lost its final two peared due to a holocaust of inju- ent starting lineups. Consequently. title of the year in five tour- games and finished in last place in ries. the team never really gained con- naments and was the first of the conference with a 5-13 record. Three years ago. SJSU men's sistency. the spring season. The Spartans lost to UC-Irvine in basketball team members walked "We had a lot of bad breaks, Stanford swung its way to overtime by an 86-81 score, then out on then-head coach Bill Berry. bad injuries to key players," soph- second place with a 640 got blown out at UC-Santa Bar- After the season, in which replace- omore guard Terry Cannon said. score, which was 14 strokes bara, 85-5 I . ment players completed the sched- "Guys like Bastiste and Brooks behind the Spartans. The win "We had a great chance to win ule, Berry was fired, the players had a lot of experience and could kept the Spartans the top in regulation at Irvine," Morrison who walked out were let go and have provided leadership. Daryl ranked team in the nation. said. "Then we ran out of gas in Morrison took over a virtually Scott was our only experienced During the fall season, the overtime. We were down by five at gutted program. post-man who had played a lot of nation's number-one ranked halftime at Santa Barbara. We "I think the effects of the walk- minutes last season." team won the USA/Japan were out of it emotionally in the out was felt more strongly this year Scott. a junior center, had a Friendship Matches and the second half. We were like a flat than last," Morrison said. "Last blood clot removed from his leg. Ohio State Buckeye Classic. tire. Santa Barbara scored 22 year there was the new gym and and redshirted the entire season. Individually. SJSU senior straight and blew us out. They're we had senior players like Kenne "It was a very tough year," Pat Hurst. ranked number- playing very well right now. It was Young and (Tom) Desiano. When Cannon continued. "We had big one among collegiate worn- possibly their best half of the sea- they left there weren't any really expectations. We expected to be a ens golfers, took top honors son. deep roots to the program's past. much better team. There were a lot with a 152 score on the par "I honestly thought we'd win Our on-court leadership wasn't as of things we had to overcome." 72. 6047 yard course. She the last three games. I think you strong as it could have been. The Terrell said. "As a team, our was the only goiter in the 79- can go on emotion only so long." senior leadership just wasn't day-to-day morale stayed up player field to match par with SJSU was further hampered there." through all the adversity. It was a a three birdie, three bogey against UCSB by the absence of The senior leadership literally very interesting season. We should Daily file photo round Saturday. Teammate sophomore Tracy Hanson. ranked guards Charles Terrell wasn't there. At the Spartans' final have won more games." Terry Cannon led the Spartans with 12.6 pts. per game sec- and Philip Crump. Both broke a home game, the seniors were intro- It was the younger players, like ond in the nation and the first Cannon and Terrell, who were Brotherton. junior forward Mi- be better. It depends on how hard round leader with a 77, fin- Men's Barketball bright spots in an otherwise dismal chael St. Julien, and sophomore the players work to improve. Right ished tied for second with 1990-91 Big West Conference Final Standings season. forward Kevin Logan also played now it's time for the cobwebs to Tulsa's Kelly Robbins and Cannon finished the year as the significant roles on the team. clear from this season." Tern Thompson at 156. Conference Overall team's leading scorer, averaging Brotherton's performance sig- Terrell said, "We've taken SJSU's Lisa Walton and Ninni Sterner also finished in W L PCT W L Pcr 12.6 points and three assists per nificantly improved toward the end enough lumps. It's our turn to win. game. He was the only Spartan to of the season, while Crump began We're ready to be a better team." the top 10 on the wet and UNLV 18 0 1.000 27 0 1.000 play in all 27 games this season. to show improvement at the point windy course. Each player New Mexico State 15 3 .833 23 4 .852 Terrell led the team in assists with guard position. St. Julien was Morrison said that two players finished with 159 scores. Pacific 9 9 .500 13 14 .481 a 3.9 average, while adding 10.2 steady all season long, and led the have signed letters of intent to at- good for a seventh place tie. SJSU's next Utah State 8 10 .444 11 16 .407 points per game. team in rebounding with a 6.9 av- tend SJSU. They included; Ivory match is in Ha- Cannon said. "It's always a plus erage. Joe Hunter. a 6-foot-4 wingman waii at the Rainbow Classic, UC Santa Barbara 8 10 .444 13 14 .481 to get playing time. It's good to This bodes well for the future of from Bucks County Community March 27-29. Cal State Fullerton 7 11 .389 14 13 .519 learn from experience. It's good to the SJSU program. College outside Philadelphia. and Fresno State 7 11 .389 12 15 .444 learn from the seniors too, though. "Our future will be determined 7-foot-1 center Joe Waikle from Another player, 6-foot-7 pos Long Beach State 7 11 .389 11 16 .407 They've been there and they can by the improvement of our return- Cypress Junior College. Waikle. Antoine Easley from Porterville help out. ing players." Morrison said. Community College, has made a UC Irvine 6 12 11 19 .367 and Cypress. will play in the Cali- .333 Other young players like "And we hope to pick up some fornia State Community College verbal commitment to sign in SJSU 5 13 .278 7 20 .259 ('rump, freshman center Mike new ones. On paper. 1 hope we'll Championships this weekend. April.


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COMPUTERS MillOrt 1,1 our informal,. HOUSING ll (408) 924-3277 I Quid. 5000 000 how Send I or iRM COMP COMP1 EVE Enclosed S 16 95 lo AL M CONDO FOR RENT Tahoe Nom, Sterling with 21012 al 5768 De I Classification P0 8. 3721 Santa Clara Shore Sleeps 10 Flreplec TIRO Icircle Inered and Inatallad Everything Ca NO. wash dry eitchen Ski areas 11.1.11 Announcements Services In, holed Rusin... of potaonal close by Weekly Cl daily iota. SEND CHECK MONEY ORDER Classified Desk Located Inv& WIN ,O. I consulting 270E170 NA TIONAI MARKETING COMPANY Wanted Stereoavei EIPC Phone r406)333 4131 and ask to, Automotive Helpp welts students to wort as Madre GAIL I log RePreeentatty. on temp. Computers Housing FOR SALE OSI4P'AAFicA-N DAILY CLASSIFIEDSI Deadline Two days prior to publication 111 2 4 nen., hour per eerie Ptll FREE RENT Roommate .1011.11011 lo en Typing REDS' MATTRESS SETS New Ten I f or Sale Lost II Found log end Mang polder displays tor be, phones on 11.0060.41/1 1,1., San Jose State University Consecutive publication dates only Ill FoN 897. Oimen 1149 King 011111 Personal Fortune SOO Companise prod change for ASO rant II I 5168 YOU gel both pieces Bun% San Jose. California 95192-0149 No refunds on cancelled ads ucts Cell today 1 SOO 871 1543 Cbs.lo campus 297 01168 beds daybeds chealbeds 999 PART TIME' INTERNATIONAL Riled HOUSE FOR RENT 210 1 be 21,155 up Dresser mirror nItestrind 411i in. MEM meamimmimmmem umommommoom mi En INN mum maiminemom so. Spartan Daily Page 8, Thesday, March 5, 1991 Features Impaired students get helping hand By Faye Wells To use the service, a student Special to the Daily must be disabled. In addition to an To get into college is one thing, interview, the blind, deaf and mo- to stay another, particularly as stu- bility-impaired bring a doctor's dents arrive with assorted skills, statement. Those with "hidden" incentive and sometimes, disabili- disabilities, such as learning disor- ties. ders, require an additional 12 The Federal government defined hours of diagnostic tests to deter- disabilities in the Rehabilitation mine the exact nature of their im- Act of 1973, said Martin Schutter, pairment, according to Schulter. director of Disabled Student Serv- "We have seen a shift over the ices. last five years toward more learn- Besides what Schulter calls the ing disabled," Schulter said. Of "obviously impaired" such as the the 710 students served by the or-

'Today we are serving people with emotional and psychological, as well as learning disabilities.' Martin Schulter, director. Disabled Student Services

blind, deaf and wheelchair user, ganization, 300 have learning dis- the law includes "hidden" ill- orders. nesses such as epilepsy. Also clas- Depending on the disability, the sified as disabilities are "learning group then provides help both in disorders," perceptual problems and out of the class. Quadraplegics that cause speech. hearing, or paralyzed below the neck need reading impairment." note-takers as do the blind and Started in 1977, the program learning disabled. Disabled student now serves 710 students, two per- services supplies paper with car- cent of the current enrollment, he bons and pays a note-taker, or a said. disabled student may find a class- Ken Wong Daily sta I p otograp er "Our students are regularly ad- mate to take down the lecture. mitted, that is, they meet the crite- "I have a hard time writing, so I Disabled Student Services student assistant Catherine Tripp, a take a midterm exam on a computer Thursday. Computers de- ria to get in," Schulter said. "But get note-takers for me." said Luis liberal studies sophomore helps disabled student Kim Sampson signed for the disabled are in room 108 of Clark Libarv . to stay in school, they need a Duarte. president of SJSU's Dis- abled Students Association. Some- whole host of services. to find." Schulter said. spinal injury and corrective sur- damn," Duarte said. "Its really dents' performance while prevent- take notes for "We are not just serving the ob- times classmates Most disabled students need gery. Her professors differ, she made a difference because I do not ing fatigue. according to Jim Jhao, he said. viously impaired the blind, free, extra time on tests, he said. The says. Some have her take a differ- have to depend on anybody to type disabled student service techni- For the deaf, the service sends deaf and wheelchair user," service sends a form to the teacher ent test from the rest of the class at for me.** cian. to sign the lecture. Schulter said. "Today we are serv- interpreters who determines how much "ac- the accommodation center. must be accurate, ing people with emotional and psy- "Interpreters commodation, or extra time, the "But those who know me well Another program allows visu- Service director Schuller is no as the language becomes chological, as well as learning dis- especially student needs. The service pro- give me the test to take home ally-handicapped Kim Sampson to stranger to handicaps. lie is mobil- and they are hard abilities." more technical, vides a room and proctors to mon- where I can do it on my computer take tests by raising the letter size ity-impaired from childhood polio itor the tests. following the teacher's instruc- to that of a newspaper headline. and his wife. Susan Schuller. is a Test accommodation is essential tions," she said. With disabled student services visually-impaired English proles - for Paiwan, a disabled student who "Adapted computers are in- preferred his last name not he creasingly helping the disabled." used. Schulter said. He shares his office The computers in the library can iinprove "I know my work but my hand with a sophisticated voice recogni- gets tired writing." After receiving tion machine into which the blind memory, spelling, grammar and improve disabled a "D" on his first Accounting 20 can speak. In Clark Library. other mid-term, he opted to take the computers contain high-tech ma- students' performance while preventing fatigue. extra time the service allows. chinery for easing the job of tests. "If I can prove my grade. why term papers and notes. computer technician Julie Wyde- sia it SJSU. Behind his desk chair shouldn't I use it. I do not want the There Duarte types with a mouth ven. hearing impaired Judy Pyeatt lies a blond German shepherd, time and the effect of my handicap stick using a program that brings checked her thesis on Grammatik which is companion to his wire's up options to affect my grade." based on the first three IV for spelling and style. seeing eye dog. Although ambulatory and appar- letters of a word. ently not disabled, Vicki Mauck, a Called Mind-reader, the pro- The computers in the lihrary can "Disability can be the thong that public relations major. suffers gram sv its dev eloped by an exec- improve memory , spelling, gram- motivates you to challenge." he hand and arm fatigue, the result of Ink C sstii ) ',4itiltlnot spell worth a mar and improve disabled stu- said. Actress D ono Plato wo n't accept bond offer 1.AS VEGAS (API Tele- Miss Plato, 26, was arrested at for her because she's had a pretty scription. % ision actress Dana Plato. in jail 10:30 a.m. Thursday for investi- hard time." he said. "She's In "Dill rem Strokes," Miss lot investigation of armed rob- gation of armed robbery of a probably a confused young lady Plato played Kimberly Drum- bery . refused a couple's offer to ideo store at The Lakes shop- and probably was wondering mond, the daughter of a million- post hail because she doubted ping mall. Las Vegas police Of- why two strangers would come aire who adopted two orphaned their motives, her attorney said. ficer J. Whitehead said. down there and try to help." brothers from the Harlem area of The former star of the TV sit- Tony and Beverly DeMarco Miss Plato was identified by a New York City. Arnold and Wil- com "Dill' rent Strokes" re- said they paid $1.30o in cash and store clerk as the woman who lis Jackson. The show ran on jected the attempt by a Las Vegas put up their three-bedroom house took 5164 at gunpoint. The ac- NBC-TV from 1978 to 1985, and couple who put up $1,300 in as collateral for the $13.000 hail tress, who was in the mall when on ABC-TV from 1985 to 1986. cash needed to get Miss Plato out Saturday so that Miss Plato could the robbery v. as reported at 10:15 She is the second member of on hail. leave Clark County Detention a.m. was taken into custody. the "Dill' rent Strokes" cast "She was all upset." her at- Center. to torney. Paul Fitzgerald. said Police said they later found run into trouble with the law. Sunday. DeMarco. 47, said he didn't pellet gun that resembled a 9nun , who played her "Her concern now is that not understand why the actress didn't pistol in her apartment behind the brother. Willis Jackson, was ac- knowing these people who are accept his offer but that the offer video store. Whitehead said she quitted last year of an assault Ken Wong - Dady staff photographer stands. dome this type of arc also had sunglasses. a hat and a charge in the shooting of :In al- Kim Sampson. a %Fatally -impaired student. uses a photographic thing, what then ininives ' 'she's a wreck "My wife and I felt pretty coat that matched the clerk's de- leged drug dealer. lupe that enhances the test site ion a computer screen. Former Miss Santa Cruz fights exploitation Ann Simonton and the correlation between as- watching television. ilk .tiling to Often her performances result in Get High on Life! saults against women and how they statistics she provided. arrests, hut this doesn't alter Si- I 1 spoke on campus are depicted by the media. She Fighting the image of women as 1111)mon's determination). Drug Awareness Week, Mar. 4-8, 1991 views this topic with personal ex- objects and possessions that can be ''('isil disobedience is often been a former .. , against stereotypes perience having judged primarily on physical at- necessary lour social change. Just Come join us for a fun, entertaining, cover girl and a victim of a gang tributes is another of Simonton's look at the Boston Henneuse Tea Party." she and informative week. By Nicolle rape when she was 19. causes. Simonton protests beauty said. Special to the Daily "Media are creating the reality pageants regularly. especially the on the She's paraded topless about women." Simonton said. Miss California Pageant. once held On an individual level. Simon- She's Check out the Community streets of Santa Cniz. "And women are often the biggest in Santa Cruz until it moved to San ton also suggests boycotts and her an- chained bathroom scales to believers." Diego where opposition to the pag- placing your power rut consum- Resource Tables 9am-2pm! through Hula T( ')i)AN'! kles while jumping (In front of the S.U.) Hoops. For evidence, she cites the But she's hest known for the 30 American beauty standard of the 'Allow yourself to change the beauty standard pound balogna and pimento loaf stereotypical ideal: tall, thin, and Tuesday, Mar. 5 Wednesday, Mar, 6 dress she wore in June. 19142 to blonde with blue eyes. and not yourself. Don't change to fit. Nothing is "dramatize the commercial exploi- 'The narrow stereotype hurts wrong with YOU, 12:30 p.m., Montalvo, S.U. tation of women" and believes especially women film Fest everyone of All films "women are displayed like meat color.** Simonton said. Ann j. Simonton, "Alternative Activities" at Umunhum, S.U. for corporate benefit founder, Nbth California Pageant Adam Flores, National 10-noon Simonton suggests to women. Ann J. Simonton. founder of Council on Alcoholism an/ "Clean and Sober" both the Myth California Pageant, "Allow yourself to change the cant is less vocal and it tcceis es ensm on the line to make changes a satire of the Miss California Pag- beauty standard and not yourself. More telc% 'sum coverage. "As a group (women I are op- Drug Dependency -Stars Michael Keaton is eant, and the national Media Don't change to fit. Nothing Simonton uses street theater. pressed." Simonton said with a wrong with you. Watch group. organized to protest symbol-heavy mini -dramas, to stern expression . " We need to stop 4:00 p.m., Costanoan, S.U. noon- 2 pm the marketing of women as objects She defended her views using a convey her message. The meat violence against women. Promote "Barfly" and seeks to improve the image of video collection of still photo ad- dress is one example she has used the image of respect and integrity "Women & Substance women in the media. vertisements to) illustrate how she repeatedly that practically guar- id women in media and change the Abuse" Stars Mickey Rourke media view to ti more accepting As a guest speaker for Rape believes women are repeatedly antees press attention everytime I larriet Pila, coordinator o & Faye Dunaway Awareness Week. sponsored by placed in inferior. %Allowed posi- she dons it the Prevention Education Program, tions while men arc shown is I 'revention Education 2-4 pm Simonton spoke Thursday in the tough, violent aggressors. I 'rogram. Don't miss it! "Lost Weekend" Student Union Costanoan Room to Simonson is convinced ihdl sth h Read the Spartan Daily, a group of 23 women and two visual depictions promote aggres- -Stars Ray Millard men. sion and assaults of women. espe- then recycle. cially since Americans spend an ;;,Wri.,1:37;71tgolz8CarfIltral:znixiitlx,rara,V=V1 Her topic was the media's role It's your world ., I Hloa dater Wiry in exploiting women in advertising average of seven years of their life