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Download HERE St. Mary’s Church, Steeple Barton Photo: © Brian Curtis 2004 Contact the copyright holder for permission to use this photo or obtain a higher definition version. This and photos of other Oxfordshire Churches can be found on: DRAYTON, Berks (now Oxfordshire) Parish Registers Registers up to 1813 transcribed by the late John Brookes and reproduced with his permission Year Dale Born Forename(s) Rre471~ Surname 1678 13 &r bhn s John 8 Mary BUSWELL 1678 12 May Frances d John &Frances CLAYDON 1678 19 May Thomas s John & Mary HANWELL 1678 21 Oct Mary d Robert 8 Jane FLETCHER 1678 21 Dec Anne d Thomas &Anne CLARKE 1679 2 Feb Anne posihumous d Rohelt MUSH & Anne 1679 3 Feb Thomas s Thomas & Dorothy EAGLESTON 1679 14 Feb Frances d William & Mary JELLYMAN 1680 2 May Mary d Will & Elizabeth NICHOLS 1680 19 Jul Mary d John 8 Jm ARNOLD 1MIO 24 Jan Robert s Edward &Anne PHEPZY 1MI0 14 Feb Robert s John & Mary BUSWELL 1681 24 Apr Joseph s Daniel 8 Elizabeth BECKET 1681 19 May Jane d John & Edith HALL 1681 7 Aug Mary d Will & :me YEONGE [entries up to here copied from draft at one time] 1681 29 &p Thomas s Thomas &Anne CLARKE 1681 3 Oct Jane d Richard & Mary BASSET 1681 5 Dec Jane d Will & Mary JELLYMAN 1681 7 Dec Edward s Edward & Margaret PARKER 1681 3 Feb Elizabeth d John &Joan BODDINGTON 1682 16 May Elilabeth d Job 8 Mary BOSBURY Moreton Hindmarsh 1682 16 May Anne d John & Frances CLAYDON 1682 23 Oet Edward s Henry 8 Mary WHARTON 1682 12 Jan Job s Edw & Anne PHEAZY 1682 2 Feb Wlliam s Tho 8 Dorathy EAGLESTON 1682 7 Mar Mary d Thomas 8 Anne CLARKE [I683 no entry of baptisms] 1684 28 Apr Mary d John & Mary BUSWELL 1684 6 Ocl he d Edw 8 Margaret PARKEA 1684 70n R;Iiiarn s Willm 8 Anne JELLYMAN 1684 21 Oec Alice d Aich & Mary BASSET 1685 12 Apr Job s Thomas & Dorothy EAGLESTON 1685 3 Jun Mary d Robert & Mary CLARKE 1685 12 Jul John & Frances CLAYDON 1685 18 Oct Emma d John & Edith HALL 11686-94 no regular entries, and blank pages left. The following six entries were made later by request of the parents] 1688 1 Jan 24 Dec John s Michael & Alice POOL 1690 8 May 24 Apr Elieth d Michael1 & Alice POM 1692 14 Mar 14 Feb Alice d Michael1 & Alice POOL 1692 22 Mar Thomas s William &Elizabeth BUSBY 1693 8 Apr 24 Mar Mary d Michael1 & Nie POOL 1694 3 Jun Edward s Wilhrn & Elizabeth BUSBY 1695 18 May John s John & Mary BODDINGTON 1695 26 May John s Wm & Susanna HANWELL Yea Date Born FoRIIme(s~ Wen!(sl Surme 1695 9 Jun Edward s Wm & Elizabeth BUSBY 1695 22 Jun Mary d Edw &Anne LAMLEY Steeple Aston 1695 30 Jun James s James &Anne WHARTON 1695 21 Jul John s Robert & Elizabeth AYRlS 1695 9Feb Grace d Michael1 & Alice POOLE 1696 5Apr Frances d William &Jane SIMON 1696 19 Apr Wm s Edward &Anne MITCHELL 1696 24 May William baseborn s William BUSBY & Elizabeth TURNER 1696 11 Sep Edward s Edward & J~an ROYTON 1696 11 Sep John s Ed:iard &Joan ROMON [recorded as fwins] 1696 25 Ocl Mary d Wrn 8 Mary DAWES 1696 13 Dee Hannah d Sampson & HANWELL Margarel 1696 25 Dec Mary d William & Susannah HANWELL 1696 21 Feb Cornelius s Thomas & Elizabeth SPICER 1696 28 Feb Jane d Thomas &Jane KINGS 1696 21 Mar Robert s Robert & Hannah WILKINSON 1697 11 Apr Maw d Timothy & Donthy BODDINGTON 1697 11 Apr Elizabeth d Richard & Elizabeth WELLS 1697 8 Aug John s Thomas & Hannah RANDALL 1697 5 Sep Charles s Thomas &Joan HAZEBY 1697 27 Sep Wm s Edw 8 Joan ROYTON 1697 8 Nov ~m s Tho & Mary EAGLESTON 1697 8 Nov Mary d Tho 8 Maw EAGLESTON [recorded as twins] 1697 2 Jan WiUiam s John 8 Mary BODDINGTON 1697 20 feb susanna d John 8 Susanna HANWELL 1697 27 Feb Anne d Edw & Anne MITCHELL 1698 15 May John s William & Jane SIMON 1698 3 Jul Mary d James &Anne WHARTON 1698 27 Jul John s Rich €iElizabeth KEEN 1698 14Aug Frances d Michael 8 Alice POOL 1698 2 Oct Edw s Edw &Joan ROMON 1698 27Nov William s Robert 8 Ehabelh AYRlS 1698 18 Dec Ti~omac s Thomas 8 Mary EAGLESTON 1698 8Jan Elizabeth d Sampson 8 HANWELL Margaret 1698 30 Jan Elizabeth d William & Mary DAWES 1698 12 Mar William s Timothy 8 Dordhy BOODINGTON 1699 26 Mar William s Tho & Jane KING 1899 2 Apr Tho s Tho 8 Hannah RANDALL 1699 16 Apr Mallhew s Robert &Hannah WlLKlNSON Hitherto all is pd to ye Kina 1699 24 Sep Elizabeth d James &Jane SMITH 1699 29 Oct Tho s Robert & Hannah BOODlNGTON 1699 12 NOV Edw s Edw CORBET A Travailor STEEPLE BARTON BAPTISMS Year Dare Born Forename(s) Parenf(s) Surname 1699 10 Dec Wm s Wm & Elenor MARTIN 1699 10 Dec Wm s Tho & Elizabeth SPICER Very poor 8 excused ye K's due 1699 15 Jan Elizabeth d Rich & Joan KEEN 1699 21 Jan Willianl s Wm & Elizabeth BUSBY 1699 28 Jan Mary d Edward &Anne MITCHELL 1699 24 Mar Thomas s John 8 Mary BODDINGTON 1700 14 Apr William s Rich & Mary WELLS 1700 19 May Joan d Edw &Jam WRIGHTON 1700 7 Jul Charles s Jonas & Anne GREEN 1700 6 Oct Hannah d Wm & Jane SYMON A very poor man 1700 13 Oct Joseph s Sampson & Maty KlNG 1700 1 Dec Jane d James & Jane SMITH 1700 22 Dec Frances d Tho &Jane KlNG 1700 19 Jan Mary d Rich & Mary CLAYDON 1700 9 Mar Michael s Michael &Alice POOL 1700 9 Mar William s Tho & Mary EAGLESTON 1700 16 Mar Tho s Timothy & Dorothy BODDINGTON 1700 16 Mar Will s Will & Elizabeth SLATER 1701 20 Jul Anne d Robert & Elizabeth ARK 1701 1 Dec A rnaic child of unknown parents was born in our parish but not baptized 1701 28 Jan Stafford s Edward & Anne MITCHELL 1701 22 Feb James s James &Jane SMITH 1701 1 Mar Anne d Sampson & HANWEI-L Margaret 1701 22 Mar Richard s Richard HAWKINS Esq 1702 5 Apr Mary d Sampson & Mary KlNG 1702 12 Apr Hannah d Robert & Hannah WILKINSON 1702 12 Apr Mary d Willm 8 Elizabeth SLASTER 1702 3 May Roben s Robert & Hannah BODDINGTON 1702 7 Jun Mary d Edward & Joan WRIGHTON 1702 28 Jun Jane d John & Mary BODDINGTON 1702 5 Jul Henry s James & Anne WHARTON 1702 9 Aug Mary d William & Elenor MARTIN 1702 20 Sep Mary d Richard &Juan KEEN 1702 11 Oct Sarah d Edward & Frances BUSBY 1702 24 Jan Mary The daughter of a poor travelling woman 1702 Jan Jeremiah s Tho & Jane KING 1702 7 Mar Richard s Richard 8 Mary CLAYDON 1703 4 Apr Elizab d Tho & Mary EAGLESTON 1703 11 Apr Timothy s Michael & Alice POOL 1703 2 May Samli s William &Jane SIMON 1703 29 Aug Mary d Edi~8 Elizabeth CLARK 1703 3 Oct Elizab d Wm & Elizab BUSBY 1703 31 Oct Michael s Tho & Elizab SPICER 1703 28 NOV Wm s James &Jane SMITH a&., , .. ,., . ,: ,.... .&& -ULr..rri.rz^x:A;.-.;..:;l.i..::.::..J..-L A*__/ . ... ...... :. :...;i.-.&i;i~-- >: -. STEEPLE BARTON BAPTISMS 12 Yerr Daie Born Fmamels) Surname 1703 12 Dec Joseph s Edwd &Joan WRIGHTON 1703 23 Jan Anne d John &Anne DEELY 1703 6 Feb Benjamin s Sampson & Mary KING 1703 12 Feb Wm s Robert & Hannah BODDINGTON 1703 27Feb Tho s Tho & Frances ASHTON 1703 5 Mar Mary d Richard & Mary WELLS 1703 19 Mar Rob! s Robt & Eliiab AYRlS 1704 14 May Elmbelh d Wm & Elenor MARTIN 1704 12 Nov Mary d Edwd & Frances BUSBY 1704 19 Nov Robert s John & Mary BODDINGTON 1704 24 Dec Frances d Richard & Maly CLAYDON 1704 28 Jan Anne d Thomas & Jane KlNG 1704 9 Mar Thomas s Edw & Joan WRIGHTON 1705 13 May &me d Robert & Hannah WILKINSON 1705 29 May Jeremiah s Sampson & Mary KINGS 1705 29 May Mary d Wm &Anne BUSBY 1705 29 May Anne d Wm 8 Elizabeth BUSBY 1705 2 Sep Joseph s Wm &Jane SIMON 1705 2 Sep Hannah d James 8 Anne WHARTON 1705 30 Sep Mary d John & Anne DEELY [interpolated] 1705 2 Dec Anne d Wm & Elizabeth SLATER 1705 23 Dec Richard s Rich &Joan KEEN 1705 23 Dec Elizabeth d Edwd & Elizabeth CLARK 1705 30 Dec Thomas s Thomas & Frances EGLESTON 1705 6 Jan John s Thomas & Frances ASHTON 1705 17 Feb Mary d Sampson a HANWELL Margaret 1705 23 Feb John s Robt & Hannah BODDINGTON 1706 21 Jul Walter s Edwd & Anne MITCHELL 1706 25 Aug Robert s Rob; & Eliubelh BUSWELL 1706 1 Sep Anne d Wm &Mary WELLS 1706 29 Dec Jane d Michael 8 Alice POOL 1706 19 Jan John s Richard 8 Mary CLAYDDN 1706 2 Feb David s Thomas 8 Jane KlNG 1706 2 Feb Anne d John & Anne HARRIS 1706 2 Mar Thomas s Robert & Hannah BODDINGTON 1707 27Apr Mary d John & Mary BODDINGTON 1707 4 May Anne d Roberl 8 Elizabeth AYRlS 1707 25 May Sarah d Edward 8 Joan WRIGHTON 1706 17Aug Edward s Edward & Frances BUSBY 1707 5 Oct Anne d rhomas & Frances EAGLESTON 1707 28 Oec Efibh s Sampson &Mary KINGS 1707 21 Mar Henry s Robert& Hannah WILKINSON 1708 28 Mar Edward s Edward & Elizabeth CLARKE 1708 18 Apr Wm s Wm &Anne BUSBY 1708 16 May John s Roberl &Elizabeth BUSWELL .----- --------____I________ -...-_"i-lX STEEPLE BARTON BAPTISMS Year Dare Born Forenanre(s) &ent(s) Surname 1708 6 Jun Anne d William & Mary EAGLESTON 1708 8 Aug John s Edward &Anne MITCHELL 1708 15 Aug Joan d Rich & Joan KEEN 1708 24 Oct John s John &Anne HARRIS 1708 9 Jan Isaac s John 8 Anne DEELY 1708 27Feb Elizabeth d Wm & Mary LAWRENCE 1709 24 Jul Mary d Thomas &Frances EAGLESTON 1709 24Jul Elizabeth d Thomas 8 ElizabelH BOODINGTON 1709 19 Feb Grace d Edward &Frances BUSBY 1709 19 Feb Susanna d Sampson & HANWELL Margaret 1709 19 Mar Richard s Wm &Anne BUSBY 1710 27Aug Elizab d John & Mary BODDINGTON 1710 24 Sep John s William & Elenor MARTIN 1711 15Apr Eknor d William 8 Elizabeth BUSBY 1711 29 Apr Mary d Thomas & Frances EAGLESTON 1711 3 Jun Thomas s Thomas & Elizabeth BOODINGTON 1711 18 Jul Anne d William 8 Mary LAWRENCE 1711 3 Feb Ann d Thomas & Sarah DEELY 1712 28 Sep Anne d William &Anne BUSBY 1712 22 Feb Anne d William &Mary OAWS 1712 22 Mar Anne d Thomas WODINGTON 1713 12Apr Hannah d John 8 Anne HARRIS 17t3 14 Jun Richard s Joseph & Mary NASH 1713 10 Sep 29 hug John s Walter & Sarah STEPTOE 1713 20 Sep Thomas s Thomas & Frances EGLESTONE 1713 20Sep Mary d Joseph PHlPPS 1713 Waller s Walter & Sarah
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