Understanding Reuse in the Android Market Israel J. Mojica Ruiz∗, Meiyappan Nagappan∗, Bram Adamsy, Ahmed E. Hassan∗ ∗Software Analysis and Intelligence Lab (SAIL) yMaintenance, Construction and Intelligence Lab (MCIS) Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada Email: mojica, mei,
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Abstract—Mobile apps are software products developed to run This paper analyzes the adoption of code reuse for mobile on mobile devices, and are typically distributed via app stores. app development. Frakes and Kang define software reuse as The mobile app market is estimated to be worth billions of “the use of existing software or software knowledge to con- dollars, with more than hundred of thousands of apps, and still increasing in number. This explosion of mobile apps is struct new software” [9]. Research has shown that the judicious astonishing, given the short time span that they have been around. usage of code reuse tends to build more reliable systems One possible explanation for this explosion could be the practice and reduce the budget of the total development [7] [8] [9]. of software reuse. Yet, no research has studied such practice in Various types of software reuse exists, like inheritance, code, mobile app development. In this paper, we intend to analyze and framework reuse [10], each having its own advantages and software reuse in the Android mobile app market along two dimensions: (a) reuse by inheritance, and (b) class reuse. Since disadvantages. app stores only distribute the byte code of the mobile apps, and In this paper we focus on exploring the extent of reuse not the source code, we used the concept of Software Bertillonage among mobile apps.