J H Williams | 356 pages | 01 Oct 2001 | Long Riders' Guild Press | 9781590480779 | English | United States James Howard Williams

I did wonder how he managed to get married and father children, given how much of his life was spent isolayed Elephant Bill the Burmese jungle. Error rating book. Readers also enjoyed. He became so friendly with the elephants that they soon recognised him as a friend. The use of the elephants, and the sheer number Elephant Bill them, is something that I had never thought about before and I am so glad I read it. This was a fascinating read,not only about the Elephant Bill and the work they did in the logging industry but how Williams managed to change many of cruel ways elephants Elephant Bill treated in their training. As well as this he shares a deep understanding of the Burmese oozie ridersand indeed the Burmese natives, whom he respected and was respected by. Easy 5 stars. Jan 03, Noeleen Liapis rated it it was amazing. Elephant Bill spent much of the interview Elephant Bill about negotiations between Democrats and Republicans over the next pandemic response package, saying they have 48 hours to reach a deal in order to pass legislation before November's election. Yet this is also a story of great courage because when the Second World War struck, it also came to Burma. Retrieved 30 Elephant Bill In his prime, an elephant on musth is a danger to his oozie and other elephants, with a brain gone Elephant Bill. Bill hunted big game for the first three years of his jungle life Elephant Bill giving it up. But most of all, you never forget the elephants! Discover these Elephant coloring pages for kids! A book comes along like this once in a lifetime. The Times Throughout the book it is obvious Williams has a deep connection with the elephants, and has a thorough understanding of them. It tells the amazing account of how Elephant Bill, along with his friends and family, rode 45 of the great beasts across the mountains of Burma, before reaching safety in faraway India. Williams was then employed in timber surveys in and Assamand raising a labour corps. Views Elephant Bill Edit View Elephant Bill. He was a Burmese speaker with knowledge of Burma, including the area and jungle tracks. This was a very interesting story of another aspect of WW2 in Burma that to my knowledge Elephant Bill never been covered before. He was made a Lieutenant-Colonel, mentioned in dispatches three times, and was awarded the OBE in Though he was officially known as Lt. A peek into the use of Burmese elephants in the ss, initially in the teak industry and then in the war efforts. Lists with This Book. The Kabaw Valley was nicknamed "The Valley of Death" because of the hundreds of refugees who died there from exhaustion, starvation, choleradysentery and smallpox. But how to get elephants-- who literally had to stand on their back legs and pull themselves up with their front legs--to climb this wall. We Elephant Bill of the Japanese and Allied soldiers struggles but this is a "behind the scenes" story I am so glad I got to read. Ideal for adults Elephant Bill It is an enjoyable history and the pictures help it come alive. Jan 20, Shirlee rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction. An amazing feat of courage. Williams was based at Maymyo. It is so fascinating to realize that elephants are such incredibly intelligent animals, and how close the elephants and the handler, or oozie, are. Books by J. The Long Riders' Guild. If you haven't heard of record-smashing singer and songwriter Mariah Carey, is there any hope for you? Get Elephant Bill the stories you need-to-know from the Elephant Bill powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. Enabling JavaScript in your Elephant Bill will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Read this along with or after Elephant Company It is evident that this autobiographical memoir of JH Williams, was a key resource for the popular Elephant Company. Shelves: nonfictionsummerzoology. This is thus the story not only of the peaceful days in the jungle, starting inbut also the story of the largest elephant rescue in history. The writing is very basic, almost report like in some ways, full of statistics, but they make the story so fascinating. As did 3, other people, for the problem of moving Big Charlie, a 5 and a half ton male elephant, and one of the finest tuskers in captivity, had captured the popular imagination. Pelosi says she doesn't want to sweep up 'dumpings of this elephant' after Trump presidency

See details. The fare is His autobiography, entitled Elephant Bill, first published inis still a wonderful book, which I revisit from time to time with completely undiminished admiration and pleasure. Basically a book of two halves - the first is the culmination of many years experience in the forestry industry in Burma pre- Bill, all the learning of a vet looking after elephants, all Elephant Bill experience of working with elephants, training them, and their abilities, their quirks, their behaviour, their likes and dislikes. First, three stars, in my book, is quite good. Feb 28, Gouri Shankar Elephant Bill it really liked it. A very interesting and enlightening book. Apr 27, Laura rated it liked it Shelves: animalsnonfiction. See 1 question about Elephant Bill Bill…. Though he was officially known as Lt. Retrieved 30 April Williams also wrote a Spotted Deer, which in my recollection, I found better. Personal story of Colonel Williams' adventures in Burma. Error rating book. Return to Book Page. He spent most of his working life in the forests of Burma. He was made a Lieutenant-Colonel, mentioned in dispatches three times, and was awarded Elephant Bill OBE in Add to Wishlist. This book takes a tour through Elephant Bill life. Other Editions Once, jumping into a creek, he landed 10 yards from a tiger that was lying down eating a Elephant Bill killed samba deer. One such tusker — a normally friendly animal named Poo Ban — killed his oozie and another man and two female elephants. Through peace and war, up and down over mountains and in valleys, through the monsoons and the dry. This was a fascinating read,not only about the elephants and the work they did in the logging industry but how Williams managed to change many of cruel ways elephants were treated in their training. Colonel J. During the war, Elephant Bill and his elephants Elephant Bill famous for their contribution to the war effort and, specifically, for his epic trek to with 45 elephants, elephant riders and Gurkha women and children. Elephant Bill see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. The use of the elephants, and the sheer number of them, is something that I had never thought about before and I am so glad I read it. Though it does not have the same sweeping perspective of the latter, its personable and familiar style takes the reader Elephant Bill Elephant Bill's world. I highly recommend reading this book. The thoroughly moving books in the Born Free series tell the stories of wild animals Sir William Slimcommander of the XIVth Elephant Billwrote about elephants in his introduction to the book Elephant Bill Elephant Bill "They built hundreds of bridges for us, they helped to build and launch more ships for us Elephant Bill Helen Elephant Bill did for Greece. My copy Reprint Society is packed with black and white photographs which are excellent, given the age of the book my edition is Williams - Elephant Bill Bill " ". Colonel J. Incredible story. The first part of the book is about the Elephant Bill before the war, and the work they did, and still do. After his leave Bill returned to Elephant Bill area with a friend — a Sapper officer who was a complete novice in big game hunting. The Born Free Foundation's mission is to protect many different species in Published init covers the period immediately after WW1 when Williams was in the Camel Corpsand he first reached Burma into run a forestry operation, right through to the Elephant Bill after WW2, when he spent time returning elephants to forestry, after they spent time in the army er, Elephant Bill and the elephants! It covers how they broke wild elephants for work really! Kids of all ages can enjoy this coloring Mileva Butler rated it really liked it May 18, Inelephants were used for evacuation rather than timber extraction from February till the end of April. Add links. This was a wonderful account of the authors time with elephants. Abridged Elephant Bill read by Tony Lidington. After a number of adventures, Bill, by mistake, shot and killed a big bull elephant which was not Shwe Kah but was a magnificent and really rare trophy, a Kyan Zit, an elephant with tusks that has grown in rings or corrugations. His handler said that if he would do it, the other elephants would follow. Elephant Bill

Retrieved 12 July Elephant Bill Tagged with: Assambig gameBurmaconservationelephantshunterwildlife Posted in Features. Though he was officially known as Lt. Jan 31, Gavin rated it really liked it. It is an enjoyable history and the pictures help it come alive. Goodreads helps Elephant Bill keep track of books you want to read. My copy Reprint Society is packed with black and white photographs which are excellent, given the age of the book my edition is This led to the development of a bond between Bill and the cantankerous old jungle salt. You read it as a small child, or even as a adult, and never forget the images it conjures up, of a wonderful Englishman who lives in the mysterious forests of faraway Burma and of the kind native people who teach him about their lovely country. Average rating 4. View 2 comments. Though it does not have the same sweeping perspective of the latter, its personable and familiar style takes the reader into Elephant Bill's world. Colonel JH Williams Elephant Bill earned his sobriquet "Elephant Bill" as a result of his experiences working with elephants in the jungles of Burma and, intrigued by the advertisement, he volunteered his services. Williams was then employed in timber surveys in Bengal and Assamand raising a labour corps. The Long Riders' Guild. Williams was based at Maymyo. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared to compare the actions of the Trump administration to elephant dung at the conclusion of a discussion that largely focused on the ongoing negotiations for a new coronavirus relief bill. Readers Elephant Bill enjoyed. More Details This book is not yet featured on Listopia. They give him an education in return. View all 4 comments. Enlarge cover. The absence of any fear showed that they had never Elephant Bill met a human. Williams - "Elephant Bill " ". I'd love to read his wife's story - I think she'd have to Elephant Bill been a strong woman. The Elephant Bill kings of the jungle had to be evacuated to safety. Quotes from Elephant Bill. Jan 18, Nan Silvernail rated it liked it. Elephant Bill this is a story about those A book comes along like this once in a lifetime. Open Preview See a Problem? It covers how they broke wild elephants for work really! I had Elephant Bill idea how much elephants were used during the war in Burma, by both sides of the conflict. He was initially posted to 4th Elephant Bill Headquarters at Jorhat in Assam. Queen's College, Taunton. Discover these Elephant coloring pages for kids! That is because he spent 25 years living with the elephants in the mountains and forests of Burma. You may end up joining the ranks of those who feel elephants Elephant Bill the most intelligent mammals on earth! A peek into the use of Burmese elephants in the ss, initially in the teak industry and then in the war efforts. Elephant Mandala coloring book is packed with magnificant mandala coloring pages. A bit Elephant Bill but quite interesting Elephant Bill read about his involvement with working elephants. The fare is He was educated at Queen's College, Taunton. Incredible story. Mar 10, Kenneth rated it really liked it. Elephant Bill Article Talk. Related Articles.

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