The JournalStilt for the East Asian-Australasian Flyway AWSG Number 73-74 • November 2020 Australasian Wader Studies Group OFFICE BEARERS Chair: Alison Russell-French Email:
[email protected] Vice Chair: Birgita Hansen Email:
[email protected] Chair of Scientific Committee: Danny Rogers Email:
[email protected] Editor: Imogen Warren Email:
[email protected] Stilt Secretary: (Interim) Alison Russell-French ISSN 0726-1888 Email:
[email protected] © AWSG Treasurer: (Interim) Birgita Hansen Email:
[email protected] Conservation Officer: Steve Klose MISSION STATEMENT Email:
[email protected] To ensure the future of waders and their habitats in INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Australia through research and conservation programmes and to encourage and assist similar programmes in the NEW ZEALAND rest of the East Asian–Australasian Flyway. North Island: Adrian Riegen Email:
[email protected] OBJECTIVES South Island: Rob Schuckard Email:
[email protected] . Monitor wader populations through a programme of counting and banding in order to collect data on OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBERS changes on a local, national and international basis. Study the migrations of waders through a programme Robert Bush, Maureen Christie, Joris Driessen, of counting, banding, colour flagging, collection of Amelia Formby, Ken Gosbell, Chris Hassell, Roz biometric data and use of appropriate scientific Jessop, Marcel Klaassen, Amanda Lilleyman, Grace instruments. Maglio, Adrian Riegen and Dan Weller. Instigate and encourage other scientific studies of waders such as feeding and breeding studies. MEMBERSHIP OF THE AUSTRALASIAN . Communicate the results of these studies to a wide WADER STUDIES GROUP audience through its journal Stilt and membership newsletter the Tattler, other journals, the internet, the Membership of the AWSG is open to anyone interested media, conferences and lectures.