Hobos: Solved? Dallas Files Open - Documents Found Inside 411Mmrill
I Err CI .311 r-r DALLAS, TEXAS 4.1 1 -1 - • r: , • Ts. y ONLY $3.00 The Mystery of the Three A Hobos: Solved? Dallas files open - Documents Found Inside 411Mmrill • •:-, I SVAL0k11411113 LirtilLIJC L.lel—,PLI tins AA' • - er o TO DEALEY PLAZA . •. SELECTED 0 J.F.K. - A.I.C. For Discount - A $5.00 value 1. V3)1111 School Rook S. The Union Temilnal WITNESSES Deposttory (now the Tower A. Policeman J. W. ' Dallas County 6. The Grassy Knoll Sam Holland and other AdminIstraflo'n euldkcli 7. Wooden pktket fence railroad workers 2. The Dal-Tex Building g, comfits payola fi James Tope (now 501 Elm Pfacel FOR MOVIE & EXHIBIT ONLY 1 Parking C Jean Hill and 3. , . Mary MDCWITISfi County 10. Old Court Hos* RecordsThe Dallas D. Beverly Oliver u '9CI .11. Union Termini 0.1101a. k The County Criminal (the "Babushka Lady" ird I I 04. )it Courts Building (which E. Charles Brehm and son *F.liv'd,":'• housed the County Jail F. Emmett Hudson West End NlarketPlace and the Shertfll Office) G. Abraham Zapruder H. Railroad Supervisor viviiress%**5-;z- Lee Bowers I. The Bill Newman family J. James Attgens K. The John Chisms JFK r-] L The Phil Willis family M. Roy Truly, Billy Lorelady ASSASSINATION and other Depository employees INFORMATION N. Howard Brennan 0. Charles Bronson CENTER J.F.K.-A.I.C. P Roger Craig and West End MarketPlace, Suite 310 other deputy sheriffs 0 The "Umbrella Man" (3 blocks north of Dealey Plaza) ■ - ••••••• "WM !%. A ,='t , A r --.4" ■XIT - • According to the arrest reports, all three were arrested for va- grancy and robbery immediately after the assassination.