Waipara School Being the Best W E Can Be Ekea Ka Tiritiri O Te Moana

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Waipara School Being the Best W E Can Be Ekea Ka Tiritiri O Te Moana 22 July 2019 Waipara School 2 Loffhagen Drive, P.O. Box 11, Waipara 7447.Phone (03) 3146814 Fax (03) 3146815 Email: waipara@xtra.co.nz Website: www.waipara.school.nz o te moana ONE HUNDRED DAYS AT SCHOOL FOR 2019 On Thursday 4 July, Harakeke celebrated having been at school for 100 days this year and above are one hundred lollies that we divided amongst all of the children present in the school on that day! Ekea ka tiritiri o te moana te o tiritiri ka Ekea beingthebestwe can be ekeakatiritiri BOT Meeting The next meeting of the Waipara School BOT will be on Thursday 25 July, 6.30pm in Kanuka – all parents are welcome to attend. The Board of Trustees members are: Victoria McGuckin, Nathn Trethowen, Deb Dellaway-Curtis, Karen Duncan, Matt Ford, Scott Holland and Di Officer. A CHALLENGE FOR YOU Play a board game as a family The kindly donated by the PTA Chocolate Fish have been awarded to: Noah Trethowen – trying hard at adding tens and ones Will Ford – great work in adding two digit numbers Aria Holland – creative artwork and ideas Henri Morgan – working hard in Maths, especially place value Noah van der Lee – conscientious milk and ICT monitor Haidee Ottaway – having a positive attitude and being the best she can be Alice Hoban – challenging herself with trying new things Mielah MacGregor – being the best she can be Kyla Trethowen – super effort in reading Savannah Hammond – super worker, giving 100% effort in all subject areas Rowan Morgan – first to complete the cryptic crossword this week Riley Girdlestone – working well at Maths, especially with problem solving Isobel and Tony Whyte – thanks for allowing the school green rubbish to be dumped on your property Val Thompson – thanks for cleaning our school in Megan Hardacre’s absence Congratulations and well done to you all. WAIPARA SCHOOL VALUE RESPECT FOR SELF, OTHERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT MANAAKITANGA WAIPARA SCHOOL NEWSLETTER IMPORTANT DATES TO DIARY FOR THIS TERM • Monday 22 July – school commences for Term Three • Wednesday 7 August – North Cantamaths competition at Ohoka Sports and Events Centre – morning • Friday 16 August – PTA Disco, early evening in the Waipara Memorial Hall • Tuesday 20 August – combined teaching day with Waipara, Waikari and Greta Valley Schools at Waipara School • Monday 26 – Thursday 29 August – Open Week at Waipara School – come in and see our programmes in action WAIPARA SCHOOL OUT OF • Thursday 29 August – E kore a muri Enrichment Day at Omihi School THIS WORLD (WOW) for two Waipara School children e hokia AWARD • Friday 30 August – TEACHER What is done Maybellina Maaka presented the ONLY DAY – school closed WOW Award to Martha Sidey for • Tuesday 3 September – Court is done. being kind to others. Theatre Show in the Glenmark Pavilion 9.30am – all welcome Congratulations Martha. • Wednesday 4 September – Kowai Top Team Challenge for Year 5- 8 – afternoon at the Amberley Domain • Thursday 5 September – Day in Christchurch – ice skating and visiting the new Christchurch Library THE MATHLETES TROPHIES HAVE BEEN • Friday 6 September – Leadership camp children evening in Hanmer PRESENTED TO THE FOLLOWING CHILDREN Springs Kanuka – Levi McNae and Rosa Sidey • Wednesday 11 September – Tarata – Joe Sidey and Astara Wallace-Jessep Kowai Top Team Challenge Harakeke – William Hoban and Patrick Berry postponement date • Tuesday 17 and Thursday 19 Congratulations on winning these trophies! September – parent / teacher interviews after school • Friday 27 September – school ends for Term Three • Monday 14 October – school commences for Term Four OUR CHILDREN AT PLAY PIES PIES PIES PIES PIES PIES GARDENS GARDENS GARDENS The Waipara School PTA are doing The Waipara School PTA are also selling these again as they are a great tickets to the Hurunui Garden Festival during the weekend of 1-3 November. fundraiser. Orders and money need to There are 23 gardens to view and one be returned to Deb by the 26th of July. ticket buys a viewing of one garden. The F you need another order form, please date for returning orders has been let Deb know. The order gets delivered extended to whenever you get some on the 7th August. orders…… The PTA receives So, happy selling everyone. commission for every ticket sold. Enquiries to Adie Moore. This was the final cooking with eggs that Harakeke did during the last week of last term. Egg and bacon nests and the verdict was that they were delicious and easy peasy to make! More than 75% of all countries in the world are north of the equator. KAPA HAKA AT WAIPARA SCHOOL FOR TERM THREE Matua Rihari Walker returns to our midst to teach our children Kapa Haka. This will take place every second Wednesday morning from 9.30 – 10.30am and will be in the Tarata classroom (in the shared space beside Harakeke). Feel free to come in and join the sessions. It is much fun! The Culmination Day for Kapa Haka will be held in the Leithfield Hall on Wednesday 11 December. Everyone is welcome to attend this event!!! Karen Duncan continues to work with our Enviroschools group and this term she has organised Serina Linton to come in and work with the children on designing and making bird feeders and learning about composting as well as recycling and rubbish, having carried out an audit last term. NORTH CANTAMATHS COMPETITION IN OHOKA Waipara School have entered three teams in the above competition and require parental assistance in transporting the teams to the venue – the competition is held at staggered times during the morning. The Year Six team is: Hamish, Riley, Toby and Lily-Rose; the Year Seven team is Jordyn, Mia, Charli and Jacob and the Year Eight team is Rosa, Martha, Savannah and Rowan. If you could help, please let Barbara McLean know. CAMP MEETING FOR KANUKA PARENTS To be held at 3.15pm on Friday 02 August in the Kanuka classroom. Barbara would like to discuss ways of raising funds for the camp to Kaikoura in Week Six of next term. If you are unable to make it to the meeting could you please send your fundraising ideas and ways you could help to waipara@xtra.co.nz. Thanks for your support in this matter. COMBINED TEACHING DAY WITH WAIKARI, GRETA VALLEY AND WAIPARA SCHOOLS To meet one of the BOT’s Strategic Goals in increasing interschool relationships, a day has been organised on Tuesday 20 August for Waikari and Greta Valley Schools to join our school for the day and be involved in classroom programmes altogether. There will be 100 plus children on our site for the day. The finer details of how this will work are still being finalised but the teachers of all schools will team teach the programme! Exciting and something completely different! We will keep you posted and would be interested in your feedback after the experience. WAIPARA SCHOOL UNIFORM Thanks again to the parents of the children who are correctly clad in uniform EVERY DAY!!! Towards the end of last term, I was wondering whether the uniform rules had changed and no one had informed us!!!!! Plain navy bottoms (with no writing included), plain NAVY socks and plain BLACK shoes are what the policy states. There seem to be additions and alterations to the polar fleece with different sweatshirts being paraded each day! Please check your children’s attire before leaving home. We wish our children to wear the uniform with pride and look smart in their appearance. Children, wearing what they choose, reflects on the values of our school, especially being out in the public eye. Being the best we can be is what we want from all. Thanks for your support in this matter. TEACHER ONLY This SISTEMA lid was found on our staffroom bench DAY ON FRIDAY after someone heated up lunch. Please claim if it is 30 AUGUST AND yours. Also, in the Lost Property Box was a size 10 SCHOOL WILL BE navy blue thermal, unnamed. May be required during CLOSED AS this next term…….both items are in my office. TEACHING STAFF WILL BE ATTENDING WORKING BEE THANKS PROFESSIONAL A huge thanks to those of you who were able to DEVELOPMENT IN assist with our recent working bee to pick up the tree RANGIORA. trimmings left from Mainpower’s work, to prune the PLEASE MAKE roses, clean up after the sunflowers and general tidy SURE THAT YOU up! The grounds look beautiful and ready for the HAVE THIS DATE new term. Thanks also to Karen Duncan for ON YOUR organising this on behalf of our school. Well done! CALENDAR. MAINPOWER HURUNUI ENVIRONMENT FUNDING RECEIVED Last term, we applied for funding from the above source to provide tracking tunnels to all families to ascertain the creatures roaming around our back yards. This is part of our Science unit and the tunnels will be sent home when we reach that piece of our study. T’will be fun! .
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