THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD OF METEORITE IMPACTS Gordon R. Osinski Canadian Space Agency, 6767 Route de l'Aeroport, St-Hubert, QC J3Y 8Y9 Canada, Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT 2. FORMATION OF METEORITE IMPACT STRUCTURES Meteorite impact structures are found on all planetary bodies in the Solar System with a solid The formation of hypervelocity impact craters has surface. On the Moon, Mercury, and much of Mars, been divided, somewhat arbitrarily, into three main impact craters are the dominant landform. On Earth, stages [3] (Fig. 2): (1) contact and compression, (2) 174 impact sites have been recognized, with several excavation, and (3) modification. A further stage of more new craters being discovered each year. The “hydrothermal and chemical alteration” is also terrestrial impact cratering record is critical for our considered as a separate, final stage in the cratering understanding of impacts as it currently provides the process (e.g., [4]), and is also described below. only ground-truth data on which to base interpretations of the cratering record of other planets and moons. In this contribution, I summarize the processes and products of impact cratering and provide and an up-to-date assessment of the geological record of meteorite impacts. 1. INTRODUCTION It is now widely recognized that impact cratering is a ubiquitous geological process that affects all planetary objects with a solid surface (e.g., [1]). One only has to look up on a clear night to see that impact structures are the dominant landform on the Moon. The same can be said of all the rocky and icy bodies in the solar system that have retained portions of their earliest crust.