Building a just & sustainable economy through nonviolent

ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Dear Friends of Earth Quaker Action Team, The last 18 months have been an exciting time of connection and escalation for EQAT. As we acknowledge the people who made our work possible in 2013, we can’t help but give you a glimpse of how that work is continuing. We have expanded our connections with the broader climate-change movement, strengthened our ties with Appalachian activists, honored our elders, and supported youth leaders. We have escalated the number of same-day actions, the number of participants, our geographic range, as well as the degree of sacrifice we are willing to undertake as we keep pushing PNC to end its financing of mountaintop removal coal mining. Some highlights from these months include: 2013 2013 GIFTS IN HONOR February: EQAT coordinated 6 buses—almost 300 people—from to Washing- & MEMORY ton, D.C. for the Forward on Climate Rally. Gifts given in honor or March-April: During a 40 day period, more than 50 people from around the country joined in memory of loved ones EQAT for one or more days of fasting, in solidarity with Appalachians resisting mountaintop are deeply appreciated. removal coal mining, and in preparation for our action at the PNC shareholder meeting. Gifts were made in April: PNC Shareholder Meeting in Pitts- memory of: burgh: EQAT members asked each board Kristen Avizius member to end his/her support for mountain- Allen Bacon top removal coal mining. Instead of standing Richard Ingalls Blount up for human health and environmental pro- Joe Karpov tection, PNC executives rushed through their Margaret S. McCoy agenda and ended the meeting in less than 20 Edward Webster minutes to avoid answering our questions. 2013 PNC Sharehholder Meeting Gifts were made in June: EQAT went international! British surprised PNC board member Jane honor of: Pepper while she was in England to lead a garden tour. They gave her chocolates, a book on Allen Bacon gardening and a request that she use her influence to get PNC to stop financing mountaintop Eileen Flanagan removal coal mining. Robin Harper July: To deepen our understanding of the realities lived by those living in mountaintop Walter Hjelt Sullivan removal areas, EQAT staff and members visited our allies in . Patricia D. Hunt George Lakey August: EQAT led the first of 6 nonviolent direct action trainings for our Keystone XL Ingrid Lakey Pipeline Action. This was a chance for EQAT to add our strength to the national fight to Karen Leitner stop the Tar Sands Pipeline, while building relationships with new people in Philadelphia. Carolyn McCoy Sam Snipes October: Over 5,000 students from around Dick Taylor the country converged on Pittsburgh for Kaz Uyehara “Power Shift.” EQAT led nonviolent direct action trainings and the biggest bank branch action in U.S. history. We stopped “business as usual” at 16 different PNC branches. At one branch, the bank had seven of EQAT’s truth tellers arrested. The story was picked up 7 Friends arrested at Power Shift by over 70 news outlets.

Power Shift Training 2013 GIFTS IN-KIND EQAT gratefully received generous in-kind support Forward On Climate Rally in DC of professional services, housing, and accompaniment to 2014 traveling volunteers. January: We celebrated and honored 5 EQAT elders, who modeled long-term activism and integrity. Howard Aikens & Christine Wolfe March: Sweeping Out Corruption Keystone XL Pipeline Action: After a request from the Lucyna de Barbaro national movement against KXL, EQAT led an action with our allies at the Philadelphia Barry Beal Federal Building. Close to 200 people participated. Twenty-nine were arrested for civil Susan Christian disobedience and more courageous people were prepared to do so. Rosemary Coffey April: PNC moved their shareholder meeting Claudia Detwiler from Pittsburgh, PA to Tampa, FL, where there Dannie Durand happened to be young Friends already excit- Dawn Lehman ed about working with EQAT. The result was Nick Coles & an intergenerational training collaboration at Jennifer Matesa Southeastern Yearly Meeting’s annual sessions Eliot Grace and a powerful action at the shareholder meet- John Haer & ing that included 22 Floridians from 7 month- Joni Rabinowitz PNC Shareholder Meeting in Tampa, FL ly meetings. PNC executives rushed through Rachel Harvey their agenda even faster than the previous year. Mike Healey, Healey & Hornack, P.C. July: Over 200 people from across the United States came to PNC’s corporate headquar- Elise Keaton ters in Pittsburgh, five busloads of them from the Friends General Conference Gathering Mary King & in nearby California, PA. This worshipful action featured youth leaders, participants from Jim Morgan ages 5 to 85—many of whom were taking their first nonviolent direct action—and several Katey Lauer Friends who left ready to bring EQAT’s campaign back to their home communities. Laura Rigell Eric & Summersgil Thank you for your support in 2013. Your financial contribution enables us to put our Kurt Summersgil attention on developing effective and strategic actions to end mountaintop removal coal Val Vogel mining, a major contributor to climate change. We deeply appreciate gifts of all sizes. If you Scilla Wahrhaftig have not made a contribution yet in 2014, now is a good time to do so, as we gear up for Junior Walk our largest day of action yet on December 6. You should expect to hear about 20 or more Kay Wetzel actions from Indiana to New York to Florida! Dustin White Irma & Larry Wolfson With joy and gratitude, Patrick Young Eileen Eileen Flanagan, Clerk of the Board Generous Gifts in 2013

Ali Aghbar Eileen Flanagan and Tom Volkert John Lapham Mary Ellen Rugg Harry Alper Gail and John Fletcher Arthur Larrabee Ben Safran Nico Amador Diane and Joseph Foster Martha Latshaw Matt Sanderson Alison Anderson Phil Furnas Erika Lauffer Hollis Scarborough Elizabeth Anderson and David Geoffrey Gardner Karen Lautzenheiser Mary Schellentrager Stahl Lola Georg Will Lawrence Jo Schlesinger Anonymous (6) Esther Gilbert Mandy Leith Terry Schultz Jorge Arauz Adam Goldman Philip Leitner Marcy Schwartz Dora and Thomas Armstrong Mary Goldman Ryan Leitner M Schlotterbeck Rudy Avizius Charlotte and Chuck Gosselink David Leonard JoAnn Seaver and William Van Elizabeth Ayscough Rachel and Rick Grier-Reynolds Adam Levine Stone Jesse Bacon Annabel and Harald Grote Eliza Lewis Maynard Seider and Sheila Chris and Samantha Baker Evens Barbara and David Grover Susanna Lewis Weinberg Greg Barnes Joe and Wanda Guthrie Mordechai Liebling and Lynn Iser Judith Shea Brenda Beadenkopf Marta Guttenberg Ilona Lind Cecilia B. Sibinga Manya Bean John Haer and Joni Rabinowitz Kandy Lippincott Pegi Siegel Lela Betts and Rob Cope Joel and Kerry Hammon Zan Lombardo Tim Siftar Bruce Birchard and Demie Kurz Robin Harper Alice Long Kathy Singer Richard Bland David and Jan Hartsough Pat Long Marion Smith Snipes and Sam Lina Blount David and Harriet Heath Steve Loughin Snipes Jens Braun and Spee Braun John Helding Jack Malinowski Jonathon Snipes and Melanie John Braxton and Marcy Morgan Emily Hill Bunty Marshall Douty-Snipes Allan Brick Heather Hill Lou Martin Niyonu Spann Robert Briggs and Virginia Lohr Gayle Hinebaugh James and Jean Matlack Jonathan Sprout Rhoda Brooks Bobbie Hineline and Thomas Antje Mattheus and David Kairys Lea Stabinski Robert and Susan Campbell Ljungman Hannah Mayer Bill and Nancy Strong Jeff Carpenter Chris and Jack Hjelt John McKinstry and Nancy Sharon Sundial Elizabeth Castiglione and Tom Walter and Traci Hjelt Sullivan Crickman Robert Sutton Hoopes Claire Hofer Patricia McBee and Brad Sheeks Margo Tassi Lily Cavanagh Mary Ann Huber Lee McClenon Dick and Phyllis Taylor Lorraine Claggett Mary Anne Hunter Carolyn McCoy and Bill Conrad Trumbore and Virginia Jacqueline and Walt Cleaver Bonnie and David Inouye Sanderson Ahrens Jessie Cocks Donny Irvandy Sylvia Metzler Ruth Vaurio Rosemary Coffey Deborah Jensen and Steven Anne Moore Ruth Walmsley Dan Coppock Malloch Robert Morrow Carol Walz Elizabeth Crofts Craig Johnson Erika Muhlenberg Robert Ward Ellen Deacon Gil Johnston Sharon Mullally Amy Ward Brimmer and David Amanda Deal Sara Johnston Delores Nelson Brimmer Vint Deming Stephanie Judson and Sandy Rea Marjorie Nelson Colleen Warmingham Kate DeRiel Lee and Tony Junker Denis and Gail Newbold Donald Weightman Ann Dixon Janna Kane Chris and Helen Nicholson Debra Weiner Frances Dreisbach Claire Karpov Judith Norton Marianne Whitlock Christie Duncan-Tessmer Jennifer Karsten and Michael Isabel Olmsted Judith Wiegand George and Sue Edwards Gagné Sally Palmer Sally Willoughby Martha Edwards Frances and Howard Kellogg Craig and Deborra Sines Pancoe Judy Winters Mary Kay Edwards Gwendolyn Kerber Jane Perlstein Nan Louise Wolfe and Stephen Clare Eggers Amy Kietzman Kay Pickering Zunes Steve Elkinton Meryl Klieger Peggy Pillard Irma and Lawrence Wolfson Mark Eschbacher and Tish Dick Kline and Molly Jones Kline Zandra Price Jan Wright Molloy Paula Kline Jennifer Quinn Mary Yee and Paul Uyehara Anna Everetts Hollister Knowlton Greta Rech The Evergreen Foundation Steven Kretzmann Dorothy Reichardt Quaker Institutions Marjorie Ewbank Brad Laird Lee and Richard Reinert Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting Carol Famariss Berit Lakey Scott and Susan Rhodewalt Green Street Monthly Meeting Patricia Finley George Lakey Sally Rickerman Harrisburg Monthly Meeting Ali and Karie Firoozmand Ingrid Lakey Chris Roberts Middle School Friends, PYM Eli Fishpaw and Kathy Fox Elizabeth and Taylor Lamborn Gwyn Roberts Dorothy Flanagan Jon Landau Liz Robinson 2013 Expenses

Legal Fees 1%** Administra;ve Expenses 8%* Fundaising Expenses 8% 2013 Annual Report Expenses & Donations

2012 2013 Program Expenses (incl. salaries) $56,906 $75,513 Fundraising Expenses $5,316 $7,328 Legal Fees $2,000 $396 Administrative Expenses $1,735 $7,585 Program Expenses TOTAL $65,957 $90,822 83%

Donations $82,890 $86,973

Surplus/Deficit $16,933 -$3,849 *2013 included building administrative infrastructure. We shifted paid staff from consultants to employees, which added taxes and worker’s compensation to salary costs. We worked with an accoun- tant to begin using software that enables us to operate within a more complicated financial picture.

**In 2013, no arrestees went to trial and we received legal counsel at a significantly reduced rate.

GIVING STORIES 2013 I donate to Earth Quaker Action Team EQAT Board of Directors because I know that it is the best invest- ment I can make in a sustainable future Lina Blount for me and future generations. I know Eileen Flanagan, Incoming Clerk that we will not solve our climate crisis Lola Georg Ryan Leitner without faith communities, and EQAT Walter Hjelt Sullivan is an incredible example of how faith George Lakey can help us all be brave as we fight for a Ingrid Lakey just and sustainable world. Donating to Carolyn McCoy, Outgoing Clerk EQAT is an important way for me to sup- Lee Reinert port the work that brings me hope. M Schlotterbeck Jonathan Snipes I give to EQAT with gratitude. Not only Kaz Uyehara because EQAT is trying to end an egre- gious practice that destroys our environ- Staff ment and harms people and other living Chris Baker Evens, Campaign Organizer (01/2013-present) creatures, but because I have confidence Matthew Armstead, Staff Coordinator(04/2013-present) in the people who are committed to this Amy Ward Brimmer, Executive Director (07/2012-06/2013) Lee Junker initiative. They bring integrity, passion, commitment and careful discernment to Daniel Hunter, Campaign Consultant (10/2012-04/2013) all their actions. In a very deep sense, I believe they are witnessing God’s love at work in the world.