OCCASION This Publication Has Been Made Available to the Public on the Occasion of the 50 Anniversary of the United Nations Indu

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OCCASION This Publication Has Been Made Available to the Public on the Occasion of the 50 Anniversary of the United Nations Indu OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] 1.0 · illli~- llE~ 32 1 11111 £ ·1~ 20 I. I " 11111 · 18 11111 · 2 4 6 111111. ~ 11111~· 111111. Mil,H()l,OPY Fl(';()l IJTION Tf<;T CftMH N1\T1r)~JAl fillllf /111 fl' ·,TMHli\H[J', ·,fA~H)MH. Hf ~flcf~Jr,f ~.f,\ffUl/11 ir11r1.1 MJ',1·•"•1 ,11 rr .r r.HAHr ~' I ~ESHIC- · 11 Oecf::nber l qi34 English --lu.v-\.<62 ...). ' ~ DOCUMENT~TION I 'JEVELOPrE :: CENTRE . ' SEKA., I': .IT. I ''.1 :. ,",l.' :1 '/l .-.J'J/32.l.E - -". :y I I I Prepared for the Govern~ent of Turkey I by the United Nations Industrial Devel oprnent. .J1 ganization, acting as executin~ agency for the United Nations Development Programme I Based on the work of Margaret Yuri Gates, expert in docum~ntation I United ~ations Industrial Uevelopment Organization I Vienna I This report nas not heen cleared t1ith che United Nations Industrial ~evelopment Organization which does not, tnerefore, necessarily share the I viP.ws presented. t ' I 2 i ABST~ACT I Development of a documentation centre at SEKA, Izmit DP/TUR/81/018/11-09/32.1.E I TURKEY I SEKA is a ·arge organization with its headquarters at Izmit and nine pulp and paper mills in various par~s of Turkey. Tnis report describes ~ cne­ I i110nth mission to assist SEKA to develop a documentation centre to serve its managers and engineers. The general objectiv~s were to give adtice and I trarni ng on: I organizing tr.e documentation centre collecting technical information I disseminating this infonnation within the SEKA organization I It was concluded that the documentation centre should provide: a. mont'~1y infonnation bulletin I a literature search service' a translation service a library loan and photocc?ying service I It ·.,as recommended that manual documentation systems should be used initially. Later, when the documentation centre had established itself and its systems had matured, con;ideration should be given to installing a I microcomputer. I I I '• ' I 3 I CONTENTS I I Page Introduction 5 I RecO!'lllendations 7 1. Background 10 I 2. Objectives of the mission 11 3. Method 12 I 4. The p.·esent situation 14 5. Problems 15 5. Practical steps to be taken 19 I 7. ruture development of the Documentation Centre 22 I 8. Concfosions 24 I R II II m I I I '• 'I 4 I APPENDICES I Page I A. SEKA counterparts 27 B. Book classification scheme (main headi~gs} 28 I c. Extension of classification scheme 29 o. Form for infonnation bulletin preparatior. 39 40 I E. Sample information bulletin pages L Covering letter to the mill manager: SE~A I information bu·11etin 50 G. Information bulletin questionnaire Sl H. Sample letters to publishers 54 56 I~ I. Select list of recent books and conference proceedings Ii J. L;$t of important foreign periodicals 62 K. Selected dictionaries 66 68· L. List of contacts 75-- M. Outline organiz~tional model for the 'l Documentation Centre N. Job specificaticns 17 1I II I I I I ' 1 I 5 I INTRODUCTION I In the developed countries, most industries and many individual companies have comprehensive documentation services. They recognize that ir.fonnation I is a vital resource which can help to make a business more effective and I profitable. Althougn SEKA has purchased some nooks and periodicals, these are I distribute~ passively amongst various different departments. Until now, there has ~een no documentation centre which could actively collect and I disseminate infonnation effectively throughout the whole of SEKA. I A documentation centre would have many advantages. It would: (1) give management regular and up-to-date infonnation on I developments worldwide in the pulp and paper industry I (2) provide documentation on request on specific subjects when t.i1e need arises e.g. to heip good decisions to be made on the I purchase of equipment, or to assist in trouble shooting I ( 3) provide an organized cha11r;el for distributing SEKA reports and other documents to those who need them I (5) provide ~ resource from which translations can be commissioned I and distributed. After briefing in Vienna and Ankara on 13 and 15 November respectively, I the UNIDO expert arrived in Izmit on 15 November and worked at SEKA from 16-30 November. The objectives were to help the Chief of Documentation I with: I organizing the Documentation unit collecting technical information I disseminating this inf;. -·:ttion wi.t:hin the SEKA or~anization f 1 An important air.1 \'.!as to train the Ch:ef of Documentation in methods of documentation and this was undertak~n by mea~s of practical instruction I and demonstration. I In order to prepare lists of important recent books, periodicals an~ other literature on pulp and papermaking, it was necessary for the UNIDO expert I to return to her home base, where she ~ould have access t.J appropriate reference works and documentation sources. With the agreement of SEKA and I UNOP, A~kara, she r~turned to England on 30 November and completed the reference work, as well as her final draft report, during the period 3-11 I December. I The objectives of the mission were achieved by t~e combination of (a) practical training at SEKA dr.d ~b) the preparation of reference lists at I the UNIDO expert's home base. I I I I I t ! 1 I 7 I RECCJo1MENDATIONS I I It is recommended that: 1. SEKA should establish a Oocume1tation Centre within the Research, I Devel-opment and Training Department. I 2. The Documentation Centre should be organized and run by a Chief of Documentation who has knowledge of, and experience in, the paper I industry. The Chief of Documentation snv~ld report to the Research and Devc 1oprnent Manager. I 3. The Chief of Documentation should initially have a staff comprising: I an engineer able to undertake translations from English I a librarian n a secretary/typist 4. The services provided by the Documentation Centre should include: J monttll_v infonnation bulletin I a literature search service providing information on request 1 I a translation service a library service providing library loans and photocopies of I articles I I I I 1 I 8 I 5. The services of the Documentation Cen~~e should be made available to I the management and technical staff of SEKA and, later, to the private sector on agreed terms. I 6. The budget for the purchase of foreign books a~d periodicals should be increased to enable all important documents needed by the I Documentation Centre to ~e obtained. I 7. A modern plain paper photocopying machine should be purchased for the priority use of the Documentation Centre. I 8. Once the Documentation Centre is established, consideration should be I given to the purchase of a microcomputer. 9. The library of the Training Unit should become the library of the Documentation Centre and the librarian should report to the Chief of I Documen~ation. 10. All requests for foreign books and periodicals should be channeled I throu~h th~ library Jf the Documentation Centre, so that a balanced selection of publications can be made and unnecessary duplication I avoided. 11. All new foreign books and periodicals received by SEKA should be I passed to the library of the Documentat~on Centre immediately, so tha~ they can be quickly classified, indexed and scanned for the Information Bulletin, before being given to the person(s) or 'I department(s) who ordered them. It is also recommended that: I 12. UNIDO should give further support to SEKA to ensure that the work of the Documentation Centre is consolfdated and developed. This support should comprise: 'I J 1 I 9 I (i) assistance with the purchase of irn?ortant foreign ~ publications, such as books, periodicals and standards 1· (ii) assistance with the p~rchase of equipment {a modern piain paper photocopying macnine and, later, a microcomputer) {iii) a fellowship to enable the Chief of Documentation to study for one month at Pira with the objective of familiarizing himself with the use of online databases and microcomputers in documentation {N.B.
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