1 From the car park, follow the footpath sign through the gate by the wall. Keeping 6 At Woodton Road T-junction, turn left. the wall on your left, Follow it round to your left past the East end of the church. 7 At the Road junction, keep left towards Woodton. Follow the road to 2 At the corner of the Churchyard follow the rejoin the original footpath sign just short sign along the North wall. At the end of the of a cottage. Turn left through the hedge wall turn right and follow the hedge as far as gap to cross the fields and walk round a stile on your left. the Church wall back to the Church car 3 Climb over the stile and cross the field to the park, reversing the first part of the walk. stile immediately opposite. There are sometimes cows in the field (see note Woodton village sign commemorates opposite). Having crossed the second stile walk Ned Baldry, born in Woodton. slightly to your right across the field to the gap Ned worked in the stables of Robert in the far right-hand corner. Suckling at Woodton Hall from the age of 13. He did well, and eventually 4 Turn right onto the road and walk along to became chief huntsman. the signpost at the corner in a grass triangle. His skewbald horse, Shell, brought 5 Turn right into Springwood Lane (marked him fame (the horse was represented “unsuitable for motor vehicles”). Walk along the in oil paintings), and Ned raced him road until you pass a bungalow on your left and throughout Europe, and was even the road becomes a track ahead of you. Turn left invited to race him at Versailles. immediately past the bungalow into Green Lane. In the end, Baldry brought Shell Keep straight on all the way, and where the track home to be buried in the grounds of divides keep left. At the road, turn left into Mill Woodton Hall. Lane. To find the pub and shop from the church by car, turn right out of the car park, follow the road round to the left at the Note: Care should be taken junction with Shotesham Road, and when the road bends when crossing fields with cows sharply to the right, turn left again. This is Road, in, especially if they have got which brings you into the village, and the shop and pub are young calves with them or you at the crossroads. The pub car-park is beyond the pub. are walking with a dog. On foot, turn left out of the church car park, and after about If in doubt do not proceed. 200 yards take the bridleway past some farm buildings and across the fields. It will bring you out onto Hempnall Road just as it enters the village. To shop and pub Although the majority of this walk is along General information for walkers quiet roads and lanes and through pleasant Amenities countryside, there are 2 stiles which need to There is one shop in Woodton (open 7a.m.–8p.m. A Circular Walk be negotiated at the beginning and the end. Mon–Sat, and 8–6 Sun) and a Pub, the King’s There may be cattle in the small meadow Head, which serves food from the which you cross soon after leaving the (carvery on Sundays), but is closed on Mondays. church. Parish Church Access by road Woodton Hall, which stood on the site behind the church until 1841, was built in Woodton is south of , off the B1332 (to of Woodton 1694 by Robert Suckling and his wife Sarah ), on the B1527, to Hempnall. The church is Shelton (great-grandparents to Horatio, about ½ mile along this road from the B1332, set Viscount Nelson). Nelson is said to have back a bit on the north side of the road. There is a played in the grounds, and to have climbed a blue notice-board in the hedge by the gate. cedar tree that still stands today. There is ample parking in the church car park. Woodton church is isolated, almost certainly Public transport because the village was moved to its present There are regular daytime buses between Norwich position after the plague. It has a very and Woodton (588): www.anglianbus.co.uk. pleasant ring of 6 small bells in the tower. Get off the bus at the school and walk along Neighbouring Church is clearly Church Road (5–10 mns). visible across the fields beyond the modern village of Woodton. Walkers are reminded that they should observe the Countryside Code:

All Saints’ Church is to be found on Guard against all risks of fire Ordnance Survey map Explorer OL40. The Fasten all gates postcode at the church is NR35 2NB. Keep dogs under close control All Saints’ Church is Keep to paths across farmland always open and welcomes you Avoid damaging fences, hedges and walls If you have any comments or queries, please contact Leave no litter – take it home The Church Office, The Rectory, The Street, A circular walk from the church Hempnall, NR15 2AD Safeguard water supplies of approx. 5½ miles (2 stiles) [email protected] Protect wildlife, wild plants and trees (2 hours approx.) The Hempnall Group of Churches is very grateful to Go carefully on country roads Mrs Monica Churchill for the lovely artwork on this leaflet. Printed and published by the Hempnall Group of Churches Respect all life of the countryside May 2011