"White Grubs and Their Allies"
WHITE GRUBS AND THEIR ALLIES A Study of North American Scarabaeoid Larvae NUMBER FOUR : ENTOMOLOGY }``` ` .f -' eta STUDIES IN i, BY PAUL O. RITGHER Corvallis, Oregon OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS .- OREGON STATE MONOGRAPHS STUDIES IN ENTOMOLOGY JoHN D. LATTIN, Consulting Editor NUMBER ONE A Review of the Genus Eucerceris (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) By HERMAN A. SCULLEN NUMBER TWO The Scolytoidea of the Northwest: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and British Columbia By W. J. CHAMBERLAIN NUMBER THREE Stonefíies of the Pacific Northwest By STANLEY G. JEWITT, JR. NUMBER FOUR White Grubs and Their Allies By PAUL O. RITCHER © 1966 Oregon State University Press Library of Congress Catalog Card number: 66 -63008 Printed in the United States of America By the Department of Printing, Oregon State University Author's Acknowledgments THE INFORMATION published in this book represents Mrs. Patricia Vaurie, American Museum of Natural work done over the past thirty years while the History ; Bernard Benesh, Sunbright, Tennessee; E. C. writer was on the staffs of the Kentucky Agricul- Cole, University of Tennessee; W. A. Price, the late tural Experiment Station (1936- 1949), North Carolina H. H. Jewett, L. H. Townsend, and other members of State College (1949- 1952), and Oregon State Univer- the Kentucky Department of Entomology and Botany; sity (1952 -1966). I am especially indebted to the Ken- J. D. Lattin, Louis Gentner, and other entomologists at tucky Agricultural Experiment Station for permission Oregon State University; D. Elmo Hardy, University to reproduce much of the material contained in my Ken- of Hawaii ; W. F. Barr of the University of Idaho; tucky Bulletins 401, 442, 467, 471, 476, 477, 506, and Joe Schuh of Klamath Falls, Oregon; Kenneth Fender 537, which have long been out of print.
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