Automation with the Four Rs of CASE
Dr. Carma McClure presents Rebuilding for Software Automation with the Four Rs of CASE San Francisco Atlanta September 17-19, 1991 October 21-23, 1991 /ASI -D-W-. An Extended Intelligence, Our LIPS logo stands for the AI tern- Inc. Conference and Tools Exhibition Logical Inferences Per Second for SOFTWARE AUTOMATION Software Automation demands advantage ofCASE. RAD" , Enter- rebuilding the entire software organi- prise Modeling, Object-Oriented zation. CASE began the software Development and Reusability are TOOLS automationmovement with the methods that leverage our huge " I-CASE rebuilding ofsoftware tools. First, we investmentsin CASE, greatly speed introduced CASE tools to provide up application development and REPOSITORIES " automated assistancefor software maintenanceand eliminate the " RE-ENGINEERING systems analysis, design and imple- enormouswaste of time, software mentation. Now, we must introduce resources, and money. __ Integrated,i___ei4_c--cu, Repository-based_YCL.u-__u_y-L>a_cu CASEv^/\ol . f_- because software- automation changes METHODS 100l Environmentsto capitalize. on , , the. software process, we must rebuild1.11 software productivity1 . and11.quality , RAD" * . ourmanagement techniques.. One~ " improvements, as well as Ke-engineer- , . , , _ extremelyimportant change . REUSABILITY . , 111 (■■ r is the use " ing 1ools to extendthe benefits of , , /-> a or- ■ or quantitative,automated measure 1.11. n- r existing. , - CASE to billionsor lines of .11. " OBJECT-ORIENTED , ments, and metrics that direct the1 systems code. , . , , , , r introduction. and control therisk. of MANAGEMENT But there is much more to software software automation. Those organiza- technologyrebuilding then simply tions that are most successful with MEASURES " new tools. We also must rebuild our CASEknow how to measureand METRICS methods and management practices.
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