~11'A·eDGiiIlQ;fdi.11·'ib;.. "." . :!;.',: ..... RESEARCH .SERIE~ NO"U :'\: :1 . DhananjayBl1lll Gadgil Library . 1/IU~nmnmmmm~l~mllm GIPE-PUNE-004590 LAND SYSTEMS OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH SERIES NO. 12 w. L. G. 10El.G, Editor THE LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

BY GEORGE McCUTCHEN McBRIDE, Ph.D. University of California, Southern Branch


BY SENOR MANUEL GAMIO Director de Antropologla, Secretarla de Agricultura y Fomento


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FOREWORD. by SENOR. MANUEL GAMIO. Director de Antropologfa. Secretarfa de Agricultura y Foment". Mexico ix











INDEX •••• 197 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE Map of Mexico showing the natural regions . 8 2 Map of Mexico showing the average annual ra,infall 9 3 The Valley of Mexico, looking toward from Guadalupe ...... facing 10 4 Northern, drier portion of the Valley of Mexico at Teoti- huac{m , facing II 5 Map of Mexico showing the population density 12 6 Map of Mexico showing the assessed value of rural prop- erty 13 7 Mountain pastures on the crests of the ridges in central Mexico . facing 16 8 A characteristic barranca in the western escarpment of the Mexican plateau: Atenquique gorge between Tux- pan and Colima · facing 16 9 Mount Orizaba, on the rim of the eastern escarpment of the Mexican plateau · facing 20 10 Scene in the tierra ,alienle: Chietla in the state of Puebla at the foot of the southern escarpment of the Mexican plateau · facing 21 II Plan of a typical Mexican hacienda: Hacienda de la Magdalena y del Serano in the state of Colima 26 J2 The owner's house and garden on a Mexican hacienda · facing 28 13 Peon's hut on a Mexican hacienda · facing 28 14 Peons cultivating an hacienda field · facing 29 15 Bringing in the cattle on an hacienda · facing 29 16 The Atlixco Valley on the edge of the Mesa Central, with its fine wheat fields in the background · facing 36 17 Maguey hacienda in the Mesa Central near Mexico City · facing 37 18 Sketch map showing the towns granted to Cortes in Morelos and Mexico 46 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

FIG. PAGE 19 Sketch map showing the towns granted to Cortfs in Oaxaca and Veracruz ...... 47 20 Ranchos in the heads of valleys that lead into the Valley of Mexico ...... facing 100 21 Contemporary plan showing the type of holdings of a Spanish town on the northern frontier of Mexico in colonial times ...... 110 22 An Indian settlement with its multitude of small hold- ings separated by lanes: the Valley of Maltrata in the eastern escarpment of the Mexican plateau . . facing 112 23 A scattered agricultural settlement of Indians in the Toluca Valley on the Mesa Central . . . . . facing 113 24 Old Indian picture map showing the holdings of an in- dividual...... facing 116 2S Typical pueblo and communal-holdings country near Laurel on the slopes of the Sierra de la Cruces . facing I 17 26 Large estates on alluvial deposits bordering Lake Patz- cuaro in the southern part of the Mesa Central . facing 140 27 The Valley of Morelos in the southern escarpment of the Mexican plateau seen from Cuernavaca . . . facing 141 28 Taviche, one of the few districts in the Oaxaca plateau that are adapted to agriculture . . . • . . . facing 146 29 A small farm among the Oaxaca hills . . . . . facing 147 30 Map showing the large land grants in the territory of Baja California ...... I S2 31 Map of a Mexican hacienda showing portions detached, under the present agrarian reform measures, to be assigned as ejidos to adjoining pueblos ...... 162 32 Plan of an ejido as divided into individual portions under the present agrarian reform measures ...... 163 33 Sketch map showing land given to a pueblo as ejido under the present agrarian reform measures. . . .. 164

AU the photographic views in this book are copyrighted by C. B. Waite, Mexico City, except Fig. 23, which was taken by the author FOREWORD

Many factors contribute to explain the abnormal and deficient conditions of life which for several centuries ha~e governed the development of almost all the Latin American countries: hetero­ geneity of ethnic, cultural, and linguistic character; one-sided , unsuited to the complex character and the diversified struc­ ture of society; deficient exploitation of the soil and unsatisfac­ tory distribution of its products; and, as a consequence, extreme economic inequality. In a book published some time ago 1 I commented, although somewhat superficially, upon the effect of these factors, selecting Mexico as a representative coun­ try for such an analysis. Unfortunately the interesting theme which the agrarian problem presents was treated in an incidental and secondary manner-unfortunately, I say, because, in truth, , the agrarian question has been the most powerful factor in the development, past and present, of the Mexican people. In view of this fact, upon reading the manuscript in which Dr. George M. McBride, commissioned by the American Geographi­ cal Society, has studied and treated the agrarian problem in Mexico, I felt grateful surprise not only that such an important scientific institution was occupied in the study of one of the transcendental questions that affect my country but also to find in the work a profound knowledge of the matter treated and absolute moderation in the conclusions reached--qualities diffi­ cult to find combined, because, as to the first, the collection of scientific data for such a subject is·so extremely difficult, both on account of the paralyzing effect of the European War and on account of the distance which has heretofore separated the scien­ tific institutions of Mexico and the United States, and, as re­ gards the second, because, in the midst of the social innovations which mark the present times, it is very difficult to distinguish

I Manuel Gamio: Forjando patria (pro nacionaJiomo), Mexico, 1916. x LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

between a just and necessary social reform and that which is the produc;t of an exaggerated and objectionable radicalism. The possession and the exploitation of the land has been the • fundamental cause of the bad economic condition experienced by the Mexican people from the time of the Conquest to our days, as has been made evident by the relatively numerous studies of this subject. Unfortunately, almost all of these studies are in­ complete, one-sided, or lacking in a dispassionate presentation. We do not hesitate to state that the present work is one of the best yet produced because of the' scientific spirit which character­ izes it and the moderation and judgment which give prestige to its concepts. From the international viewpoint studies of this character are highly significant for the United States and particularly for Mexico, whose actual social and economic conditions are so little known abroad. We fervently hope that, stimulated by the American Geographical Society, other American scientific insti­ tutions may dedicate a part of their attention to procuring a just and disinterested knowledge of the problems that affect the Latin American countries--a noble task which will make clear to the people and the government of the United States the how and the why of the qualities and deficiencies of those countries, as also their future possibilities. Such a course w~uld undoubtedly bring with it a better understanding between the peoples who occupy the northern and the southern banks of the Rio Grande.

MANUEL GAMlO PREFACE It is a ventureSome undertaking for any foreigner to attempt a description of the intimate customs and relations of a country, even though long residence has given him an opportunity to see the actual operation of its social institutions. There is much that does not appear on the surface-many details that come to the acquaintance only of those whose contact with the people and their ways is most intimate. This is particularly true in the case of less advanced peoples, such as the various Indian races, whose lives, and even their relations with the whites, are regulated by custom rather than by written . Hence in spite of fifteen years spent in different parts of Latin America, as mis­ sionary, teacher, student, and traveler, during which time there were offered unusual opportunities to know the people, their cus­ toms, their ideas, their governments, their history, and the geog­ raphy of their countries, by seeing the inhabitants in their homes, speaking with them in their own tongue, trading with them in the markets, renting and buying houses and lands from them; and in spite of a rather unique advantage in the way of becoming familiar with the source materials that deal with Latin American lands and institutions, through association with the Hispanic American DivisIon of the American Geographical Society, the author still feels that it has required a certain amount of pre­ sumption on his part to attempt a description of such a funda­ lnentaJ problem as that related to the system of land tenure in bne of those countries. He has tried, however, to describe condi­ tions as he has actually observed them, during the twenty years in which he has been keenly interested in this basic question, and to interpret the facts in the light of his personal acquaintance with the country and its inhabitants, guided always by a sym­ pathetic appreciation of the people whose institutions he is de­ scribing. If by so doing he has been successful in presenting a true picture of conditions in Mexico, in so far as they are related xii LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO to the system of land tenure, he will be satisfied, whatever other shortco!1lings or defects the work may show. To the American Geographical Society for having made the present study possible and, especially, to the Director of that society, Dr. Isaiah Bowman, for his constant friendly guidance and encouragement, the author owes and hereby gladly ac­ knowledges a debt of gratitude. professor Frederick J. Teggart of the University of California and Mr. W. L. G. Joerg of the American Geographical Society rendered invaluable service in editing the manuscript, as did also Mr. Alan G. Ogilvie, recently chief of the Hispanic American Division of that society, in pre­ paring the maps. Senor Manuel Gamio, Director de Antropologia of the Secretarla de Agricultura y Fomento of Mexico, and Professor Moises Saenz, formerly Director General de Instrucci6n Publica of Mexico, also kindly read the manuscript and made important suggestions. The former, moreover, allowed the author to see the proof sheets of his work, "La Poblaci6n del Valle de Teotihuacan: in which var:ous features of the land system of Mexico are traced through their historical development in that region; the conclusions reached by the author for Mexico in general are largely corroborated by Senor Gamio's findings in that particular district. Members of the Graduate School faculty of Yale University, where the study, in preliminary form, was presented as a thesis for the Doctor's degree, also offered helpful criticisms. G.M.M. The American Geographical Society New York, July, 1923 BIBLIOGRAPHY ON



(a) Sources and earlier writings ACOSTA. JOSE DE 5ALAMAN. Historia natural y moral de las India.. Ie 1590.] Seville. 1608; Madrid. 1894. ALVARADO TEZOZOMOC. FERNANDO DE. Histoire du Mexique. Traduite par Henri Ternaux-Compans. Paris. 1847-49; 2 vols .• Paris. 1853. ALVARADO TEZOZOMOC. FERNANDO DE. Cr6nica mexicana. I .. Lord Kingsborough: Antiquities of Mexico. Vol. 9. pp. 1-1g6. London. 1848. ALVARADO TEZOZOMOC. FERNANDO DE. Cr6nica mexicana. Anotada por . . . Manuel Orozco y Berra. y precedida del C6dice Ramirez. (Biblioteca mexicana.) Mexico. 1878. BOTURINI BENADUCI. LORENZO. Idea de una nueva historia general de la America septentrional. Madrid. 1746. CASAS. BARTOLOME DE LAS. Historia de las Indias. ahora por primera vez dada Ii luz por el marques de la Fuensalida del Vaile y D. Jose Sancho Ray6n. 5 vols. Madrid. 1875-76. CLAVIGERO. FRANCESCO SAVERIO. Storia antica del Messico. 4 vols. Cesena. 1780-81. CLAVIGERO. FRANCISCO XAVIER. Historia antigua de Mexico. 2 vols. Mexico. 1917. Codex Mendoza. I .. Lord Kingsborough: Antiquities of Mexico. Vol. I. pp. 1-73; Vol. 5. pp. 39-126; Vol. 6. pp. 3-94. London. 1830. Codex Ramirez. I .. Fernando de Alvarado Tezoz6moc: Cr6nica mexicana. anotada por . . . Manuel Orozco y Berra. y precedida del C6dice RamIrez. Mexico. 1878. Codex Ramirez. Manuscrit Ramirez: Histoire de l'origine des Indiens qui habitent la Nouvelle Espague selon leurs traditions. publie par Desire Chamay. (RecueU de voyages et de documents. Vol. 19.) Paris. 1903. Codex Ramirez. Notes on the Codex Ramirez. with a translation of the same. by Henry Phillips. Jr. hOG. Amer. Plailos. Soc •• Vol. 21. 1884. pp. 616-651. Philadelphia. BIBLIOGRAPHY Colecci6n de documentos ineditos relativos aI descubrimiento. conquista y rolonizaci6n de las posesiones espaiiolas en America y Oceania. sacad08. en su mayor parte. del Real Archivo de Indias. 42 vols. Madrid. 1864~4. Conquistador an6nimo. EI. ReIaci6n de a1gunas rosas de la Nueva Espafla, y de Ia gran ciudad de Temestitan Mexico; escrita por un compaflero de Hernan Cortes. 1 .. Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta: Colee­ ci6n de documentos para la historia de Mexico. Vol. I. pp. 368-398. Mexico. 1858. [Conquistador an6nimo. EI.) Narrative of some things of . . . • written by the anonymous conqueror. a companion of Hernan Cortes. Translated into English and annotated by M. H. Saville. (The Cortes Society: Documents and narratives concerning the discovery and conquest of Latin America. No. I.) New York. 1917. CORTEs. HERNANDO. Carta . . . aI Consejo de Indias. pidiendo ayuda para continuar sus armadas. y recompensa para sus servicios. y dando a1gunas Doticias sobre Ia constituci6D de la propiedad de las tierras entre los Indios. 1 .. Colecci6n de documentos ineditos ... del Real Archivo de Indias. Vol. 3. pp. 535-543. Madrid. 1865. CORTEs. HERNANDO. Historia de Nueva Espaiia .•. aumentada con otros documentos. y notas. por . . . Don Francisco Antonio Loren­ zana, arzobispo de Mexiro. Mexiro. 1770. CORTEs. HERNANDO. Letters of Cortes: The five letters of relation . . • to the Emperor Charles V. Trans!. and edit. by Francis Augustus MacNutt. 2 volo. New York. 1908. [Bibliography. pp. 99-119.) CORTEs. HERNANDO. The despatches . . . addressed to the emperor Charles V. Trans!. with an introduction and notes by George Fol­ som. New York. 1843. CORTES, MARTiN. Carta... aI rey D. Felipe II sobre los repartimi­ eDt08 y cIases de tierras de Nueva Espana. 1 .. Colecci6n de docu­ mentos ineditos ... del Real Archivo de Indias. Vol. 4. PP.440-462. Madrid. 1865. De I'ordre de succession observe par les Indiens relativement a leurs terres et de leurs territoires communaux. [c. 1530.) 1 .. Henri Ternaux­ Compans: Voyages. relations et memoires originaux. Vol. 10. pp. 223-242. Paris. 1838. Diu DRI. CAsTn.LO. BERNAL. Historia verdadera de Ia ronquista de Ia Nueva Espafla. Madrid. 16J2. Diu DRI. CASTILLO. BERNAL. The true history of the conquest of New Spain. TransI.. with introduction and notes. by A. P. Maudalay. Bald"", Soe. Pubis .• Ser. 2. Volo. 23. 240 25. 30. 40. London. 1908-16. DiAZ DRI. CASTILLO. BERNAL. Verdadera historia de los sucesos de Ia conquista de Ia Nueva Espafla. (Biblioteca de autores espaiioles. \'01. 26. pp. I-JI7.) Madrid. 1853. LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

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MONTUP'AR. ALONZO DE. Supplique adressee par l'archev@que de Mexico Ii Charles V. en faveur des Maceliaies. Nouvelle-Espagne. 1554. In Henri Ternaux-Compans: Voyages. relations et memoires originaux, Vo!. 8. Pp. 255-260. Paris. 1838. MOTOLINiA, TORIBIO DB BENAVENTE. Historia de los Indios de la Nueva Espafta. In Joaquin Garcia IcazbaIceta: Colecci6n de docu­ mentos para la historia de Mexico. Vol. I. pp. 1-249. Mexico. 1858. MOTOLINiA. TORIBIO DE BENAVENTE. Historia de los Indios de la Nueva Espafta. SacaIos nuevamente Ii luz el R. P. Fr. Daniel sanchez Garcia. Barcelona. 1914. OvIEDO Y VALDis. GoNZALO FERNANDEZ DE. Historia gefteral y natural de las Indias. [1535.) 4 vols. Madrid. 1851-55. Petition adressee Ii Charles V par plusieurs chefs mexicains. Mexico. 1352. In Henri Ternaux-Compans: Voyages. relations et memoires originaux. Vo!.·8. pp. 261-269. Paris. 1858. POMAll. JUAN BAUTISTA. Relaci6n de Tezcoco. [1582.) In Joaquin Gar­ cia IcazbaIceta: Nueva colecci6n de documentos para la historia de Mexico. Vo!. 3. pp. 1-(i9. Mexico. 1891. PuRCHAS. SAMUEL. HakIuytus postumus. or Purchas his pilgrimes (1625). 20 vois. Glasgow and New York. 1905-07. RAMiRBZ DE FuENLEAL. SEBASTIAN. Lettre. • • Ii sa majeste Charles V. 3 Novembre 1532. In Henri Ternaux-Compans: Voyages. relations et m~moires originaux, Vol. 10. pp. 243-257. Paris. 1838. [This letter. written by the president of the Audiencia. who desired to preserve the institutions of the Aztecs. is one of the beat sources of infor.mation regarding the land system of the early .) ROMAN Y ZAMORA, JBRONIMO. Republicas de Indias. idolatriasygobiemo en Mexico y Peru. Segun 1a edici6n de 1575. 2 vois. (Colecci6n de libros ••• que tratan de America. Vois. 14-15.) Madrid. 1897. SAHAGUN. BERNARDINO DE. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva i':spaf\a. DaIa Ii luz con notas y suplementos Carlos Maria de Busta­ mente. 3 vols. Mexico. 1829""30. Also in Lord Kingsborough: An­ tiquities of Mexico. Vois. 5 and 7. London. 1830. SoLORZANO PEREIRA, JUAN DE. Politica indiana. 2 vols. Madrid. 1776. [First published 1629.) TERNAUX-COMPANS. HENllI. edit. Voyages. relations et memoires originaux pour servir it l'histoire de la decouverte de I'Amerique. 20 vols. Paris. 1837-41. TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE. MonarchIa Indiana. con el origen y guerras de los Indios Occidentales. de sus poblaciones. descubrimiento. conquista. [c. 158!r1600.) Madrid. 1723. VETANCURT. AGUSTiN DE. Teatro Mexicano: Descrlpci6n breve de los suee­ sos exemp!area. hist6ricos. politicos. militares. y'religiosos del nuevo mundo occidental de las Indias. Mexico. 1698 (1697); Mexico. 1870. 186 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

ZORITA, ALoNSO DE. Breve y sumaria relaci6n de los sefiores y II1aI1eJa9 Y diferencias que habia de ellos en la Nueva Espaiia. ••• In Joaquin Garcia Icazbalceta: Nueva colecci6n de documentos para Ia historia de Mexico, Vol. 3, pp. 71-227. Mexico, 1891. [On the Vida y escritos del Doctor Alonso de Zorita (also written Zurita and Corita), see in­ troduction by Manuel Serrano y SaD2 to Zorita's "Historia de Ia Nueva Espafia," Vol. I, Madrid, 1909 (Colecci6n de libros y documentos refe­ rentes a la historia de America, Vol. 9).] ZORITA, ALONSO DE. Rapport sur Ies diff&entes classes de chefs de Ia Nouvelle-Espagne, sur ses lois, Ies mreurs des habitants, sur Ies impiits etablis avant et depuis Ia conquete. In Henri Ternaux-Compans: Voyages, relations et memoires originaux, Vol. II. Paris. 1840. (b) Late, writings BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE. The native races of the Pacific states of North America. 5 vols. New York. 1875-76. BANDELIER, ADoLPH FRANCIS ALPHONSE. On the art of war and mode of warfare of the ancient Mexicans. Repts. Peabody M ...."" .. of A",.".. Archaeology and Ethnology, HanJlJrtl Uni_sily. [2d edit-I. Vol. 2. 1876-79, pp. 95-161. Cambridge, Mass., 1880. BANDELIER, ADoLPH FRANCIS ALPHONSE. On the distribution and tenure of lands, and the customs with respect to inheritance among the an­ cient Mexicans. Ibid., pp. 385-448. BANDELIER, ADoLPH FRANCIS ALPHONSE. On the social organi2ation and mode of government of the ancient Mexicans. Ibid.• pp. 557-699. [For a summary and criticism of Bandelier's results, see Waterman. below.] BRASSEUR DE BOURBOURG, CHARLES ETIENNE. Histoire des nations civilisees du Mexique et de I'Amerique-Centrale durant les siecIes anterieurs a Christophe Colomb. 4 vols. Paris, 1857-59. CHAVERO, ALFREDO. Historia antigua y de Ia conquista. In Vicente Riva Palacio and others: Mexico a traves de los siglOB, vol. I. Mexico, [1887.] DOPORTO y UNCILLA, SEVERIANO. Tabasco en Ia epoca precolombiana. Bal. Soc. de Geogr. y Esladislica de la Repiblica M",""a"a, Ser. 5. \'01. I, 1902, pp. 466-500, 525-546. FANCOURT, CHARLES SAINT JOHN. The history of Yucatan from its discovery to the close of the seventeenth century. London, 1854- FARRAND, LIVINGSTON. Basis of American history: 1500-1900. (The American nation: A history, Vol. 2.) New York, 1904- GIL, HILARI6N ROMERO. Historia antigua de Mexico: Memoria sobre e1 estado social y moral que tuvieron los Mexicanos bajo el imperio Azteca, y su organizaci6n bajo el gobierno colonial. Bol. Soc. de Geogr. 'Y Estadisl'ca de la RepUblica Me%'ca"a, Ser. 2, Vol. I. 1869. pp. 257- 264, 313-320, 427-432. 478-486. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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COLONIAL PERIOD (a) Sources and earlier writings ANTONELI. ANTONIO DE. Documentos hist6ricos, ano de 1793. De­ scripei6n topografico-hist6rica de Ia Villa de Santiago Papasquiaro. Bol. Soc. d. Geog.-. " Esladislica de la RepUblica Mezicana, Ser. 2, Vol. 2. 1870. pp. 333-343. BELE:i~A, EUSBBIO BENTURA. Recopilac16n sumaria de todos los autos acordados de Ia real audiencia, y sala del crimen de esta Nueva.Espalla. 2 vola. Madrid. 1787. 188 LAND SYSTEMS OF, MEXICO

DIEZ DE LA CALLE. JUAN. Memorial y noticias sacras y reales del im­ perio de las -Indias Occidentales. [Madrid.] 1646. FONSECA. FABIAN DE. and CARLOS DE URRUTIA. Historia general de Ia real hacienda. [1791.] 6 vols. Mexico. 1845-53. GALVEZ. JOSE DE. MARQUES DE SoNORA. Informe general ••• al excmo. sr. virrey frey D. Antonio Bucarely y Ursua. con fecha de 31 de diciembre de 1771. Secci6n de Fomento del Ministerio de Gobernaci6n. Mexico. 1867. HUMBOLDT. ALEXANDER VON. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain.••• Trans!. by John Black. 4 vols. London. 18u. -Instrucciones que los vireyes de - Nueva Espafia dejaron Ii sus sucesores. 2 vols. (Biblioteca hist6rica de Ia Iberia. Vols. 13-14.) Mexico. 1873. LEON PINELO. ANTONIO. Tratado de confirmaciones reales de encomi­ . . endas. Madrid. 1630. ,LOPEZ DE VELASCO. JUAN. Geografia y descripci6n universal de las . Indias. recopilada por el cosm6graf

GENERAL COLLECTIONS OF LAND LAWS GALVAN RIVERA. MARIANO. Ordenanzas de tierras y aguas. 5th edit. Mexico. 1855. LABASTIDA. LUIS G. Coleccion de leyes. decretos. reglamentos. circu­ lares. 6rdenes y acuerdos relativos Ii Ia desamortizacion de los bienes de corporaciones civiles y religiosas y Ii la nacionalizacion de los que administraron las ultimas. Mexico. 1893. MAzA. FRANCISCO F. DE LA. Codigo de colonizacion y terrenos baldios de Ia Republica Mexicana. anos de 1451 Ii 1892. Mexico. 1893. OROZCO. WISTANO LUIS. Legislacion y jurisprudencia sobre terrenos baldios. 2 vols. Mexico. 1895. [Includes the regarding public lands from the earliest colonial times to 1894.] [REYNOLDS. MATTHEW GIVENS.] Spanish and Mexican land laws: New Spain and. Mexico. St. Louis. 1895. VILLAlIIAR. ANICETO. Las leyes federales vigentes sobre tierras. bosques. aguas. ejidos. colonizaci6n y eI gran registro de Ia propiedad; 2nd edit. . . • con una resena historica de la propiedad territorial en Mexico. por el lie. S. Moreno Cora. (Coleccion de c6digos y leyes federales.) Mexico. 1910. NATIONAL PERIOD I. 1821-1876 BUTTERFIELD. CARLOS. United States and Mexico. New York. 1860; 2nd edit. New York. 1861. CHURCH. GEORGE EARL. Mexico. its revolutions: Are they evidences of retrogression or of progress? New York. 1866. C6digo de la Reforma. 6 colecci6n de leyes. decretos. y supremas 6rdenes expedidas desde 1856 hasta 1861. Mexico. 1861. Coleccion de acuerdos. 6rdenes y decretos sobre tierras. casas y solares de los indigenas. bienes de sus comunidades y fundos legales de los pueblos del estado de Jalisco. Guadalajara. 1868-82. ESCOBAR. SEBASTIAN. Informe de los recursos agricolas del departa­ mento de Soconusco. Bol. Soc. de Geogr. " Esladislica de la RepUblica Me%icana. Ser. 2. Vol. 3. 1871. pp. 87-92. GARciA GRANADOS. RICARDO. La Constitucion de 1857 y las leyes de reforma en Mexico. Mexico. 1906. MAYER. BRANTZ. Mexico: Aztec. Spanish. and republican. 2 vols. Hartford. 1852. MOSES. BERNARD. Constitution of the United States of Mexico [1857]. Annals Amer. A cad. of Polito and Soc. Sci.• Vol. 2. pp. 1-47. Phila­ delphia. 1891. OTERO. MARIANO. Ensayo sobre el verdadero estado de Ia cuestion social y politica que se agita en Ia Republica Mexicana. Mexico. 1842 • BIBLIOGRAPHY

(PARRA, PORFIlUO.) Estudio histOrico-sociologico sobre 1a refonna en Mexico. Mexico, [905; Guadalajara, [906. PAYNO, MANUEL. Razas indigenas: Rancherias de 1a Sierra Madre. Bal. Sot;. tU Ceog.-. y Esladislica de /a RepabUca M.,,;cana, Ser. 2, Vol. I, [869, pp. 49C>-505. PIMENTEL, FRANCISCO. La economia politica aplicada a 1a propiedad territorial en Mexico. Mexico, 1866. PIMENTEL, FRANcISCO. Memoria sobre las causa. que. han originado 1a situacion actual de 1a rua indigena de Mexico. Mexico, 1864. [POINSETT, JOEL ROBERTS.] Notes on Mexico, made in the autumn of 1822. Philadelphia, [824. ROSA, LUIS DE LA. Observaciones sobre vados puntos concernientes a 1a administraci6n publica del estado de Zacatecas. Baltimore, 1851. SIERRA, JUSTO. Juarez, su obra y su tiempo. Mexico, I905--{)(i. TORRE, LEON ALEJO. Tabasco y su agricultura. Bol. Sot;. de Geogr. y Esladislica tU /a Repablica Mexicana, Sec. 3, Vol. I, 1873, pp. 465-476. VIGIL, JosE MARiA. La refonna. [1855-1867.) In Vicente Riva Palacio and others: Mexico a traves de los siglos, Vol. 5. Mexico and Barcelona, (1889).

ATL, --. The and the nationalization of the land, the foreign intereEts and reaction, by Doctor At!. [Mexican Bureau of Information,) New York, 1915. BABRLEIN, HENRY. Mexico, the land of unrest. London, [19131. BALAREZO, MANUEL. Baja California: Proyecto de colonizaci6n regional en re1aci6n con el sistema agrario de la Nueva Zelandia. Bal. Sot;. tU Geogr. y EsladisUca tU la RepabUca M."icana, Ser. 5, Vol. 7, 1914, pP. 33[-345, 36[-383. BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE. Resources and development of Mexico. San Francisco, [893. BARRETT, JOHN. Mexico: A review and a forecast. The Pan American Union, Washington, D. C .. [017. BRINSMADE, ROBERT BRUCE. El latifundismo mexicano, su origen y su remedio. Traducida del ingles por I. F. Iiiiguez. Mexico, [9[6. BRINSMADE, ROBERT BRUCE, and MODESTO C. ROLLAND. Mexican problems. [New York, [916.) [See Brinsmade's articles: The land question in Mexico, The history of the Mexican land question.) BROCICLEHURST, THOMAS UNBTT. Mexico to-day. London, 1883. BULNES, FRANCISCO. The whole truth about Mexico: President Wilson's responsibility. New York, 1916. BUSTO, E.IILIANO. Estadistica de 1a Republica Mexicana sobre el estado que guardan la agricultura, industria, mineria y comercio. 3 vols. 192 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

Mexico. 1880. [The third 'volume contains descriptions of rural properties sent in response to a questionnaire circulated by the Secre­ taria de Hacienda in 1877.] CABANAS. LAMBERTO. Reflexiones sobre economia rural. Es""ela NaciQnal de Agric.. 1885. No. 14. Mexico. CARltENo. ALBERTO MARiA. La evoluci6n econ6mica de la raza indigena. Bol. Soc. de Geogr. y Esladistica de la RepUblica Me:cicana. Ser. 5. Vol. 5. 1912. pp. 59-76. CARREflo. ALBERTO MARiA. La raza indigena. Bol. Soc. de Geogr. y Esladislica de la RepUblica Me:cicana. Ser. 5. Vol. 5. 1912. PP.304-328; Vol. 6. 1913. pp. 174-194. 235-242.344-358.396-406.451-462. 512- 516. 545-558; Vol. 7. 1914. pp. 98-102. CASTILLO. JOSE R. DEL. Historia de la revoluci6n social de Mexico. Mexico. 1915. CHIMALPOPOCA. A. A. Anexo a la iniciativa sobre la cuesti6n agraria. Bol. Soc. de Geogr. y Esladislica de la RepUblica Me:cicana. Ser. 4. Vol. 2. 1890. pp. 715-721. CHIMALPOPOCA. A. A. La cuesti6n agraria nacional. Bol. Soc. de Geogr. y Esladislica de la RepUblica Me:cicana. Ser. 4. Vol. 2. 1890. pp. 559-571. CORREA,' V. M. A los hacendados yucatecos. Bol. Soc. de Geeg,. y Es­ ladislica de la RepUblica Me:cicana. Ser. 4. Vol. 3. 1894. pp. 26-28. DABNEY. CHARLES WILLIAM. A star of hope for Mexico. [New York. 1916.] DOMiNGUEZ. ZEFERINO. The trouble in Mexico and its only solution. [San Antonio. Tex.. 1914.] ENOCK. C. REGINALD. Mexico: Its ancient and modern civilization. history and political conditions. • • • (The South American series. edit. by Martin Hume.) London. 1909. ESCOBAR. R6MULo. El problema agrario. El Paso. Tex.• 1915. GARCiA CUBAS. ANTONIO. Cuadro geogrifico. estadistico. descriptivo ~ hist6rico de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Mexico. 1884. GARCiA CUBAS. ANTONIO. The republic of Mexico in 1876. Mexico. 1876. GARciA GRANADOS, ALBERTO. La influencia de las cajas rurales de crMito mutuo a favor del fraccionamiento de la propiedad territorial. Bol. Soc. de Geogr. y Esladislica de la RepUblica Mexicana. Ser. S. Vol. 4. 1910. pp. 269-277· GAYOL. ROBERTO. Dos problemas de vital importancia para Mexico: La colonizaci6n y el desarrollo de la irrigaci6n. Mexico. 1912. GoNZALEZ ROA. FERNANDO. El aspeeto agrario de la Revoluci6n Mexi­ cana. Mexico. 1919. GoNZALEZ ROA, FERNANDO. The Mexican people and their detractors. New York. [1916?]. GUTIERREZ DE LARA, LAZARO. and EOOCUMB PINCHON. The Mexican people: Their struggle for freedom. Garden City, N. Y .. 1914. BIBLIOGRAPHY 193 HANNA, PAUL. MexiCO-1921: Restoring the land to the people. No'w.. Vol. JJ2. 1921. pp. 532-534. New York. INDA. MANUEL. Dictamen sobre 1a cuesti6n de Ierrenos baldios pre­ aentado , 1a Secretaria de Fomento. Secretaria de Fomento. Mexico. 1885· Land question. The. at AguascaJientes. New Republic. Vol. 1. 1914. pp. I~JJ. New York. LANB. FRANKLIN KNIGHT. The president's Mexican policy. • • . Re­ prinIed from New York World. July 16. 1916. New York. 1916. L6PBZ BANCALARI. IGNACIO. Las fuenIes de irrigaci6n de la Republica. Bol. SO(;. de CeoI'. 'Y Es'adls'ica de la RepUblica Me"jcano. Ser. S. Vol. 8. 1919. pp. 299-317. LUBIN. DAVID. Reply to a communication froin H. E. O. Molina. min- ism of agriculture of Mexico. [Rome. 19JJ.] MAcHuGH. ROBBRT JOSBPH. Modem Mexico. London. [1914.] MANBRO. ANToNIO. El antiguo regimen y 1a revoluci6n. Mexico. 19JJ. MANERO. ANTONIO. lQue es 1a revoluci6n? Breve exposici6n sabre las principaiea causae de 1a revoluci6n constitucionalista en Mexico. Vera Cruz. 1915. MANERO. VICENTB E. Documentos interesantes sabre colonizaci6n. Mexico. 1878. MAQUEO CASTELLANOS. ESTBBAN. Algunos problemas naciona1es. Mexico. 1909. MASON. ALFRED BISHOP. The cause of revolution in Mexico. Unpopular Rnicw. Vol. 3. 1915. pp. 379-387. New York. MBLGAJlBJo. ANToNIO D. Los crimenes del zapatismo. Mexico. 1913. MIDDLBTON. PHILIP HARVEY. Industrial Mexico: 1919 facts and figures. New York, 1919. MOLINA ENRiQUEZ. ANDREs. Los grandes problemas nacionalea. Mexico, 1909· MUIlGA. GoNZALO DB. Atisbos sociol6gicos: El fraccionamiento de tierras. Bol. SO(;. de CeOI'. 'Y Es'adis,jco de 10 RepUb/ico Me"icono. Ser. S. Vol. 6. 1913. pp. 474-497. OBER. FREDBRICK ALBION. Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexi­ cans. Boston, 1884. PBUST. OTTO. Mexico y e1 problema obrero rural. Mexico. 19JJ· QUEVEDO. MIGUBL ANGBL DB. .AJgunas consideraciones sobre nuestro problema agrarin. Mexico. 1916. RBQUBNA, PEDRO. La cuesti6n agraria naciona1: Indicaci6n de los medios que estan al alcanee de 1a Republica Mexicana. en sus actualea circunstancias. para promover el desarrollo de 1a agricultura y veneer las dificultades que Be oponen , ello. Bol. Soc. de CeoI'. 'Y Es'odlsluo de IIJ RepUb/icIJ Me"icIJnIJ. Ser. 4-. Vol. 3. 1894. pp. 382-391• 194 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

RIQUELME. FELIx. La cuesti6n agraria nacionaI: Tesis sabre los medias que pueden ponerse en practica para el pleno desarrollo de la agricul­ tura en Mexico y obviar las dilicultades especiaIes con que se tropieza. Bal. Soc. de Geogr. 'Y Esladisl;ca de la Republica Me:r:icana. Ser. 4. Vol. 3. 1894. pp. 372-381. ROLLAND. MODESTO C. Revolutionary confederation: Conferences held at Veracruz. December 7th and 23rd. The agrarian question and practical means of solving the problem. Vera Cruz. [1914?). ROMERO. MATiAS. Articulas sobre Mexico pUblicados en los Estados Unidos de America .•• en 1891-1892. Mexico. 1892. ROMERO. MATiAS. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. New York. 1898. ROMERO. MATiAS. Mexico and the United States. New York. 1898. [SALA. ANTENOR.) EI problema agrario en la Republica Mexicana. Mex­ ico. 1912-14. SoUTHWORTH. JOHN R. EI directorio olicia! de las minas y haciendas de Mexico: The official directory of mines and haciendas. Mexico. 1910. THOMPSON. WALLACE. The people of Mexico: Who they are and how they live. New York. (1921). TROWBRIDGE. EDWARD DWIGHT. Mexico to-day and to-morrow. New York. 1919. TURNER. JOHN KENNETH. Barbarous Mexico. Chicago. 1910. VELASCO. ALFoNSO LUIS. Geografia y estadistica de Ia Republica Mexi­ cana. 19 vole. Mexico. 1889-97. WELLS. DAVID AMEs. A study of Mexico. New York, 1887. WILFLEY. LEBBEUS R. The land problem in Mexico. NorIIo America.. Review. Vol. 203. 1916. pp. 867-870. WINTON. GEORGE BEVERLY. Mexico today: Social. political. and religious conditions. Nashville. Tenn.• (1913). ZAYAS ENRiQUEZ. RAFAEL DE. Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos: Sus con­ diciones naturales y sus elementos de prosperidad. Mexico. 1893. ZAYAS ENRiQUEZ. RAFAEL DE. Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos: Sus progresos en veinte alios de paz. 1877-1897. Npw York, (1899).


Colecci6n de leyes sobre tierras y disposiciones sabre ejidos. pub. por orden de Ia Secretaria de Fomento. Comprende del allo de 1863 a 1912. Mexico. 1913. Colonization and naturalization laws of the Republic of Mexico. with amendments. Mexico. 1905. Legislaci6n y guia de terrenos baldios 6 sea breve y completa colee­ ci6n de leyes • . • relativos a denuncio. adjudicaci6n y colonizaci6n de terrenos baldios. Mexico. 1878. BIBLIOGRAPHY 195

Ley de IS de diciembre de 1883 sabre colonizaci6n y su reglamento de 17 de julio de 1889. Secretaria de Fomento. Mexico. 1894. Ley de tierras de 26 de Marzo de 1894 Y sus reglamentos. Secretaria de Fomento. Mexico. 1896. Ley sobre ocupaci6n y enajenaci6n de terrenos baldios de los Estados Unid08 Mexicanos. Secretaria de Fomento. Mexico. 1894. Reglamento para los procedimientos administrativos en materia de terren08 baldios y nacionales. excedencias y demasias. . • . Regula­ tions for tbe administrative procedure concerning vacant. national. surplus and excess lands. . . . Transl. by William Thompson. Mexico. 1896. The public lands law of Mexico. autborized by Congress on tbe 26tb of March. 1894. Corrected to October. 1900. Mexico. [1900). The public lands law of Mexico. Mexico. [1908).

Government Department Publications Comisi6n Nacional Agraria. Boldi... Congreso. Dim-to o,Miol. Direcci6n General de Agricultura. Boldi.. . Direcci6n General de Estadistica. A ...... to estadistieo; Boleti ..; Censo general; Cuadro si.. 6ptico 'Y estadistieo. Mexican year book. 1908-1914. • • • Issued under tbe auspices of tbe Department of Finance [of the Republic of Mexico). London and New York. [1908-1914). Secretarfa de Fomento. fA ..ales; Boleti ..; MmuJI'ia; Boleti .. de la Soc;iedtul Agricola Mn:ir.a.. a; R.eWsta agricola. Secretaria de Fomento. DispoSlciones sobre designaci6n y frae­ cionamiento de ejid08 de los pueblos. Mexico. 1889. Secretaria de Fomento. Reglamento para Ia explotaci6n de los bosques y terrenos baldios y nacionales. Mexico. 1894. Secretaria de Hacienda. M muJl'ia de ha&ir.nda 'Y aUito pflblieo. ADDENDUM to "Pre-Conquest Period: (b) Lake Writings" Gamio. Manuel. La Poblaci6n del Valle de Teotihuacan: EI medio que Be ba desarrollado. su evoluci6n etnica y social. 2 vols in three. Direcci6n de Antropologia. Secretaria de Agricultura Y Fomento. Mexico. 1922. INDEX

At.dyOueipo,65 Baerlein, Henry. 191 Acapulco. 64 Baia California. '50; ~ land III1Ults 'l7. '44 (map). '52; nuaI holdings in '910. Acoca. Joei de SaIamiD•• Sa 151 A _ __ Ia. Macaey S.'" Baiio of Guaoajuato. 10. 35. 39. 49. 55 Agnriaa commissions 161 BaIarHo. Manuel. 191 Agnriaa ClOO»OI1ltiom in .8$4. 'l2 &/trIOS. 57. 72. 108; Law of Colooioa- Agnriaa mona .•$6 tiooaod.74 Agnriaa JnOIutioD. '57; distnl>ution BaJsas. Rio de las. 10. IS. 18 0I1aDd IUlder JDeBSUIH. .60; Baocroft. Hubert Howe •• 86. 188. 191 ftden. IS9; _toppositioa to J)ftgeDt Bandelier. Adolph Fraocis Alph...... ,. _ '77; proposed national law. 112-119. 186 170; ftC!eDl laws bearing on Rfonn. Barrlll..cas. 18; on western esc:arpment .67 of plateau ("IlL). opp. 16 Agricultura y F..-oto. Secretarfa de. Barrett. Jobo. 191 '70 &nios. 113. "5. 135 AKricu.ltmaJ 1aDd. 2.; ~ot (table). 22 Beans. 83 Agricultoral 'I'ilIaaH. .60 BeIelia. Eusebio IIentun•• 87 Agriculturists. Be0ui.... 84. 88 Bibliography. 182; mIoniaI period•• 87; AcuasaWeD_ ( ....te). 2 •• 22; nuaI GoYemmeot departmeot publica­ boldiDp in 19'0. 142 tioos. 195; laws, 194; national period. AKuiIe .... J. G .• 5 190; pre-Cooquest period•• 82 AIaoWI. Lucas. 66 Blackmar. Fn.nIt Wilson. 189 A lAId!.. 4' Bolsoaes. 10. 21, 37. 44. 112 Aicobia. Aodrfs de. 1.6 Bolton. Herbert Eugene. 110•• 89 Allodial boIc:Iiop. 93. 94 Boturini _duci. Loreoao. 182 Alluvium. 22; I:aqe estates ou, near IIouDdaries. $6. 115 Latr Pitacoaro (ill.). opp. '40 Bowne. Edward GayJDId ••89 AI~;. 114. '24 Alnrado. ~ de. 48 ~~. Charles tli- =.ellDe,l86 A1nrado. SaIftdor. t69 A1Yarado Tesao6moc. Femaodo de. ~1I6 .8. BriDsmade. R.obert Bruce. 19' Atorricao Geopapbical Society. ix. Brockieburst. Thomas U""U. 19' K.D..m B_vista (bacieDda). 27 A.mericao oppoaitioD to Iaod mona. BubEs. FIllDCisco. 143. '91 177 Busto. EmiJiaoo. '91 Aanmitrpl ., Solar. Domingo. 44. 60 ButteJiield. Carlos,. '90 AD_Ili.AIItoDiode.187 A_ LIaDoe de. 36 Caballorias. So. .08 A,.,.-. 117 Cabanas. Lamberto. 192 Arable...... Sa Agricu.ItmaJ Iaod CabreJa. Luis. 1$9 Atroquiqoe. _ 16 (ill.). 18 Cad_.S2 At!. Dr~ '91 Cuipu. I. 41. 44. 'Ol. 113, ..8. 'll AtJixm. Va1kT fll. 35. 46. 57; 8Cr"" Caja de PrEstamos. .60 (ill.). opp. 36 California. pueblos, .08 A_.RIo. .0 CtJI~... 1 Atri9co. D ..... 01. 48 Cel~" 112, 127, 135; IaDcb. II,,; AotecempiJe.44 picture IDa'" lodiao. sbowina bold­ A2tec Iaod _ ... II •• 117 inas ("til.). opp. 1.6; public lands, 1.6 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

C~rdenas y Espejo, Francisco de, 45 Conquest, Spanish, 42; aim. 43 Carranza, Venustiano. IS9 Conquistador an6nimo. El, 183 Carrello, Alberto Maria, 19' Conquistadoru, 28i large land grants to. Casa de hacienda, 29. 33 48 Casas, Bartolome de las, 43, sO, IS. Constitution of 18S7. consequences. 133 Castilian towns, 106; as models, 107 Com. See Maize Castillo, Jose R, del, 19' Correa, V. M .. , 192 Cattle, 37: districts. 55: scene on an Cortes, Hernando, 45, 183; land grants hacienda (ill.). opp. '9 to (maps), 46, 47; Inining properties, Cattle farms, 80; in 1810, 62. 63. 64 48; on houses and villages. 113; on Census of 1910. 139. 153 large holdings, 120; on tenants, 118; Chachapalcingo, 68 possessions, 48 i religious endow­ Chalco, 57 ments. 59. 60 Chapala, Lake, 141 Cortes, Martin, JI9. 128. 183 Chavero, Alfredo, 186 Cosslo, J. L., 73 Chiapas, 8; highlands, character" 16 Cotton, 35; regions of production, 37 Chichimecas, 49 Covarrubias, Jose, 10 Chiefs, Mexican, lands. n6, 120 Crops, hacienda, 34; share as rent, II 7 Chietla (ill.), opp.• 1 Cuemavaca, outskirts (i\1.I, opp. 141 Chili,83 Cuemavaca, Valley of, 46, 56 Chimalpopoca, A. A., 19' Cultivation, wasteful, 39 Church, George Earl, 190 Church holdings, 59. Set aho Ecclesi- Dabney, Charles William, 192 astical estates Debt, 169 Cities, largest, location. 23 Deeds, 56 Clans, II', 129. See also Calptdli Dehesas. 106. 108. 110 (map), III Clavigero, Francesco Saverio. 117. 182 Demaslas, 74 Climate. Si list of works on, 10 Democracy, 61,133, 138, 174 Coahuila. pueblos, log Desamorlisaci6". 69. 130 Coffee, 37, 80 Diu del Castillo, Bernal, 183 Cofre de Perote, [7 Diu regime, 72, 75. 81 i conditions at Colby, C. C., 8 end of, 139, 157, 158 Colima, .6; bacienda, plan of a typical Diez de la Calle, Juan, 188 (map), 26; rural holdings in 1910, 144 Direcci6n General de Temporalidades, Collective holdings, [03; abolition by 6. the Reforma, 129; effect of land re­ Domestic animals. introduction. 54 form on, 175; typical country of (ill.), Dominguez, Leferino. 158. 192 OPP. I 17; variations in early times, Doporto y Uncilla, Severiano. 186 II7 Dry farming, 149 Colonial period, method of Spanish Dual tenure, 170, 175 settlement. 108, 100 Durin, Diego, 184 Colonization, 75; attempts at, in out.. D_11ings, small, Il3 lying regions, 90 Colonization, Law of, 74, 96 Ecclesiastical estates. 59; confiscation Comisi6n Nacional Agraria, 161 of Jesuit estates. 61; distribution in Common pasturage, 106 the early republic, 67i nationaliza­ Communal houses. III tion.70 Communal lands, 77; denouncement. Echeverria y Veytia, Mariano Fem~n­ 77; transformation to allodial, 9'. de. de, 184 See also Collective holdings E;je 1IOI,4.. ico, 18 Communism, 175. 176 E;jidos, 69, 9', 108, IIO (map), HI, 130, Comonfort, Ignacio. 69 136; assignment from hacienda Composicionts, 56. 61 (plan), 16a; character, 106; division Condu,flazgos, 103 of an ";ido into individual portions Congregaciones, 119. 125; distribution (plan), 163; extent, 124; land given and number in 1854. 132 to a pueblo as ejido (map), 164; num­ Congress, 170 ber of towns receiving. under reform INDEX 199

EJi40s (_.. -0 Geography. land systems as related to. meuures. 165. 166; ft'Storatiou. Ie­ 178 crnt" 161; transformation, 124 Gil, Hilari6n Romero, 186. 187 EI Oro, 116, 87 Gomara. Francisco L6pez de, 184 Emigration, 32 Gonzalez Roa. Fernando, 42. 65, 75, E. ..p-w. 107 125. 192 E.~, 43; abolition, 60; distri­ Goftrnment department putlications. bution in 1572. 53: duration. 40; 195 entailed eetatN,. 58; evolution. 45; Gran Registro de la Propiedad. 77 ~pbical factor in the distribu­ Grazing, 38 tiOD, S4 Guadalajara, Valley of, 21, 22 E"",IICAGdos, 34 Guadalupe (ill.), opp. 10 Enodt, C, Reginald, 192 Guanajuato, 21, 22; Bajio of. 10, 35. 39. Entailed .state.. 58; abolition, 67 49, 55; large land grant, 49 Erosion, IS; eastern escarpment•• 7 Gulf Coast, 19 Escarpments,. 16; eastern •• 7; southern, Guti~ de Lara. Lazaro, 192 17; western. 18 Guzman, Jos#!, 10 Escobar, Romulo, 192 Escobar, Sebastian, 190 Hacn.d4dos. 25; groups opposed to re­ Esoidero, Jos#! Agustin de, 134 form. 177; labor recruiting. 137i Esta.cios. 27 manner of life. 29. 40 En... ciM tk KGtlStIt;, 62, 63 Haciendas. 25; cabGllerias. 50; cattle. Estates, 58, 67, S. alJo Haciendas bringing in (ill.), opp. 29; detachment European plants, 55 of portions under recent reforms. ~,74 for (jidDt (map). 162; distribution in 1810, 63; economic value. 38. ell­ Falces, Marq!1& de, 103 umaierulas. 43. extent. 2$; 1uu:eRdatlos, Fancourt. Charles Saint John, 1116 28; history. 42; Indian pueblos F ..., .. tk Idbor, 51, 82 versus, 126; lands. 25; national place, Farms. See Rural holdings 40i Dumber and distribution by Farrand, Livingston, 1116 states. in 1910, 77; origin and history, Fathom, n6 42; owner·s bouse and garden (ill.), Fernandes del Castillo, Francisco, Opp. 28; ,."w, so; peon·s hut 189 (ill.). opp. 28; peons, 30; peons Feudal tenure, 120, 171, 175 cultivating a field (ill.). opp. 29; Fiefs. 120 people. 27; plan of a typic:aJ hacienda Fiske, John, 113, 102 in Colima (map). 26; pmducts. 34; Fonseca, Fabian de, 57, 62, 188 reform measures, probable effect of. Foreign capitalists, 42, 7. 173. re/NJrli",ieJIIos. 43; social value, Foreigners. opposition to reform. 177 40; system at present, 81; various Fore_,bI: origins. 52. Su 01.50 Large estates Foster, Alice, 6 Hann. Julius, 10 FrtU7 113, 116, 183, 184, 185. 186 BruImJ.51 Gayo), Roberto, 19. Hueiotzingo, 35. 57 200 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

Huejutla.57 Kancab.164 Huerta. Adolfo de lao 159. 165 Kings. lands cultivated for. 116 Humboldt. Alexander von, II, 31, 32, Kingsborougb. Lord. 18 •• 184 39. 65. 68. 188 Kinship groups, 112. 127. 129 Huntington. Ellsworth. 10 La Puerta de Medina (rallc/uria). 86 IMlIez. Blasco. 40 Labastida. Luis G .• 68. 69. 70. 71. 135. Icazbalceta. See Gan:la Icazbalceta 190 Igua\a. Plan de. 66 Labor, 30; conditions. 30, 34; emigra­ Inda, Manuel, 193 tion. 32; migration into the United Independence. See War fOl Indepen­ States, 8S; on ranchos, 84. pueblos dence and. 137. S .. also Peons Indian picture map (ill.). opp. II6 Laguna district. 80 Indian pueblos, 98, II Ii blending with Land. ix. 2. 25; encroachments. 126; Spanish villages, 127i haciendas monopoly under Diaz. 7'; problem. versus. 126; loss of communal lands. regions affected, 24; problem. relation 134; neglect to confirm lands. 125; to national life. 172; productivity, 39; Reforma and. 134: reorganized on registry, 77; speculation in, 72, 73. Spanish basis. 123. See also Pueblos 80; struggle for. 24; tenure, Indian Indians, 43: agricultural settlement methods. III; titles, 56; titles to (ill.).opp. II3; communal lands. 58; ranchos. 85; unequal distribution. freedom. 61; inclination to agricul­ 153. S.. also Haciendas; Rural ture. 180; \arge holdings in early holdings times. II8; legal equality. 67; meth­ Land grants. 43. 48. So; standards. 51. ods of land tenure, 110; misunder.. S .. ,also ElICOJfOierulas standing of, land legislation. 135; Land system. Ii antiquity, 2; geo­ neglect to record lands. 77; property grapbical and historical study. 2; pro­ ideas. 58.97. 134, 175; p'tJadaeros and, posed system as related to geographi­ 83; settlement showing small holdings cal conditions. 178 (ill.). OPp. 112; sman holdings. lIS; Landholders, 28; communal, 137; gen ... spoliation. 66; subOIdinate tenureJ58 eral estimate of number of. 153. S .. Individual holdings. 136. 153; irrigation also H aCllldados and, 178, 179; Reforma legislation, Landbolding towns. 104 129. 133 Landboldings. general statistics. 154 Inequality.6S Landless class. 153. ISS. 158 Introduction, I Landmarks. lIS Inigation, 11,42. 75. 80. 99. 114. 147. Landowners, 28; domination. 41; typi­ 148; individual holdings and. 178 cal. '9. 40. S.. also H acllldados Iturhide. Agustin de. new land regime. Lane. Franklin Knight. 193 66 Large estates. 25. 59; distribution in Ixtacclhuatl. 18 1810.6•• 63; to hreak Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de Alva, 120, up, 167; near Lake P'tzcuaro (ill.). 184 oPp. 140; number in certain states in 1910, 79; renewed monopoly under Jol.7 Diaz. 7'. S.. also E"COIIIi",das; Jalisco. 7. 10. 2 •• 55 Haciendas Jaramillo. Juan. 48. 49 LoJi/MJldia.4'. ISS. 169. 174. 180 Jenkins. W.O.• 5' Laurel (ill.). opp. II7 Jesuits. 60: confiscation of estates of, Lava flows ••• 61 Law of colonization. 74. 96 Joerg. W. L. G .• zii Laws. collections of. 194 Joint ownership. 103. Se. also COII­ League. Spanish, 124 da:eflazgos Lehmann. Walter. 187 Joyce. Thomas Athol. 187 Le6n Pinelo. Antonio, 43. 49. 52, J88 Juarea, Benito Pablo. 41, 70, 74. 90. Lerma River. 9. 86 133. 171; agrarian reforms, 92, 94: Libro Rojo. 57 allotment in severalty. 130 Literature, 182 INDEX 201

Littoral, western, H MestiJos. 30. 71. 89. 119. 133. 134; U.., ...... 38 position, 153; as raacMros, 83 LIaDoo de A\8ID. 36 Mexican Congress, 170 LocaIlJOft1'IlIIIf!nt. 137-138 Mexican pueblos, 12g 1.6_ BancaIari. Isnado, 193 Mexicans. 66; backwardness of ruraJ 1.6_ de CoaoUudo, DiellO. 184 life. I; typical ruraJ. 83. 84 1..6_ de Velasco, J ...... 48. 53. 55. 113. M&ico (.tate). 01 ...; land grants to 188 Cortes (map), 46; ruraJ holdings in LowH California. S .. BBJa California 1910,139 Lubin. David. 193 Mexico. ValIey of. 7; from Guadalupe Lucas. F. Woo So, 189 (ill.). opp. 10; northern portion (ill.). Lyoa. G. F., 64 opp. II Mexico City. II MIJU~, liS. 118. 119. 128 Mic:hoacan. 9. 21. 22. 55: law of March Madlugh. Robert J-ph. 193 S. 1920, 167; rural holdings in 1910, Madero, Fraucisco. 157. 159 140 Magda!eaa. Hacienda de Ia (map). 26 Middle class. 101, 102, 133 Maguey. 23.36; fields near M_ City Middleton. Philip Harvey. 193 (iIl.).opp. 37 Migrations, 118 M.u... 13. 35. I4S Mill. Nicho1as, 66 Malaria, 19 Milpo,32 MaJintaiu" 18 Mineral deposits, 54 Maluata, 17 Mines, 55 Maltrata. ValIey of. Indian ""ttiemeDt Mining towns. 105 (iIl.).opp. 112 Missions, 108 Man on honrhack. 4D Molina Enriqueo. Andres. 28. 39. 40. Manero, Antonio. 193 42. 104. liS. 156. 193 MBDe1'O. VIICtDte IL, 193 Mo..... terie •• 59 Maniau Torquemada, JoaquIn. 57, 60. MOIfks.107 188 Montezuma. Emperor, 60. 120, 123 Maqueo Castenanos. Esteban. 193 Montufar. A10D20 de. 185 Mason. Ali""" Bishop. 193 MoreJia. ValIeyof. 21. 22 MaximiliaD. Emperor. 41. 71 Morelos (state), 22; land grants to Mayas, ..0 Cort" (map). 46; rural holdings iD MtJyeIJWS, 52, 118, laG, 121, 122 1910, 142 Mayer. Brauta, 190 Morelos, Valley of. scene (ill.). opp. 141 Ma_.48. 59. 65; abolition. 67 Morgan, Lewis Henry, 113. 122, 187 Ma_do.os. 07 ••8. 19. ISS Mortgages, 68 Maza. FraJICioco F. de Ia. 73. 94. 113. Moses, Bernard. 72. 189. 190 1.... 190 Motoliuia. Toribio de BenaveDte. 185 Mea.owe. Indian land. 116 Mountain pasture in central Mexico Melchor de J.....,1IaDoa, Gaspar. 60 (ill.). opp. 16 M.~jo, Antonio D •• 193 Morga. GonzaIo de. 193 Mend...... Antonio de. 113 M.,utJ.SI NaciOflGlu.74 M .... Central. 6; Atllia:o ValIey and Nabuas.112 wheat fields (ill.). opp. 36; climate. National agrarian law. 170 10; communal system in, 167 i land Nationalization of c:hun:h property. 70 struggle. latent, 24; maguey fields Natural regions,s. map of Batunl (iIl.). opp. 37; phyaica1 geography. 9: regions, 8 representative states: their ruraJ Natural resources. 42 laDds iD 1910, 139i settlement., 23. Navarro y Noriega, Fernando. 48. 6., S)lBDiards in. 44 89.130.188 M .... del Norte. 8. 14 Nuas River. 37 M .... del Sur. 8. IS; large estates (ill.). New Laws of the Indies. So opp. 140 Ne", Mexico. pueblos. 109 MaI4.37 Nordhoff. Charles. 151 202 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

Nuevo Le6n, 31, 95 Ports, 105 Precipitation. S .. Rainfall Oaxaca, 16. 46 Preface, xi Oaxaca (state), IS. 56; agricultural dis­ Presas, 14, 179 trict (ill.), opp. 146; land grants to Prescott, William Hickling, 189 eortb (map), 47; rural holdings in Presidios, 108 191'0, 145; small farm in the hills Productivity of land, 39 (ill.), opp. 147 Products, large-farm, 3S Ober, Frederick Albion, 193 Property, assessed value of rural Obreg6n, Alvaro, 159, 165 (map),13 Ogilvie, A. G., xii Property owners, 102 O'Higgins, Ambrosio, 60 Propios, 106, 108, 110 (map) Oil, 19, 146 Public lands, 73; classes, in 1894, 74; Oil lands. ownership Question. 146 creation of ranchos from, 94; disposi­ Ord6ftez, Ezequiel, 6 tion in 1866-83. 95; distribution, by Orizaba, 17; view (ill.), opp.• 0 states, in 1912, 76; monopoly, 73; Orozco. Wistano Luis, 190 reclamation of those illegally dis­ Orozco y Berra, Manuel, 189 posed of, 160 Otero. Mariano, 190 Puebla, Valley of, 9, ", 56 Overlordship, 45, 118; Text"oco, 120 Pueblo Indians, 113 Oviedo y Vald~s, Gonzalo Fernandez Pueblos,98; Castilian. 107; distribu­ de, 185 tion and number in 1810. 131i in Oxen, 85 1854. 132; earlier and later Spanish. Ozumba,55 108; in the northwest, 108; in prairie regions. 109; labor source, 137; land­ Panuco,57 holding pueblos and reform measures, Papaloapam, Rio, 15, 18 175i local government. 138; place in Parra, Porfirio, 191 national life. 136; tenn. 130. See also Pastoral colonies. 109 Indian pueblos

Paslas comunes. 106 PuP, G. B. t 10 Pasturage, 38; common, 106 Pulque, 22, 35; production, 36 Palr6". I Pvra sierra. 15 Patzcuaro, Lake, 35, 56, 141; large Purchas, Samuel, 184, 185 estates near (ill.), opp. 140 Pyramid of the Sun (ill.), 0pp. II Payno, Manuel, 191 Peasants, bound to the soil, 118 Queretaro (state), 10,21,2' p.6n, I Quevedo, Miguel Angel de, 193 P60nias, so, 88, 108 Quiiada, Enrique. 187 Peons, 30, 58. 180; economic bondage. 30; holding for debt, 169; homes, 33; Racial factor in land reform, 179 perquisites. 32; position. 30; relation Radin, Paul, 12', 187 to patrons. 118, 119. 121; wages, 31 Railway development, 72 Perfect number. 116 Rainfall, 178; average annual (map). 9; Personal service. 170. 171 eastern escarpment, 17i Mesa Cen­ Petroleum. S .. Oil tral, II; Mesa del Norte,14i Mesa del Peust, Otto, 193 Sur, IS Pimentel. Francisco. 127, lOX Ramirez de FUenleal, Sebastian, 120, Pinchon, Edgcumb, 19' 18S Place units, 113, 127 Ra ..,hmas, 82, 104, U5; La Puerta de Plan de 19uala, 66 Medina, 86 Plateau, 8 Rancheros, 83 Plows, 54, 85 Rancho de Dolores, 109 Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 31. 32, 101 Ranchos, 82i creation from public Political system, 3 lands, 94, cultivation methods, 85, Pomar, Juan Bautista, 18S distribution and number in 1810, 89i Popocat~petl, 18 in 1910. 97, 98; growth in size, 97; Population, distribution (map), U history, 88; importance, go; labor. INDEX 203

Ranchos, (C01IIi"JUd) Seftcrios, 120 84; land titles, 8S; origin and history, Serfs, 52. lIS 88; place in national life. 100i raneh,­ Settlement of public lands, 94, 96 ros and. 83; reform measures. proba­ Settlements. Spanish. lOS. See also ble effect of, 173; Beene in valleys Spanish settlements leadiDll into the Valley of Mexico Sierra. Justo. 133. 189 (ill.), opp. 100; term, 82; typical, 86 Sierra de las Cruces (ill.), opp. 117. Real Hacienda, 62 Sierra Madre del Sur, 15 Realnagos, 72. 109 Siete Partidas, law of, 106 References, 182 Sinaloa (state), rural holdings in 1910, Reform, 156; opposition to. 177 147 Reformat 42. 60. 70, go, 92; allotment Sisal,20 in severalty. 130; consequences of Slopes, 16. See also Escarpments legislation against communal hold­ Small estates. 61 i allotments in 1877- ings,133 93.93 i creation from church propertyt Religious institutions, 59. Se, Glso 71 Ecclesiastical estates Small proprietors, 159, 167 Renten, 171 Social conditions and landowners. 41 ReluJrI'mintlDs,43. 113 Social system, 2 ReQuena, Pedro, 193 Socialism, 175 Revilla Gigedo, Juan Vicente, 60, 125, Soil exhaustion. 39 188 Solares, 51. 107 Revolution. Set Agrarian revolution Sol6rzano Pereira, Juan de, 185 Reynolds, Matthew Givens, 51, 190 Sonora. 147; pueblos. 108i rural hold- Rice, 35, 37, 55 ings in 1910, 148 Rio Grande, settlements, 109 Sonora, Marqu& de, 188 Rio Grande de Santiago, 10, 19. Su Southworth, John R., 25, 78, 139, 145, also Santiago-Lerma River 149, 151, 194 Riquelme, Feu:, 194 Spaniards, 23; aim in conquest of New Riva Pa1acio. Vicente. 47. 62, 186, 189. World, 42; early holdings, distribu­ 191 tiOD. 53; extensive grants made to. RoUand, Modesto C., 191, 194 48; founding of new toWDS. lOS i Roman y Zamora. Jeronimo. n6, ISS hacendados. 28; monopoly of prop­ Romero, Matias, 31, 32, 194 erty. 65; real farmers among, 88 Rosa, Luis de la, 191 Spanish Inquisition. 68 Roscher, W1Ihe1m, 189 Spanish settlements. 105; blending with Rouaix, Pastor, 33, 159 Indian pueblos, 127i regulations for Rural holdiDllB, asseBSed value (map), laying out. 107; type of town holdings 13; distribution, 139 (plan),lIo Speculation in land, 72, 73, 80 SaachiIa, 16 Spence. Lewis, 187 Saenz, Mai •. z Spinden, Herbert Joseph, 122, 187 Sahagun, Bernardino de, 185 State agrarian legislation. recent. 167 Sala, Anteoor, 194 Stevens. Henry. SO, 189 San Andres, 127 Stock raising. 37 San Lorenzo (hacienda), 68 Succession. Law of. in 1536. 49 San Luis Poto.l, 55 S"ertu, 107. 108. 109 San Rafael del Alamito (hacienda), 149 SUgar cane. 35. 55. 80, 144i production, Sanders, E. M., 6 36 Santa Anna, Antonio L6pez, 68, 69 Surveys, 56, 57 Santa Anna Atoyasalco (hacienda), 52, 116.127 Tabasco, 19, 55 Santiago-Lerma River, 7, 86 Tamaulipas. 19 Sapper, Carlos, 6 Taviche (ill.), opp. 146 Saville, M. H., 122 Tee/J4fJ,I16 Sedano, Francisco, 188 Tee/JtJtJlloUJ, 116 Seier. Eduard, 117. 120, 187 TeeponlltJlli, 116 204 LAND SYSTEMS OF MEXICO

Teggart. F. J" xii Valderrama. Licenciado, 119 Tehuantepec (isthmus). 19; land dis- Vald~. Luis B .• 187 tribution, 90; large estates, 80, 8x Valleys. 10 Tekax.164 Vecindarios rtU'ales, 125 Temperature, 10 Veci1JOs, 128, 15S Tenants, in the time of Cortes, 118 Velasco. Alfonso Luis, S, 194 Teosinte, 23 Veracruz (state). 19. 2.; land grants to Teotihuacan (ill.). opp. !I CorWs (map). 47; large estates. 80. Tepeaca.55 81; rural holdings in 1910. 146 Temaux.. Compane, Henri, 120, 121, Vetancurt, Agustin de, 185 183. 184. 185. 186 Vigil. Jose Maria. 191 Texas, 91; pueblos, log Villa de Laredo. 109 Te:z:coco, overlordships, 120 Villages. 104; formation of free. 126i Texcoco. Lake. looking tOWllId (ill.), Indian. landholding. III Opp.l0 Villamar. Aniceto. 51, 190 Tezontepec (pueblo). 163 Villas. 130; distribution and number Thayer. W. N .• 5 in 1810, 131i in 1854. 132 Thompson. Wallace. 32. 39. 194 .Villaselior y Cervantes. Juan de. 48 Three Years War. 70 Volcanic ash deposits••• TierrA caliente, 5, 37. 12. 146; descrip­ Volcanoes. 10 tioD, 19; labor conditions, 34; large holdings. 80; scene in (ill.). opp. 21 Wages of peons, 31, 32 Tierra/ria,s War for Independence (18m-18n) ••8. Tierra negra, 17 41; agrarian aspect. 65; results on Tierra lemplada, S. 143 the land situation. 66 T~erras Y flasallos patrimonialu. 119 Waste lands. 74 Timber. 80 Water rigbts. 114 Titles. 56; chaotic etate. 177; Indian Waterman, Thomas Talbot. 112. 113. pueblos. 125; ranchos. 85 121, 187 Tlabuelilpa (hacienda) (plan). 16. Wells. David Ames. 194 Tlalmailes. !I8 Western littoral, 20 Tlalmatecas, lIS Wbeat. 35. 55; fields in Atlixco Valley Tlallmilli. !I4. !IS (ill.). opp. 36 TlaloCIJllalli. u6 Wildey. Lebbeus R .. 194 Tlaxcala (state). 22; creation of typical Wilson. H. M., S farm, 52; titles, 57 Winton, George Beverly, 194 Tobacco. 37. 80 Witticb. Emesto. 6 Toluca. Valley of. 21. 55; Indian agri- Woodlands. 107 cultural settlement (ill.). opp. U3 Topography,S; list of worksoD, 5. 8 Xilotepeque.48 Torquemada, Juan de, 18S Xochimilco. 48. 128 Torre. Le6n Aleio. 191 Xochiquentzin, Prince, 120 Towns. landbolding. 104 Tribes, 112 Yale University, xii Tribute, 44. lIS. 116. 118, 122. 146, 148 Yaquis. 34. 8 I Tropical products. 80 Yucatan. 19. 55; agrarian legislation. Trowbridge. Edward Dwight. 194 169i description, 20i lIeMtlum pro­ duction.36 Trueba y Cosio. Joaquin Tel~sforo. 189 Tula.48 Y"gada.5I Turner. John Kenneth. 34. 194 Twitchell. R.a1ph Emerson. 189 Zacatecas (state). agrarian law of 1917. Two lives, 49 168 Zayas Enriquez. Rafael de. 194 Unearned increment, 39 Zorita, Alonso de. 52, 113, 118, 119. Urrutia. Carlos de. 57. 6 •• 188 128.186