Parliamentary Documentation Vol.XLV 16-31 August, 2019 No.16

AGRICULTURE -AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 1. NAIK, Sharanappa D. and BASHEER AHMED KHAN, M. Financial institutions and agricultural credit in India. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.388), 2019(June 2019): P.50-56. **Agriculture-Agricultural Credit; Financial Institutions.

-AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH 2. PRAVEEN KUMAR, N. Projection of GM foods as 'qualified good' in media. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.388), 2019(June 2019): P.33-37.

Examines the application of genetically modified crop technology to agricultural sector. **Agriculture-Agricultural Research; Genetically Modified Food Crops; Media.

-CULTIVATION AND HARVESTING 3. BASU, Moushumi Practice to preserve. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.28(No.5), 2019(16-31 July 2019): P.48-51.

Highlights the unique form of shifting cultivation used by Bonda tribes in Odisha. **Agriculture-Cultivation and Harvesting; Shifting Cultivation; Scheduled Tribes.

-FORESTS AND FORESTRY-WILD LIFE 4. AGUILERA, Jasmine Endangered species Act : A race to survive. TIME (HONGKONG), V.194(No.7), 2019(26.8.2019): P.9.

Deals with the planning of changing Endangered Species Act (ESA) by Trump administration in USA. **Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild life; United States of America; Endangered.

5. SAHU, Sandeep Last bagha nacha. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.36.

Shows concern over the depletion in the number of tigers in Odisha Forests. **Agriculture-Forests and Forestry-Wild Life; Tiger; Conservation.

2 **-Keywords

-SUGARCANE 6. JOSHI, Rakesh Good start. BUSINESS INDIA (MUMBAI), No.1065, 2019(29 July- 11 August 2019): P.24.

Deals with the reforms in sugar sector. **Agriculture-Sugarcane; Sugar Industry; Agricultural Prices.

BIOGRAPHICS -HEDGEWAR, KESHAV BALIRAM 7. VAIDYA, Manmohan Swaraj through social transformation. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.44-47.

Highlights the journey of Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, the founder of RSS. **Biographics-HEDGEWAR, Keshav Baliram.

BIOGRAPHIES -REDDY, JAIPAL 8. BORKER, Suhas Jaipal Reddy- A tribute. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.35), 2019(17.8.2019): P.53-55.

Pays rich tribute to S. Jaipal Reddy, veteran parliamentarian and former Union Minister. **Biographies-REDDY, Jaipal; Politician.

9. CHOWDHURY, Neerja Jaipal Reddy-A true liberal. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.10-11.

Pays tribute to Sudini Jaipal Reddy, Veteran parliamentarian and former Union Minister. **Biographies-REDDY, Jaipal; Politician.

-SWARAJ, SUSHMA 10. CHUATHAIWALE, Vijay Foreign Minister with human touch. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.38-40.

Recalls the memoirs of former Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj. **Biographies-SWARAJ, Sushma; Politician; Foreign Minister.

3 **-Keywords

11. GADKARI, Nitin 'Embodiment of principled and compassionate politics'. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.36-37.

Recalls the memoirs of former Foreign Minister, Sushma Swaraj by Union Minister, Nitin Gadkari. **Biographies-SWARAJ, Sushma; Politician; Foreign Minister.

12. PUSHKARNA, Vijaya Fighter, empathiser. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.28-29.

Throws light on the political career of Sushma Swaraj. **Biographies-SWARAJ, Sushma; Women Parliamentarians; Politician.

CENSUS AND POPULATION -CENSUS AND SURVEYS-(INDIA) 13. ANTONY, Navin J. Sunny side up. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.42-43.

Deals with India's demographic dividend and its impact on its economy. **Census and Population-Census and Surveys-(India); Labour and Labouring Classes-Employment.

COMMERCE -INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS-(INDIA) 14. SOOD, Jyotika Rosogolla's ragtag. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.30-31.

Emphasises on the need to strengthen the Geographical Indication law for various Indian products. **Commerce-Intellectual Property Rights-(India); Geographical Indications.

-INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA) 15. ABRAHAM, Maijo Not that easy. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.68-69.

Highlights India's ease of doing business ranking by world Bank. **Commerce-International Trade-(India); Ease of Doing Business; World Bank.

4 **-Keywords

-INTERNATIONAL TRADE-(INDIA-AFRICA) 16. CHAUDHURY, Nilova Roy Washington bombshell defused, African Odyssey begins. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.6.

Deals with India's increasing interest in Africa's oil projects to boost its energy security. **Commerce-International Trade-(India-Africa); Energy; ONGC; Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

COMMUNICATIONS -MOBILE PHONES 17. SINGH, Jang Bahadur and VIMALKUMAR, M. From mobile access to use : Evidence of feature-level digital divides in India. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.60-67.

Reveals the existing disparity among Indian mobile phone users. **Communications-Mobile Phones; Digital India.

-TELECOM POLICY-(INDIA) 18. SURI, Sagar Indian telecom sector: Focus over the next decade. WORLD AFFAIRS (NEW DELHI), V.23(No.2), 2019(April-June 2019): P.140- 145.

Discusses the history of telecommunications in India and focuses on benefits of 5G era. **Communications-Telecom Policy-(India); Telecommunications; 5G Era.

COMPANY AFFAIRS AND MANAGEMENT -ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING 19. KELKAR, Nachiket Discredited system. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.56-57.

Deals with false credit ratings given by credit rating agencies to various companies in India. **Company Affairs and Management-Accounting and Auditing; Credit Rating; IL&FS Company.

5 **-Keywords CONSTITUTION AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT-(INDIA) 20. State no longer: Kashmir. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.432(No.9155), 2019(10-16 August 2019): P.17-18.

Deals with the political development in Jammu and Kashmir after the removal of Article 370 and 35A. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); BJP; Article 370; Article 35A; Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir).

21. AHUJA, Namrata Biji and SHARMA, Pratul Path to abrogation. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.35-38.

Discusses BJP's strategy for the removal of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Jammu and Kashmir; Home Ministry; Parliament; Union Territory.

22. ARUN ANAND Integration 2.0. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.8-12.

Praises the Modi government's decision to abolish Article 370 and 35A in Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Political Developments-(Jammu and Kashmir).

23. BHADARI, Ishkaran PM Modi cuts Kashmir's gordian knot. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.13-15.

Gives an opinion on the Modi government's bold decision to abolish Article 370 and 35A from Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Political Developments-(Jammu and Kashmir).

24. BHURA, Sneha Faraway paradise. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.48.

Analyses the impact of abrogation of Article 370 and 35A on exiled Kashmiri pandits. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Jammu and Kashmir; Kashmiri Pandit; Insurgency.

6 **-Keywords

25. DUTT, Barkha Sullen silence. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.39-43.

Analyses the situation in Jammu and Kashmir after the removal of Article 370 and Article 35A. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Jammu and Kashmir.

26. GUPTA, Anil Masterstroke ! ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.18-20.

Deals with the removal of Article 370 and 35A in Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir).

27. JAIBANS SINGH Pakistan whips up political frenzy. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.24-25.

Gives an opinion on the reaction of Pakistan on India's historic decision for invalidation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; International Relations-(India-Pakistan); Jammu and Kashmir.

28. KUMAR, Radha Valley's will. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.18.

Criticizes Central government move of abrogating Article 370 and Article 35A and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370.

29. NAIR, Preetha Article of unfaith. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.14-15.

Discusses opposition parties opinion on abrogation of Article 370 and 35A in Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Jammu and Kashmir; Article 370.

7 **-Keywords

30. NASEER GANAI Prisons on VIP road. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.16-17.

Highlights the curfew, VIP arrests, restrictions and deputation of soldier in Jammu and Kashmir in wake of Abrogation of Article 370 and Article 35 A. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370.

31. PRASANNAN, R. Break of a new dawn. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.30-32; 34.

Discusses the abolition of Article 370 and Article 35A in Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Jammu and Kashmir.

32. PREM SINGH Government's decision on Jammu and Kashmir: A long leap into unconstitutionality. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.35), 2019(17.8.2019): P.11-12; 18.

Deals with the BJP government's bold steps towards the abolition of Article 370, 35A and reorganisation of Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Jammu and Kashmir; States Reorganisation-(Jammu and Kashmir).

33. PUNIYANI, Ram Kashmir : Abolition of article 370 and its implications. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.35), 2019(17.8.2019): P.7-10. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Jammu and Kashmir.

34. REDDY, G. B. How to 'wham' the Kashmiri Muslims. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.32-35.

Gives an opinion on current situation in Jammu and Kashmir after historic decision to scrap Article 370 and the subsequent bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into Union Territories. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Political Developments-(Jammu and Kashmir); Delimitation of Constituencies.

8 **-Keywords

35. SAGAR, Daya Demystifying the Presidential order of August 5, 2019. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.16-17.

Deals with the removal of Article 370 and 35A in Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir).

36. SALMAN BASHIR Dialogue not possible on the blood of Kashmiris. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.44-45.

Analyses the revoking of Article 370 and Article 35A in Jammu and Kashmir from Pakistan's point of view. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Jammu and Kashmir; Pakistan.

37. SIBAL, Kawal End of the tyranny. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.8), 2019(18.8.2019): P.22-23.

Deals with historic decision of Modi government to scrap Article 370 and 35A and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into two territories. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir); States Reorganisation-(Jammu and Kashmir).

38. SYED ATA HASNAIN Public perception is key. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.46-47.

Deals with the public perception over the centre government's decision of aborgation of Article 370 and Article 35A and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir. **Constitution and Constitutional Law-Constitutional Development-(India); Article 370; Article 35A; Jammu and Kashmir.

DEFENCE -ARMY AND CIVIL RELATIONS-(INDIA) 39. MISHRA, Vandana Civil-military relations in India: Recent trends. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.388), 2019(June 2019): P.23-28.

Highlights relations between the military and civil administration in the democratic context of India. **Defence-Army and Civil Relations-(India); International Relations-(India- Pakistan).

9 **-Keywords

-DEFENCE RELATIONS-(INDIA-UNITED STATES) 40. BANA, Sarosh Truth behind rafale. BUSINESS INDIA (MUMBAI), No.1065, 2019(29 July- 11 August 2019): P.41- 44.

Deals with the defence relationship between India and United States on rafale deal. **Defence-Defence Relations-(India-United States); Defence Procurement; Defence Deal.

41. ROY, P. K. Major boost to India's firepower. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.42-43.

Highlights the first batch of four boeing AH-64E Apache attack helicopter built for India and delivered to the Indian Air Force by United States and Boeing Ltd. **Defence-Defence Relations-(India-United States); Helicopters; National Security.

42. SAIKIA, Dipen Galvanizing Indo-US strategic partnership. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.388), 2019(June 2019): P.13-19.

Focuses on bilateral strategic relationship between India and United States. **Defence-Defence Relations-(India-United States).

-NUCLEAR WEAPONS 43. DOGRA, Bharat Threats from nuclear weapons is increasing. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.4.

Expresses concern over making big investments in modernising their nuclear weapon systems by the nine countries. **Defence-Nuclear Weapons; Missile Development.

44. LATEEF MIR Nuclear conundrum between India and Pakistan. WORLD AFFAIRS (NEW DELHI), V.23(No.2), 2019(April-June 2019): P.72-87.

Studies the expanding nuclear capabilities and arsenals in South Asia. **Defence-Nuclear Weapons; Missile Development; Arms Race; International Relations-(India-Pakistan).

10 **-Keywords

-PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT 45. TRIPATHI, Purnima S. Up in arms. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.87-89.

Protests over the government's decision to tax disability pension of armed forces personnel. **Defence-Personnel Management; Disability Pension; Taxation.

ECONOMIC GROWTH -(INDIA) 46. MALLIK, Jayanta Kumar Can India raise its GDP per capita to $5,000 by 2030? ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.51-57. **Economic Growth-(India); Gross Domestic Product.

-ECONOMIC POLICY-(INDIA) 47. RAI, Omkar Technology holds the key. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.36-37.

Focuses on the government's ambitious goal to becoming $5 trillion economy by 2025. **Economic Growth-Economic Policy-(India); Economic Reforms.

-INCOME AND WEALTH 48. BARMAN, R. B. In quest of inclusinve growth. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.44-50.

Focuses on economic growth using an analytical framework that assumes symmetric distribution of income, expenditure and assets. **Economic Growth-Income and Wealth.

-INCOME AND WEALTH-POVERTY 49. ANTONY, NAVIN J. Numbering the needy. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.46-47.

Highlights India's position in Poverty Index of United Nations Development Programme. **Economic Growth-Income and Wealth-Poverty; GDP.

11 **-Keywords

50. LOUIS, ARUL India lifted 271 mn out of poverty 2006-16: UN. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.29.

Praises India's efforts in achieving sustainable development goals set by United Nations in lifting 271 million people out of poverty in 2006-16 decade. **Economic Growth-Income and Wealth-Poverty; Sustainable Development Goals; UNDP.

-STATISTICS 51. PANDEY, Kundan Portrayal in triptych. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.28(No.5), 2019(16-31 July 2019): P.28-31.

Research about change tracker in and around three areas of Delhi. **Economic Growth-Statistics; Vital Statistics.

EDUCATION -EDUCATION POLICY-(INDIA) 52. ANTONY, NAVIN J. Lessons not learned. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.50-51.

Highlights India's ranking in Human Development Index, UN Development programme relating to education, employment and unemployment. **Education-Education Policy-(India); Secondary Education; Unemployment.

53. SARUKKAI, Sundar Blinkered view of humanities education? ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.10-12.

Presents a vision for the future of education in India. **Education-Education Policy-(India); Higher Education; Humanities; Liberal Education.

-SCHOOLS 54. BHAKTO, Anando Children under watch. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.37-38.

Deals with the AAP government's project to install CCTV cameras in Delhi schools for monitoring of school children to protect them from crime. **Education-Schools; Child Welfare; CCTV Cameras.

12 **-Keywords ELECTIONS -ELECTION SYSTEM 55. GURJAR, Vishesh Pratap Why caste matters : Reading electoral outcomes through the optic of caste. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.76-78.

Analyses the continued role of caste as a medium in electoral politics. **Elections-Election System; Caste and Politics.

-ELECTION TECHNIQUE AND METHOD 56. VASHISTH, Amba Charan When loses EVMs are 'Manipulated': If a political party wins EVMs are fine. UDAY INDIA (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.25-26), 2019(2-8 June 2019): P.26-27. **Elections-Election Technique and Method; Election System; EVM.

- ELECTIONS-(INDIA) 57. CHATTOPADHYAY, Suhrid Sankar Game of thrones. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.20-27.

Highlights the electoral performance of different political parties in West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Goa. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; BJP; Congress; Trinamool Congress.

58. DAYAL, Harishwar Big Pay-off for BJP's aggressive campaign in Jharkhand. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.21-23.

Deals with the success of the Bhartiya Janata Party in Jharkhand in the Lok Sabha elections, 2019. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; Political Development-(Jharkhand); BJP.

59. DESHPANDE, Rajeshwari and BIRMAL, Nitin BJP replaces the Congress in Maharashtra. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.29-32.

Comments on the second consecutive victory for the Bhartiya Janata Party-Shiv Sena alliance in the Lok Sabha elections, 2019 in Maharashtra. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; Political Development-(Maharashtra); BJP; Shiv Sena.

13 **-Keywords

60. GIRI, D. K. Countering BJP. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.8-9.

Explains the main reasons behind the massive victory by the ruling Bhartiya Janata party in Lok Sabha elections, 2019. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; BJP.

61. HILAL AHMAD and SWAIN, Gyanranjan Election results in Odisha : Welfarism versus Hindutva. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.13-15.

Focuses on the success of the Patnaik-let BJD in 2019 elections and the emergence of BJP as the main opposition in Odisha. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; Political Development-(Odisha); BJD; BJP.

62. KUSHAL PAL and MISHRA, Jyoti BJP's sweeping electoral victory in Haryana. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.24-26. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; Bhartiya Janata Party; Political Development-(Haryana).

63. MOHAMAD SANJEER ALAM and RAKESH RANJAN NDA's big victory in Bihar. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.18-21.

Focuses on best performance of the National Democratic Alliance in Bihar in the Lok Sabha elections 2019. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; Political Development-(Bihar).

64. MOHANTY, Biswajit What swayed the Delhi voters towards BJP? ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.27-28.

Focuses on reasons for Bhartiya Janata Party's victory in Lok Sabha Elections, 2019 in Delhi. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Regional Politics; Political Development-(Delhi); BJP.

14 **-Keywords

65. SHASTRI, Sandeep and Others 2019 Lok Sabha verdict. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.17-18.

Analyses the exit-poll of Lok Sabha elections 2019. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; Exit Polls; Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS).

66. SHRINGARE, Alaknanda Goa 2019 verdict : Sway of regional factors. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.19-20.

Highlights the impacts of regional factors on the results of Lok Sabha Elections, 2019 in Goa. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Regional Politics; Political Development-(Goa); Election Results.

67. VEGEESHAN, H. and CHITRAPU, Ramya Enigma of the 2019: Parliamentary elections in . ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.16-18.

Assesses the first Lok Sabha election results after the formal creation of Telangana and its wider implications for both state and national politics. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Election Results; Political Development-(Telangana)).

68. VENKATESU, E. Elections in : Voter preference for YSRCP. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.21-23.

Deals with victory of the 'Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party' (YSRCP) by defeating regional and national parties in the 2019 parliamentary and assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh. **Elections-Lok Sabha Elections-(India); Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP); Political Development-(Andhra Pradesh).

15 **-Keywords ENERGY -ELECTRICITY RATE 69. KULWANT SINGH Subsidised power supply and its usage in agriculture : A study of Haryana. MAN AND DEVELOPMENT (CHANDIGARH), V.41(No.2), 2019(June 2019): P.37-50.

Examines the sustainability in electricity and ground water use in Haryana. **Energy-Electricity Rate; Irrigation; Ground Water; Water Table Depletion; Rural Electrification.

-NUCLEAR ENERGY 70. India produces world's largest cryostat. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.27.

Highlights the manufacturing of world's largest high-vacuum pressure chamber- crucial cryostal by India for installation in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor in Southern France. **Energy-Nuclear Energy; Larsen and Toubro; ITER.

ENVIRONMENT -GLOBAL WARMING 71. Climate change stripping Ladakh of identity. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.26.

Highlights the devastating affects caused by climate change in Ladakh region. **Environment-Global Warming; Climate Change; Ladakh.

72. CHANDRA BHUSHAN Create a heat code. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.28(No.5), 2019(16-31 July 2019): P.58.

Discusses the frequency and intensity of heat waves in India. **Environment-Global Warming; Heat Waves; Climate Change.

73. RAVINDRANATH, Karthik Grow green. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.44-45.

Highlights India's position among high ranked countries for their performance towards climate change mitigation. **Environment-Global Warming; Climate Change; Green House Gases; Renewable Energy Use.

16 **-Keywords

74. WORLAND, Justin Can changing what we eat help stop climate change? TIME (HONGKONG), V.194(No.7), 2019(26.8.2019): P.8.

Emphasises on the need for global shift from meat to plant diets. **Environment-Global Warming; Climate Change; Carbon Dioxide Emission.

-NATURAL CALAMITIES 75. KATAKAM, Anupama Monsoon misery. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.103-105.

Expresses concern over tragic rain related incidents in Mumbai. **Environment-Natural Calamities; Monsoon; Disaster Management.

-NATURAL CALAMITIES-FLOODS 76. PAUL, Cithara Fightback continues. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.21-27.

Analyses the situation in Kerala after one year of devastating flood. **Environment-Natural Calamities-Floods; Kerala.

FINANCE -BANKS AND BANKING 77. CHANDRASEKHAR, C. P. IBC unravelled. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.44-45.

Deals with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). **Finance-Banks and Banking; Reserve Bank of India; Bank Frauds; Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.

-BANKS AND BANKING-FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 78. KELKAR, Nachiket Tight purse strings. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.31-33.

Deals with the crisis in Non-Bank Finance companies sector and its impact on Indian economy. **Finance-Banks and Banking-Financial Institutions; Non-Bank Financial Companies.

17 **-Keywords

-BUDGET-(INDIA) 79. DEV, S. Mahendra Social sector in the 2019 Union Budget. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.43-46.

Deals with the Union Budget 2019-20 in the context of the social sector (education, sports and others). **Finance-Budget-(India); Social Sector.

80. MAHAPATRA, Richard Directly auspicious. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.28(No.5), 2019(16-31 July 2019): P.18-20.

Deals with the Union Budget 2019-20. **Finance-Budget-(India).

81. MURALIVALLABHAN, T. V. Conserve and develop. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.38-40.

Gives an opinion on Union Budget 2019-20 in the context of sustainable development. **Finance-Budget-(India); Green Budgeting; Sustainable Development; Environment Protection.

82. RAO, M. Govinda Road map for structural reforms in budget 2019: A reality check. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.24-27.

Focuses on the reforms for accelerating the economy in Union Budget 2019-20. **Finance-Budget-(India).

83. SURESH BABU, M. Vision for industrial growth in budget 2019-20. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.36-39. **Finance-Budget-(India); Manufacturing Sector.

18 **-Keywords

-TAXATION 84. JHA, Raghbendra and Others Restricted and unrestricted fiscal grants and tax effort of Panchayats in India. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.68-75.

Examines the impact of restricted and unrestricted fiscal grants on tax effort of Panchayats in India. **Finance-Taxation; Panchayats.

HISTORY -FREEDOM MOVEMENT -(INDIA) 85. PREM SINGH Spirit of "Quit India" movement : Lohia's perception. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.25-26.

Deals with the 77th Anniversary of the 'Quit India Movement' famously known as the August Revolution. **History-Freedom Movement -(India); Quit India Movement.

INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT -AUTO INDUSTRY 86. JOSHI, Rakesh Auto industry blues. BUSINESS INDIA (MUMBAI), No.1065, 2019(29 July- 11 August 2019): P.22.

Deals with the condition of auto industry. **Industrial Development-Auto Industry.

-INDUSTRIAL POLICY-(INDIA) 87. BORUAH, Binanda Industrial mergers and acquisitions in India. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.388), 2019(June 2019): P.44-49.

Deals with restructuring the corporate sector. **Industrial Development-Industrial Policy-(India); Economic Growth.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS -(INDIA-AFRICA) 88. President visits Benin, the Gambia and Guinea. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.9. **International Relations-(India-Africa); Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC).

19 **-Keywords

-(INDIA-IRAN) 89. SINGH, R.S.N. India must support Iran not clerics regime. UDAY INDIA (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.25-26), 2019(2-8 June 2019): P.36-39. **International Relations-(India-Iran); Nuclear Deal; United States.

-(INDIA-PAKISTAN) 90. CHAUDHURY, Nilova Roy Trump 'mediation' in Kashmir talk reflects India's marginalisation in Afghanistan. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.7-8. **International Relations-(India-Pakistan); United States; Kashmir.

91. CHERIAN, John Ruling & an arrest. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.53-55.

Deals with the Judgement of International Court of Justice on Kulbhushan Jadhav and arrest of Hatiz Saeed, chief of Jamaat-ud-Dawa. **International Relations-(India-Pakistan); Espionage; Spy; International Court of Justice (ICJ).

92. KHAJOOIA, Madan Mohan Trump plays foul with 'friend' Modi. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.15-16.

Highlights the international relations between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue. **International Relations-(India-Pakistan); United States; Shimla Agreement (1972); Prisoners of War.

93. SAHOO, Prasanta India's Balochistan tactics: Has it shattered Pakistan's Kashmir dream ? WORLD AFFAIRS (NEW DELHI), V.23(No.2), 2019(April-June 2019): P.98-115. **International Relations-(India-Pakistan); Balochistan; Terrorism.

94. SHARAN, Amarendra ICJ holds Pakistan accountable in Jadhav case. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.5. **International Relations-(India-Pakistan); International Court of Justice; Espionage; Prisoners.

20 **-Keywords

95. SHARMA, Pranay Their K-Pop is outta tune. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.20-21.

Deals with Pakistan's efforts to bring issue of abrogating Article 370 and 35A in the United Nation Security Council. **International Relations-(India-Pakistan); Article 370; Article 35A; Jammu and Kashmir; United Nation Security Council.

-(INDIA-UNITED STATES) 96. BASU, Tarun Dilemma of dealing with Trumpism. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.4.

Deals with India's relations with United States. **International Relations-(India-United States); Pakistan; Kashmir.

-(IRAN-UNITED STATES) 97. NAZARETH, Kimberley Anne Trump's policy towards Iran: A deal undone. WORLD AFFAIRS (NEW DELHI), V.23(No.2), 2019(April-June 2019): P.22-35.

Examines the internal and external dynamics related to Trump's policy towards Iran. **International Relations-(Iran-United States); Foreign Policy-(United States).

-(JAPAN-SOUTH KOREA) 98. PANDA, Rajaram Tensions heighten in Japan- South Korea relations. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.35), 2019(17.8.2019): P.47-50; 52.

Deals with the bilateral relations between Japan and South Korea. **International Relations-(Japan-South Korea).

-FOREIGN POLICY-(INDIA) 99. BEHERA, Baruna K. India- an aspiring global power. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.388), 2019(June 2019): P.20-22.

Discusses the India's foreign policy from a post-colonial state to an aspiring global power. **International Relations-Foreign Policy-(India).

21 **-Keywords LABOUR AND LABOURING CLASSES -LABOUR LEGISLATION 100. CHANDRA MOHAN, N. Reforming labour laws: Grasping the nettle. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.30-31. **Labour and Labouring Classes-Labour Legislation; Labour Policy-(India); Wages and Occupational Safety Bill.

101. RAJALAKSHMI, T. K. No love for labour. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.83-86.

Highlights the protest by Joint Committee of Indian Trade Unions against the Labour Law reforms by the Modi government. **Labour and Labouring Classes-Labour Legislation; Labour Union.

MIGRATION -(INDIA) 102. ANTONY, Navin J. Movers and shakers. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.66-67.

Discusses the world migration report 2018. **Migration-(India); International Migrants; Resident Migrants; Migrants Abroad.

PETROLEUM -OIL PRICES 103. SELI, Yeshi Too hot to handle. BUSINESS INDIA (MUMBAI), No.1065, 2019(29 July- 11 August 2019): P.66- 67.

Focuses on the factors responsible for high pricing of petrol and diesel in India. **Petroleum-Oil Prices.

-OIL REFINERIES 104. BAVADAM, Lyla Uncertain ground. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.81-82.

Raises controversy regarding location of setting up of India's largest refinery and petrochemicals project in Maharashtra. **Petroleum-Oil Refineries; Ratnagiri Project; Farmers; Fishermen.

22 **-Keywords POLITICS AND DEVELOPMENT -POLITICAL PARTIES-CONGRESS 105. MISHRA, Soni Old hands on deck. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P. 22-24.

Highlights the Sonia Gandhi's appointment as Congress President. **Politics and Development-Political Parties-Congress; GANDHI, Sonia; Party President.

POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT -CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS-HUMAN RIGHTS 106. MADHAVAN, Anirudh Rights and wrongs. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.52-53.

Throws light on the human rights issues in India. **Politics and Government-Civil and Political Rights-Human Rights; Freedom.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(AFRICA) 107. What's up with Whatsapp ?: Social media and politics. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.432(No.9152), 2019(20-26 July 2019): P.35-36.

Deals with the uses and misuses of WhatsApp in Africa. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Africa); Social Media.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(CHINA) 108. SOLOMON, Feliz Battle for the soul of HongKong. TIME (HONGKONG), V.194(No.7), 2019(26.8.2019): P.21-27.

Deals with the protest in Hong Kong against the anti-extradition bill passed by Chinese government. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(China); Anti-Extradition Bill.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(ITALY) 109. MANCOSU, Moreno Contextual effects, awareness and voting behaviour: Does knowing about local politics increase contextual influence ? POLITICS (LONDON), V.39(No.3), 2019(August 2019): P.315-331.

Studies the effect of geographical context on individual voting behaviour. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Italy); Elections; Voting Procedure.

23 **-Keywords

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(JAMMU AND KASHMIR) 110. BHAT, Tariq Eyes on the prize. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.26-27.

Discusses the possible Socio-political ramifications of abrogating Article 370 and 35 A on Jammu and Kashmir. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir).

111. HEGDE, Rati Kashmiriyat or Kashmiri shariat ? ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.20-23.

Analyses the condition of Kashmiri Hindu pandits in Kashmir. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir); Rehabilitation Policy.

112. HUMRA QURAISHI Bedis in Kashmir. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.13-14.

Remembers the role of Freda Bedi, British woman and her Sikh husband B.P.L Bedi's in drafting the 'New Kashmir' Manifesto in the 1940s. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir); Manifesto.

113. ZAZIA, Deepak Fright behind fear-mongering. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.12-15.

Draws attention towards the agony of Valmiki Samaj after abolition of discriminatory Articles 370 and Article 35A in Jammu and Kashmir. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Jammu and Kashmir); Separatist; Scheduled Castes.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(KARNATAKA) 114. VIKHAR AHMED SAYEED Travesty of democracy. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.4-13.

Gives opinion on the collapse of the Congress-JD(S) coalition government in Karnataka and the BJP's back door entry into power. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Karnataka).

24 **-Keywords

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(MADHYA PRADESH) 115. SARKAR, Sravani Playing offence. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.16-17.

Praises Kamal Nath, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh for his managerial skills in passing the Criminal Law (Madhya Pradesh Amendment) Bill with support of two BJP MLAs. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Madhya Pradesh); Criminal Law; Amendment Bill.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(PAKISTAN) 116. Political camouflage: Pakistan's tribal areas. ECONOMIST (LONDON), V.432(No.9152), 2019(20-26 July 2019): P.20; 22.

Deals with political representation for the first time in Pakistan's neglected tribal borderlands. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Pakistan); Elections.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(SYRIA) 117. MENSHAWY, Mustafa Constructing state, territory and sovereignty in the Syrian conflict. POLITICS (LONDON), V.39(No.3), 2019(August 2019): P.332-346. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Syria); Civil War.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(TELANGANA) 118. BISHT, Sudhir Is KCR, a new-age Muhammad bin Tughluq ? ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.34-35.

Deals with recent announcement of Rs ten Lakh to every household by KCR, Chief Minister of Telangana. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(Telangana); Functions of Government.

-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT-(WEST BENGAL) 119. GUHA, Ayan Polarisation plus anti-incumbency : A full-scale view of BJP's rise in Bengal. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.19-21.

Focuses on the rise of Bhartiya Janata Party in the West Bengal polity. **Politics and Government-Political Development-(West Bengal); BJP.

25 **-Keywords

-POLITICAL PARTIES-BJP 120. GANGULI, Amulya Will political opportunism cost the BJP ? INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.18. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-BJP; Nationalism; RSS; Defections.

121. RAMAKRISHANAN, Venkitesh Devious designs. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.14-16.

Discusses about strategies of Bhartiya Janata Party and RSS to achieve the goal of an opposition free India after wining Lok Sabha elections, 2019. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-BJP; Political Development-(India); Lok Sabha Elections-(India).

-POLITICAL PARTIES-CONGRESS 122. GANGULI, Amulya Congress must resolve battle of generations. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.19.

Shows concern over the internal conflicts in the Congress party. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-Congress; GANDHI, Rahul.

123. TRIPATHI, Purnima S. Leadership vacuum. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.17-19.

Expresses concern over Rahul Gandhi's decision to quit as party president. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-Congress; Party President.

124. YADAV, Puneet Nicholas Mommy returns. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.34-35.

Analyses the challenges to be faced by Sonia Gandhi after appointed as Congress Party President. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-Congress.

26 **-Keywords

-POLITICAL PARTIES-TMC 125. CHATTOPADHYAY, Suhrid Sankar Battling extortion. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.39-43.

Draws attention towards agitation by villagers against the TMC party members for extorting "cut money" from the poor for benefitting from government schemes in West Bengal. **Politics and Government-Political Parties-TMC; Corruption; Extortion.

-STATES REORGANISATION-(LADAKH) 126. STOBDAN, P. Ladakh looks forward. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.49.

Aspires for economic and political development of Ladakh after becoming Union Territory of India. **Politics and Government-States Reorganisation-(Ladakh); Union Territory.

-STATES REORGANISATION-(WEST BENGAL) 127. ROY, Rajat Orchids in a glass house. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.22.

Highlights the protest for bifurcation of West Bengal for making Darjeeling as Union Territory of India. **Politics and Government-States Reorganisation-(West Bengal); Darjeeling; Gorkhaland; Union Territory.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION -ADMINISTRATION-TERRORISM-(JAMMU AND KASHMIR) 128. MUSTAFA KHAN Stab in the back : Kashmir Valley finale. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.3-4.

Fouses on government's fight against terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. **Public Administration-Administration-Terrorism-(Jammu and Kashmir); Article 370; Communalism.

-LAW AND ORDER 129. PRAMOD KUMAR Selectivism exposed ! ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.26-27.

Analyses the role of gang of celebrities's involvement in creating a fake narrative of mob lynching cases. **Public Administration-Law and Order; Mob Lynching; Cinema.

27 **-Keywords

-LAW AND ORDER-(WEST BENGAL) 130. NANDAKUMAR, J. Bengal needs to reinvent democratic culture. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.30-33.

Holds an opinion on the law and order situation in West Bengal due to political violence. **Public Administration-Law and Order-(West Bengal); Political Violence.

-LAW AND ORDER-SECURITY AGENCIES 131. VENKATESAN, V. Act of violation. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.28-30.

Deals with implementation of the National Investigation Agency Act, 2008. **Public Administration-Law and Order-Security Agencies; National Investigation Agency; Act; National Security.

-PRIME MINISTER-(INDIA) 132. KARNAD, Bharat Don't expect anything very different from Modi in his 2nd term. UDAY INDIA (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.25-26), 2019(2-8 June 2019): P.20-21. **Public Administration-Prime Minister-(India); BJP; NDA Government.

133. NANDA, Prakash Modi-juggernaut. UDAY INDIA (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.25-26), 2019(2-8 June 2019): P.6-7.

Reviews the performance of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and his party in Lok Sabha elections 2019. **Public Administration-Prime Minister-(India); BJP; Lok Sabha Elections.

134. SINGH, N. K. Modi has brought cataclysmic change in politics. UDAY INDIA (NEW DELHI), V.10(No.25-26), 2019(2-8 June 2019): P.12-13.

Praises the PM Narendra Modi's leadership. **Public Administration-Prime Minister-(India); BJP; NDA Government.

-PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 135. ANIRUDH KRISHNA and AGRAWAL, Tushar Food subsidy in cash or kind? : The wrong debate. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.39-43.

Discusses the wide diversity of Public Distribution system across states and districts. **Public Administration-Public Distribution System; Food Subsidy.

28 **-Keywords

-TERRORISM 136. JOY, Ajish P. Thousand cuts. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.62-63.

Highlights the global terrorism index which ranked countries affected due to terrorism. **Public Administration-Terrorism; Cyber Terrorism; India.

-TERRORISM-(JAMMU AND KASHMIR) 137. JAVID AHMAD AHANGER Chronic conflict over Kashmir. WORLD AFFAIRS (NEW DELHI), V.23(No.2), 2019(April-June 2019): P.88-97.

Examines the factors responsible for the present violent and growing militant movement and the possible steps towards the restoration of peace and security in Jammu and Kashmir. **Public Administration-Terrorism-(Jammu and Kashmir).

-VIOLENCE AND DISORDER 138. ZIYA US SALAM New battle cries. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.34-36.

Reveals the recent instances of Lynching by the use of slogans "Jai Shri Ram" and Jai Hanuman" against the minorities and Dalits across India. **Public Administration-Violence and Disorder; Mob Lynching; Religion and Politics.

-WASTE MANAGEMENT 139. VARSHNEY, Vibha and RAMANATHAN, Smita Done by the daily fix. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.28(No.5), 2019(16-31 July 2019): P.22-24; 26.

Criticises the Indian companies offering instant solution for organic waste management without any guidelines. **Public Administration-Waste Management; Organic Waste.

29 **-Keywords PUBLIC HEALTH -DISEASES 140. BANJOT KAUR and SHAGUN KAPIL We let them die. DOWN TO EARTH (NEW DELHI), V.28(No.5), 2019(16-31 July 2019): P.34-41.

Reports about the death of hundreds of children from the preventable acute encephalopathy syndrome due to lack of health facilities in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. **Public Health-Diseases; Nutrition; Chamki Bukhar; Litchi; Acute Encephalitis Syndrome.

-DOCTORS 141. ANTONY, NAVIN J. Diagnosis divide. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.34), 2019(25.8.2019): P.48-49.

Shows concern over the lack of doctors in India which affect the health care services. **Public Health-Doctors; National Medical Commission; World Health Organisation Report.

-PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY-(BIHAR) 142. RAJEEV K. KUMAR Status of public health services : Availability and utilization in Bihar. MAN AND DEVELOPMENT (CHANDIGARH), V.41(No.2), 2019(June 2019): P.89-102. **Public Health-Public Health Policy-(Bihar); Health Care.

-PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY-(INDIA) 143. DATTA, Damayanti To make hunger history. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.51-58; 60; 62.

Discusses the problems of malnutrition in India and governmental schemes to eradicate it. **Public Health-Public Health Policy-(India); Malnutrition; POSHAN; Anganwadi; ASHA.

-SANITATION 144. SARKAR, Anupam Rural Sanitation in Jharkhand : An analysis of recent trends. MAN AND DEVELOPMENT (CHANDIGARH), V.41(No.2), 2019(June 2019): P.103-130. **Public Health-Sanitation;Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin; Rural Development.

30 **-Keywords RELIGION -ISLAM 145. Despite protests, triple-talaq bill gets pushed. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.20.

Deals with the passing of triple-talaq bill by the Indian Parliament amidst opposition protests. **Religion-Islam; Triple Talaq Bill; Muslim Women; Islamic Law.

146. FASIHUR RAHMAN Triple talaaq and Shah Bano Case. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.16-18.

Discusses about "Triple Talaaq" and Muslim Women's Act relating to the Shah Bano Case. **Religion-Islam; Women; Islamic Law; Shah Bano Case; Triple Talaaq; Muslim Women Act.

147. HEGDE, Rati Talaq to instant talaq. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.6-7.

Holds an opinion on the passage of triple talaq bill. **Religion-Islam; Minorities; Women; Islamic Law; Triple Talaq.

-MISSIONARIES 148. ABDUL GANI Bearer of the cross. OUTLOOK (NEW DELHI), V.59(No.33), 2019(26.8.2019): P.28.

Highlights BJP's planning to build country's tallest Christian Cross and a Missionary Cell in Mizoram. **Religion-Missionaries; Mizoram; Tallest Christian Cross.

-RELIGIOUS FAITH 149. KRISHNAKUMAR, R. Rational move. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.31-33.

Deals with a draft Bill submitted by the Kerala State Law Reforms commission that seeks to curb harmful and exploitative practices associated with superstitious beliefs. **Religion-Religious Faith; Religion and Crime; Religion and Society.

31 **-Keywords SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 150. SUSHMA DEVI Cyber security in the National Security Discourse: A study of India's critical infrastructure and smart cities. WORLD AFFAIRS (NEW DELHI), V.23(No.2), 2019(April-June 2019): P.146- 158. **Science and Technology-Information Technology; Cyber Crime; Internet; Cyber Security.

-SPACE RESEARCH-(INDIA) 151. Chandrayaan-2 aided by engineering marvels. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.16.

Discusses the making and working of Chandrayaan-II, India's moon mission, launched by ISRO. **Science and Technology-Space Research-(India); Moon Misssion; Chandrayaan II.

152. MASAND, Harish India's ASAT missile test and the indigenous defence industry. FAUJI INDIA (MUMBAI), V.5(No.8), 2019(July 2019): P.30-32. **Science and Technology-Space Research-(India); Artificial Satellite; Anti Satellite Missiles; Missiles; Defence Research.

153. SUBRAMANIAN, T. S. Historic Journey. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.95-100.

Highlights ISRO's moon mission Chandrayaan-2. **Science and Technology-Space Research-(India); Moon Mission; Chandrayaan-II.

154. TALUKDAR, Sudip Moon mission: 'World's envy, India's pride'. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.12-15.

Discusses the launching of space mission Chandrayaan-II by soft-landing technique on the moon's South Pole by India. **Science and Technology-Space Research-(India); GSLV; Chandrayaan II; ISRO.

32 **-Keywords SOCIAL POLICY AND PLANNING -CRIME AGAINST WOMEN 155. AWASTHI, Puja Hit and misses. WEEK (KOCHI), V.37(No.33), 2019(18.8.2019): P.52-54.

Deals with the delay investigations in Unnao rape case. **Social Policy and Planning-Crime against Women; Rape; Sexual Harassment.

156. SHARMA, Agnima Gangrape victim self-immolates over police inaction. ORGANISER (NEW DELHI), V.71(No.7), 2019(11.8.2019): P.24-25.

Expresses concern over the rising cases of rape in Rajasthan. **Social Policy and Planning-Crime against Women; Rape.

-MINORITIES 157. IRFAN ENGINEER Report of Indian Muslims for democracy meeting. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.5-7.

Discusses about problems and the challenges faced by the Muslim Community in Indian democracy. **Social Policy and Planning-Minorities; Muslim Community; Democracy; Education.

-RESERVATION POLICY-(ANDHRA PRADESH) 158. JOSHI, Rakesh Parochial economics. BUSINESS INDIA (MUMBAI), No.1065, 2019(29 July- 11 August 2019): P.23.

Highlights Andhra Pradesh government decision of reserving jobs for locals. **Social Policy and Planning-Reservation Policy-(Andhra Pradesh) ; Employment and Unemployment.

-SCHEDULED CASTES 159. PUNIYANI, Ram Whither secularism : Democratic society and minority rights. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.11-12.

Expresses concern over increasing atrocities on Dalits and the lynchings of minorities. **Social Policy and Planning-Scheduled Castes; Minorities; Atrocities; Lynchings.

33 **-Keywords

-SCHEDULED TRIBES 160. PEGU, Binoy Kr. Appraising plight of the tribals in India. THIRD CONCEPT (NEW DELHI), V.33(No.388), 2019(June 2019): P.38-41. **Social Policy and Planning-Scheduled Tribes; Deportation; Forest Land.

161. TRIVEDI, Divya Sonbhadra massacre. FRONTLINE (CHENNAI), V.36(No.16), 2019(16.8.2019): P.90-94.

Highlights the recent indiscriminate killing of tribal people by the Gujjar men in Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh. **Social Policy and Planning-Scheduled Tribes; Gond Adivasis; Sonbhadra Massacre; Land Dispute; Atrocities.

-SOCIAL CHANGE AND CONDITIONS 162. AMERY, Fran Resilience in British Social Policy: Depoliticing risk and regulating deviance. POLITICS (LONDON), V.39(No.3), 2019(August 2019): P.363-378.

Investigates the entry of resilience into British Social Policy. **Social Policy and Planning-Social Change and Conditions; United Kingdom.

-WOMEN 163. BISWAS, A. K. Saraswati karketta. MAINSTREAM (NEW DELHI), V.57(No.34), 2019(10.8.2019): P.31-34.

Draws attention towards Saraswati Karketta, latest victim of caste slur and harrassment in Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata. **Social Policy and Planning-Women; Casteism; Assistant Professor; Scheduled Tribes.

-WOMEN AND HEALTH 164. LOUIS, Arul India improved women's conditions, cut population growth. INDIA REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (NEW DELHI), V.3(No.15), 2019(1.8.2019): P.25.

Highlights the decline in the fertility rate of women that resulted in the decline of population growth rate in India. **Social Policy and Planning-Women and Health; Population-Growth Rate; Fertility Rate.

34 **-Keywords

-WOMEN EMPOWERMENT 165. BHARGAVA, Nisha and DWIVEDI, Ketaki Gender sensitisation and women empowerment : A study of Punjab. MAN AND DEVELOPMENT (CHANDIGARH), V.41(No.2), 2019(June 2019): P.17-36.

Analyses the status of women on indicators like right to life, education, health, employment in Punjab. **Social Policy and Planning-Women Empowerment; Equality; Exploitation.

166. SRIVASTAVA, Renu and PANT, S. K. Analysis of Central Sponsored Schemes related to women empowerment : A study of Koraon block of Allahabad district. MAN AND DEVELOPMENT (CHANDIGARH), V.41(No.2), 2019(June 2019): P.151-166. **Social Policy and Planning-Women Empowerment; Sarva Siksha Abhiyan.

URBAN DEVELOPMENT -CITY AND TOWN PLANNING 167. PREM KUMAR Census towns in Uttar Pradesh : Understanding the transformation of rural economy into urban economy. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.33), 2019(17.8.2019): P.122-129.

Examines the emergence of census towns at an all-India level and history of census town in Uttar Pradesh. **Urban Development-City and Town Planning; Census and Population; Rural Economy; Urban Economy.

-SLUM AND SLUM CLEARANCE 168. MAJUMDER, Bhaskar and YADAV, Sima Living condition of households in slums in Allahabad city, Uttar Pradesh : Some implications. MAN AND DEVELOPMENT (CHANDIGARH), V.41(No.2), 2019(June 2019): P.71-88. **Urban Development-Slum and Slum Clearance ; Poverty; Slum Dwellers.

35 **-Keywords WATER MANAGEMENT -WATER CONSERVATION 169. BHATTACHARYA, Srirupa Groundwater, gurus and governmentality : Seva in the Neo-liberal development regime in India. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.51-59.

Draws attention towards water management project around rivers and river banks undertaken by the spiritual gurus. **Water Management-Water Conservation; Saints; Yamuna River.

WORKS AND HOUSING -BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 170. KHANDEKAR, Chandrashekhar Mumbai's dilapidated buildings. ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY (MUMBAI), V.54(No.32), 2019(10.8.2019): P.15-16.

Examines the situation of "dilapidated buildings" and the miserable conditions of their occupants in Mumbai. **Works and Housing-Building Construction; Monsoon Season.