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Deloitte is a proud supporter of the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons, and celebrates its 37th annual Great Valentine Gala.


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ZÜxtà itÄxÇà|ÇxZtÄt IN THIS ISSUE WhyNot. Magazine / FEBRUARY 2021 Published by the Canadian Foundation A Gala Welcome for Physically Disabled Persons, 5 6 Garamond Court, Suite 265, , , M3C 1Z5 A Gala Celebration Telephone (416) 760-7351 6 Welcome to the 37th annual Great Valentine Gala Fax (416) 760-9405 E-Mail: [email protected] in support of Canadians who live with disability Web: www.cfpdp.com facebook.com/cffpdp Leading by Example twitter.com/cffpdp Announcing our Corporate Award Winner: The Globe and Mail 10 www.linkedin.com/cfpdp www.instagram.com/cfpdp The 2021 King Clancy Award Publisher: Deb Lewis 11 The CFPDP honours Dave Dame Editor: Christine Payne Publication Coordinator: Rob Ham A Gala Salute Design & Production: Craig Allen Meet Elisabeth and Randall Linton, 13 Printing: Thompson Printing, Paris, Ontario this year’s Honourable David C. Onley Award winners The reproduction of articles from WhyNot. Magazine, with the exception of copyright material, is welcome provided the source is A Seat at the Table acknowledged. Additional copies of WhyNot. 14 An update on the CFPDP’s effort to create Magazine are available from the Publisher at a cost of $3.00 each plus shipping and handling. boardroom opportunities for Canadians with disabilities

Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons, a charitable organization founded in 1985, assists people with physical disabilities to live fuller lives. Its mission is to create awareness in the public, business communities and government of the abilities of persons with disabilities and their needs in the areas of housing, employment, education, accessibility, sports and recreation and research. ThirtySeven In the past 37 years, the Foundation has raised substantial funds, which it has distributed to a wide variety of organizations and events. These include the Canadian Disability Hall of Fame, the Eternal Flame of Hope, the Rotary Cheshire Home, the Canadian Helen Keller Awards Luncheon, GalaYears the annual Great Valentine Gala, the King Clancy Awards, the Corporate Awards, a Seat at the Table, the WhyNot Marathon, the first Canadian Marathon for the Paralympics, Jeff Adams’ CN Tower climb, Rolling Rampage Wheelchair 10K Road Race and Rolling Rampage on the Hill.

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As Honorary Patron This last year has Thank you for of the Canadian been a time like no supporting the Foundation for other, but at CFPDP Canadian Foundation Physically Disabled we believe that our for Physically Disabled Persons (CFPDP), charitable initiatives Persons’ 37th annual I extend the warmest and awards to honour Great Valentine Gala. of greetings on the those making a It’s a singular honour occasion of the annual difference must go to be Chair of this Great Valentine Gala. on. So, for 2021, we important fundraising I am with you in spirit are taking our gala event as it improves as you celebrate winners of the King Clancy and virtual to show appreciation for the incredible the lives of people with physical disabilities. Corporate Awards. individuals and organizations that are being My heartfelt appreciation goes out to our loyal The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how recognized for their contributions to Canadians Gala supporters and generous donors. With your we work and relate to each other. More than with disabilities. ongoing help, CFPDP can continue its awareness- anything, the last few months have revealed the We are proud to name Elisabeth and Randall raising mission, creating social change and true nature of human resilience, as well as the Linton as recipients of our Hon. David C. Onley funding essential services for the physically importance of the relationships and traditions Award, which recognizes exceptional service to disabled. Two important initiatives that CFPDP that sustain us. Canadians who live with a disability. In 1999, helps fund include Seat at the Table, which It therefore gives me great pleasure to know they founded the Sanfilippo Children’s Research encourages and assists corporations to recruit that, though it is not possible to do so in person, Foundation, which raises awareness and funds board members with physical disabilities, and so many members and friends of CFPDP have medical research for the rare genetic disorder. financial assistance for the Canadian Helen gathered to celebrate this evening’s honourees – Dave Dame is our 2021 recipient of the King Keller Centre, providing housing and intervenor who have secured real progress in promoting Clancy Award, which honours extraordinary services for the deafblind. accessibility and inclusion across this country. achievements by Canadians with a disability. While we sadly cannot gather in person, Together they are succeeding in building a more Currently Vice President, Global Agile Leader at CFPDP’s tireless efforts towards creating a fully just and sustainable future—a world that Scotiabank, he is a world leader in agile best accessible and inclusive society are continuing works for everyone. practices while supporting an authentic culture with the of providing equal access and This comes with my best wishes for a memo- of inclusion in his workplace. opportunity for all Canadians. In the future, rable occasion. Finally, our Corporate Award goes to the Globe we look forward to again celebrating with The Honourable and Mail for its leading coverage of disability you in person. The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario issues and for conveying diversity and inclusion in My sincere gratitude to the entire team that its editorial coverage across news stories, opinion made this event possible. The list includes so articles and editorials. many – from CFPDP’s dedicated volunteers and Please join me in congratulating our 2021 patrons to the foundation’s staff and our vast award recipients and thanking them for their supportive partner network. valuable service and accomplishments. Thank you and I hope you enjoy our 2021 On behalf of everyone at CFPDP, thank you for virtual gala. your continuing support. Richard Rotman, The Honourable Vim Kochhar Chair, The Great Valentine Gala Chair, Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons

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Now in its 37th year, the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons’ celebrated Gala remains a vital force, shining a bright light on the lives and accomplishments of people with physical disabilities and Emcee, supporting2021 the ongoing battle Suhana Meharchand for inclusion and equality.

With each passing year, the Great Valentine “When we were planning the first Gala, we Gala (GVG) makes history as one of the most thought it could continue for many years because enduring fundraising events in Canada and in we saw the need for advocacy for people living 2021 is going virtual. The Gala is one of oldest with physical disabilities in Canada,” said Hon. fundraising galas in Canada that focuses on the Vim Kochhar, chair of the Canadian Foundation cause of helping people with physical disabilities. for Physically Disabled Persons (CFPDP), which

Hon. Vim Kochhar, Laura Dottori-Attanasio and Penny Hartin, King Clancy Award Recipients, Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor

PHOTOGRAPHY BY STEVE BLACKBURN 6 WhyNot. February 2021 210100 FINAL gala'21_Layout 1 21-01-28 2:01 PM Page 7

hosts the annual social evening. “But how could we have ment at Ryerson University to fund scholarships for predicted we would be taking it virtual?” students with physical disabilities. Kochhar says he’s There are plenty of factors behind the remarkable success passionate about supporting scholarship endowments for of the Great Valentine Gala, but one that stands out is its op- students with physical disabilities and wants to do more. timistic and purposeful vision of the future. In 2021 with “With additional educational opportunities for Canadians the challenges of live events, the with physical disabilities we GVG plans to celebrate the last will see an increase in opportu- 37 years of entertainers, award nities and pursuit of profes- winners and supporters. sional roles,” he notes. “Over these years, we’ve Kochhar goes on to say he consistently communicated believes education is one of the the idea that Canada should most important assets someone be a place where all people with a physical disability can are judged on their abilities have. “Of course, education is and accomplishments, never important for everyone to get on their disabilities, and now ahead today, but it’s particu- we are focusing on the leader- larly vital for people with ship of Corporate Canada” Rob Ham, Kelly Verboom , Dorothy Price, Hon. Vim Kochhar, physical disabilities. Look, it’s a said Kochhar. Jan Verboom, Deborah Lewis, George Przybylowski given they’re going to have a “I know that our supporters share our values and harder time finding work than able-bodied workers, so perspectives on this important issue. Together, through our getting the right schooling and skills will improve their persistence – some would say stubbornness – we’ve helped chances and could have a profound impact on their lives make a real difference in the way Canadians think about and move up the corporate ladder.” physical disability.” Each year, the CFPDP presents the Honourable David In 2021, The CFPDP plans to set up another endow- C. Onley Award to an individual in recognition of his or her

Honourary Co Chair, Honourable Peter MacKay, Partner, Baker McKenzie, Corporate Award winners, Donna Carbell, Head of Group Benefits, Manulife Canada and Hon. , Hon. Vim Kochhar, Denise O’Neil Green Vice President, Equity and Community Inclusion, Ryerson University, Hon. David C. Onley award winner Tamara Gordon and Honourary Co Chair Dr. Mohamad Fakih, CEO, Paramount Fine Foods

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Emcee 2021 Suhana Meharchand Great Valentine Gala Committee Members


GALA CHAIR Richard Rotman Night Fever as the Bee Gees




FINANCE David Ford

AWARDS COMMITEE George Przybylowski Tony Wight Hon. Vim Kochhar Deborah Lewis Canadian Paralympic Team send off in the Quest for Gold in Tokyo. VIRTUAL EVENT extraordinary service to Canadians who live with Canadian companies and organizations that have PRODUCER disability. This year, we’re pleased to present the made exemplary contributions in support of Melanie Lovell award to Elisabeth and Randall Linton. people with physical disabilities. The 2021 SCRIPT WRITER Elisabeth and Randall are long-time advocates Corporate Award winner is The Globe and Mail. Galit Soloman for their now deceased daughter Elisa and The Globe and Mail’s coverage of disability hundreds of other children who have Sanfilippo issues is leading the way for media in Canada. VIDEO PRODUCER syndrome. Since founding the Sanfilippo With increasing number of editorials, opinion Donna Santos Studio Children’s Research Foundation in 1999, the Lin- articles and news items Canadians continue to STUDIO tons have raised millions of dollars for research. have access to the most current information. The Stagevision The 2021 recipient of the King Clancy Award Globe and Mail has also taken a leadership role Productions is Dave Dame. Currently Vice President, Global in conveying diversity and inclusion issues. The Agile Leader at Scotiabank, he is a world leader coverage is increasing and the organization has VIDEO STREAMING in agile best practices while supporting an provided a number of PSA Ads to a variety of VVC authentic culture of inclusion in his workplace. Not-for-Profit organizations in the space. Recognizing the vital role that media and Through the years, some 23,000 people have VOICE OVER business plays in expanding access and providing attended the event, and more than $30 million Michael Slack opportunities, the Gala each year recognizes has been raised.






Dr. Gagan Honourable Ira Gluskin & The Hampson Bhalla Julian Fantino Maxine Granovsky Family Gluskin

Richard Tivra Capital and Rusek Advisory Ltd.

February 2021 WhyNo t. 9 210100 FINAL gala'21_Layout 1 21-01-28 2:01 PM Page 10 2021 Great Valentine Gala Corporate Award Winner Presented each year at the Great Valentine Gala, the CFPDP Corporate Awards recognize the exemplary contributions of Canadian companies and organizations in support of people with physical disabilities.

While Facebook, YouTube and other social channels while we take paid advocacy ads from organizations have helped spread awareness of disability issues in who have a point of view…there are a lot of organiza- Canada and abroad, many tions that simply don’t have the funds, don’t have the traditional newspaper and access unless we provide space in our publications. It’s our way at The Globe of giving back to the community broadcast media outlets still to allow them to have a voice.” fall far short. The Globe and The Globe and Mail is also taking a leadership role Mail is a notable exception. in the area of diversity and inclusion. “I was shocked,” he It provides more coverage says, “when Vim Kochhar told me that, to his knowledge, of disability issues than any there wasn’t a single disabled person on a Board of Di- other daily newspaper in the country – across news rectors of a public company in Canada.” With that in and feature stories to insightful editorials and mind, the Globe’s publisher is actively involved in opinion articles – from an increasingly diverse A Seat at the Table, an initiative by the Canadian group of contributors. The Globe’s coverage is also Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons to nominate qualified candidates with disabilities for these important more extensive and its analysis more in-depth. positions. “I THINK WE LOOK more analytically and intelligently As a responsible corporate leader, Crawley also at the issues,” says The Globe and Mail Publisher and CEO recognizes the need to achieve greater diversity in his Phillip Crawley. “We provide appropriate context. We ask own workplace. “Our staff have got to be reflective of pertinent questions and challenge assumptions. We have the community in which we live,” he says, “so we are a well-educated, intelligent audience. They expect that measuring the diversity and inclusivity of our staff. We what we are giving them has been properly thought have hiring practices which encourage that. We can’t be through, that it isn’t shallow. It isn’t simply presenting a an island. We are part of the community we serve and, one dimensional or superficial story. When the public therefore, we have a committee for diversity and knows and it’s explained to them with the correct inclusivity which is drawn from all parts of the company. context, then you get a groundswell of informed opinion, We measure the ratios of how many women and how adding their voices. And I think that’s what we need.” many people of colour. We work with a number of or- In addition to its editorial coverage, The Globe and ganizations in the community to bring speakers in and Mail fulfills its corporate responsibility by providing we’ve had some very good diversity training for staff and non-profit organizations with a generous allocation of managers…There’s a demand from our staff for us to free space, both in print and digitally, for public service make more progress in this area.” announcements to help get their message across. “CFPDP congratulates the entire team at the The “We have a national pulpit,” says Crawley. “Because of Globe and Mail for its efforts and for being recipients of the nature of our business, we can reach audiences from the 2021 Corporate Award,” says Vim Kochhar, Chair coast to coast to coast and it is incumbent upon us as a of the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled company to help advocate for those who Persons. “The Globe and Mail is making an impact otherwise would not necessarily be able to do so. So, and making a difference.”

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The Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons’ King Clancy Award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding personal achievement and important contributions in support of Canadians who live with disability. This year’s award recipient is David Dame

hen Dave Dame came into stand the problem, figure out the best this world in 1971, it was way they want to solve that problem Wnot as accessible to people and do that. By giving people with disabilities as it is today. While he problems instead of work to do, it was born with cerebral palsy, his par- really enables them to have intrinsic ents chose not to see things as they motivation to build and solve things. were, but to imagine instead what was My style of leadership is more enable- possible. In doing so, they instilled in ment than control. I really like to try their son a deep sense of responsibility to give people the problem statement to live independently, find solutions, and the guardrails that they get to stay become an expert in his field and work between, then allow them to figure out towards a more inclusive world. He the best way to do it. I don’t want them has done them proud. to implement my idea. I want them to Sheer determination coupled with become good at getting ideas and mak- improvements in accessibility allowed ing decisions.” Dame to graduate university, travel the and manage agile best practices and Enshrined in the word “agile” are world and thrive in a highly successful quality management to reduce time values and principles that embrace career. That career has taken him far to market for new products and inclusivity. Indeed, Dame is strongly beyond the less accessible world in increase the ability to respond to new committed to supporting an authentic which he was born – both physically opportunities. culture of inclusion in his workplace (he has extensive experience starting “Agile really helps people in organ- as Executive Champion of Scotia- up digital factories in Mexico and izations become more flexible and bank’s DiversABILITY employee South America) and metaphysically adaptable to change,” explains Dame. resource group, which helps everyone (he consistently helps others believe “We have to get better at changing to learn, connect and join together that they can accomplish great things). because customers are changing more to promote accessibility across the In the words of Scotiabank’s Director quickly than ever, and if we’re not organization. His life experiences help of Diversity and Inclusion, Jody able to react and pivot to how they’re others understand that inclusivity goes Jacobson, “While it is no secret that changing, we’re not going to become beyond accessibility. Dave has cerebral palsy, he demon- relevant…If we quickly do a small piece “Just because they put a ramp to strates every day that cerebral palsy of work, send it out there and see how get me in the building, it took a lot does not have him.” it’s received by the market, then we can more work to help me feel that I In his current role at Scotiabank, quickly adapt and learn on that belonged in the building. I’ve been put Dame’s title is Vice President, Global feedback. Before, we tried to think of on a team, but I haven’t always felt Agile Leader. The emphasis is well everything up front instead of building part of the team,” says Dame. “The placed on the last word, as he is learning as part of the process.” differences in both of these examples renowned for his leadership skills, Dame continues, “As a leader, I’ve are the leaders and what people have helping teams leverage, implement learned to empower others to under- done to make me feel that I belong.”

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Postmedia and National Post are proud sponsors of the

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National security and legal MOSCOW • The Russian experts say they’re hopeful Anti-Doping Agency (RU- ’s plan to create a new SADA) said Thursday it will office specializing in terror- appeal sanctions barring ism prosecutions will im- the country’s athletes from prove this country’s track re- competing under its flag at cord of holding accountable top international sporting those who threaten public events within 10 to 15 days, safety. the TASS news agency re- PlusPluus “It’s been an inconsistent ported. TOP10P track record,” said Phil Gur- The World Anti-Doping ski, a former CSIS analyst Agency (WADA) earlier in WINTEERR and president of Borealis nanationalpost.comtionalpost.com December banned the coun- Threat and Risk Consulting try’s colours and anthem WWELLNNNESS Ltd. “My initial reaction is TIM FULLER / USA TODAY SPORTS from events, including the SPOTS RaptorsRaapptors fforwardorrwward PaPascalasscaall SSiakamiakaamm ddrivesrriives ttoo tththehe bbasketaassket WeWednesdaydnesdaayy aagagainstgainst thethe DetroitDetr Pistons. Olympics, for four years as ‘yay,’ but the form this thing p. 2200 takes dictates whether it punishment for having pro- means anything. The devil is vided it with doctored lab- THE INS in the details.” IN THIS oratory data. nationalpost.comnationalpost.com Prime Minister Justin Tru- It also barred Russia from ANDA D OUOUTUUTS deau recently directed the hosting or bidding for major CORNER TRISTAN FEWINGS / GETTY IMAGES sporting events during that OF PPRIVATET NATIONALNATIONAL POSPOSTTministers of justice and pub- RaptorsRaapptp orrss hithiitt wwithi InstagramInstaggrram allowsaalllows star-struckstar struck fansfaanns toto getgett upup closeclose andaannd personalperrssonaall wwithith ststarsaarrs likelike Ariana Grande, instead of simply watching them perform. period. 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They’re admired Powell was out for 1.5 months that might be a bit too high praise, FaFathertherr RaRaymondayymond AMHERST,AMHERSST, NN.S.,.S., CCOSTO FAR LESS according to the Public Pros- com/arts SUV. Tara Reid was falling for amassing wealth and per- in Detroit with his partial shoulder separa- considering how ridiculous some SiSiegeege ecution Service of Canada’s de SoSouza,uza, out of a club nearby. It was and Deshaunforming superior reputation- tion last season. other players have been. most recent annual report. RUSADA THANTHHAAN A CCONDOONDO IIN TORONTO open season on drunk girls. al and bodily maintenance. A big question now centres on “He’s certainly up there. He’s A9 The outcomes have been Flashbulbs alighted on their (Watson)T hey have created a new culte can now say for sure whether the front office changes trending in that direction, I just WILLFP APPEAL on U.S.U.S. mixed.smeared In February, mascara federal and slack- of true womanhood, one in that Wednesday’s trip its thinking trade wise in the wake think that if you’re really looking AGAINST J OOEE OO’C’C OONNORN N O R ccasash out of an $800,000 semi-de- prosecutorsened jaws.announced “Upskirt” that p hoto- THE ’GRAMare kind ofwh ich the body canW be endto- Detroit was an abject of this brutal set of circumstances. at it, there’s a handful of guys that embassyembassy ttacaacched anchor-around-thWhate-neck in have weRe hab grapDughmoss, inh whhadic hbeen a papar- lessly upgraded fordisaster optimal for the Toronto Raptors, They’ve made it clear they wanted are there and maybe he’s in the financialpost.comTHE WADA ARTSARTS athy LLeBlanceBlanc rreferseffeers toto theem,m, ToToronto,r one could purchase any sentencedazzo literallyto seven stooped years so low all groupedsexual attractiveness.despite the victory. to compete and the team was off to next group behind them or some- politely,politelyy,, as “tire“tire kickers.”kickers.” numbernum of reddish-brown sandstonebecome, the in prisonthat after he could being snap found under a PHOTO-SHARING APP CONNECTS US WITH The celebrity Instagram“It’s too bad. A win with a heavy an excellent start, despite a num- thing like that,” Nurse said. DECISION. C PeoplePeople from “away,”“away,” ofoftenten Victorian-eraVict mansions in Amherst guilty ofwoman’s leaving skirt Canada as she to exited a togetherest hetic representsprice, the tototal be honest,” Raptors head ber of injuries before these ones. “It’s really hard to argue with endsends car, were a genre unto them- devotion to control. 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CANADA’Swas quoted as saying by IN BAGHDADBAGHDAD life than whateveratever ratraatt rraceace theyey are mainmai drag, not far from 188the Victoria influenced? had triedbetween to travel a tolimousine Syria to and can be airbrushed, downThe fact to that Marc Gasol and one-year extension. “Their two teams, their rec- BUSINESSTASS. VOICE BEHINDEEHH ND caught up in. ItIt is a desiredesire thatat can St., one of the mansions she is sell- join thean Islamic unhooked State in velvet April rope in the samethe pore. Whole industries SATURDAY, HitHiit CBC sitcom — AMANDA HESS Norman Powell would be out Lowry had mentioned on Wed- ords are unbelievable (Milwaukee Yuri Ganus, the head ofoftenten lead to the Canada-wide real inging.. 2016 andformed used at hknifee line and of ascrim - draft class,have scurried intoindefinitely the gap: was fully expected. nesday that last year’s eventual and Los Angeles met Thursday DECEMBERof RUSADA 28, 2019who is not a SchitSchitt’st’s Creek M UUSTAFAS T A F A SAALIML I M esestatetate llistingsistings and, iiff the tire kickkick-- BBuilt as a wedding gift in 1905, it golf clubmage to assault between people the celebrities at skin care, photo editingWhat apps,wasn’t was the late-evening champions dodged major injury with matching 24-4 records) and member of the supervisory reflects on its AANDN D L IIZZ S LLYY ers dig around a litlittle,tle, to Amherserst,t, a feafeaturest a turret, stained-glass win- a Canadianand tTirehe tabloid store in press. Scar- It was contour makeup, weigpressh t-lossrelease from the Raptors woes (even though Powell and they’re obviously the driving force. board, has said he does not town in NovaNoovva SScScotia,cotia, a ststone’stoone’s throw dows,dow wainscotting, a grand main borougallh, Ont., motivated in June by2017. an antag- drafted in thescams, eyelash growtstatingh ser that- franchise player Pas- Jonas Valanciunas suffered ser- “And then you start looking see any chance of winning legaclegacyy as castcasstt BABAGHDADGHD A D • The siegesiege ((o(oror ttwo)wwoo) fromffrrom the BayBay ooff FuFundy.ndyy. stairaircase and a name — Beau Séjour Whenonistic Ayanle but Hassan symbiotic Ali rela- ums, injectable fillers.cal Siakam is out for weeks as well. ious injuries). and you go to (James) Harden’s 40 an appeal. THETHHEE tionship among the famous first round andNow that famous women looks ahead. FPFP11P111 bbyy ssupportersupporters of aann IrIranaann- “The tire kickkickersers are all look- — alta hough locals simply refer to it went on a knife rampage at a “With 6:47 to play in the fourth “We avoided the injury bug points a night and all that stuff, so The case will now be re- iian-backedaann-baaccked militiamilitia att the U.U.S.S. ing for the same thing — peace and as the “Beautiful House.” Canadianpeople, Forces th erecruiting paparazzi and are in control of quarter,their own Pascal Siakam sustained a last year and that really helped us there’s some guys I think that are ferred to the Court or Arbi- Embassy in Baghddadad ended quiequiet,”t,” LeBlancLeeBlanc says.saayys. “It“It is old fash- FFor a come from away, it has a centre inth eToronto fans. We in 2016,watc hined- it all all that. Butimages, now thatstretc they hhedave groin after an awkward throughout the whole year, but clearly in a serious conversation COMMENTtration for Sport (CAS) in WeWednesdaydnesday afterafter the militiamilitia ioned here, people dondon’t’t llockock their bbeautifulea price ($579,000), which is juring two,with federal a compulsive prosecutors loath ing. transitioned fromlanding. object toHe was evaluated Thurs- I think it’s pretty tough for our probably.” Switzerland. FP orderordereded them to withdraw,draaww, doodoors,rs, and if youyoouu movedmoved to Amhersterst aababoutbo $21,000 cheaper than the aver- took the positionFew could he did predict so for that, there are nosubject, they have daysuccessful and will- be listed as out in- team,” Lowry said. Nurse said that coming into the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency bringing reliefrelief to the dip- tomotomorrowrrow eveveryery neneigighbourbour in the ar-aarr- agagegee condominium in Toronto. If a the benefita decade of, at t hlater,e direction this era of ly supplanted thedefinitely,” male gaze read the release. “But we have a bunch of guys season, the Raptors hoped Siakam FiveCEO fearless Travis Tygart accused SSCSCENESCCEENES lomlomatsats trtrappedapped iinsidenside andand ea wouwouldld show up atat yoyyourour doodoororr with gogoodod bargain isn’t enough of a hook, of or inHollywood association witwouldh a ter inspire- do-overs.wit h a capitalist one:Siakam Tap on h ad appeared fine when that have to step up now. Hope- would be ready to take over as the predictionsRussia of wasting “precious Cannabis sectorsector avavertingerting a potential showow-- ssometoommethinging toto eat.”eat.” Amherst offers more sophisticated rorist groupnostalgia. of w Buthich it h heas. was many Instagram phheotos talked and to a few reporters post- fully, it’s nothing serious. We’ll see main option with Kawhi Leonard and limited resources in an down betweenbetween the UnitedUnited The small-town idyll iiss furtfurther en- eenticements.nti the only member.“Pop Culture Died in a cloud of brand namesgame andpops gave no indication any- what happens.” gone and that has come to pass. foreffort 2020. to weasel out of the exexpectingxppeccting wavewave 2009,” curated by a young We are whereup, eac h plugged into a virtu- SStatestates aandnd IrIran.aann. hanced bbyy the matmaatth. Should one, say,say, See AMHERST on A4 See TERROR on A3 thing was troubling him. Gasol, Instead, the news was even “He’s handled it maybe better consequences. man who was in grade al shopping bag. FourFFoouurrw womenoomeene ffromm off bankruptciesbankrupptcies SupporSupportersters of the KataibKaattaib who strained his left hamstring, worse than anticipated. than anybody expected it to. He Hodson,“Let’s FP9hope CAS has the school when Britney Spears we are. Kylie Jenner became a bil- HeHezbollazbollah mmilitiailitia who haadd and Powell, who partially separat- certainly takes it on attitudin- independence and cour- in 2020. commandeered the clippers lionaire by receiving expen- diverseiverseeerrseebae bbacbackgroundsaacckkggrgroroouundunndsdsd spent the nnigigght campedcamped ooutut- — CHICAGO QB ed his left shoulder for the second SIAKAM HAD BEEN ally. He brings it out there. He’s age to see through these at a hair salon and shaved M ITCHELL TRUBISKYsive cosmetic enhtimeancements in 13 months, declined to TURNING HEADS aggressive. He’s not afraid to use machinations and finally FPFP11 side the embassembassyy disman- ABOUT UNFAVOUR- her head, resurrects the era’s to her face and thspeak.en selling Before Siakam went down, the a variety of ways to score. He’s stand firm and take decisive sharesshaarere t thehe insideinsinsiide tled their tents and marcmarched COMMENTCOMME ABLE COMPARISONS Us Weekly spreads and pap cheap cosmetic enSufficehance- to say, this is the worst buzz had been about whether pretty high-volume usage-wise action that puts in place a out of the area, sasayingying theeyy shots on Tumblr, retelling TO KANSAS CITYments to everyone else. MARKETS COUNTERPART PATRICK possible news for Toronto. Losing he could win the NBA’s most im- and you’ve got to do it every night. complete ban,” Tygart said sscoopcoooop aaboutboutw wwhathaata IINDEXNDEX would insteadinstead continuecontinue to old tabloid tales about Mis- Model Emily Ratajkowski M AHOMES. the team’s starting centre and do- proved player award two years in a When he’s had a bad one he’s done in a statement. press for the withdrdrawalawal of cha Barton and Paris Hil- has called her Instagram ac- CLASSIFIED FP8 UU.S..S. troops frffromrom IIraqraq in the it-all veteran Gasol, its first guard row. Nurse didn’t see why not. a good job of bouncing back,” Russia, which has trad- it ttatakeskees ttoosuo succeeducceeede DIVERSIONS FP13 ton and the “Leave Britney count a “sexy feministoff th maga-e bench/steady fill-in starter “I don’t think it’s crazy. I think Nurse said. itionally been a powerhouse nnation’sation’s pparliament.arliaammentt. BoBorisris gets it right KIMKARDASHIAN / INSTAGRAM EDITORIALS A8A8-A9-A9 Alone” guy. zine,” which she leverages to ““Yay!Yayy!! We bburnedurned them!”em!” in Powell would have been bad he’s probably got to be in the con- “He was clearly emerging last in many sports, has been LETTERSLETTERS A8 What happened in 2010? Instagram surfaced in 2010 and suddenly celebrity watchers could interact with Kim sell her line of bikinis.enough — but losing Siakam could versation,” the Raptors head coach year and anytime he’d have a good embroiled in doping scan- REMEMBERING A13 theeyy chanted asas theyey headead- Instagram happened. Kardashian, an “influencer” of commerce and a symbol of feminine consumption. Scrolling back through S&P/TSX DJ Ind. WEATHERWEAATTHER FP13 ed awawayay ffromrom the embassyembassy,y, be catastrophic. The reigning NBA said before Wednesday’s game. game, it was kind of a surprise 17,168.21dals since28,645.26 a 2015 WADA re- on antanti-Semitismi-SSee In October of that year, “Pop Culture Diedmost in 2009” improved player had taken “I’m sure there are a number and now he always says he’s not port found evidence of mass WORLDWORLD A10 a referencereference to the fifiresres setset the free photo-sharing app both physically and psych- our individuality even as we jostling on the same plat- does provide a nostalgic -11.94 +23.87 by the demonstratorsdemonstrators thatat R EEXX M URPHYU R P H Y BorisB Johnson is clear, direct and another leap this year and was of guys that have made some nice surprised, which is a great way to -0.07%doping in+0.08% Russian athletics. with a hipster sheen hit the ologically. The images that eye the herd. form. The way we photo- kick. What you seeone in of t htosehe featured players by the leaps and are vying for that award, put it. Many of Russia’s athletes PublishedPublished bbyy NaNationaltionaal PoPost,osst, burned twotwo embassyembassy receprecep- speaksspea like Boris Johnson. By the lat- iPhone. Several months Kim Kardashian and Kylie At the time of Instagram’s graph sunsets, dinners, our images — and leaguewhat hforas the upcoming slate of but you know, if a guy is going “But now he goes out with were sidelined from the a divisiondivivvision ofof PostmediaPoosstmediaia NetworkNetwoork InInc.c. ttionioonn areasareas Tuesday.Tuesday. ter I mean he doesn’t “order out” for INSIDElater, Justin Bieber — the Jenner post there may seem debut, Facebook existed children, ourselves: All are evaporated from celebrity ReturnReturn uundeliverablenddeeliveraabble CanCanadianannaaddiian ccopiesopies to Christmas Day games. from 17 to 25-26 points a game, the idea that he is the primary last two Olympics and the 300-365300-365 BloorBloooor SSt.t. EE.,., TToToronto,oronto, OOnt.nt. M4M4WW 33L4L4 The reretreattreat sigsignallednalled an I think,ink, iinn a way,way, thatat the bestbest re-re- his speeches, doesn’t go to the fudge biggest star to take to the like extensions of their re- for people to share words influenced by everyone else culture in the age of Insta- end to a crisiscrisis in whicich thou- sponse ttoo the nnear-slaugear-slaughter (f(fivefiive and cliché factories that are the re- Toronto will now make its he’s probably in the conversation guy right from the jump and not country unable to display DEC platform — posted a moody ality television empire, but and photographs with their who is snapping and brand- gram — is a fundamentalsecond-ever Christmas appear- around the league wherever they looking to see how the flow of the its flag altogether at last sands of angrangryy militia supsup-- were injured — manymany more victimsvictims soursource of almost every politician — shot of Los Angeles traffic, television only works in one friends. But Instagram was ing and uploading around antagonism toward the 2019 SPECIAL SECTION:SECTION: CANADA’SCANADAA’’S MOMOSTST PPOWERFULOWERFUL WWOMEN:OMEN: TOPTTOOP 110000 ance and first in ages without are,” Nurse said. game is, or how Kawhi has it going Dollaryear’s PyeongcGold hang Win- LOLA LANDEKIC / NATIONAL POST porportersters attemptedaatttempted to ststormorm wwereere intended)intteended) inin Monsey,Moonnsey, N.Y.,NN..Y., camecaamme ffromrom mayors to prime ministers — FROM VINNIE and suddenly, we weren’t direction: We watch it. On built to be an open network. us. Hollywood machine.three of its key players. Most improved might be under- or whatever. He just kind of takes US76.46¢ter GamesUS$1,513.80 as punishment the embaembassyssy Tuesday,Tuesday, propro- bebeforefore the eventevent and from across the who mutter their formal addresses | ASPIRINSsnapping hungrily TO at the Instagram, we look and we You were invited to follow Along the way, the whole Paparazzi showedTh celebe team- said “all three players selling what Siakam had done so it from the opening tip and goes +US0.46¢for state-sponsored+US$4.50 doping testestingting the deatdeaatths of 25 milmil-- wawater.atter. I’I’mm not beibeingng cucutete aboutt soso with bland, dead and dull formula- window of a famous person’s post. We watch other people, everyone. proposition of celebrity rities in a light twillhat wasn’tbe re-evaluated over the com- far though. At times this year he’s with it.” +0.60%cover-ups+0.30% at the 2014 Sochi ititiaia membmembersers iinn UU.S..S. aairstrikesirstrikes ggrgrimim andand grievousggrievvoous anan event,event, butbut ratrath- ttions,ion stuffed with kindergarten bro- LOUIE HAHA: car anymore. We were in the and we watch ourselves. Facebook photo shar- flipped. Regular people be- selected to makeing th weeksem ap- and their conditions up- been bandied about as an MVP Postmedia News Games. - mides, and affecting a slow-voiced, pear as marketable as pos- SundaSunday.ayy. The strikesstrikes were con er pointing to a public man, a prime mid HOWpassenger MOBSTERS seat. We absorb the details of ing had been animated by came a little bit famous for dated as necessary.” candidate, though Nurse indicated [email protected] Reuters INSIDE ducductedted in reretaliationtaliation for the mminister,inister, who aadaddressingddressinggt the rreturn/eturn/ preciouspre tone that are otherwise As more celebrities signed the Instagram star’s house- our social connections, our doing celebrity-like things: sible. Instagram is often ac- GETup, we THEIR gained access to their hold decor, her contoured family ties, our inside jokes for how they appointed their cused of producing artificial PuPublicationubblication MMailail AgrAgreementgreemene t NumberNummbber 40069573400669955773 dedeataatth of a U.U.S.S. contrcontractoractor in a risrisee ofof anti-Semitismanti-Semitism in hisis belovedbeloved heaeardr only from fake yogis, New Age rorocketcket attackaatttack the U.U.S.S. militarmilitaryy EnEngland,gland, usedused botboth the rigright wordswords aromatarom herapists and deliquescent NICKNAMES.kitchens and bedrooms and makeup, her photo angles and idiosyncrasies. The homes and did their makeup images, but there’s some- Oil Natural gas blamblameded on KataibKaattaib HHezbollaezbollah. and right tone when giving his HHaa- hiippies.pp closets and bathrooms. Ce- and her Photoshop tweaks, photos were presented for and dressed themselves. thing very honest about its US$61.72 US$2.16 See IRAQIRRAAQ oonn A10 nnukkaukkkkah mmessage.essage. See MURPHY on A8 lebrityPage culture A5 moved inside. and then we post our own the pleasure and approval of Our cats and dogs became commercial system. The ce- +US$0.04 -US$0.14 There’s nothing From space tourism Gold bugs had It was domesticated. The images of our homes and the people we knew. stars. This occurred on such lebrity used to offer a whiff +0.06% -5.93% paparazzi were left stranded faces and bodies that are But on Instagram, our a vast scale that it required a of mystery. An influencer is quite like proving to robo-surgeries, a great year and on the pavement. informed by her example. sphere of influence blew up. new word to describe these just someone who is good Instagram gave us a new Or we post in defiance of it. We were in league with rich figures, one ensconced in a at making other people buy the naysayers the future of next year might way of seeing celebrities, Often we seem to be fusing people, beautiful people, new form of commerce: “in- things. drawing us closer to them those two attitudes, chasing famous people. We were all fluencer.” The New York Times wrong. investing is here. be even better. FP3 FP4 FP8

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PRESENTING DavidThe Honourable C.Onley AWARD

In tribute to our 28th Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons introduced The Honourable David C. Onley Award in 2014. The award recognizes examples of extraordinary service to Canadians who live with a disability. This year we honour Elisabeth and Randall Linton, founders of the Sanfilippo Children’s Research Foundation, which funds medical research for the rare genetic disorder and its related neurogenetic diseases. lisabeth and Randall Linton have spent much of the last the world, current clinical trials, and establishing labs Equarter century advocating on behalf of hundreds of dedicated to Sanfilippo research. children who have Sanfilippo syndrome, a rare, inherited While there is still no cure, research is ongoing, including metabolic disorder for which there is currently no cure. Their at Montreal’s Sainte-Justine Hospital in a lab that bears Elisa own daughter, Elisa, began to regress at an age when most Linton’s name and at The Sanfilippo Children’s Research children are just beginning school. She died in 2016 at the Foundation’s Laboratory at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. age of 22, however her case was As well, Abeona Therapeutics has described as “miraculous” because opened The Elisa Linton Center for most young people with Sanfilippo Rare Disease Therapies, a 6,000- syndrome die in their teens. square-foot commercial manufactur- “Elisa was a very bright, intuitive ing facility for gene and cell therapies and loving person,” says Elisabeth in Cleveland, Ohio. Linton. “She loved people and she “I am very optimistic. We were loved life. She was so determined and able to establish a number of research would never give up. Regression projects that have continued through- never slowed her down. If anything, out the years in different institutions it made her more determined. She in Canada as well as England, was fearless and she was a teacher. Australia and the United States,” I looked at her and mirrored my Randall, Elisa, Jessica, Elisabeth and Conner Linton shares Elisabeth Linton, adding that own life. Many times, I was tempted some research has advanced to clini- to give up, but she never did. She was a fearless warrior cal trials, including a gene therapy study by Abeona Therapeu- for living and loving; she was an inspiration.” tics. “It has been slow and thorough progress, but we are very Children with Sanfilippo syndrome are missing an excited by the results and what this will mean, because we essential enzyme that normally breaks down and recycles a believe this could be a significant treatment.” complex body sugar. As a result, large sugar molecules build Elisabeth and Randall Linton, along with their two other up in the bones, brain and other organs, stopping normal children, Jessica and Connor, devoted their lives to helping development and reverting a child back into infancy. This Elisa, who they affectionately called ‘Woogs’ or ‘Woogie’. Their decline is accompanied by hyperactivity, sleep disorders, efforts continue to bring hope to every family who has a child seizures, loss of speech and mobility, intellectual develop- living with Sanfilippo syndrome or related genetic conditions. ment disorders and dementia. “Elisa’s legacy is a legacy of hope because she lived a life with As Elisa’s condition began to deteriorate, her parents hope, experiencing every single day as being a wonderful day, worked tirelessly to spread awareness of Sanfilippo syndrome an exciting day, a fun day,” says Elisabeth Linton. “Fun for Elisa and raise money through the Sanfilippo Children’s Research in the later stages of her life was just giving hugs and looking Foundation, which they founded in 1999, in the hopes of deeply in your eyes. That brought a smile to her face. She never finding a cure. They have continued their work even after gave up when she was trying to walk and would still try, even Elisa’s death, raising over $8 million to date with a remarkable when she didn’t have the balance or the strength. It’s part of her 96 percent of every dollar donated going towards research. legacy of never giving up, and that’s something that we as a The foundation has sponsored 40 research grants foundation won’t do either. We look forward to the day when a worldwide. They have resulted in important findings, major child is diagnosed with Sanfilippo syndrome and the doctor can presentations at medical and genetic conferences around say ‘there is hope’ because we have a treatment or a cure.”

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Everyone deserves

Things are progressing with CFPDP’s social-change initiative to create boardroom opportunities for Canadians with disabilities

EOPLE WITH DISABILITIES are Canada’s biggest ibly accomplished, and we see stories every single day regard- minority community. One in five – or approximately ing their achievements. Part of our mission for A Seat at the P20% of our population – lives with a disability. Why Table is to highlight these success stories,” adds Kochhar. then is there so little representation from this demographic “Bringing a disability perspective to the table is also another on the Boards of our country’s corporations? Instead way that corporate Canada can further serve its bottom line. of just asking the question, Vim Kochhar, Founder of the Imagine having a ready resource on your own Board, and Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons being able to proactively tap into the thinking and customer (CFPDP), is leading the charge to help bring about service needs of more than 20 percent of Canadians. This is positive change. achievable if companies build leadership teams that more Companies have made great strides in recruiting women closely align with Canada’s demographics.” for these director roles over the last 40 years. We are now A Seat at the Table aims to help companies do exactly this calling on corporations from coast to coast to add people by identifying, vetting, and then recommending qualified with disabilities to their Boards of Directors,” says Kochhar. Board-level candidates. CFPDP is also supporting educational “Right now, I am not aware of any individuals with physical opportunities for this demographic group by establishing disabilities on any Canadian corporate boards.” scholarships. Currently, the organization has established And from this realization, A Seat at the Table was born. endowment funds at Toronto’s Ryerson University and York Drawing on his personal contacts, Kochhar brought University and is looking to extend this program to other together a group of senior business leaders who are eager to major post-secondary institutions across Canada. help. This group, which is being led by 11 CEOS and senior People with disabilities have an advantage in their executives, is charged with choosing qualified candidates mindset and acquired skills,” explains Kochhar. “It is often based on their credentials, competencies, and experience. said that people who have hearing loss make broader use Additionally, in an effort to broaden the thinking behind of their eyesight and that people with low or no vision today’s important diversity and inclusion initiatives, CFPDP make more use of the hearing. As well, we have seen has launched a vigorous campaign to draw attention to its people with disabilities prove themselves in a wide variety A Seat at the Table program. of sports, and a Paralympic gold medal is as widely “Having a disability should not be a barrier to joining a recognized as Olympic gold. There are also already many corporate Board,” emphasizes Kochhar. “The attention that successful professionals whose genius has propelled them diversity and inclusion efforts are receiving is extremely to top positions in their fields.” encouraging, but we must do more to ensure that all Ultimately, as CFPDP continues to move its Seat at the Canadians feel included. This is the time to make corpora- Table initiative forward, Kochhar believes society as a whole tions aware of the significant contributions that Canadians must work together to remove physical barriers and create with disabilities can make.” educational opportunities. At the same time, he and Indeed, Boards often recruit new directors from their the dedicated group of Canadian corporate leaders will own contacts – so people they already know or who are continue to encourage qualified people with disabilities to within their existing networks are getting these opportuni- submit applications through CFPDP for Board positions. ties. This, says Kochhar, creates a homogenous group that “We will continue to raise awareness with the public and excludes diverse groups of people, including people with present qualified leaders to corporate Canada,” says physical disabilities. Kochhar. “I am ever so hopeful that we will see people with “There are many people with disabilities who are incred- disabilities on Canadian Boards by the end of 2021.”

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Spreading the love to our communities.

Scotiabank is thrilled to continue to support the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons and the 37th Annual Great Valentine Gala. Our commitment represents the passion of our employees, the insight of our partners, and the spirit of our communities. Enjoy this virtual event, knowing you’re helping our community become better off.


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