O U L U W A T E R W O R K S B U L L E T I N 2 0 1 0 Dear Customer of Waterworks! all requirements and recommendations set for household water well. The amount of chemicals used in the purification process This bulletin contains information on your has nevertheless increased significantly water supply services. The bulletin con- due to the deteriorating condition of the tains useful information on how water water quality in the River. supply services are produced and what Our future goal thus is to start using kind of development projects are being groundwater taken from the Viinivaara planned. area. The City Council resolved, on 8 De- Oulu Waterworks is a company operat- cember 2008, on more closely defining ing as a water supply plant as intended the permit application to the Water Rights in the Finnish Act on Water Services. Oulu Court. The environmental permission for Waterworks is responsible for the distri- the ground water project is being proc- bution of water, sewerage and sewage essed by the Regional State Administrative treatment in the area of the city of Oulu. Agency, and the decision is expected dur- Almost all of the 138,000 people living ing 2010. The objective of the project is in Oulu use the services of Oulu Water- to improve the security of water purchase works, and over 17,000 properties have of the City of Oulu and to offer high-qual- a direct contract with us. ity groundwater to its inhabitants. We are used to having impeccable 24/7 A total of over 15 million euros have been water supply: clean, fresh water directly invested in the extensions of the sewage from the tap and sewerage and sewage treatment plant during the last five years. treatment in an environmentally sound The latest extension was that of the nitro- way. Oulu Waterworks have met the gen removal unit which was completed operational and financial goals set well. last year. Thanks to the extension, nitro- Nevertheless, our operating principle is gen removal became significantly more What is water supply? that of continuous improvement, and out efficient, which decreased pollution to objective is to be able to provide you with waters. Water purchase i.e. water purification and transfer for the best water supply service in in The further treatment of sewage sludge household consumption 2015. is intensive windrow composting in Vit- Sewerage i.e. transfer and treatment of sewage, Water supply networks have mainly been takangas, , and sludge has rainwater, and drainage sewer piping built in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and the been used as soil conditioner in cultivated current replacement rate is not sufficient. fields in the Oulu region on the basis of Therefore, more investments must be made the fertilising permit granted for hygienised 4 Charges 2010 in maintenance and renovation in the fu- sludge. Other alternative sludge treatment 5 Contracts ture. The poor condition of networks will methods are being investigated. create environmental and health risks 6 Water invoices when they break, which means that reno- 7 Frequently asked questions vation must be made in time. 8 Circulation of water 10 Drinking water The household water purified from the wa- Jouni Lähdemäki 12 Sewerage and sewage treatment ter taken from the Oulujoki River has met Managing Director 14 Water purchase in Oulu must be ensured 15 Only sewage to sewers


CONNECTION CHARGE A contract on connecting a property to Type of property Building volume Connection the network of a water supply plant or right allocated charge supply and use of the services of a plant in city plan euros must be made in writing or electronically m2 so that the contents cannot be altered uni- Small houses, <150 1 513.69 laterally and the contract remains avail- able to both parties. Connection charge Charge for the use of water detached houses and semi-detached A contract is made with the owners of The connection charge is used for cover- The City Council resolved on the increase houses > 150, < 250 2 522.82 detached houses, housing companies and ing the construction costs of networks and of on average 5 percent in the use charge other property. In compliance with the cur- plants that are created when new proper- for both household water and sewage as Detached houses, rent legislation, the customer is a contract- ties are connected to the network or when well as the basic charge based on the semi-detached houses, ing party of the water supply plant and the network is extended. water meter size as of the beginning of terraced houses and consumer refers to an individual person The connection charge is mainly deter- 2010. The use charge, tax included, was linked houses > 250, < 500 4 204.70 as a customer. 3 mined on the basis of the permitted build- raised by 5 cents/m and the use charge 3 Connection contract ing volume of the plot and it depends for sewage by 6 cents/m . Some increas- es were also applied to service prices The contract between the customer and on the intended use of the property. The CHARGE FOR THE USE OF WATER Oulu Waterworks is made in writing. price is calculated on the basis of a price The charge for the use of water and euros / m3 (incl. VAT 22%): The owner of the property or a holder per floor square metre, which is 0.84 eu- sewage is based on the measured con- Water charge 1.29 equivalent to owner closes a connec- ros per square metre both for household sumption of water. Invoicing is usually car- Sewage charge 1.77 tion contract and contract for the use of water and sewerage. ried out four times a year in such a way Total 3.06 water. The contract for the use of water If an old property is demolished and a that three of the invoices are estimates can also be made – with the consent of new is built on the same site, the existing and the last invoice is an adjustment in- the water supply plant and the property contract is terminated and the customer voice based on the water meter reading BASIC CHARGE ACCORDING TO T owner – between the water supply plant must make a new contract. The connec- given by the customer. HE WATER METER SIZE and the tenant, in which case the contract tion charge must be paid. euros / year (incl. VAT 22%): for the use of water made with the owner Basic charge Water meter size mm Basic charge remains dormant until the contract closed The connection charge for a detached The water meter specific basic charge 2 with the tenant is terminated. house (under 500 m ) is defined on the covers the fixed costs of the water sup- < 20 48.00 basis of three charge classes. The loca- ply service that do not depend on con- 25 - 32 88.00 Terms and tion of the building depends on the build- sumption e.g. regular replacement and 40 114.00 conditions of the contract ing right allocated to a specific plot in the calibration of the water meter. 50 150.00 According to the Finnish Act on Water city plan. The connection fees for each 80 280.00 Services, the customer and the water sup- class can be found in the table on the > 100 390.00 ply plant comply with the terms and con- next page. ditions of the contract, contract terms and conditions and general supply conditions. Connection charges are free of value- The Finnish Act on Water Services also pro- added tax. Connection fees are also vides that if the charges change, custom- transferable and refundable. The value ers must be notified of the new pricelists, of a water and sewerage connection in charges and fees at the latest one month transfer tax is usually equal to the con- before the change enters into force. nection charge. Limits of liability are defined in the supply conditions Act on Water Services § 19: The general supply conditions specify the A water supply plant must collect charges for the use of water limits of liability of the customer and the supply services. Charges are collected on the basis of the water supply plant in a detailed manner. amount of water used by the property and the amount and Special expert Reijo Saarela In case of new residential areas and reno- quality of the wastewater to be disposed of. replacing water meters. vation sites, separate connection points. The water supply plant builds the connec- A plant may also collect a connection charge and a basic tions to the boundary of common area, charge and other charges for the services supplied by the after which the property owners are liable plant. The amounts of these charges may vary in different areas if this is necessary in terms of appropriate cost allocation for connections. The building and mainte- or implementation of the polluter pays principle or other nance limit of networks is the border of similar cause. The use of the property may also be taken into the plot in question. account when establishing the connection charge.

 5 The owners of detached houses can do business directly with Oulu Although water is a self-evident part of our everyday life, Waterworks. The residents of terraced houses, apartment buildings water supply services still raise some questions. Answers to and other properties communicate with the house manager or other the most frequently asked questions made to Oulu Waterworks person taking care of the housing company. Customer Service can be found below.

ONLINE SERVICE ELECTRONIC INVOICING What is the hardness What if the water Online service is for customers who have e-invoice for consumers of water in Oulu? How is brown or otherwise dirty? made a contract with Oulu Waterworks. The City of Oulu offers its residents an about acidity? Is it necessary to If the water is brown, otherwise dirty or The flat-specific water meters of terraced opportunity to receive e-invoices. Oulu add salt in the dishwasher? smells, please inform Oulu Waterworks houses or apartment buildings are so- Waterworks is also included in the sys- The household water in Oulu is classified Customer Service, tel. +358 (0)8 5584 called backup meters, and the related tem. E-invoice is an electronic invoice as soft. The total hardness is, on aver- 3800 or the network manager on call, invoicing is carried out by the house age, 0.83 mmol/l (=millimoles in a litre) tel. +358 (0)44 703 3800. In case of that is directly transmitted to the custom- o manager, who is also responsible for er’s internet bank. The customer’s can or 4.6 dH (=German hardness grade = apartment buildings and terraced houses, contacts with Oulu Waterworks. make e-invoicing agreements using their deutsche Härtegrad). There is no need to please contact the house manager, be- The customers can use the online serv- own internet bank, which also contains add salt in dishwasher water. cause the problem may be in the piping of the house in question. ice for stating their water meter readings, more detailed information on the use of Why is there water under monitor the user data of their specific e-invoices. the water meter glass? What causes bubbling location and water invoices as soon as Corporate customers The meter is a so-called wet dial meter, and or muddiness in water? the relevant data is entered in the sys- there is supposed to be water under the Milky muddiness in water is usually just tem. The water meter reading can also Oulu Waterworks can provide its cor- porate customers with an e-invoice. In- glass. The meter is resistant to moisture. oversaturation of air, which can be seen be stated without registration. The online in small bubbles. After the water is al- structions on the data and measures What if the water service is free of charge and available lowed to stand for a couple of minutes, needed for the service can be found in from the tap is green? 24/7. it usually clears. Bubbling does not affect the homepages of Oulu Waterworks. E- The average water consumption of resi- The online service can be accessed the use of water. The phenomenon is com- invoicing can be commenced as soon dential property in Oulu is 130 litres/per- from the homepages of Oulu Water- mon in hot water. as the required e-invoice identification son/day. Water consumption depends, works at www.oulunvesi.fi. codes have been submitted to Oulu Wa- however, greatly from the individual. Other FAQ terworks. The total water consumption of the city Other frequently asked questions and of Oulu (including companies, industry their answers are available on the The City ledger is responsible for and services) divided by the number of homepages of Oulu Waterworks at payment registration, residents connected to the network is 200 www.oulunvesi.fi. tel. +358 (0)44 703 071. litres/person/day. A total of about 9.9 million cubic Inquiries on the bases for What if the water metres or water was pumped into invoicing can be addressed to from the tap is green? the water supply network of the Oulu Waterworks. If the water from the tap of a property is City of Oulu in 2009. A total of green, there is usually a leak in the heat 8.6 million cubic metres were exchanger of warm household water. It charged. The difference, 13%, If you are not sure of something, means that water from the district heating please contact Oulu Waterworks went for common use such as network mixes with household water in the Detached houses 19 % Customer Service leakages, flushing of pipes, heat exchanger. Green colourant is used fire hydrant water and other tel. +358 (0)8 5584 3800 unmeasured use. in district heating networks to detect possi- ble leaks. The colourant is not dangerous, or the person on call The consumption of sold water is Terraced houses 14 % but it means that water has been standing tel. +358 (0)44 703 071. divided between different property in the pipe for a while and it should not types as follows: be used. The leak must be fixed immedi- Services19 % ately. To fix the heat exchanger, contact Apartment buildings 39 % Oulun Energia or the house manager of the property. Industry 9 %


Raw water is purified and transferred to household use, after which it returns as sewage to the sewage treatment plant.

Ozonizer Active carbon filtering Water tower Ozone Dispersion water


Mixing Carbon dioxide, chloramines, lime

Lime, ferric sulphate and Intermediate Pumping station sedimen- UV-disinfection tation basin Clear water basin Screening Final addition of purifying

Wash-water chemicals Networks

Washing air, wash-water Water pipes 970 km Sewage sewers 635 km Rainwater sewers 510 km

Sewage pumping stations 167 pcs post filtration unit Active sludge treatment Rainwater pumping stations 125 pcs Methanol Polyaluminium chloride Ferric sulphate Mixing and aeration Lime, glycol Mixing and Band screening post Pre- Screening incoming wastewater sedimen- floccu- sedimen- lation tation tation Circulated sludge Return sludge Sand extraction Excess sludge Sulphuric Washing water from the filters Sodium Hydrogen acid hydroxide peroxide

Sludge drying M ixing tank KEMICOND reject water Dried sludge Polymer

Composting, use as soil conditioner and cultivation base

 9 The quality of drinking water in Oulu is among the best in Finland compared with other locations where household water is purified from surface water. The results of analyses are available on the homepages of Oulu Waterworks under “talousveden laatu”.

DAILY CONSUMTION OF WATER USE OF CHEMICAL COAGULANTS 3 Monitored by the authorities m /day tonnes/year Drinking water used in Oulu is purified Despite the changes in the water quality 40 000 1 800 of the River of Oulu, the quality of drinking from surface waters, and it is transferred in 30 000 the network to households and other prop- water is good, thanks to efficient purifica- 1400 erties. Oulu Waterworks is responsible for tion methods and the ability to react to 20 000 the quality of water up to the connection changes in raw water quality in a matter 1000 point between the plant and a property. of a couple of minutes. Automation and 10 000 600 The Environment Office of the Oulu Re- continuous monitoring devices ensure an gion is the authority monitoring the quality even more efficient purification process 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 of drinking water. The Hintta laboratory and the good quality of drinking water transferred in the piping system. The amount of chemical coagulants has of Oulu Waterworks performs analysis re- increased due to the decrease in the quality of lated to the operational monitoring of the raw water and in order to improve the purity water purification plants. Water quality Water quality is most commonly presented of water. Distribution reliability with the so-called permanganate number

The number of leaks has steadily de- (KMnO4 number), which illustrates the creased and the current distribution reli- amount of organic matter e.g. humus in Households are responsible for a total of ability is rather good. In recent years, water. 70% of total water consumption. Household consumption is, on average, 130 litres per there have been, on average, 30–40 The quality objective for drinking water leaks in the piping per year. Distribution person per day. Consumption has been on a measured by the KMnO4 number is, ac- steady decrease until recently but has settled reliability has been improved by means of cording to legislation, less than 20 mg/ at the current level in recent years. continuous investments in the network and l. After the modernisation of the purifica- an automated monitoring system. Leaks tion process in the 1990s, drinking water According to data retrieved from different are repaired as soon as possible in order has met all statutory quality requirements sources, household consumption can be divided to minimise the duration of interruptions in and goals set well. Iron-based chemical into the following categories: water supply. coagulant has been used in the water The uniform pressure in the water purification plants since 2001 which, to- Cleaning etc. 4 % supply network is maintained using the gether with efficient process management, 5 l Maikkula and Puolivälinkangas water tow- has further improved the quality of water Cooking and drinking water 5 % ers. The top reservoir is used for balancing by continuously decreasing the amount 7 l peaks in consumption, and they also func- of organic matter (TOC=total organic Personal hygiene35 % tion as reserves in case of disturbances. carbon). Washing dishes 14 % 45 l 18 l Water purification Residual chlorine content The drinking water in Oulu is purified from The purification process of Hintta and Kur- the waters of the Oulujoki River in the wa- kelanranta water purification plants were ter purification plants of Hintta and Kur- modernised in 1993 and 1996 by ozo- Laundry 16 % kelanranta. The main stages of the water nization and active carbon filtering. Then, 21 l purification process are the chemical sepa- we were able to significantly decrease ration of impurities by means of flotation, the amount of residual chlorine content Flushing the toilet 26 % sand filtration, ozonization, active carbon in drinking water led to the network. 34 l filtering, disinfection and increasing hard- Chlorine is used for disinfecting. ness, alkalinity and pH.

10 1111 The flood elevation of a combined sewer (wastewater + rainwater) and a separate storm sewer is 10 cm above the ground level at the connection point. Sewage treatment plant Sludge treatment Wastewater from the households of Oulu, As a result of the tendering process in and Utajärvi, and from small and 2006, Oulu Waterworks chose the Kemi- 10 cm medium sized industrial enterprises are treat- cond method developed by Kemira as its ed in the Taskila sewage treatment plant, sludge treatment method, and made a 15 100 cm which amounts to about 14–15 million cu- year (+5 year option) service agreement bic metres every year. with Kemira Plc on sludge treatment. The The flood elevation of a separate The methods used are chemical direct method is based on the acid treatment of foul sewer is 100 cm over the top precipitation, active sludge plant and post- sludge, after which pH is increased using Sewerage height of the sewage collector filtration unit. strongly oxidizing hydrogen peroxide. There are two kinds of sewerage systems: connection point. The treatment requirements set in the en- As the environmental permit entered into foul sewers and storm sewers. Foul sewers Flood elevation vironmental permit have been clearly met: force in summer 2009, the sludge treated with the Kemicond method has been trans- are intended for carrying household or in- Flood elevation means the level up to which the efficiency of the treatment process for ported for composting in Vittakangas, in the dustrial wastewaters created inside build- sewer water level may occasionally rise. organic matter and total phosphorus was municipality of Haukipudas, west from Jääli, ings, whereas storm sewers are intended The lowest floor level of a building con- 98 percent in 2008. The requirement set in . The composting of new sludge in for rain and drainage water mostly created nected to the sewer must be above flood the environmental permit for both contami- Taskila sewage treatment plant has been outside buildings. Some combined sewers elevation. Otherwise, basement facilities nants is a minimum of 90 percent. terminated. can be found in Oulu city centre, which are must be protected against flooding sewers The efficiency requirement set in the used for both sewage and rainwater. by equipping the sewer system with e.g. a environmental permit for denitrification is a The Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira Sewers are either gravity sewers or pumping station. minimum of 70 percent for wastewater at has approved Kemicond-treated sludge as soil conditioner in compliance with legisla- pressurised sewers. In the case of gravity Flood elevation means that a foul sewer the temperature of over 12 °C. Denitrifica- tion on fertilisers, and it can therefore be sewers, water runs downhill due to grav- may flood one metre above the pipe and tion was carried out, in compliance with used in cultivated fields as such. ity, whereas in pressurised sewers water is combined or storm sewer 10 cm above the environmental permit conditions, in June pumped forward. The good condition of ground level. The property owner is respon- and November 2009. Treatment results BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND the sewerage network is being maintained show that the denitrification process works sible for protecting sewerage points below BOD7ATY tonnes/year to waterways by continuous investment in building new the flood elevation level against flooding. as required by the permit. 500 sewerage systems and repairing existing systems. The total investment in 2009 was Premises below the flood approximately 5 million euros. elevation level must be rotected 300 According to the general conditions of water Storm water = rainwater supply, the plant is not liable for damage Environmental permit requirement for total nitrogen Rainwater is carried in separate sewers caused by flooding sewers if the property 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 or open ditches, currently after settling, to owner has sewers in premises that are be- TOTAL NITROGEN TOTAL PHOSPHORUS water systems. Certain limits have been set low the flood elevation level. The customer mgN/l to waterways Total P tonnes/year to waterways for water discharged to storm sewers: for is responsible for protecting premises with 50 example, oil and other household contami- sewer connections that are below the flood 8 nants are forbidden. Sewage may not be elevation level against flooding in order to 30 discharged to storm sewers and rainwater avoid sewer flooding in the building. may not be discharged to separate foul 4 sewers. In particular, the owners of properties with a basement should check the flood 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Real estates must not discharge elevation of their sewers and take possible rainwater and basement drain precautions. waters into foul sewers Open ditches are usually replaced by storm sewer piping when repairing street pave- ments and sewerage networks. In this case, Further information real estates must lead rainwater from roofs Oulu Waterworks, and pavements to separate storm sewers. It engineering services, is practical to build surface water sewers in Kasarmintie 29, conjunction with other street and sewerage Tel. +358 (0)8 5584 3800, network construction work. e-mail: [email protected] 12 1133 Only common wastewater, such as wastewater from kitchen, washbasins, showers and toilets must be discharged to sewers! Discharging solid waste and different chemicals to sewage is strictly forbidden. Solid waste blocks sewers and causes problems in pumping stations and sewage treatment plants. In the worst case, unsuitable waste or material discharged Viinivaara in figures: water intake 32,500 m 3/day, 32 water pumping plants, water reservoirs to sewers may block the pipes and cause flooding. 3 2,850 m , water piping 209.4 km, investments 69.2 million euros. Malfunction of sewers may affect several households The Finnish act on preparedness (Valmius­ from a completely separate source of wa- and opening blockages may be very expensive. laki) obliges municipalities to ensure that ter. In the project, household water sup- water supply will remain as undisturbed plied to the consumers would be ground- as possible also under exceptional condi- water, and the current surface water treat- tions. In Oulu, the greatest risks are re- ment system would be used as a backup lated to water purchase. The use of the system. Oulujoki River as a source of raw water may be compromised under normal con- Inexpensive groundwater ditions as a result of an accident or under The current drinking water purification exceptional conditions due to pollution or process consumes large amounts of ener- other damage. The national objective is gy and purification chemicals; increasingly that major water supply plants ensure their so, due to the decreased water quality of water purchase by 2012. the Oulujoki River. A total of 1,300 tonnes of water purification chemicals are used The water used in Oulu is currently tak- in Oulu every year, which corresponds to en from the Oulujoki River and it is treated 130 truck loads, in addition to 4 gigawatt in chemical processes in the water purifi- hours of energy, which corresponds to cation plants of Hintta and Kurkelanranta. the consumption of about 250 detached The water supplied for consumers is, ac- houses. cording to all measurement and analyses results, good drinking water. The only When using groundwater, energy is feedback on water quality is attributed mainly used for pumping, which amounts to muddiness and chlorine odour dues to to only about one third of the energy used network repair and construction work. in the surface water purification proc- ess. Thanks to the difference in altitudes, Alternatives groundwater can be feasibly pumped have been explored from Viinivaara to Oulu. Oulu has been exploring different alter- natives to secure its water purchase for The taste of a long time. The work has included the groundwater is appreciated water supply from neighbouring munici- The uniform temperature of groundwater palities, moving the water pumping loca- (4–5 °C) and mineral salts give ground- The following materials and tion upstream on the Oulujoki River and water the fresh taste highly appreciated – Condoms all groundwater areas within a 100 km by consumers. The temperature of surface substances, among others, must not – Ice-cream sticks radius from Oulu. water distributed can be as high as from be discharged to sewers: – Textiles, such as tights Thorough research has shown that the 10 °C to 15 °C in the summer which, – Napkins and sanitary towels Viinivaara groundwater project is both an together with chlorine, may compromise – Oil, petrol, solvents – Towel paper, newspapers the taste experienced by consumers. extensive and feasible solution for ensur- – Inflammable fluids and disinfectants – Plastic bags and other objects ing the water purchase of the city of Oulu. Good groundwater does not need to be The Viinivaara groundwater area is locat- – Acids and alkali – Leftovers treated but, due to the extensive piping net- – Heavy metals and mercury – Sand and compost ed in the municipalities of Pudasjärvi and work, it must be disinfected prior to pump- Utajärvi about 70 km from Oulu. In addi- ing. However, due to smaller amounts of – Paints, glues, solvents, varnish, adhesives – Coffee grounds tion, water intake has been planned for organic matter compared to surface water, – Matches, cigarette butts, – Fat e.g. frying fat , from the areas of Vepsänkylä less chlorine is needed and therefore the – Cotton sticks – Hazardous waste and Yli-Vuotto. formation of organic chlorine compounds in The starting point is water purchase drinking water can be avoided.

14 1515 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.oulunvesi.fi Invoicing +358 0(8) 5584 3815, +358 (0)8 5584 3913 (0)8 5584 +358 3815, 0(8) 5584 +358 Invoicing +358 (0)44 703 0731 Fax +358 (0)8 5584 3819 (0)8 5584 +358 0731Fax 703 (0)44 +358

outside working hours +358 (0)44 703 3800 703 (0)44 +358 hours working outside P.O. Box 35, FI-90015 CITY OF OULU OF CITY FI-90015 P.O. 35, Box Kurkelanranta, Kasarmintie 29 Kasarmintie Kurkelanranta, On-call network services, services, network On-call Registration of payments payments of Registration +358 (0)8 5584 3800 (0)8 5584 +358 OULU WATERWORKS OULU Customer service service Customer Mailing address: Mailing Street address: address: Street