Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba


Present: Luis León, Grecia Reynoso, Martha Alexander, Zena Link, Glenda McQueen, Linda Watt, Byron Rushing, Lucinda Ashby.

Guests: Andrea Mann (Canada) – Metropolitan Council,

Absent: Romy Gonzalez, Bp. Leo Frade, Mark Pendleton, Yorki Encalada

Summary by Luis: We had a meeting with Structure (Provinces of TEC), their work is relevant to ours. We will meet tomorrow at 9am with them. There are many complicated parts to this entire process. The deadline for our resolution is December 1st.

1. Letter from CPG – past liabilities ($1 000 000). 2. Future Service Liability: Cuba will need support going forward (increase in support). 3. Letter from Mark: - Where does 1 million come from? GC, fundraising. - Will Canadian contribution be less? ($92 000 in 2016 and $65 000 in 2017). - Growth of “Friends of the Episcopal Church in Cuba”: Could be a fundraising venue. Governance questions need to be clarified and clarification of expectations. - Getting money to Cuba is challenging. - Trinity Wall Street: To rebuilt dorms at Diocesan Center. 4. How much does this committee need to worry about? 5. Timeline is a GC timeline.

Our charge from GC is very narrow – it is to offer a resolution about re-establishing relationship. There is a financial part to it.

Martha: At this time, is this appropriate? We do need to consider what it will cost in the long run. We need to look at C&C from both, Cuba and TEC, to see if they coincide.

Byron re-reads the resolution: 1) C&C 2) Pension 3) Executive Council 4) Theological education 5) Benevolent Fund – Annuity and retirement 6) Task force.

Byron: Should the Church in Cuba be a part of TEC? There is no evidence that Cuba asked to leave. How do we bring them back? How does this compare to Venezuela and Puerto Rico? Once asked back, they can choose their province solving the problems is not one scope.

Linda: Identify and address issues, but not solve them.

A financial issue that is ours is: Think about pension and grants. Frank Armstrong run the numbers. $1 000 000 put in pension fund for past service.

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Glenda: Ongoing support of the – we need to look at what that is and the sources of support. Income generated from Cuba is limited; there are other supports that help to build the budget.

Luis: We are asked to prepare a budget by April 30th. Cuba prepared a budget.

Andrea: We tried to tackle the pension pieces after the 2009 resolution to establish a benevolent fund. They were working on how to get the funds sent to Cuba. We didn’t pursue it, it was complex. We continue to send funds from the Trust Fund, until the political legal landscape was changed.

Byron: Make recommendation about $1 million. A reasonable amount of support.

Byron: Our primary task is about the Church in Cuba and how to have the relationship happen. Our response should be if you want to be here, please be here. Everything follows from that.

Resolution: You are welcome, come back as equal diocese. List what needs to be done.

1. Pension fund $1 million. 2. Agree to constitutions and canons (no contradictions) 3. Ongoing support. 4. Timetable 5. The Metropolitan Council? 6. Create a covenant committee to work in relationship.

Gay: Does there need to be a legislative committee on Cuba?

Byron: People in Cuba would like the added importance.

Michael: Documents on Venezuela are helpful. Timeline is helpful

Byron: Venezuela & Puerto Rico (list of things to get done).

Michael: Unique set of circumstances. What are the stations of the Canons in Diocese of Cuba.

Linda: Would it be legal for Cuba to affirm that they subscribe, and then re-model their own?

Byron: Executive council could readmit when documents are completed.

Linda: Don’t want Cuba Church to be dispirited.

Michael: Could present leaders and then admit.

Gay: Are there any trust funds? Luis: They aren’t substantial.

Martha: Need to ensure that they can sustain.

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Gay: Funding, bring them while looking for possible partnerships.

Glenda: Cuba has applied for receiving grants. ERD was working in Cuba (preparing leaders to do community work).

Grecia: We talked about Cuba’s canons and use of DR’s canons as a basis for looking at Cuba’s canons, but we haven’t been able to do that. She is working through someone else to do that.

Glenda uploaded Cuba’s canons in Spanish.

Grecia: They are re-drafting according to TEC Canons.

Glenda: Example: Language around Metropolitan needs to be revised.

Michael: Process for certification of canons – part of what is needed.

Luis: Straw poll. We are all on the same page.

Action: Consensus.

Martha: $1 million is a gift. Organize timeline.


JOINT SESSION with the Task Force to Study Provinces

Luis: We are responding to a request from the diocese of Cuba. We learned that it was TEC who kicked out the church of Cuba in 1966. We think that we should invite them to join instead of responding to a request. We all agreed that this is the way we want to travel, so we all are on board to welcome the Diocese of Cuba to TEC. We would love to hear from you?

Ellen: Our resolution was to study the option of eliminating provinces. What happened if the church got rid of provinces? We have not made a decision yet, but we are leaning to believing that it is not a good idea to eliminate that structure. We have not talked about shifting any diocese to any province. We haven’t talked about re-shifting anybody. We don’t think we are ready to get rid of anything. There are already churches moving from one province to another.

Byron: Who makes the final decision? It is GC. Whatever negotiation happens, GC would have to agree on something and that will become a resolution.

When I read the cannons, nothing prevents any diocese from joining any province. We need a resolution in order for Cuba to return. The word “reconciliation” is very appropriated. The role provinces play is key in bringing back Cuba. Provincial structure brings more vitality into the process.

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Byron: The canons were adapted after Cuba was separated. There was no province IX. We have to be sensitive to all of that. TEC is very different, structurally, from the 60s.

The canons are silent to the question about where Cuba would land. There is nothing that says anything about the process about what province Cuba would go into.

Luis: We never got into the conversations about provinces.

Sharon Alexander: There is no obligation to join a province right away. There is a 3 year discerning process before joining a province. The of Provinces IV and IX are very enthusiastic about being part of a province, but that is not the general feeling in other provinces

------End of join session ------

Luis: How does Cuba receive a grant? How do they get integrated into the Church Pension Group when there is a $1 million fee?

Resolution part: Welcoming, Constitution & Canons? Acceed? Being back in the Pension Fund. Committee: US/Cuba to work through details – triennium / To have seat immediately (immediate effect).

Accompaniment group: Facilitate pieces of re-integration/ ongoing support / Transfer of assets/ pension. MCC would like to be part of this process. Membership of committee? / Re-alignment of canons.

Puerto Rico rejoined TEC in 2003, the resolution had immediate effect at GC. Cuba would have to be ready to seat deputies at GC (elected deputies).

Linda: In order for them to become part of TEC, they would have to have their internal canons and constitution agree with TEC canons. Cuban currency 1CUC = $1.

Martha: Cubans have to understand that they have to put money in the Pension Fund.

Linda: This would be part II of the financial piece. I believe they know that, but they also believe that some of the money is going to come from our support. This money will have to go into the annual budget (deadline April 30st). Make a reasonable request for funding; this figure has to go to Executive Council.

Martha: We need to ask Frank if we can plan through July 18th so that $1million can be a little more.

Andrea (Canada): Cuba would like the history of the MCC to be part of the narrative of this transition, with the recognition that the MCC at some point won’t exist. Review their minutes (documents).

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Linda: It would be great to have a booth at GC. Let’s ask the group that met in Connecticut (friends of Cuba?) Mark should be in charge of this. Cuba can do one of the Eucharist.

Luis: Every diocese has 4 clergy and 4 lay. The anticipation would be that they would have a delegation ready. It is not required, for example DR has 2 & 2 (not 8) for next GC.

Yorki: Interviews with Lynette Wilson from Episcopal News Services: Talk to the Church of Canada, Mark, Luis, others. Maybe Lynette can travel with Leo Frade (He will go to Cuba in April, May, and July)

Linda: Set up an accompaniment committee. Make this suggestion in the Blue Book. Our request would be for a new committee to work in the amount of money needed.

To do:

- Reasonable request for funding by April 30th (make an estimate) Block grant. - Revised pension amount to/from Frank by April 30th through July 2018 - Clarify what ACC is doing. Canadian help will continue until Cuba is fully integrated into TEC - Mark: Historical narrative

Linda: Executive council and FFM (Financial Committee for Executive Council) would have to look for the money to make the payment to the Pension Fund. It is a onetime amount. It is the right thing to do (restitution). Being poor should not a disqualification to be part of TEC.

Luis: Let’s say it’s 1.3 million

Andrea: ACC is fully committed to support Cuba until it is fully integrated in TEC, however long that process takes. We will be there and continue to the best of our ability to support. Even in a partner table. Last June we prepared a paper about in what ways our relationship with Cuba would change. We would respectfully step back, yet continue encouraging companion dioceses relations. We would be open to receiving special requests as provinces, through Glenda and Global Partnerships.

Lucinda: What does fully integration mean?

Andrea: No just the resolution, but 3 to 6 years. MCC would like to be part of this process.

Byron will work on the resolution. He requests that if possible to write a resolution that would allow the Cuban Delegation to sit at GC. He will argue that this has happened before (Puerto Rico). .

Zena: From Kurt: The payments should be 2 different block grants (the funding and the pension). LMM (1.3 million) and World Mission (they would pay for the pension).

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Martha will contact the needed people about the grants (Frank). We also need Cubans to understand that they will have to make payments to the Church Pension Fund.

Luis: For September meeting we need to invite Bishop Griselda and someone else: So we can share what the resolution would look like and avoid surprises. They need to agree with the proposed resolution and what would go to the Blue Book.

Luis: Is there opposition? Do we need to be advocates? I would like to anticipate. There could be some opposition caused by the political situation.

Martha: Griselda was at the last World Mission meeting and there was not opposition. There might be some opposition at GC but I sense that it won’t be significant.

Glenda: Province IX is very welcoming to the idea of Cuba returning. Cuba did not say they are going to province IX and province IX heard about that. However, province IX is very supportive of Cuba.

Luis: September meeting (28th-30th). Invite Bishop Griselda, a priest and a lay person to discuss/clarify resolution. Frank needs to give us an update in preparation for this meeting (Martha).

Byron: We need from Michael to get some models and see what the agenda would be and who we need to have in this new committee.

Questions for Michael Barlowe: The makeup/task of the committee? Does any model exist? What are the current standards for committees? The timeline for the money request? Who collects Cuban reports/documents? Short term/ongoing relationship between Cuba and ACC? What about West Indies and MCC? Invite Cuban delegation for GC. Sponsorship for Grecia to go to GC.

Glenda: Make it clear that it is not our decision, but it is GC’s decision.

Meeting with Michael Barlowe (Afternoon session)

Byron: Welcome is the theme. Design a booth. We want to make sure that we are doing the right thing with scheduling and money pieces. We don’t want a resolution to ask for the money. The money is a onetime payment to the pension fund. And the other a block grant. These 2 things should get into the budget. We need to understand what we need to produce for Executive Council. Venezuela and PR are our models for resolutions. Our hope is for the Church of Cuba to be admitted at this GC, like Puerto Rico.

Martha: We need an on-going committee that would be inclusive of people from Cuba and here. This committee would deal with all the details after GC 2018. We have questions about West Indies.

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Michael: I don’t think that there would be any problems. A new constitution of canons for Cuba is needed before GC and how they would adhere to TEC’s constitution and canons. We need to be ready to answer the questions about the legal implications. Are we going to get the Church of Cuba into trouble by doing this? Does Cuban law allow foreign affiliations? Venezuela’s situation was very recent, and it should not be used as a model because it was not done properly.

It would be a good idea for World Mission, in their next meeting, to have conversations about funding issues (the pension amount). I believe that from the first day they become part of TEC they also have to be in the Pension Fund. We should go to GC saying that money has already being found for Pension Fund. We want to go to GC already having that $1 million.

This resolution will be very popular. We need to have good answer to all the financial questions. People will see that funding for each year would be different so we need to have answers. We shouldn’t try to confuse this with discussions of other partnership agreements.

Linda: GC would need money for this new committee (Accompanying??).

Michael: If GC authorizes, that would be funded through the regular intern body. We should be ok with that. In the resolution we need to specify what this would be and how it might be done. There will be issues that we won’t be able to anticipate, we might consider to make it an Executive Council Committee, so they can deal with issues pretty quickly.

Byron: Can we have people from other churches? The Canadians?

Michael: If it is in the resolutions, then yes, there is precedence for it. There is no reason why we cannot have consultants. It can be done.

Andrea: We would continue to support Cuba until full recognition, not just the resolutions. It could take 3- 6 years. When full integration happens, we would withdraw the support that we have provided for core ministry. This would be the responsibility of the new province. But we will still be open to receive proposal invitations for mission projects to Cuba. So we will not leave completely and encourage Canadian dioceses to keep working with churches in Cuba.

Michael: You are fully integrated when GC approves it. We can achieve complete membership in 2018. To the constitution to the church itself, every bishop and clergy person would have to abjure alliance, not politically but ecclesiastically.

I don’t think the constitution issues should be emphasized. We just need to operate constitutionally and do what needs to be done to make it happen. Achieve a package of things that would allow cooperation with Canada, West Indies and anyone else who wants to be a part of it. Don’t define the rule, but the goal.

Lucinda: Is it possible to have a transition committed that invites Canadian presence as advisors? Yes!!

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

The primary things:

The piece about welcoming.

The slightly more complicated part about truth telling.

We need to share the story of a persecuted church that was essentially in the let go, who has survived. We are coming together not as the TEC re-absorbing, but fully integrating a heroic body of Christians that can teach us something.

To get the 2 houses of GC to pass the necessary legislations. That legislation should be in the blue book report: The creation of this new committee. You can identify for that committee the kind of things that need to be worked on –work this with Cuba. Make also a celebration at GC.

What if everything went wrong and we already issued the invitation? We know that our Cuban friends are gracious; they are not going to give up. There would be countless people who would be willing to pick up the pieces if needed. We need to be confident. Having a legislative committee that does everything with Cuba will make a lot of sense to deal with the curveballs at GC. This legislative committee of Cuba can start working as early as next winter.

Get in touch with the Rev. Michael Hunn (He’s chairing the worship part a GC)

September meeting: It could be in Seattle and we can invite the Cuban delegation and Bishop Griselda. Michael wants to know who should get that invitation: One Clergy and one finance person (this person should understand what their duties would be with the Pension Group).

Grecia would like to be at GC: Michael thinks we will have to look at possibilities. There are cuts. I (Michael) will be supportive but this has to be evaluated.

West Indies. Michael: I have asked for the minutes for all the MCC meetings. I understand that West Indies has been absent at the last 3 MCC meetings (almost 2 years).

Linda: A letter to the bishop of Canterbury to let him know that we have taken this action.

Michael: We are going to have to light some fires. We don’t want people to come up with ideas for this to go wrong. Canadians need to check their laws.

Glenda: About West Indies. They were included as part of the MCC. Most of the West Indies is English speaking so there is not much communication. There were people from West Indies in Cuba, but the connection/communication is not very strong.


Block grant: The request for funding, the on-going support. Glenda is looking at their budged.

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

When will the money get to the Pension Fund? The money should be in the budget, but if the church decides to give the money in a period of 3 years. TEC and the Pension Group would have to figure that out.

We need to have a document that we would agree on. Lucinda will need it by July.

Martha: Talk to Frank about the back pension. Marta is going to ask him about what is the most suitable way to go forward. Is it something he will have to discuss with them? Should we mention that the money would go there and then come back? Is there a better way?

Both grants are due by April 30th. (1.3 million). Zena wants to ask for 1.5 (just in case). That would come through World mission (the pension part). LMM would be for the other funding grant.

Glenda: Do they need to approve those changes at their next synod in April? This has to happen before GC. Yes!! It has to pass and someone has to signed it.

Zina: Can we run it by Sharon Alexander (from the Canons committee)

Glenda: We are working with Title IV. Once they have it done and run it through the legal people. Just make sure we are covered. If the synod is in February, they can finish it before February and give it to us so we can review it before they vote on it in February. We need to get the legal advice before it. Deadline would be December 1st.

They have a constitution. Be mindful that they might need to have it passed in 2 continuous synods. If this happens, then they will have to change their constitution in one synod. This must be done before GC. (After reading their constitution, this can be done in one synod and a majority of votes is needed).

About the marriage : This should not be an issue because each diocese abides by the laws of the state where they are located.

For tomorrow: Ongoing funding (Glenda). From World Mission and LMM (Zena).


Luis: Contact the Rev. Michael Hunn and the Church of Cuba so they can prepare a liturgy. (Maybe work with the Diocese of South Florida).

Glenda: Reasonable request for funding.

Zina: Estimate block grants

Martha: Talk to Frank about Pension Fund (April 30th).

Andrea: Clarify what ACC is doing.

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Mark: Booth at GC 2008. Ask Friends of Cuba to participate (give buttons out at GC).

Byron: Find out how Cubans would go from being guests to being members (seat in GC).

Yorki: Contact ENS and Task Force members about interviews and trips to Cuba.

Lucinda: Communicate with B. Griselda during Holy Week in Cuba / Make up of committee and models. Lucinda will take the Dominican Canons (From Grecia) to bishop Griselda. Cubans will review and edit their canons using the Dominican Canons as a model. Grecia can revise it.


Linda: Church of Cuba’s budget is $410 000. Glenda reviewed the numbers. We believe our contributions should be more in the area of funding for items. Clergy salaries (C1 & C2) We think C2 has to do with special request – a bonus to clergy’s salary. We decided to reduce the number, by half but this would still triple their initial number. We want to make sure they know we understand the value of their work. With our proposed budget clergy salary comes down to $250 a month.

What they asked for: $410 000 Our recommendation: $ 259 000 Income NON-TEC -$ 109 000 Support from TEC $ 150 000 GPG +$ 6 000 Canonical Assessment paid to the Church +S 15 000 recommendation Total support from TEC $ 171 000 (x3 = 513 000 a triennium)

Glenda: We need to have something by April 30th. Luis needs this information so it can go to LMM (Local ministries and Mission) and FMM and David Copley. Glenda will check with David. This needs to go to Michael Barlowe first (Linda will email it to him).

Linda makes a motion: To submit a funding request for ongoing support for the Episcopal Church of Cuba $513 000 for the triennium beginning 2019 to 2021 (seconded by Byron), the motion carries.

Byron makes a motion: To submit a funding request for the pass service liability for the Pension Fund for the Church of Cuba for approximately $1.5 with the understanding that the CPG will produce a more accurate figure for GC. (Zena seconds), the motion carries.

Martha and Grecia: Constitutions and Canons

We reviewed what needs to be fixed in the canons.

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba

Needs to be added: Preamble (maybe include a short history) to ensure it adheres to the Constitutions and Canons of TEC. A correction about clergy and laity residing in Cuba. A date of approval, place and synod meeting.

In article III: It should say Diocese of Cuba

In article V (section 1) it needs to add Constitutions and Canons.

Major issues: Electing a bishop and coadjutor, spell out Constitutions and Canons.

Omit words like: Anglican Church, and replaced them by Episcopal Church. Get rid of “metropolitana.”

Article XVII (section 1) This should go in the preamble. Things authorized. Delete sections 2,3 and 4.

Clear out “ex-oficio” Explain why they have it and why it is needed.

Article XVIII Looking at the process of ordination and the bishop examining the candidate. They need to look at the TEC C&C

XIX Add Title IV (take everything about metropolitan away)

XXI: Remove number 4. It looks like clergy could have a vote, it is not clear for the laity.

The suggestion: Lucinda can carry this with her to Cuba next week.

Pg 3: Ex oficio (Chancellor, archivist, assistant, dispatch) They are part of the synod but don’t have the right to vote like the others do. This is why they need to address this.

Byron: It is important that they use the same language used in another diocese (DR), so there won’t be questions about it. They can keep the name (The Episcopal Church of Cuba), and get rid of names such as “Anglican Diocese of Cuba. Don’t mention the liturgy in the Constitution.

Grecia: As bishop Griselda works and reviews their Constitution, she needs to get in contact with us (Grecia and Martha) so we can keep reviewing it and not wait until the end.

In September we will know what the Executive Council will have done with the funding request.

Andrea: Do we need a meeting of the MCC? Is there something I could take back to Fred? I will report informally to them. I think MCC expects that their structure is dissolved. We should ask for their authority until 2018. Is there a message for the MCC? So maybe they can play a role in this task from now until 2018?

Byron: We have no relations with the MCC. I think MCC should decide what is the best way for them to proceed, knowing that TEC is ready to re-admit the Church of Cuba. We should have the

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Task Force on the Episcopal Church in Cuba same message send to PB and Canada’s bishop. We are ready to hear any message from MCC about their role.

In September meeting:

We can go over the resolution itself. We will hopefully have a report from mark.

Martha and Grecia more information about the Constitutions and Canons.

Martha: I spoke with Frank Armstrong. I don’t think there is a problem with how the money is distributed. He is willing to work things out about how to send the money. I will suggest Frank to attend our next meeting in Seattle stay for a while.

The blue book.

Think about the committee between now and September: “Transition”

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