United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,756,790 Mukaiyama Et Al
IIIUS005756790A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,756,790 Mukaiyama et al. 45 Date of Patent: May 26, 1998 (54) OPTICALLY ACTIVE COBALT (II) 58) Field of Search .................................. 556/32, 42, 45. COMPLEXES AND METHOD FOR THE 556/51, 130, 136, 146; 568/880, 885 PREPARATION OF OPTICALLY ACTIVE ALCOHOLS 56) References Cited 75) Inventors: Teruaki Mukaiyama, Tokyo; Kiyotaka PUBLICATIONS Yorozu, Kuga-gun; Takushi Nagata, Massonneau et al., Journal Of Organometallic Chemistry. Sodegaura; Toru Yamada, Sodegaura; vol. 288, pp. C59-C60 (1985). Kiyoaki Sugi, Sodegaura, all of Japan Primary Examiner-Porfirio Nazario-Gonzalez 73 Assignee: Mitsui Petrochemical Industries, Ltd., Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sherman and Shalloway Tokyo, Japan 57 ABSTRACT The invention provides a method for preparing an optically 21 Appl. No.: 722,561 active alcohol comprising the step of reacting a ketone 22 Filed: Sep. 27, 1996 compound with a hydride reagent in the presence of an optically active metal compound. The resulting optically (30) Foreign Application Priority Data active alcohols are useful as intermediates for the synthesis Sep. 29, 1995 JP Japan .................................... 7.253477 of physiologically active compounds such as drugs and pesticides, functional materials such as liquid crystals, and (51) Int. Cl. ................... C07F 15/06; COTF 7700; raw materials for synthesis in fine chemistry. A novel C07C 29/14 optically active cobalt(II) complex useful as a catalyst is (52) U.S. Cl. ............................... 556/32; 556/42; 556/45; also provided. 556/51; 556/130; 556/136; 556/146; 568/880; 568/885 27 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent May 26, 1998 Sheet 2 of 2 5,756,790 DDSC(mW/min) N- O N w - He N O CN CY f) O N G CN S O H O 3.
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