International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review Available Online at: ISSN: 0976-4852 Volume 11|Issue 01, January, 2020|

Corresponding Author: Thinking in the Future of Taxonomy Wafaa Kamal Taia Received: 2019-12-21 Accepted 2020-01-08 Wafaa Kamal Taia Publish Online 2020-01-09 Alexandria University- Faculty of Science-Botany and Microbiology Department-Alexandria-Egypt



This review is a trial to summarize the history of plant taxonomy to understand the situation of the taxonomical works and their progression. Taxonomy starts as an artificial classification and gradually with the increase of knowledge, civilization and facilities, plant taxonomy developed. Here, the most affected steps in the progression of plant taxonomy have been mentioned. Starting from the oldest period of using vegetative, floral and anatomical characters to the most recent works on palynology, chemotaxonomy and molecular biological data. Thinking of the modern plant taxonomy has been mentioned in response to the environmental changes and peoples thinking. Experimental biology and breeding experiments must be done to understand the way of speciation and to protect the wild species from extinction. Taxonomy must be cooperating with ecology for better understanding of the changing in the taxonomic characters and to precise identifications. Taxonomists have to survey the vegetation and try to find ways to protect the . We have to understand the relationships between the taxa in the populations. We have to modulate our thinking according to the new situation. Meanwhile the environmental conditions and their effect on plant characters must be kept in mind, as new species may arise and other extinct

Key words: Anatomy- Chemotaxonomy- Future- morphology- Palynology-Taxonomy.

Introduction: objects in order to produce similar groups, is from Taxonomy, which is the science of grouping and the objectives of taxonomy. It is a necessary organizes any things according to morphological process of all living creatures to maintain an similarities, has been known from the first day of overview of the complex environment around them human creature. To predict the future of plant by reducing the amount of information captured by taxonomy, we have to scan how this branch perception. Modern biology and as well as developed through time. If we go through the ecology, pharmacology and all aspects of history of plant taxonomy science we can knowledge could evolve only when a universal understand how peoples were in need to organize classification of all living beings was finally and classify everything in their surroundings possible, first proposed by Carolus Linnaeus in according to their needs and uses. Gradually and 1735. A species without a name does not exist in with the increase in knowledge, materials, ways terms of science and conservation. Each plant and techniques of examinations and analyses, this species has a unique scientific name that is the tag branch of science developed gradually. that allows it to be found, counted, researched, and Classification, which is the grouping of similar International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review , Vol. 11, Issue. 01 Page no: 20212-20218 DOI: Page | 20212 Wafaa Kamal Taia / Thinking In the Future of Plant Taxonomy monitored, and the index key that retrieves natural system. From the time of Theophrastus everything we know about it from the Internet, (372-287 BC) till Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) books, studies, databases and specimens. The vegetative and floral characters were the main specimens in turn document the physical attributes ways for classifying plants. Thus, the modern of plant, and its geographic distribution. When we taxonomists have agreed to consider the year 1753 mention the science of taxonomy, here in this as the starting point of nomenclature of paper, plant taxonomy will be our main interest. Phanerogams, Pteridophyta, and Sphagnum. In Taxonomy is the work that gives the plant its Linnaeus “Philosophia Botanica” principles of scientific name and classifies it among all the other botanical nomenclature have been laid down, plants in the world. The classification give us which later formed the basis of the International information about which other species are related Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Till now, and to our plant, and thus indexes yet more information more recently, many taxonomists still relay on about it – such as the diseases that attack its morphological variations between taxa. Few relatives, poisonous chemicals or drugs it contains. examples of such works are those of Taia and Taxonomy is the same as other areas of biology; it Ismael (1994 a, b& 1995) on the vegetative and develops with the increase of the available floral morphological characters of family information. More information is always useful, caryophyllaceae in Egypt. Taia (1994) and Taia and sometimes makes us change our minds; in Mohammed (1994 & 1995) continued their works taxonomy a ranking change based on new found on the seed morphology of the caryophyllaceae. information which takes the form of a change in Borba et al. (2002) who made a morphometric scientific name or taxonomic position. analyses of vegetative and floral characters in 21 populations of five Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae) Classification, generally speaking, may be and their results were in agree with the taxonomic described as the arrangement of plants into groups delimitation of the species. Mbagwu and Onuoha of objects or phenomena which are related to one (2007) studied the floral and vegetative another by the possession of certain genes giving morphology on five variants of genus Viscum and some characters in common. The principle of their investigation showed some variations that classification, is one which is "inherent in the could be exploited taxonomically. Moawed et human mind"; it is a principle " which we find al.(2015) studied the macro- and pervading all science, and without which all micromorphological beside vein architectural knowledge would exist as a disorderly and characters of 34 taxa of Euphorbiaceae (14 genera, shapeless mass, too huge for the memory to grasp 29 species and eight varieties) which facilitate the and too heterogeneous for the understanding to recognition of the studied species. Taia al. (2015 employ." & 2017) studied the vegetative and floral Brief History of the Progression in Taxonomical variations between the Fagonia species in both Tools: Egypt and Libya. Mobarak et al. (2017) studied the morphological variation among Moringa oleifera If we go to the history of the tools of populations in 8 sites in Egypt. They concluded classifications, we have to start from vegetative that the variations in the morphology of this morphological tool. This was the first way of species in the different population may be not only classifying plants according to the similarity in related to environmental conditions, but also shape, life forms and span, leaf and stem genetic differences within species. El-Gazar et al. characters. Really, it is very important tool till now (2018) studied 58 morphological characters in 76 as mentioned by Davis and Heywood (1973) that species from family Asclepiadaceae R.Br. and the neglect of vegetative morphological characters recognized two groups representing two considered from the serious errors in the history of subfamilies. Soliman et al. (2018) studied the classification and delay the achievement of a morphological variations among members of

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review , Vol. 11, Issue. 01 Page no: 20212-20218 DOI: Page | 20213 Wafaa Kamal Taia / Thinking In the Future of Plant Taxonomy Ludwigia stolonifera grown in 32 different Bureau (1864) was the first who apply the internal populations and recorded seven morphotypes structure in plant classification beside the external grown in five different habitats. Amer et al. (2019) morphological characters. After wards taxonomists studied the morphological variations in Brassica start to use the internal structure of the closely nigra growing in 26 different populations and related species. Although Wedell (Monograph of recorded two varieties among this species. Turki et Utricaceae, 1856) had indicated to the possible al. (2019) used the morphological characters, value of using the internal structures of the plants habit, inflorescence type, bract shape, calyx, pod in their taxonomy, but the microscopes were not in shape and seed coat pattern to distinguish between use and the lens was the only way of investigation. the three genera , The first publication of using the internal structure Hymenocarpos and Tripodion. After Linnaeus of the plant in taxonomy was that of Duval-Jouve's plant-taxonomists conceived the idea that the work on the Equisetum (1863) and followed by his plants belonged to some natural groups rather than works on Coniferae and Gnetaceae and by their vegetative and floral characters, and they tried Bureau's work on the Bignoniaceae (1864). to designate and distinguish such groups and tried Gradually, and with the development of the to classify the plant kingdom accordingly. Such examining tools and microscopes, Plant anatomy systems are known as natural systems of becomes a necessary tool in plant taxonomic classification. The natural system of classifications investigations. Bailey and his students (1954) started with the theory of inheritance of Acquired elucidated the necessity of the anatomical features Characteristics (1801) by Lamarck, who switched as tool in taxonomic works and phylogeny. Scott the thinking that the external environment has its (1955) approved Bailey opinion in using the effect on living creature. Thus ecological factors internal structures in constructing relationships in have been considered in examining any specimens phylogenetic works. From this point, the internal and affect the taxonomical decisions. Lamarck structures of plants became important in taxonomic noticed the similarities between the animals he decisions. According to the type of vascular studied, and was impressed by the fossil record. bundles; tracheids versus vessels; major phyla of This led him to think that life was not fixed. plants can be distinguished. Angiosperms are Organisms had to change their behavior to survive characterized by the presence of vessels which are when environments changed. This is followed by absent in gymnosperms. Thus phylogenetic works Darwin theory of natural selection (1859) who said used wood anatomy in predicting relationships. that ̏ If an organism changes during life in order to Meanwhile many families have been separated into adapt to its environment, those changes are passed different families according to their internal on to its offspring ̋. This theory made a revolution structures. Nodal anatomy, as well, has its role in in the science thinking and accordingly, plant angiosperm systematic; unilacunar versus systematic and the origin of species started its trilacunar. From the anatomical investigations as a period. taxonomical tool are those of Taia et al.(2017 & New thinking arose in this period with the 2018). advancing in microscopes and examination tools.

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review , Vol. 11, Issue. 01 Page no: 20212-20218 DOI: Page | 20214 Wafaa Kamal Taia / Thinking In the Future of Plant Taxonomy Dilcher (1974) indicated to the importance of the electron microscopes from them are, for example, leaf remains in distinguishing many taxa and their those of Taia (1994, 1996,1997 & 2004) Taia and phylogeny. Stace (1984) indicated to the Shiha ( 1999 & 2001). importance of using leaf surface characters in plant New era in plant taxonomy began with the taxonomy. In 1989, Stace distinguished 35 revolution in plant technique analyses. stomatal types within the angiospermous families Chemotaxonomy and protein sequencing started its which can be used in the circumscription of them. period in constructing the phylogenetic keys and Micromorphological characters of the leaves and predicting the relationships between species. The the seeds took their role in taxonomy, as Stace origin of species and the presence\absence criteria (1965) found that the cuticle can be used in for most morphological characters became taxonomy. Barthlott (1984) hinted to the unsatisfactory and chemical substances took their importance of seed surface structure in way in plant identification. In fact from the oldest taxonomical works. In the same time, floral ways of classifying plants were according to their anatomy played a role in plant taxonomy and chemical constituents and their medicinal uses, but phylogeny as Melvile (1962, 1963, 1969a & 1983) their uses in constructing systems of classification developed his gonophyll theory after studying the between plants were inapplicable. Dahlgren venation types in both the leaves, carpels and other (1975) was the first to use chemical data in floral parts, he postulated that the angiosperm characterizing orders and families. Cronquit (1981) carpels originated as a modification of took into consideration the chemical constituents in dichotomous fertile branch adnate to the leaf the plants in his integrated system of classification petiole. of the angiosperm. The two classes of substances; In the progression of microscopes Nehemiah Grew iridoids and glucosinolates; appear to be restricted in the 1640s was the first to observe fine particles to the dicotyledons and makes them of multiple which he calls it pollen grains. Robert Brown, in origins. Dahlgren et al. (1981) in his system 1809 pointed to the use of pollen grains in changed the taxonomical position of the families systematic studies of seed plants. The first containing them. successful use of pollen characters in plant From the different sources of data used in taxonomy was that of John Lindley (1830), in taxonomy and systematic is the molecular genera and species of family orchidaceae. From biological data. This source of data has been that time the study of pollen grains and started more than 60 years ago by Watson and palynomorphs has attracted many scientists. In Crick (1953). The problem was how to get this 1921, the Swedish botanist called Gunnar Erdtman, data, restriction enzymes in the chloroplast genome published his thesis about pollen as a tool for study were used to compare fragment patterns among the Quaternary vegetation and climate change. In taxa. Mullis et al. (1986) used the polymerase the middle of the seventeenth century, with the chain reaction (PCR) technique, while Saiki et development of microscopes, pollen morphology al.(1988) used the high temperature tolerant attained great attention by botanists. Nehemiah polymerases to provide easy access to specific base Grew, an Englishman, notice that pollen grains in pair sequence data. Thousands of works have been different plant species are of different size and done afterwards to know the relationships between form, but that the pollen grains of flowers taxa and to understand the phylogeny and belonging to the same species are all alike (Mantin, evolution. From the fruitful works in taxonomy are 1966). Erdtman (1952 & 1957) published complete those of the APGI, II, III and IV. In which all the descriptions of pollen grains and their use in plant kingdom has been reclassified. These APG taxonomy. From that time and till now plant systems of plant classification have been taxonomists use pollen morphology as taxonomical considered as artificial classification and faced tool in the recognition of taxa. Lot of works have with many objections. been done in this field after the invention of the International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review , Vol. 11, Issue. 01 Page no: 20212-20218 DOI: Page | 20215 Wafaa Kamal Taia / Thinking In the Future of Plant Taxonomy In the time taxonomists try to use all the available of Brassica nigra (L.) Koch (Brassicaceae) data from all the available tools to achieve more in Egypt. Egypt.J.Bot. 59(2): 439-450. natural classification. Computerization and 2. APG I. (1998). "An ordinal classification numerical analyses and many programs have been for the families of flowering plants". postulated to give us natural relationships. In spite Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden of this, there are many questions still unanswered. (Missouri Botanical Garden Press) 85 (4): The most important questions what we have to do? 531–553. What is else? How we can understand the 3. APG II. (2003). "An update of the extinction of many taxa and the appearance of new Angiosperm Phylogeny Group taxa? We are facing new challenges and we have classification for the orders and families of to modulate our thinking. Our planet facing huge flowering plants: APG II". Botanical disturbance, climate disorders, habitat Journal of the Linnean Society 141 (4): fragmentation, pollution and human urbanization. 399–436. All of these beside other factors not only affect 4. APG III. (2009). "An update of the plant life but also affect animals and humans and Angiosperm Phylogeny Group destruct the biological balance. classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III.". Botanical Future of plant taxonomy and conclusion: Journal of the Linnean Society 161 (2): From the above mentioned progression in 399–436. taxonomy, we can notice that this branch of 5. APG IV. (2016). 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International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review , Vol. 11, Issue. 01 Page no: 20212-20218 DOI: Page | 20218