Congressional Record-Senate. January· 23
918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY· 23, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Iowa moves To be first lieutenants. that the Senate pt·oceed to the consideration of executive business. Second Lieut. Frank A. Barton, Tenth Cavalry, October 16, 1898, The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the con vice Rivers, Third Cavalry, promoted. sideration of executive business. After seven minut~s spent in Second Lieut. Robert Sewell, Seventh Cavalry, October 24,1898, executive session the door.s were reopened, and (at 4 o'clock and vice Mills, First Cavalry, promoted. 47 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, January 23, Second Lieut. George C. Barnhardt, Sixth Cavalry, November 1899, at 12 o'clock meridian. 7, 1898, vice Lockwood, Fourth Cavalry, promoted. · Second Lieut. James H. Reeves, Sixth Cavalry, November 10, HOMINATIONS. 1898, vice Allen, Second Cavalry, promoted. Second Lieut. Kirby Walker, Third Cavalry, December 14;1898, Executive nornination,s received by the Senate Janum'Y 21, 1899. vice Stotsenburg, Sixth Cavalry, promoted. REGISTERS OF LAND OFFICE, Second Lieut. Claude B. Sweezey, Eighth Cavalry, December 14, 1898, vice Byron, Eighth Cavalry, appointed assistant quartermas~ Frederick C. L. Hachenberger, of Burlington, Colo., to be reg ter, who resigns his line commission only. • ister of the land .office at Hugo, Colo., vice Thomas J. Edwards, Second Ljeut. Sterling P. Adams, First Cavalry, December 14, term expired. 1898, vice Wood, Ninth Cavalry, appointed assistant quarter Edmund D. Wiggin, of Washington, D. C., to be regist~r of the land office at Weare, Alask::t (location changed from Nulato by master, who resigns his line commission only.
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