Explore Enjoy Learn _Guia_TITO_English_sintraz_AF.indd 1 24/11/15 12:10 PERMANENT EXHIBITION AREA 1 A casual rappel down a sinkhole, and suddenly… AREA 4 A canvas over 20,000 years old a treasure trove of Palaeolithic art AREA 5 Discovering hidden treasures AREA 2 A massif that isn’t quite so massive AREA 6 From Palaeolithic art to World Heritage AREA 3 Hunters and artists Tito Bustillo Cave is one of the best examples The centre offers a variety of visitor services: of Palaeolithic cave art in all Asturias. - Guided tours The hard-to-reach location of several of the - Workshops artistic groups and the need to preserve this - Special activities exceptional heritage motivated the creation - Resource room of the Tito Bustillo Cave Art Centre. - Temporary exhibition hall - Multipurpose room As they follow the exhibition itinerary, visitors - Shop will learn when the cave was discovered, how TITO BUSTILLO CAVE ART CENTRE it was formed, who lived in it, and what kind Avenida de Tito Bustillo, s/n of cave art it contains. 33560, Ribadesella (Asturias) Information: (+34) 902 306 600 Bookings: (+34) 985 861 255 www.centrodearterupestredetitobustillo.com
[email protected] _Guia_TITO_English_sintraz_AF.indd 2 24/11/15 12:10 AREA 1 A casual rappel down a sinkhole, and suddenly… a treasure trove of Palaeolithic art The first area of the exhibition is dedicated to the cave’s discovery in 1968 and the AREA 4 A canvas over 20,000 years old coverage it received in the media. AREA 5 Discovering hidden treasures Various panels offer a visual collage of AREA 6 From Palaeolithic art to World Heritage the photos taken by the discoverers, and an audiovisual featuring the testimony of four members of the group pays tribute to these intrepid adventurers.