Volume 12, 1946 1946 INDNX to GEOLOGIC,\L F::EWS-L1'l'l'er Volume 12 Compiled by John Eliot Allen, and 1!:1-Iart If
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G&lLOGICAL SOCIETY NEWS LETTER Volume 12, 1946 1946 INDNX to GEOLOGIC,\L f::EWS-L1'l'l'ER Volume 12 Compiled by John Eliot Allen, and 1!:1-iart If.. Baldwin ·~----------------------------- Subject Index Annual Fanquet Address: J. E. Allen, pp. 36-37 Annual Banquet Photo: O. E. Stanley, opposite p. 44 Annual Banquet Speaker, Dr. L. W. Staples: E. !!. Baldwin, ·p.38 Annual Picnic: J. E. Allen, pp. 88-89 Annual Picnic l'hoto: o. E. Stanley, opposite p. 108 Annual Report, Histoz•ical Committee: 0, E. Stanley, p. 27 " • Library Committee: M. Hughes, p. 33 '' " Museum Committee: J. C. Stevens, pp. 4C-41 " " Research Committee: E, 11. Baldwin, pp. 41-42 " " Secretary: · A. Henley, p. 28 " " Treasurer: H. M. Stockwell, p. 32 • " Trip Committee: II. B. Schminky, p. 33 Bauxite field trip: R. S. Mason, p. 49 Bend trip, hiehlights of the: u. Shepard, p. 78 Ily-Laws of the G, S. O. C.: pp. 96-102 Climate and post-e-lacial fore&t succession in the Oregon Cascades by H. P. Ilan- sen--A reviev.: J. E. Allen, pp. 104-105 Columbia Gorge, fossil ¥:cods of the: G. F. Beck, pp. 46-47 Committee Appointments, 1946: J, E. Allen, p. 27 Composition of ocean water--reprint: p. 59 Condon, Thomas, en Oregon pioneer: E. C, ~cCornack, pp. 69-72, 82-84; preamble by W. C. Adams, p. 69 Condon, History of the Liberty ship SS Thomas: S. E. S., p. 15 Constitution, preamble: J. E. Allen, p. 96 Sarthquake--'pertial reprint from Ore-Bin; p. 60 Eastern Oregon, Geologist's weekend in ; W. D, Slllith, l'P· 54-55, 60 East fork of Lewis River trip:\ A. D, Vence, pp. 56-57 Righteen Hundred and Sixty-Nine-- reprint: p. 2 Eocene fossil locality, New: W. D. Lowry, p. 61 Extension courses: p. 90 Fauna and Flora of the Tyrrell quarry, Selah,tash.: G. F. Beck, p. 46 Falls of the Siletz Riv"r system: E. M. Baldwin, p. 92 Fellows, newly elected: p. 90 Field trip, Bauxite: R. s. Mason, p. 49 Field trip, lliast fork of Leviis River: A, D, Vance, pp. 56-57 • " Bend: M. Shepard, 'p, 78 " " , Perlit" tiine: J. E. Allen, pp. 91-92 • " , Road's End: A. D, Vance, pp. 67-68; log, 62. Forest succession nnd climate in OrBgon Cascades-- JI. P, Hansen, a review. J. E. Allen, pp. 6-7 ~'ossil woods of the Colwnbia Gorge: G. F, Beck, pp, 46-47 Fossil loceli ty·, New Eocene: W. D. Lowry, p. 61 Fossils, Vertebrate---noar Silverton:· p. 92 Flora and fauna of the Tyrrell ~uarry, Selah, r.ash.: G, F. Beck, p. 46 Subject Index (cont.) Geologic tin.a chart: L. F. Heuperaan, p. 93 Geological yardstick: J. E. Allen, pp. 11-13 Geologist, The-- reprint: PP• 7-8 Geologists of Oregon, Six: J. E. Allen, J .Vi. Robinson, L. L. RUfi' ,pp. 39-4C Geologist's Y1eekend in Eastern Oregon: \'i. D, Smith, pp • .54-.5.5 ,60 Geology, Principles or Physical--a review: J, E, Allen, pp. 6-7 Geology of Miracle Mountain--Pioche Pete, M. A.: pp. 4-.5 Glacial map of North America-- a review: J. E, Allen, p. 48 Highlights or the Bend trip: M. Shepard, p. 78 Historical meteor showers compo.red: J, H. Pruett, pp. 110-11.5 In !'.:omoriam--Mrs. O. ~. Stanley: p. 66 It•s on Ice: R. S, Mason, p. 103 Lava lands, Story of the: P. F. Brogan, pp. 79-80 Lewis River trip: A. il, Venco, pp. 56-57 Library notes: M. HurJJ.es, pp. 42-43 Log or Road's End trip: p. 62 Meeting of Salem r.eological Society: a letter: H.J. Carruthers, p. 61 Membership list: A. Henley, pp. 73-76 Meteor showers compared: J, H. Pruett, pp. 110-11.5 Meteor, the twilight ••• or Nov. 29th, 194.5: J. H. Pruett, pp. 18-23, 29-31 Nehalem River basin, stratigraphy or, by Warren an:i Norbisrath-- a review: J.E. Allen, p. 2.5 New Publications: pp • .57-58, Bo Ocean water, composition of, a reprint: p • .59 Osburn•s "Proboscidea•: ~. D. Smith, pp. 64-66 Perlita mine trip: J. l!l. Allen, pp. 91-92 Principles or Physical Geology, by Arthur Holmes-- a review: J, E• .Ulen,pp.6-7 Post glacial forest succession and climate in the Oregon Cascades, by Il. P. Hansen- a review: J. E. Allen, pp. 104-10.5 Proboscidea, by Osburn: W. D. Smith, pp. 64-66 Publications, new: pp • .57-.58,80 Reconnaissance of the lower Rogue ~iver Valley: ~. D, Smith and ~ • .M. Baldwin, pp. 8,5-86 Roadts End field trip: A. D, Vance, pp. 67-68 Log of: p. 62 Reports: see Annual Salem Geological Society, Meeting or: H. J. Carruthers, p. 61 Siletz River system, Falls of: E. M, B!tldwin, p. 92 Silverton, Vertebrate fossils near: p. 92 Six Geologists of Oregon: J. E. Allon, J. W. Robinson, L. L. Ruff, pp" 39-40 Sonar and fish: J, E. Allen, p, 34 Stanley, )Ira. O. E., In Memoriam: p. 66 Staples, Dr. L. W., Annual jlanquet spanker; E. M. Baldv-in, p. 38 Stratigraphy of the upper Nehalem River basin, Northwestern Oraeon, by r.arren and Norbi&i:"ath---- a review: J. E, Allen, p. 25 Tertiary coniferous woods or western North America (abstract): G• .!!', Beck, p.3 Tripe: see Field trips, Tyrrell Quarry, Selah, Wash., Fauna and flora of: Beck, G. F., p. 46 Author Index: Volume 12, 1946 Adams, w. C. Preamble to ''Thomns Condon, an Oregon Pioneer•:' p. 69 Allen, J. E. Address--Annual Banquet, 1946: pp. 36-37 Annual Picnic: pp, 88-89 · .. Committee Appointmonts for 1946: p. 27 Deschutes Perlita Trip (lline): pp. 91-92 Glncial Map of North America, A review: p, 48 Luncheon Notes: · pp. 10, 14, 24, 26, 34 Principles of Physical Geology, by Arthur Ilolmes--A review: pp, 6-7 Preamble to Constitution: p. 96 Post-Glacial Forest Succession ani Climate in the Oregon Cascades, ~Y Hen ry P. Hansen--A review: pp. 104-105 Sonar and Fish: p. 34 · Strntigraphy of the Upper Nehalem River Basic, Nortin.estern Oregon, by w.c. Warren and H. Norbisratb--A review: p. 25 The Geological Yardstick: pp. ll-13 Baldwin, E. !.!. Dr. Lloyd W. Staples--Danquet Speaker: p. 36 E'alls of the Siletz River System: p. 92 Luncheon notes: pp. 107-108 Report of Research Chairman: pp. 41-42 Bates, ~. M. Luncheon Notes: p. 24 Back, G. F. Fossil Woods of the Collllllbia Cores: pp. 46-47 Fauna nn·l Flora of the Tyrrell :tuarry, Selah, r.aeh.: p, 46 Tertiary Coniferous 'l;oods of 11:estarn llorth America--Abstrect: p, 3 Brogan, P. F. The Story of tho Lava Lands: pp. 79-BO Dale, 1.'. Luncheon notes: p. 51 Eakin, T. E. Luncheon notes: pp. 49-50, 52 Henley, A. Luncheon Fates: Pl>· 8, 16, 34, 50 J:ambcrship List: pp. 73-76 Report of the Secretary: p. il Hughes,!.!. Annual aeport or the G.s.o.c. Library: p. 33 Library Notes: p. 42-43 Hueperir.an, L. F. Geologic Time Chart, Compiled by: p. 93 LO\Vry, Vi. D. New Eocene Fossil Locality: p. 61 Jtnson, R. I). c.s.o.c. Bauxite .r'ield Trip: p. 49 It's on Ice: p. 103 Mccornack, E. C. Thomas Condon, .in Oregon ?ionoer: pp. 69-72, 82-84 Author index (cont.) Oberson, V, Luncheon Notes: p. 106 Prustt, J. H, Historical Meteor Showers Compared: pp. ll0-115 The Twilight ~eteor of November 29th, 1945: pp, lij-2J, 29-31 Ruff, L. L, Six Geologists or Oregon '(with :r. W, Robineon and J, Ji:, Allen): pp. '9-40 Luncheon Notes: p, 16 Schminky, H. B. Report or the Trip Co111111ittee: p, H s. ii:, s. HiBtory of the Liberty Sbip S.S. Tbomas Condon: p, 15 Sbepard, i.t, Hi~hlights ot the !lend Trip: p, 78 Luncheon Notes: pp. 51-52, 58, 59, 62 1 68, ijl, ij9, 94, 105, lob, 107, 108, 116 Smith, IV·, D, A Geologist's Weekend in Eastern Oregon: pp, 54-55, bO Osburn 1 e ?roboec idea: pp. 64-66 . Reconnaissance or the Lower Rogue River Valley (with E,M, Baldwin):pp.85-86 Stanley, 0, E, Annual Banquet Photos: opposite p, 44 Annual Picnic Photos:opposito p.108 Luncheon Notes: pp. J, 26, 34, 44 Report or tile Historical Committee: P• 27 Stevens, J. c. · Report of the Museum Committee: pp. 40-41 Stockwell, H. M, Report or the 'l'reaeurer: p, 32 Ve.nae, A. D, Ee.et Fork of the Lewie River Trip: pp. 56-57 Roe.d•e Knd Field Trip--July 14, 1946: pp. b7-6ij GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY NE1iS LETTER Volume 12, No. l January 1946 Vol. 12 No. l GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE OREGON COUNTRY l Portland, Oregon January 1946 ·SOCIETY ACTIVITIES LZCTURES: On the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month at the auditorium (third floor) of the Public Service Building, 920 s.w. 6th Avenue at 8 :00 p.m, T'<IPS: Watch for announcements of at least one trip each month if the old tires can take it. Make your desires known to trip chairman> H. Bruce Schminky~---- ____ , ___ _ LUNCHEONS: Every Thursday noon in the Victory Room of the Winter Garden restau rnnt, 425 s.w. Taylor St., between s.w. 4th and s.w. 5th Avenues. Luncheon 60¢, M:l:ETING ANNOUNCEMENTS Friday Mr. O,E,Stanley will give one of his color travelogues, this tillle Jaii..11 along the West Coast of Vancouver Island where the Stanleys vaca tioned last summer, You won't want to miss this one, Friday Subject to be announced - watch the local papers for details, Jan,2.5 El.3'.}TIONS The nominating committee has submitted its selection of candidates for G,S,O,C, officers for 1946-47, The slate for which official ballots have been mailed is as follows: President · John Eliot Allen Vice President Raymond L.