Volume CXXXI, Number 6, October 25, 2013

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Volume CXXXI, Number 6, October 25, 2013 The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884 THELAWRENTIAN VOL. CXXXI NO. 6 OCTOBER 25, 2013 “Squirrels” forum gives insight into film industry any advice for those who aspire to work in film. Line producer Brian Rose Nelson Herskowitz recommended that Staff Writer ______________________ people “find their bliss by trying a bit of everything,” and to keep Students got an inside look in mind that “the path is never at the process of making a film on straight and you should not stop Thursday, Oct. 17 at “Long Live doing something because some- the Squirrels: Behind the scenes.” one else doesn’t like it.” Costume In this program, held in the new designer Megan Spats mentioned Hurvis Center film studio, six peo- the importance of “being the best ple involved in the making of the you can be and making yourself film discussed their backgrounds irreplaceable,” and “cultivating as well as their experiences in one’s youth.” Gaffer Dale Marks filming in Appleton the past few and others emphasized being weeks. They also shared tips for alert, organized and gracious, on- those interested in becoming part and off-set. of the film industry. The film that each of these The panel of “Long Live the Squirrels” filmmakers, including Lawrence’s Artist-in-Residence Catherine Tatge ‘72, far right. The forum began with the people were here to work on is Photo by Katie Crawford filmmakers describing what their “Long Live the Squirrels.” It is roles were on the set. Those pres- about Bucky and the Squirrels, ent were: line producer Brian a fictional one-hit wonder band Report to the Community celebrates Herskowitz, gaffer Dale Marks, with roots in Appleton, Wisconsin digital imaging technician Freddie that disappeared in a plane crash Fernandez, property master Ron in 1968. The fake documentary collaboration between LU and Appleton Greenwood, costume design- follows the discovery of the band er Megan Spats and producer in the Swiss Alps in a frozen but Catherine Tatge ‘72, the class mentary partners, Camilla Grove Catherine Tatge ’72. Each gave a living state and their reunion with allows students to weave togeth- ‘13, to be invited into the home Tina Czaplinska bit of history about their occupa- the city of Appleton. The story er their interests with aspects of of a Hmong family in Appleton, Staff Writer tion and there was some discus- continues as the band attempts to Appleton’s community. Dean of the Xiong family. The gravity of us _______________________ sion about the evolution of jobs give a concert as a way to pay off the Conservatory of Music Brian telling their story was not lost on in the film industry. The recent 50 years of back-taxes. This past Tuesday, Oct. 23 Pertl, a speaker at the event, us” said Babbitt. development of the role of digital The film was written, direct- marked Lawrence’s fifth annual described the Civic Life Project Screening of the Civic Life imaging technician was compared ed and produced by Alan Katz. Report to the Community, under- as, “Not an inward gazing isolat- Project is scheduled for Oct. 30 at to the earlier evolution of the role The decision to film at Lawrence lining the role of LU students ing activity but rather a means to Fox Valley Technical College from of property master. has to do with connections to in Appleton. Bringing together engage fully in the world.” 6:30-8:30 p.m. After describing their profes- Lawrence alumni and others in Appleton community leaders, Junior Alexander Babbitt Retired Appleton Area School sions, each member of the forum the Lawrence community. The the Lawrence Board of Trustee commented on his involvement District Administrator and CESA gave a brief description of his idea to utilize the university in Members, President Burstein and with the Civic Life Project and on 6 State Coordinator of CREATE or her journey into the world of the film arose as a way of keep- local law enforcement, the report making “Rooted:” “As a Lawrence Wisconsin Ronald Dunlap contin- film. Some of them traveled from ing costs down and of present- identifies the symbiotic relation- student, I am guilty of residing in ued the event. Dunalp comment- one part of the film industry to ing an educational opportunity ship between Lawrence and the the Lawrence bubble most of the ed, “I am proud to be a member of another or even from a different to students on campus who are city. time, but this course propelled my this distinguished university. We industry into film. interested in film. Producer of the A focus of this year’s report classmates and me into the Fox created a relationship between The forum took a turn for film and Lawrence graduate and was Lawrence’s Civic Life Project. Cities community. I was very for- the inspirational when the film- Piloted by Artist-in-Residence tunate, along with one of my docu- See page 2 makers were asked if they had See page 2 Jamnesty partners with campus groups to broaden discussion event and transform it into a mini trivia game to spread knowledge Xue Yan human rights fair.” about obstacles to human rights Staff Writer In this way, topics about such as sweatshops, one-child pol- _______________________ human rights can be represented icies and human trafficking. The human rights-oriented in a well rounded way, and the Music is another important event Jamnesty was held at Esch student organizations involved part of Jamnesty. Many student Hurvis Studio at Warch Campus can present themselves from a bands at Lawrence got involved Center on Saturday, Oct.16. human rights perspective. and shared their music at An annual project of the Some of the student orga- Jamnesty, including Akrasis, Snort, Lawrence chapter of Amnesty nizations that were present at Bandeta Bandeta, Sambistas, Too International, Jamnesy aims to Jamnesty included GlobeMed, The Many Triangles and Wild Firth. engage with the Lawrence com- Lawrentian, Asia-A and Greenfire. “All of the bands were very munity and start the discussion Every student organization dis- generous to donate their time to about current humanitarian cussed human rights topics relat- Jamnesty,” Anabtawi commented. issues in a fun and educational ed to its own concerns. Topics She believes that the prominent way. include global health, farm work- Conservatory at Lawrence pro- This is the first year that ers’ rights, one-child policy and vided a wide range of choices for Amnesty International invited sweatshops, among others. Jamnesty. other student organizations to Some student organizations Sophomore Taylor Jamison be involved in Jamnesty and talk used very interactive activities to believed that Jamnesty helped her about human rights. As sopho- share their human rights topics. learn more about human rights, more and president of Amnesty For instance, GlobeMed designed saying that Jamnesty “gave me International Razan Anabtawi an interactive role-playing game more information about issues said, “We [tried] to incorporate to help participants experience other campus organizations in our global health, while Asia-A had a The band Snort performs during Amnesty International’s annual Jamnesty celebration. See page 2 Photo by Abedin Rafique INSIDEVIEW: Sports Features A&E Op-Ed Men’s soccer Government shutdown Artist Spotlight: Duff comments on This week’s top battles UW-Oshkosh affects ORC Tammara Nassar online aggression news and views PAGE 4 PAGE 7 PAGE 9 PAGE 11 2 NEWS 25 Oct. 2013 THE LAWRENTIAN Main Hall vandalism raises questions about gender-neutral spaces on campus Nathan Lawrence ing gender-neutral bathrooms is versions of signs and their own about gender-neutral restrooms vandalism has altered these pri- Photo Editor very important, I don’t condone letter of intent online for others to in academic buildings seems to be orities. _______________________ the act of vandalism,” explained download and use. The Wesleyan ongoing, it is unclear if the recent Students using the restrooms sophomore Alexa Blumenstock, student-run blog “Wesleying” in Main Hall last Friday, Oct. 18 whose pictures on Facebook published a post with the text that may have been surprised to find helped spread news of the event was written on these signs, and the signs denoting gender forcibly early Friday afternoon. “I would the messages supposedly bore a removed from the walls, replaced have been fine if the new signs striking resemblance to those on with temporary paper signs had been placed over the origi- the signs posted here at Lawrence. declaring the restrooms gender- nal ones, but damaging someone However, these files are no longer neutral and a letter expressing an else’s property is not okay.” available for download, making unnamed group’s intent to protest This type of vandalism isn’t this difficult to confirm. the university’s policy on gender- unique to the Lawrence campus. Before this event, gender- neutral restrooms. After gender-neutral restrooms in neutral bathrooms were already This damage, which was also Brown University’s Keeney Hall a priority of the Lawrence admin- extended to some restrooms in were turned into gendered rest- istration. the Seeley G. Mudd Library, is rooms earlier this month, resi- “This past summer, a gender- assumed by the university to have dents pulled signs off the walls or neutral bathroom was designated been perpetrated by one or more defaced them with drawings and in the Wellness Center,” explained students. paper crafts. Dean of Students Nancy Truesdell The vandalism was interpret- Further, a group of students at on Tuesday morning. “At the same ed as an expression of frustration the Connecticut-based Wesleyan time, we asked Provost Burrows about the gender roles that are University operating under the about the possibility of creating reinforced by traditional bath- pseudonym “Pissed off Trans* gender neutral bathrooms in any room signage.
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