(1 I /1 IIJ' ~ ) ~! I I I Gem News International 1/ Contributing Editors \ t Emmanuel Fritsch, University of Nantes, CNRS, Team 6502, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel (IMN), I Nantes, France (
[email protected]) ti''1 ) ) I ( J f ( I' Gagan Choudhary, Gem Testing Laboratory, Jaipur, India j 11 (
[email protected]) I j\ I r \, ) I\ r I / { ' Christopher M. Breeding, GIA, Carlsbad (
[email protected]) - ~ .. 1\ - 1 ( t 1/I J ~ 1 1 ________________' ( _1 ____J ____ I\ J __tc _, __ ) l _______,_____________________ , ___________________ .._________ 4( _,' : 1 , _______ __ _ Opal, particularly black opal, has seen a resurgence among high-end jewelers. Boehm believes there could be a TUCSON 2019 growing appreciation for the gem due to the discovery of opal in Ethiopia, which has brought opal to different price The 2019 gem shows came to Tucson with a wealth of ma- points and different audiences in the past decade. Rod Grif- terial, both new and old, as eager buyers descended on ex- fin (Rod Griffin Boulder Opals) discussed his experiences in hibitors to take in the latest trends. While traffic was not Australian opal mining and the new technology he is using as heavy as in recent years, several vendors noticed an in- to exploit deposits once thought to be depleted (pp. 122–123). flux of young people looking for natural, untreated gem- Color, of course, continues to reign, and dealers are see- stones. Spectacular color in gems and stunning jewelry ing what Boehm called “an increased appreciation for the designs were on view, while many pointed to sustainable unusual.” Beyond the classic “Big Three,” vendors stocked and ethical practices as a major consideration in their col- gemstones such as sphene, grandidierite, and various colors ored gemstone and jewelry purchases.