Tales of the Narts: Ancient Myths and Legends of the Ossetians
IntRODUctION THE OSSETIAN EpIC “TALES OF THE NARTS” VASILY IvANOVICH ABAEV 1 w CYCLES, SubjECTS, HEROES In literary studies it is established that the epic poem passes through sev- eral stages in its formation. To begin we have an incomplete collection of stories with no connections between them, arising in various centers, at various times, for various reasons. That is the first stage in the formation of the epic. We cannot as yet name it such. But material is in the process of preparation that, given favorable conditions, begins to take on the out- lines of an epic poem. From the mass of heroes and subjects a few favorite names, events, and motifs stand out, and stories begin to crystallize around them, as centers of gravity. A few epic centers or cycles are formed. The epic enters the second stage of cycle formation. In a few instances, not all by any means, it may then attain a third stage. Cycles up to now unconnected may be, more or less artificially, united in one thematic thread, and are brought together in one consistent story, forming one epic poem. A hyper- cyclic formation, if one can use such a term, takes place. It may appear as the result of not only uniting several cycles, but as the expansion of one favorite cycle, at the expense of others less popular. This is the concluding epic phase. The transformation to this phase is frequently the result of individual creative efforts. For instance, the creation of the Iliad and the Odyssey Opposite page: A beehive tomb from the highlands of North Ossetia.
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