QUIET, to See That Most Hit Records Contain Hit In- Tion of Greatest Hits
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an old, rusty guitar. But there must be a Promise Suite; Grind It Out; seven more. [Mi- way of presenting such an artist tastefully chael Mainieri, prod.] JUST SUNSHINE REC- and without overpowering him. M.J. ORDS JSS 3, $6.98. Those who apply some objectivity are able ARGENT: The Argent Anthology: A Collec- QUIET, to see that most hit records contain hit in- tion of Greatest Hits. Rod Argent, Russ Bal- gredients of one sort or another. But some- lard, Robert Henrit, and Jim Rodford, vocals times those ingredients are present and yet, and instrumentals. God Gave Rock and Roll to through some mistake, a hit is missed. Nick You; Hold Your Head Up; Liar; Pleasure; It's Only Money, Part I; Thunder and Lightning; Holmes's "Soulful Crooner" strikes me as such an instance. Tragedy; Time of the Season. [Rod Argent PLUS and Chris White, prod.] EPIC PE 33955, "Mistake" really isn't the right word $6.98. Tape: MR PET 33955, $7.98; 0_1.: PEA here, for the problem is much simpler: a Wemade the Phase Linear 4000 33955, $7.98. case of business or street difficulties.I Preamplifier dead quiet, but we never received a review copy of the record, didn't stop there. We added several nor did I hear a word about Nick Holmes, Rod Argent formed Argent out of the ashes revolutionary features that make of the Zombies, one of the "British inva- not even from my sources in the teenage un- music sound obviously better than sion" groups that assaulted these shores in derground, and teenagers know what's hot any other control console: the wake of the Beatles a dozen years ago. faster than anyone except the rhythm sec- A Peak Unlimiter that restores Very quickly Argent developed a reputa- tion that plays on the sessions. Holmes has dynamics lost in recording to closely tion for playing crisp, tidy progressive rock been a terribly well -kept secret. approximate the original. with slight jazz influences. It also acquired Oh well, it's only a record. Only talent A Downward Expander that reads and heart and mind. Only a career. some entirely workable tunes, best of which "gainriding" and expands dynamics are the stately "Hold Your Head Up" and Holmes writes his own material. It's pure down to precisely the intended level. the peculiar, chauvinistic, but very catchy and easy. Anyone could write it if only he An AutoCorrelator that makes "God Gave Rock and Roll to You." sat down-that is its feeling. Bette Midler record/tape hiss and FM noise This collection, Argent's first "best hits" covered one song in her new album; Rob- virtually vanish without affecting erta Flack is doing another. Holmes shows album, includes the aforementioned songs musical content. and six others, all of them worth many a taste for irreverence in "Grind It Out"; he is a little kid ("Little Bit"); he is a poet ("The An Active Equalizer that gives you plays. M.J. flatenergy distributionover the Promise Suite"). full audio spectrum. As a singer, he has a clear channel be- CHRIS SQUIRE: Fish out of Water. Chris tween what is felt and what is sung. Con- Squire, basses and twelve -string electric gui- sequently, one relaxes in the sound, its hu- tars; horns, keyboards, strings, synthesizers, manness, its ease. His music has sadness and orchestral accompaniment. Hold Out and flow and honesty. It feeds what wants Your Hand; You by My Side; Silently Falling; to be fed by those of us trying to survive two more. [Chris Squire, prod.] ATLANTIC SD with some grace amid the roars of tension. 18159, $6.98. The album is properly named: Nick Holmes is a "Soulful Crooner." He has sat Yes's bassist Chris Squire has single-hand- on a pillow in a room somewhere and done edly changed the attitudes of a horde of lis- some music, and almost nobody got to hear teners about the role of the electric bass in it. But that is,I hope, only the short view. modern progressive popular music. His Love is like a bubble: If you push it down at sharp, piercing tone and indebtedness to home, it tends to pop up again across the melodic influences of Stravinsky have town-only the bedroom changes. Talent is Hirsch -Houck Labs put it this way in elevated the bass from its traditional func- like that too. We will hear from Holmes stereQReview: "A good preamplifier again one of these days, from the other side should have no sound of its own and tion as a rhythm instrument to a lead in- many (including this one) meet that strument. of town. A respectful acknowledgement goes as qualification easily. What we can say "Fish out of Water," Squire's first solo is that the Model 4000 makes any record, is a polished extension of this mu- well to all the musicians, engineer Jay Mes- program played through it sound sical notion. Utilizing a flesh -and -blood or- sina, and graphics designers Ron Levine, better than through any other pre- chestra rather than the electrically synthe- Lee Marshall, and Michael Brovsky. And amplifier we have ever used, by virtue sized strings, horns, and brass Yes uses, he most especially to Michael Mainieri, who of its unique control features, and most explores the many colors of his instrument arranged and produced the album.M.A. particularly its AutoCorrelator and in a variety of styles. A hard, funky riff a la Peak Unlimiter. Altogether it is a most Stanley Clarke builds into Hold Out Your 10cc: How Dare You! Graham impressive technical achievement, one Hand, the album's opener, and the race is bound to influence equipment to come!' on. By the time the disc ends, Squire has Gouldman, guitars, dobro, tambou- rine, and vocals; Kevin Godley, drums, per- Tell your dealer you want to hear Phase dished up a taste of rock, jazz, and classical Linear's "Incredible" Preamp. music with the bass primarily carrying the cussion, and vocals; Eric Stewart, guitars, melody. The relative absence of lead gui- Moog synthesizer, and vocals; Lol Creme, tar-he does play small rhythm parts on guitars, acoustic and electric pianos, Moog acoustic guitar-draws even more attention synthesizer, mellotron, percussion, and vo- to the bass's primary role. cals. How Dare You; Lazy Ways; I Wanna Squire's long association with Yes vocal- Rule the World; six more. [10cc prod.] MER- ist/composer Ian Anderson has leftits CURY SRM 1-1061, $6.98. Tape: It. MCR4 1- mark on his lyric -writing. More concrete 1061, $7.95; MC8 1-1061, $7.95. than Anderson's vague images, Squire's lyrics still deal with abstractions about reli- This English quartet has finally begun to gion and love. He poses questions and of- achieve the American stardom it deserves. fers no answers. H.E. Itis a maddeningly clever band whose The Powerful Difference precociousness is honed to fine art-one reason, perhaps, why it has taken Ameri- NICK HoLmEs: Soulful Crooner. Nick cans so long to catch on. But 10cc also of- Phase Linear Corporation Holmes, songs, vocals, and guitar; Hugh fers fetching harmonies and honest musi- 20121 48th Avenue West Lynnwood, Washington 98036 McCracken,guitar;DonaldMcDonald, cianship. The oddball mind attached to a drums; Tony Levin, bass; Michael Mainieri, genuine pop sensibility is a novel combina- Manufactured in the U S.A keyboards, vibes, and arr. Only a Human; tion that attracts a special kind of listener. Distributed in Canada by H Roy Gray. Ltd CIRCLE 25 ON READER -SERVICE CARD JUNE 1976 105.