1) Mahantesh L Chikkadesai 2) Ramakrishna R Pujari
[email protected] [email protected] Mobile no: +919480780580 Mobile no: +917411812551 Phy 009 Sub atomic particles and Phy 009 Sub atomic particles and developments in cern developments in cern Electrical and Electronics Electrical and Electronics KLS’s Vishwanathrao deshpande rural KLS’s Vishwanathrao deshpande rural institute of technology institute of technology Haliyal, Uttar Kannada Haliyal, Uttar Kannada SUB ATOMIC PARTICLES AND DEVELOPMENTS IN CERN Abstract-This paper reviews past and present cosmic rays. Anderson discovered their existence; developments of sub atomic particles in CERN. It High-energy subato mic particles in the form gives the information of sub atomic particles and of cosmic rays continually rain down on the Earth’s deals with basic concepts of particle physics, atmosphere from outer space. classification and characteristics of them. Sub atomic More-unusual subatomic particles —such as particles also called elementary particle, any of various self-contained units of matter or energy that the positron, the antimatter counterpart of the are the fundamental constituents of all matter. All of electron—have been detected and characterized the known matter in the universe today is made up of in cosmic-ray interactions in the Earth’s elementary particles (quarks and leptons), held atmosphere. together by fundamental forces which are Quarks and electrons are some of the elementary represente d by the exchange of particles known as particles we study at CERN and in other gauge bosons. Standard model is the theory that laboratories. But physicists have found more of describes the role of these fundamental particles and these elementary particles in various experiments.