Ophiel Assistance from the Gods

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Ophiel Assistance from the Gods Ophiel Assistance from the Gods - part 1 We can use all the help we can get in and on this physical plane, especially wit h regard to the daily difficulties and minor mishaps and nuisances we face in li fe. It is observable and I have been told in time of great crises, natural calam ities and facing catastrophic or major proportions, that people rise to heights of courage and great valor. It is only in the day-by-day experiencing of life's little grindings that we get played out over and over. Ophiel has some helpful i deas for you; he can offer this help to you because he does not deal in pie-in-t he-sky stuff as churches do 'Heaven when you die' or 'Initiations' etc. That stu ff is all very well in its long drawn out place but what most of us need is 'Hel p right now TODAY' when we ask for it. If you have some 'Occult Knowledge' and s ome training (See Ophiel's other books and writings.) you must have become aware that 'Out There?' and 'Over There' are 'Forces' in existence which play on and over in and out of this Earth Plane at all times. These Forces were/are equated with the Gods and Goddesses in olden times because such personalization was easi er to deal with and to understand by the untrained, uneducated minds of the mass es through the past thousands of years. Now, today, even though you might say/fe el that you know better, is still possible to work with these 'God' - like force s and get results, which is after all, all that really matters. Therefore here i s the way to get help: When bogged down in daily living stuff, first stop and co nsider what is going on. In what connection is the activity? This 'Connection' t hen, is the 'CONNECTION' you must contact or 'CONNECT UP' with. Suppose you are having trouble getting out a letter but the 'letter' just won't write! Letters y ou think/reason are ruled by Hermes/Mercury. You must have seen pictures of Herm es or even statues of him. Recall them to mind-memory and once you get a clear m ental image: Then address him by name: Speak to him as if he were real! A real p erson! Tell him vigorously and with attention, 'Hey you, I want some help here. This letter writing is in 'YOUR SPHERE' of action/rule. Give me a hand!! (MENTAL HAND) AND REMEMBER YOU ARE THE BOSS HERE NOT HIM! Do this, and you'll get the h elp. How the help will come, the exact way, I cannot tell. That is your frame of reference. It will be different than my frame of reference I know. Ophiel wrote a book called 'The Art & Practice of Clairvoyance.' In this book many cross-ref erences were made to different Gods and different objects and workings you can ' USE.' You may find this book of great help in forming the memory connections req uired. If you will take up this idea and follow it for the rest of you life you should receive some powerful assistance from now on in your life/living and don' t ever give up, ever. Things can and do change overnight. See Ophiel's other wri tings. They are for your benefit. © Edward C. Peach. Ophiel Assistance from the Gods - part 2 In 'Assistance from the Gods - part 1' Ophiel gave some simple - appearing (Don' t be fooled) directions for contacting 'God Forces' or 'God-like Forces' which ' Fly' around and play back and forth on the 'Inner Planes' just beyond this 'Phys ical Plane.' (As an aside, I want you exChristians not to feel you are worshippi ng any things or 'Gods'. 'TALKING TO' 'Forces' is the same as talking to anyone else, it is 'NOT 'WORSHIPPING') Dear Students, I want you to start to come 'INTO CONTACT WITH THESE 'GOD' FORCES PHYSICALLY.' This physical contact is an import ant step in your 'PRACTICE' 'USE' 'POWER' contacts of the terrific advantages of working on this plane through the optimum resources of the Inner Planes through which 'ALL THINGS COME, FINALE THINGS,' from 'ABOVE' that end here. There are m any ways to start to explain the gist of this Vignette and I expect to cover 'AL L' of them in time. For now, I will merely say that in the following exercises t he Forces to be described enter the physical body through various plexuses and d uctless glands, which are the outer manifestations, of the Inner Plane Chakras o f the Etheric Body. (More of this elsewhere in other writings.) The simple, prac tical, powerful occult work I want to teach you now, is as follows. (I will even skip over the fact that it will be necessary for you to learn a goodly portion of Greek Mythology. Which is our civilisation's heritage and will assume that yo u know a few basicbasics.) Apollo is the name of the Sun God and at the beginnin g of every day, Apollo arrives at the Gate of the East, accompanied by a bevy of maidens who are the hours and Aurora, the Goddess of the Dawn, precedes him. Ap ollo starts his journey across the sky in his Phaeton (Chariot) of gold drawn by the horses of Fire. Of course all of the above is 'SYMBOLIC' of the forces call ed 'Apollo' and you must come into contact with the 'FORCE' and more importantly 'MAKE THE FORCE OBJECTIVE.' Here is how you do it: Any time you are outside, lo ok up into the sky at the sun (Do not of course, look directly into the sun.) "P ICTURE" Glorious Apollo in the golden chariot with the 'Fiery' steeds pulling it across the sky. "SEE" this image in your inner mind consciousness. NOW THIS "IM AGE" is Apollo's "MOULD/PATTERN" or what shall we call it? As soon as the "MOULD /PATTERN" is 'FORMED' with Apollo pictured in mind, then the 'APOLLO CONSCIOUSNE SS "WILL RUSH IN TO FILL UP THE MOULD/PATTERN" and then your picture will 'COME ALIVE', 'BE ALIVE'. The following information is important: You would feel a ‘TING LE’ like an electric current passing through parts of your body, up and down your spine, followed by goose bumps along your forearms. The Goose Bumps are a sure sign that you have contacted the God. When you have reached the goose bumps sta ge, you know that you have contacted Apollo and you can then talk to the God and make known your wants and desires, making them known in no uncertain terms. C:\DOCUME~1\al\LOCALS~1\Temp\BCL Technologies\NitroPDF6\@BCL@C80D7826\@BCL@C80D7 826.doc 1 The same process can be followed for each and any of the Gods or Goddesses in th e Pantheon. The easiest God of All to contact is Pan and you can contact him fir st. You can also read about him in Dion Fortune s occult novel. The Goat Foot G od which has now been reprinted. I myself seem to have lost my Pan contact afte r making the Apollo contact but will attempt to regain it again too. C:\DOCUME~1\al\LOCALS~1\Temp\BCL Technologies\NitroPDF6\@BCL@C80D7826\@BCL@C80D7 826.doc 2 Ophiel How to Get AHEAD (An Occult Vignette) In the vignette below the ideas expressed are different. Re ad the vignette over carefully many times, notice the ideas therein and attempt to integrate these ideas into your daily life living. Remember that this vignett e is a condensed occult knowledge and not masses-messes of useless words. Truly the application of this principle can alter your life for the better! The object of life is to live on all planes and to live more expansively on all planes. Th ere is nothing much to hold you back from expanding on the Inner Planes, as exis tence is nonresistant there, no-thing to hold you back or to have to work agains t. So you can amass inner knowledge to any extent and without effort. However, w e also exist, a large number of us, and a large part of us, on the outer Physica l Plane where the rules are different from those on the inner planes. There are different rules that RULE or GOVERN which simple statement is never complete ly understood. While it is true that all the features of the Physical Plane are governed by the rules, which come down through the inner planes to HERE there are important physical plane rules which must be obeyed here or matters will not satisfactorily work out, HERE I first heard of this kind of situation many, m any years ago when I was dabbling in Christian Science studies. A man who was pr actising Christian Science (The idea of supply) was employed as an automobile sa lesman. He spent a great deal of his time during working hours reading the Chris tian Science textbook and he did expect his studies to bring him success in the sales of cars. Apparently he thought the studies themselves would suffice to BR ING him the business and to tell the truth, in the Christian Science textbook t here is every indication that such is the case. Actually, LIFE on all the plan es is needed equally but as I said, this fact is definitely not brought out clea rly in the Christian Science textbook, nor indeed in any other Spiritual Writin gs .
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